HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-05REPORT 4. Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: - The following is a report of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on July 5, 1979: 1. O.P.A. 79-6/D (Gabourie) It was recommended to Council that Report P-107-79 be received and the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle recommends that proposed amendment 79-6/D affecting part of Lot 35, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington be denied as premature. 2. Subdivision Number 18T-75362, part lots 18 and 19, Conc. 10, Darlington It was recommended to Council that application for plan of subdivision Number 18T-75362 be recommended to the Ministry of Housing for approval, subject to the revisions and conditions noted in Resolution #PD -305-79. 3. Salco Sand and Gravel Official Plan Amendment Application 79-8/D It was recommended to Council that a public meeting be held, relative to Salco Sand and Gravel O.P.A. 79-8/D, and representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Town of Newcastle Works Department and Durham Regional Works Department be invited to attend. 4. Application for Rezonin&part lot 10, Conc. 2, Bowmanville, Brooking It was recommended to Council that a public meeting be held on July 23, 1979, to receive comments with regard to Application for Rezoning, part lot 10, Concession 2, Bowmanville, Brooking and it be the first item on the Agenda and a draft by-law be prepared. 5. Windsweep Farms Ltd. Development Agreement It was recommended to Council that an amendment to the development agreement of July 16, 1974, between the Town of Newcastle and Windsweep Farms Ltd. be executed. 6. Rhonda Boulevard Extension It was recommended to Council that no extension to Rhonda Boulevard be considered until such time as the One -Fourth Developments Ltd., plan of subdivision 18T-76025 is approved and registered. 7. Application for Rezoning Z -A-1-4-4, (Preston) It was recommended to Council that Application Z -A-1-4-4, part of lot 21, Concession2 Darlington (Steward Preston) not be approved. 8. Town Policy for Obtaining Parkland It was recommended to Council that the Policy for Obtaining Parkland as a condition of approval of Plans of Subdivision as recommended in Report P-114-79 be forwarded to Council for adoption by by-law as Town Policy. (attached) REPORT 4 9. Terms of Reference for Financial Analysis and Development Strategy It was recommended to Council that the Terms of Reference for Financial Analysis and Development Strategy, contained in Report P-116-79 be endorsed and Council authorize a proposal call from the consulting firms listed in Resolution #PD -320-79 (attached). 10. Werry Subdivision Agreement It was recommended that the Werry Subdivision Agreement, Enniskillen as corrected, be executed by the Town and the necessary by-law be prepared for that purpose. 11. O.M.B. Hearing - McFadyen It was recommended to Council that the Town of Newcastle not be represented at the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing of an Appeal against a Decision of the Committee of Adjustment of the Town of Newcastle, Richard and Barbara McFadyen, and the Notice of Hearing be received for information. 12. Courtice Storm Water Management Stud It was recommended to Council that: 1. The Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority to fund 55% of the additional $15,000. required to undertake the Courtice Storm Water Management Study with terms of reference to include an analysis of water quality, and 2. As the Council of the Town of Newcastle recognizes that the adoption of a Storm Water Management Plan for Courtice is a prerequisite of further development approvals in Courtice, Town Council will not consider any development proposals in the Courtice Urban Envelope until such time as the Storm Water Management Study has been completed and a Storm Water Management Plan adopted. Further, Town Council will not consider any development proposals in the Courtice Urban Envelope until such time as a revised Courtice Urban Area Plan has been adopted by Council and only at such time as Neighbourhood Development Plans have been prepared and adopted for individual neighbourhoods within the Courtice Urban Envelope and 3. Council hereby advises the Ministry of Housing that upon adoption of a Storm Water Management Plan for Courtice that the Town may request revisions to the O.H.A.P. agreements covering the devleopment of lands in the Courtice Area, and 4. Council hereby advises Mr. R. Webb that an extension of the time period for registration of the Courtice Heights Subdivisions, Ministry of Housing Files 18T-76027 and 18T76048, to April 6, 1980 is agreeable to the Town on the understanding that at that time a further renegotiation of the subject subdivision agreements may be required. Respectfully submitted, Ann Cowman, Chairman.