HomeMy WebLinkAbout634 -_._.,,.-_--.-rwx:+ezez.n- :- •..":.3-ar',x-'v',... .c}„ :.,t ".. ., :. .. .. 'yam. s i,:i. .` :'• '.Fr h' �Tg� *,i'.�5�� 'ra' � ^wF'^w. u�kh_.-x�_.:., ,_ dy n. , r . ., - .,., . . . y 4. ,ts y ,:a� )r ,F,'"'"',T�• ..:M� ..;. t t ., ...:` .U,x *r s- �4 s ,.. .. , ,t.._ .+.... ,,.,. .,E • ,.., ,� ?1.,,... s .:., s. .,, ,.. _. 3'./. S_ -it i> r, r7, . _ 1 , . �.,.1.; __... , , .�• a.. _ ,..L-_ 6 ,'.., .-:.N- 5.,_; ..-Jot . '.t- *•. s♦ , unoft - , ►tat - . ock on hand will chin thr, of -"` , the Bret ply- at ur „ai•ntlo is' yro�d vat — . oft for �.Ra;7..+© each, `'• 3 i• of ►or�ti ot,� icii►al C�u+►cit.of the C 1 +► be tak ,• I'�,i('►t said G 1 � da . r►f Decctitl►nr, 1!►nY, and rase of the C„tn ,aft it ca . )U►•(ItlO►2 Of tot I al►Ir can the brat 1 ,,, Dec. hercaftcf for flit l�nri� a w�,ikinyjr ca ital, but i =law of the Cori lease , ► nc Pc'P- c►thk'r ,it laa►tnc' o+, +•:t+•1+ tat d:a� f '•^-�-- )ro Cantu n.c tart of tot }, � � pddporporwlion bf the town Of $owo►ws• O CD►t It►'►►t iZ► .! • �: 1;rll whic•t, said dc,beu' i ail the said value he fixed for the hu ' �' + Botu�►ta►l'-villa t rt►htch tt eh�ll be eft on a ;•O , . 1f►l►ti- Lu :�,►ci iuclttctint, the. a tr , no ca a tjh , than •.�•t)(1t►•. ttttltid OO�PuO7 �e f � yi the - the amp►ant of acid loan error at mu e : interest at the ,vets of foul l!r ” , •n ,. •• , •LM basrta6 there rhsN'be no obtiRet;ons or Ville slay terminate the irl'th twke pollee' � ' + gent e'►ltc red i�1to l,(.t►;' _ � lures wits ra l,r e.at t b'!. ubliehsd that � the'' Tn�t•►t Df , � 1+ intC••egt ;,(idPll A9 ShOwll In schedule A poaetr 1 payable earl 00 dwr notice and will forth or �orRtin►t of , wit (d.) That the said Co tier{�y' shall er iiatowl ittv 3311r-L ,..,.... pelt Dent. r+onam and pays 1 t liabilities of the raid iJampanl• t it- al C � . , J,i►ttn►t; v this t►v 'law. a ee furthH ith There � �O• the won per h l t r � � d dwy of July In each year. It rhwll be open to the Mtmiaipwt OOw►- don ++f and keep the reoodty' it liar 6tvsn ' P, and, (•,!©��t 1 lawful for the {►�ur- R ruaeeute ity awl t,u�tUa s,rirlpl a►tt2ll Ile la • lions to � {f) , rat r m .► 1 ' sai d Debentures se to principal wmanville to waive this to it in t4is sub-t►eation.referred to. wad it i .�Bott n, lct►tcls u�tcl l,►tilcl , lt-, It aiaAll an i 'tY �!. The i OI" tit •,,, i, f,►r rile Mayor►tr of tile said Cor• °i,1eC for the Bret year of its term continuously ctl of the fovea of Bo _ 1't(l t0 )i2y .f p)• i ►ua�•►+ a(c,r c. x. i r i • nd n*re.0 113' or w„rl;me►a, for the interest, shall be payable at the office of the , Q former c,trr a ►. Hies � •' a of the agreement, in so Ewe that. if within fi0 days thereof the said t7omp�oy . 1 . r of to the said Corporwtion of the t; . , , 1►��rc'o►t 2i►ulnr f't�1' }►o :atiuu to 1►urr+,w the autn of r. 'r not less'than 25*1necha s c t t c te(1 t � ', t. r e rate of, tau tae t'por'a Treaeursr of the said Iowa of Bawmanville. portion-2'12 tt t ,�itlit , thereon at tot econd ea,rofltatermnutlesathana+i++►erh:►Hies '$ •�,tp p� flit Ct,O troll. 0� the Tolt»'t 9 h iii , sci►►tt ►t 1 to I,at iutereat, c c c ten�del)entureaof- s Y red to the' third and subiecluent y rch�e land and - 5, It shall and may be lawful for the Ma• the Bald wbloh is the opialon of albs Ddanlir- town of gowtnaaville the asid enm of.$'5000 B •last cz►lcl i l se. t*�� j'!te ' ' ' , 'r alillltttn ai+d t0 i:3At1 •� , U lt(i tuatara IK each 'the prat , ,.)t' 1'rorkme)t. a p� $Otumaritnite t0 c tc cl t � =t►1i1 4:► term not leer than 35 mcchantcs or �, � 81,t><tAble rot the said Municipality, and he le here- in hnr►d► of the.tuan of Boet►msaville is as liquidated dams�s �rhea oaiagfwlth i and t�')►t'�t c���,►t),l ears of its , - . . (-.,U►►t r�r►►tl,. the said Cc�r,i,c,r:ati�►n for`►f eccmbc.r, I.Nt;,., and y and said tnechanic•s or wc+rkmen �� ply- same butldtngs ci t Council loan of �Pi000 se , t j•uuucl►',y ,• al►li� .►n tot., hr9t day ear workmen. cers (,f the Cum authorized and inttreeted, to sign and is- l?w ► $Oh ))tcutat'tll , �•u►• i •►J ►:► nt,ir. in c,tch y distil, •lashed from utR vwlae Eor the paspoee of the C��mpwny. {. .��• titO(�X1•ll� J • uth.•r of a un, i •> 1►er sht►11 be t, p9” a FO1271,f�1"y ariCZ.lR,Q�Se sa'frie 'U1�1C>f'b y s v tell �• a � .0++c- f llecem .. hereot, and shalt pay to t tttae rdd debentueea hereby authorized to be R00d `';`•, �. t o a t .� otitradr re. it can' be taken pro taeto as part of,, the veil interest whi may have woeraed to L�t►t t tc(1 c1 nd �' � yment. .� said plant and Property • ►►(rd � thereafier ir►eluci'I,nl.• the, brat dad rc' ►rc•sc,nt the, pa�+y and manaRer'wcirkmen an, avc►aa:e wage •. erected � �'�.Bowrrutntntle 1/ • ,os(•ti.►►tc'►tt rrt i .• c•li said deLrutttrra ��it f said mecha+iic d )r ;Ell run its to assist the ��' and interest coupons attached the worhiIIR cspit� hUt�IIo Care ,hall the raid ps► tit( jIi[l) _ 1.►li, hi with interest ad' as IitNnttCd� Q11d ., + u less ttlatt >?1.4U per(lay, :clad atI (;�, ray,' to and to cease the same and the velnebefixedfor the Purposes at more shalt be forfeited to and become therrheo ate c►i n t id mecnantcs or wot•k- �' to to property of the Corporation the toga;oft ': atu•,ttr,t ►'►f tt:aial ,1 at • t: i uie•i ►ai �►ct; a•.chedule ti to this teres c+. said 1►ut,ineas em ,1 ►y art I 10 000 f Or the interest coupons attnehed there 000 � but it shah be optional w a • , i,ce ,►f'th�. flu 1 ehu�ru its at :► ►es durinh►the term of its (�pmpany Aa13d � raise �•. , ,•r+drnt•ut�a all 1►e t►a�:male en and {,ay salt! w ►. la be signed by the Treasurer of the tlurtd than S2, e,Prowntrille. i 1t lta , . .,�,A. a,+d the, :ctrl • Tie raid. dcl►entureg sot m t' •►7 Chal,tcr .,, •=•n �'• l • y;►id Taw►•tt of Ince�.tor trot Ices than t75 days it, each ,Rt•ppgps mentioned. l wad the Uletrk of the raid Ddu• t81 The said The $owmwnviAa Foundry the Oorporation of the town of Boamanvilie' . g S• tl., iR. t:r tilt• ^+nec�•�+nc t e , uPflcc elf thc�. Tr4asutcr ,f the eaid'1►u9 p Ddunioipwl , the y Limited. shall thereupon 'enter twke the abeotnt3 ownc>rahip on the pro- theretn :►„!i i►artl�u ,t C, 3:t M the S. 11 Iltee .lie,• ye,,tr., g$g�s$ in patbasuce of The Mani alit is hereby aathoeized sad in- Oompa►a . ' tee ti��n .► at C'lt !1, +, ,,f iio�t n+a++�t or m ,an sot �l ag+'cue;t a manse ttilClp y proceed tinder the seenrititas to raseonte its raid pe y , tan+e_d tit e.;►r of the. +ri- � � •tu► fur the May ,g, The's:tid Co i Y, yy p rt or p a'•i • • �• l► lawful •• � month al A K,S.O. 18$7 Ohapter 2�, steaettjd to wtte+ch the seal of !►tie said Ddtsnt- into active .o erstionr top , rote •►riu �aB?►� din ►• r d Y „,alit:► i �•t i-I. It shall a++�l tn.►y a author- ( ); • t it will within tcticlvc, w rip Ct, .,;.. +.x�f Ua.t t • . ,►►•ia.tl+..C ►rl c he is herc,bJ.uu aforesaid that bnsineee, employisiq not Irlse than 36 meeban-. realize the amount owing Hader same. /ttracte to the eatd debentaeer the town, of . :,'�,-t v (Z„ern �'tc t t vend the'ametodmentr thereto, and patties- n -' Hcr M 7 .. .•nt.•re,l int•�:eta !the stud (�urt,orAtiort .trr i, ►,al issue said caimtnruct, g �� Mi'ati�nls Instal in sal The Corporation of • IuLU�•ili��h•+v , ! ut•ted to ait,n n sitar • value o a ? ut+•., ut !3 ��.i •� ed and Tonal tnac,l)tnc.ry to tl►c. tot .. . . i nt�►+►. '•►f tilt. izc•d a,,d t+�e r ,a t.e r su s addit lael the.wtIIendtmeat eonttlitned iII seotton 9 6, There tehwlt be ttatsed and levied tD tt►ach [cs or workmen which arechwoica oe.wor man tl iUe (.,• ,,r.r N L a ► :lath ar tze.d t 1►uildt R � iv+tlr „ „•911,,,et ,. „ ) a•lrtclr Khali be paid fur,eau Y � the Statutes o1 Untasio b e iwi sate oa-atl the rateable•propT shall fie dtetitnfKaiebed from officers of the �Wmanvitie tIl•all exempt from taxation :iKrce.ni. „t • . b�• tile.-Tt ua urer ,, � , IePa than'$2.:atx the tr,i,u,,t;v , .,f' i►ur.h ar Ilel,rn.0 Y atLne,d nc t ward :trld dc. of chapter 3. Of year. y pea 6r to taxes for' ' f l,lar.tc� to �,,i aC lhC aAi110 l0'.IM • ,P'►i +►► v ,r he :, t call .� � .r �i►f the flier thin Lh�,ac. me,nti . rd earof the reign of See tlle'er►Id Company, @ZCep�► to�c ► I , . ,► thin li 1 a .. ad tot, l,tc, k of n, ►+,eyN o ,•a•r t �,t .ar t, -law. creed in the 6`i y arty of the said.muaioipality a enm of$73tS.82 Oompany. Managers oe OveraA@rr there► , j' , ,,r, suh� . , .,, ,. ,, Q. Id (,ur ►ornti ,► r •t tilt+ Y p ' ''oE the the •several instal• sod shall pay to the said mechanics or work” a for a term eE ten yeatt'e. rnauttf:►a t+rr a ,i;+l,he d to c t of tit .t 1 . . .• •t�•r4 aiul� t here�l►r aut1)uriz�•d and t.rihed Ill sul►•Ne(,tt a O 'yet Queen Victoria, the Oonaetl to be awd �iu dieeht►rRing sohoot parpoae , • by the. e1 c .,� ., I1e, ,,,. ,oratiu+t is , �aidl.In�(•n sllal Ddwl y ,i i ► ,r �•+i „cr ►+, e t 1 said C . t said (,url►ur- � 'au 'uud he the voted of the gttslifiPd electors. of. sit a n i►+ n►.au 1 . sriat of the a said Y manvlile have entered into sn 9 i , •whi to 'atttu•h the, !. Tile uint a,+ town of Bow meats of principal and interest terscaintl due men an shall, wage of not jells, X1.40 , I therciln '•f tot► c 'Cor ►��t•atr�n..nt U,i I inst,ucic.at to ( ) t•-• � .the said town of govmmsuvitle shalt be taken, hc', sal 1 I eLeutur�e• give to the said (;ot•pc,ratiou their �, to " hone Ohristatn Redder of the • a•herei►y t • in ►e i to said d R said �►,n+ ►nn dement with on the asid debt ae the ewme 1�e1'ome trespeo per day, aw•i shall ran its said bnemess em- re'vieioas of 1)y ta„ 1 au►•►n nth, r tot f, atiutl t � � slut R ; d levied.in , eUVenanta t,itrdinu the 1 ,Ag oocd;<n . to the rahedale to ployiuR said mechanics or workmen and pry `°on Chile byie+w pnttausnt to the p wn c)f itov►man�i�l of crec�ttutl , ere sh111 be raised an several r Id Linton and his per To a• in tour�e i II, Th rateable rs and the a tot�ra of Thorald in the Conaty of " elland, ively payable ac g,,, the dtstateA in that behalf at the foltowtuir - c'the Luildinks u� vi�i�m ►ecial rate on all the !its suceesso , or some of tl►e said wages daeitsR the term Of,its asid bu9i- co�nt,lct, o Church and I)i catch vest i►y gl uttt of c tatives hat they .•manofaotarer (sabj�ct to this by-law' bainR this by-law• , . westcornurf (.�►r n,r.ation a s foe the Wert Ward .. he Q+utth ;c ace wired ;• „t the said l None repree n ualifted to plaices that is to aay:- �� out t I; ,wmt►.uvtl l I ,rc►iu:+ty • the several • •n u { in well and truly pay to the enid '(.ot•porati° a '� twoved o� by the electors duly q 7. This 8y-law shall take"effect �oa the Hers for not leer thorn 275 days in each year• i Iu tht..Tuvl , Her h .. ,,. , Aed iu dterharr, t, will t►•► the said rent re pp � � at the Police Office;foe the North Ward at ' Street . visions of,s tc rr ,Y �g,,,,.q► t,o,, be a ebt created successors or ueKtK arson'bE the raid town of Bowvman- under the pro •, • c to un sale, d or to its ca and in vote !h first$a9 of Augaet 180E (h) The said 0ocpoeatlo n of the town' of d bu►►t and •• ,o��a-r ►Is►t+t. es ;tc•cruin►, it the Drill Shed; for the South Warrd at the } an me v►tfh :► t 1 dt ha afar urge become • sit;.4s on the day's and rim reeoector b low) Whereby Bowmanville, thromtgh its Municipal Coan will ec will ra hail ie h •law as tl►c, s �, serve coon +► of this Tile in manlier p y 8. It,is hereby declared and enacted that + i law :and 1 rr ;,�NNt an 1,s e r e•lau. e 3 ut tot Y ate � •sled in sub sect O v Ia ►► schedule dlc. + � n of Boa- subject to the follow- Fire HAII• in the said wards on the eleventh • rat t•► .•ca>;t not Ices tl $ .►wrluui u d r.► •ab11e a�•cordinR to Bcl the manl+er In , aid )la lie D ,• i�•.•lv J , � the said Oorpaeatton of the tow th,1e Bylaw in Peered 7 ell on being stiltieffed that all the obligations day of July the. year, of orate Lord :1901; . a t ;relniges ait�! pl:uat t,T . rte .e t � ass said t d n r��r , ►ration (• , his b •�a w ('!by taw' for the Cor ville shall acquire certain ,dal estate 'in Tag st{putationr .sad eondttions, and on the wad •gtreeanents mentioned Hader nab-seu- le ;t„ -Luntte l p t , t J in +a ac►sn m Y levied 'and ma he la�'ful ' r at- fittons°t thereof the stud oas b a d, a and f hereof,. and said from,nine" o'clock in the .forenoon to. five ' villa P•ouudry L ► 1 ,,, .e H. Linton on ' •d and Ievl id G1� rt, There s1ia1't be rata! (a ) ,IL !hall t�,the said,Company that at the of BeamanviUe hereins►fte P eefoemanee end fat ti iti , ed h the Ba aforesaid � III. , all trac rateable lion to agree with be handed Duerr to the raid o clock in the afternoon, and that the follow-. ` to be form Y , ell t►y the .afar „ At,hc•!al rate or pot's teD care of the term ,rise to, .wad bract baildiogr debentures ehaU Oompan has. se de�eeibed is cab-section.. w• Leta;- ,approved ,. each yuar t,y lion "a auto of , . h in ,ulctl. • •r Cor )oru thu expiration of ttie'tiret Y tieulwrly red • � eratione, sad is ioR persons ehlrll he* returning officer for this y ►) the said C° K•rty of .the sai ! 1 ►aid tt►e,ten y.eare payments of and.passed y prof ui the several after it lanB t ho theeeoa ar hereinafter destsribed, the total ibe 13owananville 9'oaadry Ody Limited'• ,R, hereof. oommeneed op oiling pittwee:-- � eleetore t 1 ., said 'Cor- ',�. he used.,tn disc h.►rK R and om ,an , shall be t cru•tt ut the, e;1G.45 t., 1 created, the said C l Y employing the number of meehAnieg or taking the •�otee at the said p . •is it, the oat , . r n thesai►t de ►t rent of ;616.45 d h , the cost of amid lend and buildings not to exceed (al That Christian R,e►hder has before the for the i And ��hetu• uutwlthstau i r,.s:ac.•ruingdueo for the West Ward John Lyle, A d adviyal►lc, Itul►euiar w as ltae sabre to owner of the t,lant installs Y tweia3 hereof neared tO be executed and de- ,workmen referred to, pa rag the Average rn► it is deut'ie •.lu.v. ��►. � • � of this by lu a,bsolu d butt►re eaie�Com- x'5000. irud shalt levee earns to The Bowman: p to will 1 North; Ward R�hert McDoutxatl, for the horuti cow liti•�ns ►at t►J wader e•lau.► 4 according to own to the said n►s :►��d t • , c + ►n able tsald Corli ratlon as for oundr Company. Limited, a eorpotr livered to the Kunio of the town of wages refereed , to •the.. te.r, , ��•nu►�:vrll.. HI t .�►ir),. r,-.t►a•1•tively 1 Y Inton shall have uo right or ' Ville F � � �,•ri <►f 13, � bee �thc said L Chrietaia mart age reeuetty on thw , which. shall ba , oath Ward R W. $cobell; that the eighth .►t the• sand Tu of the natal ; • to tills by-law. parry or it t1►ereUl until the tta4 . ii1 C until uc•h.•dulc l scion to be formed by the raid n- lsuwmanville w tt Oompanythe saoti of $°5000 g he :1lu+iic tl . -. cA'act on title tc,same ur' any eclu Y ,rooted se to.rePayonent se deaerih�'+d in, the i ,�►i zc d t tt•., n►+►uu� y � , , ►tall take ► manta of �GiG.45 each ,day of July in the year of our Lord„]90 e, . Ruth l Ville ,to rai►re X. . i 1, s l►�-laty s of the said ten !aY Redder wad shalt aid the"id The B°wma plant sad pro arty with which the said • of tio'wtna" � c t►ulldiur;s I I-� , , : ►t. whole d b the Compatn Rtihe�er is cow opeeatiag hisbasi- twelve o'clock noon eli.er�• be the riay sad i? towat a ,r,a ►ert,r a+, t „t I►c.eemht r,l N f rtesa arc fully psi Y Limited, by snb-sestina lmmedititely following this cab- )a f�)r,tl► 1 1 ud►•r the ti rat day b way o yy sedr t 1 Y • •d f ,r a •red that Y and in case thl;lease, !s Ville Foundry• Coto4hlluy+ terms herein- Vhrietian nufaetaree in and +boat '1'hot*- eeotioa,`and said loan ehwtl l►e revayabie its +dour, vend the.Councii Chea4bec in� the 'sao arcs y the should hr. I►.0 or shall o that Y .,, 't ail c is, her��i►y ,dee•I:tred and enae to the euid,Corporation, of Bub section ' : loaning to them $5W on the t; area we w mw referred t ,ur ,,s, a the r.. t I �• I t► set to the following ►der the provlsionB all and' every tottin the p where the DIIay . and for the { I •,,,+•„ - vt• is ►:tssul su S terminated ur n years of old, which shali be'signed by five squat wnnnal euteaeeeive inetalmnute of loon, arsons to attend.- at the this d, Ir►��. .