HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-08REPORT NO. 1 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: The following is a report of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on November 8, 1979: 1. O.P.A. 20 It was recommended to Council that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to proposed Amendment 20 to the Durham Regional Official Plan affecting lots 28, 29, 30 and 31 of Concession 1 and the Broken Front Concession within the former Village of Newcastle and that Section B of said amendment be revised by the addition of the following clauses: (f) access to and from the subject lands including any necessary works related to the reconstruction of the Mill Street grade separation, Toronto Street Level crossing and improvements to local roads. Section B (ii) Prior to major new development taking place within the area subject of this amendment, the existing Canadian National Railway grade separation at Mill Street shall be reconstructed at no cost to the Region of Durham or the Town of Newcastle; or alternatively an agreement entered into between the area municipality and the landowner as specified in Section B (i) above, which satisfies the Town's financial concerns relative to this reconstruction. 2. ADDlication for Rezoning Z -A-3-10-3 (Watson It was recommended to Council that application for rezoning number Z -A-3-10-3 be denied and the Town Solicitor and appropriate Staff be instructed to proceed with the mandatory injunction granted by the Supreme Court of Ontario, on December 15, 1978, in respect of the subject lands. 3. O.P.A. 79-6/1) (Gabourie It was recommended to Council that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle considers the redesignation of the Gabourie property, part of lot 35 Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, O.P.A.79-6/D as premature and feels that it would be appropriate for file 79-6/D to be held open pending future consideration of the subject proposal. 4. McEwen Purchase from Town It was recommended to Council that Report P-179-79, relative to McEwen purchase from the Town of Part of Lot 14, Concession 1, Bowmanville be lifted from the table and received and filed and the Committee Secretary be instructed to request the applicant to submit revised plans. 5. Rezoniniz Z -A-3-6-5 (Prue It was recommended to Council that relative to Rezoning Z -A-3-6-5, part lot 32 Concession 7, former Township of Clarke, Dennis and Vella Prue, staff be directed not to proceed with the proposed action of Council. - 2 - 6. R-60 Durham Regional Official Plan It was recommended to Council that the letter from Mr. B. A. Brown, relative to R-60 be received and Mr. Brown be advised that his letter has been filed with the Planning Department and it would be appropriate for him to contact the Planning Department in respect of this matter for further information. 7. Subdivision 18T-76021 (Huzar It was recommended to Council that proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-76021 be recommended to the Minister of Housing for draft approval subject to the revisions and conditions as outlined in Resolution #PD -510-79. 8. Subdivision 18T-74067 (Cean) It was recommended to Council that Proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-74067 be recommended to the Minister of Housing for approval subject to the conditions and revisions as outlined in Resolution #PD -511-79. 9. O.M.B. Hearing By-law 78-117 (Henderson) It was recommended to Council that the applicant and the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that Staff will be represented at the O.M.B. Hearing in support of the application. 10. Oshawa By-laws 110-79 and 91-79 It was recommended to Council that Oshawa By-law 110-79 and 91-79 be received and filed. 11. Rezoning Z -A-3-11-5 (Cooper - Jasco) It was recommended to Council that relative to Rezoning Z -A-3-11-5 (Cooper) 1. The application for rezoning Number Z -A-3-11-5 as it applies to parts 7 and 8, Plan 1OR943, be approved 2. That consideration of application for rezoning number Z -A-3-11-5 as it applies to parts 1 and 2, Plan 1OR299, be deferred pending the completion of a District Plan for the Newcastle Village Central area, as required by the Region of Durham Official Plan and the submission by the applicant of a detailed site plan 3. That the by-law be revised to include a definition of 'warehouse' and the appropriate changes be made to the by-law and it be submitted to Council. 4. That the entire J. Anderson Smith Company site be designated a Site Plan Control Area, under the provisions of Section 35(a) of The Planning Act. - 3 - 12. Special Study Area 8 - Oshawa It was recommended to Council that the Town of Newcastle request that the Terms of Reference be revised in Item 2, 5th paragraph, (Comments) by substituting 'within the limits of Special Study Area 8' for 'within the corporate limites of the City of Oshawa' and adding 'and the financial impact statement be assessed prior to any redesignation'. 13. Courtice Urban Area Plan It was recommended to Council that whereas the Town of Newcastle deems it appropriate to make certain further modifications to the proposed Urban Area Plan for Courtice for the purposes of clarification, be it now therefore resolved that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Regional Municipality of Durham to make the modifications to the Courtice Urban Area Plan outlined in the attached staff report (P-209-79) and to adopt the Courtice Urban Area Plan incorporating the requested modifications as soon as possible. 14. Paramount Lands Designation It was recommended to Council that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Region of Durham to consider designating the southerly portion of lands owned by Paramount Developments Ltd. within the former bouundary of the Village of Newcastle as a "D" area, for future development. Respectfully submitted Ann Cowman, Chairman