HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-159Resort No. 159 1. Purpose of ApplicatiorW- On July 2, 19759 an application was received for the rezoning of a 4.39 acre parcel of land comprising part of lot 329 conces- sion 7, Clarke. This parcel, which fronts on Mill Road, is on the southern periphery of Leskard and is presently zoned "Agri- cultural". The applicant is requesting a change in zoning to Rural Residential to permit the severance of an existing lot with 2 houses into 2 separate parcels. 2. Zone Provisions - The subject land is presently zoned "Agricultural" in the Clarke Zoning By-law. Two houses were constructed on this lot prior to the passing of the zoning by-law. However, since the minimum lot area for residential uses in an Agricultural Zone is now 40 acres, the applicant would not be able to obtain a severance for the subject site. For this reason, the applicant is requesting that this parcel be rezoned "Rural Residential". Since only 1 acre of property with a frontage of 150 feet is required in the rural residential zone, the lot the applicant wishes to sever could conform to the zone requirement. 3. Official Plan Provisions - This site is designated "Rural" in the Interim District Plan. This designation permits "limited non-farm residential uses". 2 - 3. Official Plan Provisions - (continued).... Since these are existing homes, on the edge of a small hamlet, they would be allowed by this provision. The Interim Plan also provides specifically for the recognition of existing uses. 4. Circulation of Application - This application was circulated to the following agencies for their comments. (1) Durham Health Unit (2) Ganaraska Conservation Authority (3) Newcastle Works Department All of these agencies replied. 5. Resume of Comments - (1) The Durham Health Unit - advised that they had no objections to this application. (2) The Ganaraska Conservation Authority - advised that they had no objections to the rezoning at this time, although they saw no advantage to the subject re- zoning unless a small subdivision is being considered at a future date. (3) The Newcastle Works Department - advised that they had no objections to this proposal. 6. Comments - Since there are presently two dwellings on this lot, there would be no great harm in rezoning the property to permit the ore- ation of another.lot. This could.be done by rezoning approx- 3 - 6. Comments - (continued)...... imately two acres of this parcel rural residential. One acre is the minimum lot acreage required in this zone. Zoning the whole parcel rural residential might allow the crea- tion of yet another lot if area and frontage requirements were reduced in the new by-law. The retention on the present agricul- tural zoning on the southern potion of this property would leave the Town's options open. It is therefore recommended that 2.053 acres of the subject site be rezoned rural residential in the Clarke Zoning By-law. These 2.053 acres shall comprise the northern section of the lot. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director. 0 I!t! All li N 33 I .32 C G N ■ LAraAs