HomeMy WebLinkAbout628 -Mx, 7 1� W�_ + ,;J IM, fit;, -4" M.Mmir"My `7 t,-I PM X11; V 41 'N 34 R"!NXTM 'N,Wzi 't, 'n,­plP,'1q 'K VZ10 TR "4 , A f1v i1i"Ail RM. Ir z lt "_ L. wq­ -­ - tviw,��i , A� 'T_ �, I Wn g MAW ��y-,g1,-,,,t gl 'l zi, -, RA jj� 'i, Y��rot JIM 1, Q Z M, 1;: t 11 facted on ­-id froni vU Y.71. Concession. street,Nor 'N'ZYK th N t ons V, Oreas a Cement sidewalk has been 'c And wh ;l:i,­;Olt line fence (598-feet) in said Town. of f h Street,to the,West side of ............ it , f McConachip" from the east side o said Bv Law and nients, . ..... ating to Local Improve s of the Municipal Net rel We under the*tprovision Zowmant number 608 of said Town. -sum Of $28'.04 an amouu 628 d seventy U tion, of same . ts to the of coustr c ereas the whole cost 12. And wh the lots or to be levied bY spe6ial assessment on the suill of .S200.92 8-10 is, requir (L thereof h side of said Part r centum or au(J situate oil the Nort ties.benelitted thereby froatiag On of lots,of lands of the par aratse ,the anville o 7- 8 of the, TO ' n 0. f` '&W' M of said Concession street' w w -LAU No*42 north ide bf L6 o Street from the B dewalk has been.con tructed On I I I I - ille, under 'the-provis- And whereas a Celueli Si said,town of'Bowtnnv pentr street in .oel Improve—! t side of Horsey streei,to the west side of Pand Dollars to , awnutabor 608 of said,Town.. Sum Tv)ent Improvements and said By, L I Dous nicipal Act relating to Local, ions of tile' Hu u y 613 and sevent �295 In m of tion of sa e amoun construe 14. And whereas tion own ts to the s Court of Revision of the tile *11(40 cost of ithin the Corpora s which was fixed at 40% to owner by S opt lot 20 on' Centre and Lo-,,Ve street ment -exc he lots or parts Of lots Of per,contum assessment, on t of or the sum Of .8-10 is,requi )e levied by specia $187-24 Lowe street. off. red to I there of w ting on a ad situate on the th side, of said e. nor lands t efitted thereby, fron of the par ies b n Silver.stre t fron! t side of e on the eas s been constructed walk ha And whereas a Cement Side 15. der the in Faid town of Bowmanville north si e of King street side of Wellington streetto athe, 1hp south Xxinicipal.Act'relating to eiftents a - number60.8,of said Town ad By, L w side of Beach Avenue from , 11 1 1 1 ucted �'ou the Oast '0 Local.Improv lk has been co str P Where" a dement' Sidew, ions of the the said,,town 8.64 and seventy n u Orth s of BoWnianville under' am Of,$45 the N ideof IAOWO Street o, trobtio of same amo uts to the s? And whereas the whole cost of c I's th side,of Concession Street to Town. 16 d By,Law 608 of said -Lo is req 1 jug to Local ITprovemonts an uired to be levied by special Assessment on the lots or of the Municipall'Act rp at per the'provisions centxim thereof or the sum of *321.04 8 side of said Silver 20.64 and seventy nts to the,sum of $3 enefitted thereby frmiting ou and situate on,the east e cost of constru6tion, of'.salb amdu parts of lots of lands of the parties b 2. And whereas the whbl ecial assessment on the lots or part e u 10 is required to be levi 'd by sp A:frOm $224.44 8 l t of said percent in thereof'or the sum of on the east side of said pat and situate -ted on tile west side of Centre stree ifes benefitted thereby, fronting ,On eon construi,, And whereas a Cement Sidewalk has b of lots of lands of he part V. of'Bowmanville under he south side of Concession street in the said town e -to t 8 , Beach Avenue. t north side of Lowe,street mber 60 Local Impiovem6nts and said, By Law nu tucted on the east side of POP, Stree theprovisions of, the - MlaniciPal 'Act elating to Sidewalk has been cons 3 And whereas. a Cement n of Bowmanville e to the North' side of Hors y street in said tow ncession stril 'Of aid Yl th' side of,CO of said By Lawnumber 608 . en y from the Boll buts and .7 t 0 Local Improvom . whole cost of construction. of same amounts to the sum of 8321J�and Bev al Act relating' t ereas the under the provisions of tile Municip 18 And wh on fixed at 40% to owner by Court Of, Revisi per centum. ­ 1, "1 lot 20 Centre and Lowe' street which was or ar of,said Town. exce t the lots P lits of lots of and seventy', quired to be levied by special assassment on lits-to,the sum of $153-60 .10 is re tiou of same amou thereof or the But of $201.02 4 In hereas tho�whole cost of construe ide of said Centre street d w ssment on the lots,or ' on the west s 4. An fronting on and situate 107.52 is required to be levied by a .special ted thereby e sum of 8 lauds of the parties benefit. ntum thereof or th e of said part'of per ce y 'front ng on and situate on the east sid side of Centre street from the Cement he onefittied,thereb sidealk has been iboustrudted on the east nd whereas anville'u, of lots of lands of the parties b W. A of Bowm nder-t PM parts. et in said Town of Concession Are, e south side north side of Lowe street to th Elgin street. or 608 of the said Town. ent Sidew e c treet.' from ions of ipal Act relating to Loc ements and ByJjaw numb n t side of Silver s al Improv onstructed o -he West f the Munic alk his be n VIS d whereas a Cem Bownianville under, the , and seventy. 5. An ii n of Of $330.72, w re he as the Whole side of Church-, street in said,Tow cost of construction of same amounts to the suln e north side of. st Otto the South number 608 of said Town. 20. And th -Kipg re fill said By Law s 'ecial assessment on ,the' lots or' ts an I levied.by p to Local',Improemen 1.50.4-10 is required to be of. or the sum of $23 isiouB-of tile Municipal Act relating east sider of said Centre and v nt ate on the prov SS 46 y per eon tted thereby,00fiti'19 On atid situ-1- sum of $218.' lands of tile parties b nefi cost of construction of salne amounts,itfili the hole WtS Of lots Of ad,the w 6. A et. $153.216-10 is required to be levied by pecial assessment on the lotsor parts of lots Of stre id Church street from laid thereof or the sum Of said rOrt IL 81 um e ,,On th est-side of part of a uting on and, situat e w racted on the III thereby fro of the parties' benefitte .21. And *here" a Cement sidewalk has been const r is of Georgo street in said Town of Bowmanyille unde the prov iO)us frOin th, I I '' , I , the,east side of Division street to west side Of said Town. street. e tand'. By-Law number 0 of King Street to Local mprovements tr ted on South sid al Act relating Cement Sidewalk has been cons UP of,the MuniciP d And whereas a town of Bow- seventy 7. 