HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-18 Minutes I - 1 Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board Meeting: March 18th, 2009 7:50pm - Guest: Gord Leigh, Newcastle Hall Board Chair's Report: Mark shared that TCC is: . Short financially n Not able to cover bills - Clarington helped out with heat bill . Short volunteer wise - need treasurer, fundraising . Weare investigating activities that are good for community, create awareness, long-term fundraising, singles night, Celtic bands, Karaoke, etc. . How can Municipality of Clarington help? Municipality of Clarin2:ton . Fred Horvath is overloaded, so in future we are to call on.. . Skip Crosby, Community Service Coordinator MUNICIP ALITY OF CLARINGTON 905-623-5728 Ext. 621 905-623-6547 scros bv@clarington.net www.clarington.net . Community very important due to economic times . They are working on Community Services Initiative - community development initiative to help us create strategies for . Clarington can work with us re finances. First step is setting up budgets. . Patty said $35-40,000/year overhead (approximately) . Clarington could bring programs out here - Clarington can pay for trainer if we throw in the hall . Alliances with other hall boards . Consult with successful boards like Newtonville who just reinvented themselves, have surplus in the ban1e Contact is Vicki. Great website. . Municipality circulating a sheet that asks boards re what they need e.g. event promotion Fundraisin2: Ideas: . Singles dances (2nd Saturday) - Gwen will champion. Similar to those at the Acres. Need money for DJ. . Karaoke -- Gwen knows guy who can bring equipment . Dancing -- Kim said it's hard to make money after you pay someone . Pub Night . Legendary Mosport International -- Willy Woo suggested we work with Miles regarding April 13-23 Legendary Mosport International new (first time ever) Porche show. Patty knows people with Carlson travel ~ we could do luncheon. Lynne says we need bar and that Audi group booked at comfort inn. . Movie night for kids . Ladies aerobics . Concerts in the park (great for older people 50/50 $200) . Ladies night - alcoholldance/manicures/pedicures . Country dance . Euchres (seniors) . Spirit day . pub nights - 2 family's responsible . Social networking . Darts . B&B tour lunch stop . Village hall tour with local artists, . 2010 art & culture event (preliminary) . Welcome wagon, greeter, like Newtonville . Gambling (that's how Kendal survives) . Hip hop has been popular, turkey seminar, . Boat licenses (this is last year) . Smart serve . Red cross Community Buildin2: I Communication Ideas: . Gord Robinson says it's important to have fun - don't worry about money . Newsletter - Lori suggested getting this going again. Mark said it was discontinued due to lack of interest I sponsorship . Facebook group - Sue reported that popularity is growing and at present we had . Advertisement in Leisure Guide Publication -- deadline Monday for summer brochure Increase Rentals: . Hourly rate = $35/hour big hall, $20/hour kitchen area . Halls now back in Leisure Guide Publication . [_J Skip to talk to "New Horizons" band looking for practice space . [_J Laurie to call Auction still interested and now we don't have table problem, $800-900/day Approval of Minutes: Approval of Minutes from Feb 18th, 2009 Motion - Walter Loveridge Second - Lynn Morrison Treasurer's Report: $1,200.00 NFS cheque to Shell We received a Municipal grant of $2,500.00 The Town paid Shell to maintain good working relation, therefore our gran t will be $2,500.00 less the Shell invoice paid We still do not have a Treasurer. Lynn Morrison suggested we attempt to have a local bookkeeper donate a minimum of 3-4 hours per month and submit a bill for anything over that. She will check with her bookkeeper to see if she would be willing to do our books on that basis. Bar Report: Vending machine will arrive in a week or so. Seniors Report: The Tyrone Seniors would like to use the hall on a Saturday in October for a fundraiser in place of their annual penny sale. Walter to confirm the date. Cleanine: Report: Larry Quinney to strip and wax the floors once the ceiling has been replaced by the Town. Ceiling may be done some time in April. Suggested by Gord Lee and Skip Crosby that we use the Town's contacts for services and purchases, as we will probably get a better rate. Also suggested we check invoices thoroughly to confirm they are in line with the service provided. Bookine: Report: A band has booked the hall for Saturdays from September to April (7 PM- 11PM) for $400.00 per night. They are interested in storing their equipment at the hall. We will confirm what type of equipment and how much space is required to determine if this is feasible. Municipalitv of Clarine:ton Issues: Town to confirm the defibulator in question meets guidelines/ standards before we install at the hall. Motion to Adjourn: Motion - Gwen Woodcock Second - Patty Woodcock