HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-231 c( port, ;/;i Rickard and 11cunl. evs of' Cotu is i 1. : Mowing is a report of the meeting of the Planning and DevelopuuAit ttee held on August 23 1970: ublic Meeting application #79-15D Durham Lterfront Plan Vi_1_lar;'e of Nctivcast l e . cion Official Plan The meeting had been advertised as a puhl.ic meeting; to hear connx:nts on applications to amend the Durii..im Re,,�io>n Official Plan 79-150 :in Part of Mn 28, 29, 30 and 31 Broken 11ont Concession and part of lots 28, 29, 30 and 31 Concession 1, foz7avr Village or Newcastle, more connxml-y that area b(mriced by Ilighway 401, the Wilmot Creek, lake Ontario and Grahwn Creek iimu d:iatel-y south of Newcastle Village urban area. No person appeared in support or in opposition to this application. 2, Plan of Sub -Division IST 76063 SUCEE It was recamcnded to Council that the recannendatioms in Relx-)rt=P1-13-79 relative to application for Plan of Sub -Division AST 7603 (Suc(Q be endorsed and that the Plan be recExrmendcd to Lh(� for approval to the conditions listed in the report. 3. O.P.A. 79-271) MMINA It was recommended to (;ouncil that the, rec,(vmend aL ions contained i11 Relxar L PINS -79 relative to Official Plan Mx�radiaunnt PaLrL lot 2.6 Concession 2 (Umnina) be adopLcd and Lha[. Uie anxendinclit. bc recomilendr•d Lo the Rcgjom [or approval. 4. City of Oshawa By -Law 87-79 It was recaffriended to Council that the recommendations contained in Report P149-79 be adopted and By -Law 87-79 of the City of Oshawa be received for infornat i.on . 5. 13v -Law 70-7 PAPANIKOI_,OPOUJ OS It wa.s recoimended to Council that the r. eccxaerendat.i.ons contained in Report P151-79 be adopted and that the applicant be advised that the Town of Newcastle will not be ivpresented at the O.M,B. Hearing and that the O.M.B. he also advised. G. Official Plait Aniendnxznt #79-,131!) (Sa.l_co Sand and GraveL It was rec mnended that Council advise the Region of Ih.urham that it is not; in favour of Official Plan Amendment application,.r 9-8/1) (Salc.o Squad and Gravel) 7, Ashton Sub -Division It, was recannended to Council Haat the recomienckWuns cont;0ncu_i in MI"M #PJ57-79 be adopted and LhaL the Ashton Ilan of Subdi_vi_sion AL;i:e(iicnt hey executed subject to the inclusion of a revised Schedule 9. N' 1 It Council. that the of' Lhc' 0xn1liLLec` of' Ad,ju:;Lnu-'uL dated July 25 1979 be approved as presented. 9. pole of Conservation Whor=i t It was recce;mended to Council that: the 110jxunendations conLain(A in Rt lx_)rt, pill -79 be aclopLed and that CUC be advi. rxl LIM i.he 'Town cif Newc:v;Llc• generally supports a review of the roles and njlnd;.lte and speci..f-ically, supports the preparation of a Watershed Manat"cumilt Progr lm and that the Ganaraska Conservation Authority be acl ed of the action taken relative to UW report. 1.0. Old Scu-,rol; Road It was reconmenAd to Council Ulat the contUi-i.ncd ill Rel"rt P1,15-79 be aclopted a.nd a 13y -!;"v he pt cis(,"n Lod LO C<-nuu: i 1. L() aum, d Lhe ljtr 1 i jt Lon Toni AY 1.1. Sub -Division .113'17,1067 I t was reccx;n nded to C )unc:il that, the rc<�.cx�mc�nda L ions contained n Rujx)r L pl.-16-79 be adopted a.iid that copies Ix, scnL to N1 C Blrs. G. l;t.rhrr, 1I1. llir,h Sti.OnL, 13 wjjt,nvi1_le and to Nil'. &. Mrs. W. Avreg" i-tt, 109 High SLrc(A,13(Av (nviIle, Ontario. 12, Rice Senior Citizens Canplc:N I t wa.—; recunnended to Council that the rcx_cxIMelldat ions contai ncd in Rclxort: 131,17-79 bc, adopted and Mr. HallI :Lton's letter be received [or inCoi»kati_on. 13. Cedar Park It was reccxrmended to Council that the reccxlnu�ndati_ons contained ill 11-1-50-79 11-1-50-79 be adopted and a 13y -L_ ,Lw be sulxnn tted to Ccnuic;i,l to amend By -Law 77-84. 1.4. Newcastle Senior Citizens Lodge It was reconmended to Council that the recomnenda.Lic>ns contained in Report P153-79 be adopted mid 1. That application for Rezonin Number 7�-A-3-LL-1 be approved. 2. That a By -Law be forwarded to Council for consideration. 3. That the one foot reserve abutting i;he suhjecL lands he retained until the applicant has entered into a scrvi_c. ng agree;gent with the Rer;ion of I)url��u» and a Devc�:iolxix�nt Agri-ecnx.nC �nLh the T(w;n of N(:_,�vastle, and that the applic�urt and. Re=l;i_on or I)urk,11n he so idv i sc•d ; and •1. That Council consider LN; reasihi.l i ty Of excsnpLint, Lh(i proposed devulopn�c;L ,,rcxn the provisions of? By-law 76--5h (lot dove l opmc.n L cha rg(c 15. O.ff ficial Plan l�7x.nc>tmmt ;20 It �,�.�; rcconnx�ndc�d to Council that, Lhc� i;�_•l,i��n he i<<luc�lcd to dr.fcr eons;idcratir�n c,f rdc�i dcta�:tcd Offc iial PI..u7 MiencillleiL ,`,20 until - Lhc T(_�k,n of N��a<<,•ist.lc 1�ns� 1'r�t�;�l. came nLs. l;� :;1�rx:Lfully r;ulxni LLed, inn Ch;l i