►r n,r:trial, �� fire 7 this► by lu /; 1 �•onditiu,l9 and on,the perform° this b "law Within th.. first to Y rent r►fter*sd1: oat. arty the said object, p ahead to appoint, p •real►r for tot „t .g IN„ )UlAtt�a�►a atilt o the (h)of Y e b way ot• re d whereas �0 carry 1 pNreon llsvinlK way iateeeat hi eatd [ant and �}000 in each yeas f01t five years, the first for the fiRs,flum(ni, be nee Y t►e said tlum . Bttt •of the eau! leave t ,► r:,�ise t ut the,rc. term an paytnCltts mad y AD vat►triof polling places uwrilauvill' t . , of tt.r lour= i ante and ful$lnre , the t e Y he he swirl the shall covide Eor payment y payment to be mAde in sin years from the he Clack on behalf Of l of R ou$ in resp�et le Foundry QumPADYXltn• t the to the Compauy any riglrt tot into dff�%t it ie'necessary Eor t u property, and p P tip of the votes y !S cat the oLliQatl +tructi��iI o shall no R to m he eon said 1'hc tiuwmaptrw'I s uudetatODd t�iat to entitle the ttpn of the town of Bpyvmanville t the asid r7orporatlonof the town of K�wmaa• date of the wdvanee, and said loan shat ' roauotin d on he rol)erty t►ud t ,r, . f hail be l,rauted• said plant It t ase.ot t p n flier eu rte d, s o and property in paid Qorpocr► ► of 5000 to be reooveeed se liquttdated the pe cot he t► •ill ills t one arrauountina to $1>r 000 in bast interest at the rate of four per cent. crone interested in p B.thereou and t ldin at►t re' said Gcort:e H•' Liatoli a C mpauy b, the t the said Company setae the!raid sa Ville sppeOVing the parsing of this by-law an the anti R �,, sea of the, i)l a, That Thu . aw take r rl tits therein the ext - ( ) of this by t rat or. ar y R herein _� - rmer hdceinafter mentioned. dauQ>ap{es is �eaase the said Christian Redder per annum. paywble 'ennastty oa the sani- ,Otlt)to drfrt4V ,et ,r, (KN) to he rata, �i c hwith after tt►e uns•inR pia the ma ' -- t menttonu forthwith behalf of the persona interested in opposin ire fire • tice�easary to procure a shall pettc•rm 1►►1. it+ obligation as wherpae it Will be trequleito to raise dose not every oat hill wgeeemeat wife,flier vereary of the date of the.advance of thA 4 ferred to, t dehent,ur-( laid the I.h•t bush Btel►s its may bu And the passing of this by law. .. Year term c 11,atttriu Joltrt Stock Com• specified for a term of ten years. same in each .year snapeptiyely Corporation of. the town.of 13owmaovlU said loan on rash.ram wt* shall from tlma to on twenty y 'lrentures. .barter udder 1 h anville' n manner aforesaid the several 10. That the Eon><teenth day of�►.Tock in 000 on Len year terra tic to ,sire the et iucorpurutiriR ,Tl►ci Buwm h, It ehatt,be agreed t r referred drone eeunsia unpr►id- i _•►� be rr ulBito nanici A Cor1roratiou ( ) within tau rare lrom the set forth is the eahedale to thin by-law. shalt have oonrttaeted the bnildin3s where; it will 9 a set Limited, as a i at any time vvi h the rateable coperty i a lI I r8 re n t The raid The Bnwmanvtlle Foundry `the year of our Lord 1301 wt ten o cloak in And year re:zl►eutively, li•uundry Comps 1 y �(1 each Y )lace of 1►uslueaB in thwt 1 1etga.to the said Compat y And the Whole p .. n y [d � he lien Rehdee will ehpit give to the,corpora• the forenoon. shall`be the day and hoar. vend' i several aums.i this b lave• which et►all have its cl►ief E lea W Y w��er to conduct date of the said all become bankrupt, or inaol- a .said Daunt polity of the town of (bI That the swid Ohris Compae4. L-tmited g the achedu i c shall h the 1 its an sot the Ot • o the Council Cbt;mber!tie plane. where the torth in •hoots ruteatdc ►►r perty guv►manvitlu an f uyinPaB and said C p y of thin ey•laW cr as the �� ;►„ +,d foundry b sot.11 make any usa[Bnment for owmtiov[lle waao IWg to the lost :evisrd forthwtih suer the psesuuK ! tO � lion of the town of Boatnanvil.e security n the number of 'votes And wh . t rho Tort•« of liuw nl u enerul tnacl►u1e a ic•h shall vent. or '.� ct ►alit o � R ' cri rttona wh dltore,or shall cause or suffer any ., B, . for. the .year 1900,.+ruse take each steps.s+r' mwy be Hearses y P all its plant sad msahtnery pieced in and Clerk shall enm lap the said Muni 1 last revised usaesanre.nt also l.►t[ng of all 'des 0 ► of ben @tit of a res ruaaeualtnent rot en for and against this by-law. i according to the 1 p �' ac al u'1. i stock of got Ices than s;4 , ¢ tlon creditor under an execution nor shall 00. aura a charter ands, the Ontario Joint Stoop need sbont the budnese pf'the said Comps Kin �t Ville, i orris �1.o7K.51 bout's rui,ita . � subscribed axe U SL,O87,�0• $CgRnoLEBEFFSRFn TO IN pAUAGBAPH TWO or the year 140 , i rc debt of • s Chart ,14,00,► sltinll , ro rty�.of the Bald Company, id Com• ,. eztsti Debentatre debt - and shalt inolude the engine, ,= roil t. exlstitiK det,eni t whit h.n ►t Ie.B tl►e p Pe Oumprinies.Act inearporstinq The Bowm boiler cupola, ' whereas tl►e ;; ',uR� l;►. ally ,aid up. final 'judgment r►gainst the sa dad whereas the rag we a Cue And of _7,,. of Putne t 1 after a period of 30 't is the soon Of Limited, patterns.' tnola oi� THL;,FOSSaOIy`1G $Y-LAW. aHt is the sum � and 75 I .. anville Foundry a neatiatied for a p 'total. Munici Y • .. •rt►u.l;uv►m remain u min - of the asid �unioipait,y Ville Foundry Company, shafting, be[tiaR, maehiaerY P 'Year - . the said rr t ii to :►rr.ar• b, 7 but Thu quid , er the any to . or inter ( ) dlatel aft Com ,any re not perfor rti 19 vend no Irtncipat oe,iriittrreet �• pors►tion which will hAVe its chief place of all deeorlption.and is fact every' article 5735.82. • andalo-prJnc►1!al • ►an Limited,shall Unme yy 1e aye;or if the said l �� Sr 080. p _ Muni( ►al Couuc tl ot'tl►� 1 ut�I' p,ml . Y, d ►iu[IdinRs tl herein defined and I;ontinues • - twd p P t9 19021, • ' busiaese at the town of gowmanville. rO m• outside of tot•► raw mstesiat to Therefore the Mu 1 wd,—• • , t, n has ivattlaled ilk said . Its obli atlone ash erewlth for a - ia.arrear. 7�5 8 enacts as!c)110 L rp,.rat • lie e a lease ut enid i►remtyea 8 t alt in conneot[ori tot � , nntel al Qounolt of. the •shall have power to condnat a general Ma �tonsoafact:ared, ROdde in proeeee of mans• 1903 - owmanvl . '.1,,!,rt►nr r.rell_tn_ttet;gl!t_...__- __-._-- -be-h+.-.rid u- o an-order 1'herefuee, the M p ____-._�f�.. .._._ ___ uaful.fe►r-tk►s. _ _ --- _ , araat--rota _ : peat •-_ _to __- __. __ --aria-saB wnafsatnredaooda. . o estate shall and may be I , Aim ite, l l n ,oratlotl for a terra aft Y t 1904 736.82' •I• It • ' a+lvtlle.ilia, uuI the.A,►Id C rl fora p rtod of il0 workw dikyg+ or li utdatin;; the chine and Foundry bnetnere vend also PL�►tln�c f►wtaee, end m own alt t;ow m ,� tr, ewul of same he wiul�nR up q town of Bowmwnville enacts se follows: Tone and which shall have a 735.82: - atton �►f the T ►etc the buflett 1, with right of ten to tt►ude for cases the said id ma be low of the said f the said the Corporation Of the loran Ot 1905 allow)to a ornp years t a rental of atiiG�5 th•�n and iu such 1. It shell w y of all debcript �i 36.82 ! tied the(:orlror tr,d Divisi•,n • od of tort years a 000. o .._w�19p6-:•..._ . e the lease hercinbe-' art OD , capital rto,tk of not lees than $�+ g�wtorauville in the penal Ham "of $5000, sal ncr of Chore h: 1�urtl►er{!c�i , nd at a rap lnal Bald Com any• rmhlat alit to Angntee cectstn prop �_. - e south peat c.or _ ,._as_dNN•. the latteu cares ryt p p , —; on tot t ►; ,tt rnuuvllt ►er• ai•���n for y m of said. Corl)oratlan may to . U it t. a month a Municipality 1907 - e Town o e t for balance of ter red t l granted Y letter 'which not less then X12,000 shall be Bubaorib' which shall be considered tnrB liquidated 735$2 Btr`erta in tot „• 1i; ui flit i ►erannum f fore refer let her let `he enn6�ipeet oorner of certain .end �lvt• • s of By law.. N rental•of� I • conditioned with . act mulled in a req' town of f3owmanviile aid nP• damages the Uoeporatiim of, the, town OE 1908 1 , _ er[hPd hl the term the dt►ua trod Id eatd lease shall be notice to that uR Buwmat:ville, � pion rtreete in the era3 ed vend fuUp p - '73582- + COm !any_ _ -__._ __�_.._-__ • brick baits- he said Christian R,t►hder.within 1909 ,and according to t ,lease at tentwrhdll►to between o Ure said at--�_ d --v store br o that t Bowmanvilte sht►U sustain to .ogee the said . Corporation• issued �ir re�apcet •►f entree, , the tetras of flit,nRreetnen and con• add!assed t om an -altil Ad-the ,, • 735.82 ong novi [Ban he�eaid Linton send ergot thereon w two 9 eiflcati . , 0111"'s"119 un and t d tlrereu nth@ said� p Y furs shall. 32ft. a 72ft. With walla forty data after the said buildings are by the Company does not opera!@ ire amid bneineas 1910 ,.' ', ,� �► 733.8'L , ape ,fill, 1►lust "the Cor prat[ �►o ins oat lets than n 28 anye in ea o era e g of this Bp- Ifill 735 82 arld equip eamewlih a t► utftiuK, pulieJ-e, � t aria bylaw in Buchlnanner as counsel i,'nton and his personal re teas�a�to the said . � oiler, tabula; Bl rained L I ndvf�e and shall p - Uorporation of the town of Buwmanville de as iadt a, , n en ins. h t, ) a►rat ration may tl and severally be liable to I • the ems of . frost ground to plates Of not less the 1912 1 0! a R steam h'et►ting 1 I for the. C ri►o on made on otu Y sure or atit+lgnp !roof euvere•i With iron, , � h e nd a said i.tnt i ► its Bucces n., having a pitch elated finished Will install end properly set ll►w for w term of'ten years, vend shall also � belttnit.mac and when cum• aitl•ir eovuuant of tit and Corporatto or not carryi t, test, 735.82 tr rs.ex►u, �conl irB pxei•utorn a fed damngea f tore brisk bniiding not leer - n give eeaar[ty for. a loan of $5000 thwt it 1911 • W coat notiflMFLtiTa dart -to-,a ' hunself, his he , ppt;as liquids g tile covetlanta vitro w one e y rap in the said buildings. so that the enure . 735:82 . !, ►in. )remiel•al and l behalf oft, , t payments of $6, eterredto and . , from Bound,to 1914 to lease said i T�tc ►uuranteelnt, auul I y tee•Dent r let@d , retitled rntura t, out the Com ,any .arid pp 3Zft z 84ft with WaUe E K can be ran and operated, a plant consisting ehaU � repaid with itnterest In the matoiner : � 735.82 ' - 1►e turmaed and. udrrrinis turd also an ogre @- l tot . ration M ag the e,a1d I r ro united for • b1tid Company the said parties. viz,—the ito» and the itch of an engine, boiler. eapolw or iron melting 1915 Cot ►a1► . L ac ►, the. dying of d L,tr 'tea not lees then 12 feet having a p indioatPd, pbteh raid seeueitier shall be oundry Coml Y rent y ►artiatl dest y g ,a• and the said rr pia siom to hefting and mawhlnery. of ro 9let !aq in tbt� ?35.82 goWmativtlle F' � a rental for the tint � , a B ht meat that in ruse of 'tire t Y ttte the said Linto f covered with iron, wiro a nine y fnenu+ee. ehasft R, alven upon the' �eame P p p Y916 a 735.82•, term of twenty yu r annum and . s or ►owe, plant metalled Y id Company shall Klve to tl►e said Corp eaeaid troo to er►td. wall 191? � e•to of ir61G.45 list flit building ears of the said k rm ` tell and a regiment to � � uonneeted as a ar►eh value at the time of ine�ti tuba� to eab,reotlon hereinbefore de9oribe 1, vend shall ,, ' 735.142 .. • ten yenta ui said to rental of i►t per uu- r wratton within the first years as asslRnmaiot of • ".191fi .�� ll vests at a Col he aaidCorporatlon their trovcuantaid Linton bindtug 1►imself hie building t referred to building. 14fc x 15Et least $11 u00, which obeli bet also�tar>thee seenrad by 7,;r► 82 tot@ subsequent to nl wThei;na•rnanvtlle, arm or durnugint;the�amet asf the a�►ment,the a ntattvea, with the lea 1919 a right of renew e. t e the damage nee pp 1CrBOnal rep property of the Bowmanyille Foundry Com- inenrranee o rliet9r to the value of st islet nu►n,wlth r K to take the said pr w ll forthwith ,raver , ears tleire and l all in writing aRrCe with s 12 foot wall vend covered with s Bat lie°, �ohwcge 73h.82 . Com ►a,ny.LimilYcd, i q nn the said plant end . „1!120 , 31 Foundry 1 of tau axra rat a rent d in ease fire Bhull within the trst ter 1 years (i.) The Bald Company shall lolgres Pany, Limited. with no claim. $10.000 effected ap 735.82 •' ndcra further lease � an roof; spd also erect thereon a brick ehimndy 1921 eau �und[tloned • tom )lately destroy the bu[Idt KA ►n the insurance pre►niums on ,lace tun Ilse m late them to be fitted otr eneumbrenee wgainet it. and no liability roperty of the .asid OOdipanV in rash m[s a�'t ►er,annum. said lease to 111 c of the U.rin t Q NQt,T,=C/�• al of . l . , tsllt• and nB men-, or nearly eo the Bald Cul�,orution may �� �y°h clr the said Corporation may 1 in mp InAursaoe 0ompany as the Baia Cotcporstlun 9 of antd at.r►LIn {►►ant eaBC. and [u eaBe ea , .e and the plant iuetallCd then'allteca�foundti•yy co p dug or owing - with tl►u farm wine,t►a couueet a terminate the 1 said i►utldir 1, mid Llutun B end general plwtlDtt works rot of it by the said I u Buc-h mt its o ►ti►u rr shall t►e 1 and the P e not to eze @rsd �. "an� Oomptany or by any Perron whomsoever. of the tovrn of liowmgriville may diesel.''the •rl n this by-Iaw.1 t sled tot@ (,ompa y the .raid C •raps, to du. - the eoet of ram , 13ownnanville Foundry final i udv[c+e. be te.rinin b and t anon Bo t of which Bbali be� paid TAKE NOTICE that the above is a tru a raid Curirorutlon mnv luaeu ve a return of alt teat paid Y ra t with the enid Curpor when completed tO lease the enid premises 'ills eatd lthe premiums in ReapnO eed by-La1v which shall t for tot awful for 'the enid entitled to recei annum. or the raver wb P (d) copy , mill y, 1 Lr10 ►�r re said CurporatlonehaUesCtnptNnxs'fur 1 Oomptwy. b the said tJompa4y. vend further eecare,l of w props , It ►thn11 and t en rrd over tl►c Bum of eStM I wild- (1•) T1 exce ►t ae, t' Limited, shall immediately After Py II. leaner to he, a 1t est•►re said b taxation [ l rei `o w corporation to be formed wnQumpaQy nation of the said plant and maehla• taken into consideration I by the. Council o agree I+1 the c tr rnav inrlhwlt 1 r ortl ►airy from c,l vuurs at a villa Foundry theinat't► by the oovenant of the said Company itself (`urpu+a�tl rr t R Velcrrrd to lit the corporation► aB they are C l a ►erwd oft . . The KOwm R nd extent for t • od t age of the said premises from eon bahelE of its vend its auaa4nsoee, the Dllunieipality of the towD Of liuwmp' ' 1►et.e ern the {►attics a ,ge'of tilts Inlu t, ,this Tina inge uud )lout too the Baltic a,►d hr enae the Bellow purl,ose.B� ery aooept a le ►recede K me as oa•ueta• anew sac 1 ca@mptlon fur a fur�h'tr,nay or Limited. for a term of 20 years at s renal► i dintely , , • . e� [n sa hall r , . 1 real orporation of th9.towD Of Rorrmanvllle the euveDwnt of the quid Ohristiwn Ville wi r oDO tononth fcam the first pu elau6e i utnc ` 'ChC li+►a m;rut Illu 1 afar Tatar eKtu ed b fire durlhq the terra tl aA fully and of ec five Y the O • that the Bald irI n s are de+ttr oy Y 1d o!ten years _ o f BecUuu 1u soh• of one dollar per aanhum- v►. /►well ► tillli at 16 lawful for the R,ehder made un behalf of himgolf and hie 'cation iu the Bowman Netrve IIe>ove�►ap 1►y la meted, having coati 1 t R� lion of the brat ten years under the r.ovlslol , �+ r►tnv, LI • • rnrR 1►u ex lira, a can do tuuudmr3nt Act of 2. It eup►l and may be sad e�eottte same for w teem of 20 Seam at w 1. 1 1 tip c, v noel t 1 earn tot Y ct rat A ..it the said " of June 1901, wi • r c1 tt t 1 rli • al of one dollar per wnnum aonalitioned personal reprewantattvew► and each ee�tEme the date of the first publication being ar dry f the second e. I y bua0tl•K•+ V►r file ul•riod ut feu ��►rag said Njunicipatity to aid and • raring►. uud' ha�'t �f; duriuK the feria " ed IW the an l,oratlon, ser�tlon(R) of Tho u 1 ►Or, Darr onwge°es8l �t e teetoQS of this bp•iaw in euoh matinee ti s e.omm forthwith reetor ) he Cor establish and y on towtn is to be oonditioned id Unmv ny beeoimee tot t th+I vote+of hhoyqualititt en then trcm ill s t me.of it ormed all it++ohliK)throe a" shall U.s forthwl rtur will equip the buildings i:NM • company W rata ri,d • ut and list! •1► the Baid and the said Corn Y vnlno sail (It.) It sl►all and ma yr�itaaeald Ce rnparly That as Oonneel for the Corporation of the within ten yeara the ewid car agree betty Pe. • • ►Jul:!,o[ file ,tame • machine and foundry business and ptatiaR a v►Lr allow to agree will ear form d DdnDioipnittp. ,rwmwnville may wdv[ee. bsnkrapt or tneotvent or nne►kea an a>,eiq°' the said Mnniaipalit writ be taken there tilled 1n tl►e R r flow tied ,t ith w pu 1 rre.d,and I►Or h0 twenty Y p {►e o a cu t � ri lion in the said of B t of areditore, Or sasses ss follotm►:—for thA West Ward at the X01' e eorKc 11. Litlton and the Braid(,or r ►old the ca rarity its It was before the tiro oe or Bmuko- at the expiration of it the expiration of the• of all dean p Qom- went for the beard d l► law, uud hnv�trq 1 l • '[dent to Urr chlmnOY rated by tl►e lasso or le asked'tor sod on the preutleas above da cabled. hY (e� The seta gowma°ville �'.rundry for'rho North Wool at the U melItfoll/rd till tills y c►t tG•G,4 enrh as In Case:of at c. O other aceldeut not t;ra ►rm i•t ens@ a renewer to said Company the rum of or enfi @1'e any execution ac@dltnr, anal,, wo Ofline► e' mvrntsnts of rent ate 1► wind ur eettlh►R r rte thirty year to n hue 1►ecn(Jul sluing to the ray. Limited shall forthwith after elceout- ro�ert of the wpi i 1+b1 d far the d ouch Ward at t�e Fire Bt toll y1 ur 1 ICr1Be.Shall be the at►Bol stack yy d Cum ratty the raid chimney to sold Y the or 1 e and granted and the Coma yarded out all its 000 ws w loan. pe► c�e ot►itin some chartered bank execution to ee:ze the p y and jommenoing at the !tour ut nine it t required toy the stalled. but Bu►d agree, caused V ,, 'cu•ioned by it !shall b hereunder and has� ecsr► put $5 rag esidle�e. p u meIIt .against c f tl►e ►,ant so in Coll' 1e Ilan►ntie. Oe It o IT cling nut 1► 1 ehaLL and may be Istttful for the Company. or suffer,euoh 3 d,t ► 1 d ►s It tin Chu town of Bowmanville eutriaient mot an to rem*fn unsatiefi�+d .for in the foren��D and anatinultrK until l „ ownete n i•ondlt[oned thtit ti►e said Ned l , o ►►1 atloncl turd the Btdd le ats undo, tlrC 3• r ltie a lawf l borrow credit, of the said U°mgan whi the said nOmp Y ant shall a ve no right or f.)rthwlth rest„red by rho C+►r kee between the e K nld Corpora e a to the m 1a K I.II ►1, B otn• Purposes oars wfnraeat i for roc if such Oompa°y is hour of flue o'oitwk in rho wfter°ot►n Of 1 or the enid Unto” shall 1 quall 1 lie agreed that the diftl.r an end to l►y tl y w period Ot 30 dtry • hit"arI 11ore.lrl, e11a1 e II destroying it U,It so W Ito,tiro Bald C o►- p' P t0 000 and to issue dtrbentnret p the rum of �►0(10 hereiawfter referred t0 i obt[gattonr Re lineal° above natinod dap. t►.raid ,lent,or any equity therein 4b b , mean0)g u!tot@ words fl e �artla Y e tom• powerB herl,ln Rlvu for the said wtnr►nnt With raticen of srforminc► to dQSN LYLn Ch a said ►ttytne,nts o[ e Y flit,rum of�ole u� tot a utidingit or power l►latrt and fir i, « or ally shall have tl►e rhrbt «M b de r°.tnivad ► ' o the said Unnloipality o tv be losodd by �1►e said the Cor(w naf p Tows►o wh 1 u:Bald Comps rho 1► or plant p tit n valuutl ►std t►v ti yy flit buildings eaBe.d tc, it . , said vnlua- some Of not lettir than S Banned. and oontioaes to be tar�attl'l0 waY of rent are fall 1 n ease the leave Is plrteay d0atroylu o 510,000 in yy �q' � the town ��f 18Owmanvilie to the said Uom- I 1 d Cor ,r,ratWoo trod t d ed' BhrJl Ile that It this damage done on tbe- hat,iN ut it »nu-Kol► K coal urn eottntxltioII therewith fora Pe to flit r+r 1 I � roviBl0u1► of the. Bel Hourly � dcturtntr,elt ray nrl►Itratlon Oneh party M' '� pnQy, will matte the of>$7,000 to h'n Dan• then sad to euoh np1e $ne $owpal►noiher dour 17. 