HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWD-017-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: March 8, 2021 Report Number: PWD-017-21 Submitted By: Stephen Brake, Director of Public Works Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO Resolution#: GG-229-21, C-108-21, C-109-21 File Number: PA. FarewelICreekTraiIPhase 2 By-law Number: Report Subject: Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2B Status Update Recommendations: 1. That Report PWD-017-21 be received; 2. That Council provide direction to staff regarding the Farewell Creek Phase 2B trail alignment given the environmental impacts, additional costs, and recommendations that are outlined within the report; and 3. That all interested parties listed in Report PWD-017-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report PWD-017-21 Report Overview The purpose of this report is to present Council with an update on the status of the Council selected alignment for Farewell Creek Trail — Phase 2B and to seek direction based on current assessments regarding the additional risk, impact, and costing information. 1. Background 1.1 The design of Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2A has been finalized and the project tender closed on March 1, 2021. Once awarded, preparatory works for Phase 2A can begin immediately on site with an estimated trail completion date of August 2021. 1.2 At the direction of Council, Staff have advanced the design of Farewell Creek Trail Phase 213 (Phase 2A limits to Townline Road) by completing a slope stability analysis, review and consultation with CLOCA, updates to the preliminary design of the Council selected alignment, a tree inventory and impact assessment, and have refined the preliminary design cost estimate. This information has revealed a more fulsome understanding of the slope stability hazard risks, environmental impacts, costs, and timeline challenges and constraints associated with the Council selected alignment. 2. Slope Stability Analysis and CLOCA Review & Recommendations 2.1 Staff retained Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) to conduct a slope stability analysis along the Phase 2B Council selected trail alignment which traverses a steep existing embankment along the Farewell Creek valley immediately northeast of Townline Road. A photo of the embankment can be seen in Figure 1. The report, completed in September 2020, carried out analyses on long term slope stability and provided recommendations for retaining wall, trail, and construction methodology design. 2.2 On October 20, 2020 Clarington staff met with the Director of Engineering and Field Operations, Infrastructure Planner/Enforcement Officer and Terrestrial Resource Analyst from CLOCA to review the slope stability analysis, soil conditions, groundwater conditions and potential impacts to the natural environment for the Council selected trail alignment. After considering this information, CLOCA staff have advised that there are significant ecological impacts and geotechnical risks associated with the alignment due to: The significant impact to natural environmental features including mature forest; and Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 Page 3 The increased long term risk of slope failure, erosion, and property damage to Pinedale Crescent landowners that could result from disturbance of the valley walls. 2.3 Due to the steep nature of the valley in this area, construction of the trail and the construction methodology along the slope would require extensive clearing of mature forest vegetation along the slope, well in excess of typical trail footprints due to the necessary grading to achieve the accessible grade of the trail as well as establishing a safe construction platform. A typical cross section drawing showing the anticipated limits of impact has been provided in Attachment 1. Note that this cross section does not reflect further disturbances that would be required on the embankment to facilitate construction. These will be determined through detailed design and development of construction methodology. 2.4 CLOCA staff have advised, and the consultant's Tree Inventory and Impact Assessment Report has reconfirmed, that the forest community in this area is well established and mature. For example, of significant note along the slope face is the presence of hemlock trees and yellow birch, approximated to be in the range of 80-100+ years old. The removal of hemlock, birch and other mature trees along the slope face would result in an irreplaceable loss due to the tree's slow growth rates and their significant contribution to a healthy ecosystem. Mature trees provide cooling effects on the watercourse, provide unique wildlife habitats, protect against establishment of invasive species by providing closed canopy conditions, and stabilize the valley wall with their extensive root system, preventing erosion and slope failure that could threaten the trail and nearby houses. 2.5 Mature forest is a unique and important feature and, aside from the plentiful beneficial ecosystem services provided, forests of this quality exist only in limited areas within the Municipality of Clarington and the CLOCA watershed in general. By removing these trees, much of the overall aesthetic and ecological value of the forest would be removed and the long term stability of the steep Farewell Creek valley slopes will be permanently impaired. Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 Page 4 Figure 1: Slope face looking northeast along the Council selected trail alignment 2.6 Although engineered slope stabilization systems could be employed, the systems are not permanent and would need to be replaced when the end of their service life has been reached. As the Pinedale Crescent homes are within the erosion hazard of the Farewell Creek valley, the proposed trail and works would increase the risk to the homeowners and require constant and permanent monitoring and maintenance of slope protection works by the Municipality to manage the slope stability, which the Pinedale Crescent homes would rely upon for the long-term safety of their properties. This would require the Municipality to annually monitor the slope for movement, inspect the engineered slope stabilization system for weaknesses, repair any at risk segments of the system, and conduct maintenance of drainage systems in perpetuity. 2.7 CLOCA staff have advised that, despite geotechnical engineering of the disturbed slope to accommodate the trail, the proposed mid -slope trail will likely result in an unacceptable risk as defined by the Conservation Authorities Act. The existing slope is steep and covered in mature forest. The geotechnical report notes presence of curved tree trunks, which are an indicator of gradual slope movement. While the trail and disturbed portion of the slope could be engineered, which would require perpetual monitoring and maintenance as noted above, the removal of mature vegetation and placement of a trail mid slope may have unforeseen consequences on the remaining valley slope. This trail alignment does not meet CLOCA policy for approval. Accordingly, CLOCA staff strongly recommend alternative trail configurations to avoid this risk. 2.8 CLOCA staff have been supportive of trail projects in the Municipality of Clarington and advise that they will continue to work with Clarington staff to find acceptable trail locations. CLOCA staff recognize that most trails require some removal of vegetation Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PWD-017-21 and other disturbance within natural areas that is generally mitigatable, however, in this instance, the impacts to the natural heritage system and risks of a trail in this location are extensive and should be avoided given the unacceptable level of risk and impact associated with a mid -slope trail and existing potentially vulnerable table land development above the slope. The loss of the natural heritage features and functions in order to provide a trail in this location are irreplaceable due to the existing trees' age, slow growth rates, and ecosystem services including slope stabilization. 2.9 CLOCA has recommended that safer and significantly less intrusive trail alignment alternatives, which are available, should be pursued. Accordingly, CLOCA staff recommend an alternative trail alignment that bypasses this steepest portion of the valley and would eliminate concerns related to significant natural heritage feature/function removal, slope stability, and risk to existing table land residential property. 2.10 Further information and comments from CLOCA regarding CLOCA policy & guidelines, terrestrial ecology, environmental review, and permit requirements, relating to the Council selected alignment, have been provided in Attachment 2. 3. Status of Phase 2B Design 3.1 Detailed construction and mitigation design drawings form part of a CLOCA Permit. Accordingly, it is a requirement to have a 100% complete detailed design for review and consideration in granting a permit. Currently, Public Works has only completed a preliminary design for the Council selected alignment which was used as a basis in conducting the Slope Stability Assessment. All work completed to date has been done to gain a further understanding of the associated impacts caused by the construction of the Council selected trail alignment, analyze construction feasibility, ecological impacts, long term stability impacts, etc. The preliminary design has been updated to reflect the recommendations in the Slope Stability Assessment in order to understand the overall limits of disturbance, establish parameters for the detailed design, and quantify the tree removals and environmental impacts. 3.2 Public Works retained an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist to conduct a survey in early February 2021 of all trees that would be within the limits of grading for both the Council selected route and the original alignment in order to inventory, assess, and appraise a value of the trees that will be impacted / removed. The assessment report prepared by CIMA+ has been provided in Attachment 3 and shows the limits of disturbance considered, identifies prominent species of trees, quantity, and the appraised value using the Trunk Formula Technique of the Council of Tree & Landscape Appraises Guide for Plant Appraisal. A detailed design would need to consider the assessed tree impacts and specific tree inventory and, in consultation with CLOCA, would review the trail alignment to potentially partially mitigate some Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 Page 6 impacts. The trail alignment would need to be adjusted slightly to avoid significant or prominent species of trees and hazards where possible, and design appropriate slope stabilization measures around any significant tree species or tree clusters. 