HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-19 (2) Not a duplicateREPORT NO. 2 Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: - The following is a report of the Planning and Development Meeting held on March 19, 1979 in the Bell Building Committee Room. 1. Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre It was recommended to Council that the proposal by the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre to establish a Recreation Centre on part of lots 17, 18 and 19, Conc. 5 former Township of Clarke be given approval in principle subject to support of necessary public hearings and involvement and the Director of Planning and Development was authorized to process this application as quickly as possible and bring a report back to Council. 2. T. Huzar - Subdivision 18T76021, part of lot 28, Conc. 1 Village of Newcastle It was recommended to Council that they approve of the realignment of the road in Subdivision 18T76021, part lot 28, Conc. 1, former Village of Newcastle, as presented. 3. Objections to By-law 79-7 (Papanikolopoulos) It was recommended to Council that the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the Town of Newcastle has considered the objections submitted to By-law 79-7 and that the issues raised by the residents can be resolved through proper site design and the provisions of the Development Agreement between the Developer and the Town of Newcastle. 4. City of Oshawa By-laws 4-79 and 30-79 It was recommended to Council that City of Oshawa By-laws 4-79 and 30-79 be received for information. 5. Procedure for Processing Plans of Subdivisions and Condominium It was recommended to Council that the correspondence from the Region of Durham, dated February 13, 1979, relative to the Procedure for processing Plans of Subdivision and Condominium be received for information. 6. O.M.B. Hearing re By-law 78-60 (Stephenson) It was recommended to Council that Staff and the Town Solicitor be authorized to attend the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing in support of By-law 78-60 (Stephenson Salvage Yard) on April 12th, 1979. 7. Village of Newcastle Zoning By-law 73-15 It was recommended to Council that the Town Clerk be requested to submit by-law 73-15 of the former Village of Newcastle to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval together with all amendments thereto which have been approved to date by Council, and all relevant support material; and the Staff be authorized to obtain the assistance of the solicitor in this regard if and when such assistance is deemed necessary. REPORT NO. 2 8. Zoning By-law amendment pt lots 29 and 30, Newcastle Village (Milani) I t was recommended to Council that the recommendation in Report P-8-79 be lifted from the table and approved and the attached by-law be forwarded to Council for approval. (See By-law 79-24). 9. O.P.A. Amendment Procedure Application Fees It was recommended to Council that the letter from the Region of Durham, Clerk's Department, dated March 2, 1979, relative to Official Plan Amendment Procedure - Application Fees, be received for information. 10. Preparation of District Plans It was recommended to Council that the letter from the Region of Durham, Clerk's Department, dated March 2, 1979 relative to Preparation of District Plans, be received for information. 11. Subdivision 18T24002 It was recommended to Council that the Minister of Housing be advised that the Town of Newcastle approves of the proposed revision to Draft approved Plan of Subdivision Number 18T24002, as shown on the Plan drafted by M. D. Brown, O.L.S. and dsted January 12, 1979. 12. Development Strategy Growth Management Program It was recommended that the Terms of Reference re Development Strategy Growth Management Program as in Report TM -33-79, dated March 10, 1979, be endorsed and proposals be invited from Consultants to develop such a plan and that, in the Terms of Reference, electric utilities be included in 'consideration of costs of future development'. 13. Liability of Building Officials It was recommended that the Town Manager's Report TM -31-79, dated March 10, 1979 relative to Liability of Building Officials, be received for information. 14. Bowmanville to Whitbv Bus Service It was recommended to Council that T.A.T.O.A. be advised that the Town of Newcastle favours Option 2 of the proposed Bowmanville to Whitby service and that this service be implemented as soon as possible with ridership being monitored annually to permit re -assessment of the options, in light of expected changes to user preference related to Commercial activity within Newcastle. Planning and Development Committee - 3 - REPORT No. 2 15. O.M.B. Hearing re Pythagorus Group It was recommended to Council: 1) That Planning Staff or the Town Clerk be directed to request the Ontario Municipal Board to defer the subject Hearing sine die, to be rescheduled at the mutual request of the municipality and the applicants affected and that 2) The Ontario Municipal Board be further requested to hear all three Commercial applications, Bowbrook, Pythagorus and the Bowmanville Mall, at one hearing and that 3) All concerned parties be notified of the resultant response to this request. 16. Special Study Area 11 It was recommended to Council that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle prefers either a 'Deferred Industrial' or 'Dry Industrial' designation for Special Study Area 11 and for those lands North of Highway 401, west of the north -south Hydro Corridor from Darlington and east of the existing Industrial designation as outlined on the attached map. 17. O.M.B. Decision re McEvoy and Cooper It was recommended to Council that relative to the Ontario Municipal Board Decision in the matter of an Appeal by Messrs. McEvoy and Cooper against a decision of the Town of Newcastle Committee of Adjustment, the Planning Department be authorized to obtain a legal opinion regarding the issues raised in Report #6 to the Council meeting of February 23, 1979, and pending results of this legal opinion from the solicitor, staff be authorized to submit an appeal to the Ontario Cabinet against this decision of the Ontario Municipal Board in the name of the Town of Newcastle. 18. Marnie Industrial Park Agreement It was recommended to Council that the Town Manager's report TM -35-79 relative to Marnie Industrial Park Agreement be adopted. (Agreement as amended to be forwarded to Council). Respectfully submitted Keith D. Barr Vice -Chairman SPECIAL STUDY AttEA 1% 00 CHANGE FROM OPEN SPACE TO INDUSTIkkki- J J