HomeMy WebLinkAbout997Ij �1 i «w1e4w to provide for they tikking of the VOUD of the 2:L40 toy xe o f, the Town of r } � awiawanvill e � �l uOLif led to vote thereon, upon a, osrtain iRywlae for the p � ur oe of uutho r!s ing the Town of BowMnv111e to ell n nations � substitutions nand almngos in the Agreement, rnak Qerta�in i marxed Soheduls and attaohad to and inoUx ►xe►ted in �r�lavr No. 960 of thy► Corpora tiara of the Town of i ciwmax) uhinla ):y -Ploy and r gyred b a vote of the irxeaXorn,� qualified to vote �areement wake app►_ o � . thereon, on ti)e llov nth day of, Nuver+�bnx. IOU* .. f the Cox mtion of the Town of DowimnvUle , being w"Z ltl3a irl�swo ow purpose of autherisaing t1le Corporation of the Town a �F lair •fox the p � of Rowanv i11 e to m xke oe rtain elialnat lone t substitutions ,and ohangee in the Algreeme nt Marked 8oheduls and "ttaohed to and inoorporatsd in 13 • law No* t� tits of the Cor ration of the Town of �3or�rew►nville;" requires t f th" also tare at the Town of Bowas�nville and it Is the aseAn p desirable to provide for tieaking of the Totea of the 6x00 tare and per �neae�reax pxor►ieione xelr�tit� to said y� -law • to aske other Y .. tho Uun i o i p&l Co rpo rat inn of the Town of �3aereaanv► a o Bev ae followls tho osa of asoorts.i�ning whither the ratePaya► is of I Fox the p l� rp . , Corpora tion of the town ©f BoWMhMVilje.- .dual.ifled to vote upan � .:,; •T; ,, ..r.. law,;,,,;oi°',. tZie ..,400.- P ration of the 79xn-of ,130wW nvi 116,P tar the )P use oration of the Toren of ]3vwmnvlllei to ice �o r of authorising the p �tior�e autbotiitutione and ohmgov inn , the Agreed t. Certain e�.inin • c�ed . to and p i mxkod Sahedu]e and a Ltie , Corporation of the Torun of x3owmnv ills , 4►asent to the of the t . e ' To" of Powmnv ille � on �.G ar , 1- gJ11 b" cps, to t� t e4i a o' clock In tiie � `A /� day •' f l �)O V at the hour of rain ur t it , rive O t o1G Qt li the afternoon �g. • ' ... ...,,. + -, is '+ ' v III k t 1 of Chu rah t +yet und� between TeMPOAM or ►n rd► *ion streets in r�►id ,�'ahmlI be Depo►ty Pe taming r 'Gown of P6'Wmnv11lwe. a'n w . ,(,/,r►r �1� roll l Cleo xk • Off io o r Kula r// �`� ; ; .rr�!'+✓,o� � U�►11 b+� t� d in t1w boval4nnt of tite �blio P�ahao . an (0) Fo x the outh WA , Viotaxia Street ill this said Tav►n of Ronnnwnvil1 any W u lla be 9WI be Deputy R",e tanning «f f loco r 44n�i .,.r • Poll Clarke � W > the • d . Tha►t o - • Town ouna ll of xuwa rvilla tih�11 o"ttend a t . 010 C the WaYor of then s�ia - BuildIn g of the Town of Powmmvilla at eleven _ > Chamber in W16 "m i o 1pul E u dint etrso�ne to attend at the vi�riovts e' dlook in the forenoon ; to pp e • • iaoIling pluahs opened tmd at the f ilts.l - surreaiNC up of the f f 't�id arsons ante erted in and -'promoting or romp tivel�►, on behct� a � sin the passing of this by "Iftwe pP d #at the 3. 'mat the Clerk, of t.I sit Ouniolphl.itY, ain11�. tten ies S'�a�ilia3. l '� ,.� cr op in the miAd ' 'o'1 n of Council Chamber In �- day of AwPo1920 g .fat tai Y , , to sun ti the nimber of rrothe. given elwen o'alaak =- in._ .t��b, forenoons p ..ln�r� and if the gaid Dy =1�►w eha l be a+�jried for.. and &inet ahlr Icy � • y the ',requisite n�ureber of va tc�s of the ��id else torte the etrre shall E , eyed 'b ti�a �tuniof p�..l Cgu noil of the . be *i nnll y acme ids xesd amid 3� 1v i l�s tan - tilts - Cox r ►tion 9 .� ho V..of 4$ oe,© irig r _ AOM l94 (� 4 tat the lit look . _ ,;,_���.,�: :..�. ^_�, c.�.4.�, :_..ti.: ,..�;• ,��. ,•,. „ � �[L� ..: ,' I, ,.. a .. •,��. . C m e�I• :r.li�� � 1,��� � w .•, �,lw .. I ., a ,,... r. .1.r , ., I.�. > ani . In .. .. nl.. A - ,�„�,��" Ott t hd C+ail s...d. csilpa utng s►aing thereof. , 4 . This Brmlaw shall, toket of f ea t eta tie na ►, v, seed the ��'� . day' �Y la, Ciexk.►yor. , • r . • r �•.. � ..J�w. � � 0.w ±�B��Y1M4��r�.�s�'��' Y' f , � .:_. .., .. _i.wx.. w...Me+iL.a.s•w--, a.c. r - -. ..++.�.G r,3x+�•.. -u,w ...r. „ f� Vou= 2