HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-11REPORT NO. 2 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: - The following is a report of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, June 11, 1979: 1. Renewal Fees for Building and Demolition Permits It was recommended to Council that a -by-law, amending the building by-law 76-24, to provide for the renewal of building and demolition permits, at a flat rate, be forwarded to Council. See By-law 79-53 2. O.P.A. 77-13, Part lot 35, Concession 2, former Darlington (Whiting) It was recommended to Council that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town will consider Official Plan Amendment Application, 77-13 further at such time as a Regional Official Plan has been approved as it applies to Courtice, upon completion of the Courtice Urban Area Plan and on completion of the 'Special Commercial Study', as included within the proposed Courtice Urban Area Plan. 3. Town of Newcastle Interim District Plan It was recommended to Council that they pass a by-law repealing by-law 75-32 of the Town of Newcastle, being a by-law to adopt the 'Interim District Plan for the Town of Newcastle. See By-law 79-54 4. By-law 34-79 - Township of Scugog /34 - It was recommended to Council that by-law 79 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. 5. Maintenance and Occupancy By-law It was recommended to Councilthat they reconfirm the resolution of the Finance and Administration Committee that Council take the necessary action to have a Maintenance and Occupancy by-law prepared and Staff be directed to bring forward a Draft by-law which they feel would be suitable to this Municipality, taking into account the concerns expressed, as soon as possible. 6. O.P.A. - Highland Park Developments It was recommended to Council that the letter from Mrs. C. Gravely, M.C.I.P. dated May 1, 1979 regarding Regional Official Plan Amendment Application for Highland Park Developments Limited, be received and filed. 7. Davis Webb re Courtice Urban Area Plan It was recommended to Council that the letter from Davis, Webb, Barristers and Solicitors, in respect of the Courtice Urban Area Plan be received for information. 8. Sec. 3 and 16.10 - Durham Official Plan It was recommended to Council that the letter from the Ministry of Housing, addressed to the Regional Clerk and dated May 11, 1979, regarding Sections 3 and 16.10 of the Durham Regional Official Plan, be received for information. - 2 - 9. Mapping Assistance Ministry of Natural Resources It was recommended to Council that the Planning Department be authorized on behalf of the Town to request the Surveyor General for the Ministry of Natural Resources to assign a high priority to the mapping of the Bowmanville and Courtice Urban Areas of the Town of Newcastle as part of their current metric mapping program for the Durham area and Staff be further requested to investigate the comparative costs of obtaining mapping through the subject program. 10. O.M.B. Hearing (Stapleton) It was recommended to Council that Planning Staff and the Town Solicitor be authorized to attend the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing of the Committee of Adjustment Applications A2/79 and A3/79 in support of the Committee of Adjustment's decision and the Solicitor be authorized to call such witnesses as may be required to support the Town's position. 11. Application for Rezoning Z -A-1-3-3 - J. Rekker It was recommended that application for rezoning Z -A-1-3-3, part lot 18, Concession 3, former Darlington, J. Rekker, be approved and the rezoning by-law be forwarded to Council. See By-law 79-55. 12. Application of the Ontario Building Code to Heritage Buildings It was recommended to Council that the following resolution be adopted: 'The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is concerned that the strict application of the Ontario Building Code to heritage buildings might seriously affect their appearance and even their existence and that this Council supports the recommendations of the Canadian Building Officials Association and the Ontario Building Officials Association with respect to heritage buildings and the changes which would be required in the Ontario Building Code to accommodate these and further that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, the Ministry of Culture and Recreation and the Secretary of the Ontario Building Officials Association'. 13. Restricted Area By-law 78-117 - (Henderson) It was recommended to Council that Restricted Area by-law 78-117, amending Restricted Area By-law 2111 of the former Township of Darlington, to permit a single family dwelling and butcher shop on Part of Lot 18, Concession 7, within the Hamlet of Enniskillen, be considered in light of the objections filed. 14. O.M.B. Hearing against decision of the Land Division Committee - Hills It was recommended to Council that, relative to an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing of an appeal against a decision of the Durham Land Division Committee - Ralph and Judy Hills: 1) the Town of Newcastle not be represented at the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing of the subject appeal and that the Region of Durham be so advised; and - 3 - 14. (Continued) 2) Staff be authorized to submit a letter to the Ontario Municipal Board requesting the imposition of the appropriate lot development charges, in accordance with the provisions of by-law 78-58, if the appeal is upheld. 15. Rezoning Application Z -A-1-12-1, Scugog St. Hampton, Urbanowicz It was recommended to Council : 1) That application for rezoning Number Z -A-1-12-1 be approved. 2) That by-law 79-56 be forwarded to Council for consideration. 3) That all previous actions of Council in respect of this application be rescinded. 4) That approval of the by-law be condidional on the payment of $600. local and $300. Regional lot levy charges, as per Report 185, dated January 12, 1976. 16. Referral to O.M.B. R-51, Tomina It was recommended to Council that Mr. Tomina may withdraw his objection to the Durham Regional Official Plan and proceed with an Official Plan Amendment Application. The Official Plan Amendment Application may request an exemption from the provisions of the 'Open Space' designation in the Regional Official Plan. The Town of Newcastle may support the Official Plan Amendment Application and comment to the Region to that effect. 17. By-law 40-79 - Township of Scugog It was recommended to Council that By-law 40-79 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. 18. Application for Subdivision 18T-77-123- Rills of Libertv North It was recommended to Council that the application for Subdivision 18T-77123, Rills of Liberty North, part of lot 11, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington be recommended to the Minister of Housing for approval subject to the revisions and conditions as contained in Report P-100-79. (See Resolution #PD -281-79). 19. O.M.B. Referral R-53 S.B.Shah It was recommended to Council that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle supports the proposed 'Hazard Land' and 'Permanent Agricultural Reserve' designations on the lands subject to R-53; and Mr. D. Sims, Town Solicitor, advise the Ontario Municipal Board of the Town's position. - 4 - 20. O.M.B. Referral - Chicoyne R-67 It was recommended to Council that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle supports the 'Permanent Agricultural Reserve' designation on the subject site R-67, and Mr. D. Sims, Town Solicitor, be advised of the Town's position relative to this matter so that he may take appropriate action to inform the Ontario Municipal Board. 21 Separation 3 lots, Lot 8, Concession 1, Newtonville It was recommended to Council that the Director of Planning advise the Land Division Committee that the Town has no objection to the creation of three lots, part of lot 18, Concession 1, former TownEhip of Clarke, Hamlet of Newtonville. Respectfully submitted, Ann Cowman Chairman