5 feet) in said .04 h of construction of same amoun ide of Glover & Tapson's sti(15 ts,Ito the sum of $22 1, an east side of Bennett's Hotel to the west 8 d said By L%w ,6U8 , And whereas the .w ole cost , 6 Local Improvements an levied by ecialassessment '011, the lots. 0r, at is isions of,the Municipal Act el jug 'of *154.72 8-10 1 required to be, 9P the ' of or the sum, manvilUe iukdor the prov per centum re north side of said part, routing on and situate on the . ts,O%lots of lands of the parties benefitted thereby, f jWd Town. of ud setvoi par 185.40 a ts to the sum of -olo cost of construction of game ainoun of said street. And whereas the wh parts of Wellington street special assessment on the lots or ed on. the north side' of d to be levied bi require ent sidewalk has been construct ereof or the sum lof $129.78 is of said p t of said aid town.,, Per contum th %rance street extending vesterly 239 fe,et to Pub d thereby, fronting on and situate on the south side UX 23. And whereas a Coin lic &ho,61 line fellcO ill s st side of Tempe -Law of land of tile parties benefitte froln*the we lots. to Local ImPrOvOmOnts and said By -lating or the provisi011s Of the Municipal Act re of BownialivillOt und King street. ot from on the West side of Silver stire 6o8 of said Town. reas a Cement Sidewalk lim been,constructed number seventy 9. And whe under .72 and Street in said Town of BoWmanvillO 110 uts to'the sulli, of $114 to the South side,of Wellington mine at u the north side of Church street h as the whole cost of construction Of 6 on al Improvements and By Law 608 of said Town. 24. And w ore tum to Owner by Court of Revision Wellington street which vas fixed at 40 per c 'Municipal Act relating to LGIC 'Per C 07 tsof 9ts bf isions of the entum except lot � lots or par the prov special R813089me it OnAllo e levied by of $289.76 and seventy is ' quired to b um ng t of construction of same amounts to the 0 t4erwi or th sum of $67.63 2-10 re on the north side of said part of aid Welli And cial, assessment on tile lots or whereas the whole cos fronting on and situate 10. 2-10 is 'required to be levied by spe ted there�yf landsf the parties benefit thereof or the sum of $167.88 the vest side of said part centum and situate On ton street. per of lots,of lauds of the parties bonefitted tbereby, fronting 011 .......... ilittll 4, I", t'0 "aL I OL I Vi�l ji W-0 7 4! 7 eii_', !tf�,t 'A `Avil: IOWA, 2RK:i 'feei� d 14 UNA Fig. IN 146 gg j R,- 02 "k R, ...... V, 0P. Oat "UR N. wit M EiA 'tizisci" MV 31"iVi,,uVJtq E mgz qg vs �j%,RRN' R_El- WEOMN,101........1,111­1 _�,V_l Kl g", OU nt to the:A tion.,of same,am nd seventy. um of S232.80.1t 4Q. nd whereas It ost of construe he,whble c stre t ' ts which was fixi-d at 40% t6,owne from' . r by Court o n coustructea,on,the north side of C.hurbli and 2, Division and Wellington strLee alk has bee ni.,except lots I Perr con herea a Cement sidew the pro tu Revis 0 e And W ville under ed 'to be 1 vi d by special assessment on the lots or pai t io, street fi ,'Said town of Bowman ion thereof or the sum of 2 is requir n W St Side Of 011tar e . ...... f the east side' of G orge street to the e , number 60s of gaid Towntli sidie of said parfol said �L W e by, .fronting on and situate on the east ments and said. By ,.fttt d there nicipal Act.'relating to,Luval Improve of lots of lands of'the parties bpne is* of he Mu v ions 7.68 and seventy um.of $18 to the s ivislon street. Of C lits, it Co. onstruction of same,aulou dwhereas . t on th;o lots or tile Whole . 26. An to be levied by,special aAses9ftiell ructed on the west side of-Teniperance street from s been co alkha list of $131.37 6-10 is required 41. And whereas a Cen'ent Sidew r in' thereof or the sum lie north side of s lid part anville under th centu , I e g on and situate on,t -side' of Horsey street pe in'said town of Bowill parties'benefitted,thereby, froil.tin the north side of Wellington street to the south arts of lots,of,lands of t,he ients and said By- Law 6oS, of said Tow1l. P al Ac isions of the 'Municip, relating to Local Iniproven ,.of Aaid Church street,- e of Church,street'from. PrO f QV9 -2 and,sevellty s 0 lit, t the Sulu o abo ole cost of construction of sallie amOu listructed on the southsid 42. And whereas the w t sideWalk has bee And where" .11, Ce'40u 'n of Bowmanville un4er the Teiiiperance street which was fixed at 0% to ow 27. d Tow 1 4 ner by Court of Revision u AW I side of Georg ' street to the tw�st side of,Ontario street in the sai per cent ni ex( ept on lot ")(7 0, e levied by 'the eas, e ud said By-Law 608 of said Town. spe al to of lots or. essillelit oft .the lots or par there ic tj Act'relatill ti Local Improvements a of or the Min of $1,01 61 6,-10 is required t I) ip; 9 () a part of said Temper- u- d provisions of the Muni )Y west iclo of St. uni of $187.20 and seventy 's Uniefitted therel of same amounts to the s lands of tl t* tronting oll'andsit ' ate on thl6 construction le par le 'Of the lots or parts 28. Andi whereas �the whole cost sp 'cial msessment ow, d to be levied by .. ainee str6et. tile sum of $131.04 is,requirc -of said part of'said- per centum. thereof or e 0 and situate oil southside e alk has be' woonstraieted n the north side of Concession street,front: ron And w e rn of, Bownianville under -of lands of t4eparties benefitted thereby, f Ong On hereas a.Cement sid wi in said. ToNN from the west side of Lamb Street to t -east side of Prospect str, et of lots he mber 608 of said Churtch stro�-t. I s,and said By Law au re ating o Local Improven ent, de of Temperance , I ," �', � L I I e been constructed on the east si the provisions,,of th, Mun ipal Act And w a Cement sidewalk has town of Bowni javille under 29. hereas south iide of Church street in.the'said T.Own.� ng street to the Town. e I., � 1111 11 . 11 in' from the north sid of,Ki Its and said-BY-Law number 60,8 of aid uction of same amounts to tile,Su I,of 8 130.08 and seventy the whole Local Improvemell, 44. And whereas cost of constr Municipal Act relatinit to . n prov ions of the, ier by Court of Revisio is hich was fixed at 40% to owl 41.44 and seventy treet w um. of $2 on lot 3,Concession 9 the whole n of same anioutIts to the s Per centum. except lots of cost of constructio by special asessment on the lots or parts of 1 the lots or or equiied to be levied 'thereof the slim of $67.58 4-10*is ,r onceso 30. , And wherea's by 'fronting on an -of $169.00 8 0 is requirjed to be levied by -special, assessment oil art um, on the east side of said dsituate oil tile north side of said p, of said 0 per cent thereof or the 9 on and situate esibenAtted there fronting lands of the.Parti . fitted thereby, parts Of lot Of j..Luds,of the parties b6te, tsion street. said fremperance street. Church Street, from th part Of h side of Con'cession street structed on South side of 40 t in said town 0 v eiance street Silver S'tre6 f Bt)wman ille under the of BOwma n construe a Cement Sidewalk has:been Con pro, 31 .And. whereas a Cement sidtbiwalk has bee ted on the N ort liville under the And whereas to the east side of to the east side of Lamb street in said Town *,lest a d ofXemp from the west or 608 of or 60 S. 8 of' ' aid Town. side.of High street Law numb said Tol, s and said By Law numb said By- at r to tocal'Improvement Local Im vementsand pro ionii of theMunicipal Act rel. ).56 'and sevent provisions mounts to the sum of :8142 of the Municipal Act relating to os to tile sum of $270,72 and seventy the %kholo c .t of construction of same a of samejunounts 46. And whereas f co struction Or Ole cost,0 ssment on- the lot ial a8se or ent on the, lot .32., And whereas the wil req ired to be levied by specia as0ssm to bo .levied bY sPee 79 2-10'is u thozisuin of $90. f $189.50 4-10 is required. per contum thereof or he south side of said Part , 'thereof of the sum 0 per n uni s be and situate'on t liaten the'north side of,saidi nefitted thereby, fronting on ce fronting on and sit f the parties benefitWd thereby? parts of lots of lands of the partie of lots of, lands o of said Cburch street, 6ssion street. ng street from -part of said COne roml , on the, south slide of Ki e west side of Ontartioatreet f walk has been constructed cted on th id dewalk ha been coll8tru 47. nd whereas a Cem it s e ville xinder,the pro.. And whereas a Cenlent n of Bowniginville' uhder vision street in said,To,%v ii of Bowman, Queen street...in., nce street to Irest-side of Di th the. ......