HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-11ricultural Advisory Committee of Clarinaton Meetin Thursday, February 11, 2021 Members Present: Eric Bowman John Cartwright Don Rickard Tom Barrie Henry Zekveld Brenda Metcalf Richard Rekker Ben Eastman Ryan Cullen Jordan McKay Councillor Zwart Regrets: Jennifer Knox Staff: Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid and Ryan Windle, Planning & Development Services Guests: Sarah Allin, Planning & Development Services Petra Schwirtz, Clarington Tourism Advisory Committee Ashlee Kielbiski, Clarington Tourism Programmer Stephen Selby, Delegate Ted Watson, Delegate Observers: Councillor Hooper; Stacey Jibb, Region of Durham — Planning & Economic Development; Martha Vandepol; Jim Hamilton; Jim Abernethy, Jeff Kelso; Paul Morton Due to COVID 19 restrictions and to ensure social distancing, participation in the meeting was electronic (using Microsoft Teams) and by conference call. Eric welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions of Committee members. Ryan Windle, Clarington's new Director of Planning & Development Services, introduced himself to the Committee. Ryan thanked the AACC for their time and efforts in serving as members of the Committee. Declarations of interest Following the January meeting, Staff sought clarification of declarations of interest from the Municipal Clerk and Municipal Solicitor. Guidance surrounding declarations of interest was discussed, as reported in Business Arising from the Minutes. Ryan Cullen, Brenda Metcalf, Don Rickard, Tom Barrie and Rickard Rekker declared an interest in item 7c of the agenda (Special Study Area 2 — Greenbelt Expansion). Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 11, 2021 Adoption of Agenda 021-03 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by John Cartwright That the Agenda for February 11, 2021 be adopted. Carried Approval of Minutes Staff responded to a question raised about the submission of draft, rather than final meeting minutes to Council. This approach was introduced several years ago for all advisory committees and provides Council with more current information. Draft minutes are reviewed by the AACC Chair prior to inclusion on a Council agenda. Final minutes approved by the Committee are available to the public on the Municipal website. 021-04 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Richard Rekker That the minutes of the January 14, 2021 meeting be approved. Carried PrP.Pntatinn Sarah Allin, Planning & Development Services — COVID-19 Community Improvement Grant Program: Sarah Allin presented an overview of the COVID-19 Community Improvement Plan (CIP), approved by Council in October 2020 to support Clarington's local businesses with physical improvements necessary to implement COVID-19-related health and safety requirements. COVID-19 CIP Grant Program information is available on Clarington's COVID-19 Financial Support webpage, including a summary information sheet. The Committee was encouraged to review the information, eligibility criteria and funding streams for this program. Farm businesses forced to close as a result of Provincial Emergency Declaration Orders may be eligible to receive grant funding support to help offset the cost of physical improvements that they had to make prior to re -opening. Questions can also be directed to Sarah (sallin clarington.net or 905-623-3379 ext. 2419). Petra Schwirtz, Clarington Tourism Advisory Committee and Ashlee Kielbiski, Clarington Tourism Programmer — 2021 Focus on Local Agriculture: Petra Schwirtz shared the story of how her family business, Our Valley View B&B was shut down as result of the COVID-19 pandemic, how they were forced to adapt and how they are responding to resuming business operations under very different conditions. Petra's experience is common amongst many of the rural and agricultural business owners throughout Clarington. In considering this shared experience, the Tourism Advisory Committee has identified local agriculture as their focus for 2021. Their goal is to promote the uniqueness of Clarington and the many agricultural destinations that are open for business. The Tourism Advisory Committee invited ideas from the Committee on how Clarington Tourism can further support and showcase local farms as destinations. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 11, 2021 The Committee agreed that education and raising awareness of what Clarington has to offer is critical. A number of ideas were brought forward, including sharing social media content produced by local destinations on Municipal channels; showcasing the human connection between local farmers and the products they produce ("Meet the Maker"); supporting farmers to connect to funding opportunities that could assist them to develop a farm experience; and developing a farm passport / scavenger hunt experience that would map out a day spent in the municipality. Delegations Stephen Selby regarding Special Study Area 2 — Greenbelt Expansion: Mr. Selby stated that he supports the deletion of section 17.3 from the Clarington Official Plan and encouraged the Committee to also indicate support to Council for the same. Mr. Selby explained that he owns several farm properties within and adjacent to Special Study Area 2. Mr. Selby indicated that he operates an agricultural business which involves borrowing against his land for various expenses. He added that the cost of business is increasing due to many factors including the increase of various taxes. Mr. Selby stated that adding his land into the Greenbelt would destroy the perceived value of his land. He continued by explaining Greenbelt designation would result in lenders requiring additional security and would be a major threat to his business. He concluded by indicating that expansion of the Greenbelt will potentially result in further decline of multi -generation family farms, rather than achieving the objective of protecting farming. In response to questions from Committee members, Mr. Selby stated that he has always been aware of Special Study Area 2 and that he has not received any direct notice from the Municipality indicating that his properties were being potentially considered for expansion of the Greenbelt. Ted Watson regarding Special Study Area 2 — Greenbelt Expansion: Mr. Watson stated that there is misunderstanding of the motion passed by the AACC on August 25, 2011 respecting the protection of land within the