1801•• bud ealtll repayable in 20 years in the manner , ea itat otter tistrminnle1l wade,, the P tell •eurlt of the will not no'•esrlltute an exlxillel orlgl►al eoetrot lion to Ue , u first J I;f;' ut . , 11 ono arlrll,rutor turd Chu Lw`a a Irl►i�rat+,r '>>rod for the amounts poll at the banes. etdeced wad trlken re w working P working dpYa ` 1! Agreement within tot lion of moth thaw /. ( an •►nVrr►el►ta mode bV way Of ten,stth� le it eahnll•b+s cuuBlderelt a '•pttrUul dOStruc. eCluutl K Io url►itrutura ehaU have teer[twctivalsly not forth [n the so ttydule to,this • � farm Y r art right star � 111 rc alto a solar tt the two o'�11e'at�c,restl lllrc»1 n tt I r d a uti o of , „ ! lit Klvu to the Nu[d (,un► ►env Y , • COm ►�e�aly understood that Uon" t►ut It the damn{�e w U CounUus Of • rat It h+.ing I d ,ndlturo Ulan G�i% r►f the original coat t n►r t lie[[�ii narnled 1 y the ►nrtleB the Nunlur R .,. , raid lla to t110 title to ands exit, ., , destruction or nosy � -. � his 11 ultelt flit rN►• l►► Ir, tlnld (,nmptu►y l crud u cumple•W rho l.O«nty 1.onrt o t in �, �• ont�ttlo U 1 hie tl►aro[II, bo euuBt t i yard Uurburn inny tl.r � � .�a' ,•' _ � Baid ►hurt or any r oil ' � •�` ! ' , i lu i ► 1 a- " n Nurthurrrlrurlrurl e> rho , ro rt Ill+ of l so. r'o ndr QomPa y .t• •t uIr n w d 110 ►orform all . , nvillo 1 Y ut►I,o ••' � . V _ ' ,an shah u t y� um g 1►at,rile 1l►towrna d IU:aI[ul,of e11h, ►�►t Y slur and the award Id .. d tills /,. '1 tinq Nat P ) l url►ltr ro 'i '� r .�•�', ' tr'' - ' '3 ;., t ', _ d ea y 1r u reemOnt an ( r sills, orcet.0 rat tot►, flit rt c�liotl b► sAl l R )) shall torl,hwltl Bide ill) N►1 binding botwoun tl R ae s ►c rn[tud, In lho all be t►tr t. �•�` � ' . Marla I 1.1 It punk a►n 81► writ ra•'"'"�� Dare. LharUs 1 0 of ut It •�'' t, ,a nut tlln J' deposit Ur same err two du u � , lerr Of Y r �" , a e tat . r d . 1 1 f sus tMN/ t / (,o ru VV le tt t 1 U la t t �• , of t7, u B o . .,� uY lawful rho par• tnvlllo t11u Burn teH but If U► .r+rt" 'r� . e lawuu owrm rt x rlruUOn , U c ii rd 1u e and rna w n ►f rod ur sr tl l e . •' �, ,. , ,- ,, , ". ,: ,, ,~ ., .. . ., �, � • ,• �. It shah a Y ho � tip bC Consldo to B site o as U1 r I, X ty and t mrr ►nny 101/1111 y loan lI O ►ur n1dl. 1 will ar . . : , ... ,', � 'w• .,; , ,„' .' °; 1 , , . .r.` ; • to the pr opt, e d[t of rho B d (Yom rag e hl Cr s e eai o tl►e thlrt y tlr , ; • , • , ', of I►ay d theroon cu ►ilul of tot ear loaeo r y r, who ,. ,. I � .,. ;:,,a,.�•°..�,�,.. ;.. .. a KK o 1►o eoml►i/'M hu worltUr 1 twouly' Y low U► a � "�„' :t , ' ;� J.:... . ,,, +<•,,,, ,. � . , ,. ol.Uid and t taken ae t abllrhed there rte tnWnt wit U . e er IDr'rOVI► Tall 1/11 Oct 11 Bl Iltfy �Illr' r' • .r;;,•,•, _,;•; ` , ,;, '. + ;,,. ; •, � - t•, t,.t u, , u11 A11903 n o rho�a1d Uorporattorl to i 1 1 a or t at ►air agshlet whoop t s (Y Casa Inay lr K►d Ira wrt and In writ M Y e0 u► pay Inl�oro 11 y bll utlmre nr I old bulldh►gr a t ru of f�ANN► and ugr ilhr►111►u wit g ' .. ' ! Q rat,, o! four t►or septum I I u y t►u4 It Chu utur►ltatny h►tN raw n►uUsrlal ur e t,llaroon a� till Tatar twontiy dol►onturea at i, hall , ia • .. -,. von. I A , .r,r , I ­ I I I I I 1. I �,,Ik,1111� I � I � � I � � ,�I'­,�_,�;�!.1".)�-,�,"� � I � - -, , �, � �_,,- --- � , � i,',�,-, ­� -� I'll -1, I I ,I,�` � , �l - '_ I I I I , I I ,., I k I�,:�vl, lf� r " I I �, ,�,i- n,� �,',��, -, " , I , � � -, 1-1 � I I -ilnl� - - . - � I I I � I � 11 � 11, ��,; �, �­ -���,, "� - 1, , � I , �� I I '. , , � -,�_� li`;_ ,��­­1.��'ih _4�- ��Wl ,2! - -'i"­-- L. �..."I � I I I , ,-4', , ,':�,�.-"",�,��:=� ,; 11 ,�1.­-�_z is.. - .,,��',n,�,�..:� _14 I, I -1 -�I 1-- I—. ­�­-,� �-4...L',� -��v ____ `­ . ­_ I - _11­ ­ 11-1.1­1 ­----� ,k-_,­_;"I­­­_I .--__�,, _�; �,I I � ­;�:�_`I�w" �,I., _ ,. ,,,,,-�� ��,V"�74,' ______,_'__,�, .�kl I I-I- "I .... -,,, �� � _­��­,�,,­' _.�,,­­�az._­,��_ - _11_­`l­Iio`ol"t`!111l - I I_11,�,-1 1 � ­�- 17, 1 - I - " - � ­I, , ,­ I � -.1, ;0 - � - ,- ­� I I ­­­. I � � I I I _­��' I iffiii" . __ �­ ,I , I ,� �,�I- -:�,�� 11�', I—— __ �,�o� _ _­,'.`�I�', - ­. I I , ,�,��- ��,�1.1­4 ,�, I I­ �� I 11 11.1 --- I I ,� ,h� I I I � , I� � If I *�_ __ -,,, , -� , -1�-- aw�_ -.M.- I -;, 11 , - -f"-if -�­ - I ,I -L I I 1 ,4,",,�.� ,,g,gt�_�­Il­ AfSARM= � ,111111 I "I'll - ) " ' � I , �-1,i . � , _ � ( -womeNw" , I I I I . ,�11�:,: -�� 1�1 �,,� 1;:�. I I . I I � - ,,.;;�� �, i i i I ;,,� I'll,­_N1,� I I . I ;, � 1;I� - , 1) 11 I I I . ­ I'll I I I �,� . � _. . I I I . ­��­­12 . _� ­ - "", I " � 11­1 I 1 �,­, " ,:,.��:, , I I ­ I I .1 . � '�"21_ , , ­ - I I ': I - I , , � �,!','�,� -, , I I I I I I .-,-- For . . � I , ­­;, , , I , I I I I - ,­`��,,�g­ ? _�:�� ��z�, ,;�.��- ,­, - I � ", .I, :. .',­.Al lz��­', , ­ _ . �­"-, , I I � I,-- , I -��,�,�,_,,,,,�,� - i,D,5::��- ,,� ,­ � - I ,-, , ;,-1-A"I , , ­ _:�---���i�i;i.16� '�ii�m . '' .�­­�,­I­__"�­�, �� ,,�T.--�1.4_-����,�,�I�,�I � I . .� �� .­'%�- I- : I . 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I . r",', �� � I � �,I 4 . .1 �f � I I I I I . I I I j�, mi�� .&.�I ,, V.AIK� . . , , ,Il,'.�,qd I 1A."I-_I Y_- �_�i7 _`,;�!`mr --'4,', , ! I ­: � I I I I . . , I . . , ,�:Xi, �� - A _5�`Nl RUI 11� � I - I I I I I I ,�I`il , " MIt"­ -_�,��i �­� . . 1�� I ! I " I I . I . � . . . ,I . I I", .. I R, '-. ' L . .,._�- '.L . � I I I ,�,i',�6�,,),�,;1'10� tq%�4'��_ ;­-, . _ I - . I I . � I , , �, � i"S­j'l t, if f ; Re J , 1_14M X � . 1, �- C M , _5 I'll, �, I L�'��I,� "M I I , ,'�, � M '�,,�IV I � ,� I, . Nn U , X� ________ ` �­��,,,­ - ;� . -, �, �, , $�� ,��,�� X I"I Vi - � % R 1-11 � i ii . � � . . I .. . I, I I b, �t i . - N1 I � , I ,�I , I I"I, I 11 I . . I K,� I F I fl, -, , ", ,. , - 7.1. I ­; - I .,�,I �'- �',�,-"s�.T , ,,, A,II,.F� i'll''. - I � 1. I I I . I I __ :_ - I-_=�. .11 ,. , ,� ,� R 'L r,2 � . It," � , � I I I ----7!!- .. I - -`io!oo_`oTTToo!___o�ooIoo�oi000�IIIIII . -11 g !!!! �! , . I � - *­��U�- _ � 11��- ,�J cI l �. I . . I - . - I,I,�l,zi .11­�19111111_ I,""" I �_� I . I I � . I I I � 4!__101!!!I0000__1 - I I ,------oos"""1!!!!1 I�-1 I 1 7- . . ­ ­'f�z�t��,,_ . I'll , """""""' . "�"'�' I . - I . . , I . �- ���I'll,,.,-i-,��n��,__ , , l�,�U�,- I � "-fW �, I I I I i I '.. i. . I I -------M11--- -- - I I, �, 'Jr . ,c lffi 11� i�l"�11 2 . I . . I I , lit the Op ator I . !. I'll­ 1,1 I ,� I :; , � ,;, I � I 11 I . I . . 11_1___ . I will ch .11111OU Of the'Mun , it nd with- , I I 1,�","�`�.i. f, _11�."�Kl � C ,4z�fvr.`�,� ,,,,, ,i � I. . I stock onhan( ��j.-`,��-J I`- ,- I � ,�-ig.,"- gi'A' I 11, I L­ "T1111 I . - __� �tg� " .. , tsvq�s�:�I 11 ,� �,-, I - .- � �g­;�-, i I . I I I , pl - I . � " , I . �_�______ I � 0 ea 11 �11I.��,�` �.�!,,-"i,�Iz,� I 11 - I . it for P17.90 I ",-_ii;,;-,,�` �i,'�,,,�,�.�,�l,,,,�-,,,�-L�,,�,�,!! , .1 �� , "o I ,- If,'M4R'1f_V,_R .,��,�­,, I *_____� icipal G � Ir"", ", �� leachol tile firL I 1wratio IN gond vidul , said- ,�,?qp,��v, %t pay- , 111 t1le same time name its arbitr, ` I nnilell of the Cor f eb of - �.1 1, , -.1,� I I,�z� ,,�A"I . I ji, it call be taken �'�",�`15 I. II�C`011."i" _", �I - I - 4 �. I , I ,� - . 1. � sald cot poratto , I . �troyu,' or if the said ,.I I I qi;�P,�l - . I -, I I�. . atior of De(eill1weli, lfx)21 and ()lie Se of the Cullipall. . it, tilp'snine time deliver a c li,�C,1'015'1�"", lx� � I 1. � , I I I , - '�'�, ",�j� , . I, - . I ation of thl, Tonell al)le oil the,first ol . . ,reafter for tile purpo loorkitig ell, Ital, but In �j to the ,I I i d colTor ,J(�i-`,­�O` t','j�it'-',",'--�',",�,2,���I� , . I I� .. I . of Dec. tile -A lityritill�. d , ,1111'� ,:�i,2 ,�-?4� �r -I'll-I �I- I i�,_. � - _�I . I _,_�'16'1.1'I, ­ ­....... _ I � I �� -Ai,,;�,f, 11, 'By*-Ia r '0N�";�,,',��,��4`,, 0�',". ,.11�1. I I I : _- I lji,,,�­'-,��I', � , _- ­ ­ - , , "", I, ,. , W of a. ot within I � ­ , ...1--i � ­�� " "", � t�I; I, 1. the Co,rpbr till ist day pro tanto ala part of the 34) days after the Sal , , ,� " _: , . - otherilf same Oil e. I - ,'�;_ '. � . . ,11? (19 ee iing tile year Lifl '%, hall tile salol value be fixeT I I : �', ­ � I I "�, . , I � 11 1.1e tO Col?.firill ( villch saiddeblen. , for the pur- I col"Vally (10 11 e their award pay the . . _11! ii I i,� ,!,N , ,:q, �,11 l, : , I . ­. 0 q - � tu'alit, IIIIiiII11t. of said loan no c94e s . I ,`�f,,� o" � I . otor Bolvjitanvi liore than 42.(W. . a rhitrators sliall have mad .1 � �­!k I'L,�Lil­,_­, " �. � " ��,,-,--,;; ,hfa" (I RK 7"iw 11 -;J. , *, � ;'I t, ,�j I­,., 7"'.111�),,t," '-­_'__,_,�,,;� 1V �,�� � .I I �...A?, ,�,',( I ll ,�,17101% F,---'%-, 11 4- �,��- ,�_ 1A.TMAI I I I � ,;4 'i � FF44........ , � i � 1­R1X.§WrTj%---- , L � LL111, �� -, ,� " I.,I a �--��,,"? I_ '4�_ . t,t'fN�T , 1, N -t�,�I"`-_!,.7,& � ,�,- , -",-.,�; ""'K _ IX �11 1�"I , , . .- �;,I��' I . ,­ � � . � � , , , I I fill, 3101i . $9 ration it shall ,�, �, II) � ,_ ��-,�, ,:. I I , -ee It -es I � L, ,,� I _ , I t ellte'red,into Wit I I O)f i tures will relot elit tile, amount poses hereof at I all lit writing I thwaald Corpo .:�*,'11'�;"11-I�",­­, ,�,"I . I , , 4 I t iI amount If 81lue to, , ` , 4N ' ' `�� ',�_"41 -, -1,-� �;,-Im , 11rP.1, I I �, � I I 11 .I I "to" - n In 8014499_1� "it . V ,,,,,, t,.i, 0 ,.�,,�,�JRII,'-ft , �'i _'.',!'��;�' I,-, ,__ � , ...� � , I ffi pa ., - �4y. _ "i,_� I ­� I I 1. I _ill, inte-est added as show . (d.) Thst tile said Comll,'nY Sh . I ! ­.;­_,I­;"��,iQl vN,1��,-il`,I`Z! �v " _�._�j" �, .1 . I - , -­ ��,,"� . . I � " v - ":,"'.­�- , ,- '" ­,1,m.r,t;i,-�,M'-,A1 ­5 GI�Z­,!�,J .`Pjlj�',J�!:��;44;1 � �1,' 71%,-, ��, " � , 1� 1,�i�,���i���t,",�-��,�vhq,!,�i�,�-, 1g, ­T1- �,4, I. I I I , I I . , . - �I W�`,�,;, 1 7 f1i 7J , -,k ­,"M "%.14"I� . I 1 ,5; . � ,� , I , . I-....­­X_'­�,M_ ;(­Al I v,'i�,"o�,7�,-�?��L,�;',r�i 'l , 11 ." I f the Ctive - he (le,eined to have forfeited its rights. to same 1 1.,'���VrF�"jl. IJI-11_=4 I �, i,�� �,� ,,, I q . 7011 . _,n, - �, ��,� _r -i If�� I . -I- I - hito a , __ - P �,,��-N­VkA_.,, Mo 4, t " I I 'f� �, "I.e'7 "v, I "- , � L-ipiial CorporatioW 0 0�, I - __ ,K17 � 11 � I �I ", ­_,, � _,,,�--Ig- , �' , ` - I'll �. agree Lfo r I�,�__�,�I.1 I:!i",.,�J�"t', �" � , 'I*i`I;­k,,1,J�,�,t*,ft�4,T--!?,"��,t�'��Y'i,�'I t,,,-,,-!�, . io,�,".�".,�� ,�', , %t yc" � � " , , L, -, I "", . Iluri orpor- � ­,­ , ,I � pi, ig 4gp, ��4 '4� 1­1 k. . -'('O e " ""'to "' to tit's 1)v "W" fl, lecute it9:4ald busillessofemt II. 't'i'l��t/,�.,��L-��il-��","P",i���"-..�', ",'' ­., I )XI "_1?1 't'll "I " , _q 11", . I I tbwith thereaftil to Pritel I - j ", I I . A0 .ulider thIS clause- I I I�i A _661 �i­ " 4 1 . J-,.V 4 E" llfiile"N ual*,� nq�� ,4, �i'�� ,�.�,,,,­­,"I", _,�!"11�1-,_"�_ - , 11,_Iiii � �, 'M 4- A, � ", I IIX"I'A"', 1-11.1.11-1.1-.,. .14,wir- _ 1, I � .,!i:�_6, - - - AK 'i,I,,,�il""���,�z�,�,�,,�,�.,�-M,�.-,vq���,-,�-q"��w�'e�,�,��--�,�,'x"',-,"'-"-$�- , �i �lf,-�;!,--�,t�I-�, ,I , 11 - "", I I 11 w'. '11"�A'11'1,I -I 7 n__"_r ,-%, _� , L . li_��l�,;%_Xz.A"_n__"�`�_", , i , "" , I'll, MITY, R, _���,�*,_,, i, '4 I�, . ro ' , or operations to proe - . I , . , , in 2 ,. "' " L, -f,6 � .1 _ g '!" - .. I I I � ,lawful for tha ,. , , " , BolcintailVIlle and �Q a y lie �i ,lay be lawful for the C , M ,� - ," �-m - - � '-�,�c�,', , 4 ,, , ,'I , -, I�A� __,__Ili_,`� _i -'a.", ;�,�-f�,` llg,YV��..,I,;f.1,3��!r,rz,",�4I�-"-;;,r ,�_ ­"i_­1' I? g. . , '' 'i�N,�t�,�-i'��"I'�"-.,�'I'�l, 1, ,§,� - ­ . � , qn��­,�:'z �,II",.A 7;,:�,,�, RR',;_1,,lK4L; 'i 1i1iKF11FA V�," I . �� - ­4,�.!�J " �,__ . � I � , , 1, . � . lij a I 1V. Itshall-Illidn continuous y . (I.) It shall and n � :� - , , - , 1­1_1%14'1g �,-��.--��"-�"2,7"1.1�,��i���,� ,Q � '441-"' .�� ,.� )1d build lerill ,I , ,lf,��J` ,,h�,,�,,�', �W��I"-ri:,�, wt;- .� �� J"',,, 'j, V I ,��I`!,'tl-i;�`,5,,f`-,,,'f'- ,,I,, V-."­", g:­­-,4r.'­ ,.T��,­ .r;,4),,0,,­,"I , , -styear of its Sala Company that if . �, _,Ww,�A_ Ykt.p "EVIS ", I, , � . "r.,'.� _ - - � �, __�i,,,,_�.. _,__,_,�_� -��f,,--�i,t,",)"�,-L'�,�,�,-�T,,�47_, �j�) -�-�� -,iw;u,g VF --g _ff -­,-'g, )I I I . . ro� tile Ia' _ -e,4vid for,the Mayor of tile said 8 , ,_­ , -Z 2 !, I- ���,.-',��!�-"r��4,-"!",�'i��_-"_­ �. ,Il­4I�JJ,y_,_.P , . ". , - � _,�,', , ._� �i - �` g � ing for the fit ", " n�,q,-�J -, --%�; ­. �-,,,,,,";,"i,.",",��,��"";- � I I I I ,1� � �, �, II4 I E, �� .. - es affil . ,;�4xxi and agree nuillc8 or workineii, for tile � atj()II to Illgrele with tilt, I -, _ � - 'I -",14 'i �,­.j�g,�i. .. _'I�,""�;j'71� U.17 _- 1'1,��, _­ , - Ir _ , r,� �:,i , ,,-,��,T,',�,--7�q�";Lr��-',"!,I,.I,�, _,,_T,!"�_�',� "", , I,I 11 "%; _.. I :I � , "�i�I��I: I - =;,�,i­"k�LI."f,.' � 5�­ ,�, vp­­p-, 1. ' euvi I 5 . V-1 ­� 'g,Mt.."14l',�I_,��,r,I,I I � 1, I,U�.11111.111­,. ,3;"_, , I '' , ,�t � , , , , "47� '7 ­_­-;",f-�,1_11­_A.�.z,7f��_ - . ­ ,I _1� - " _J'&­_�� "_'­�', - - -.1�,3 I ".r . , �,�W;'­',g' ��'4 1 " " - ­�,,,,��-,­___'_ � I-� �I , - r�--,�'I'�',�'�,"'��,;-',','�.-'i���,v""7��-,17,��-­­­-,,,.',,,,", , Nl , I. � � .� ,�, ',�, 1 , r�. ,-trq!,��,lil`�;�- "';', -I " "- , " _ " - 1, " . 1, I I­_,�­'_'�_'..,L;ka�&­kI r L�, ,''l, - "�,- ­Mr ---,!t�,.�,-,-�".,A""",!,�P, "":",-,i",���",."t�",-",---�'I � - 11 1.1111.­%� � �� -�t , - __­­­­_­ __ _ ,��, I _". , ixm� �'�),'Pil�,,�.�,,��,'I�,l��,4--,-, - , . �­­'Z I . " ­AA '1,'� ',,� '_,,'R,;L,, "i K�`,­ I , k 'j!"I`,",�,',"`,If�.�_�.`�]'��;�",?::I ­I­­­­F (­'!��-".,_e"�,,Iga�%, �.,,,,,i,,f,,��,� ), 'r"� ,0 I �i ,.,:I �, wid to pay ,?r a, folIttilier , 1 pos -, , -in of Its oc . '' ,�:�,t:�i:,',�,,,"�'4!,'-i'RQV,?�,��q. 'I " , , I, "PlIN Rv; � I po�jiitlon�to borrow ill � i DYL ­.­­ , � I, .-G, 1"�-'('�-,�z��i'.,�,-,.'�--,�-�',��i�,-,'-,',��l",,,�,.�--",'.,,'F�I 6 4,,� �'Ir ­11F­',�, � 1� I I . . I I s',eloo&tcod thereoll, ull(I . tile sum ot v four per not less than 25 inee thatl301111fell. allies' jlji,�ssld Company during tile tey ludij� tbit I �,��i'�.�, ,�;W%."� g,,,_,,;UN Iiq, yPvTJV;,'.� �L, I�� O,I,�, "01-41", - .,,`�-,t -- --­-­­�� 'I, .4,�Z,,,",ji.l��,�'""'x,i,;;�Il�1'1'4'1�;_ 'r, ," ., I lltd 1�'11,111�:.�_�,X "�z , W - - , !� � - __­ "",''�.t,��9--�."L�...-i'vi,,;�,��:, . ':­1­­1­11,1--f - ­_ --I-,- ', ",',;�I�', if A _�� " lm"W,f3, �, , �" _,­� ,� . � g,�-,, ��*'�-!"J�"-,IP .���',i'�,,k,"',.-�-�,--t��-�,'----g",% f_II,--y,-­ � � '_� �zt"�,-�1-4�ti.11��'Irt���-,�4�,,�,;�"),-'�,�X�i��t!-".0, - -I" , ,� I i ,�, .. �4 ay I . L '. 1�1 __ � .1�i,,Al��"-�-,,I�,.I"ig,-,�,�,�,,�, , , I i ing" eon at the rate Of of� occond yearof its term"Otless' 11 colic � -,;_�_,;�,',��'�`_im _g�t�gl , ,�, , - �,�',,'1�1.s , -� -i R �_zg � � - : -- I- ,g,�,��,m3,_,,,�,A� . ,,,�,�,�-� � , , . I I I . I, I ld, ,Oil), Same, Wit'? plant I to Il.jolt Interest ther ' le I atioll,of the sivAd remiseg slia � . ; ,-,,4, , I �,� , '7_ , � ," _�,.t,��', "", ,,, ,�7 'i__, - lt��.111­7.14"_'_,, �V ,1,1�01%�-,,�,,'.�j� - vy, ,�y , j �q �q �,_ I �, , - , , , I "Y �i�N_.,1,14NR"�Ef"T",��___,�-, " . . 1,,1'­'1,­_ ,� ��7- I'll I , '' , I -,��:!�,��,!,�,'-��,7f,*��,,,:,�""�,,I """.!�,7���,���,li��;",�""�.,���;� ,�"-,#" .. � 'i. !II, ,-, `�E�.�`-,� ,- '-" I'VI'l, ��,�'��.!'__..........� �p','-'," � , um lool - f '�it-',(9,�l',�,--'.�-",��'�lfq�,,-'�'2,t�',,,'�,�,�,,-���,��"i;4 I-,-g�--�,�ii�,5,'-��-"..r?�',i�.�,,,;,%,,�,g,',4�"i��,!V��-'*i,--���,,�,�"A "T -11, ,,� I I . � 'L . . Bot , , id to issue tell tichentur 8 gr workmen. and in tile third, and subietluent , - dation it In , ," � , i - ,'_. � , -- � . � ­ � ­ .�, '' y-141t, a? R1111111111".111 . I r, . Ar, - " ,�, � ,, - , , - "� '� , P.," `1.' --_"'�"'. I .. , " ,;"., ",� .," - �t �,i�,v:��,,�,.�����,�...,.,-,,".,ii"74�ll-�'!Ll����,�,,-�,,'��l;'�,�%'�i-,�'�l"a ,-',���,-�����'�-,,.�,,-�i��-'.'.,��, - . I t:1 11 - - ­,", 'a , � �-��, r'. ,,I�I._"_,��' - - ,�7� , , I � . ,, . 0 ,-ir-',,,�,,A,�-,1, ,-, ,� , - � �,r I.,__�,,_­ ­ . �­, �­­­`��,�I!,�t���, ,�T­ �Pj�,,,it��_,,,�,_. __,_��, , �""",�-'.�-",.��',���'L,,�'l,'�. _k, ',`� _'T,L�',-1 , -,.,,� �� -- ,,I ., � 11 I - . - .L , I � I �, -T�I" - ,�AN__, �I­q-,,,­,�14I %6�:I,�',!,',,' �� -,',�'.'*,-'!��;*..",L",.-,�'�L,-L�"�u-'�I"jI I­­;-1',11 ll":�-,�-i��,���,�,���,�,,�,��f;;?��-�,,--�.�,�,,.,,�,�-.�-�-i�'il,���,:,�,,,,;�.�",'��'�'�i,i�,',:7'�,'g,�!,.,7��'."-!�;-'�i,,�,�:i,';',,'.�,,�i',���,,,'-'-',,*,,�.,�,�",-L,.,��,�""��'i,,�'.1�,�,,',��,�,,�,'-,,,'�',i'�,',,.'�,,i��-"",.-�,L"7�,,,,,�,�i�,�i� "'t .. I � ." . I _ . �, . _ --��­ ,%� ,! --- -��,I' _ � " - - 'j'%'�7,*;--l'i,�' `1%, , �1 I ,111jilefed to lease to The 'i cetit , tile first , IF, mechallics or ar milding accOm" .� ';et. , ,_ , - " I-5 1 .-��,�,,��,��,;,,�,�s,�i���l;�,_,�,��t.,,-�,�t""-��,.�,',,'�,�.'��,�,,�,�4.r,-"!�!"�',;,'�,,,�,,,,-,�,��,�"e,--.,��i,�,,,�,,,�t�'...'�,'.,-����,,-,-*- ,,'����""",,��"!4��,�����,2����;,,,-�,,���,, I �� .i,i�J, _,,-Zi:i;�7� ,�,,'��Ni;,',i� I . for 4,C,143,45 each, years of its term 'lot less than I I p!quirem furthq , U1 ­­1 , . �7, , _�M-_�,_;" ',i,',,`,��,`,�'� ,,'�,,,,'-,', 1 -Ili ,�,f.,�,�-�'i�"",.��'.�"""�'���,-"."��""",""�,�"-"","",,��.�.,'�i��',-,'�"i�:'-,��,--�,t�"---��,,�,-"-�-,q . , , , � _., , ;1� . . I ., (tnA I , jilpaillIs- Inber, 11wi2l and 'or workmen t1ildings 48 iji, requires, having . I. L: ' _T`f�,T";�I_'­l i _ "r, �-, ,';,',L ,�l,I,,',,',_,'.�',`, I I '""I"'iIU, _��,v4z,RP v !,��-,,�-. . �,'�l `,�,!,�. 5". , i. �, I � ! �.,,_,v�,� , 'I 0�:5,� , I it-hell eo) I -the said C I construct stl(oll 1) s whle4 may be I... I-' .. 7�,",;!"" ;�7f 4�t­­k��J- ­­nl�­', 'N""', , " - ". - _-, ,� - ,_-1. �' ,, _�, . 4", --- I . _1.1,I , - - _ 'fi_."'i'(�, -.11, I"I 1;41.1. li�­�;�, Al�'��'' I ­� I �, - .­ ,r... , I I I �, - , �,,,�­ ;4ii-,",�,,P. _ _,."� I"� ,,�:-�,7,7,�.!-.��r��,!,!"!,i"',.'�,���-.�-,�,�',� , , ,�a`_'ia,.,;r,�, I I I 1:1 I 11 I , 1, '701 . lay of Dece, , !T,!" � :�:,,�­_,,,�A, _ L , �,'�",�",:����i�"",�"",;,::*,,',,�','!�'.��"--�i"ii,�,��;--',��,,��-�,..,-,-,.,:",�.,,��,, ,,,,,-,,-�,'-I",,���-- - - , - ,I . I I () 1,r, ( . I .)It I I ,, and said rnechantefli , t,) tile t:11188 Of buildil ,��""�.,,��,��,i�"",.