HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-155Report No. 155 The following resolution of the Public Works Committee was approved by Council at its Meeting of June 16, 1975 "That this Committee recommend to Council that the Planning Advisory Committee undertake a study of all unimproved roads, within the Town of Newcastle, which do not meet the requirements of the relevant zoning by-law in respect of residential permits and further that the Planning Advisory Committee submit their report and recommendations to this Committee". It would have been neoeseary in any case for the Planning Advisory Committee through its Zoning By-law Sub -Committee to undertake a study of unimproved roads for purpose of drafting the new Zoning By-law. In order to determine which roads should be classified as improved or unimproved made, we have requested oopies of the following information assembled by Totten,Sims, Hubicki for the road needs study. 1. Maps of all roads and road allowance in the Municipality. 2. Map of all roads presently being maintained in the Municipality. 3. Map of all maintained roads presently defficient in construction. 4. Municipal. Road Appraisal Sheets for all deffioient sections of road in the Municipality. - 2 - It should be noted that all roads which are deffioient' for purposes of the Road Needs Study are not necessarily so deffioient that they would be classed as unimproved roads for purposes of the Zoning By-law. Only those roads which were so deffioient as to preclude normal year round maintenance and access would be classified as unimproved roads. The Municipal Road Appraisal Sheets give for eaoh section of road the following relevant information for the purpose at hand. 1. Surface Type 2. Right-of-way width 3. Platform width 4. Surface Width 5. Shoulder width 6. Average safe speed 7. Average Annual daily traffic The Road. Needs Study Committee have already set minim+m+ tolerable standards for low volume roads. These should be used by the Zoning Sub -Committee in determining the classification of roads. It should be noted that these are not design standards for const- raotion, and persons wishing to develop or use land abutting or having access to any road could be required to make further improve- mente above the minimum tolerable standard as a oondition of rezoning, severance, subdivision or other approval, depending -3 - on the scale and nature of the development or use intended. The problem of unimproved roads has been one which constantly plagued the Administration and Council of the Town of Newcastle and we urgently need a set of criteria which are objective and apply equally to every property owner within the Mmnioipality. In conclusion, I would recommend that Council adopt the following minimum criteria for the designation of improved roads in the new Zoning By-law. Criteria for DesijMation of an ImprovedRoad 1. Title to Road Allowances Clear and undisputed title must be vested in the Province of Ontario, the Region of Durham, Town of Newcastle, or the Town of Newcastle and an adjacent municipality in the case of a boundary road. 2. Maintenances The road must be actually maintained and inept open on a year round basis by the road authority having jurisdiction. 3. Standards- The road must meet or exceed the following minimum standards for the average annual daily traffic being carried according to the latest Road Needs Study. MINIMOM 0-50 A.A.D.T Surface Width 14' Shoulder ° 2' Total Platform 18' Safe Speed 15 m.p.h. Surface Type Gravel -4- TOLERABLE 50-200 A.A.D.T. 16' 2' 20' 2% m.p.h. Gravel STANDARDS 200-400 A.A.D.T. 18' 2' 22' 27 m.p.h. Gravel 4. Road Allowanoe. The road allowance must have a minimum width of 66 feet except where the section of road is:already built up on more than j its frontage or is already carrying an annual average daily traffic of more than 200 vehicles, in which case the road must still meet all the above criteria. 5. Actual Conditions The road must be generally passable to normal vehicular traffic at all times of the year. Respectfully Submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director.