HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-20 Minutes Minutes-approved by Committee z - 7 MINUTES Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee Thursday, January 20, 2005 Location: Committee Room lA Enter via Municipal Administrative centre, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, thru the north door on Church St. i1f {r Present David Duffle, Shane Morris, Ron Radcliffe,Fred Johns, (Voting Gleam Wallis, Andrew Kozak,Dave Rickard, Gord Lee ' `"u- Y Members) Don MacArthur, F V Present Leslie Benson, Tony Cannella,Ron Balser, Stuart McAllister, 4 (Non-Voting Keith Richards Members) I Regrets: Wayne Godwin, Ross Libbey, Clayton Morgan, Absent: Brendon Nightingale,Dirk Zinner Secretary: Donna Van Schyndel The meeting was brought to order by Tony Cannella to facilitate the process for nominations and election of Chair and Vice-Chair. Post election the meeting was chaired by Andrew Kozak. Elections for Chair & Vice Chair of Committee According to the Committee's constitution the voting members shall review the position of Chairperson and Vice-chairperson in January of each year. At the first meeting of the new year the voting members shall elect from their number a Chairperson and Vice-chairperson to serve for the coming term. Election of Chairperson First nomination: Don MacArthur nominated Andrew Kozak as Chairperson. Second offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. Third offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. A count of hands showed that all were in favour of the first nomination and Andrew Kozak accepted the position of Chairperson. Election of Vice-Chairperson First nomination: Ron Radcliffe nominated Glenn Wallis as Vice- chairperson. Second offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. Third offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. A count of hands showed that all were in favour of the first nomination and Glenn Wallis accepted the position of Vice-chairperson. 1) Minutes of Previous Meeting: November 18, 2004 The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the November 18, 2004 meeting are approved without changes." MOVED by Dave Rickard; SECONDED by David Duffle. CARRIED 2) Items for Information a) Road Watch-(Ron Radcliffe) There were 27 report forms submitted over the past month. Traffic Watch Update-(Ron Baker): Figures sent to the Durham Regional Police since the last CTMAC meeting are as follows: DATE LOCATION # OF VIOLATIONS November 15 Conc. Rd. 7/Langmaid Rd. 61 November 15 George Reynolds/ 4 Devondale Dr. November 16 Nash Rd./Fourth Ave. 26 Total for year Speeding over 20 KPH 1,880 Constable Richards advised that generally speaking there tends to be only one repeat offense recorded each year. Of the offenses recorded, approximately sixty-five percent are attributed to those who live in the neighborhood in which the violations occurred. b) Highway 407 Update-(Ross Libbey,Leslie Benson) Leslie explained that the January 4th'2005 meeting was cancelled but that a subsequent date is yet to be determined. 20, 2005 C) Bowmanville Community Improvement Plan Update The King Street Bridge A thorough review of the funding criteria for the Canada-Ontario Municipal Infrastructure Program(COMRIF) revealed that repairs to the King Street Bridge do not qualify for funding under this program. Repairs to this structure are forecast for 2006, subject to Council approval. Longworth Bridge A temporary alignment of Longworth Avenue from the bridge westerly to Regional Road 57 was selected to facilitate future development to the south. Construction of Longworth Avenue eastwards towards Mearns Avenue may commence as early as 2006 with the westerly connection to Green Road occurring at a later date. d) Presentation-Ontario Traffic Manual Guidelines (Leslie Benson and Ron Baker) This was a very informative presentation regarding regulatory signs, pavement,hazard, and delineation markings. Tony Cannella commented that the Engineering Services Department would like to see a consistent approach used in responding to requests from residents based on Provincial Standards and Guidelines. The present procedure used by staff for determining if warrants for All- way stops are being met are Provincial warrants which, because they are based on"highway" applications, may be excessive. Staff are reviewing the present All-way Stop warrants procedure and are considering a "modification"which may more accurately represent the driving community's needs for our Municipality. Engineering staff will be contacting other municipalities to gain insight into the policies or procedures they follow. This information will be used in conjunction with statistics that Clarington staff are preparing and will be shared with the Committee members at a later date. Tony Cannella explained that it is important for Clarington to make decisions/changes that are determined with our community in mind so that they are specifically applicable. 