-,�'.-,--?,-"-�.,:�l,, " "�f, ,,,P,_,I'. 't,�Itr, ,�" _,!.,� ,___­-� - � I - � ­­­,;_--._­­ 4,111 7',',I��, -, ,_ , _i, ',�, �,­-­. ­­:­i��.1.1.z�.li',,'i�'-:,,,�.-�'-"-�";�; -�,2- ­"A-_­:�,--,- �-.�.-�-.�,��ti',7�-�-.�,,�,-,'��l- I . I .I I I , U11.4 yo , r i workmen. the Com- , g ,, �-�-I�,�',, , .If, , � ,4"J",",,,,�",.","",,�,�!�,���-��i.'�',��*.j�.--�"z�,-�'�-��'�.��-'� !,�"`�, 1. I I I'�,I L, . ,r 1 1­ --,.,-; -r,,j­­1­,,__­,� '.*';'Lt� �"'�"��"'��"��,�'���"'.�'����"�,�,"l�'.f",'� ­­­Z�_III, I � .�. ",'' � I ­'­ , �_,,, , , ,''Z, �,;�,;z��i�,,�,"'�,�!'�'�-L�i.,'�"0.��"-",,,",���'!',""�,, - ..1-I ­.,�...­v­­ _ I � �I tIntan rilb. ' (P fol I , payable 4 e 11 ,e,xch year i9tiliguished froin officers ,of to , I rctgai'd of the Said-Cor- I. t�11tJ��%_­­_, _­, . -k,,­l%I.,�,,-­,_ , "" ,,![�,�� I , Bolt . t�1fe!Jl1.r18,t`,`, . lwayo,11.11111C I her, I shall be d 11 pay to I ­ - _, __.,�",�"',! ;f,!, - , ", '.:Y,r",,.�f � a i I � I 1.j"i 1 oile 00110C ving, re- I W �'.',:11, ­­ ­,;'��­­ ­ ',___".__. __.____, -_-, �....�'.­_ _;�"_ ___III - ­,V­ -, I �,,.;,I_ �t�,T:,�� " - , " , .I ,; .1 .1.11 . " , - . �* '�. ":i.,�.,"T, '1'�, :,","���, �� I �: 1 ... , �, T .1 _; - " ;, :,�,',�;,%I,�.1,�s4 1 . . . I �'�J'�'_,.tL,�,­t",�,�,,.,,,,,�1-1 1!.,� , ,!�� - ;, 1 -2V --�1, ,� '­ ,--i -, �:,�1� - . . I . ril""' '4�"A'("?' r lite first, day of Decent and Illanagers thereof,'and shall P CAMStrilptijoid tinder tile lJY laws " III � ;",l"..1p�I�.,""'!,?��,��i�,_­;,v I .�,,.- , ;, 11, Lim i e , . I ill , - -'' , 11-Y ,-'f­ ,��',��,�,�,����'.",�-.,'�,"��!,,,,.- - ":��,�,��,i -11........­ ,,.,','.1-,�",:,:�� � , , I I I .I I 11 ., ­I�, t d I if 11A tO, I � ,thereafter 111cl ildillL lie ave 'Wage it certain limits. and Ila , ,� . , ", _ `_, ,,t :1 �Ipl��_��_';,,�� -, _ __ ,,V , - " � ­ ,I , _I(f, ,1­­ff_.­­ ,�7--��,��,,',��:;.��'',.,.�".''�,1,::!.,�,,��,�,�,�,���",-.1-1,-i-�.I .1, ­ I . ,­ , r��, "M� ­ , ", �,,�.�..:,t,.,��,�,,-.��,'�,,�"A".!."-,�I,� I i . ,L . . � 1. -��;7.,!� ,�, , -I.�� ",31.,I�,,Ij o­­­ ,���, "�- ,% , � L � I '' 4 I I . �. I .1 )0oscs 1111,111ioned - .I � Inechant"S Or workmen sit avel -)ratioll wit"ll on the prem ��:,�,.',' , ,��:',',,,�j';'�';, '" "�A, !�i�,�iF,��','.' 11 L," ,­ ,�",i,7.� _" _ . I " F , ­� I. i . lot � � , 'i, � � I I I . . i deheittures will represent t � 'Pe R It it f Its I of buill-111198 'low ­ ­ .1��,'�i�;,I'_�i­;�;�,���'�:��,�'�;, _!-�2 ,�__ , "._­� I i I Illicit Bahl I . �� �; , ", ��'��,','��'�'.,�.,,-,"�'.,�'-�. �_, - I"�,�!,,�����,,�f�4t,;,!"",��""�,,,�,,,�,�,�,,'.',,";�'-,*;;,�� --`,;:i�;' ',­�`-L .-t`: I I I , r(I to tile class . 1­ 11- 11-�i,�,.�:11,�""-��l.,�,���;�L,�,:t�,,�--,�,,,,�4""�.�-,,�i " I -,,�;'�,,,���",-!�!,�,�-,,-�,�,'�',,���,,�",.,��,� ........­11 ,- - I i , * the 101 IV I I I i 19111 11114 lo,all, with interest added as )er day, and shall run _���;,:�!"`.'.,,�, " �� � _I!�"., -;,�,i�- -_',�,`-`:`.,",-,�,.t:,-,'�l,'!�',,',��,�:",��',,�.',��,,*,�.;'�';��,,�-�,­ I , . I . I I � - , .j 1.1.� It I I .. 'I'. �,:,:�,'�I,�;tAil'­',,�­4--I ,I,�I_ - , _���,�L-,i. �I,��......)..:.:,�� I, � � I I I ­­­ "I - 9, ; � -., 11 -'.��"-'i�.�L--"��.",��ll-l��,�� -�.i:""--,.�'�:",.-�--,�:�-�.��- '71."'I �, _-,"_� -�;,���,,,!,,,"-",i"���,�.f,f,�,'�- � I'. I I than $1.40 I ' l2r, It 'L ,�'­�, ,, ­,_ 10�!V�y'i'F:�......io k,F�',,,`i�ty;,�i.__,.',_j�_',��,,� �1 ;; 11" I . _ , ,� -� 11 I I I " - Ill 1. I 1 ......� ­ " . 1 . I I I .1 ,4 .""', ,�,,­'_� - �_ ,,,,, , , �*�,,,L.,,'.'_,. I I -1� ;. �;:,��-��_-,;:,t.,".!�,, ­­ ­.�, 1, � , - ,��',,",,,�,�,,:��:,,,,�'i��,,.,,,,�!����,', . � , ; I . � I it' of Said f t less - in of a style rnot luality .Which �I,"."L.1, , _f"�!�,�:��,] -,.., ,; -, '1_��.­. � ,,� ­ . I I . I �, I ,iiii , , , - :­ I . - ­"ri,."�-- " I. �a i� - :,., :� !­ , ,.)�.,�,��'i'�,�',�I��.�­ I 11, , I to I -etilIV and at �, !��!"�,-��T:',I�1'.Il`P`7',477�`­­ If�"-,,­.- ,�,�t���,,,�,,,','�:�,,��:,','�,;'�I- e,14"1'7, , : "t", -" ,, r I �I I I I Ij � alli,4 otil ., employ said meenanicts or,work .4 eri , the . ­ , , ,_­ :I�"' "�g.��--"�,�,,--If!".il��:..--�I%," .: ��..a,�", 1_,4� ,- . , . I I I I I . 11 . I i ? IV to tills hy-law. I . i4ent bull(Alm.,13, . I I . 1 . I, '. ­ I 1, . 'Y._,­';,�',-!��­Jfoe�......�,'��.-,�".'.'�--�'�:c�,�;;"�"Z,-"�,�,�-� ."', 4 ", ­11- �I - , " ,-. ,,�'' I I 1. , , _ ---�­I`,j.I�,,"��--_-,,'i'*,,��-.-*.-�'-,-'�::_;�:j�.�i,:; _ :� . I . L , :�­, 4". I , - ­ - ,­-, , , �. ; I ,111111ellial Act, -hedule I , '14ili'd'"biLlsiness - I ,�ij - ,­I , ,1.1111­�4-11 I',­."�,;�,II-­__ . ._k".,�_ .�,��,' 3" � lie % .1 . �­­ l,':..1J1,.. ,� , "d- ir" '' :­1, I . -;�_���,,!, - :, I I I I . � 1:1, ,­' _,��,­""" I , I �,,, , % _;t, ,,I,,­_,:_,-�I:f�,4 ":",I ...I, I,� I ­ I .1 , it ­­ , �'I"�' " _' _,ml,"."I _111%;L�11­-- -��-,---�,�-,.��'i'�-��,�,'.�,'i',.-,.-, ,�!_ ,. I*, ir_ ; , ,I I � �� , 4 , I . i - . - " _, -,:���,", .� ��, , ­ - ­-­' -�,-��,Lci"-L'��:,.":-",������:*, , , , .; I -, " , f i I ,; . strial.lioe of t , ' 8110%vil ill 84 . vto­�Ill 11 , Y . -,. : - ,, ", �� ""'I j' � _, ­ . , ` " , ,i, ,-� ,'­A­�, _�-J,:, I " I- _ ., -, ", -_ "I�.. . -, , , �-�.`.,,,Ii�:�;--,.� , ­;,:�,,�,��i'�,­ -',- ­ ­�. I � '-_ ,�,�i,,,L-,:,.,����'t,��7��;,���,�41;�:�,?�,�;T��,,],����_-,-,"!,�""���,,�,z', '' �. - - - - - ­!,.,_�!., -tiiiI,-;!._4 .- - . I �- __�r, .. I ;,�:,',��': , -,;,,,,� ,,,,-,,,�,,I,3y­,,�,, ,%,,v�i:,11,u;,�z���_t,,,,i�::L,_ I��lv,�,,,��:..`. ."�.'i.'_.��,,5'�!�,' ,',�,_ � � I, I . I '%V e,.r able at said wage's duriilg the term Of itQ I ,. , I � � " I ,_ - : n and PAY It` ,3imilat to.the lire - . �! I,i , I Is eas it, pur Efthe atilt.it dine n ts , , ,aj(I-(Ij!hentureqsfiRII lie ll"v thati %75 days 1.11 esc o twenty year term of occupane - , P!3. all V. The 11, of �, Smae, I for tiot less elld of tit, . Of I -, , .1: � ��;I - �, ,,I Y�;4_ , "."i I I , L ;,,%.';F ,- , I , ­ _1q.4---�,,, � ��'�2'z,'-�i��F,�,�:�"�'i-.i�a'j�,-.!�',�t� ," _.,t.?�,:,,,�7.'-,�,.:��!�',�".�,�L"-",*.',�',,,', I.� 11 .1 ­ , ,! .- � , , " , " , � , 31 "', - , I, . !, , , , " , 'il'T�",..",,�'.'-�P,�le;.�!,,'t;�,-�.-..7,,.,,,,,,I _.,�'_l '' 4 I � ......;� � 'r ,�.­ .:] , ­­ �,�,.,,-i7,--',�:,il-�J - -�'�--,�O�,',i -, ,.�,`,,­ -,,'-.,,,�-",;�--��,,���';���l,�*,�--,.�,�.-.L, `;,­-"', "!_ :',7� , ­­ ;_. -,­,­_� , � 41 'I i , .. . .1�1-11 11 . � 11S,17, Chapter L 4111le"t Coln � 811'r, , jf tile said Tow (I 1111101411 le" I . I 1 le y, or at .the end I � _,.:�:� �� I 1, ." R- S. 0*.. - tile ,14111ell � tile I . . . y the Conilliall � . �' ,:, , I I 1, ,;_ , ­ I L,"j,',�l';ij,",� ,�'� I, -L,4:,, ,,, , , ­ �,3�, .; a"IN, I I , b� � I I I I I ­-.1 11 I I -I I�� , r ,,,,] I I . '7­­ ­jt-­111 - 1.11 � � -.1.I ..." - I,"� ',­,',I�..1'?I�.'1,jLf­', � _," ,Z�A":�l -l-,",I �,�:�.� ­.- . I ,. . '' - _ (,flice (of theTrea e.r (if tIlp I-Illots to .m of Occupancy o,l same. as � , .. " , , ,1�1'�!',� ,,;!'f,-­�� ,,�'�,'F�,'.--,',��;"�,,,�-',,,'.�',,��,�, ,! " �1. � 't, __ . ".­ �--i'�',VL-I,',-,���'L,,,",�".���.111,I,....... , _`,­;�i�, � - , ,�. , .! , ­ .�N ,,, ,� , , ' � '.1 '�;:"�'�����;,."�,,*.�,-�,:,�,Lj,�;,,�,�L-,;'KA-_�� ... - �. I L ; I ret v III. I. I . . . I ­11 ,,,,�,-"­;.�i�,-� , , � ,... I� , �'i , -, �4, 4 -�4� �,I .,�-t­,;� , "I ,.. I � ......,"� ,:; , ,., , � , V r ,'-,i�"­'..',."�!,' i ,� I Ila rtll a I . . �.")'�"r' I � , � I 'ny� ­, �,��-p,�­iz !,,-., I � �� 11 I . 0 ,� � -�_--­ ­11 I _1,11.�. ,� , . I � " -)' I . I y r the.thi,j,ty year tet . I . _-­1.1­1­11g I o ,,, � � � _Z ,,, : , � " ':IP,,­, �.;,,, , ,�g�,�,�,.,!;��,.'��-'-,.��;,�.i��,,-,��.,,',',�:t���'.,::;���i-.�,'i�!,,'-'I -�_��*,I,In,�:��v - _,�)�,`,l, ,� , - "( .� �,�, ._' , �, �, . ,, 1_1 �,,,,!,�l�.�:"��.'.,,.,:��,�'�i,,�:,���',',�,�:,�i,�"L�-���'�.,','��t��,', " , . ­1� I III II","':_�5'1,,, ­_,� . ,", , . . . % 1!� . a '43 Ill ., �I" ,_C - !�,',,�,�­­,_- ,­�,'..1­� , _."!:'l'�ij,"'.;L_�� _,�,�,Il'! _�Aq I ­_ . , � , , -�,. '. . , I th,� ,)f (,,JI;,l,ter 3:1 4 Joe StAl lite 1 llownialiville. � - matiner ., .. , 1. � I . �­­ 1 .ti,)Il 9 I . I I ­­.,� - I,",'I­111_­,_-.1 I.,;,- . ."'.'.. � ­ 1_il',�''i�:i�p�,i,,_ _,C',',,�,?�;I . ;, 1V"1�:, I ­1 i I " �, I, '7:,,�I,-,��:�,`.��:,,'�,� ',-" , ' ' ' -, .',,,-,';r,�I:",�",,";­',"�::,"""';......�,:I�y ,-Y�:�_v':,� , .I�I, . I I I I I .:�,tl,',:�.,�;,-,,4,­�.���,.. L - , - I, ­­',�I�,�,,,!t-�Ir�,,", ­­­. _ I �, ,,�_I I" , ,.;, , . , I , I ,��','��",:��, j� _ -,��,-�,�I�,,-,,��i,,;:-"4". . , � . I I 't ' e said Compa"Y shall agiT *"""�.,:::��,,,,�,!��,,'..-.� , I i it I .";i",�,*��!'i�,���!,,,��L".,��,�:i � ".",�";,.�,4�L�,�,q,;:,�,4;,�,�tl,;,,�',��,�__11,1_;�;,�� _�J ,I�_� '' I � I 1. .�1 I.11 tailled Ill Ket ,�it d year of thtt I 'I'-"' ')f ful for tile Mayor ij�'e.'; IT Is be. the 9.,me shall -be valued as , I I it 11 ,'�,i%;,: i -,,,,IT 1;­ 'L,,-,,_ , t, i I - , Ly lie law , that it will %vithill twelve motiths I ille c,l9c may � I , ,_.' _`" _:�� ,�� _�,', r 1�� I , , � "� ,,asit din.!; ,valuatioti as a part of I:­,'r:��"I,�,q_,�:I'I_! ! .1 ' 'I t'' �, - -, , - -�- I' ­­­­ ______ . . 11� - . �, -aitiorl of � V I. , it shall,aitiol infl .1 I �. 10, I f, �, �, , ­�,:.,'_;�," ;�ri� ��,_��­,:­­I �� 41j',� , ,�,�,,�,!,;.L"",�,',�,.,.;",�. ,�',�, I i of oistitrio 1111t, liereby authfir- d ie time Of till 11 'altiation '' I r '' I .,......­ ­�.,� ,_1.A ­ ­;i_ 1­', I, . . I '', - -i'-­,t,;�,�i.., �:ii��,, !,'-:,�,_",4 ,�`���1,1;1� I., - ..� " ,!,� �, I I I .1 toria. tile CtIrl' *111 , 1 Ithe Said CoTporatioll -.11141 he is I Ist;llc Slid 'I a Ores: loons jil.-tal lie Said I they are 0 0 , .1.P. ,, ..:;, , i I—;,:L,��, ;��, � ___��,!��, , , ,�l''.�,.,�...".Zl�".,��,;��'�!"�,. , , I , [,-,,�-";";��""�.�""I'�""",�",: 1111 ". I - I :' viltered tiltoill , f L!'Ornment-i'l ff ,gi-at ,11911less for sale,and sue V :11 ­�' ,�,,, �! . ­_ , "t 1% ''! ,_:,; -i ;�,,,�,k:"�,,�,i,��.,,��;,,,'��",�,�.�,,!',',,4, , .�­, :­I�� "I,_'o, ...j,;'I.�,jC,,�'-�',,,"�,,I 1,', - i -.1 I � . I , 1, � �i; �, �.� �',��.�-��,.,t� ,-�.',�'':�*'�,:� :,,,�,, '�I I'll.'..-.!'�'�,'�i,!.,,.,.�:�,.""LL,r, ',.,f"if, . � L r � . ,.�,,�, 4Y Qticeu '% le 1 ' _ ,,_-1, _,�-.'-f� , ."�I .....�,,­_ .L,_,I,,,,�'�',���j,;�,,.,.,j',,���k�,��7�,��i�.i�:�'i'� -1 lVille 11-love chil 11 Value Of 'i,11 I / : ; .,_,.". f",­V 1,j�' _'­'."�,­�j,,�,�, _!''. . - Her Maje &fter ( Ill t le ;)lJ g,)Itlg 11] I. ,� . 1­1�i_,__�: �,.,,,I�,`:� " ­� .-I�, !i, �. , , ,�, ­"­,�I�.�,-:,'�,�-_-� -_,��,_*"�_­�; ,L­..­��, ..�� :.- !_�-,i":".o,I:""­" , " , , I r, , , ' 'I I 'e, :'':�­�r � 1.-� , __� �� I�- ­­­. r_ ,",'""' f '_�'­,�! ;� �,l�,T�,­:,.� ,�"�:,,,,;r,,,�,�,1�.�,ie" . -, , -� I I � ,!� � , I 1��, '. ; , I ,�:!",�- �?,A L . ., ��, Is 'W111111,111, I -ted to filign al"I ' ,ry to tile . I I I - 11 .11 I I, .1 .il­�",,� �': -�', 11 _;, � � � �,:"r�"."i����,�-,��'�:,�'�,.:..i;.,,',,"i,:,;�',��,,-,.�", ,���,�,�-,',,��,-����,��,����,���,,,,�, , �_` L: , I � I � , I t4ow-I tit ve H', L111tol ., of the, ; Ized ai.d ilisirm Ithfirized to lie i.sued and I)uildi its additional - - _"_ lbo`llaid for Out I "i ,ill hC (It"tit ined Ill tile saln"�manner as here* , ­1 "', ­1 , -, ­,-�.�,,`�,��,�,;�t,�;: , _..;�i,�'�i��:j��,,(, _r �,,�,���,,,,,�;1. . "I I the I I -eby at . I -list I ,11*1111 u I de- ' .. I 1. P .­�i,�.­Wfj'� ­11' ' I *�i,�` : ___ 1,�,,�'-,..�ll-�l,,��,"��,�,.,),',,,',-'�'ii,,���, , ,��'..����l,��i';:-r,:��".If"-,t�,�::,��",�-"'I" . � . it . I debentes t-8 lie, .11. I . I � .1 It - . ­1 ..� � , :F -, "j�p �1, i I, . Willi 4111C. Ge Irl 11 I ', . - "I..,.,1 _', .11 I I I'��-,,,�,L".",�,i��.'�IIjigr:',�*-j'���,.�,� �, � -i;��­,`;�`,�;, I ,,�i �� _ -,�,,:,��.I. , , "I _I- I . 11 , 1. I I f 1) :11;kl r al"Ire - , .2 500.%%*hlel . Id aiid the val e shall, be .., 11 : I - ,- '' , ,4. ", , , _-�'�:,t�'�' 4 ��,�......��, , ­_L_� , . I 1, I . . agreent--lit jilli- tile To e. ,1 t less than * fore d,nocrille . - -1 , , -�.,�:� I -,;_' � - 4 - " � : T . I��l, '' -11 "'�,ii,,r�,�;­,,':�­:, �,I�,, ,i�;-�,''�"'.., - - -,�"!:,4:,.�,'-,'�,,:L:,Z.]�,!"'�"",,r'"',,�,"­�,',',��,'�.,',��", .,� 11 . . - ill the C­U�.ty - to life signed 1, 11111.1 And des- I I, ilobel f III . I 1,; ,, r , �'Ioo " � �, ,J, ­:�,, ;__ " ___.___..,. I I� , � I ,..,. ;_­_j_., . I "y ;!t: , .,OW.1,1� -­f­ vy, ­� � - "I ­ I 1� _0�4,� � I'- . .V-L ­ .-" �C.`q�.,I,�'i_­'!, , Li,:1,',,,,, I - - ,!*�I�T��f­:­­�;­ I-I_ "-"i- -. � I I I I - 1 '' 1'.L, ,f Clarkot IV law be-ita ' � t,. callse lite sallic .of tile k,11 ley,4 othel" that',th()"' me`llt")"ed "'y is to . I"- . . �, I , , , ­, I .�.!�­$�I,�l�',Lol"�,,­,�'�,��';,,,,':�,I�;�,J�i,�!,�:Z'I!�"�':L��:';"�:,!��i��,!;��-.����,��,����.,,,�',�-'�i,-.,i�":;,)"'l.,, ";"�` 4vt�,��_. � I ' . I" . I 1;�, ,I I ,.;,­,�', '. . . , ,, , , _ ��,. L,". . . li ,' I I .1 ��r., ­ : 11 I ��­"'.­­�1.11". � f 1:,­1­�� I,I I'', I I. I', ,�., I-, '­%Zk,­ _',,,"_��'�'�'jy�;""",,j" �ir.7._,��%,. r,­"� 1. I , , , , � , ��'.. ; '' '! II , --,*,�Ili�,'4,q 1,,,,,��:.,.;:-,�, , ,��:'­�­� . .11,r :.,� ., - I . I� .:� � � towits,1111 41 - - Corporatint, . . I I dtict( ), , a I be I . . I 1.";,�' � , , , I-, "I - I. ,� � � ,". 11�.­.... . StIllit'it I to, tII14 I and t1il, 'Cierk of ill I A from lite rice tile,U0111F _�,!, . � :, , " .1 I I I . manufat-turer. 1, �, of tilt. said jilth(li,ized and cribed'in But)-pection (e) of ti,14 fly-law. , , - � rty it It ,,�1110111111(114 SitmeA, or rVla.T� 9 �­� I. 0. I I I . I :-,� �_, _',,,, , I ��..:��'��-'��:,,-'�*',)�"',.�,��,'���;.,__ il� _,,�,�I.�!�,,�.:� ,��,���,;�:��,�,�-.",.)�:�:�-,I�,',�,.-,�.,Iz��I I 2 - I� � , _%��.,�;,Jl;�,,.�_,'.�!.": _1�.. .; -, ,Vp","d"",...... -I ,'�,:?j'�.­i,,�i�li_`,"I, � � I I ,. .�Irr,z - I 'll., I �,_�� �, �'_� ­...11l;�Zh'"'L""­11�� �1:;:: "�,- - 11 ; . ." . 1111v tillull.fied to vitte , l hase . . , ::, �­ /. ,�­�:, t�j _1.,­._­,!I,�"��.�., `-- `� ,. ", ,._,_ ____, �_ ,!;.:;�;, � eIe(-to)TA(I a aidUnLcolu of all 1 , .,Lily iflit does not pure t ,� - � , "I , , . -,��i,�I";�,",,,�"� , " , , 't",�,-�:,��.-,-,����,:�,:,";:'�;".�'I'��.�'���,-'r���.'� ,�,­�'��','�':';'; � � I . I . I litrehyi , the prope � I­ �1- I , , 1; .1 - , "'.. "::` � ' . . . .� .. 1: -1.,�I� �, -,� - i "'I'­', ­ 't":,,f� _;-,, _-, , ,�",_ ;,�,,�,,�,­!­ , -,"', I .1. , ­ , , - , � . , _;,,��j;, , :� I � 11, I -, `ldlv�.,',I��,,I,_%�:.�;', �,_-q��I_4- _ ' '­J''' -'),,-,, �,'-,��.�" ',�.����','.'­; '' '' ,,,, �, I I I I .�' . --' _,�!,,t�,�� �,*, ,,,,,�,; '-���"'�'�rll.-'_ , ", ..�,; � .., , , . )v t,U , . I t-p4crihe:11 said coorlsoratioll tilt id 11hes' I L I I I : ,� . , � .1 , ,�,!� . ;­I, -fl� ,�....� ,,,, -1 I­I I�I-�;; ,i ,,�,�! - � I I I I. 1. I�.. :-.. appr ved I - _e it Illaillier Ill to atinch tile seal of tilt-, i4aid C.orpor- (f.) Tile saidCoMP111Y ast I : - - ll).ti( tothesaidC,)Mp .. . I . I , /)�'.' _ ,r "'�,",:,I.,,,�,:,L,',,�;,���,,�r���., - -,1, , -­ , � � I 1� .8 I towal tit . I I I . !".� , , ,4# I ,,, 1-11­ ­,�, � ,,"I', Z, ,"* ,',�!,.,, j,"", I I . � I � U, , instj ilete their joint and - I I I . 11 ­_1 ­d, ­­r ­.�'J­­j�":'�" '' . . 1, . I . ,(I . I 1 I I .I" : . ;­ ,;, r. �L�,�",�""2,� I � 1. tile ! III Of 11,11114 � . said Uoritioratioll � '� ,! ­,­r 'I � I :�� -,%'i.��7�:.,',��!j��C - I - � -:,."I".,��'j""l�"'L,��,�l'I'�'�l��;"!'?;'�,�i",�l'�','"' ,I � ­ , ­.. , , � r �. ­ therditioll -of alit cotpi"Irlitloot I I , 11 ­ I, I Ij -,�,�.,�;,.;;�",i"�:.,�,,,,",7�-,',-��.���,"�.,-7-�,',,�l�,',�i�.'.�L"7..:,�''il) .�L"�-"-*'�,;-'"'�,"�,4�ll'�,,,�, .,i,,,�," " - , , " �. ,.I 4 - eve to, the . I z. 11 I I , IL I I 1--.11-11­'I '.'_-" ,",-­"­­'I,­'_1j'ii�L;L�, , .� �;�),,7,,;.��,­, 1. �r �� I , . I he , � _"O. � .. I - , ,,P­'�,� - ­�', I Jlo' ­­ ' ' ' .' -�-�',,'V,,' ., w � �, .� I . , . I � I , ,;�'%' ;�11_t,". " �' ,��;` r �, ,_:�,I, "Fil_-.��,i.r-�',,�� �. 1. . � � � �_ ,_ ,.r ,,� I-�A .;. �,%�,, .;.,,; "���.'�":­.%�!,;,,-.�,,- I�,,�....I I.,, ' �;��_, '�­"'r--'­­L' ­.,J�iN", �,�'.� .1. � I . I. ,� I ,, I _ 11111."I .;I . ' �1",_,"r':.:�,­1 1,1;1 ," �, I ;�:" ,, I . �' ,' , lo;�, .�" 'I - ' �JL �,.�i_� . .��I� ,�f,�1�il�!'%���"'�' 1 I 11 ­­.. ­­­ - ... ­.1.1, �" , - ,��, 1. - , . ,��_" ­1 7"'i. ,L'I ­ , 'lai I . , � I, . ,... ­ -,, ".I, l?111I111­.­ _L��%'I, -� t',I .�,� , . , ­_Tit� ,_ ,��, ­1. j. I � � . I 1. I, 61.) whereby tile 9 I to tile said delient.ures I rem the said (;()Illl)any � tilt"Sailled;. alifled electors Of t -'' t I ff�I I I �12 )� I , i­1 , . I I I ftilloligother 1111,19111 I atiot , Lised and levied In , renatifs bindi and his per- I %,�,f, firi e votes of the qu . I _ ,.,.,'.:'�,�'��r, .:I;i,;�,� .�`�,:Ipl_",I;i�­:,�,�­;,,,..��";7�jfl'­ ., I �"';��'�'�� . '', I I I ;)F(ow nof llowmai'lvill'- Shall f everal'col It �, " I I I-11-_.;�.:�;��!, , , , ,I I A.-,,,1�,!.,;-_�,,I�-;�.',",.��;�I I",� "'I',�,���,".�"".-�,�,.,�"."Z",�,,,""I,-­ �1�-,Z .�,i; 'Y i.� '.", ­,_ -1-1 _�� ., I, ... . , , , - _ .� �.,­:,.,'� ­1: . ;;�,,�.,.i:,,��,�,-".,���'':'"',,� -, 1, , , . r I erectiolk I e shfill lie "I �t' ,,, '.� : I .',;�,�,, "­Z.­�L:;"�; � �,�",-II ,j7 . ,, Ili , � , .. " t- "I I . �i. ......... 1,�,­_­ , I _'. .� Jf��'I-��,�,�Ir.�--,,;, " !, . I I � i � I'., , cou"O ol VII. The.:r rateable kind tile t,ald Lil-ton Sail, Co rl)l,I,,,tioll sll;til be taken on' this hy,I A'w -1. � � - I: �, ��'­`­ _ � - 0 , J, . I I .� I :�I . 11 s Ito%%,ill to successors I e of them Ir'' . 1 . . '111 v, �`-.,:;"�"�� �_.­ ."­�,,; - ,�. ��,�,,,�I�":�:"" ­­"� v�­.`_'��_1_1�*Ie?-,",�:�".-,��;;',.: ,'.� �".�­""Lt,;"­ �­'. ­.­�_".'I, , . ,,;lk,;,L��� L - , I '7� , - ,, ' 1; " .�;� -`�i,��� I I .. . ' � I . � I?_ ,jOm,,I,te,the building lifeclil 'rate oil all tile es I flat the Om. utes I a I that ... I�, I � .,�),'," - � �­;w 2'� , . " -_ - , , �;;,,�,�,��'. _"z. k . . � I . I 11 I ­ . I 1, -, , -i," .-j I., " ;-.�."�'��I,"'�,"�;f',"r�""".:-,""';�'�'.-.,':��-';'�I�'!';I�`�'� '­­ "",�,,�-�':.�,,,,�"�'.�;'_.�r"'_�.,,_ '­ I I 11 �� I I . I ch and Divititi011 '. elveh y.ear by 14' a in of presentativ -3tat , I . . '. I I 1' - .f"'i'l- ,I, , I ' ,� I t � � I Unur 1. I � ,,�,,r _ '' - .." ,io, '­P�11"j , "� , .1 .