_the east side of Tippipteifi .............. enint and said By Law- um north side of, or 608' of said Tow the south side of "King e b oca inprov 0 improvements and said By.Law 608 of gal Own of tile Munic al Act relating .to L ip visions.the;provisions ipa'l Aet,relatillg."t . Local to the sum of 84 of-th Munic $160.08. nd :i tion (if'same amoun 59.60 and seventy cost,of construe ti of same,amounts to the'sum 48. And whereas the whole 34. And whereas thO Whole cost Of, coustrac ,on lit on tile lots or parts of by special assessinent, on the lots or sum,of $1 12,.o5 6-10 is,required to be levile'dby special assessme per centum thereof or the gum of ,t321.72 is required to b levied th side of said part' entum.th�-,Nof or the on the west side of said part of said P routing on and situate on the sou ,Per c art lid situate bellefitted .thereby, - - ------------ land of tile parties benefitted therebyp front ug On a ar of lots of lands of the ies P ,Ott, of said King stre Of oil , e treet e th- nor Ontario s" street from th, t 'd th side of King S tructed has been Construe e walk has been COUN south side of Church And wilereas it Ceient sidewalk A It49. ",town of Bowmal-vi,110 me 35. And whereas. a Ce lit Side town of Bowmanville under the est side of Division street in said ' to tile W y-Law number 608 of ide, of Division street to the west side of George street in '9.[Lid 'from the east side ,of Temperance street and said By Law number 608 of said Town, ocal Improvements and saia' tile Municipal Act rel" ing to L, east a ements at al. linprov under the provisions,of relating to LOC of.the Municipal Act ty per cent.- provisions of $177.12 and'seven said, Town. of same amounts to the sum And the whole cost of construction Of lots Of $409.44 and seventy 0 e levied by special assessment on the lots or parts hereas the whole cost'd construction f game amounts to the sum Of 10 is required to b 50. And w he lots or , of $123.98 4 d Church by special assessment on t Am thereof or the sum the south-side of said,part of sai 60 840 is required to be levied, benefitted thereby fronting on and situate OR per contum thereof or the sum of $286. situate on the,north side of said Part Iands of tile parties fronting on and , ds of the parties bonefitt6d thereby a of Ian t parts of lot, 6tive street from outh side of King ucted on'the 8 a Cement Sidewalk has been,const I I . I I of said King street treet from wil of , . : i ;A 37.l. And whereas ast line of Belinett's Hotel ill said To And whereas It Cement Sidewalk has been constructed on the north side of Argyle r sterly.to tile e own of Bowmanville under the nee street running we of Duke street in the said t the west side of Tempem lid said B Law, to Loeal improvements a y the west side of Ontario street to the east side Of e, Municipal Act relating By Law number 608 Bowmaliville, undek t le Provision Of th Act relating to Local Improvements and said nic isions of the Mu' iPal prov of said Town. number 608 6 and ounts to the,sum, of $575.7 seventy said Town. ounts, to tile sun, $180.48 and seventy construction of game am otst of construction of saute 11,111 as the whole cost Of 0 whole c 52. 88. Ana wheretta, th And where jal assessment on tile lots or oil the 16ts or quired to be levied by spec to be levied by special assessment s required of or thesum of,$403.03 2.10 is re of S126.33 6-10 i per Ce per $110utul thereof or the suit, utum there to on tile south side of said part of north side of'said Argyle e parties benefitted thereby fronting on aad situa. d thereby,frouting On and situate on the parts of lots of lauds of th of lands of the parties benefitte parts Of.lots said King street. 0 east aide of Division Street on tile south side of Arg ylet street from 13idevalk has 1)oon constructed on th And whereas a Content. sidewalk has been constructed ent 58. Hie under the pro- And whereas A COW ot in Rflid ,town of BowmauvillO I in Wellington stre aid Town of OW UUN' aide of Churell street to the south aide of 608 the WQ et to the omt side of Duke stmot in 0 from the north to Local Improvements and of amid, By Law number at side of Ontario stre said By-Law number 608 of tho saidrown. .ipal Act relating relating to Local improvements and tj of the Municipal Aot under tile provisions Of, tile munic Vbioll Of mdd Town. IItto ttitt00 ItI1VOLUME I NZIN V AN g VI ti Pi ll j gp g) Rg, rl ONE ;.ii vj_ 411 ­6 AN= T -7 M MCA ggg_7 t:'N FARM g t;,,,W 'tU 'M t ........... it14, cied 6n the south. side of Durh' in Street nd whereas it C Sidewalk as een coustiru a .69i einent A ' 36',andeventy owln er to Gaiols line-'fence-in A frj)m the'eagt'sidO of Duke st t eaqterly 1*36 feet aicutown, of B anville unod Of J9 roe histo the suni of,$1 r constr r A. Aild*here cost of or as the whole and Aaid By Law nu ber 608 the provisions lient on the lots of the ,Municip ovenient is required to-be levied by special assess' .1 Act relating .to ocal Imp e Or the sum Of $111.55 2-10 ther of o 'the south side of said-Argy centuni o and situate n ng n 'Town. per lots of lands of tile, parties benelitted thereby, frouti of $65.28 and,seventy ts�Of ts to the,su Par on 70.' , .And wherea the whole cost of coustructi of sameamoun ot from, est side of Duke stre or parts the v -sessment oil the lots re sidowalk has been cons I street tructed on lie sum of $45.69 6-10 is required to be levied by special as a Cement th'side of Durham street 55., herear li of Bownianville under the pro- .per centum.the of or t And ,w e on thessou, s bonefitte f Duriaul street in said,toW d thereby, fronting on,and situat of lots t to the north side 6 of lands of tile partie' niber 608 of riaid Town. Itree e the south sid f Argyle F ts and said By Law I u In to Local improvemen on,the.west, side of Division street fro of the Municipal Act relating dewalk has been coiistructed visions of,$15S.40 ;Ind seventy 71. And whereas a Cement Si der the, title am 0 Wellington Sit e ounts t ' the sull, th side:O' f Church stre It to the south side-of reet in said town of Bownianville Un ,Ost of,cot structioll of so, d whereas t1liewl'.01 ment oil .'the lots or , the nor 608 of said,Town. ,, Nil -tits and said B�-Law 56. be, levied by special assess cal Improvenic utum. thereof or the sum Of .88 ' reqpir d to