3.3 The tree impact assessment quantified the impact to trees on the valley slope for both the Council selected alignment and the original alignment. Table 1 below presents the cost summary from the tree impact assessment showing the appraised values of impacted trees along each alignment. Tree Removal Summary Number of Trees Impacted Appraised Value of Impacted Trees Phase 2B - Council Selected Alignment 217 $393,020 Phase 2B - Original Alignment 123 $208,580 Table 1: Estimated Tree Impact Appraisal Value Summary 3.4 The Trunk formulation for appraising trees presented in the Tree Impact and Inventory Assessment is limited to tree economic value as opposed to the full suite of ecological services that the trees provide. It is important to note that the ecological impacts at hand extend beyond the economic value of the trees. Ecological goods and services take into account the following: air quality, climate regulation in terms of both carbon storage and carbon uptake, water runoff control, filtration, soil formation, waste treatment, pollination, seed dispersal, biological control, recreation and aesthetics. Most importantly in this context, the ecological goods and services include provision of necessary slope stability and erosion control in support of the table land residential community along Pinedale Crescent. These attributes are not monetized in the appraised valuation in Table 1 above. 4. Timeline Considerations 4.1 As the Phase 2B alignment contains a level of impact and risk that likely pose challenges to approval under the Conservation Authorities Act legislated tests for development proposals, obtaining the necessary approval may not be possible. In addition to the issues described above, proceeding with the Council selected alignment at this time includes increased risk to the completion of Phase 2B due to lack of environmental approvals and an increased risk to missing the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) Program deadline of substantial and functional completion by December 31 of this year. 4.2 Staff have outlined the following key project timeline considerations. March 8, 2021 - Submission of Farewell Creek Trail — Phase 2B update Report to General Government Committee and confirmation of the selected trail alignment. Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 Page 7 Should Council decide to continue to pursue the Council selected alignment, there is a high likelihood that, following the submission of a permit application and detailed design review, CLOCA staff will not be in a position to recommend approval of the proposal due to the risks associated with slope hazards and environmental impact. o In the likely event of a CLOCA staff recommended refusal, the application would need to be considered by the CLOCA Board -convened Hearing in order to make a decision on the application. o At a hearing, the Municipality of Clarington would need to make representations in support of the application. Due to the risks associated with slope hazards and environmental impact, Municipal staff would not be in a position to make favourable representations, which will necessitate Council seeking and obtaining representation in advance of the hearing event. o The CLOCA Hearing Board may refuse the application or may approve it with conditions that may not be foreseen. o Should the application be refused by the CLOCA Hearing Board, Council may lodge an appeal to the Mining and Lands Tribunal, which would then convene a new hearing likely after a matter of months. Should Council decide to pursue the original alignment, there is a clear route to obtaining the necessary approvals to allow the tendering and construction processes to proceed within the OMCC Program timeline requirements. Dates noted are approximate. o May 3, 2021 - Submission of Infrastructure Permit to CLOCA for review. CLOCA has advised their typical review process would require approximately four weeks. o July 5, 2021 - Upon review of the application, the engineering consultant will likely require additional time (estimated 4 weeks) to revise the design to suit the agreed upon requirements and amend the tender documentation. o August 6, 2021 - It is recommended that the Municipality issue a minimum three week tender due to the complexity and challenges of constructing the trail alignment. o September 13, 2021 - Assuming the tender pricing is favorable, the Staff recommendation report would be submitted to the next General Government Committee Meeting. Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 Page 8 o October 15, 2021 - Assuming a favorable vote to proceed with the project, issuance of a Purchase Order to the Contractor, assembly of contract documentation, pre -construction meeting, and time to mobilization could take several weeks. o December 24, 2021 — Deadline for construction completion. 5. Financial Implications 5.1 Staff undertook a refinement of the preliminary trail design along both the Council selected alignment and original alignment to incorporate the recommendations of the slope stability analysis into each design. This in turn was used to calculate a more detailed itemized cost estimate of the works and to provide an update for Council's consideration in advancing this project through detailed design. 