HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-138REPORT NO. 118 REPORT ON EVALUATION OF SOLANDT COMMISSION; - INTRODUCTION° The Solandt Commission studied the transmission of power from the Lennox Generating Station to the proposed Oshawa Transformer Station. Because of the cost involveds underwater and underground transmission were discounted. The Commission then began the task of selecting a suitable overland route. Four main routes, with sub-alternativess were suggested by various agencies. (1) The Gatineau Route _ (2) The route recommended by the Ontario Hydro - Commonwealth Associate Incorporated Reports now hereafter referred to as the OH -CAI route. (3) The Ganaraska Route (4) The 401 South Route The alternatives were then evaluated on the basis of the following main criteria; (1) Cost (affected by route miless total acreage) (2) Environmental Impact (affected by Agricultural acreages forest acreages and visual impact). A summary of this data collected on these routes is included in the appendix to this report. The Commission's comments and the views of this department concerning the advantages and disadvantages of each route have been summarized below. - 2 - (continued)........ 1. The Gatineau Routes This route presents several technical problems related to the age and method of acquisition of the existing easement. The main advantage of this route, as seen by the Commission, is the fact that since a great portion of the required area lies within the limits of the Canadian Shield, a lower percentage of good agric- ultural land is required. Unfortunately, this route does cross good agriculture land within the Town, and would require a 770' wide corridor north from Darlington and Wesleyville. For these reasons, we agree with the committee decision that the disadvan- tages of this route outweigh the advantages. 2. The OH -CAI Route - This is the route favoured by the Region of Durham. The main disadvantage to the Town of Newcastle is the fact that a wider corridor would be required from Darlington to Oshawa than would be required in the 401 route. On the OH -CAI route, a 1210 foot corridor containing 7 lines is required for 3.4 miles from Lot 229 Concession 69 of Darlington to the Oshawa Transmission Station. The land affected by this wide corridor is designated Environmental Protection Area in the Interim Dis- trict Plan and contains the Headwaters of the Harmony -Farewell Creek System. Most of the land crossed by this route has high recreational and/or agricultural potential. Some sections would be suited to estate residential development in the future. - 3 - (continued)..... Location of the power line at this location would severely limit the Town's options in the area. 3. The Ganaraska Route: The main advantage of this route is the fact that less land suited to agriculture and active recreation is affected. This route is less expensive than the Gatineau route and would have the least visual impact through the forest segment of the route. However, the greated disadvantage of this route is the fact that it does pass through the Ganaraska Forest. Three lines within a 600 foot easement would create great problems in an ecologically sensitive area set aside for passive recreation and conservation, these problems would be created by the number of mature trees affected, as well as the possible erosion and in- terference with drainage patterns involved. This proposal would also involve considerable high quality agricultural land in the norther part of Darlington Township. Like the OH -CAI route, it would use more land in total in the Town of Newcastle than the Commission Route. 4. The 401 South Route; This route, which is located south of Highway 401, was rec- ommended by the Solandt Commission. The main advantage of this route is the relatively narrow width of land required (see chart). Because of the alignment of the route, only three lines in a 600 foot corridor are required. This is from 100 to 710 feet less than that required by any other alternative for the - 4 - 4. (continued)...... Darlington to Oshawa Transformer Station section. This route is also the least demanding in terms of cost, route miles, forest acreage covered, and total acreage required. The Solandt Commission recommended this alternative because it falls within an existing "utility, corridor" where Highways 401 and 29 as well as the C.N.R. and C.P.R. main lines already exist. The Commission states that, because of noise levels, residential development should not be allowed within 1000 feet of Highway 4019 and that these lines would effectively fill this space. This reasoning appears sound. The main disadvantages of this route are its visual impact. The visual impact would be especially improtant along the segment through Bowmanville, from Holt Road to Bennett Road where it would interfere with the view of the Lake from Highway 401, and adjacent residential subdivisions. However, the immediate align- ment is zoned Industrial, and rural and visual intrusion into these areas is not as serious a factor as it would be in residen- tial areas. The lines could be camouflaged by vegetation along the 401. - 5 - COMMENTS From every point of view except visual intrusion, the Commission Route appears to be the preferable route. However, we feel that the considerable cost to be saved by the Commission Route should be re- directed to undergrounding relatively small highly visible sections and planting landscaping screens along the adjacent highway. On the whole, given all the factors involved, we feel that the Commissioner has chosen the least offensive route, and we recommend that his report be enforsed by the Town, subject to the provisions mentioned above. This should not be taken as an endorsement of the Darlington Generating Station or an acceptance of the overall need for either the Generating Station or the Transmission Lines of the scale proposed. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director. - 6 ESTIMATED COSTS Present Worth - in Millions of Dollars Gatineau via Hinchinbrooke D CAI 401 STAGE 1 240 - 255 188 180 172 STAGE 11 295 - 310 233 244 205 ;r rii ,inn?�>tiiu:. ht�Fx�-t o Prina.pal Recommendations Tp. Commission accepts the need for 500 kV connections between th€ Lennox, Wesieyville and proposed Darlington Generating S�ations a the proposed Oshawa Area Transformer Station_ 2) The route recommended by the Commission for these 500 kV lines is shown in detail on Map 3, page 117. The route proceeds north fro" the Lennox Generating Station to Mount Pleasant Junction, near Highway 401, within a right-of-way already acquired by Ontario Hydro. It then follows the route described in the Ontario Hydro; Commonwealth Associates Inc. reports which, after crossing Highwa; 401, turns west crossing the Moira River just north of Corbyville and the Trent River just south of Batawa and continues to a point near Osaca in Hope Township. In Hope Township the Commission route2 turns south to enter the site of the Wesleyville Generatic Station. This segment of the route consists of 2 double -circuit 500 kV lines within a 425 foot right-of-way. From the Wesleyville Generating Station, the Commission route cot: tinues west, just south of Highway 401, to the site of the propos Darlington Generating Station. This segment of the route.consis' initially of 2 double -circuit 500 kV lines within a 425, foot riga of -way. From the Darlington Generating Station site north to the Oshawa Area Transformer Station, the Commission route follows the egress route recommended in the OH/CAI report. Here three double-;imu 500 kV lines will be contained in a 600 foot right-of-way. 1 Hereafter referred to as the off/CAI report, commonwealth Associa Inc. is a firm of environmental consultants than was retained by Ontario Hydro to study the route. have been "recommended", "preferred" or "eel 2 Since so many routes ted", this route will, to avoid ambiguity, be called the ftommise route. y 3j gip, C-OWOSSion supports the OH/CIU recoenme'"tion that the proposed Oshawa Area Transformer Station be located in Concession Yil of Darlington` Township, at its western bowMMry. a) Thio OM/CAI report includes provision of r 111t•of-wee for enough toren lines to incorporate into tlhe8011 iilh system a seaMld genere- VON Station at each of the three sips (Iielriox, Nesleyville-and Darlington). Since there will be an interval of several years be- tween the completion of one generating statipn at each Site and the beginning of the construction of the "oto the lines tliit are initially constructed need opty previdol''Or ore Isuttow, it "itch site. Nonetheless, the Commission suepo ft Ontario "roes recaer- rndation that it be permitted in this1* to h, * or reserve by covenant with the landown*r tie additi rigAlr'riired for the future 500 kV lire (page-1 ). If,`the %o#Ssion route is adopted, the additional rfoli»of-leoy i id 15 * one 'Additional double-circuit 5W kv. lino oetuirying ;{ t 5 -foot width for lA riles between the Weslsyvi11# and ;j ttng stations, The OH/CAI report *ISO'' 5 thee,: a d#� of at;proxi- mately one rile north from 114thr thio ipeel [)lieaikt'Dafrlfag�e Generating Stations. to a' i+l►thil iAeera tba:-e ass"14iios crdiss an existing east-west 115 k1V )ire, the 5110.k I »per be widened to provide for the inclusion of,.I kY'lid simwld these be re- quired in the future to supply 1petlti for *--:Short dis- tance, this will widen the riq%t_of-W*,_nq.rth from, the Yketieyville Generating Station to 555 feet and frow the Oartigsgton Generating Station to 730 feet. The-Commission also tupRorts this reeorrerdati,r 5) Ontario Hydro's guidelines for the-use of single shaft steel poles instead of lattice t.r-,t rr of steel poles for most, if not all, of the Wesieyville and Darlington Generating Stat, lines from these stations Cross Nighxay 42? mends that these guidelines be followed and e'. t� es ae used f- j 1 �rl,rndt (-omnui ,,ion Report Of atout 15 miles. _ dice towers are recommended �.r..; remanpder of the Commission route. ion reconmends that Ontario Hydro, in conjunction with ;rr „ent agencies and appropriate public organizations, arrange to n t up some organization with appropriate local offices along tho route where a landowner can call and get speedy action on complaints and difficulties. � r 1 11 A FART RIG'Il v F �1111t1 RECOMMENDED ROUTE 1-," .a ALTERNATE ROUTE . RECOMMENDED SWITCHING STATION lift .GENERATION STATION ALTERNATE K SWITCHING STATION Alignments ow this map art diagammata wimilmMi11N LINGTON CS 'n Ir.. 7'1 I i STUDY AREA Am, )NOAR - ... TOWNSHIP 8C 1,10AI.V RECOMM F Ni' TRAN%f ORM• ,T.:I u. ALTF�vATF' TRAN'.'ORM. ,-TATi, s.Y�wNNu�l �w�wwa lu STUDY AREA Am, )NOAR - ... TOWNSHIP 8C 1,10AI.V RECOMM F Ni' TRAN%f ORM• ,T.:I u. ALTF�vATF' TRAN'.'ORM. ,-TATi, r ! a MAP 3 THE COMMISSION R 7E IV 5[aM Mlef of tn,s n,ep are O—Wan.matk Vreelle altp�"nts w#,+pe deter ad ov t, M M 02 enf M� OMP O go uC'y$O %D%DD r- C4 O� CO%Dm NN s p N M r r C4 �cc rNOMr �S V' NCO �s e+1 M N r- >D� NN'w C+On< ON CO t"0 � CO '- Cp NMZ r a � J > �l U Qj — E _ �14- Q) n c > W L ac -0 ro J i aJY ���iF- ;? V UC `� 1 a E M M 02 enf M� OMP O go uC'y$O %D%DD r- C4 O� CO%Dm NN s p N M r r C4 �cc rNOMr �S V' NCO �s e+1 M N r- >D� NN'w C+On< ON CO t"0 � CO '- Cp NMZ r 69 a � J U Qj — oo'o Q) n c > W L ac -0 aJY ���iF- ;? V UC `� 1 69 uoisslwwo' 1puelos .(Q�7 JA► , .. Q �j-,�u+ AWN Nyv,1 �,y N -A �' OO OOO O vA W O V uoisslwwo' 1puelos S-Iandt Commission Report b, ad €r- e, w c c `. `... r L. C7 o L I d Y O O C b � V a N i7 2 Y c Q m A 2 U ti V fD `v Y y Y N J y N Q _ L N Q D d O � � O 0 Y l0 H m y m i m n t 2p. N0 - tiul,uuit �_Im_nI�.Iun Report Fl�)Ljre - Nip. Gatineau System Minchenbrooke) A.,o !,uG of F,V Lines and Right-of-way Widths. 2/,2 HaxnenBiooke �3 _ Stage I hoes/ /Stage II lines 2 500kVnoes 625f,t 214 3 500 kV 900 feel 2/2 4 500 kV 770 feet 1,114 Cataragui 1.413I i��iyTON GS. WESLEVViI i E GS LENNOX GS BRoute Keller Budge 42.3 Hira:henMooke Mitis rrae 64.3 Maching sta4on 169, 04:aa'N A: ea TS - 15.1 - Catwaqui DARLINGTON GS. WESLEYVILLE GS - LENN07F G'. StTlandt ( o:nmis5ion Re r, Figure 6 The OH/CAI System A No. of 500 kV Lines and Hight -of -way Widths. Fe, ' �LOgQ HIPS Y., lJa.rc+nA .e 2/4 DARLINGTON GS BRoute Miles 7; DAHLINGTON GS 156 �Z/a WFSLE Yyn I E GS 34 39 AESL[ Y% I[ I 2 C AHI Solandf Commission Rep ­ rt _ Figure 7 The Route D System ANo. of 500 kV Lines and Right-of-way Widths. 21//3 O.,e, Y4 SWtlfpiny SlaL,n Z/ 1:1 T/4 DARLINGTON GS WESLE YYI LIF GS 1tNNU GS BRoute Miles 0", DARI INGTON GS WESLEYVII IE Figure 8 The 401 System A No. of 500 kV Lines and. Right-of-way Widths Soge I Imes T 500kV Iron •425 het bee 11 lines 3 5WkVhnn-800th 3/3 Oshawa Area. TS 2 ` 3/3 �( 2/3 DARLINGTON GS WESLEYVILLE GS LENNOX GS Oshawa A,ea IS 881 111 . 39 .144. DART INUTOf4 GS WESLEVVIt LE GS I L% NO Gb 97