HomeMy WebLinkAboutFSD-017-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: March 29, 2021 Report Number: FSD-017-21 Submitted By: Reviewed By: File Number: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Andrew C. Allison, CAO Report Subject: LED Retrofit Budget Reallocations Recommendations: 1. That Report FSD-017-21 be received; and Resolution#: GG-269-21 By-law Number: 2. That the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer is authorized to reallocate up to $235,000 from the "Various Streetlights Project" capital account to the "LED Conversion Project" capital account to complete the necessary streetlight conversions. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-017-21 Report Overview Page 2 The LED Streetlight Retrofit is nearing completion; however additional funding is required to complete the projects. Staff have found funds in related capital accounts to reallocate to this project to complete the retrofit work. 1. Background History of LED Conversion Project Award 1.1 Council approved the Streetlight LED Replacement Turnkey Program in June 2018 through Report COD-025-18 to Ameresco Canada Inc. 1.2 Work has been underway since 2018 to complete the retrofit of the Municipality's streetlight network to LED lights. The conversion to LEDs was intended to reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency of the network through a reduction in repair/maintenance needs. 1.3 The Municipality's 2019 to 2022 Strategic Plan identifies Environmental Sustainability as one of the five strategic priorities. The conversion of streetlights to LED is consistent with this strategic goal. Project Overage 1.4 The LED Conversion Project requires additional funds to be approved in order to finalize the project. It is estimated that $176,700 remains to be incurred to complete the project, while this is approximately 5.5 per cent and would be covered under the Municipality's Capital Overage Policy, as it is greater than $150,000 approval from Council is being sought. 1.5 During the contract over 600 additional lights were identified in the Municipality's inventory with many requiring additional fuse kits to meet current Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) standards. As well, there are more decorative light fixtures than we had in our inventory; modifications to the decorative lights included support arm modifications and installation of backlight shields to prevent light trespass onto private properties. 1.6 The above -mentioned additional streetlights, decorative lights and related modifications contribute to the additional funding required to complete the conversion of the Municipality's inventory. Municipality of Clarington Report FSD-017-21 2. Financial Implications Page 3 2.1 The Public Works Department annually budgets funds for various streetlight replacements, upgrades or in -fill. There are sufficient funds in this capital account to fund the request to complete the LED retrofit. There are no additional tax levy or reserve funds needed. 2.2 Since the implementation of the LED project in 2018, we have seen a decrease in our hydro from $908,800 to approximately $673,200 in 2020 (which is being used to offset the internal borrowing for the replacement work). 2.3 We have also seen a decrease in maintenance work from $335,500 to $87,400 during that period mainly as a result of work being covered under warranty for those lights that were replaced. 2.4 The project requires approximately $176,700 in additional funding; however approximately $56,900 was expected to come from an Ontario rebate. Staff will continue to apply for any rebates that are applicable; however, to ensure that funding is available to complete the project the gross amount is being requested to be authorized. 2.5 The funds that are being reallocated to the LED Conversion Project were initially approved for a purpose that could be seen to be related, namely streetlight replacement. Staff are asking for the reallocation to ensure transparency on the use of capital funds. 3. Concurrence This report has been reviewed by the Director of Public Works who concurs with the recommendations. 4. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the reallocation of funds from the "Streetlight Replacement" to the "LED Conversion" projects to ensure that the investment made to date can be completed. Staff Contact: Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, 905-623-3379 ext. 2602, tpinn@clarington.net Attachments: Not Applicable Interested Parties: There are no interested parties to be notified of Council's decision.