5.2 Estimated total costs to build the remainder of Farewell Creek Trail from the Phase 1 terminus to Townline Road have been provided in Table 2 below. The estimated cost for Phase 2B includes design, tendering, contract administration, inspection, material testing, regulatory permits, and a 10% contingency. The costs however do not reflect any tree compensation that would be required and will need to be considered as additional costs to the figures below. Additionally, total approved and allocated funding to date has been provided in Table 3 below. Farewell Creek Trail — Project Item Cost Phase 2A — Construction (Based on tender pricing received) $1,360,100 Slope Stability Analysis $50,400 Land Appraisal — Ecological Gift Lands $3,600 Ecological Gift Lands — Change of Use Tax $16,000 Phase 2B — Preliminary Design $12,200 Total Project Commitments To Date $1,442,300 Phase 2B — Council Selected Alignment* $2,151,000 Phase 2B — Original Alignment* $1,324,000 Total Cost — Phase 2A + Council Selected Alignment $3,593,300 Total Cost — Phase 2A + Original Alignment $2,766,300 *Refer to CIMA Updated Preliminary Design Updated Cost Estimate in Attachment 2 Table 2: Total Estimated Cost of Construction of Phase 2 Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 Page 9 Funding Funding Source Amount Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2 (Townline Rd. to Phase 1 Trail) 2019 (110-32-325-83288-7401) Funding amount includes $195,000 Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) Grant Funding $1,100,000.00 Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2 (Townline Rd. to Phase 1 Trail) 2020 (110-32-325-83288-7401) Funding amount includes $118,900 Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) Grant Funding $450,000.00 Various Erosion Protection Works (Estimated) 2021 (110-32-340-83437-7401) $98,300.00 Total Available Funding $1,648,300.00 Table 3: Allocated Funding Sources 5.3 The disparity between the available allocated funding and the total estimated project cost, for both the Council selected alignment and the original alignment, can be attributed to several factors as outlined below. The project budget was completed at a time when detailed design for Phase 2 had not been initiated and much of the components requiring intensive engineering design had not been identified and known at the time. Several prominent items are as follows: The original trail alignment did not foresee the need for slope stabilization measures to the level that is recommended in the slope stability analysis and, when the Council selected alignment was introduced as an alternative for the project, it was anticipated that more rudimentary stabilization measures e.g. armor stone retaining wall, could be utilized. The slope stability analysis concluded that these measures would not be a viable and safe solution for long term slope stability, and specifically stated an engineered retained soil system wall would be required; • The budget did not factor in the requirement for an access road to be constructed for Phase 2A from Darlington Boulevard to the trail location. This access road is required to facilitate transport of trail building materials, the bridge structures, construction equipment, etc.; The triple culvert crossing required to traverse the Robert Adams stormwater management pond outfall in Phase 2A had seen a substantial erosion event since the Phase 2 trail was initially conceptualized. This elongated the length of the pond outfall channel crossing and required an increase in erosion protection for bank stability at the crossing location; Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 Page 10 The bridge locations of Phase 2A were since finalized and had undergone crossing location adjustments in consultation with CLOCA which led to an elongation of one of the bridge spans; • Undertaking of detailed design allows for a much more granular analysis and consideration of existing environmental features. The Farewell Creek valley is a more challenging environment than most of the other recently constructed trails within Clarington and requires more involvement with protection of ecological features, slope stabilization, earthworks management, and erosion protection works; The degree of existing tree impacts / removals and compensation were unforeseen at project conception. Key Items and Financial Factors - Council Selected Alignment 5.4 A substantial portion of the cost for Phase 2B is attributable to the works that are required to ensure long term slope stability of the embankment as detailed in the slope stability analysis. Of particular note is the requirement for a retained/reinforced soil wall system to address areas of significant stability concern. These types of systems are costly due to the amount of earth excavation, installation of drainage systems, and the requirements to construct the retained soil wall system in a strategic layered approach. The total estimated cost (including design, construction, inspection, testing, etc.) associated for this retained soil system on the Council selected alignment is estimated to be