HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-20 Minutes 1-3 Tyrone Community Centre Hall Board Meeting: May 20th,2009 Attendees: Patty Woodcock, Walter Loveridge, Larry Quinney, Gwen Woodcock, Laurie Lafrance, Chris Roberts, Mark Canning, Gord Robinson, Willie Woo Approval of Minutes from April 15th Meetine: Motion: Patty Woodcock Second Gwen Woodcock Fundraisine:/Communitv Events . Singles dances - 1 sl Dance low turnout but second turnout 25 people. Should see growth as we continue to hold it. June date changed to last Saturday . Dance Lessons - Fall . Cooking Classes Idea(Kids in the Kitchen) - promote the TCC, run by Clarington - Fall · Idea to create a TCC flyer that talks about the upcoming events and the "newness" of the TCC with new tables, paints, shiny floor . Fundraising to replace the bench at the front idea Treasurer's Report: Nothing to report - June meeting will report Tee financial status Bar Report: Nothing to report Seniors Report: Last meeting for the summer. Haydon Hall - Seniors Dinner planned Cleanine: Report: Vacuum is in good working order. Water system needs work. Floors have been waxed and will be sufficient until ceiling replacement. Light needs replacement on the NW side. Suggestion to affix a "fake" camera on the outside of the building to deter trespassers. Also a no camping side is needed. Garbage is also blowing from the insulation business on the east side(discuss with owner). New Sign: . Gwen will order the the sign(take 4-6 weeks). Insurance paying and total cost is $1308. Booking Report: Nothing to Report Municipality of Clarington Issues: . New Ceiling . New Light at Front . Eavestrough Website: . Laurie will work with Sue on the site Motion to Adiourn: Motion - Gwen Woodcock Second':" Walter Loveridge