3) Agenda Items for Discussion (please review locations if you are not familiar with the area) a) Ontario Traffic Manual Book 5- Stop Signs, Pages 17-24 Leslie Benson and Ron Baker made a presentation to the Committee to explain the technical reasoning that should be considered when making a decision to install Stop Signs or All-way Stop Signs. Jartuary 20, 2005 b) All-Way Stop Request-Burketon (intersections of Old Scugog Rd and Boundary Rd. ,plus Old Scugog Rd and Concession Rd 10) The request for an All-way Stop in these locations has been reviewed on several occasions. The members discussed these intersections in detail looking carefully at whether they meet the warrants as outlined in the Ontario Traffic Manual. In both of these cases the traffic volumes at each intersection fell substantially short of those recommended under the Provincial Guidelines. A motion was adopted: THAT: "The CTMAC has reviewed the information provided regarding the all-way stop requests in Burketon(intersections of Old Scugog Rd. and Boundary Rd., in addition to Old Scugog Rd. and Concession Rd. 10) and has determined that they do not meet the all-way stop warrants". MOVED by David Duffie; SECONDED by Ron Radcliffe. CARRIED C) Ontario Traffic Manual Book 11-Directional Dividing Lines, Pages 36-38 The issue of directional dividing lines was also discussed in the presentation given by Leslie and Ron to the Committee members. d) Pavement Markings in Northern Parts of Clarington This item was brought to the attention of the committee by Mayor Mutton with regard to a need for improvements to the pavement marking policy for rural roads. The Mayor's concern is to improve driver safety and expand the line painting program in the northern parts of the municipality. There are Provincial Guidelines that the Engineering Services Department follows and with access to improved technical programs Clarington's GIS Technician is able to support staff in making better decisions in terms of which roads need to be painted. Clarington's database is now current and Staff are complying with the guidelines. Ron Baker will look at the latest information and check whether markings need to be added in rural locations. Ron will provide the Committee with a brief update once the newest data has been finalized. A motion was proposed. THAT: "The municipality will use the updated data along with the OTM guidelines to determine which locations warrant painting". MOVED by Shane Morris; SECONDED by Glen Wallis. CARRIED Jaauary 20. 2005 4) New Business at Direction of Chair a) Items of Interest to the Committee 401 Ramps Eastbound to Liberty Street North Tony advised that he will be presenting to the Region and the Province the findings of a report that proposed conceptual improvement alternatives from the Liberty Street interchange ramps with the 401. After feedback has been received from these two groups Tony will report back to our Municipal Council. Operation Highway#2 Corridor Constable Keith Richards talked about an initiative that the Durham Regional Police recently implemented to address traffic concerns along Hwy. 92. The focus of this initiative was increased traffic enforcement along the Highway#2 corridor in Clarington after noticing a disproportionate number of collisions occurring throughout this stretch of roadway. Members of the Clarington Community Office and Regional Traffic Services participated in this program. A media release was issued at the start of this program and included coverage by both Rogers Television and Clarington This Week News. Constable Richards handed out the results of this initiative which ran from November 7th through to November 20th'2004. The offenses issued were as follows: Registration- 6 Drivers License-1 Alcohol- 1 Speeding- 86 Careless - 1 Seat Belt - 1 Misc. - 3 Staying Alive in 2005 This is the newest initiative for the Durham Regional Police. They have launched an extensive safe driving campaign which will introduce a new topic each month. .Operation Alternative Measures Keith Richards talked about a very unique program that the Durham Regional Police recently introduced in Bowmanville to serve two distinct purposes. The first was to provide Bowmanville High School students with an opportunity to complete a portion of their required community volunteer hours. The second was to educate the public about safe driving habits. Bowmanville High School students were offered the opportunity to write an essay about the perils of dangerous driving and the best of these essays were selected by the School and Police. The students who wrote the essays were then asked to present this information to drivers who,having 54 A(" ;iriut 6 'ral'u'lary;fit, 005 committed a driving offense, were given a choice to either receive a ticket or view the student presentation. This experience was seen as a very positive one for the students while providing needed education to some drivers. Newcastle Arena Board- Southwest on Baldwin and Edward Street There will be an information session this year pertaining to Baldwin St. which is in the 2005 budget for reconstruction. 5) Next Meeting Date: February 17, 2005—7:00 pm, Committee Room IA- Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, through the north door on Church St. 6) Adjournment: A motion was proposed: THAT: "The meeting will be adjourned at 9:00 p.m." MOVED by Dave Duffie; SECONDED by Ron Radcliffe. CARRIED