HomeMy WebLinkAbout977s CONSTRUCTION ,A Y ,-1 w to uuthori"e the aonstxuctiurA of a Pavement on ding Street, South oidep from Wou►t side of Liberty Street to George Street and on the East side of Lambert Street from King ueentxee►t , iri the Town of Bowmanyille. Btree t, to the South side of Q, hooa • l. Im�r oyeMnt under the provisions of the Local Improvement as a Act* 'W.�s3gh 1 ox an& others hay@ petitioned the Council �Af �' Improvement the work hereinafter described, to oonstruot ae a Local p I and the Clerk has certified that the Petition is sufficient,, and VOLUME • 2 00' 4#1 w' 6. That the special assnsement shall be paid by twenty annual inotalmenteo tuxes to be issued for the loon, to be 7. That the deben , ost of the work, when oompa.eted, shall 'bear affected for the a , Interest at the rate of Dix per sent per annum and be mvAe payable within twenty years on the instalment Plane An person whose lot is apecially DSessed may aom�c►ute 6. Y p . ee ial. the s rates imposed thereon, by paying for a payment in cash p , the :,„portion of the cost of aonetruo tion aneeeseed upon ,euah loto without the interest* fort hwith after th Assesetment Roll d b the Clerk, and at any time thereaf ter, by has been eertifie Y the pa , 3►m ent of such swum as when invested at four per cent per annum, ill proviei e an annu�i ty .suf f i eient to pay the special rates VOLUME 2 � r