upwards of $700,000. This cost is based on unit rates that were received through tenders of similar projects and has been adjusted upwards to reflect the physical constraints of building the reinforced soil wall along the slope face, construction of a stable working platform, utilization of smaller equipment to conduct the installation, increased duration of construction, etc. 5.5 As the trail would be situated atop of the retaining wall, a substantial elevation difference between the trail and the existing ground below is created. As the trail will be utilized by cyclists who are situated higher above the ground while cycling, a `guard' type of handrail is required along the trail alignment that is of sufficient height to protect a cyclist in a fall, is non -climbable, and has vertical slats / pickets that must be closely spaced. The total estimated cost (including design, construction, inspection, etc.) for the handrail is estimated to be approximately $140,000. 5.6 The alignment traversing along the face of the slope requires a larger footprint of disturbance for all components of its construction. This translates into a larger volume of earthworks (soil) that will be required to be exported off site as placing this material as fill within the Farewell Creek valley would not be permitted and filling along the slope face would likely be detrimental to long term slope stability. The total estimated cost Municipality of Clarington Page 11 Report PWD-017-21 (including design, construction, inspection, testing, etc.) associated with earthworks is estimated to be $180,000. 5.7 An itemized cost estimate based on the updated preliminary design has been provided in the Updated Cost Comparison report in Attachment 2. 5.8 The Municipality of Clarington was a successful recipient of funding from the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling (OMCC) Program in the amount of $313,899.53, of which the majority was to be utilized for the constriction of Phase 2 of the Farewell Creek Trail. The funding requires that a project be substantially and functionally completed by December 31, 2021. The funding also requires the trail connect to significant trip origins and destinations with commuter cycling infrastructure. The Phase 2A termination limit does not meet the obligations of the OMCC funding Agreement. 5.9 The estimated completion date of the project falls close to the deadlines outlined in the OMCC funding Agreement. There may be a risk that the completion date of the project exceeds the deadlines of the OMCC Agreement, in which case the Municipality would not be eligible to apply the OMCC funds to this project. The Municipality would need to divert OMCC funding previously allocated to Farewell Creek Trail — Phase 2 to other qualifying projects. An updated list of projects needs to be submitted to the OMCC for approval prior to diversion of any funding, and so this decision would need to be made soon to allow time for review by the Province, and for the design, tendering and construction of the alternate project by the December 31, 2021 deadline. 5.10 As detailed design is not complete on this project, and in light of the recommendation of the Slope Stability Assessment, staff are unable to accurately assess any expected cost increases due to late season construction given the existing soil conditions. Several factors may influence construction requirements and sequencing such as wetter weather, elevated groundwater conditions, more robust construction platform requirements, etc. It is likely that costs to construct the Council selected alignment in the Fall will be at a premium to the above provided estimates as tenders later in the year are also subject to contractor availability. As a high level estimate, these factors could further increase the cost of a project of this type by 20%, or approximately $430,000 for the proposed trail alignment. 5.11 Based on the construction cost estimate for the Council selected alignment as noted in section 5.2, there is an anticipated funding shortfall of $1,945,000 which will need to be drawn from a reserve fund for completion of Phase 2B of the project in 2021. At the time of tender and recommendation of award for Phase 2B, funding options will be provided once actual construction costs have been obtained. Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 6. Alternative Trail Alignment Page 12 6.1 As an alternate option, Staff reviewed a modification to the current trail alignment that that was suggested earlier in the design process by Council and the public. This alignment would see one branch of the trail from the Phase 2A terminus lead toward Townline Road along Farewell Creek, with a future potential connection to Oshawa's trail (green route in Figure 2 below), while the other branch would revert to the original alignment that followed the top of the stormwater management facility berm and continues west to Townline Road (orange route in Figure 2 below). A preliminary high level cost estimate has been prepared for this trail branch, including the bridge crossing, and is estimated to cost approximately $455,000. This alternative trail alignment is not considered as part of the approved funding for Farewell Creek Trail to date and will need to be budgeted for in a future year. 6.2 If this alignment is selected, staff will further review the alternate trail branch alignment suggestion with CLOCA which may achieve the same goals Council sought from the Council selected alignment, namely being within the wooded portion of the valley and to be able to see and hear Farewell Creek. Municipality of Clarington Page 13 Report PWD-017-21 Figure 2: Alternative trail alignment 6.3 Staff will also consult with the City of Oshawa and their Active Transportation Committee. The outcomes of the site meeting and discussions with these stakeholders will be submitted to Council as a report for future consideration with an updated estimate of the costs required to complete this modification. 