HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-20Tyrone Community Centre Minutes of Meeting —January 20th, 2021, 7:30pm Attendees: Danielle Carroll Kyle Young Alvina Hare Marlene Raby Joy Vaneyk Lyndsay Luckhardt Marlene Craig Greg Carroll Corinna Traill Steve Hutchinson Regrets: Justin Vachon Corinne vandeGrootheveen Dave Taylor Brian Glaspell Paul Rowan Larry Quinney Cecile Bowers Dianne Woodley 1. Motion to accept agenda. Motion from Dianne Seconded from Marlene R. Carried. 2. Motion to accept minutes from November. Motioned by Joy, seconded by Cecile. Carried. 3. Committee Reports: 4. Chair Report — Danielle — no report. 5. Promotions — Dianne Woodley —125 masks left out of the order of 500. Sales are still going strong. 6. Maintenance Report — Kyle — % in depth inspection was completed today. Ice rink looks good. Everything was good and the basement was dry. Some light bulbs need to be replaced. This will be completed. Defib has been replaced, batteries and pads both. 7. Rentals — Joy — First rental is for April if we are allowed to have rentals. Presented to the Board a summary of the requirements that needs to be met by renters. Some kind of guard is required at the bar. It will be approx. $200 for a piece of plexiglass that will be secured to the wall using brackets. Joy is willing to purchase this at this time and will submit the invoice once income starts coming in. Motioned by Kyle to go ahead and purchase the plexiglass. Seconded by Cecile. All in favor. Carried. 8. Treasurer Report— Brian Glaspell —we have $7937.30 in the chequing account, $15085.76 in the savings account and $228.36 in the start me up account. The propane truck was in so there will be a bill to be paid. 9. Ice Rink — Greg Carroll — the rink is frozen. Work has been underway with flooding and trying get the rink skateable. The Keep Off signs are currently up due to the weather the past few nights and the ice melting. Will work on it the next few nights as the weather is going to be colder. 5 are allowed on the ice at a time with masks on and the others must social distance on the sidelines waiting their turn. 10. Cleaning — Larry — no report given. Old Business: 1. No Old Business. New Business: 1. Corrina Traill asked if we were interested in an online booking platform for the skating rink. Discussion was held and it was felt that this was not a good fit. It was felt that since it is a Municipal rink and no one that is able to really police that the correct people are on the rink. At this time, it was felt that this was not a good fit for us. 2. Larry has asked if we want the washroom doors to be painted as no one is in the hall and no rentals are happening. A work order will be placed with the Municipality to see if they will be willing to paint the doors since they installed them. 3. Brenda Metcalf reached out to plant a tree on the property in celebration of Beth M. It would be up to Beth where the tree will be planted as long as it will not be planted anywhere that conflicts with any of the sporting fields. 4. Danielle mentioned that there is still some pop and chips at the hall. She will check to see if they have expired or not. If not, will try and sell during times when the rink is being used. All members were in favor of this. 5. Joy mentioned that we are still waiting for the fencing to be installed between the parking lot and the lower soccer field behind the net. Danielle will remind the Municipality about this request that was supposed to be done several years ago. 6. Joy would like to bring the Tyrone Seniors back. She will reach out to the local seniors to see if they are interested. Motioned by Marlene C so go ahead and reopen the Seniors. Seconded by Alvina. All in favour. Motion to Adjourn by Greg. Seconded by Marlene C. Next meeting Feb 171h - AGM