west., side of said part, Provision 9 of the Municipal Act relat ng to Lo Ter ce g-on and 'situato on.the ts to tile um. of 169'.44 and,seventy t of construction of same amoun benelitted thereby, frolitil" the, parties Of,lot's of lands of 72. And whereas the whole. cos ots or ;, t n the -60 8-10 is.required to be levied by special assessmen sidb of said-Duke street e Duke street from or the sum of of said part centum. thereof west eted on the ast Sid 'of tied ther' eby, .frouting on and situate on the istru enefit -been Con %V of of the-parties b And whereas a Ceillent side alk, has the parts lots of lands said Town of Bowmanville under et in tile nor of Durb am stre St.re th side the south et, to.the 8 of said Town. of.said Division'street. side of Argyle ents and, said By-Laow 60 of the Runic al Act relating to Local ImproVe"i ted the north side of King street, from walk hits been constraic on ip And whereas a Ceme visions, of Bowmaniville un er . of $158.40 and seventy ut side Town d pro in i units, to the sum -side,of Silver street easterly to the Town Hall Build- 9 in said of same,anio aswhereas tile ' hole, cost of construction arts. w 1 1.tho 58. And nt on,the lots Or P ients and Said Law number.,608 'of said lating,to,Local Improvien $11 O.S,,j is required to be levied by special aslsessule s of th X nidipal ct re e u thereof or-the suln of (it said provision an& situate ou� east side of said Par per ce Town. s benefitted thereby, fronting'. Oil a -seventy of lots of lauds Of,the partle ulits to the uni,of $405.84 nd onitrudtioli of same anio S ei from. e cost of,c iet- � - h 4 74. ' And wher�as the whol I I I stre stre he lots or Duke orth side,of qhurc ell constructed on thia n d to be levied y special ass-�ssfilent' on, It -,10 is require A per m,,of $284.08.8 f'said part, 5.9. And whereas a Come' 'v sidewalk .has be under centuni.thereof or the su the north side o, r street in tile said town of Bowinalivillie It side of Silve fronting on and sitVate on t Temperance street to tile eas 8 parts of lots,of lands of the parties benefitted thereby 41 thewegit side Of -Law number 60 of said Town. ng to I M jocal improve outs, and said BY -Of said Kingstreet.,- he 31 ni ipal. Act relad p rovIsions of t unic Its to the su Ontario street in of $220.20 and seventy side of from the tion of same anioun or construction on weF Ole cost of construe or part a,Clement Sidewalk,is un 60. And whereas the essmient on tile lots 75. And where" u ions iftl ass ville ' nder the of 6 154.14 is q ired to be levied by spec t re provu re tole street to the.north side of Alber st et in said town,of Bowman entum, thereof,or the sum. situate, oil the north.side .of said Part, south side of Arg nd per c d thereby, frontin n Improvements and said BY Law number 608 of, said Town arties benefitte Of the Municipal Act relating'.th Local of Ian& of the p Of lots o ,tho' sum. of nits t nstruption of same amOu street from e os the estimates of Ith whole c t of co of said Church -side of King 76. And whereas v meial assess- ucted oil the North w d"to be, levied b. ak has been 6onstr '8320.16 and seventy, per centui out side' under tile, n thereof or the shm. $224 11 ,2-10 is require And Whereas a Cem mat Town of Bow uting on and situate on the: ' id west side of Ontario, street in Sa said Town. of lands' of the parties be4efitted thereby,, fro Diviision street to the Of' east side of relating to Local, 111, ellielits and said BY-Law number 608 ment, on the lots or parts of lots the, prov unic tario street. of the M ipal Act isions, d prov to the su of $560.16 an seventy west side of said part of said On Uts m the whole uction of-same aluou on on the north side of Church street from.,- cost of coustr , t on the lots or e t sidewalk is under constructit 62. nd whereas special assmsmen be levied by 77. Ajad whereas a C, men anville under the Provision's of V92.t 12' 10,is required to aid 0 of Scugog street in said Town of.Bowin id Por centuM thereof-or the'sum fronting on and,situate n the north,side Of, S th6 west side of Silver street to east s nefittd thereby, said By Law number 608 of said Town. of the, parties be ents and parts Of lots of' lauds Of the Municipal Act relating to Local Improvem. ounts to the, sum,,Of tire tion. of same am treet front And whereas the estimates of-the whole cost of construe part..Of 78... as a Cement Sidewalkhas been constructed.on the north side Of K' 9 3 2-10 is re ire ssinent 6s; And where in , said Town of. Bow ii thereof or the sum of,8205.6 ui d to be levied by special asse $209.76 and seventy east line of Holland's property porcentivi ing on and situate, on the 'north, ron ty street easterly (2230 feet) to aw 608 of ofitt6d thereby, f t east side of Liber Its and said By L, of lands of the parties'b6n on the lots or isions of the Municipal Act,relating to Local Improventell parts of lots under the prov @aid part of said Church street. said Town nts to the sum of $1.)95.04 an, Or Y' is under c6�4ruc e e*alk 79. And wh rem a Cement Sid t hole cost ssmout on tho lots or parts of n of Bowma side of Queen s reet ju said tow 64. ,' And whereas the.w cial asse ot th the north 8 of d to be levied by spe south side of King stre 9398.010-10 is require th Side of 'said part Of said ,from. the number 60 roof or the sum.Of ating,to Local improvements and said By-Law contunithe e munici Act rel -per y, fronting on and situate on the nor under, .the provislonS of th pal fitted therebt of lands of tile parties bene lots said Town. same amounts to the sum of t' of King Street from the ates of the whole cost of'construe ion Im w ucted on east.side of,Division 80. , And whereat; the esti Ar ire vied by special assessment ement Side alkhas been con ville. under tLe 8 requ d to be le 65. Andwhereas a C said own of an 160.80 and seventy per contum thereof or the sum of $112.56 i e ,on the east Side south side of Church Street ' in $ fronting,on and situat King street to the number.608 Of Said Town., of lands of the parties benefitted thereby side of said By Law on north ements auli the lots or parts of lots the Municipal Act relating 6 Local ImProv Of mid part of Said Ontario street. provisions of Same amountq to tile sum of$26 .52 and seventy per ()Ut.h side of Church street from ollstruction of j ment Sidewalk is under construction on'the 8 of c the 8i. ' And whereas a Ce And Whereas tile W11010 cost Revision thereof Or e ude'r 66 nor by Court Of t.i , tile said. town of Bowma"Vill t which waso fixed at 40 % tO�Ow t to the cast side of Tbuipertince str00 n of Divisi 608iof m except on lot 120 Division AM tile lots or ptrts of lots of landp of the west side A stiree aw, number contin lit on to Local 'Improvements and said By L vied b� special Rffieffime` the isions of th Mullicipal Act relating 0 is required to be It of $147.312 10 side of Said part of Said Division street.. prov sum situate oil the cut fronting oil and parties tenefitted therebY Said Town. tion of same amounts to the sum of th side of Church street,from ted on the nor the estimates of tile whole cost of construe ial assessment t Sidewalk has been construe 82. And whereas ni thereof or th -10 is r6qu 67. And where" a COMOU ce jitrlect in Said Town of Bowmanville under .