7. Concurrence Not Applicable. 8. Conclusion The preliminary design and background work completed to date demonstrate that the design and construction of the Council selected alignment for Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2B contains increased slope hazard risk, risks to table land private property, increased ecological impact, increased overall project costs, and ultimately risk of project approval. These factors are in excess of what was initially understood at project conception and at costs exceeding the allocated funding for Farewell Creek Trail. It is respectfully requested that Council provide Staff with direction whether the Council selected alignment for Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2B be further pursued in light of the financial, environmental, and timeline challenges and constraints, OR that Council advise Staff to pursue the original alignment along the top of the Pinedale Crescent stormwater management pond berm to Townline Road, with consideration for a secondary future connection along the creek alignment to Clarington's boundary. Staff Contact: Robert Brezina, Capital Works Engineer, 905-623-3379 ext. 2331 or RBrezina@Clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 — Typical Trail Cross Section - Station 4+540 Attachment 2 — Documentation and comments regarding CLOCA policy & guidelines, terrestrial ecology, environmental review, and permit requirements Attachment 3 — Tree Inventory and Impacts Assessment, Updated Cost Estimate Comparison to Support Farewell Creek Phase 2B Geotechnical Recommendations, Geotechnical Investigation — Slope Stability Assessment Interested Parties: Municipality of Clarington Report PWD-017-21 The following interested parties will be notified of Council's decision: CLOCA CIMA+ Page 14 FAREWELL CREEK RECREATIONAL TRAIL - PHASE 2B TYPICAL CROSS SECTION - STATION 4+540 +/- SHOWING BOTH ORIGINAL AND COUNCIL RECOMMENDED ALIGNMENTS FAREWELL CREEK 87.85 m r4-9.10 mt � e rv�wsr r Attachment 2 to Report PWD-017-21 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority March 2, 2021 Robert Brezina Capital Works Engineer Municipality of Clarington, Public Works Department 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Dear Robert: Subject: CLOCA Comments for March 81" Staff Report Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2B Municipality of Clarington, Region of Durham CLOCA IMS File: RCON196 Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. Further to our recent discussions and submissions of technical information, we wish to provide you with the following detailed comments with respect to the proposed development activity. Applicable CLOCA Policies Please see the following CLOCA Policy & Procedural Guidelines for Regulation & Plan Review. 5.3.1 Policies for Erosion Hazards - River and Stream Valleys. The following outlines the specific policies for implementing CLOCA's regulation 42106 with respect to erosion hazards associated with a river and stream valleys: 1) Development is prohibited within the erosion hazard of a river or stream valley except where allowed under policies ( — and subject to the General Policies; 4) Public parks and passive outdoor recreational uses (e.g., passive, or low intensity outdoor recreation and education, trail systems) may be permitted if it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of CLOCA that: • there is no feasible alternative location outside of the erosion hazard; passive outdoor recreational uses generally means, minimal site alteration, infrastructure and structures and provide for low intensive recreational uses such as trail systems. • buildings, structures, and parking facilities are located outside of the erosion hazard; • a geotechnical study demonstrates that there is no impact on existing and future slope stability; and • unacceptable risks to life and property do not result. Policy Analysis In evaluating the revised proposal against the applicable policies captioned above, we observe that: 100 WHITING AVENUE OSHAWA ON L1 H 3T3 I P.9055790411 I F.9055790994 I CLOCA.COM Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. • There is a feasible alternative location that is either out of the erosion hazard or in a less hazardous location; • The proposal requires extensive site alteration in compared to the alternative alignment; • Structures would be required within the erosion hazard; • The geotechnical study has not demonstrated that there would be no impact on existing and future slope stability; • Risks to table land property are present and may result from construction and/or improper future maintenance of the