HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-19 Minutes Pm 3.18,32 MINUTES COUNCIL INFORMATION I-12 Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee Thursday, February 19, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. Location: Committee Room 1 C Access via Library, 163 Church Street Bowmanville Library 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Present Andrew Kozak, Gord Lee, Ross Libbey, Clayton Morgan, (Voting Brendon Nightingale, Dave Rickard, Glenn Wallis, David Duffle. Members) Present Ron Baker, Leslie Benson, Tony Cannella, Stuart McAllister (Non-Voting Don MacArthur, Keith Richards. Members) Regrets: Ron Radcliffe, Dirk Zinner Absent: Glenda Baker, Wayne Godwin, Teresa Williams Secretary: Jenny Bilenduke 1) Call to order and attendance Introductions The newly appointed members introduced themselves and discussed their background and their interest in the group. Tony noted the broad cross- section of experience, expertise and suitability of the members, and commented on how well this will lend itself to the future successes of the committee. Committee Overview Tony began by explaining that the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee was created by Council to ensure that the comnnunity has an opportunity to provide their input into dynamic, broad=basdc ,t A nw management issues. He explained the: � F Committee Vision !_ ,..,r�,° To revie►v, ifrvestigate, and recommend solutions to broad PIES�I ' a� . based Rlunicipal traffic management issues of community .,. . significance. Page 2 of 6 CTMAC Minutes Meeting No. 43, Thursday, February 19, 2004 Community input combined with technical expertise results in our being able to develop unique solutions that recognize that data is not the only element in decision making. Community input makes the data that we have, more meaningful. Tony gave examples of some very successful initiatives that were developed by the previous committee including the enhanced Road Watch Program (Traffic Watch), hamlet gateway treatments and discussions with the CAAC to develop a slow moving vehicle policy. Tony discussed the mandate of the Committee as outlined in the Committee Constitution and went over the Protocol for Council Appointed Advisory Committees,highlighting member responsibilities and obligations. Distribution of information packages • Minutes of the November 20, 2003 meeting(circulated with agenda) • Committee Constitution (circulated with agenda) • Protocol Council Appointed Advisory Committees (circulated at the meeting) • List of Voting Members (circulated at the meeting) • List of Non-Voting Members (circulated at the meeting) • Canadian Guide to Neighbourhood Traffic Calming (circulated at the meeting to new members). The members were encouraged to read the Committee Constitution, and the Council Protocol. If there are any questions or concerns they should be brought forward at the CTMAC meeting in March because it is important that everyone understands the information these documents contain. 2) Elections: Tony Cannella conducted elections to appoint the CTMAC Chair and Vice-Chair and also to select CTMAC representation on the 407 and Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Committees. Chair: Andrew Kozak nominated Clayton Morgan as Chair, this nomination received unanimous support; Clayton accepted the nomination, CARRIED. Vice-chair: Clayton Morgan nominated Andrew Kozak as Vice-Chair, this nomination received unanimous support; Andrew accepted the nomination, CARRIED. Page 3 of 6 CTMAC Minutes Meeting No. 43, Thursday, February 19, 2004 407 Committee: David Duffie nominated Ross Libbey for the 407 Committee this nomination received unanimous support; Ross accepted the nomination, CARRIED. Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan: Glen Wallis nominated Brendon Nightingale for the Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Committee this nomination received unanimous support;Brendon accepted the nomination, CARRIED. The meeting was then turned over to the newly elected Chair, Clayton Morgan. 3) Review of minutes from previous meeting Moved by Andrew Kozak; Seconded by Glen Wallis that the minutes of the meeting of November 20, 2003 be approved without changes. CARRIED 4) Items for information a) Road Watch/Traffic Watch Update Ron Radcliffe, who is the Chair of the Road Watch Committee in Clarington, was unable to attend this first meeting. Ron Baker advised that the Road Watch Program is a community based initiative run by volunteers in conjunction with the Durharn Regional Police. Citizens can report dangerous driving by completing and submitting a Citizens Report Form, they can borrow our radar message board and now they can also request that the Municipality send out the retired Police Officer they have hired (Traffic Watch). Citizen reports are dealt with in three stages if multiple complaints are received for the same vehicle: Stage One - A letter is sent to the registered owner Stage Two - A second letter is sent and a representative from the Durham Regional Police telephones the registered owner. Stage Three - A third letter is sent