-,entu o sum of$134.78 6 ired to be levied by spee $102.48 and seventy per t side of Tomperan u side street to tile eas 8'of said n and sit ate On the south the west It side of Division Local jimprovoijaentig,and said By Law number 60 parts of lots of lands of the parties benefitted therby9frOn ing Oil the lots or to provisions of the municipal Act relating to th of said Ohurch street. ide of Queen street from of S23s.20 and seventy, the north s Town. the suin uts to And whereas a Cement sidewalk is under construction On tructi(in Of same amou street in Said Town of Bowmanvill under the pl,. 68. And w iftl assessment flou the loto or herons tile wh010 cost of cons the east side of Division stroot to the west sido of'Ontario of the said Townp 166.74 it; required to be levied by Rpm By.Uw number 608 um of's thereof or ,the 1; north Ride of Said Oart to imal Improvements and said centum ted thereby,fronting on and situate on 010 Visions of the Municipal Act relating per of lots of lands of PAZ`40s benefit said (3buroh street. ititiItttitI.......... llIottito1iliIOLM I 't �T,Y�� _ow _­i��i,��',,�,,�,,�,�....... .... ........... All, �2, Wirl;l Pit f g� 41 q t4P 1CLm ings and P Bui g ublic of s of construction ross aid sidewalk c Ole cost 91. And whereas, the wh the sum of $2475.96 all of which coding parag Unts to the �uzn fMntageg n n thtb t p r e Of mentiot ed i aphs 89nd 90 amount to erty of the Corporation of the to of' Bowmanville. uction of tame al wn e ihe Wholb ost t6f constr special assess! to , be evied on the whol rateable Prop estimates Of 8.10 is required to be levied by And whereas the $1286.60 m of situate, on the ns' flill run -the su. -Road from the brow of Steph centum thereof or, rue W.44 and seventy Per benelitted thereby, fronting on, and 92. And whereas drains ave be n const ted on Scugog -4tion and o 'trQet to Ontario-street, and - roul ol flauds, of the parties n King street f Division-A lots 0 ning northward to the linlits of the. Corpot t on the lots or Par et from Tamperanic te re It, from e to Centre street. of Ontario streef and on Lowe st P t of said Queen ce street from Church street to Lowe str et of said ar n Tempera.0 north side der constructioll Outh West side .1. s 810 f w n (if, Bowmal -own of 13o*1nauville under the provi us o a Cement side alk is uu ille under thero- the Municipal Act ,relating to Local. ImproveL And whereas .,d '.Of Argyle stre, n aid To* treetjai said T e r f mid TO*Vu- me side of Queen street to thouorth W numbe 6080 uts and ,said By Law number om of said "Town. the south Local Im eme all uts d said BY-La he suill oprov to the sum of $7�2.52 all of Of the Uuuici Act rilating tot ost of construction of same aul-olallt to t f such drains amounts Tal 93. Andwhereas the whole cost of cionstruction o visions tile estimates f tile whole c ent cial assessuk the Corporatitoi And whereas y spe to, be levied on the whole rateable property of 86. equired to,be levied which is X of,"the,town of Bowmanville 149.52 is r at tum, thereof �r the sun, Of d situate On thOwe u and seventy per con has been constructed qn- d tereb fronting On a til benefitte y ts of .$213'60 94. And-whereas a,Water lots of lands of the par I extension for fire and factory.and private Vse on the lots Or Par In. urch street to Lowe s e street along �Lowe,street to Centre oin lug 'Improve- u' nicipal Act relati hiario street- west,side of Ontario street fro Temperance fril Cb tre t and fr i Temperance said. part of said Q tructI oil,th(i any street'in said Town of qwmanvil to Local side_of t,sidewalk is under cons n of,Bowm' ille under ' le under. the provisions of the .M whereas, a Cemell in.the said TI 87. And ith side, of W44ingtO"i stree 8 of said Tow n. and I$y-Law number 608 of the said ToWn'. 60 m nts no street to the son and said By -to e thd-north side of KiU_ I 1111provements sum of b' to tile M.of $1,61702 all of which is me amounts f construction amounts to the su Of the Aluniciptil Act relating to LOO uctioll Of 8, And whereas the whole cost to, isions, tr the prov the estimates of the wholcost Of'cous y special assess- I tjoii of the town of Bowmanville.' herons c to be levied b o is require levied on the wholeateable property of the Corpora 88. Amd' W of $-244.94 4-1 suillik situate on West side thereof or, the fronting on and :e , seventy per coutuln .............. with the constraction of 'Sidewalks hav tiles in connection Y1 And whereas sewer pipes and $84,91.92 and lands of the parties benetitted thereb 96. lots or parts of lots Of McCoiiochie's line fence,..on Church on t from.Lamb street east to the. side of Concession stree 0 ario street. ugs and Public Buildings have been laid on the north Wellington to Concession street, ton lit CiOssi Elgin street from of said part of,said aijkf, on 'stree' et Sidew t opposite street and south,sides from Division to Outano, On 39. And whereas the Church street nor following Cent e cost the respective sums hereinafter,set bu north ph side from Silver to Scugogi e,from Concession to,Lowe street, on ille and hav ss Beach, Centre.street west Aid in said Ton of Bowinanv, ntario, COUcesil street acro yie north and south sides front 0 tructed Al Ig the south side side front Aigyle to Albert street, on Arg street, on ntario, west been cons utiond underneath, nftmel.T : 01. side Silver street 0 . Ong the vest and on King street nort oral distances me 3.20 al art and west sides from Argyle to Durham street g thei I Ong side Bowl' e 't and west-sides h to Well the sev across McLaughlill"s, .$4 the Public treet to Duke, on Duke street e Avenue ellingthug $41.04; along as from Chure ington alon er street across W et to Ontario street,.on Division street Avenue ide SUN gi the north side,To&'- n est s from Divisio stre I I sido Church street,$47.62 along the w rol Beach Avenue, alon Town. across along.north side Lowe street ac along east side street, insaid �s $609.60; t across-Church stl -all of which $2769-86 school mud Ground, ide Silver stree unts to the'sum Of Horsey street, $36.48 ; along east si essioli street, along the truction. of same sewer pipes amot 97. And whereas the cons altv e street across stre of Bol ille., rane *86.40-. along the north side Centre' etacross.Conc �s' Ll ty of the corporation of the, town pe Lane acros is to be le ` d on the whole rateable proper vie Wellington street, h side Silver.across e nort Impr, ement w he ntre street. 