-, _ i"' , ' ,,_!1'._ , . I ..I � . � . . I . I I � �;�',`�"­­)­;­­��, , �, .- -,�-,-,�.-_ -,,,I -���;",;!�]����;�)�l',�,��",:r"-""�;-,'�,j ­­111-1111.1 � 1. � � I . I ,,4,"1�' _� '111,�__ _ ­;!,�:,�,�� �". 'i��,�,I�il,7 ­I�,, I��,,1:!� I'��' ��t-_0� -V ­__'- 6, -if - q� __ , " _",� fl',:­,j'I"i�!­,_', Z­.��.� I 4" ­­,�­­ . '' r I ,., , _ � I, � I . . Lit.west corlicr'"I ,acquired loroijet ty the Nallil' jo-irlooration R ,su � onal re V O,r g Corpora ursuant to the provisions Of the" - � . 1. I , , I ,I I�. . I I ,�:��2�I:�-!;,­,�I.;',,� ,',._i;�,,��'v',;,', p- ---,- I.,­1r, I,` ". " , ,�', �,, '.,��,, . . � I , , oil the soul 11 owma,liville ., lot jig tile several I and truly pay to.the am d tion , , Alf,attbe following places,thatis tosay, I, . , ­ .1 ­ ­ , " 1­11­ ''I., ; . ", _ ; � '. . �-,,,,� . ". ,t I � fliargli . � �� :'I i , I ,Il� ,�;, �,',`1.'1­­­',.,­ ��,i.,�i��%`�, �i ..�1. , ,�, ;�_,,: ��,:,�!�,f I-, , .�,.1,�:,it, I 1 ,"". I:. � I I . , I , I I I , �. I _�fl­.I�, ;� I � _'�'­'�%',`/�"'� L .1 I Of ill Wei aid rent re- I . I � I � , ­I.,r"ZL ",,"I,,�"l�­� : I I . � . _�.I;...� ", . .7; 11 11�111;,, .,�. 1:.�,­. �, � , ,i,�:��,��,,%,,, � , '�,��;�,,��-'��,,,.?,,,�,�li,:.-�.,;�,�"����','��,.:�i,.%.,�i,-,!,;�?,,��,�,*��,'f!�!.'�.,�:;Itz�,. , -1 I I. I .ill the Tow' er hY: be used. lit di8( r assignool the s licit ' ' I � 1, .­Y�, .; �-,�illl',,":�,,�I�,'4;;� �,�, �":,-,!,;,�,,�,�:,�,- i"".,�,,�:�,��''!"ti"���,,',��,--�,��!' ', .;,�,�ze,�,,��,��t.",t"�,,�,����:�- 11�;I;,,L" -, ­­­j '' . �. I" . I., . ­. Strect-4 (if IL forin -.m-4.4.lot I It 0 dibi; created ' at title Police Of4ce , I,- I . � :,,_��.-.:,_, 11, I _3�_�'-�' �-'­r�:"'p�li"�­­. �­�I,Ixl' -11.`­,`�-_ - ­��,­Iil, �,�: '�!. "I "? ! I I . or to.its pu,ccessors 0 :., - . ­ , .1.��I I 1 I'll ­ � I 1: ., I I ; � ; . I ..,, : , I I I I I � 1. . , - ir�;.;,� �Il",I_,��L­_� �I I - _� 11�, ­­, __, � , ,-�I,�;:�,i I *_;,_­�il�:... ,�.:"_.�:�:v�,;�,�, ,,�.I���,�__: Ii��..�i_:,.." I;_� , I ,1. 1;.� " I .- I . I and lonlit under tile provisions plailt. delletiture 1 accruing title Ole sald d �;,616.45 on the daY s and times and in ,For the V7est Ward ' I . I I. :-- � - "'J, ". ,-�,�i�,t i�,".-,�iI:,-.'�;�� . �,_"'­ 1- _ ,!,_­I-:­­�� , �­ , q. -:]�.­­ , -1 , . . . . '­111 , , 11 ­ ­­­­r�,.*.'� '­_.11­_, I,­�I`,�,�:�;��,,�,,�,��,,,-�,,r-�,,-,,,--T-,. ,!,�]I "­'­ .�..�- �__, ___ . . . I . _.��, _,"''LI., - .;"-, ;v,�,;lf," "'.".., '11­ 11L.. . . I . I I I . ,ame with a lower I .�';"I�� _11 ,; ­� I; �", ;,';,L�'I­��'���'.��I,,�","1'��-��_;�'o-, ,'_�,�'i - ;P .,,,�,,.� ,,�,-��,.;�..,,,,,�..""."�,�,i ­,;,1�1;,�,­.,_­­;�.� ,��!,L��,,�'�,-,,,,,�,-,,,�" .', , ,� F Df tills I)Y_IaW aS thle . -,,,�,'I"� .-­­.,-��,� 'L ,;Iv- , ;: i . .. ,Sarltre become servedlo� section (,,) of this ori t tile Drill Shed. � ' � ­­­�. ".-, _ � , �4 " , , I '2 - I " ,�, ,� � . I _ I�'. I "' ' - I . I ,-,� � . . c . L I , , , ,�._ I ",'I', � .,;.1 �.I , I , - ,, , �.",". , , , - , �', 'i -��,e­­­ -,,r_ , -,,I,',I­;,, - : !,., 1 I . I . P law and Will C-quip L -i'll under clail. 4i ,, c cated tit*But) . FOTL the 1�r th Ward a . 't� �% _ ',!�,i­; ,�, , , .11- -I", - .... ",_ - .�Iql,-1-1� ­',��....:1,­"i 1 7 . , �r;....... I , � !'�i 11 . . ,,, not less that' $5-()(l()1 all"sh' , " the instiller indi I I . . . ,� , .. I.,"i .­_1.­1.'.:­.­;i­ . .:11 Nr-I,.� '' I— .. If�,�, � , ,. �,­ I� '­...���",�,".,:.."���l.';�"",_�.� til 1:,,,,,,,�,'­., ,_,�­',­, , I . I �11, � �� _­'1,­ �',j� I 11.1, _:­ . , "'' , i bile acq?ordiilg to a he:dule* . e Fire Hall. , , '' �` , ,T,�,�.". ''.", ! ,,, I � ­'?,�,,, .1 11� . ­;� ,,,� ��n,­ ,� . I I �_ , I I � �I— L"',, � �, ',l­.�.,),i1;_�,t'�,I,,"" :', �`!_;�__ _ - �_ ' I." 11 , � 'I " I I "I 'l I I �,4.­ `("it Outh Ward at tit - :�,�,f. ,, i ­­­��-1 , ,-� ­ll,1'�, -p ­ -�",-�'�-�4,_",� - ,�;- ,�'�,�I���!,,i'.�,,-,-,�,,..���'r;.---","L ,��I,t '' I q I I aid plant to t plant to The 13,1winall -ti%,*.Iv ay�. � � . :� ,: - W'� .. _ , ,4 - I I . I I ,:1 q IN I . I . . I .. � . -­ ­­ , ,___ _�.�,, _ 'i­�, _ jlli��,o-i�,;�_' _ -1 ;�_:!­ 1_� ­., _­ I �! I I� , � I restiet I ' by-law. I For the.S . ., �, , ��'.�,�, '' ­� I I'�,1,,",--",,�,'�,�,;!,�,.-,.,;.,",�:,;,�l, '��l,, W1. � ..­.(­_.-._, t - ;_4l. ,�_ai. �- , I I_—�_11­ I _. , ,.,Ii I , . ,I ". 1. ,,,q� _,�,,,I.�,,,;;C�i`.�­1 . 1­1­11­1:1.-.!� ,'­.'.,­"l. 11�.­ "I'll, ­�q'­--;,��­­ .,;, :.;, I I . .�,­ � _ , . I premises RIM NO W I J of or the Cor !enth- day of ' � .�i,� .;.i:,- ­11 ­1. -11". :11 . , n­ I � - -:�,,�.,�,';,;4"��;.�,i.7"":�,,��)���.I I'll.;, I � 'r . 11 - 1.a etorlo-oration . - ; � 11.,­., , _� � " ,�­­ ,­ '_ ­,­ I ­ ���, I I , _II 1.411.­­,, r� � . i , lease'salod ,,,.,,,,,y. Ltmiw ,.-A I tur -11111 -1 . . ''...'.�'�'-"­ ":"-.��-;,_Y.;j,;"�Vfl� � _ ,; � ': � , I t : � f I be lawful . �,q.�:_­ I . . � -11. ;"'�';'��'-�': , I I ; . I � ,:!,�:"['��,,�, ' - , T 1. 1_,� '��,;;�,,�,'_:,,,,,,�,, .1, 1;: �,.��,; � :, , ;I. "I I . I ,�,� . �. I_ Ville Foundry In Oil I 11. 1)q raised� and levied in Ir ) it shall and may oil the ,fif tIE . 17,�,,I 1 ­ ., ,� , , 7_.I , - ,,'.�-,;"'I' :"­� � �;I ,�%�'_ '-��:L�'l�­%�­_,!­��,�;�:;;� _�:"�,'L�';,,�,;,��". , �, 11 I I I I. ; , r I �4:��',o".,�,,_`����',�-_�,,� _;....��!:�,I �.".. -1.1.L'­"­��:., ­�...­�., , , ��­% q,­..l ­I .1, . I I - -` `:�".1 , I. ­,;", %­4.,:,�.,':­..4,!'� ,,.,�� ,,,;�,,'�',��,,�,.":���,,:,�.:��:z,�,���'�,�'.,,!-'.!.'�i; �. �';,;_ �.% , I I . ; r,L I -I.I I I�1$1 1 I, if,I,1,1, I ...�_� I 11 ,�`�!i�.­`�� "', � ;1 'L, ' L'- "�"I .1; lol.�, �t';11 I�f.,__,!;, : I I. %'­;� _ , . ' ' I.I ! �,� 1, , led fly-tile saill Cleorge,.H., l,ilkt( Sha, (g c said Company that'at ' ' it, tile sald Wards i . 1 I.. : o, :,,,�_ I ...I I , ,_� ,�,I , _­ -. ­ .11 � , ; ... i - ,"I � . vill. There, ,� on all lite rateable to agree with tit I Of our Lord 11101, from -. I I L:",�,:��,z�, .�,.i�:��",�,i,..,. , ;-'Ll�,-',';I',,-�'�-,��i,.�,.,',:,',...� , ­� � - .1 ;�. .,­ �,�,14o r�. -, ­:_F:_.�-.,� �I;.:,, 11". .��I� i....t� �� ... I . .�! - I I ., - t , � "", I. �- �I.. . I , c.ial rate poratiott' 8 of tile terin I November Ili the year O'clock in I . . ,,�.,; ...!� '1­,,�,,,-,­­ " -I'r�­11­1;.`..,��r,l i ,,:,,:�;,��,!,?, -1�1�'..�. !:"�e:"."i-�;�,:,,I.�',,�I�-l­,' ", 11,,,, .�; ,, .IiI, "K.,­4 el 11 .'i".,"I�, ,��... )1". �,� to be forn _ I . I ,;�."�.� �,;, ,�� �:1. , ,- L , f . " - I'll I � , � . I � ......­­­ __"o_", � . - � � - , ,� , I ��, I - ., ),Illg sipproved fly the aforesaid I I I Il'y"rh "Doel I Don to five 1_ ,:" �_; ,,""'I,,.,�­' _� .4���.��,'��,;��.,;���'�,�,;;;A�,,i.4�,�"�:,H.�4.�,A'� I ­f� " 11 ...�I ,,, "­7­---­­­: ..�­, I eac! Poration a ,sum Of tile expiratitoll (if tne first ten year -the forgot I 11 �� T_ �,-,",�,�.����,'��-'�",,L�":'," -� , _��­ ,..,..-,�.-�f,�.:.-�-�":-�.�,r",,�.....­;i­. . ,­1-,;- �%", ­ ,�:I 7�"" �.�,.;,-�,�,i�,l�����,-,--:�,,�,� 1� -_��i, I I I , " ,V": , - - -,; __'�,,_'!'�`�L,��;;','�,��' ��.�."L ' ' ' - ­. I , ", , `� , ", - 'A-,Io,7�i�q, '' " _._ ,;_,T"__ ,� -` " -` � - �. - , -,; ", �, 11 - ­_I, �'w'�,' _ , 1�11­`-,I,',,_�.I....�,�."�!?i','�.z�','t��",�,,-;��-��,'�,-,­ ;,"',i ,,� ­��2,-��',,�Iisl_': _ , - . - . - . - . - . 11 . _­'_�11 - " I;5"� 11 I , ,.1 P� 11_�-,� ''I , -, �-,,,,�:,',',��, � , �� . ,,,'_,!�i��A .1'�, _�,M, , , , I � I ': this fly-14 W I - I lid Corp . pay ments of Ilille f),clock in wing persons . : ,:, ,!,!.2, i"`-�--` r. ., ,�',,`;�",,'�:�V,',L" ��:t;i��:,�'�'�,t�Ir��* � . ,. . " . . It F () tile 8-1 5,11le toiti, years , t�� -, I '', !I� � . I 8 I 'p, I d that tile follo, - ',I,!._,.�­e�� Z" ., �r �`,i";� ,,�;�",i� - ­7 % - - ­��4 �,,11.,* . I.. ,. 11 . .�: _.,�,,�,�� .4�'r, , i `t'­!�­��,,­�:�, -, , � ", __ - I . ,_....�4,'i� , " 11 . � - - 'I -�`,'.;�;�'!,* '."�;'�-'.i.l�,�'�L'��,�-,"'i"",.: ; , ,___, -�f,�-�,���'.�,'�,�,,!�.��',�-�'-'�-,�,L",;:�)­';"�,']%��,�`� ,";i�,",'_ " , ',.,I- . 1. .- ­1,­­­111­ .,­Y��,��, ­f` 1.111,11­1 1. I , --,--,I ,�,��:�!� -%t'-;t ,� ..���,����L�:�,��'t,�,�,::-,'�-,,,;]���,,�,,�,��,,�,� �� I . I he said CollneiJ1. I jig the Several I ild after it bas Palu if De the. tile afternoon, all ' ,. ':­ .­I,, ,.��r,�,.,;:�,�,';.,' l ! �,t':,',�,�­',, ,_ t.��,,�.�,�����"",!��,�,-.',���,���,�,,�;�,,��l.,,,I,",',"��,, . I I I .��; ,-, - " "'', ", _�, 'Ir-,", ,, � ., . L ; electors a olx�.,r, L-S") life used Ili �dlie P ,,�_, ,;f W�,,­.r�,-,,,- ,,'.,4��-, ___ ___11-l '.1, : lid Iwas ed fly t hargh a joy 'Bild , . " I ",� . '11��10 I.,�, I- , . ;ry",','� � - ., ," : _�,_ _­'��_� __ ,",_;�,;�.,�,�,,,,:,�: 1_._,?,,__ . I ,�i:4i��;:�41!., . ,"Ji-, '� , I-! , I fif�, , �, , - - , I,---- I—, 11.1 . . t., �3,yi�,,'�I9-,,� ,.':�)A��",;;�_ef. 1""',-It�l,I.�f;�! - , , '� .. �r � _ I ­ - - " - ; 11 I . . I . -e,4t of lite said Cor- t;[�,1�. aid Gorn M Beers for taking the votes . . . L- � " � ,�,!���,;�""7:�,,.�,',,�i'i�-.-I - ,; ��4�:ti 'i, ,1,,�` , f p�f I � . ,-;;, �, J(, I , , _, �,_4� ',I , , L " - _v, �,!�r-,-,-5�:��'��­' --,�'i;�i:��­-'!",--,-,"I" , _--��__ ,,,��`.',,�-i"� -�,"i `.-��.!"�, .�. i",Z,-,�',-� ,�,.��7-�`O` -' ,��-'--'-.,�i�,,-��;"-���,,, -',,- , I ,� , , 4, ,_ �, _ - , I ­;�­­­71'-ffl',�­­­ _. - �, , � I I ­�- ,�,�:,t '�_�:,,�.-";­_-:-v-y,, 4 , I reas In the Intel I ' If 0 Itiolt installed By the , Shall be Returning Ql � If' I , r �-',',,�,,-��-,��i�,�;'-��:�;--��i��L,�7';-"�V,�- J,, i?;I� ,7-7"V�,i,�.,,,��-,?,,,,_�E,�,��;�,"�, �4 -!,j`-y­',.��,'­',��.� -_,,"�, I .",,,,;j,�,"l,'�.,,,�_,��,,,�-,�', , - i, 141 debt created - U.45 the 8 I . I - &V - ,1;1�� . . I�"I",� .:r I ......�� __ I 11­ �­';'��`, _', "­" ,�; - "" .?:'q ,41 � .r �_'!, �,__�,­­,��-,,I�v?� I .';_ 1,i., . I ��" ,l,�': . ,'�,,;�:�,," -,��,',`,':'."",�,.-' -�-;`� -,�,��,�*,,t��'-i,�"z�,'�,!,-,�,��','t��,�z��,;,_4,'I�_�'.�,"'��-',';�,.�'�'�l�'i,,;��7�,��-�t�--�L '�,�.'_'��-13,:, -, -�',�-,4.- - , ',��`�� `�;_;"��iil�_��Y`I'A*I, ,11*1 ,,�'.Ill,,I�:� r,�,','_. T4 ". ­ ­ � ��. .;, ! , � .I I I z title Ol I tile sa socist 0 ii, I , , ,�� I �l ­ , - . j� �,_.,,, � .., , ,�, - �i I . .1 I I . ­-�,ft�­, ,'�j� ,I,- -, ., � , ,_ ,,jL�,� - . , - "' ' .."%­­� � I . I W I ,�,--,:,�­ :, ,!, ,�,�t_, " , i", ,,��,I _ '7,1�7.?"��J ­;­�'I- , r" . . ­ . _ . � �Y";�;' 'l, v I�,,�.� ,�,,:,�' -o,;` , ,_ , , - .�_ ii-t;Zi�ig, -,�I;,, ._ . � � , 11, , - r , ,, � , ,.,;,� . I , , , -. �; i�,, " � I . ,And 'lie llotolotIttlistall'i 11 ea 111011L.'ruilif er Of tile es.that is to fifty-- I .. -­ __i�,,,, -, , - �M,:Y,,,-,,z ,� , - i-,-,��y.,�,���!";,-,-,r-"."".:-"�;.-,,� ,l� �J,:'j �; --,,,',����'�":�',,�,�""":�;�,:. I �, I dellelitt . �;�i:l ,��".,��'t�::,I_ . � I - ' '� .vi . ,,­:�::I�,Ji, �," � ',­, �, . I "I., I��' I I : ��I,,�,��'_, ;i,,."';�� �;,;­,' ��7�',"',�r4;­�;��f,­"j�";"��I,��', I dA:_I"� 10 - .1 . � ' _7, �,�;�"Z�:��,� L --,�� 4 �� . I_il,,.�___ - _� _�­-.�Vi , , . !j I ; , -1, of' by_I1w r , I Isli(icir, clitiltit, 4 of . - - ­­­,-.,­."­�,��,Ir ­', �, I d adlo'kalbleol . N'41. ab!solutO Owl' I at the sild polling Iliac .1, _*�;�,, , , , I . poratioss, it 113 decillie ,� tills by law I as tile iijamoe said,butthe said Coin . , I John-Lyle; I I .. I . ".�,.�"?",.,4"-�-",-��"4,��,�'r"� ""1.�,��;�`,L ,.t�.li,:!'��'�'2.t����,���",,'�.-�t�I� ­', _,"','��f,fl_:,ii'17:11, "" � ,�it-,�,�-1;�;��l.,' '4;,'�'�g.L,�lA �.i ., . . 11 . I � cordIng too said Corp ratio" as aor I � " , ­, - ��,tt",;-,��.4�i!,�,,.�-.,��i�l,-"!"t,.",�,,��,i�r��,� -j_ _ , 't., %�, -��,i.�,,;,-,",,", I ,­ I of,'.......... ......j­4........r " �,," ' ' I 11 _ � . I � �. ,1 � . I . I . I . ,11,;,�I,.-,-��_';A_ ­,­­ I'�-�.'-�'".�"Ii!"!"",���lil�,),-,�,-�,,��'ll",����.'I��'l�-�,�,-, ,,:-�� --­�., �,.���--,�,.��,,���-,',',J�,-�l,-,� ;"�','.�-��e',;'���'�'�.,i,�4��,,'ii,',�;"�-,��,,'i�'3". ", "'�,_;-­- 'I' ­ ., 11�1,�­ " , ,,�,,,, 'rli is I , .. �, l'' , �z�l.",:",",�'',�,;,�,�,,,,,"��_'� -1,,"z- , � ,�__:,,,,#� _,�,,'.1,�,:,.1,�,g " _ _ , - � .,, ­ . � � 11 , ''"'' , - 'i;"�-,�,�,,,�f��,�,�-,-",��,"���,,��ij � I 1: i; II i I—, ' ' ­ ,;r ,. - 1. ,:�,Z,4t._�I5i�;, �:�,I,7,�. Iji,, , � " ql�:��`i,"%,�:�,'�W : .. ... r,���:�,'-"-.�.*,����,r�'!"-'t"'��"'t-,.��i,,� ", � " --:�,'�4?�,��,Iei-.,_-, _ ""!,�,��,',�:',-'' .. . , I , , ,'.�,��,*M'­� - , � �,`,�'I,o� ,,, -1 "' ,� I ';�,,"�',��-,�"-,��'�",�,����.'i.'�"��-1",�,,,,i5*,Z�l,', -_,"",�,'�W%:g,;'Ir -';��',,,'- � I -,q I ., 'A payahle Re right or I 1. , N "�,- I I I . . : ­ , I �5�,,� 'j,,,� ��,I`:�`�,,-,,!',��,'4,-, - � :�.,,�I,�`, 'I . ,,:�T!-;,�, " " . � t ; Ing the terins a"d c011f"t'll"' ma I iville. Whic 1 1 become re-lovilitivel I I 1. ; I At leave Ito - For,the West Ward,, . , , , , I",'�',......1.11,�-­­ _j'�"�";�:�fl��,--i,-�.";-,-,,,o,,�-,',I�_, ..",­:I�L�Z�'L�i%,","I.�. L ­ . . , " "V,."�t,L,-,"".,�!��,��-�'ll-�,���,�i��,- ,,�",- �, � , 'I � .� '-�'�.' _�l IL�1"l"-­111''Ll' Ill - � , 1� , ' "f, . .. I ­ _ ," , 'f --!- L, , � I; �:� _ I - '' giild Towl, (of If0w YI)y pa r the amid UlIt011-Ohs Dougall. l ,i� .,1�,�.',,__; --,,,r,,;,�,.,,i,,,,,.,,,,,,,,',.,.,,",,',',,,'..,',"-,-'---.-I `-,.,��'7�1',L,�,,;Zj,�- .",�r , I L ,�!�,,�����'��',,,�!'.-L�i�4,1,i�,�''-"__ �� � I L I of tile said I I It I "11f, tirtilis -law. Ily 0 , rd Robi. Me ,_­­l ,��7�'M­L .�, . I � �1�'�� 634 4of tile I I r any equity therein alitil lite For ti I I . � , �:,,.�­�,�' �iq,�,.'i*,`?. _ __,�t?"", ,��"L�' ,_i,'_!�� ,.--, ,i��I��"�,? ? "-�! I hitillicillid C-Itillei Nt. lell 1 te.North Wa . . . . . , ","", _?�_�','�-.�l�� ��'�.�-z;;�i���'-��,h�l�',�L'�u.Ll,�'i4'� �,,, . ,�t.�p��il;��,L�";'�,l�.7t";��l!i����� -_I ��;�tI�.,_7�­!_ ;_ I _ � ,�, ' '- . I . 1 I I I . . I 43 �- title to same 0 of *616.4.;i each I r , I _""!, _ ��",i�__,`if',1,.;,;._",!� �,­,m',,,,�,�,-�';�,,�-'�-'�-1,1,�ll-l';��_,,ty",L I� , -ZN',�­' - ­­,�'_ �� ­ , -I,, , ,I-,-�-,.Ilil�_".­11 111�,,­ '' , __.4;,4`,'_.,; _�'_ : I . I quoits rized-tile V 14 'effect Oil . - I I, �­I�;,r"' _Ie, " 611 r -­J I'v­,. _'­­­,­­�".­­­2:, ­,"i, � - ,-, � , , ,�., I I� _.�,,,,,',r,�,'_,,,,�,''�,�,�,,,,,,I , - ,�4 . - "', '�:_ , , 4,�., - ­ tj,��,I��_jL', -,� , -1 40�_;�;­Iv��,,��,;�;t�, �� --,I,-"�""",,L-;�-�'�;�,�'�'.'�,�,--�;,;,.�,,,�,,�,,.�� -,�,7,�­�­ , , . I I I _ ''�. .l -m;�,,,;I -_ '� -- �-IL,f"*i".-I!,v�*: ,fl,',`��,;,­ V�� .'���­;",;'jj­ ', ' I "'. O -.1; I I . � , _, �I��:jj- "­ .­­',;­'­­;­­%�2".�� ,�__ , - - ,;il,'�� � � �:1, : �'. . I _ ., _ ; 1, _ , T ,�,," I , I , , I the 111tolle. 1w, shall .take ,aymesits So Ward. S. Wit Scobell . . ;",:%.,",��:"�;, -,, 6J�,, ,.,�, -�,%,��',�_::I��! �'�I',�:�,,"f-l:L.1�t`k'l J I I lic to raise rh 8 10% .1 whole of the.said.tep 11 r . . L ,I _,�:��,;­­'I,i­­­ ­ ­ '!�i;;�'*�­'�� ", , _,;t��',�7,,?, _��� ). � -_', I I ­_ " -, . I I . ,�t.,,,-r, ,!'_.,�­�!",�', . . ,. ,� '' _­­ L I , �, "" , " ­,�- -,�,-,�,�,,,,I I _ � , . �," - I . �� . . . ' , ,�,",�I,j'..;j 1;.Ai,I.�­'­ I �_�11 I L 'L',- ' , , Ilf I,,,,,,, _ ­.'� ",,,,�.�!,*�,i,-",�.,�,?J"���,,��".��i,.:,'�,,l;-,:�,"', , . "I i i . I If Howmativi atilt louildillix ' " ,I#K)I. , I . IV the Compan , Forthe nth I the year I I . � "I I�:, _Il 1� "'; - ,,, --­�'1, -- .­,i.;:� ,_,�,'�;-,:--I��-�!.!,-_;I -­I�4_­ ,:I;...'.',-!� �,, �;. �,:� ),�,,L , �,", , " - -_ , "" - - I .1 I � ;t` i "' ,", ;,I ,�7,.� � : . .",� , ��'I,,:�'.� ;; , 1, I L":,�� "�, , � ,­-- 1 �,�f,�:;,�:,.-'��,'��":i"�' "'�:'';L���,�� .��,��.,"�:...��,.',i�..�::,.L� I �11 towls 0 '� e �, " � �1­1 I . , ; .1;i� p rtV "- ' 'X I . 8 �, . �� - -,".I.,­�_. , -�,��,I�'r,_� .�, - I.­ � . I , I , �",I" i I 11,,.� !�:� "!)': ;�fl'��:,;��'�' !'?'"I--�­��"j­i�;; !'�I"I':'­�,�,. I I ill . . I y,to,pay of or tile prope. . r . theirst-day )t lkeeinber. that by Way of rent are fulIV ilIald hill ,Be tile leas I 111.1t tile�nii.thdil.Y Of N,ovember It � , ,j",'.,�,,;"� . '', I ,d , I ", ,., ,�'�" L ,,�,�',��',­�'_'� , ", ­ .11" I I � � , � I paid f,or tilldloo lout). shall :,I.'';"- r'',,1% ,�,I i.� ;. -', ,.,_­,:!;'Il;,� ",": 1,.,�.!�,%,:l"�,,�,' �I . I necessar clared and enaete ,tioll; slid Ili ca , , , _�,­', ­9 ­ "', , I I , r l I � I I I ey Should 4t, to tile said Corpora o'clock, r I., , ,�,,�;11� r.�i� -� I I ; 1," .to. that till il ,%%.I;l , I,%;. It is iterefly de nil f gut)section I e . L �L �_�, ., ,. ,. � ,If � ef our Lord 1,901 at twe"V Chamber . . . L .1 �!.. ":,"_ , .��, :;,�t'j,I , ,::�, ","_" - �',�:7�," . , ,ol 11 1.111. I r"... ,.,,.,.,�,� . �", , _ _1 I i,'��'III r ­­,­q ma,��-II �� �,,'-,��,.,r.,��"",-";i�!'�.,-,,,.�411-�4-'�'i� "I _;�i I,�":�C J�! � -­,­' .1 . . ,�� ,-� � , . I I I r Iloject, to tile fOIIOw'"9 strilinated under tile provifilo, 0 I I, �_- i"'I""-7 I ' I' ' '­,r' : , "" , �,;­� I , :;�­ �1 ,,; ,��,, ,�-I ,"'�. ":� - . .I � . -1 i I , . t�eferred it I I I I ­1 L I 'I,, �.I;. ,�� ,"�,:,-�I "I" , ., . , t_ Y. 1, 1- I I tied for tile lourl"14"" 1114'rot! I OW 1:6 Jhils Ilk-111:011011, Is Illassed. a of ""', _J',�_I,. - I _ I 11 i� ,�� 1. . . . law. I te first tell years be the day and hour and the Coulee ,_.. : ,�, 1. � - � 4-� � - 1 7 �, ­ , � , .! , a I _'_'_ �`i- :, 1 ,�,�'-�, ;!�'z ,,­� k­ I e 4 ,. , , � " _ _ �;���,.iti,r�"L':�:'��,?,"-'�.�'.�,?I", ­ z,,, , , , . -1 ,:: "". _'I"._-.1,�, ­ , �. , '', I . .1,,�­',',�.�� '.�,� " . ,�� . ­1 I . 2 '' _. ,:!, - - , - _;_, _�,�..­,� I _­G! '-'� ':��,�'_-�,-�,-I',f-� . 1;I I .i�1� . I &I'll, O-1"- C Corloorati(ol, it - tilt or I Ild eoliflitiollis Reed oil tile perform. '(h)of tills by-law Witiltu tile , of rent ilk tile re the Mayor . . :1 I .11�,­ t ,,�,,", , ..�,.'_� , , � , �� I , said town tile I place ,whe . . , r . , , . I - , � _:_�:,:'­11�1 �­ ,­_ ,;��",�Z. , " - L I I I ", ,�� �.,r".'' ! , �- , '?� ,,��'!.,',,�'_ , ..�_ " -��,�..;"%'..:)I'!f*"�'.�� ,L'�,%'­ I : * , ; .I isary for ill, stiptilatiolils-% . ol lcaae to. the Ile d at . I . � -;'I, ,r ,� _7�';:�;%,.��:,�.