HomeMy WebLinkAbout1002- ire the aonetruo Lion of a water main on .A By law to author f Street to Nelson Street, on �T,elron Street, Duke Street, from 'Victoria r from,-Duke Street to Hunt Street, and on Ontario Street, from 'Viotoria street to Nelson Street , in the Town of 13ovrMnville, as a Local Irovement, under the provisions of the Local Improvement SeatiOull of the municipal Aot. V 1 C doodaean , H. H.D11ling and others lv��►e titionel the ; Council to construct ass a Zoaal hap rove nt the worker hereinafter • that the petition ir. sufficient mentioned, and the Clark has certified and it is expedient to grant the preiya�r of the petition in manner rovided. he re inaf to r p THUM O� the . Munia ipal y Council of the Corporation of the Town of $owmanville enacts a® follows «- I. That a, six inch asst - iron water main be aonstruated ae a imp roveYaen , the Loam. Improvement t under the provi s of yet from 'Victoria Strut sections of The �tunie ipal Act , o Str j • s1 to Nelson Street. and on Nelson ;3<< rest from, Duke Street 40'om Victoxi.a Street to n Street. �. Street, and on Ontario .Street , from , s En sneer of the Corpor+�►tion Oft 2. That peter Newhouse,a g of Bowmanvi3ae , thwi th make such ,plane, profiles,. .. the Torn °r o .. t be neoeea�ry a ecifiaations and furnish such informat � k,. and p {' ....`.. ;, .ri., r -li_. h. ,,. .ru. .:..:. ., ., ;.:.n _,.. ,.•r ,.. . „.r ..,.. : .r* vr,: ., r. r:.' i:. _nn. ,1a...Nri n'v . u: .d,t -nr, _: ,.4. .... -(.. ..... 1..'..li..(._... 1L 4 L ..1,....:.....,',:..... r .. . .. _u. e.( .. _.:. ___ •.- 1_- -__ -_ ._:..L. ...__LI _.. _ :i .... .. .__.., r. _.:.1 1'.L`.r ... ....__ .... _.1:: -__ ,. .. _.. __... .._. .._.... 1.. :I.. t:ill .- ..t:!' rl r _ .._ -.. .._.. ..e .. ..._. _. for the making of a contract for the execution oi`o kk 30 That the work shall be carried on and executed , under the supecintendenoe and according to the directions of such engineer*, and Clerk i f the y deem it advi $able , are 4. That the X&yo r a . for the conetruc tion of the work to authorized to cause a contract o arson or persons , f irm or •� e and entered into with some p be mad, ,. proval of this Council to be declared Y corporation, subeot t© the app by resolution • sub ea t , to the approval of the 5 That the Treasurer MY, . Council. � agree isi tai any bank or p exson ,far temporary advances of i Tt the debentures *to be issued for., the load► to 'be OffOote" t0 pay for the cost of the work when oomple ted shall beer interest at � per . cant per annum and be made payable within thirty ,years on the instalment plano t is s eoi.al].y assessed may oo�a Mute , for 8. Any person whose to � rotas im osad thereont by paying the a payment in oash , the special � t3 VuLM 3 F y5yk C r wi Sx i Lun 3 "Wo -. tt, s <.., r. z.-�_ 3<, i2� i:.. l .s, .4 ':. -..� 'era, ..�.*,p , 3+..;,z �r�3... �k e•• 3l ?5= ,.� t" � „mac., i S: �,'.'s'r.. -.sq z -. r