HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-167Report No. 167 1. Purpose of Application - On January 24, 1975, an application was made to the Region for an amendment to the Bowmanville Official Plan to permit the construction of townhouses on a 4•.51 acfe parcel situated on the north-west corner of Waverly Road and the Base Line. This app- lication was subsequently referred to the Town for processing. 2. Official Plan Provision=s - This site is designated °Industrial Frontage Where Qualita- tive Controls Apply" in the Bowmanville Official Plan and "Environmental Study Area" in the Interim District Plan. Neither of these designations provide for residential uses. 3. Circulation of Application - The application was circulated to the following agencies for their comments. (1) Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education (2) Peterborough -Victoria -Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board (3) Durham Works Department (4) Bell Canada (5) Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission (6) Newcastle Works Department (7) Newcastle Building Department (8) Newcastle Fire Department The Newcastle Fire Department did not reply and was assumed to have no comments. 4. Resume of Comments - 1. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education - advised that they have no objections to this proposal. We note however that the Board recently objected to a much smaller townhouse proposal which would have used the same school. 2. The Peterboroueh-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board - advised that they have no objec- tions to this proposal. 3, The Durham Works Department - advised that there is insuff- icient capacity within the existing sewage treatment and water purification plants to accommodate this proposal. If improvements to both systems are made, additional capa- city could be available in 1977. They suggested that this proposal was premature. 4, Bell Canada - advised that they have no objections to this amendment. 5c The Bowmanvlle Public Utilities Commission - advised that they had no objections to this request provided that sat- isfactory easements and rights-of-way are obtained prior to registration of any plan. 6. The Newcastle Works Department - recommended that the dev- eloper enter into an agreement with the Town before any construction begins. 7. The Newcastle Buildineg Department - had no comment. 5. Comments - This site is located on the Base Line Road just north and west of the Waverly Road Interchange of the 401 and north-east of St. Mary's Cement. ..3 i 5. Comments'- (continued)..... The land to the west is occupied by Preston Transport Limited, not "Vacant Lard" as stated on the site plan submitted by the applicant. This site was included in the "Industrial" designation in the Bowmanville Official Plan because it Las excellent potential for prestige industrial uses. It is oriented south towards high- way 401 area rather than north to the residential sections of Bowmanvi.11o to which it can have no access because of existing development. The noise from the Highway and the heavy traffic flows along Regional Road 57 could be a source of disturbance to any resident on the site and would seriously interfere with outdoor activity on the site. Even- if .... thi.s., site was suited by_ -location -to- residential dev- el.opment--ro.th_er-imp ortant- problems would ... exist. Thera.i.s-pres.ently--a...total absence of parkland in the area west of Durham Road 57. This deficiency is a...problem for the single family and-semi-,d_e.tached homes in the area.. It io.uld be even moreserious for the two hundred -and fifty residents. which --would be housed on a fit, 5 acre site. We have - also- -been informed that at sFnt the -.grade 5 and._,% school -children in the area cannot be accommodated in the por- table -.inti -.tie arca..annd must walk over 1 mile to attend Central School, ..It would -be unwise toincrease this walking distance,... The school, shopping plaza, -.and park for the adjacent,resi- dential_.neigi-bourhood.ar•e all.._loca.ted on the east side of :Durham Road 57 which is an arterial road having a. -speed limitof40 m.p.h. w1aich-.is much exceeded. while .the residential area to the north was connected to these facilities by a pedestrian underpass,- there is no poss°.bia_i.ty of providing such -access -to the present site. Therefore, all pedestrians9..Ancluding school children,. proceeding '.;j from these facilities would. have -.to 5. Comments - (continued)...... walk along and across Durham Road 57. This would be an extremely hazardous situation and is an insoluble problem,since this area was designed for Industrial use and no provision was made for access between this parcel of land and Residential areas to the north. These areas are already built up and it would be impos- sible to provide even a walkway at this stage. For all of these reasons, it is evident that the site is emminently suitable for industrial purposes and just as unsuit- able for residential uses.. The Town of Newcastle is presently deficient in serviced industrial land, and the present applicant was the owner at the time at which the site was designated industrial. Therefore, he presumably agreed to the industrial designation of this portion of his lands. The abutting of industrial development against residential properties could have some adverse effects, but these could be minimized through appropriate restrictions on the type of in- dustry permitted. In any case adjacent house purchasers were aware or could have been aware of the industrial zoning when they purchased their homes. In conclusion, we consider that the balance of planning considerations favour the retention of the existing industrial designation and that the Region should be advised that the Town opposesthe application. Respectfully submitted, � u George F. Howden, Planning Director. LOT 14 n 0 m 0 0 0 cr LOT 13 3