038.40 ; a1OUg tit' Chur6h 'streOt', ork done together with t' or cost of Local treet across Ce 'the u th side 9 hole of south'side COUCOMiOu 8 $24.96 along 8., And whereas Interest oil tile w Centre stree t244.92 have been incurred, All e street across I , I t Temperl street t9 along the side Low Ar herewith up 1st, 1901, amounting to,$ north ton street across P xtra work in connection to January stree th .side Welling it, the nor side Division street across ion of the Town of Bo;wm.;mvi1l&- ' $18.24 ; along which is )perty of he coriporat George t aer" stree et9 $18.24 ; alOng ',thO Onst th sill Coll- to be levied on the whole rateable pr( v 'And whereas the whole Os dong.th side Church street across George stre Ot across High street. along the nor c It (including interest) of all the Ii6cal-Impro ement Wil done ef South stre 9.9.side Concession $67-68; -10 or t . am g the norith Elgin stre he s of $26, 2 alon street across Ountsto the sum of $7949.62 240 and s'12051.37 8 of parag streelt,.*40.3 Concession raphsam along the north side rance street, p1l the preceding, Tambly'n's Rouso, the west side Tempe 81,087,860'according to the last street.across orty of said Corporation is cession e street, $46-08;' alOug tit the:whole rateable prop street across Tempomuc prospect street, -along the nor 100. And whereas the South side King ssiou street across -Debt of said Corporation is. $7.2,080-19 no..Part Of which. along orth side COMP, Street Line, $628; revised Assessment Roll, and the existing Debenture .08 along, th n street, $22 Outh side Church street across Horsey Lamb street, 839.84 along tile a g the south side King street across either for principal or interest is in arrears. und for pal Colle;ession street across al yearly sinking f side 101. And whereas for paying,the interest upon and creating an equ st side Division,street sol acrossTIHOl -03-30; all side Divistiou street uire t6 be' levied raised in e, and st thereon there will req along,thei we ivisjon street across King "treet" along th side King street al of the said,Debt of 00,000.00.,and intere side D ing prulcip aRt 'along thellorth m, of $1471.6 street, along tile e t ac Division' al yearly su 6 of which $1M.0 DiviOiOu g $tree ross rovided an equ side Kin nic the special rates hereinafter p north, $22.32; along laid mu I ipality by across Argyle street ion t6 all other rates during a period, of twenty street, $102.84; UlO the north across Xing Duke street sabe for "7t.66 shall be for interest in al street, s78.72 along thO east side Duke street iterow Durham Street, principal and c Temperance westside ially exempt under'By Law number 608 to the extent Of per cent. across across Argy10 street northt ,alOug the King street across exelp on properity Yl west side Duke street along' the north side ot out 'in this By,Law created hereunder is created the .60; 102., And whereas the tion of this debt as 0 PI property immediately the north side Church across Teluperanco, .08 ; W ong e 9 $69.12 ; along .the north side istreet' special rates settled by this By Law andis to be levied on tile real, 00 the north side King street across George Str t side King street across and secured by the Ontario. street, along the north toed by the municipalty at large. the north side King street across Lambert along the north benefitted and is further guaran across Church strl -$43.20; Liberty, along across .72; east side Division street Duke streelto$18 St. George st"Oto $75.36 ; along the the east side Durham street al ross Division street, $24.60: along d Temperance lie Corporation of the T&wn of, (Bo7b.mn- side Church street ac own Hall Propertl King an Tbewfore the Mantc(pal Coundt of t' .60 T across Durbain street, 621 tho north side King side Duke troot nk, $35-52 along along-the cast' King to Ba ts as 011ows w6st, wille enac f 'h side King street across King streeto PW64 ; along the$288.82 along 010 Dort way, of 101U, Oft the streets er street across t $37.08; )o raised street, $41.04 ; along the east side SI rogs King stree It shall bot lawful. for the Mayor of said Corporation to cause to I silver on tile f' thor Guarantee of the street acrom King street. $39.72 ; along the east side TomporaucO street ac 140C intpo'sed, and oil that security only ; mid ur side Silver street across urity of thot special rate hereby King atteeto mentioned from any Pere construction In .00 for the purposes hereinbefore along the west side Temporalikeet street aeross, troet ,orossing are under Municipality at large, the aforesaid sum of $20,000 oil the credit, of the ut Sidewalks oil the following Coin eral distances e who,way be willing to advanpe the sft1UO up And where t Opposite flip sov son or Persons, body or bodies corporat us cost tile respective sums hereinafter got On 0 west side paid to theTreasurerof saidCorporation. nd will g4h Nbentu oissuedandtoca, othogametobe Town Of Bowmallivillot at 0 Ontario gtreet across Argyle fitVI DIOU res hereinafter prlovided to b said g tile west A Ott $84.20 Alon ot 2. That for the purpose aforesaid the Mayor of said Corporation is authorized and required to cause M 0 each Which entioned underneath. namely : 0 north side Church strOt across Silver stre urich street across muount of $10M.6 ontario street across Durbsul street, $50-88; along t along the soutb side Ob ion to be made and issued to average tile across Ontario street. $29-28,; wenty Debentures of said Corporat street $10.20 along tile West side be signed by the Mayor Of said Town and counter- side Queen and which Dobontures shall along the north t across Queen street togetber amount to$20M.00 Ontario stree ile stmeto wil igneld by the Trielasurer Division strl side ibereof and sealed,with the Corporate Se a, $24.413; along the WOI side Ontario'street across An al of said TOW along the west Wellington across W"hington AvennOt the west aftIOUtW40 street scram Ontado Street 0hurch street, along along 60 we*side O11tffl0 street ROWN tIttititIitI'll 0 II11lltttOff t7777777777 VOLUKIL I tbo noid W-beirt JUNIM 996-oby dadared Sind emoted. tb&t OPWW wltb sse,id'subject to ths' f0U0wV ban ma J"w4 Redow inkle to' 110011"itione an th 0"as out 04 dw inow%eft 101000m 101d WN 6"pulatioUR and coud in the oqtn%of tbrir deajdisg WA to rawam forumce and fulfilment theM, the sud dA-- thou ihe Ckorwaitilm NWI be,at llba"-over to the "bacded bestures shall be icipal coulwa 0J Jumms Redner tY to apply M& PW at swid inveredWO Of Mun Robert Junes 0kabAw and %has--law ys *A way be necew*WY tft FOW A By ion of Ow Town Of BOW- rinkle. tk6w #�� tb*tho COV 1, The t,ffios and chief plaos.ni 8-34d bWfi- %Oi-vO* owur to flae slid pwberk td atW "Sig Bobaiii to a eas during said torm. shall be iu th'b A*'d bral"w"o "'ball P Reduer Tikle-J wnes Grak vu and J Imuft z and James Potd1w Town of Bomms"ville,James Graham Graham And in th's live" of thiftif deciding to the said 2. That the said Robert JAM06 ~79 akall his elp,ng them 'flie InmarAnce IU and J a Finkle shall purchme, the WAMe lrittkls by givi toes Rdner the KrAWN Of the Iin f oe plied W is') UJL160at� 11 Bobe anti Jalfl," sadobtain. sidead granting to theta rt Grahmn. the Methodtht 100 - &be property owned .by 00 i,% tn bA 0 this sum 0 83806. In of 4im Mers f .1 Church, ihituated on the co of Bortus and J.Swea tkahm Jor, iMinq A* and IN vision streete, in the Town of by Way ml n inville, and know Jota No. 108 and oVeiry ywsr i h "id Li I Perfw= "d th4 Ono blentures t1wre log, in l3lock U9 in said Towa of Rawms(Or a.lzd to auth' n. sud Ximes R-dtler FvikLe AA secial rat for tht PaYo Ville',-and shal.11 lay out and expend the sum kt vrttr.to LOPPA4orsked we Ing now buildings on wlid c�mt w, and on th-4 rest. of W00-00 in erect t-4A the sabil U all ations in the pre. a MW ot such Debentures an&r illie! TJ 13 lots a6d in making alter defikult Uader bame celml bee nV in at to render f the Legial are sent building so As f h '.iaid' dw mow ERE" by an'Act 0 evaporator and agr"ment ,drinaz ntario. pawed in suitable for, a vegetable left-sign of Bar Ntlle,ItY sht,uld a far,11ft 84 dto, A. b ic Any,;f tile Province of U hOW.00 be re m thrin V year of the I willmt erect said now burdinvu snd pnt I kvA vx!itr'� 41":IRo en quire kud'being 4811 Chapter 33 of the hegataws of ontart 0 5v rt ,paid lAudd bor P4T M 4466n.victitillas 1.0 1900, entitled sod theregent huildtug o "I be 9 ordert.so to b Isi). O.'sharn-and amom Fieduftr alumciRs Amen,%fi le, , I IIin proper wor 1200. 