Whitebelt. Mr. Watson indicated that he does not feel the motion, as carried by the Committee, requests the addition of lands to the Greenbelt. He reviewed a copy of AACC motion 011-18 and stated that he would not have been the Seconder for the motion had that been the intent. Mr. Watson further stated concerns with respect to the lack of notice given to property owners within Special Study Area 2 regarding the inclusion of the related policies into the Clarington Official Plan and concerns respecting transparency. Business Arisina from Minutes Clarification — Declarations of Interest: The Committee will be sent a copy of the Duties of Committee / Board Members as it pertains to Pecuniary Interest for review, which outlines how Committee members can determine if they have a direct, indirect or deemed pecuniary interest in a matter under consideration, and how to determine if a pecuniary interest is exempt. Regional Capital Roads Project: The Region has advised that one tool available for looking for updates and contact information for major Regional projects is this online resource - https:Hmaps.durham.ca/PublicWorksMap/default.htmi. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 11, 2021 Special Study Area 2 — Greenbelt Expansion: Staff provided an update to the Committee on this matter. On Feb. 8, Council approved a motion directing staff to carry out the necessary process to hold a Statutory Public Meeting on April 26, 2021 in relation to amending the Clarington Official Plan to delete section 17.3 (Special Study Area 2 — Greenbelt Expansion). This replaces the earlier direction from Council reported to the Committee at the January meeting. The Committee was informed that they can determine whether they state a position in the form of a motion passed by the Committee prior to the Public Meeting. Discussion by the Committee will be recorded in the meeting minutes. The Committee may also choose to submit a separate comment letter, and/or may request the Chair or another member speak on behalf of the Committee at the Public Meeting. Members as individuals can address the issue as they see fit, they are not bound by the committee's decision. The Committee discussed how to approach establishing a Committee position to help inform Council. Providing Council with clarity on the intent of the motion passed in August 2011 was identified as an important element that should be discussed and addressed. Following discussion on forming a sub -committee, the following was moved: 021-05 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Ryan Cullen That the matter regarding the consideration of deletion of Special Study Area 2 from the Clarington Official Plan be placed on the March 11, 2021 agenda for discussion by the Committee. Carried AACC 2020 Annual Report: Presented by Eric Bowman and received by the Planning & Development Committee on Feb. 1. The Committee was thanked for their work. The Committee was also asked to consider how Council may be able to support or advocate for the reduction of entry barriers for temporary foreign workers while maintaining appropriate COVID-19 health and safety measures. The Committee discussed the importance of the program that has been established to ensure the safety of temporary foreign workers as they arrive and work in Canada, and to maintain public health and safety. The Committee expressed that the process has been beneficially modified and adapted based on the lessons learned during the 2020 farming season. The Committee will prepare a letter to thank the Federal Government for the actions taken to date, and to request that additional effort be put into further adapting the process to ensure timely arrival and commencement of work for the 2021 season. Backyard Hens: Council has received and considered comments from the AACC and egg producers, as well as additional public comments. At the February 8 Council meeting, it was determined that no further action will be taken at this time on the matter of considering a potential by-law to permit the keeping of backyard hens within the urban areas of Clarington for the purposes of egg laying. Ward Boundary Review: The final report on Clarington's Ward Boundary Review was received by Council on January 18, 2021. The existing four ward boundary system will be maintained. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 11, 2021 Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals None Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: No updates. Tom will send. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: Richard Rekker provided an update from the January 13 DRFA meeting in his email to all prior to the meeting. No further discussion by the Committee. Durham Farm Connections: Brenda Metcalf informed the Committee that a new, live, virtual format for the Grade 3 Program will occur via Facebook. High level of interest in the program to date. Arrangements for the 2020 Celebrate Agriculture award winners celebration event are yet to be confirmed. Clarington Board of Trade: No updates. New Business Broadband & Agricultural Networks: A concern was raised that a lack of reliable, high quality internet connection across many areas of Durham Region, and in particular rural areas, is making it challenging for agricultural organizations and other networks to stay connected. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced association meetings and networking opportunities to transition to a virtual format. Connection issues hinder the ability for many to fully participate in these events. Temporary Foreign Workers Information Session: February 18 at 7:OOpm, Durham Region Public Health, in partnership with Durham's Planning and Economic Development Department, is holding a virtual information session for agricultural operators who employ temporary foreign workers and/or seasonal workers. The session will provide updated information, guidance and resources relating to housing standards and COVID-19 prevention. To register, contact Allison Brown at alIison.brown (@.durham.ca or 905-439-1441. 2021 Farmland Forum: Virtual conference scheduled for March 25. 2021 conference theme is The Shifting Landscape of Farmland Protection. This event is hosted by Ontario Farmland Trust. For information and to register, visit www.ontariofarmlandtrust.ca. Next Meeting Thursday, March 11, 2021 @ 7:30 pm (Virtual Meeting) Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington February 11, 2021