HomeMy WebLinkAbout974IA by-law to authorize the construction of a pavement as a local improvement h: � � � 7 � �... � �,. � 'gin �. �_ .. ;,,,. ..: 4 ' ""'.'l'" - � �!� s'ils'•#�+ � °.. t.. #i "M . , '.k'i ? 'r�as� � 'siX�lL,ta +3 7� �5 r VOLUME' 2 �9 °� s e w C RATIONS FOR GHENT 91 A E Sp , , �r will exomY nts to s depth of 12 inches below the top grade 1. The Contrreotor of the grade "tapes &,nd to etjoh width tin will bnable the curb around it to be properly made. All trenches or szoavations that havo been made for or in connection witb !leviers, p r � private drains etc and which aro not thoroughly settled Mall be open- �. n' six lno Yarn bf grdivel p wfill pounded rind watered if *a up and refilled di rested or neoessa ry, until. quite solid. 3. When the totem. excavations on any street in @getter #.�amet in amount ry _ x than an average depth of 12 inches over the whole wml.k, the contractor will be r aid *for sucb expense at the rate of 50oents per cubic yard for the anount g of extra excavating, or filling, the width of such mi" 3 be assured to bs the none as. the width of the walk 4. The contmeto r will be required to, remove without extra remuneration all boulders stones, rocks, stumps," rocts, trees, walls or other obet ructionja found. Y upon the line oil vio rk end fill. '1p rill a.reots o r ' cow. shy s for �hioh mo. per�- nits have been issued., all such fi.11ing to be made of approved matRri ,, thoroughly ra ved.: in six inch ,:layers. The contr4ato r to provide proper pro teation to prevent the filling f rom spreading on, private prop arty. r. • tb�r ®gig .surplus material. of .any Sind aria�ing f rom walk, or, any ��orta.on h x.. shall be sold., t ruun a�ay dumped, �r etad of othetwiso di osod Ufa wit ou permission of tie. Engineer and if so, disposed of the Engineer sh921 ascertain an near as he can. conveinientlyl'the quantities and, value, and deduct the same X: from the Contractors estimatese All surplus material, shall be neatly depoaited� } and evenly spreads where, and as directed by the Engineer. The whol(j expense of unloading and spreading to ' be borne by the contractor, old lumber, stone flagging, • or otb;er materials of value to or required by the, Torn are to be #}` neatly piled in the Torn Yard. The above mentioned surplu's material must, be :# ?a conveyed and deported of g, , as soon as.. excavated to suoh, places as the %gineer bay, direct and the Contractor will not be allowed to pile any of the 6icarated aaterial upon tine sides of the streets, except by the Engineers Permission* raw.. 6* All. surplus material not required by _ he Torn taunt be disposed of by the a • w t a... M �� �- VOLUIS 2 F f E � s (z) i, I of works but in I such a tanner air not to cause a C�ntrnoto r off the .line r nuieMae, injury or inconvenience to the Torn or to the Public or prirata : or will in all asses be held liable for, and artiee, otherwise the Contract trust e Town against all claims in respect thereof* indemnify th g 7. Should the Contractor exc ewato below the proper level of sub grade he must enc with gravel well rammed, at his own coat• fill, up the deficiency .. it in writing, the Contractor shall. ; 8• whenever theng�,neer, shall require leiy file drama under sidewalk and in the manner directed by him and with outlet JVWJfJ into the sewer or as otherwise directed* of material on the ground to 'nake embankment 9. where there is a deficiency supply o r fillinga, the Contractor will be required to the necessary material at his own expense and a proper filling and protection must be placed at sides to prevent the frost fro m getting under the edges of the sidewalks* 10. The price submitted in the tender >a ust include the providing of all mater ♦ . he carrying on of the work. The ,existing ia]., tools, labor, etc, required in t Y � s of suoh lenght as will enable the section sidewalk must only. be removed in . work to. be properly carried on and so as not to unnecessarily interfere with ra � crossin a she�11 be provided �when neQessary by the - _Contrac traffic; tempo. �► g . -ore ffient will be of cinde rs, o r' gravel f i cinders . nre Sot lie The foundation for pave . _ .... _, .., ... ... 1 tb de r de th all to 'be well an d o ro n ughly ol. o:r ,.:n'en d available 7 inches i p And brought to 'an even surface, cconformable o e grades , prepared -inches of concrete shall be lai d 12. Upon . the foundation th us four composed of . one part, of g r s h ra rtlancl cement of approved quality, mired with u, measure,. of free from clay, loam or rt, parts by G 7 • � c 1 e ■ .rte; • W (4i ui. rs to nrd his work at night with th sutabl a red lei. The Contractor will red � light and suet des urns all risk of accidents which nay arise f rrorn any aau"s r in connection with the carrying on `of the work. whaterrer, incidental too , 209 The Contractor shall ,b i a bound to maintain the work n perfect order during he completion thereof„ the Contractor to make the epaa�r of years after p g 1. and any and l aall . damage to the work when n course of construction and should � the► 0*xrtr8**0o' C41. ,to rdo so at sad► time duarIn►g the GMLA IPISrUd of figs Ye 09 do so and retain the cost at such repairs from any money then the Engine er may on this o r any other contract with due or becoming due to the said Contractor; sureties in this contract• the aertfio- the Town or recover the some from th e s i cute of the Engineer to be final as to . the necessity of repairs and they amount expended in making theme The Engi Haste decision upon any point in connection al under this contract shall be final. F with the work or material , �1. The Q ontreato r sh �e paid � 50 f the contract work every two Reeks upon . a].1. the work head been satisfactorily pertormeds certificate of the Engineer that The 8 sacs x '� stsin d, with the Oxcepticb d wage earners Lien Act, shall be paid Ln like of l�� under. the I�echahtivs an g , facto and. in repair at the expiration of, manner if all work is satie � g ;t: r � • W (4i ui. rs to nrd his work at night with th sutabl a red lei. The Contractor will red � light and suet des urns all risk of accidents which nay arise f rrorn any aau"s r in connection with the carrying on `of the work. whaterrer, incidental too , 209 The Contractor shall ,b i a bound to maintain the work n perfect order during he completion thereof„ the Contractor to make the epaa�r of years after p g 1. and any and l aall . damage to the work when n course of construction and should � the► 0*xrtr8**0o' C41. ,to rdo so at sad► time duarIn►g the GMLA IPISrUd of figs Ye 09 do so and retain the cost at such repairs from any money then the Engine er may on this o r any other contract with due or becoming due to the said Contractor; sureties in this contract• the aertfio- the Town or recover the some from th e s i cute of the Engineer to be final as to . the necessity of repairs and they amount expended in making theme The Engi Haste decision upon any point in connection al under this contract shall be final. F with the work or material , �1. The Q ontreato r sh �e paid � 50 f the contract work every two Reeks upon . a].1. the work head been satisfactorily pertormeds certificate of the Engineer that The 8 sacs x '� stsin d, with the Oxcepticb d wage earners Lien Act, shall be paid Ln like of l�� under. the I�echahtivs an g , facto and. in repair at the expiration of, manner if all work is satie � g ;t: