HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-151Report No. 151 Report on Application for Rezoning Pandel Holdings Ltd., Village of Newoastle._ 1. PORPOSE OF APPLICATION° On MSV 23. 1975, an application was submitted concerning a 199491 square foot parcel comprising parts of lots 69 7 & 8v Block C, Henning's Plan, in the Village of Newcastle. The . site is located on the north west corner of George and Manvers Streets. The applicant is requesting the rezoning of this parcel to permit the construction of seven townhouse units. 2. OFFICIAL PLAN PROVISIONS 3• The subject site is designated "Urban Residential" in the Interim District Plan. This designation permits "a small amount of medium density residential development". This "small amount" is defined as "not more than 1096 of the Urban Residential Areas" which may be used for "medium density residential uses such as rowhousing". It would appear that this proposal satiefies these requirements. The site is presently zoned partly R1 and partly R2 in the Village of Newcastle Zoning By -Law. This zone permits single family and duplex dwellingsv as well as an apartment dwelling house. At present, there is no provision for Townhouse development in the Village of Newcastle Zoning By -Law. A new zone would have to be included in the By -Law to permit this proposal. -2- 4. CIRCULATION OF APPLICATION - The application was circulated to the following agencies for comments- 1. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. 2. The Peterborough-Vintoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board. 3. The Dtxtham Planning Department 4. The durham Works Department. $. Bell Canada. 6. Ontario Hydro 7. Newcastle Village P.U.C. 8. Newcastle Works Department 9. Newcastle Building Department 10. Newcastle Fire Department 11. Consumers Gas 12. Cable T.V. All of these agencies replied. 5• Resum& of Comments 1. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education stated that they had no objections to the proposal. 2. The Peterborough-Victoria,-Northunberland and Newcastle Separate School Board stated that they had no objections to the proposal. 3. The Durham Works Department stated that while sanitary sewers and watermains are immediately available for the site, the existing well is deficient in supplying adequate water capacity for the existing village and cannot support any additional development. -3- They advised that the Region is studying the possibility of an interim upgrading of the existing well, whioh may or may not provide for additional capacity in the ayatem. It was requested that this application be tabled pending completion of a Development Schedule and its approval by Regional Council. 4. Hell Canada advised that they had no objections to this proposal. 5. Ontario Hvdro stated that they had no objections to this proposal. 6. The Newcastle Village &blio Utilities Commission advised that if the rezoning is accepted, they would be in a position to supply electrical power to the proposed townhouses. 7. The Newcastle Works Department stated that the sanitary and water facilities for the village are almost completed and that the Region of Durham has assumed responsibility for this system and would probably require certain charges for the comleotion of the proposed development to the system. They pointed out that Manvers Road is a Regional Road and that certain regulations regarding building would likely be enforced. It was noted that George Street is in good condition. 8. The Newcastle ka4ng Department advised that Dy -Law 73-15 makes no provision for Townhouse construction, since there is at present, no RM1 Zone in the Village of Newoastle. They also expressed the opinion that townhouse developments should be totally contained within the property and stated their objections to this type of planning. -4- CORMEM There are several issues which must be resolved in the consideration of this proposal, namely the advisability of introducing townhouse units to the Village of Newcastle; the desirability of the particular site for townhouses; and finally, specific design details. 1) Are Townhouses Anurowriate for the Villeae of Newcastle? The Village of Newcastle has a population of approximately 2000. The existing residential oomponet is mainly single family dwellings, with one or two small apartment buildings and duplexes. In some cases, townhouses are more suitable to a family's needs then single family dwellings, especially in the later stages of life. Dbr this reason, it is felt that a limited number of townhouses would be appropriate for the village of Newoas-Mb. The proportion of townhouse: units allowed should probably be considerably lower than in larger urban centres. These units should be scattered in smaller holdings throughout the village to be more easily integrated into the community rather than being concentrated in one or two larger projects. However, the Durham Works Department has advised that the existing well in the village is not equipped to handle even the existing development and it was not certain whether even the possible upgrading of this well would provide for additional capacity in the system. -5 - Although the Works Department suggested that additl=el development in the Village be considered premature, it is still necessary to determine the adviseability of the site for townhouses at such time as water capacity becomes available 2) Is this site suitable for townhous(js? Although Manvers Street is a Regional Road, there are no - restrictions on road access within the Village of Newcastle. Since it appears that no more than five units could be accommodated on the lot, this development would not contribute significantly to the volume of traffic on Manvers Street, The notice posted on the lot did not generate any objections by area residents. For these reasons, there seems to be no real impediment to the re3Aning of the site for townhouses, at such time as water capacity is available. 3) Specific Deeian Details The Zoning Sub -Committee has already considered the RM1 (Townhouse) Zone proposed for the new Zoning By -Law. Since there is no RM1 Zone in the Village of Newcastle Zoning By -Law, this proposal should conform to these new provisions, as attached. The applicant is proposing seven units on the lot, with four fronting on George Street three fronting on Manvers Street. Because of the configuration of the lot, and the zone requirements, only five units could be accommodated on the lot, and all of these would have to front on Manvers Street. On the basis of all these factors, it is recommended that the application for rezoning be approved in principle, subject to the attached zone provisions, but that the applicant be advised that development of Townhouses be considered premature until we are advised that sufficient water supply is available. PROPOSED RMI (Townhouse) ZONE PROVISIONS a) Lot Area (minimum) 2400 square feet per dwelling unit. b) Lot Frontage (minimum) i) Corner Lot ii) Other Lot c) Front Yard Depth (minimum) d) Exterior Side Yard. Width (minimum) e) Interior Side Yard Width (minimum) f) Rear Yard Depth (minimum) g) Dwelling Unit Area (mimimum) 45 feet per unit 20 feet per unit 25 feet 25 feet 15 feet (or 6 feet if next to another Row dwelling) 35 feet 900 square feet. -7- h) Landscaped Open Space i) Lot Coverage (mizimum) j) Height of Building (maximum) k) Primacy Yards 1) Parking Area m) Access to Parking Area n) Minimum Distance between Driveway and intersection of Street lines 30'% 30'% 3 storeys 25 feet 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit. Driveway at least 10 feet, but not more than 30 feet wide. 50 feet