141201 dment Act, wwda�i.Lg thaw4d tOM&tiag, putlioxep tb,-ti that fAt fibe.GY 'A"V Township the fur evviir elpa Uoul Iof counties Idr,ham and t a incorpotated VillogeN ATO they the said Robe d 0940 00-)Me@, Towns an,C and ex- r way of Bonn* James Ri6er Finkle 61101i Pay "Us paia. as to In ,bJ Iempo, abdVa Said wered to giant aid 9, ithin pond the 9SU10-manufactures w is promotion Of' d of the Paid In,tb porwiarm ticipalitv, to snob pet- G ntioin_� to of the man work to ba'done under the go Th#% 4 the U104 einafter me Place Ila years from the d . 1 an b aide payable in Twefitk ay her on or body ,00*0111bte and in reaPsOt of on directio of the baid K4 Fiaklp t - i I . I Municipal Council Redner Finkle and to be aPbrov- Jfs 'That, said Debentmw Town harii-4 of 6 o IA shall have attach . bm sh e m and James i "gid town a ed thereto coupons ich of industry 85 th" ci :%V the e Ieffect,at 13owmauvffle,January 2n,d, 1901, an sine upon*I, and to Pay &fly sum ad of by the sai(I M1101 polity, of the Io?. 3:_00 111c, t take' may deter, Ville, and shall be COMMOAced 'chi'q` hch Ohba -be ed y-Law to I this B an nor herein provided ed by Way Of gift Of 'can of BOWW i-h­A .�T rate in the same man :fast -V*saing of We exrrv.�w.for the payrn of money 9 tito tovi d qAther.in one sum Or in t,ent of interest at the annnal or other Pori- within one. mouth from tho' .uld saiid bwt m from the, ate aud,cowp)ete3 'w1tbin 1"Juc mlanths d'interest at the rate Of centum pera, nu alod oi7mentis With of Witsout interest By.lw Four per U.,ill ear e F eqtipped onid ssl b 4. The said Debentur6 d day of A11Y, d f tow the palstax their of.a telms.,wndidons an 0. f %j i t.j. h L.;V!� h.,ir f,ctory fu;11 nd'the Secon. and subject to such ust he in 0-on tile Second.day of January a, erecteiii tin b9, the 3rd e made pay able of'interest to be as the "&I& visidicipalitY 0367 3. The buildimisfi., Othereof and.,such interest shall b ' ii Bank, the� first payment belt vo-By-law grouting oordance with tho berainbefore 1pyovided aid D.6entures at 04tar o desimexpeoiezit; :4--Pt#3mh6 enacted that 4be in each year during the cibutinuance Of s until the 0664611t Of Towdof BOw"Usnvit's raham find undred an One. shall PAID @d 13. It i-8 d goal I July, A. D., Nineteeh-H electors has on obtu Wed in conformity 4. The said Rnbert James Or eity, Ol the mid Pwov*rt Janses Grabaw x almade on Second day of said Debentures"andIn terest to the ti ' j,mes ,Fdzer Pinkie 911611 P11"m w' b Irovi,4ionb of t1be Act IWPW 109 �na James 'tted tr , Finkle for .....nkin fund for,the payment of within on tb aftaO e purpose of forming a si , 9 with tile P chapter 22.3, He- tbe�said buildings 0 &NOMA 5, For th ly. And for that in,, exc9pit an to t,0 .1. I Undaipa inmitutiolt finishei,'Plant and fr­w taxatic i %arm Of tM shall be rais d annual$1471-66 are ap id the specific sift ' Of %tie, 181YI, in respect the aid, buildingis jug the 81%it aforesa -sx at the fate wised Statutes Of 'ODt ab.e for %be solitmA puv imes,due thereon on to-menu- Weems r%r anti suit b"*mq ary secesl4a e im'posed. jay.lawg f6t granting bonus the business f nr.evap- yosrs.rates ar of Ug oil of 011,1115"the following Special anuba proper carrv, case any difference OhOU pUrpOS -value of'uring industriet ity 65(0900" 14, &fay of tba,alks, in front of Private Properties . I I. W "Cotables to the )11 i1A TegIM'costs jif 8 U Sidew uni-,of"the And iv�g slant and snachin, -party iween te 1) tho nain cent Ug wherebY ,'A lanvici a ty ery to ha the pr4 et said 70 and 40 per 6. To me ately benefitted fronti ' On 'the mij take oud situ jrr,sbara and,1%mes shove,InSttora t frontage on L the lands immOdi mob bonuses vettior Judge rA tba'foot are imp us Law for the and shal ann�ad ratm per os. ed,on each foo this By- eiceptio compliance With the terms and con of the'mid RObOft James , be free from oil and determiued by the - i*p of -Iq"kbVUU-one to ninety-eight (i usive of each),of snob Wid b given- Igr Fivikle nel n Which Redi A 'he Uou deacriWon flnuutY COuf t Of t precedinK paragraphs am skad berl'walks in the num pr ,207 on Mons Upo tioned in paragraphs 14 and 18; lot' i the municiph Ity 01 the eat- lieng ad incumbrapose of every and Lowe street men And whereal r&b' Ind wad Ourbalf- A 81"t r 20'on Centre bowmanvills boW ind the. said Robert JAIA09 le votes, of the qnslifi,fonows :—Ut numbe busi- t . That s 24 and 42 ; lot number I and 2� Division street I the Town of puation 0 Ad Robert JrjamesRedner Finkle shall cOmment"' ajLsalk be'tAkfis'so wenin t mentioned in paragraph oirs of tb t ed to aid and swist the 8 gton and Tom e stree mber 130 11", Ilego WJLh a paid up cavitat 11t00k Of "t t,.,% tb" provisiGUS of peranc nu ntioned in paragraph Jot bom and j&=.A Redner Fit 'this By-law plu Gn nmentioned in p number 3 Concession street me I '�h'st behalf ar, the iodoiwil*aragraph 40 ;'lot 01i L Kin st;ieot mentioned in paragraph 64 6 ent of an 39"Poraftff thin 612.0" and the Stats in I ots 9 in the eatablishm. am Division street me raoli 66.; and all the, 1 limits of the Town Ro%rt James GrAb sF63,r the t,$J tat Wmd n parag places ntioned nMssuf&ctory within the un, of,,post of said Sidewalk fronting on said of evapar- her Ifinkle shall Pay Out in wages cPot tile North WMA of.40,per cent offames, Red $1000.00 in eaCh and at the Pt on each,foot of Bowmsnville for the PurP0116 which shall the.annual rate all kinilp, elcept, 81pplefe a sum not beho than %*ird W vegetables of L Jam* air for t the tA31 M of ten as" from 't tbh Words on the 20%C. the.vive onsi6hilation. khem the said Wlwirt xall. be subject to c 'Aug to I entures A of this fly-law Sind ehadvaY Out of our Lfard, O". 