HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-169REZONING FOR DE14NIS THOMPSON:- On March 10, 19759 the P.A.C. approved the rezoning of that part of Mr. Thompson's land which lies above the flood line in Lot 32, Concession 7, Clarke. The rezoning was proposed to pro. cede only when the applicant removed himself from the premises and entered into a written agreement with the Town to the effect that (a) he will not occupy or permit the promises to be occupied without a certificate of occupancy from the building inspector (b) he will proceed no further with any construe - tion until such is in conformity with all by-laws, regulations, and court orders in effect (c) he will rectify all faults in construction to the satisfaction of the building inspector and install sanitary facilities to the satis- faction of the Health Unit. As surety for the performance of this agreement the applicant should be required to deposit with the town in the form of cash, negotiable securities, or ,a promissory note secured by property, an amount equal to twice the cost .of complying with the terms of the agreement, which amount would be forfeited in the event of his default. In addition, tho applicant should be required to convey suff- icient land to the municipality to bring the forced road in front of his property up to a width of 66 feet. The applicant has since that time done nothing to comply with the terms of the Committees recommendations, despite repeated requests for action directed to his solicitor. In addition, Coun- cil have chosen to take no further legal action against the appli.+ cant pending the outcome of the rezoning. There is no objection . . . 2 on planning grounds to the proposed rezoning. Therefore, we would recomm<;nd that - (a) the proposed rezoning proceed (b) upon O.M.B. approval of the rezoning the applicant be given an appropriate period of time to ot,tain a building permit and to bring his building into compliance with building and health regulations (c) if the applicant fails to comply with (b) above, the matter be turned over to the By-law Enforcement Officer for further prosecution. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director.