HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-05-79CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT L.L.KRISTOP,M.C.I.P.,DIrector HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL. (416) 263-2231 TO: Mayor and 'Members of Council MPORT 110- 5 DM. February 21p 1979 MWEC'Tz B=keton Station Hamlet Development Flan Comments • � .�...�._....,�._.�• Pu thew to the Planning Committee Chaixin n's request fox an addendum to the above noted plan dealing with fire protection, we have met with Mr. J. Hay -man, Fire Chief, and have agreed on certain requirements for fixe pxoteotion within hamlets. These requirements can be included withim the Hamlet Develop- ment Flan by a simple resolution of Council and no delay in adopting the plan. ` We therefore recommend the follov4ng; 1, That Council adopt the Hamlet I avolopaent Pian for Backeton Station as recammanded by the Planning Committee; and that 2. Council pass a resolution amendimg Section 3.2.3 of the B=keton Station Hamlet Development Flan by the addition of `the following subsection; u " 3.2.3 (iii) prerequisite to further development ocouring within the limits of the Hamlet Develolmeat Plan Area, 2 I L I Jr I j an adequate water storage .for fire fighting purposes, IoEr shoal be provided. This shall be a000mplished by the provision of resevoirs under the terms of subdivision i agreements or through oash eontributions in the ome of consents. These reeavoixe shall be provided on the I basis of one for every saventy—five dwollitg units or less, and shall have a minim= oapaoity of 50,00k litre, in a000rdanoe'; with the 1 i.cipality's specifications"; anal. that 3. 001moil direct Planning staff to ha;va an Engineering fi-= prepare s standAxa design mid spaoifications fax Sire fighting roseroirs to he adopted as this Mbni:o pality's standard. 9espeotfully submitted, T Elie L. T ristof, M. ( Director of Plamng �