�,' i ; I . be necel ,uts made by,wtiV the .1, "I , �� I � t I . I . . I­ �­­,. -t� �� - - - -" _ _ j­'�;L! � , I I I �� I , ralsethe gold �jjsnl "lf :-5-4sit'l hereof tile Bat ' term ally playsill it Persons to atten . � -�-1. - � � 'Z:� - ,,­1_?,.,,,".""',�,�,I. I _ I ,;�,,,,,.,-�,,�,,��,,�,.-",i��.,,���, ,:111.111.1111,���, �,�,��i�:�%i-': - ­­ � 11 11 _. '- �i ��l I . . . of Bowr , It - et of. ti.it liter. , ance and fultil"lle"it, . the ., . �". I ;., �._.,;�;: " 1,1. .�,�, , . ,:,:'1_'.i;f'j%',f,,,r�,*"j,j­ , " ,,.,�:,_11!,:� ;-- . _� I .- i . nanvillP t ndry Conipany,Lim give to tile C0111spiall ally rijist, to the I shall atwnd tbAPPuill or the finall summing UP, I , , , , , 11'11,._,��;.*." , I I � �� I I I I �, _-1',­,, ;,��,,�,.-'---,:.;,'�:,��,:,.,L,,!,,��;j �:,�,�,� , -�;I,��., , 1�,,­n __, '' � " , I - -- - I� '�!' -. ,� . ­- � I I . . � . I 1. I I . . . �., - 1, ,. , ., :___ , . .11­�'­�­�_:, 'I_'�'..L'�'__.,�'., .. 7,:;�.­,,,1%I.,;!!',�V�. - I. . i! ��!,j I ' manville Fou t to entitle ,the Polling places R . A.1 r - - � I I I ' ' L;_�` I I _;',� I ' ' : �.'­�.!:.I,­"­,." '' ,� ­ I . I . �,41 , ,,, �-'.,' � �� r I I " 1, ' �, t� ,�'R ,- ; , � .� .L . ,ii' ' I W . - �:" : 'L;, �:, . . , ,:.,-,I., __ , I I". �;"­ i � "- 1, . ty and the too If I . .".t �­ r '' ��r';' �': � A I" �� � " , , ....� � -et tile obligatt"118 "I' Tesl)e ojin-4tructii lit O' 1 8& Ho shall XIOt I various of.the per � �,4 __ I _ _,r - �!, .1,�I. I—!;',, � I ,to me "I"It. said platit It is understood to a tile Clark on � -I, I . 11, , ­11 �­: _"�,'. � �.;,;., :l - 4 it I I' � . "I r-li� -_ : ": �, ,� -" , :",'�� i 1; ,�;,L , ' , � � � ,� _�. :r.1 '. ,�;Ii�,, 11 I IfV­. - . .: I I ' ­��,.:.. , .2 . I .1 � if e!d -tit be gi,atitod. I � 4tiold of the votes by beha .. I 1; �', l I. I _ I 11,_ , -it, : . "I �, I � tile proper' I'" , d, sh. e tdi' and property ,in _ lig the I I ! I _i,r 7 , , ,�;, , " :­ * ­��,�...­.,_!.., . � � ,2,:,ff�.,�:­�,',­__7 :: ..�,­�� ''. : , I I r . - ,�� � . I �, "; I -.�, ! �;';'J'o-1�11j, 1� I i, L J'-. I , � ,I. I . . �" � . 1.�" :,'­r ',r I�:�1�1,�, I ,� I . I � '1� I � I � �, � , 4. L I .. :, . I 11 I � � ;� . - I I � . . � . � � , ,,, 11 :- �, ­ �,"; I � .I L,_�:,,� , ­," .1 � I �­ :1 , - : :� I I, -;I . I . evittle Of it slid thc further on aid George H. Linto1is Will y too tile titt r apiorovi ,I, r ,:,i I �� �: �" ­ ,I�'.1 I 1, . 1: . I I .1 I 11,11 , , I 11 . I I I � ill 11 _,,�,�,� �.;,`_�� 4 , .,I .1 I . I I ,� _. � J I��- � , I - .,. , I I I ,; . C Initials: I r- r I , ,. ._ '.1 1. ,. - 4��,-. I, , '­'� _. � ,:', stiolooli . � ' ' . �, I .r 1, � dings thereo . Is therein the said Vompaily Soils interested Ili promoting 0 ,�,': �I, - �--�, 11 - , '� �, .,��.* - ,�. �!��': , � J��'!��':,'I 4:Jo� �f. , ��T�,��;!,,'i-,�,�I I,...,,::��;�; -.. � j�,," . . , . ,I� .0 f . I 1,i I - - , ILII 01 this, -1 I _ i I I;g ,- !t - �,�­, 1'1i� 1. �'1, .. "� , , ,;: �i� ,. ,,�!�. I I 11 .11, , : T, ,r IS. ,; . � I , I . - . .L , . ,- �'�­'i_:r I.:'." �::l'� "" � , , , I �2 , Z' the bull, of tile plo."t r,e* . lite 6 is tilyi-laviiI take . any right herein ­ �:�., �, , ,'.­ .:� �� 1 11 . ''I .1. 1. Ot�I,A,l 1. .I . "!I ., . 11 I .I 17-- . I � _ I I - -,".�, -____- I" . � 1. ".. . . _;.�:­ , - 1. I . ... I I 11 - 0.000 to defrav tile expe',84II& ' sed T lat asooling Of ill I I.. P.1 t it4 obligations as passiog of,this by-law apolon beha f of tile lie 6 .�I, - I I , � __ . �__� , "I -1 1* - �1_ I I il�(irratilsojovvltlk After the-Ijo urocure a I . � paseing Of I 1 .1 . �. 1� , , L' , . shall perferm all . I � :_�, �j�'r' ', ,. lj�, ": . I ­ 1 � . I, _",.., , ... ., :. , - - -,�,;',_,-,�i;I;,- '. I 1,,­�%1.,.: r, "-1�,,,"- ,:.: �,,-,,.A�­.� - imi'.., -:��t,`�2,��_:.� "� ;,�. I'11'�'��:. �'.1,� 11 ,.I--.I I .. � �1 �1 1 . lie first mentioned 14.5-(0) to lie r.ai -il I essary to ,b �%�� if - __ "".­ .­11I_:__,"­�­.,11.1._11 , - ". i,� -, I I - , , , . I %�- I I ­,�:: 1.L ,�..�� ,I ,i'�-.-, 1, I � � I � I " ,J�. Ii I'; _ '_ , I -" 11 �- � I,, I I I ,�.­q III.- ­,�- I I- I 12 I..I I ,I � :. . I � � I I I � , I � , Z1. i�� ,I �,�I ..�.",� ,� 11.1 �,� �:,� , , I . . I I It liec _ en vears. Solos interested ill OPPOSirig 016 , I I :: , "I 111111­­ ­ ::��,�'_I'�!'-;'?�"' , '. �_ " ," -� -I lql. � �r,-_ � , li_; - - .111. 1�1'.'�' L I I ferred to;It' I ,olln, debentures,aiid tile stelits its may be JOint stock Coln- 4,for-a term of It . . I '. � .��,��,,,�,��,��,�i,­,'-','� � L7. i .I I . 11 I I , z,I I ,,�: ���, i . on,twenty-y earl te solecifte . . I . toy-law. . I : I ..r �, , � - I I ,�l ., -;, I . ­ ... �, . _ I I I � I "�1!I � , "t I I ,w- , 'i�'� : ,`� 4" -'I' ,� :�, , L , � 11 L I- I ! . � . -; I,,�� : ,�.' ::.I I. I , . ,, , - �,%,;�"I..�, . W: �.I ., I � _ ,��,� ,I�-, .� �, '14 , .. �. I I I A1 I I - . ��, L I , - ­ � I T', I 11 I 11. " I .,,,,.­ I . I .., ��z". 4 ,� _r 1. o I r ,I � "t � ,'It 1. r "_: , I �,�,1,, � I � ' I : , :-:�J � I � � :.,,, ,, �,,:,.,.,I ''I, . I I .. "I I. . � I I .I -f� 'I 4 ' �'�''"",':' �'' �; ' " f . I a ten year1tirm debeliturepe " I tutil'Ir'-ter uIlder Tfie,011talriO ' ille ' aforesaid her in � , . ',�'� �� I " �:,7 ?1,� t,I,,_,�:I :p:,�;" ��:;� 1. I I I., , I , � , ;1 ��_z � ,_ ,� _ I ­ , : , . .. I . I � . a ay .�:- , 4' I ,:, : ��111"I".. r I. .'j�, I ' - L , ,�, ,"'...:!���,�-��;,,.� . I I�-.. 1, � ; ��,,�Ili" .,'�' If, , .;,� . ,��; ', t I � . - 11 i.�!� ' _* ':, ,­ . ...I .. : I I , ". I— - _�._,. �1�'';.:::1�......1�'� �1., . I-..� I I i­ ., �1:, I - : �-, - I , - I I 1� 11,� 1, -.,':, ; :��. A� :� I �I,� . I ."_, ,- $5,00001 ears from the XII. "] o'clock in the . �I. L, I �, " �: _ . L, , _,,�_.If,�L��� ,z I-:, :.I �.. 1, .11­:.,�, I�;,:" ,� I:%,�I:.:�,I,4;,,, ,.. , , . ,1 � �I . I . I . , I I � . ;', ' , ',t ..,: '� , ,L. " '". , 1. ,,,I -It I - 11 1.I- I, ,'r - -- � . I I ­ �I I ..I. . .1 ­ �� ,. _ � , . . I I I � I.,,�,�,, , .. . - 11, I I I . . .1 1111- I , 'at if at 'the s i _,i,,, , 4 1 ::, :, Il." ��',`;� ..,:"� 1 I - I�,, - . ��"%, ." ,,- . I .-,11 I.-- �� , .. : - :. li� . ,." I I� 1 . . � ��. .I I I f . I , I ��L 'I . visereas it will be requisite tu raise tile panioco; Act inc4orporating Tile BoWmariv (1111.) lit shallbe greed Ill manner rhat the eighteenth d ofNovem . , : I I � 1. I, . And v set FOUD(Iry Company, Litnited'o as a Corporatigil tb any time� within tell ,X Compaiiy tile the y car of oiir Lord l9iots at ten ' t: I � .. I 1 6%0 to all ' - I . I , � 4 I - � I . I� I" -- � T. , , ,I,i. I�1, , ,�-!.,��.' -1� ­�!" - '� I . 11% . iI...,� , I I � I . ims In each year respectively Fig I piace of, business in. I , land the I 11 I:_ �: ,I.!�'; " , " " � '! .,, ,.�.:ti,,.,I� ­­�.­ ,�­ ­j. ­ ­ '' - ;� I,�. I.,;� �: 1. .�_ .�,��­.�I ,�..] �4 ­.��.'I,­�­ ­.;" .­_.-.­­,­IlV 4 _11'1l: 11 I I . . . I I 11'r 11 I,, 1, �, �,,ill , _ _ I I I . � :� ,.,:;,. 11 I - . 1. ", 1. 11 � 1, , ,� - -1 I ,, ., . . ,� . . . . � , I 11 1311.111 have Its, Closet I date of the said IN I become bankruPt,or WSOV � forenoon shAll be the day and houl I .. 11 1.11 I., . " . c',,"; 40,."_01��,�­�,��t,�!!t .11 :,:, . , . 11. , . I - , ,� : . , - , I :1. ,. :��i, I I � I I . - I � . I " " . ­ , t� I . .1 : � I . severalsu to tills toy-law. Ir White I wer to conduct rhe,re. the,,ClerlE � r' I , ''.L.,I�,,�, ,,, ,III "I'll, I 11.;.�:� I .111:�:._`.: � ­_:-_: ",'', �, , I 'if, 1; , I 11�0 I. ;. ", ��1:,I I 4: % I t . ,. . "I I '. 1. I.. ,4 I 1'. I . . . __1 . I le � I 1. L , . ­ . I i"",::". .1'�L �. I 11�I 1.� ,:� . I . I . I 'I", . I I I forth in tile sentmull-5 -ojilertY 1.1niville and shall hqv said G - tiny shal for the C01111cil Chamber;,' tile place 'v . . I I - , , , - ­_I,i � � ­ 1. v�i . ,�. ,� '' 1, � �'_... !:,. -�. - , - I I I 1. . I .1. " . �� I I,,,I-�� -11. 1:1:, ,r'.­�, .,.f � wl._. ­ � . 11 , I _ I ­ 1, ,� ; '71 ", � �� I . . whole ratealitle for * 1 89, all Issignmevot or an4 * I I 11, I.."".,� ,f� _,­ .�;.,I ,��, , ':!�,, r. . �.:? -'�!,"�-'";� ,�' �.*.:,� 1.I ,I�t ,, , If ...�1_ ,.�, - : :.iii__�, :­:L ­­ '" ' . . _ r � .__ l I I , � � 4 I " , I�;, .. . . I I ,- , . ;�, � �� ',:� -'!A , I.," f,:,-, ,., , :. , _ ; �i.�,"'i, "�,]:"" ,!�,,, ,I, i, ,,,��,, i; : ,. !I Q, � , � ` I I ­ . I 'r I - , . 'P ,, , :� . 1. � . - I I� . � .1 . I I - - . , , , I ..1:. I � li �! ­ "I - I . �oo , .21: �,� ,_:�,:��.-, t 1, ;, I I ' � �r��.,�� �! 11, I I-W'I� I,,. � 'll ,.,)$ . ),i � . I I And wher as the IS0WIII;Lll, , I "O"'" ic, atid fouli(rry boti,dile ,.' vent. ormatIdt MRIEG ally V qIIaII sum nil the number of votes give" I I I :! 1, 1; �11��.",I ��Il� . ,.,. : - . C!41011*11 of, a general inactill I eh shut , all cause or Buffer any I I I I _ - - . . �;_ I �,", � 11,I�,­,�- I ' I I ";!" ,:1 , _ �. .1 ,I I , :, 11, . I �,1. I'll! . � � �. 4 :1 I � r . I Idunicitiality otthe scriptiol'S Whi I creditors. or shr I "I � ,,,., I, :1 , ,, - �,� . �, . , ;_ ' ' -, .rr ,.�;�__ ��:L I ".��. ­ , I . . � I I . , ��� f � L : . 1 I . lot � ". ­��; , � ,,:"11,'I,. - '' . - . .. I I ,,� '' ,i ­�',� , ., 1," I 1. I "" I . I ., 1. I I ,,;�J��. I' .' '' ':L,W, ,l,­I­,,� ��,­% . I . . I I .0 , .-;,,� ), I , , , fl. .. �: : I . . I the said vised assessillel I - loo plating of all de 000 0 beneffitof aaallisttlits by-laW. - , . �,,�:,,I, �.'� .,�­��.. ,.:­­`� L."-­.,�-�-,,-I I ,� -. -.11 1 , . _ ,I, I . I I � . . � o tile last re a lot leots than , Ole U____ _______[for,under an execution to seize para-, , . � -,_ �,; ,.,-,�� , ,�,�,':',�,l : '..'��.':. ,,..,;_,:.�r�"' .:,�, , - � ..,,�, t; 1, ��. �"!" .�,�,.; -'�-,',�'i",,.'� .. � � I �'' . . � . )01 to c ition crelill or shall . .., In the 3rd ,�,,, .,. ; I'r. - :, I, '::�' ��'' !'' ' - '. - -' �:�- A ,' ''.,'f 4' � � � 'L " '*� ,. I L I L .,. %� ,.� ,I. I I � I � I � � . . . �1�� I I L� ­�, �,_t", .,, .- - . I . I I . 1. I I . it I . � -.,�1­I � �`­�­ I.11 �I 11 �L '�� ,.�,,,­�_",, , �:, -17.. -::- -,.r-..,1,q 7.0 - I - ' I �, ,,,F, , � . I I . .11 I . � ,,, I� , I .. I I _�.'� I- I . I 1. , , .,; I , I I � - if which it-it the pro - I , I . � '. !; : "..";� . , "'::'t. ., ­ I � .�, � " �� , I ' I 1 I . I . ,; ': , . .: -i .� . ville. according to I was till.078.5100,11. 1I have,a capital stock of in be. s'erlhe ' I � I __�I","N 1 � r, , ,:' � �-�,"', ��i; , I - less,thall ,;-14 001) shall lite. ub . ,party of the said ()ompany-o EDULF,"A" referred to � ,� , , �: I:' � I.,. , r. , I . I.' i .4�� !:' :�::��..�- �i...... , ."It, .. .� ��11_ I 1. - - , ­1. ­ .,'I,: - , !­J,�i �­�,:­­_',:­_�, r,�F:J­ ,�­:":­11-11; ';'�.­::�_ . ,­­_­ �I r. ", ­�� � I'! � 1, . , � . - , , , .1 . I I I I .��,.- ' ��..r , - . � : . .I _ . q. ,:.,:, -I �IL I � ' -': �!; �.: � ." ,�. �i'�,,'�,,,,,,r,,,,�',...:,,.,,,�,�,,�, 11 o I . I I roll for,they east I' g det)elltllre delot 4 . ' I __ - graph of tile foregoing BY,-IRW- . ' I I .. ,. � . L;w :'. ;,�,, � , , , . li­;��3, I."; I �. , L' .11 ?� . . ".,,��.. - I,i I I I : 1 ��;_, � . � I . . I . I 1, , �. . � I �,, ''. '::,' '. I ",.,1:,I * I � 1. I :_'-;;­,�-,�� . .1 - � I ­ o . - -, 1, . i And whereas the existi'll ' .11. I saine full V �aiojt uP. I Buffer a fissil judgment against the said Coin , INTHI TOTAL. I I ... ­ ,� I I I �. �., , �I� '' P: I I �;.11 ��_ -'t 1, - � i � ­�. .......­­­_ ­ L-�-"-.-"-'----�:-�-"'�=77�'�;- , � . � �! , . ality is title sum of Q.,72.090.11 and 75`1 ,Of illle Foundry � &in unsatisfied for a Period of So tF,ST. � , r. .� .r ''I , I_ 1' .�, � __ , ,�� ­­._� ''7 ',.�.'­- __ . .­J.- I . , ; 11 �. I .. I d KunlelV tikesaid 'riie'BGWMRI" r to rem� Yh&R. PRINCIPAL.I . I . %" ' , -; L � � '� ­ ' �t,�'"...r .-''----,.,,,,,.".,�-.,...-.,.,-...�.-...'�- ..._;._11:­­.- -.--: ­4,!�-,­- -­.--_-.­'­' -"r.L,. I.'�_'�__ _;�;�_."_ - I .-"I#:,,. I 1, I on-17 I I I ­ I.�, I - , , I ­'.I 1 .- - . .,� r, . "'..." . I 't t -� - ­ _ � ,, .. � 'L. , _'�__�. . ., i I z I . . :, . I , � , - . I 4­ 11 � ,,, . ­ ­_I­111.__­._1 , , �- 1: I �I � - ;.. ,I- :,�!!' !,! ­� � , ,", . I., . ;_ . -, ,, I, �i. 11, � .*�'.1,` �'�r'_" I I .I ,I,ii" . , I � 1� ! I ' t 1, �;r, ';I-'. * ­,:­'��, � � 1: '�_ � ;. , - -,- � ' ' I "I. I I � - I , 11 . - , 11 " i,-.i � Y'.��� � � I: . :�, ''; ., I., ., I I �� . the still : (b.) That tive" 113 I. I", :!:' 'i­ , , JL � I I ar t Us ill arr"r- - it C,Jlnl)allyl %Ralys,or If the si . $20000 i 63'" , , '� " � ­.''. ."1.1, I ­�1� ., " _ 1:". ": � , I. I principal or Intere Limited,sliall immedlateir after L'. �,,.�, �; , o1d OOMPR"y is not performing .! I' - I . -, � ,� I �i and.oic Council of IA)e�.To% vol Dec. Ist. I � , l. , I ' - r ".". � � ,��;�l:':r:�, I I I I ��� `,I���� ," I ,,, I 1.,�"� ,�II,,:;.i .5 : I � .. - I 1 2, ­ , .,, . �1. "., ",I " -��._ r � I I.;�I ­� I, Ill � I I � I I I , � I I�I� I � Z, L � � I' ' 0 ,,,,,L,"�:',,,,:� I I . ,,,, �I ..� ,I ­�I.:�., .:��I . � . I I fore the Municit)" I ilk said ba IdIngs the I ations as herein defined slid contillu0s $t67 90 .I ���,_o -I,,4, �I I , 17463 19327 3p7 90. - , . I, ;- ` L"�,":���, ;�;:, �` ,�':- 1 - I-' , ­ .;,­­1 ,''! , , . , � , �!' ,;'�,). �- ,�, ,, I ;: - � �J * . ­ I I � - _,. , . �''! . I I I. :,;.,..7 .1 :,, . ')�,"(�", , , , ill . _,,r, � I I _. A , . - _ * I-,_ ­ . o I I-,� ,I �s: :I � ��",:, I , -I,,.*-, , :'.., I I . . I ., _­:.r:__.!fl I - . There! . 1. C or,pi,ratil is has Iuistille( 367 90 _ _­'_:­'._*__'_.,`,,'_,�_'i­a��­ ��_­_-' -.I-- _��­-, ,­� 7 '. I ) ___11� - 1,�:�,I t� . I � knacts as_fOIIOwf;-- sald PremlooleS Its 0b1W, default Ill connection therewith. for a 11140, " 1 18621) , � . . . , l­­­-,,._71-t�'­--"�`" 1­1_':r- _'."��*_,��_ ;,�_1 I 1,., I , . . . ",: ,. I. I. . Ir I I �� ,�' � � I vessariville le - ,a If referred to aecept a lease Of I � is . 11 � . I I . I I �', _ ._, I , _­;"�__, ­ ;"4W� ­ � _11 _ '*: -1"'' ' � I , I .. I I,, I � I x - .1 I . . i, . . %, '. . I � _ . � I ­ I I , 11 I . 1 . I .1 I I . ,.;,� �� I . I Tl . . 11 I - I, Of.Doi I c Gortoor l 1141.ot - 4, , . .!, _,!',": " � ��i I .1 I . , ,� , "I �, . ,�':�,1. � "; , 1. I I . I L , ',4 . I � I : � ,�".;� . 11 11 .1,r " � , � -�,I� �- , ,,. . I I I I . I - I I ,, ,I � ,I,I ��.,"� .­ �- -�;,,,. � . � � --I ,I . I �. . _­JO�,%'. ��_"'. , � . , V I%1�, e� ;,: 1, �, ,�,:�''LL , I. � , , - _ i� � I 6V4 Ill f Or.ill 11 6 term of tw I days,Or Ill case an order 11"j,1, 64 - - 17 W7 W � .. �:-,, I;. , ,:'�, I , � 9 I . I , � 'fsl - � �� , 1­1 '.I L ,� I " U i , I It Shall and ma-V be I'll -eiltaf ter .. fro,,, the,te.jill(I COTI)OrRUOII for a -of 12o woorktig 18888 902 1 . � , I, I., I ­ - I ­I'l -, I " I .'' . 1 1. . I .1, 14-11, �I � . � ,� , I"' �L�'% � - :�:, . 1. �. - . '. I'�lli.,� ­1 I :. , , ". .. L .� o i . . I , 5, , .0 .. - .1 %L '' . I ­ , 't'' - � �1. ­:,;I, 1. ­­,,­1':'­.!I'L­1:�. I ,-, ,t`�,,�. , ,s.�'..­, , ",.11 , I I I � L I I �. I. Manville. let I Of same for a riod ,liquidating tile 1 17146 1 .� I , �. 11��' r ',:,..I'. ..::� . � . , ­,R. .A "I . , '�I' ,:1 .._ I , .: . :L I �,� . �; " - . . . I, , . , . ! � � , , I � I � I... - .1.� �v �.1, 1, . I I : , ,:,;, I J ..... I, I I I of I conewa * fol, , .. L , L I, : . - I I . � .;" ,,, `!�. , i-,:,- .1.11 . I I I I .�11.1".:_ ,.. , , , _'..".* ,, . '. , I � I - I I- I 11 . V44 e buildk ,K-4 with right .367 93 1 ;. -, I � I " - ''. L' " � ": I . I ­ ' . - - . . r 1, . . I stiou'llf.the Town Of UOwl isslifletedil, Kinade for,the wit), Dir up,,or ases the said I.W." 11.9642 I&I 61 367 . 1. 11 '11� � ­ . �.; I . 1 , ���,:�; ,,, r ,.,. . I '01 years tal of $616 45 Buell e 1101' ; : � ,. . 1. . ­­ . , I ,, . I , � _ ". ,�1''. _.; ,�:'', It' ,_. . I I I . . I I I I �� -6t a Tell silly-1 66 X01 2.9 , I I 11� 1 4- I I��.��,L '. , � I I � I . .i '.�'.i I""' �., , ", I I I � ,. ",I , .11, - - , .�11 . ,�­ I I I I I � I " I, .t. , I I 9 .; , ",,�­ _ *,;I�!,;:,,4 I" r .1';r!r ,' ,, . I ,� � p .4 called the C lorporatiol 1)to t I mod Diviololl, said Coin ' the"ta"d'I' age hereinbe- , ' '1__ ...�.�:" � .-­1 I . - . - .,­­:­1!4­`�­� -�':�I.�Ii�_, , .,_A, __:;­1_­ ­­­­­­­­­� ';,,�;" III 1, - � L� I , . It corner of 40,1111117"I f urther lierlood Of test years Inal Y terlijillilate the le J!jo7 867190 . _ " 1­ . .-� - I� ­1. 111: I� I� . tile lost ten y eara and at;a Isom in MR ! 1515 44 1 . *�. � � � �: ':- I � . . ,_ ­.1 11.1 . . , �.,'I' , �`I,- ,­ , " . , ­_�, �­ .­�:. - I; ��� 11. . I -� � � on the- south,wes . as oew Corporstio a month's W7 to: �,_ - ,7"-", ­­r­-, ` , , -I - I . ­ _ ' , .,�; ­ I..'' r I � ­ 1. 1. �, '", 11.i� �, I , -, '. ,;; , , It. .: .1 11 , ". - I . � , � I 11 � I I � , , ". _':,L",,� I � - .�� , r. ' . . 1. 1, . .. ..; I . lwljj� of B')Wlnallvill** tier ali'llum fol id graniAd by It it 111111118 11 I, � . 21,2 46 , " I" I I .. I. :".. ,'_� I . . I ': .......��­ ­ � �. �,����" �":., , _ I I 11 I ., , . Df term of OR I I I, .. � � , _ �: � !;. . .1� I � Pi. :,,I I �. I . . � � I 1. I :, , i, L , , . I I ­ - ': . I . I � . . I .1 .1 : .I . . .1 . '. 4k` -, , I � I � . I l nilm for boalalle,11 I , . I , :1 ": , I - I . .. I 11 , I :' � - ' ' ,-�] , ." . 1: I"� Il�,-W�,,,�, � , ' '.% �_J�,:.: L�� :, L 1_�� eq!l�l I ;%. I . . .. � _1 . I .1 , too in the Tc of',tills fore referred It I ,T,.�er6d.letter 1166 ,' ' 146 t04 . 1. I , :.1 ,.�� :;�, ,t� : .f, . L $tree, no of Ily law N.). 6341 led with its a reg , voo, � 220 963 ' 1. � , ,'�._ ..,,, "I I .1",�,; 11 1� - - " ,I - :. I � 0.� .,. '' I " . , "I . �4,i . . . . I 1.� . � �'!- r� I;L; .'.­�L, � 'I''' , .-�'., I I, " � � � I �.,,,"�; 11 I�! ­".I I I I . I I otonditlot notle I 138 111. - ",!;T� rr , � : , � ,,�� , � : I 9 rental of 0 loer av ,e to that effect Dlailed . 367 111t) I I I I � . I I , , . � 1. I I �,1, I L I. L ill the terr _ I I it � . .,, I '. . � � :.I . � ­�,� � . � , �'', ". r :. . . �., , It I . 11, - Ila leage slid said lease Howmat.ville, 1910, 367,911) � 1. I . . . . I.� I �. � I 1.!;� " I . I P!'-1%.P' '""' "' � I :L � .�.1.�. :" - " ­ .�, ,� � , " .,_ , 1. I . cribed I w) and shall be c . Kxiii ii. � . , I. I I I . I � ­ I I .� � I pll!�: ,:, Ij�� �� " I� � 1 Recordist III tO tile . 12891 � I I . L I I I '�,,,­'. _-,­_1;­­�1�'-­:­­, I.; I: I I � I . I _____ . I I I ,� � � �­____1__ I ,L� 11 . 