and a Police Officer also visits at the home address. In Clarington only one person per year goes to Stage Two, while Whitby has had 17 go to Stage Three. Page 4 of 6 CTMAC Minutes Meeting No. 43, Thursday, February 19, 2004 b) Highway 407 Update Clayton, who was previously a member of this Committee, advised that the group has been active for approximately one year because the 407 will have a big impact on our community. The Committee has been asked to develop the terms for the required environmental assessment. Much of this work was completed last year but litigation in Napanee resulted in the decision that the methodology approved for the environmental assessment wasn't broad enough. This means that much of the work that has already been done to date must be re-done. Clayton explained that the representative chosen for this Committee must be willing to do a considerable amount of research, reading and work. The next meeting will be held on the evening of March 2"d, 2004, in the Council Chambers, here at the Municipal Administrative Centre. Leslie Benson will forward Ross Libbey's name to Janice Szwarz in Planning. e) Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Update (CIP) Clayton and Tony advised the members that the idea to develop a Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan first came about when it was determined that the streetlights downtown are now obsolete. The lights became obsolete because it is no longer possible to obtain replacement parts. When the Engineering Department first began working with the Bowmanville BIA to look at replacement lights it became clear that while we are in the area digging we have the opportunity to look at other potential improvements. The Bowmanville CIP will look at design possibilities such as bump outs traffic signal posts, bollards, lights, etc., and the impact these design possibilities may have on business and traffic in the downtown core. Leslie Benson will forward Brendon Nightingale's name to Faye Langmaid in Planning. d) Other Information Items for Committee Action Clayton advised the members that issues are usually brought before this Committee in one of three keyways: • Referral of issues through Council. • Citizens may approach individual Counsellors with concerns and that Councillor may refer the matter to the Committee. • The Engineering Department may refer more complex traffic issues to the Committee. Page 5 of 6 CTAIAC Minutes Meeting No. 43, Thursday, February 19, 2004 Non-voting members will support Committee decisions by providing information and education that improves awareness of traffic control management strategies and the progress of projects that will impact upon traffic in Clarington. Clayton advised the members that when a specific traffic issue arises they will be made aware of the concern by way of the CTMAC agenda. Members were asked to review their agendas and then go out in person to see the location prior to the meeting so that they are ready to comment on the situation at the next meeting. If for any reason a member is unable to attend an upcoming meeting they are asked to try to provide as much notice as possible with a minimum of twenty-four hours whenever possible. There was a question about Regional roads and Clayton advised the group that they do not have jurisdiction over Regional roads. The Engineering Services Department can formally direct requests or inquiries to the Region but the Region must make decisions and address the issues. 5) Agenda items for discussion None 6) New business a) Hampton Citizens Group Clayton inquired about a letter that Tony sent out in December from the Engineering Services Department to a Citizen's Group in Hampton. Tony agreed that the letter he sent in response to the Hampton citizens would provide an excellent learning opportunity for the Committee because it covers a broad spectrum of issues. Tony will include this discussion as an agenda item for the next meeting and will provide a copy of both the inquiry letter and the response letter to the members prior to the next meeting. b) Roenigk Intersection Tony informed the members about the Roenigk signalization project that will be commencing this spring. Traffic signals will be installed by the Municipality in conjunction with the Region of Durham to improve pedestrian safety in the area of King and Roenigk Streets. In addition to the traffic signal improvements the eastbound right turn lane will be removed on King Street as you enter town from the west to shorten the throat distance. Peter Windolf, Manager of Park Development will introduce landscape treatments designed to beautify the entrance into Bowmanville as you enter from the west on King Street. Also, structural improvements will be made to the bridge crossing the Bowmanville Creek along with road enhancements. Page 6 of 6 CTAIAC Minutes Meeting No.43, Thursday, February 19, 2004 Tony agreed to bring drawings and details about the project to the neat meeting in March. 7) Next meeting date: March 18, 2004- 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Room I C. 8) Adjournment: Moved by Ross Libbey, seconded by Andrew Kozak