7.. Deb door Fisk13-the suta Ili the, year sm-ond James Re then 560M. DO hundred and One 00 fop a period of day i 0 sum not from r under tb logo 0(). by 'Way of Of this By.law for th ushu' d ni weine ten date non undt five o'clock, I8. This By.La* to take eect now said Act b awd frown t�s tho forou conletred by the go VVRqy AM-hedule 0 referred to in section 67Q,*Of ' It fixammmmory bumineas f0t OFelook is oon':and tbat tke.9.. *T is draWn. in am6rdance with eolumn onti�& dged, and In Order evapol4fing, the Afterlu ftilg olm&C4 iottkit f his By-Law ituril,mtuyWof tile 4h%U be re Folf of Ontariot 1897� Uscess ry to icBne deb( Ws and on"" thiNIA the it the TO it jib underptood Th .1junicipal Act, Chapter g23 of the Revised Statutes 109dip,21Y of tllo,c;o ir of this isiA, Ike vOtOg,At the 1q0V%b e $3800:00 Manage the W.Fit ward 3,�bv labwy or wages of the are 2r)th day lie loc the mid rulb Of I? (be doutb of. .31 'h A. D�'--,4901- 41d BOWID01ni'l 'd Robert James Gra. NLJOT)0aC'f4L1. ..O,pawed the' e hereimafter provided. buninen or of tbip sit Ward Poliert 10. Dated and JOHN MITCHIEbIL? khei of to be tayablia a or 61 d ob. hom and James Radnor Finkle B., 9 carry the luBt reSitO . Ward It w And whereim art pf siskid sum of Of tat the mu;cmpary for IJW%into effeet it i13 U* lot form SIT and the'JOHN LLE9 16 Th shall the drsy 91) the eiid sum of $300-00 in .00 to be expranded in wages each Ye ecio6k A. M. b Clerk AWAY to rdl and%fors"Id ()On, oil (1h%mber in the said t0w8e,tT9W ir mentionede jot the peflod of ten vesft am be T"Uildte toLTShe *Is Said a' of poW.0() must be paid to 1� Mayor shall, OW.be, placto vi it, 'Will u1s rho"the several 81 J Ames Red. pers(ins I Awl*110 Ims in each year Irsopedtively employsea other,then such Manager and t to fittend, F�t the the anhedule to this By-low- seid Robert j&mes Graham and, vilices waid at the finj 64unmink up Of a got forth in the persons workiDsr at evaporating Voge- bob*1 of ount of the whole ou Alad whereaR the am votes by the ating or approolus IXT,Ep.E�T INTEREST DERIV-41URE Iritelbble property of the muDiciPality so' tabim rested in and piom A TOTAL FOR YZAR asseasm foil s of thin BY-IM IDATE.OF 401XWS tothe last revisied out. I. In we f failure bytbe oaid',*�Var" or, mom %be pw%R day of M674 it t"DATE OF DATE OF as$110087-40. of ibe ignt put during any ORO That the 3rd J.uLy 2ND YM&TS. to' d IsUall be tbi 2ND.' JANUAXY 2NO-, the Year ION Ot the existlar )Vriod of is day as4 %be 0000,011:JANUARY . as the amount yor durini the said I s- W And where of pay nob some for the flees ,whers.the o4d municipality i5 the @'um purelipejouPP11811 Or chumbe 145812 debt of tbo a pfin6l,pal $Md inter Ind by failure nor the.number.01 Totem rven for aid 4W 00,, labor, uny OAT the first this abldl okur� Up 671 66 072 080 19 au'l 80 1902 1457 71 the said varlies a &lost this gy-law.In lbv"lmfo. �Jeach of this agreement six 87260. 19011 $86 06 dipal cornoil of the not to considered a I 698,55 the Muni Thwatore of the first part� dur 1.457 14 872 60-, capontlon of t),-e Town of Do* so long an%be, parties 85807 T1 2 Dral"year- 2 July 726 47 mald term of'Us Y!Jwp. a and , jag. 2 Jan-.06 56 84296 mob a WOMBS tog the 358' 07 W14%,of Wag" Of $Mtoo lot, $ 7 1455 95 sit and maybe lawful for tb9 ly said pair jo 1)6b.19D5 It A smountol: 90.74 342 (M 32 Municipality to aid and assist ths shici purcbsee f for %he sfovessid period of 1901,785 34 odd %men Bodner $6000 00 76117111" S7f; I* 73 4f; M 05 810 91. 1455 eslay&vatim and j ad I ort Jam 19M t2T 60 79 27691 I1817 18 and' ex"T On W -9. 2 UrA 67, to erect. ka yes". %I breach 6y the saul 132 72 T�41; 70 fA9 84 inig , & Uponseentlan 1093 I310 91, maunfactory Within the 6R 04 276 190g budins; thi o2 70 79 X;G 7JI tigo& 138 145401 rt. in ezp .65,le.ainville 68 04.10, tile psoes of the first 55 of the Town Of U0`wm 46 01 293 92 payiniz 191wis 1.4 a 6-2 1,4 I19DO 1453 28 of a" MiGUISt Ot VrOXON din tho IWO t49 23 go 16 50 PPILOP an a of evave, id 01 071d for oil 2726 257 86 18 276 24 1452 55 )pt applefli. by giviuv- to the 9 41 the oitaiiii "forss i 6% 2r# 6 . AS 69 (q 1910 excil I f�is FA 27638 23874 20 s6 VA�wt jamep Grahain stod Jam 's ItOdRer obwene Of 0 rOX"FOU018 e%"Ilse for the#M`me' 1 16147 5907 or giving one 1911 $SW0.00 by w&Y 44 then tile, chwpaiation. pit 1903 92 bb K 1552 4 276 '14 1451 78 86 218 Fin�tlls l,he Isum of id Robert 19DO 167 994 IS 288 74 nouthos notice in wzinnk,to the sai 6,1 524S 9-4 276 't I198 JIB 1450 91) and,Jawim Red .27697 Boom ner Finkle. 19to 174 IM ., 45-35 1038 95 218 86 Lt oball be lawfut fOr the PurPosa Jr-0011 Grobaw ff 191-1 181.6,3 48 ao 83 14501 ,16 the jold' or any perion juhivge4 Or ioccuoyin 2 ' t . . '4 I 176 68 , go, 45.35 .41 Yor tA I5 -198 18 191,1914 81 00 ILIA to bientur" at swisissi land n esm of dofault still contin a z 116 154- 32 of $3W lontbip mov, 1913 10645 41L 10 4 Itio 176 68 to INIA90110M41111 amnuat of r,; f ter the expiratiOn"(0t "nub a 31 37 IgI 00 1448 42 *0 1"J(J Intialcipab tv enter in RIA4 1914 2H 27535 or Other Dotlas 1 "33 50 .F1 31.r)t jew than $100 exub out furthei 638W,09 ju 6111"', I-ball 2t2 48 154 82 witb , Id jlrp 276 1163 04 1447 40 0810A 0i the"id prevolpeP. 221 00­ 29 31. 240 1916 100 87 in j%e s*noner for the amounts an 181 00i .. in the I a im neq ud 1PIlLst xu4 proosed to 1916 21499 20 '200'12065 get forth 2400- , IOR I 2T.9 St I"6 60 ie"pietiveiv 1917 at tlm( intereel; *a,or est the game w4ber may Oerm best, 1017 274 St 160 87 239 Ot 2D 20 1257 92 Med Is to�1%;ts E amop Graham 1918 58 I's 51L '04) fit 04 6;1445 fil a X 6t the sa�81 71 !at the 19443 2 r) . 55 55 4 per evrit. Per fiuum F&T 1919 248*I j1dV 9. Th, 10 rA II1444, 4r)1803 ner rinkle shall'dot st oWky 55 55 eve yawrly an th and Jam" Rmd terin of ten YOXY09 evap,18(0 M&low. tt,to rasild it the OVA ilme 4 IL pie" Without tb,28 84 tf) r.44861pal 1414 10 S. Tbu 111" office of.W mass. SRI in pVOTS01B 111talotl,aball be 6f 4 Io trod towo. Mayor d Abe aga Towi of th$20483 86 oil Graham #kbove it$4710 68 4716 68 r iha �Wht-rt Jam xOT1013 ithat 41 ' 11111halk bo laitu. TAX10 Tbut ihf)00 exleente sign d spa jsmep Uodnerifivk5i oba11 wra M true c(ppy 9f proposod By, law w"th twi vrimr0ion of thOTO tv"lot deliver to tit" lar Of be U19615 110" cons'dbtat'on by the Counoil tliorl ed to be with illo a of ithe Municipality Of of*0 Bad Debentur bufflinl(Po,14ched them C 0) ,,Vkllo after on" Month f0is the fird pub"J*Vvd. and dower"11(ir at be free r 't1lo date'whiell MU Awl) aull the interem JU NEws 00w"POPO 06MI to,C1111tiq 0111 81 Punt mild IOf eviOlry the 2RAO-11 It'lloy IOtO wA vollich Publication wAlo"Orsals 21% "titsehl, 1064' 18 1"rm Ami) and that %be Iand 11for kiii6p 11ty in erebY I thlo I to Ike &PPIN IllntAA to rl;lot, Covnant onature Wa Ator of the etectowra of ifie m9614 1�y 1301C Itud water of t1lovialifil tii,keln thereon A for 110"Wil Mnavelphlity will 1)0%(I Isoistri Toirm lif(loo, for &be Ward at the P0110() the to th"a ip"11610(te on I0 of I$IQM Will =11140101111 t1b Hheirlp for kinkiry J" 0W 130ya Ward at t 11101oll 14 on an irive 116%111 and tad In V1 (Yorploat kkuth Ward at th L IM to"to Ilkh 011billot,to. to"ofook In," gill She 10%axblis Intiqr0ot Int%Y 0101MAT au at the hiffir Of GIs emb 71 is sum IIan`1110 tAll gloyl a continuing 101 9b V and t(o 1111's MAd P111 the AbOre, In f6p due Im 41�Olotk in the afte r1ora Im 6"t iballd. day, 1611AP Isents al.las boom', Town%be .01AVII)TY Or "Y V_%ge ouil JbI 1, illlod"- 1111111,_01P ,, 1 0*am oUlk be son 4 Iaboll 4%�ft as abo ION.1 4W U 4 bg 66 IlIP4111 fly III