1 I I � If , ". � , --­­-�­. .;,-,-.-��---.-�."".�,-,;,:,�---'- I � 1 . . . ­,, �,7-­CorVj,ratIon, and of the agreen Pred into between .ad id 1'.011, - " . 238109 1 �. � ' I , " .'�I'. I . I I ' I , . I I I, 1: .1 I , 1.�, I , I �� 11 � it realiteet otiff I'liesive, the terms aentelit top and con- diessed to the said Company at andthesa I � I ", I I I I . _ I , .. - � I yft L.',� ' 1,- L'. �"'� ,. . ". I I I I . " L' � , .� '' ��%! I . ­1 -_I­ � - �!, I r I I � I . , 1, I I � ,I I � I 1�� w, issued f is the said COMPRIIY - ,Ili)35' I - 1 367 " � . . __� I-: I .1 . - :, ­ .. . , �� 4 11 1..1-'. - �' �­"'. I I .I I .. 1,, ,� I . , " ,� I p -',,- I ',I , ,�*�,�".. I ,W I� I I 4, . ,1.I. � - ,I, I .I" I I. . . I I I I I I � I , I.,. . tile Cor prottion, and tile sald Ull ' hill[ if, 248 1;� I .00.­ � 11 . �.. 11 "I � ,� ,� , � , IT I . I ') . i iecifications no aer as counsel ,nd there U 11,112, 3674 ,. ,�_ , , � . I . I , , , I 11 I . OF lb,)wer 14ant e."1111114stilig ,rhis personal Tepresentilitivele 0 . 1(y.0 41 1 I . ­ I , . 11, �.1. 11.1111.1 .. ,, I I .,,,. Ir I I �, -�:_!,, ."."�.:.-ijt I! ­, I I , ­ .! 1.1 I ":, �.,,.',,I ,I �l �� "*:" _r � I 11 . , I � . � I I � -0, ich Inalli 66 .1 2,584.9 , M 90 I , - I I �:. '. * I I I .�;­:I ,:I,_ ­ . ,,�� I I 11 . 1 .I I ,.I I, , � Ir..' . 11.�I�, I 1.� � . �� V� � . . . I I I ,� � . as I .law in all nto" us' - . . . . -1, I I *11 I � . - I , I ; . I , , , I � I 1. . i", . id equip same wit" a ipules, 8 Jaf tilig, Pulle) tained fit this by ly be liable to pay to'the said 1.113, 1 .I 1 . .. I I � , 11 I .- ". I �..' I " � .11 . . , I .111 .L� �"r­ � '. ,1, I - ". � I I I - , I I � 1 � 1 , ., I ­ 1. � � . . �I I I' , t.,,� I. � � , I . .I ,"'., 11: ", �� I _ ' r, engine, boller4 Ice] ,, applarat- tile C 'ItlJoiatioll May a Isiltly and severall 1'.114, , 11 26883 . 1. � " I ."'."'..1, :, - , � _�,, � , , , . I .,� . r ';':,,ILI.. :­", ''��.)L�"": I � . � , I .. ., A i ­� � . , I � I I .� ,of an d steam theoLd"61 for Linton made on a or aspigns tile 80M Of '-*07 867 90 ,, . I . .-t,.­' I . . I �, I : I I I— I , . I . ,_�,', , ,, inach le of tile said I It 6 88,32 I I -­ I 11 'I , :` . .. I , � ' I I , � .. � I , i�;,) " - .. I ,; ; . � I� .I . .1.1 . I I ,;! I , I ,�* r . �I X ,le A, I I *1 - I " ' , I � , J 1. . , I I I I .'' . �L I ..I � , . I" �,"Ai � X. 1111" ,nallt 1.115, ;-79. 58 1 1 . .� . .� I " I I I I ­�� 11 , I 11 L . I , I . � .beltillit 1 144 1 , . ''I 1.�'. I . . , ,� . :,,":�� " . . . 10 ,; I ,�, I ": ., I * I .. �I - I I I I . k I , . . . Ilot 11 *5.W. used, wiles, com, contain a cove exetioutors, and 9-toliorattoll its sucesssor t.carrying b S � . t%7,I[10 I I 1, I . ,�, . I .;. , ,I . �L.� - . I L �.' - �". I I �: I I fl- J., . - . . . . . ,:.:," - ­,�;� I I I � � .... '! I, , I I 1,� L I.. , , . I .�, - I . I .1 � 3 � _Z, I . . �,., ." I his heirs, ovoinanto ), M 76 . 77 I ,I . I . �,,,� ,, , . , , _ � � Is to cost I . I'lln"elf . 65 51L � i $671.00 ' I '', . ­.­_' 111 ­1 I . .I I .1 .I I 1. r 1. ­ . ., � 11 I I ., � . " , J� l If . :,,. �,- .It . led tile c U14, I .1,�: - , � I . i.... I.. - , I " . '. � �, , � I'. ­1 . � 1;1...I I . I I I . I �,�', �e.l � III �Dvjses and plant to a belialf Of , *5.000 89 liquidated damaKes for no , - I 1. � ! ��'. ',. '' "'. �, '. "L A " . 11 I . . , . I I� I . I �:� i I . I A Jenge said proji ,viteeing such paYments Of referreutiD a I I ,I, �:l I acted I I and elititled `1!I' I Outlive fee sent ally and 1'.t'.-,, 6 sot 314 ., r . I. I I ,. I" ,1: '.I.7 " .��Ii, I ­ I I 0 I I I I, ,; . : �. .2, . I I I admits a ratoro Ruar Rgree- -- ____ a. viz,-the said COMI) 367,90 ,', - ., - ", *"'­ 1. . . � . - I . I . V I . I I . I . 1 ,2, - I t 1, apally and also all �, I I ,�,� 111 I � ,. , . 1, . I-. ­ I �'­ v '. ,,-','.I I , I I . �, " .1 � I �, �,i - , I � formed] off partie the 46 I. 53 41 :' 'I I - , ,,,,,- :'­ `1'�`�;': �%�, '.r­', I)" .�� ,, I I I , . r Cloo,ratioll tos- "' Illy. L.Imited for, ng bega 1:I V;, 31.4149 9t) 1 � ,, .�,, . .9.- :__.. ....; '.,,, 1. ­­ I l �11 . , . . r � ' ' . 1 . . .. "11 I ­_. I � �,I , 'I. .. L I 11 .� e . . I .1 ­'. .' ', I . � " ,f , i!b.11 ", � _ �'_ . 11 1. � ­ I . I ,,�,� I I . � I ��� i I . , . . . I "V, .- I . l,ij ,. I I 1 I'll . 11� - 'tal for th Lid Corporation 1 11321.07 � . 1 367 40 :,::, ,,!* .:, . .1�, I 1; �I I,. , . � I I . I, �. ,, � . � I I.. I.1.I"I�.;��., �, ,�1_ I ��,:". . . , I . �1 P,- �* I,� .I, ,� I,','I��'.,,',',' ,4. . . 4 i ''I " � .1 � Dowmaliville Foundry Compin rent by tile r-aid Cot fire loartially destroYi of It- said Untoll and I?4 i I. 66 4083 � 1 367 ­ 1'� "I . . _ :." � . . I I L I I .. � I � 1 4 , e firloolt the said Unt011; and tile ": I - 1 :1 I I , I , V I - " r 11 - � � m ' 'I :,,,_. , , ,; 1. ,V . ment that ill case of illotoliled by the I Compally shall give to tile so . :%. �` r ,, ; ",I � I � � . . , � � aw - I .1 I �I : I. _. - ,� � "I ' I .. ,I I . "L I I I I 1. - I I I I ears at R Tie Ilake I said as . 2775 � , , . . - I I_ 11 , .­'' I' "'­� '�' L I ., ,�_�'',L'' I guff : ."I J , I I . 11 - , .-I _ � I I � 11 �, . , .. . I I � ,�.: ", � " 1:1. '' � 11 .. � .1 ­ � , I �� � ' 'I � I ,I " I . . � , " , . L, a term of tweikitJ Y, in &old . 8111016 , 367 ,100 I I . I I .. .11 . 1. . I I _ L� � �. 1- � �. I :1 ,� "l, " , Xl' � �, ­, j'�:;' ­ j� ,I �,,I'_ , - ," .� *� I . , I...� ; ,� � , , " .45 tier alliku tile lijuildhigo,or )0weIr ltl.00, �1�I ­i; ; 1: : ' L I ". �'! "foi term of,Q616 � � 61. 86376, 1 1 � . ; I 1 i ''I � ­ � I .I 11 . . . . "� I _� I .� 111�'�. 1­ ,v ­ �", 17 , 1 _� I , ';"EL", , ;I. --f '. ­r�'. s . � I .� t ,z , �f I ten 3 rental of 61 Ioer an. tiololl witill 01181 It t e it years of the Ball vellottint and agreement to in his 1414 I . I I ".,, '�'r �',j � I '. j..��'r . :.1�4"f L�' ""­`­,' I .", !-,, -,".,,".�I o ,It I Y,L I "'�,'�.''. I 4 ' ,�,, . � I. I . Fears of 8fti 11 the their co, L92 I r' ,."... I � .1 Corpora, lie same tile aid Corporation aid Linton binding himself 11 I I ,, �- ­ 7 , , I I __­­�, I—- "I�� , ­i,,�..­" I," �'.''. I � .I., � . I I . Z, � �����:". I, ­,�_!.,� 1, I '.. % 1..��,,,,� %.:,, -,; 1,;­. 1 , 11 ...��.:.�-*�" ". - �. If. , ,,���ill ­ � I I I-­ ;I . I .I . 'L, � ' � ,:",l �_� 'V,;;.�,J " "' ­;;­ ­ :,�' ,, �� 1: , ,I "�,,1.�1,I I- 1.� I'', "t I I I �,,.,I,I I -I I�­ ­%,�1, .", ­ ,L" ,'­..�, 11 , , - .,,, .,I .� . �. 1, . I ,. % - �, 1� . - __ , ,.1'_1` L- ;i':,­.'1_ 1,i:� 1- �. _* . � I ' ', � '11:1. - J�_ ,,L ,. ,':�::,�.!,4 �".:, _�, ,, I I ­ ; - ;. :1 ,_I. I�., � 1, !;�,, � ­� !�: - -- I . I �t , . I � the subsequent tell veikrs at R I IS . I I J,. -,.,... ., �, i, 11,'� :,.,,:,�', : � I .. . I ',�: _,���.L�"i �;,l,;,;, I ., � , ,, ' � z, . . I � I� �11 f I . 11 I I , . � ­ �, 1: 1. � , . . ­ . 1)'' alotight,of ,,i,ewattopTli�Bo-)%%,ni[LI)VIIIC lla"Idging tl lionedr payment,the 8 -sentativess I . � . 1. . � , ­ I . take tile said pre- term or 1�hwith'restore the da e occal ritin ree I I . I 'I I %I I I , " .1 ".I ,"�� , ," _ ,�I - � ; " L " I , . I � !. , .1. 1: 1. �' �', ':- 1 1: ,:­�,�"L' '�, i, _ , � .,�� ,� ­ L I - .11-1,1­ -". I , , r � I I I - - ,- I I I �I I I I t�L : l�, . V� :.­',,,,�:�r,� :.� _ ,�! ,�P­. ,- ., , � I � 11 3 %, '_��­�,,�;� �,�_ . , ,.��V',,.'�lI,_,�:�,;,�, ,�;� 1, ��, " I "L _'�"'��,'�' ";�� "),. - - ­_. : ­ ." ;,� , �, ''" i� : !.1 !1ov,rC I I I !t, . � I ­­ ­I _. I I , I �I ­11_ , " . �'­'�"L' " �, ,��J­­­­ L' ", 1, . I I I , _ I I I— ,'� ,"!- � I _ I ­ 4, ,,�, %'.� �V",:-,:-��,,'­'I;�r, . , - 1. : , , ��.. �! .1. I. -, � e I . I, ­1 "I I__ , - r ,, I I � ., , 1, 1; ,; I 11 ,; , .I -L; � ,,, � A " WOOD On - � �4i.I 1, � � - I , I � , .1 ,­r I - . . " . I , , nuln,lwitil imited.to , Will fort I years heirs, and peralorlial repre shall in W I , I ,�Iwalrst to, g , I " iiil , I I idryCOM11110,11yollil I ve.Lrs at a rent- ,age fire shall within the 0.) Tits said COMPRIIY be "0111leles , veferred to ill tile 401 .ParR- I .I . ,.I,I �". I. I '. 1­1 I�� I L .I.�.��I- , �� , :..1.; ,�.1, ' ;,,� ;__,�:4,,L Y'� , -::,�"7 I�.:, I I I I I , I ,,, ` ,I� .:�,�r�? . . , r� A I iI, . I I I -I .1 , --1.L ­"�!!­ �'­!J!I" -:-,Ili-� � - . I.,ii I Foul er lease of feet and in C Like buildings or Iniums, oil I Sentalout.on "B" . . " I __ .11, ,�,' ':: �i.�.- �� -:��­' " - 4� L: � �' �',��'. "5,", .."?, ,-�:: L'%',��::�� 1�-4,��,�,� '­,Ii��I��, -'�.!,: - I. zi 1�.. I `� I � I I I I I__ '. ' I .: _ - - I ­ - 1. I 11� �, . - . . i­ - ­ q.zl' I I - ­ "I , .!I . -,��;� ­ . . I � � 1, � . .� ", '. I I � I . I " . " v 1. I , �.,_i�__:,. . - , _ , , ' : I .1,��,,�1,,I�I I_ .1- .� :. I .1 . �. . I.,�., I 1, .� . � 1 I " ,�. r -�f,:,'. - '' 1:,�, . ­ - " .,��,,��`,�` -_!,1, I...I'�.; .11,�� i'I ­� . . *! .11 I . I, 1� 1. . , � I � I I I; � 11 6 uoidc 1 ditioned ' mpletely destrOY, tile insurance lire ace oil tile , , , ,, 0 , , I ,: , f'!'� I .,ra TUrLil to tie CO I 1110 I Y-Iftwol ,. ��,,, I ,� . I �'.. I ,. , mise I slow (101 to on may k)Ied therells. ' TOTAL I - '�,; I I, ,.,.,�,� ,-,�, .,I 4,'��I,, , - ­ � '�'J � 4,i� , I Of the tt , I I , f�I I ,,��. I , !It. all, 119 I I � �,_�.,?,',-�;�.I, ., , :,,;�*11'1�, e !'�',1111,qIi,l -1: � ­­­. ,,, r .1 I � I � I i)er sullum.said lease meet- sidd col%joloration May at 1AN the said Corporatt graph of tile foregoing U. '.�� 1� I �1: . . . I .� , d I I n� I I al.of k!I I ald agraseme I binlkt or nearly so tile wl . I T. r I . ; L ­." I . _� k, � ,,��:,�x�, - .r,,,, , � ''.1,I I- .�;.. , 1. I :�. � i ,,� . ." �,:i�. I� 1 .1. I . . " r. - ,1 � I � I;i , , , �� ,f! :,".� ­­. ­ . I I , I 1 - - . �� '�", 3allsel atetheleage. andin case said buildillogRand tile I'la"t illstal ,111tonshall YFALU. I'lliNCIIIAL. INTICRES I . I I 11, i-, ,.'::,,- ; :, 111,,.!4�1-":if 1,;,�"., ,�:" 11 I 11,","7 1 1 -� ,,�`."" I, I� � L"�'.i_� I I I ,,I ,:, I �,.I I I I I, i,�j ., r I � I "'of ,, !r'�":: . ,� I i I , I " , 1� It � ,:-.+ ,I.7,, � " , ,�, . , I I t I I I I I to . � . � 1: :. I .IT � I L ' I 1::1,", ., ,::,,-,;,, .,.,: ,I:"�,�_' .� I I I � .-1",,�r,- �, i I- ,. ;,,a:::'-,l,., ,I �,I,, I ,!L't, . :I ;P;, 11 I 'S i's - it-it maisiser its.cl . so Option termill, I *;16 45 . _`. : ,. I , � I I ; _ ,_1 ­­,:,1 vil I"� 1. ,L.� ,­ L . I I I . I I , ­ I�., . I I , , : �, .� ., , _ � ;.11 , , � ­ - � "' � I., ­, , �I, " �'.I I I I . �i I ( 11 .: 1. ' r,�,,"I , I I I I I � , ' . , '­J�'-_� ''j'*"":­ U­�.,, ._ - .'� � ,- f, .�� --:L _ ��'I�,'­I '' " I ­� I I - I _� I L ' "' ' � I With tile ters" y-law.ill oil - I ComPany shall be said if(,U .mlian avid tile. solid L ' �, I I . 1. �",;,I.1 I I'r,,i.�,��1:" ' � . ­ l'i ' , �'!, ,I � '�, `_�, ; l. , 116111(old In 11118 Itt: terinloated the I to do. $200 0) .." 4 I ­ �1.,1.:�-,� �,�I ,-,; I ,-�,��, �`" �j,�.i I I , I . I I . I , . -E I poratioll w1tv adviL -eist paid b avid the 01] la&Corporation 80 1992, DecAst. 1416AS .,. ,I" �'. : , 40. lease be Y e said I Igtj Si I 416-45 , �, . __ , I I ��,.' I " ­'I' ll". I i� I .1 �� -%:� �I':L':, ,I;, ,. . � "iIII,­­I ',;, L , il­�­ ,�I �1,. I�, �:�:�t,�.,"I,:I,�I�-'�':L�'�4�:'� ::' ,� "., .,I, ,,, ;* I" ,,, .�.I",,,�I... j� '�­r,� I Ill ;�I - - I I . . I , I I.� , � . I,I.� -�:L ; , ,�L ,I I - I I�; .-�. 1; ' ; "%'I ,�"' ,:2I,;_r'��S ,�'l I I:_:I;�L:1 ' � ' I r q- �1; . 4.*�- ;--.1�,i�_ -,% ,.i, - �I: �, �:.".I -;:' r' 11 ,,, . the'suld Cur covella t Willi tile i J%J3, L so' 43311 - 1 ­2 ­1 I . - - ,;_�.'L 1, ,�,�',�,,,�",�_o::��,,,i. _ : I - I � 1','' ,; �, ,,�, "'i" �',, � , -.4 1,�, � 1 -il-I .�:-�; �J;�,,4 , ,". I I: ,_�11, __ r �, - .11 - , ,I I 1 4 � � I I ,:; ... 1, 'LL � I � I I : 11., �. ' '_,'!K:�,, - - t�;� �, ��. I i ,ii I - " for entitled to I ecelve a return Of R11 1 ,shallexempt ill ? . I , _ , . ," U6 45' 1 ,I I , L- I' ,_�t' �­�2��­ ::,.­t' - :�­ � I�­ � . iq I I ille Said for , . too 01, , �, 'Y', I . 1, , 1:f'� , . ..'', 't ',�7f._I'�'�_. .,� � ,: , I" ; _�"�,� ��"L� _�' '��"Lol'�!,' , , ,,, I �1` . I,,� I �, hu'llandmo lie lawful for, is of *W.00 per aitilum. Or the 0.) Tito said Corporation l; as t I tax � ,, _.,1­.,"­'_ I ,�� -� _�. : _ �__ �_ ­­_ . ­ I ,� I I , �,. :, I, , ,,,,,, �, 411,41 , 445 . ''Ok ",*': ". ­ i I� I _�� , , � 1.�� - �":, , , ,_ _ - - 7 1 - , ,_­," ".�­ , , _'_11, , , " ,` ­_ .z I � . - � I I A I !o:� � 1�;� � - ­ I- 11 , ­1 - - --� � ! - 1-�!_"�,�.il,��-__,,­�,.'�--_�­,�,'�!'­; 1, , :,! - I � " � ,, i I ­ I . 11. It 14 , tile ,case to be eutere& it Over tile Bull lWith restore said' build. . isslly Irom taxation [excelill 61.6 I ­,_'­­�� _,,_.___ 1­­1� -;­, � 2­ � __­_l ­U ­ -.�l-.-.--�'"'-!:,.,��.-.�i,, ,��, -.,�,. ,,,.� '' I _'i_:..�I � , ; , 11 - . rl jDay fortl called and 148 W . ;, . ."; - I `�I"' �,:,��� . � � I ��,1,� . � _:� L 111,05, 64. 46845 .I,,.�, .- '. li- - I � i_,'�i�,�­A,' '"�. -'�ij :_ . ­ L,�,,�I�,��;,� � 7,.� I . I I : -1 I �'. . - �� -, ,4;1.��?��Ip­�A,;� I 1,I � I - :1 � � 11 I;I I.I 1.4 �, ,�,-- , I ", . I I I I , I ,,I I ;,-! - - � � I I I ;� ',,- ,,I . r I , I . I fillij, to agree - - - - . � I - . ?­"::�,%, "' R �: , I � . L' t . �� �' �'�;' ' ' , _ �, ; .3i I . illaorlot eterrojoll to ill tile Corporation I . y ate C01111 bit Y' , ' It I. . :121025 61 6.1 I, ,1, 111. , I "� ��, , ,,,, � � , i(t�, , I , , I I �', ,:,I,-., � . I , -1 � � -L"': I � I � ­ I L, 4113L485 . L'' , ,P!�'! -, � I � -;'­'­, k� ­­,. 'I­'�L '-''# 'I"'� " ,;��L'�' , , I ­;'i�"-""'..,��­­­I I 1. I _.� ,� fL. " I', � I -pill " I .extent as tile school purposes for a period Of te or perlod . 0 . , - , $ ' '' I _ ­ i­'�­j' , " :��,''*I-— ,1, I I , -x, c.lause of ukto ing,j and plant to)tile sallit', I...willitloto for a furd" 11.01t, 48720 1 . " : _ ,-­ _­ i _ I,� , 'I 4 ­�-1 � 11 __�'� ' ' 7' L ' ' I, �, ,�,­L�:'�,�'.��'-!, '�.,�olt��-.' ,',-- j I I I�� - _ ,_�I . "I I . , I I . een tile partlea wild 't may or Ity.1�77 45 I, . "�y . , ,_­­l L­"� �t�, I Into bet id ill ease the - _ _ I ,,_�!. , , , , - - ' , ­,-'­ , - ,:f­- L ,�*i�!�-,':,_I­ _: ��'�, ' ­ I, 11�, w V Freecoling tills ooliv,110 r411111 11 e Sal I .. � I .:,I,,,,, � �I,1� LAf',:L,�' �" �' , , I ­ � - I shall renew on I'loirg, Its r096 04 , . , -` I,, , � , ,*''_,31,r_,. � �...t���,!%,����,:� _.,.�'�',�� _�," � - I: I ,.. . . �, I - - , 7­ � , ,I ' ' I I 11 ,,� �-,"!- ,�J� ,�� ,-, ,�- �".::­,'��!,I - . I _ 'L�Ii4,��Ii,, I � I I �it �, �! '� r�' , "Ill . nBe 1 ilmediatel' 61645 " I I �, - ., �,,L�.I, !, 11 I , _ , I I I� � . Iil� l�";, . , ", ,­'­��-.�- -�11.,'If ." 1 , , _­', , �' I I ,,;,�" , .!, � ��j',L' !�. -' - �i�fr f:' I LT I �I . :-ORI I 111tow1n; ijiterebtfed ilk samea o%vii r , avid effeett vOly as 1 out). lio, I I I,��e�;, � ­ ,j, ,- ��-, 'Ir .,,� ",", I. _! � �, . � Ai �,"I, I , , � ,"I:, . i . ­ law. likat tile ja d The L ­ -1 :i , -" L i� '�"­ -.1 _,L - --:. 911.1,� "' 'I...�'_­;­, ":1l 7,1,�,",�";,LL,L",i�,,�,�;;,_�e, __.10�1 ,;��,_,,,_, IL ­- "' �"' ­­'J'­; L, ,�� � , I , . tinued its buildings are dei4troloyed by fi e durilig title tei in ears as fully of section 10 I'M, " 626 95 . sit I . __­­ - _1 ,''-.­,; �;,, � , ___ , _, I..,_: , "� - ­i,,,��, - I � f�;� I and t6 45 1 1 1 ,_"4.ii 11, I iI,i��:,�A"I,,I�.��,,,;,, r�',_,., ,, r 1'.,1�-_, .­1 11:.,'L",­Z.,Z 1, -- , ­ ,I,I i ", . .;.,s � "I � �!; 1� toy et of 1 6 1" , 1 �­ � I 1�, , I '�'�,��­ 'i�­...! L 1-11 ­ ­,�­ I � I I `.�.:� "�'�) I-_ -, ­ ," : I I � . : ­ I 1; - , . . .1 L,,I , 11 . ­��."' _ ' ' I ' ' .1 , �1_1 _. ­­ ,��,,, 1� � - ­ 11" �! - , I �, �.:_:i . i��I I :�. I­ I�J.:, I I ,,I I . ! - I , """ , ".­-, -, I, ,.,'' ' ' o' 't'-:, �".­'4,' _"r_,,.,,,,,, ., 1,_*.�� ,,I- ,I� o �Xl ,:, � . . . ­­I­I� I lie expiratioll of tile first tell Years Of'Od"oy idment A it"It.), " 54803 61645 , , . . '11'� It, ­­­­ 'i;1, ,E� . I'llissited, having Coll ean 111111 er t a provisions C 1 6842 ' �;�� I "I Asnet .. L� I L�,_1".-1 IAr �:�Ltp"".'I�...'�������-���:.ri';..';-;'!"�II L , I dry C -1 all-V ollsetfoutive V4-ftrR after 46 N) . I ,�. �� �'��' toriod of tell cot brin (if tile second tell Ycarif they' .� 6% I I I ­; �­"K,_­._,��,:.��, 1, I 1��'-,��,'�'Z��%IF;��­,,­,,��,'"'f,-�,,--���'-,!'.�,-�.,.-�"i��---�'�."-'' ,.,:,�",��-",�:-.�,,��---.i;�:�,�I - A � ! ,, . t. � . � ­ I , ' - ;-I:"I .,�� �, I 1­1.I­ _'t, I—-�_ - - -�A- ,:_'_­�, -�_-"�,�­":'.'_V� - �­ _� ­.,�;��__,�,�',�,.;, :� ,�: � ."�,%��i__,;L _'�,,I' ''L� - Irl I I I I _ ,4" , - �_ , _,"I�t_,!� .7­,­ _', ' � ,_!" _ �'! . . , ,,,�,1,��,�,,��,,,�,rl',t�,,�''' , , �'_�',:"�'�'I'4.t' , - L' ­�,,,�,,�-!,j�, "._��!:,� , 1,­, .���',,'�--�-,i�:�',�,,�'�.�,�', I ' ",-,,f 1,��, � .1 I ��­ I . - 'f 11" -� � ,J­i -­__ _ , _ - , , j'L, _ �), ., .( . lk' ViAg durise the te it poration, 'lliel"al 110141 56.995 1� � I �­ �I , �, �', -_ - .,�_,,�:!�­­- ._ - �-_,i�,J�,%, ��,�7F."-l.__, !�_,� :-­�'�-, ,!,��`­,,�:." - � I' ­ %, , 1. , I linelviol,'i'ljol tUe it, h I I . � 1 2371 1 6141'45 . ,4. "I _­_ ­ ,�,_ � ­ - _' ,I)� � ,- � �o I 1�� ­­,A';"] �vo;,,�"-� _�,'�,�,' I' .'��, , _ '�;, ;� I sk I 1. I - 11 LL' -1 I ., ,� T!"I'',­ I I p , "I, �,�r­­;,­­ , ��... ) IV �I � . I I I.1 I x I� �-1. . I. I�'.:!�"'I,::'�Il_'_'�'­�, , , ,�,�,.� �_, '. , , ,�.4�,I",�,,. -, -T,,;Ii,-,f,-_:_.'';_t,:�-..,l��'j""',-��_,�,��",.,-.L',�'�_r,L,.,!,I_,I� .I ,. --I 11 Ilotil a atiored bY ,orgai � 74 - '�_ _,�,� - I - -i�,' ;i,,itj ;�? � , , ", I I-­ ; b­111 I I , li, I ,Inc of ifs, commellellig. Road the GI I"). I lit) lawful for the C tor 14,111, 59t I Ilf 1 4", � I! . ) fr(,w tile t tit fortlewith reo i p tile siouildings lll� . 4 � . - ., I " , ",," �,L�,t',�d I�'_' �'i.I-;�'�_"4 - � I, �,� ,.�­ '�J�'""' , L" �­ "' iJ�'I'i"��,;-_V -, �_ . ,�Y',.` 'V, 'Ali 51!`,I. � � I .11,. I �I L ' �'r;. '' _� - .­��'�.­,��:",", �"�":�,L, ­I�"L ,'I.,1.,�1,�__-,", 1;�,'�,i� , .,_��­d,`I­ '­, 1 ,'_­1'1­5�,.­­­��­",4.�., .- , ,�1,�,�;,�, ,�,.�:. ,. .,,�:L,r�-,I I I �,.�,,�I��,,,,,,,;4.�,. ,��I: . � " , , � .�. , -I, I , . _�,_4.'