HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-15 Minutes Garinmn Leading the Way Approved by committee members CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday June 15, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Glenn Wallis (Vice-Chair) Clayton Morgan Councillor Don MacArthur David Duffle Gord Lee Dave Rickard Lisa Robinson Andrew Bouma ALSO Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design PRESENT: Stuart McAllister, Road Safety Coordinator, Durham Region Ron Baker, Traffic Coordinator Donna Van Schyndel, Recording Secretary REGRETS Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services Constable Keith Richards, Dirk Zinner, Andrew Kozak(Chair) Andrew Kozak was absent; therefore, Glenn Wallis chaired the meeting. 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Clayton Morgan; SECONDED by; Dave Duffle THAT: "The minutes of the May 18, 2006 meeting be approved. 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION a) Road Watch-(Ron Baker) There was no update at this time. A meeting with the Durham Regional Police will take place. b) Traffic Watch Update-(Ron Baker) The Traffic Watch Program has begun again for this year and 106 vehicle licence plates have been recorded at two locations. CTMAC Minutes 2 June 15, 2006 C) Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) The last meeting was held June 6th and MTO's consultant made the same presentation as was outlined to the Committee at their May meeting. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION a) 2005 Fatal Traffic Collision Presentation-(Stuart McAllister) Stuart McAllister, Durham Region's Road Safety Coordinator, conducted this presentation which outlined locations of fatalities according to municipalities. Categories covered in the presentation included: • Injuries to Involved Persons • Safety Equipment Use • Victim Vehicle Type • Environment • Control Type • Involvement • Time of Day/Day of the Week/Month • Weather and Light Conditions • Victim Age, and Sex • Alcohol or Drug Use Recorded • At Fault Actions • Historical Data • Emerging Trends • 2006 To Date Collision breakdown All members felt it was a very informative presentation. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR a) Items of Interest to the Committee Relevance of Committee Committee members discussed the mandate and role of the Committee and agreed that this should be a topic of discussion for the next meeting. Historically, the members have been very interested and involved in community related issues and all are eager to continue in this proactive role. This item will be added as an agenda item for the next meeting. CTMAC Minutes 3 June 15, 2006 Liberty and King Streets Ron Baker takes care of resident's complaints that deal with speeding issues for both Liberty and King Streets. July/August Meetings for the Committee The constitution for the Committee states that, meetings will exclude December and one month during the summer as selected by the Chair, unless otherwise decided by the Chair. The Committee decided that they would meet July 20th but there will not be a meeting held in August. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE July 20, 2006—7:00 p.m. — Committee Room I—Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, through the north door on Church St. 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Clayton Morgan. THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:20 p.m."