HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-181Report No, 181 1. Purpose of Application - On June 239 1975, an application was received for the re- zoning of a 5.599 acre parcel comprising part of Lot 14, Con- cession 29 Darlington. This parcel, which fronts on Scugog Street, is presently zoned "Rural" and "Open Sapce" in the Bowmanville Zoning By-law. The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Bowmanville Zoning By-law to permit the construction of a private secondary school on this site. 2. Official Plan Provisions - The site is designated "Major Institutional" and "Environ- mental Protection" in the Interim District Plan. The "Major Insitutional" category permits "large institutional uses op- erated by the Municipality or other public or institutional organization". Major school complexes are listed as permitted uses. No permanent buildings are permitted on the part of the site designated Environmental Protection. An application was previously made to amend the Bowmanville Official Plan to change the designation of the subject site to "Major Institutional". This was approved by Town Council and Regional Council and submitted to the Ministry of Housing for approval. We have been advised that this amendment should be approved by the Provincial government in 2 - 3 weeks. 3. Zone Provisions - The site is presently zoned "Rural" and "Open Space" in the Bowmanville Zoning By-law. A school of this type is not a permitted use in either of these zones. The applicant would require an Institutional zoning on part of the site. I 4. C;r�»>at�on of Application - The application was ciruclated to the following agencies for their comments. 1. Durham Regional Police 2. Durham Works Department 3. Durham Health Unit 4. Bell Canada 5. Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission 6. Newcastle Works Department 7. Newcastle Building Department 8. Newcastle Fire Department 9. Consumers Gas Company Consumers Gas did not reply and was assumed to have no comments. 5. Resume of _Comments - 1. The Durham ReLiOnal Police - advised that they had no convents to make on this application. 2. The Durham Works Department - advised that they consider the proposal premature for the following reasons. (1) The Bowmanville Water Supply Plant is presently at capacity and cannot supp- ort any new development until plant modifications and expansions have been implemented. These are scheduled for April of 1977. (2) The ground contours of the proposed High School property are outside the existing pressure area and require in- stallation of the proposed Sturrock Avenue Booster Station also scheduled in the Regiona's Budget for 1977. 0 5 Resume • of Comments - 2. The Durham Works ➢epartment - (continued).. (3) Watermain extensions are required to service the proposal. Such extensions are not included in the Region's Five Year Capital Budget. 3. The Durham Re Tonal Health Unit - advised that they had approved a sewage disposal system to service the school. 4. Bell Canada - advised that they had no objections to the subject application. 5. The Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission - advised that they had no objections to this rezoning. 6. The Newcastle Works Departmen - advised that they could see no problems in regards to this application. 7. The Newcastle Building Department - advised that they had no objections to the proposal. 8. The Newcastle Fire Department - listed the following requirements. (1) They implied that water supply for fire services is not adequate. The present flow from the existing water main and hydrant is 313 G.P.M. The minimum rec- ommended flow requirements are 1,000 to 1,500 G.P.M. in 300 (2) tod400tfeetoofdbe buildingsettowbehprotected. (3) Building should be constructed in acc- ordance with Department of Education - Ontario Building Fire Safety Design Standards. (4) Access to all areas for fire emergency equipment. 0 6. Comments - An amendment to the Bowmanville Official Plan permitting this use was approved by Council in 197+ and is now under re- view by the Ministry of Housing. We have been informed that approval at the Provincial level should be obtained in the next 2 - 3 weeks. This department is in basic agreement with the rezoning of this property for Institutional uses. However, several fac- tors must be considered for inclusion in the site plan. Firstly, the subject site fronts Scugog Road. This road allowance is only 5o feet wide instead of the required 66 feet and the road is only in fair condition. The extra traffic generated by this school would probably necessitate some improvements to the road. This is especially important because the majority of the students will be arriving by school bus or car, since the school serves a large area. For this reason, a road widening dedication would be required. Precautions should be taken to prevent parking on the side of the road, since the road is narrow and visibility will be obscured. Another problem is the hill close to the proposed drive.. way. This driveway should enter Scugog Street at the crest of the hill to reduce the danger of accidents. At present, it is not felt that sidewalks will be required up to this site, because of the small proportion of pedestrian traffic. Another area of concern is the effect of this school on abutting landowners. The orchard to the south of the property is of particular concern. The school property should be fenced with chain link fencing to protect this orchard as well as the residential property of the north. 6. Comments - (continued)... The Conservation Authority has expressed concern over pos- sible detrimental effects on the watercourse at the bank of the property. This rezoning should only extend to the top of the bank to ensure that the valley land is excluded from this use. For this reasons it is recommended that the rezoning of this property be approved, subject to conformity with the at- tached zone provisions and the following conditions. (1) That the applicant enter into a site plan agreement with the town including road widenings, fencing, location of entrances. (2) That this rezoning extend only to the top of bank. (3) That the applicant enter into an agreement with the Region respecting the provision of municipal water services to the site. Respectfully submitted, Gdorge F. Howden, Planning Director. b ZONE PROVISIONS FOR SPECIAL INSTITUTIONAL ZONE (a) Uses Permitted - Secondary School (b) Lot area (minimum): (i) Lot served by only a public water system or a sanitary sewer system - 159000 sq.f.t (c) Lot Frontage (minimum) 100 feet (d) Front Yard Depth (minimum) 50 feet (e) Interior Side Yard Width 25 feet (f) Rear Yard Depth (minimum) 35 feet (g) Setback from Rear Zone Boundary 35 feet (h) Lot Coverage (maximum) 50% (i) Height of Building (maximum) 60 feet (j) Loading Space Requirements (i) Number 2 (ii) Dimensions 12 feet x 30 feet (k) Parking Requirements 6 spaces per (i) Number classroom (ii) Size 200 sq.. ft. 20 feet (iii) Minimum Width of Aisle (1) Planting Strip Requirements - - required abutting any Residential Use (i) Width 10 feet (m) Servicing Requirement - availability of Municipal Water Supply (n) Agreement Requirement - a site plan agreement under section 35(a) of the Planning act LINE r- EIM THIRD I ..LINE I L a LM 2o U a BOWMANVILLE a 0 n P� I I 11 I I I I J tl I I I I