� _'.," ,I, �,;��.':­I 'L . � �,f . cal-1-14-41 - lit and Performed till itill 011119 Alit'lls a" ' stilt" ley will equi . I (k�ooj It shall and MR ----,I- I .11 - , I "' � "I'i,��%I ,-I4, , " , , -, "-­14 91, I of 17.l, " ," It, �­�� . _ . :',�!��.��_ , �_ _.,�'6� I; . I I � "�1_.,�I, , *­i�,_,r,�,; ,�, -, I � I . I I ­�­','i�,­­_­_­_'­ ���,t,',,�'��,�i��4�)'ii'�,.,;,���-,!-L;,-",4k"4�),��;",�""".:,�,��,-,�,�i-,,,���I......� _ ,� '- -- L � I . I I I I, � , , ,:;��W * - "I­-, ­1111 , .1,, I I IVI"l- y ,"�­f,-�i _ 7 1 1 J� , ;-�,',i_"­,-,� ,���'�'14��,�,, ��1`11__ :1 111.-,,I".� r_o.,II,��­­1;�,r, ,,,, , - _ . -�,,:,�`­-�, ,t I, li,%'i,-�,� "'_I , � I I , ri� , - ,I ,I -,and tile.said Com lift' I . I . �I­­ ';""� �"1� _z 1 , �� i � 1� � mine vallie avid tlldo� said COMIOI term I i !�''--,.;I���:��z.�f��-,-;�,',�;,�,.-�4.;�,���.-�--,-���.�";!,�,-.'�ii��.�',���,�,-,::ifl-,J!*��,�,��_---�� "i� I , "-!i`,,:�.��i_-��,-��,I�-:���'�,',�--i",i".�'I ­­ . -i _- I - - - �* :�� � � I tile .....mellt between thio Built , �ree wItK � ��1� I� 4� �,�_'� I �",__ I -.Ir_�__.Ir�'-,,,';,��, .�-�,� __�I " I . I i� I Isom rlm)ratloll allot with IL Power iliftr.t of t Is 61 of and Porn to"to af $5.000.00 . I , I ,,�I 7 ,�-� �I .1 _,;� ,��."��'�.�,','����,-�f�'",",7"i��'l���,��,14��:"­�'�,­,� �1A,,,;,,�-��,.,L".��-1", I I . � �, . elfied is stored Ito tWOnty Year � I I ; � :�,.,,�� __-_ � ,',,��' t 7- I��I...,;­�I, ­­ . ,".,i�­..­;�,i'­I I,— , ,j""�-L 4'� -j L,;I' �Z,­�'� `��"",� `.'__` ����:�."��'L-'� �,,��t,�," �-�-,, -i�l,-�'-�`Z��_,� I I ­z: �__,"O����-,,­�-0" ,, , L I .�.�,,,-�� ��;� �..,7,�i-.-,,�'��L�,''- '-"'-�-'��L""�'-�-1-",L,������,""�-,�",��I ,__ L, '�_'I -,­'­',�'. -::`�,�.�A,,' , "���-,." ^. , 11 � "__" _"�rI:,Ir'li,I,�",!��:��I'�:'�,.�:�,,�,",� "j' ' "I'. _ , � . . �, lo I : il­ I,,_� _ __ � , ­ �: : I , ,I .", It ig possid I .. ,I f ' �"�'r r' '! ,I L - "I �' � I *1 , I�L�, t"- I z­. _�`lof��',)�.,�il:�-,:,_,"-'L r`,�,,�I,-,'��-�­�­;_',,�_',��_'­��;_',�.I,I_,__,� 1i_�-;A;1I-', �.tl�,�,� - I I�I'; 1,L , , _, _ 1� � ,11,-,-.��-.j��-­..� �,",�,-; �L,­_-1,�i��_ - :-,I . ­­ � - � I - '"Irfl I this by law,and hav 11 I,:"I " � "".i':'��D -_ �":; � � I 1, Lillitoll and tile said UO lie collifuelty as it wall before 0143 fire OCCU isl4like, ILt the explirstion of t, O.Filratiol, of tile I I . � "! _ � '�'# ,.�, - � 4 I I I I " diso or Wt the j4,is asked for :��,,-�j��� ,_i '­"J�l,­,�'.­I 1.ht­"* I�����t,-�'�'�I;, , ,,,��, 4 ' , �lt'�'�",�"' �_�t-4"� - ''I,� "I ;_.,�.� ,�. I � �e,��-,;, I listed Is j)f accident to tile chimney or a ranted by tile 10 ' . I ,i,,,; I , ­ - I ,� I I . : t pot Inew I ',-:­'!�' � I.- _j;.......��:�:�."�, �,,�, . M-11 �.,-I I�11 �_ , _, S�.I ­1­_;­;11­ _� _ - ­ -"i L" '4 I�,,­_ I I ,,t ,, ,I -- -_,,,­­�--� -I I '.: . , , _�.��%�_�,i�1 c I .1 ��,�I'VI`�.-;T"-.?,� 1. - -I ­ -,'.­ - , �j _ �:: I 11 . � , , � �,,y L�,r '�',�!,,_,,.�'-�;.:�'I"'i�, ,1 , 1:_'.,I i,-I ,:Ll"'I,L';� t,��,i:'�:-, -,� .��I I, ' ��:;_.�Z";,�t, _".,,r�__,-_.' - - ,c"';!.',��I':,,�_.­I- � �;: `-_,�i:I 1. � ­ - �: ­ _ - ���-� r,,. I I, �I '. I . Iments of rent (of E644-, each as In eage 4 er acciden fillirty, Year terin 1,1 case a re�ly has,been dulf In I' I ' I . �� - . . -" I - - - I I wind or settling or (tithe I it, _ __ _�,�r_ U"'.�_�� -� li�-i�I -,4­­��,�, ­1­1 11­_1 �I.1..,.. .�,L, - . . _j �'4 L�_.,,� .a,�,,���n­T "�,�_%_ - __]jLl'��:!�� , �; & :- - � ��,0-�;­,�,,"i,-"�i '�_!Z.!:.�Z� r,,,,,'.� - ... I—,�1, 1 1 1 � �I I ",I .� , - - 7,i, ' ;�. ,-�lf�,;"_�'.'�I �, I �. .t�JI,L�I_�, ,�,,� _'I I 11 I felkits, pal 0.sball be the absolute, stack 1) said chimney CO ^10 � _ � . I �j'tAi�;­IZ'LL�',�:1',­�':� -_�'� ­�"q",; 1 _. _.", :',� 0 ­'� I __L10 ­J)t"4..'­.�'�'­ Lr .. , _� �Z'- ;��'�LIA �,Ii.r_ _ � --- - A,:iiijf,ii,�i";_�,,,, � L I. � , � - I-—­ � � I .1 � tell 3 " I -, . -_ I ,i:.'�:J -I-_�j���'�j-'' --"-"'-­ - - _�'­� ,� :14i�,,�,�)��;­., ", . . I : said tells, 11 le ould Coult)[11,11Y tile granted avid till, . I ­ _1 _ �,'�":i�.�Ai!- _I _ � i .1. -_ �--,, -1,��,�,." - _C �, I 1-f-OI, _�_',_`�_"�'. - I � ,$.� I 7 I r III . _f, �.I,i i I.,,�.,, �;I�,��',.,��.�,�-!�,iz�.�:It. ,i­­,_'"� � 11 I� I .11 toy tile colused IV ti jand r,,,carried out at i's I I . � , ":"�,�,�Si�",-,:.".'*��,;�� . j,.�,l­,�� �,��7"'. -''-,:.-:­ ':`�,� "�'�,"'1',�, i -1��,,,;:�.',,i-,' r,',,",�,�, ���,�;r;,'�:.�,,,:,, L��,,;,,,.",, ,1, . 1 by it "hall be and �,," "I i'_ i� ' ," � I .1 - -, ��" -I�i,', -"�;L.,-'�'��'_�':""�,,��,!I",�&� " ��I ,", _ _ _ 1­ `�,*",.::�_,,�I__;�,, ,� I I , L _ L� I, ir"11,1111re I so Installed, but said agree leca-loned under t Ile(In IRA INOTI%JJVJO . I . � ,Il�:,z�:W;,_ 1 ­ - ­­ __� ' "�f O atioll here ill( lease lias Ito , I- �7IL'i����,,�,;-i,,,���l---�:;�'L __��z:,_ -- - _; - ­ �_ _ ­ -,1 �I I - , . - �� � , I 1�1 �� � I Ownel'o Of title plaw nied that tile said Coll' oitid tile dumage 0 and It I D . i I . I '! �iI�, ,._�.,�,t :,'�,�� '.., " I t�-.- - -. , -,--�� �­_,' ,-,,,�;" �,:,! -�_,�'�,I,�� , _ if L" . I I too conflitlo a Iko right tor f(ill-Illwith resturt"I bs' tile Owporation, OC1111rigle,tions avid tile 0 1 loll under the ;I 11 ��I "i,�� , - 1. -,- �q.l _�;�­,?��,_ �!,I�i,_�', `��:�­�J, -, ;� o__� L� J��i�':;�' . !,I �- k I ­,-�� L- _ -_ 1 I�­I ,-,,I,Ili,�_�,­, , , ­�j',',��,,"'It�,"�t��,�;�,�J��]'��,,� "'r' �, ­I �,­�I - ,J.I- - - ,:I_r , I�II�I"�"' 1 I � - �, - ___ - ,­­ , -,�,�l�"":,��"_.,�,:�,,�;: ,-,--�,.�, - ­I�,, ,_,I r: � - 'J I�1­ 11�,,�"I, '1� '��:-",! , , q , ­ 1) I L I ent sisal, fference between tile I I ,,_,­r,,,,,�l L,;'��l ;­'A"iL "��' :,f�­",��,,',,.'�I� ,�_ I��1111 ", ,�!�T���,,��,,-,�.:,f,kti���,",',";;,�,,�2 I in an end to by tilt' slid Corporat,if th,said Coln- r. � J � ;,�� I �.: ` ,, , � __i__ , ,,�;,�!­`�, ­!­ T­ _ .��I—'��-1�1­ ';2`;�12 I I . 1� I I . 1�.� I , I:,--.��1,'L - - -�._,� 4,��,- - ­�_� _',.'�,.,'j�j�.I�­�,� -�­-7,��I" , �h:., -'� '� -'� �I�.IfII �_ ,-,--.-1,I ­,_� -,j­ ,-4 1 1 1 -�� - f I � � )I��,_ , . __, ,. - ,., _ �� .�, ��"1,� , , - ,-- .: - r I I I - � � -_..L ILI�,-1, �I,� - --, ;�'', . - " i- , ,L -,�,'�_�1 �,�.t -,_�,­j I I . , `1 � ; ,I- I 11;,,� �....�.:�'?_i .�";, ��',,�! � I L 1, 11 , J � ,.�,- � � ,���,�, ,��,!'..'t�i i ,, ,�,�'.,�­,�L l'�.'��.,; _. -:11__ , , I��;t ,,,_. ,- �I, I I I I .I; i-,'., _--,--_I_�, , ,,,�,I,,r ,.,- , � ,�!�,�_� -'E I",--,,,� -- . I___- _ _�_-_!i.,�_`� _�`F� ­�, ..� . - .1-�L­ I � , , - - " " - � - � ,-4,�L :,, . .�"'C'�,� -,-,,,,,,,-,-:�I'-,�`-_'���)'�I j�,�:�L:, � -I;?�,I,.q��-,- I, �"���:,,.,r,:,",1�i.�'�II I 7­ ,:� 'I L ' I I ,�.,�, � , ,­', ,�- . ,­ _�-7, , _� ,,�,� ., �,� � ,� . ,.,�L � I 11 � I Illy (tr tile said Union, shall hav ,,,,,,,, lilltill shall be agreed thatilic dil I ­1 7��'11 �lii:::��_ - - �,L_ _,_, _ �L ,�� I'' � � �ll�......, -io� � , ;i t ;�"!I' _'. Ir *_ ,; , -, I � k, . r I � ,_ _ "' '' 7 i :ii-1 ,�,� I I I I 1111111 fooffil 0 artially destroying rolo- _ _ t-�,'L'�---Jft­',",,-`,�, � �,-�;,���,-,i,-:,�-,--���,�iiii�,!,-,,��� ,%, ,'�!I�,�' -� r _ _ '' I 111z�_�,;,­­�­­­__­­Z­ , - LJ­­,�,I�I , ­_ ­ � -.z -_- - � - - - - . _ ____ - , 1, 11 - ­ "I i_- -. ,­ 1- �'��v�f � ,�,�,�1'k'�-­; I � I- - I by . powers herein give" too it No to d( 11 I ��r���'l",�-,���i'�'i;�!�,,.�L,�,t"- !;, .-_1 ­"- 7 -­�' - ­­ _�, -��-:��::.`._,,�­ii� �'__-�4 _ il�,�,­P!_­­f � � ::"f��0_-'i",l'!-­,jo�­, .,�,, � I . ,i� U11oll tit paid Islitiont,or anv equity till *616dr meattill,of tile words L to purchase tile TAKENOTICE that tile above 16 R true COPY I I. 1 *�,117;11.1�Ita�4 !"I t�,­�;:,,�:-��i,�,-.,�,',��-­,; � i-',,, ,�,J,�n"�'-_�-I� �:, -�,,, ,,, f,;,-, -I T "", . , ,, ':��',L"' - � of�,'+,,r.,- , -�:--r:l ,,--I"; 41 I - - - � ' I i I , "'�,;_"-,,�-'��:_�r:�j�� '1. �, �_,�' _­-& "I�:�,",. ,,3�-1, ,, �- ,, �- -7-�I-, -- I ���',,,:�, - ,� ­ ,, 't; _!' I * com- I '�' � ` � � . � !�i,., I A-- I` I I �, -, , I, 1,� ; ( I I L ���' , ,-I �,::.11�,,,_-,� -,,��-,-7,"I L , ­I - �,-, ,I , ,., �,'L,, ,�L, ,�, � :� the said avinctilts of tile bull( Illgi;or power plants'and looffire * Pally shall have tho flight a dete,Inined a by _ � � -1��._­,"L'. , ,"", I � _ - - 7, ,� ,�11 I 'I, _law wilit.11 shall tse taken Into I, �7, �o-� , ." I',.-,, ­ I , _- ....I - I�.'­I 4E,I� .j',�., ,,, �!­ "',f�,,I", -_;:� ", ­­'Illxl � - I I I of it I I ­ � �'.:,�j "�,',­,i;�,,' �',�,`-,�t,I,�';�--�,, "IiI�..I—,�� I ,� -, , �:'�";­t , ,.)­1 , �, � , .- .,I ;,'��! ��,�r�.t I .� , _7�I -I ,,:�� "! , !11-� �,�......­"� i:,'6� 1 I" li, A!l I , I;,I ,�, I-1�"- ­ ,,I�I�� ,"� '.. �I,r* �, ,'.":,I , , --'­ " .� I ;1 I -1 I 0 . .1 I I I J I" `�, , -�,orl, ­_i - r I,�­I�-`f� ­ ,�`�"'�';. � `,_ �, r�'. �1-1 � : I'I�, -IT�,-� �, �,�2.,,�,11".:;'"I �� , . , - .� is whole 0 Nd by tile said COMPRII Ign or Plant or I to it at a valuation 11,11j)Is' I ,. I I. ,7 F7'�I 'I�� I',- , I ­�, 11 -I , -, , � , - , ",r - - -_ :�_ I 1. - -, � -- V, '�j , , I . � � PI destroYllif the buildis ty leased f It 11,livil.gull g collivern 81111,141 valua' (101111h It -1 I .1-1 L �1'7`�L- - _'-j" � - ­�:_,..t�',�,:.,; I, � J, � I- . .., . ��,,,.�ili� ��.,*i�,,,,',.�i.,,-, " . I Pay . ro Illetely ty ?l1re(1r111t1t1Bj1 ilidel � .I;, ­_ �l,l 1,�;�,-� ,;� , L are fully by tile Mi kid Council of 010 I Iq L'.'' - , 4"" , I; _ :`�­�Ii;,�,�;Ilj, ' ; _­;L;1­1,��i. ,�L,:��­!,: � I I ­­Il - ,,,I !:�-,`­ ­ 11 �., ',­,,­�I�!,_�ol'�, I ;,,�.�1. �,, ��: 1� , , �� _;� �!-,_,.,,_ �,�,�,- , �1; I r I VI . of resill le tile leare 0 Owmanvilles after I I , ,�,, I.,""",%, . 1"A I� "L � �­­�­� ,,,I' � Ir ly go,, sball so tleat, if, like� dam, lar 'I;" ­1. ,� -to , , 11 if "I � , I., I -.'-: �"�­ I — t " , z� ir.dli I :��, I . On tilc of is �,": 1, � , , ��. " I �� I , .1 'I , I I I [) jile Npid corlooratiollos, luid lit call Id ,,cur, -jestora. I, bill 0 oil toy arbitration each( . � - � ,, '.'. ''I �.­,'i�, �- 111.1 ,,, : . I� � I I � � _ I.. 1 � - . I_— � -f �, _J�L�­! ,- I'. _,��;, ,�';,�, , - �� . � I L lint, tile twoath r jand Corporation of tho town It : " _� L' :1 , -, - .- I 1. _. '_­�­`. I�, -- - -,� - '' , � ,� �, - 1. 11� ��, _ I � � ., I I I , r,I�, �, I � ,­,:_�,*; " - ��'.�-o U I ­1-, I I I . ­ I ,� � ",� �'! 5 I _i . ­11.I ' '., 11 � , I I,.I �� ,� 4_ � i ,::,'' � I � I L I� I I I I .1 I I � I I V skeo.essitate all expenditure fOr 'terivillil lillentlon I I TARIC 1 7 ,1 i�!�:�, 11�.� i . . list der tit a Flro)v lod0l 11' of tile "a will slot st Of tioll to be d(, I,I.�I ,� I I .�I � -_11,� - , - I .I-o . ­­L,:­r',' .I �I I-;I;i"I � _', ,� � %,,I I. � ' I , I ,*,, L, _,_,, - . , I� �� - 114* ,: �_ �,,.,, ,;I.1� -,l I I�;�I,� -, I _-! ,, ,� , � k, oite inonth from tho I I I , . ­ I ,,,r �f I"'�, �­,I�111 I�. ­ - _:1.�, �",_.'. , � -��i�, ,-.:, �' _ . �� ,L I I ­ i ­ 14,,� o _,,� ,:I v ; I,,, I -ator rot: loll �. ? -1- '1_�,, �,_; L I ,� �, , ,�.-�­� � -1 .- " I Owlsinted caris of tile tilalk jIrp,/ r Ir the (into i_ , �, __ _ '­�­,­ , '�,,,,,,,'(;,�,.,'�� L I _; - _ ,�,, ''I I `�� , -,'_� . , I � �, -:_�,4­ .1'�! '', I , to elnellt wlillill L11(t t1rot tell 3" . 4)f tile ovilgkilal eo Ise ei-sting futile Itrioltrut'), tit,,,(, sirbit, of .1 � - I ,� I I � L ­­, __ I _t -I , ji-f .,_ '. � � � 11 ­ I - 11 I .1: . 1,i . 6, ­ '�jf?'_I�� � . I: I - 7 - � _�' -, ­'� , 4 , - I dint ahall, I � L . � - : ;: ,� -�7f_T.It,',-�:-,I -- I - I� I 1..�­,I �;�,,I - �,,�',-;-,�:_-,.��, , - I �F �'�, 1",�,.-­- .-I I I��:,.,",0, � I I� � , �_ r��, ,:I.,�,,� "' , , -,A-�i'��:���,"',- ,','�i:��!�_��I i , , ,, ��"." - �, ,. I , �: ,,-l'o- I ���V , -,�� �. � ,� I , fliOn of words I poll It 43ANADIA'.4 STATFAMAN 1110111'sPlit ,� �, , � �,���, � l,, '� ,, � ," - 1 4 - � -I I,",� , � � � '.J;L '., _'L ': _,i,it -I -,- � -:I:�Jl'" � -� , -7-I, - -'�L ­ - . � ��il I,ti;.- ,�;_ � r ­- , 't I- � , 4 It, I Agra Y !ill, made by %vay of r 1.011 It -loartial dostrull- ro 0:1111lot(1917410 Is a, .� I 1� � , 7 "�:,� '' , ­ ::, 7f, __� ,_ � � I�­ � ,�I 1­,-,�zI ,�,, ­11 v I � - - ,I I _ � . 1 viviellis to) tho sillne it fillall be eoll"Ide vo "itte. rators shall have Milliefiday 011 �4 ,­­ '! n.�I" � " , �_ __ I . I I -I . I 11 I 11 .I AI z 1" ­� ­L'�:�Li� : ""' , � ':` L '' , , 'li,lit- , ---1,�� ,); � � I I I I I"�.t I:"I �"�', 't,",!I� -i.,`�1: 1��,1 � ,:,;, " ,,I I. I I,,I,­-�I, _� I�: : "I , ,,�I ,I.�-I_I �. I 11 7:..1: �,I,,,I h" -�. " �,, I. I; i. � . , I � term all n1lanv ally.rIsAtt Ill require It enter If tile tm the first Publication 11,0111- I _,,,�,,!.,��-_-�i� " �, , , - ,,, _ - , � I A t �­ �,: li, 1:1111 _ �., ,__ �I_­�I- 1­ ­ ­­ I. , ,� _ -, _ -- _ ; - 1_ I - �w , I : 'i�:�-, � I 1- _iollll� �: �;�j, I 11, 1- ,_ :_ - - 2 . it if ill(- daipa wl .r tile arbIt of judge(If, # Is L -A�- : �,--: I ��I I I I . iL. ' r , � �iF�,:i I I :�� .1�, ,-, " 1. , , -11 ,I -I - � "I" .. . slot give 14) tioll" he / 11 % tll(lit 11rd Of octobtsvis 11mil, I id tile Voice of I , ,� ����:_--, i,", I -, P I" S � ,- , , 'I _f ;1 -,-, r,, I'll � Z tile Paid Coll I(." the 801114! of i'Wenty t I , .­" .��,,,: I � _. 111 I , I � i ,�11. z I I � ,�­_ _, 11 �, j , ,%I-, 141 1._1 1, , -, t , ( . I . "I I. � I - is,� .�� "',_ :4., 11 -� 1, - I , , � I .I , ­ii - I 4) 't, � - � � t, �i i'! I I,��"A , , �i. , �, ­�I I . �I I - . -r if I-�, .I,,, _ - - I I I ,� _;iy:'I�I L_,_,' , - �I�.1'L , I ,lese 09t )y tit t1ke saill Corlsoration i .1 I _ . � _1­ ­Y ­ _� �, ­�: -_ "I , I_ � i - :,:_1 ".- I ­1 1: KP -.1,� i I lant.11 Alture till , I the quallficid Eleetorm of , I ­1 ,­ ­ ,� I": ' '.''',_ I :�.�11� ;:, ,,2� �'; - .� -� -I,,�.. I I �:r,T-�: , �) J, - "i ;;, , , , ,ly 1111derotooll, tlkRt [tit G5 of I �tjhe original C been nalned f �1 � ,� r. "I " , , � , I ;� � I Iwilklr comil J"t)", lillite(i 001111008 Up. I -''�,!�'; ,�' -1 L' � ­IL, -'-1, ' I I I''r ! 1� 1, I ,,, pally too) Ole title to ands exiieno "I � �" ,:1- I . I L I I 1�1 'i ,,,,z"i�� � I I I I , � 1-1 said onsplete destruction,or nearly OI I thil %J ,"l', �,���lj��,,, ,� : �. �J,, ":: _,,�� I "I:,� 11, -,�� I I� I I I I. ,, il�r",�--J I; �1�11�,,��� r4, � ' - � - � I I � r. I. . I I - I I I - ' ­­� I�; �. ­ " � -I � I,� ,�. -�-_.,i (IIl i r � I I'I � � - I I 1,­ ,� � ;I .1 - I I I I I - -'I,h,I,:!�i",:, 1. ,:i I, I�L�, 1 ,7�_� I I , � 'I�'�)-:'"'­.' ., � .'7. _��'. -�:;�:_,,,f'o I-� � -� -.,- �:, ��!�,�I � _ -I�:' I. ,,. .. . I . -1 I :_,, i 0 on Itle the Nil Ill coin hn dered it"ie thol County 11,30lart tile lot ter will loo taken thertiois its 1*,,1Iue,%,8,_For the WOBI 4 � ­ "" : - ,,,�:-,�4i��- ,,� �.e I, I � �I;:i, I . , �, I ,: ,I it, bo cOol'911 I � I - - �, � -, �. 11 I _ - I ­1 ­ I ­I, . �,,��.�- ­:­-, IL� I I � � rl oftl(.co, ftor the Not I , ,L' I ;1 I � yl . .1 1. � . _ ,�-� I ,� � 1. : :,. l_ ,IL_'I ,� , .1, I - .,:� , . ­ I - , , ­ - I . I, ;� : ,,,� , ,,� ­_�� .'I:J ..", �-.� 4 , ­ :.. ,��_ I : I � - 11 I � I I I � I 1, � - C - 0 -� �'� �:­_r�� y ,i ­ I. - i.L I __ ,� 1 !�2�' -, ; " 11, ­ ­­. ­­:�L!I�­'�u _, ._��i - " :�d:_,"�;:.";.;_ I �, - ''.., �, I __ I 80. ask(, thel award if , , - � 41 1 � 1� ,� ­ I ­ 11 __I:�,­­: �Jl . _.­ .,R 1 !�,, .1 lit Nald plant or any of orthumberlaisd all(I D"I'll"llk "lay ,rth Wara , -,��'�,C,�,;!:-,�,'.�,�',,,,�'�:"', , - _ �: I 'O U) Ward lit tile Police I f .-r: � - .� I :1 1. , I I � � I I ,�� I , I g � If i- ropert 5 Ito obli a- dry COMPIL"Y Not fly 011 skotic . . I� , , , "". �': �A' , I,, I I ­ 1 I I, ,�­J, ., - I , , I I� ­ . 1 , , -f�:, "�',� �I '' I , , I I' , an I 1,11S 11owinanyllic IFOUDI A elthil a Isth W ard at UIC Fire I __��,_�! ,�­�Jll* �! - - 1� I . I , ' �. , 11 ''A' - " � . : , 'I , I'll I sillort."olulf I 0 711IRt, .11C I I � I.11 � I � - , � I 'r, 11 1. �,�� , - I I ,� I "I� 11 I lit and t lie cutill hald P ,asi011 4 �"ije,tl llybitrator at the mill alked,for that Ho I I, �� �--il 3�'L,"' ' � ';; :1 � l - - I , f , _ - ­_ -11 �I ­ �, . � � I , I (C . I I 1.11 'r f .. �� . .," I � __ � - _�' I t I �",:, . 1­11. ely sisal joerform ILI �, ,": , �_,,,iI '' ,_I 1. � , I I 11 A . 'I,� - , I ��: . rji� I - � 1. low via d inigrefflue orthwith after ele lit tile bc hour of Nino � L ': � � � 11. 1_. � :1' ".:1 ':�! �" �) I I �,�� .11 ''I . ,"�, I I I I I I - "1. �:;,,, , _,"'�­,_,­? I I ,it,I �-11 I "I ��:-.1',­-If�,�'JIIZ' ' ­�;L:L , "I M V` � - - _�­,_"­ �1�� 4�'��­� _�� I ,�� - � , � ­ �, S_.. ,, __, ."iII, I�,l,j., if,, , �;�,�",f_,�,L.�i. ,I S P - , �� 1 I11141 � L I, I � I I I :� - ­ -_.. I 11 I I ,. _,'_;4,I I , � I ,; �,Z, I, I� 11 . I , 1 I 1� In its 111111141 I I ;­r�- 1; , : ,A I, �11 I t �, 50411, 161mited, Otiall fl in the side allIsOl ,til(lyn olkall Do binding Duloweell thn 1141, Itild colum"Itiellig at III litil tho I .: :�I !,!!�� 11, , 11 � , . .-�,_� 1 _ k ,I , of any two o 1111111111 continuing 11111 I I ""�,rr I I I term of tAlk Yeardift 0 the (olelo-ek In thO forenols, ; I of.", _,,-," ' " --- to , � � : � 1, .41 ,I � I by.IRW for a loaso deposit in $oni tid Company an, slot I I writ. � I I; L �I" A"''' 4_, , - I ( � , , , ,11 - , i��,: , I I ,� :, I - 4 ,�,-,I''), 1 , I .1 I I , ,:' � I,' . , I ", 0 t (If tile I MID ; "�sgL�; �- I I �. l'. , � �,� i,�, ­: I I �U', ,. � _ ,_, � '; . � , I ­ I � �'', r �� I for tile PUr- , of 07P 1 , �_', L .�� � �'!� . , _",a .A q�,:�', ­, , "I I 11 . 11, I ,� � I .. 1, ­ ­ � :,I , 11 - J. I b I � :,I, � . .....11 I LY bo lawful jand title town of Dowlinalsvillo dke sul" lartle", but If tho all tie, explira"011 I I title 'afterilooll of I ,L ­­ ­ -1 : 1 1, % 1 i I , I I I I I . �, T , - ­­ ,�,,i: 4�1, � I I ,�, � 111, It shall mind mo (,J()llll)aliy too lon considered and Ikour of Fivo o'clock 1 1 � � 1, ,, - I!III I i ".":W,1, ,� �: 'itl. � . :,�c'­ il� � ��� I- - � ­� 'L I . ­ I ".I ��, . I I I . I .I � .� �I,� I, I Irt Fig withisk 00(Iftys after lease as tho I I ��­', L�- P _,4',,� Z, I � It I 1, I � I I I I , I : I 11 L 0 1 11 I ,i I : 1� I � I " � I I 'A� !4, 1 to the prollt! to Haiti t1kirt,,,Y(,Rlr above named day. , -.",_1� - � - - � I - �- , I I j., � 1.,I � I I ­ � .:1 0 of payho on cradit of tit is said 00M. I I . I ".��_, �,Z-"­, , A �:. � �i I P � I ." 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