proposed alignment. Environmental Engineering It is the opinion of CLOCA staff that despite geotechnical engineering of the disturbed slope to accommodate the trail, the proposed mid -slope trail will result in unacceptable risk. The existing slope is steep and covered in mature forest. The geotechnical report notes presence of curved tree trunks, and indicator of gradual slope movement. While the trail and disturbed portion of the slope could be engineered (requiring perpetual monitoring and maintenance), the removal of mature vegetation and placement of a trail mid slope may have unforeseen consequences on the remaining valley slope. This trail alternative does not meet CLOCA policy for approval, and CLOCA staff strongly recommend alternative trail configurations. (See attached Memo from CLOCA's Environmental Engineering Department for further technical detail and analysis.) Terrestrial Ecology With respect to the Farewell Phase 2B trail alignment, compensation, as it applies to natural features, can only be applied when all options for the maintenance of a feature have been exhausted. The hierarchy of mitigation outlines the following steps in order to facilitate the project/development: 1. Avoidance - Prevent impacts from occurring, by changing project location, scope, nature of timing of activities. 2. Minimize - Reduce the duration, intensity and/or extent of impacts that cannot be avoided. 3. Mitigate - Rehabilitate or restore features or functions that have been exposed to impacts that could not be avoided or minimized. 4. Compensate - Create or restore new habitat to compensate for loss that could not be avoided, minimized, or mitigated. Compensation should be a rare activity and should only apply to features that can in fact, be reasonably replicated. (i.e., young successional tree/shrub communities and simple wetland communities). Climax communities such as the significant Farewell Creek Valley, in this location, is a complex ecosystem with many ecosystem services that can not simply be replaced. It has taken several generations for these communities to evolve. The option of compensation is premature as there are more suitable alternatives to the trail location that would minimize the overall disturbance to the ecosystem. With respect to the Trunk formulation for appraising trees, this methodology is based more on tree value as opposed to ecological services. As trees age and reach a point of over maturity their economic value decreases. Conversely their ecological value may well be peaking at this time. In order to provide a complete appraisal of the vegetation proposed for removal in each alignment scenario, the value of the ecological services must be considered. Economic value of the trees is only one applicable factor. Ecological goods and services need to factor in the following: Air Quality, Climate regulation (carbon stored), Climate regulation (carbon uptake), Page12 Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. Water runoff control, Water filtration, Soil formation, Waste treatment, Pollination (agriculture), Seed dispersal, Biological control & Recreation & Aesthetics. See CLOCA's Action plan for Ecological Goods and Service at the link below: https://03879aO7-372c-443e-997e-ae65078d7559.filesusr.com/ugd/b3995f 06185f605b264622af69c49d5d6eb4a9.pdf Additional Considerations CLOCA staff note that, in addition to the permanent and ongoing monitoring and maintenance that would be required of the proposed engineered solution, the project would entail the municipality assuming responsibility as a result of any failure or adverse effects should the slope be destabilized during construction or as a result of a failure to continually implement the prescribed monitoring program in future years. Permit Requirements With respect to any future applications with respect to this application, in addition to the applicable policies discussed above, the proposal must meet the required statutory tests for approval contained in the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 42/06. We look forward to continuing to work with you as this project is refined. Please feel free to contact the undersigned should you have any questions. Yours truly, �] AD Fff�q-- Andrew Fera Infrastructure Planner / Enforcement Officer Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority afera@cloca.com 1 905-244-8774 Attach. Technical Memo from CLOCA's Environmental Engineering Department Cc: Chris Jones, Director of Planning & Regulation (clones@cloca.com) Page 13 Ar ,f,&"Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Memo from Environmental Engineering Date: To: From: Materials Reviewed: Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. March 1, 2021 File: RCON196 Andrew Fera Cc: Chris Jones Perry Sisson Subject: Farewell Creek Trail — Phase 2B Alignment. Valley Geotechnical Investigation, Slope Stability and Proposed Recreational Trail Design Farewell Creek Valley, Courtice (Golder Assoc ,September 17, 2020) ENVIRONEMNAL ENGINEERING REVIEW Further to on -going conversations regarding the above noted trail proposal, I offer the following concerns and review of the geotechnical report and proposed mid -slope alternative trail construction: The mid -slope trail alternative is located on a steep valley slope of the Farewell Creek that is densely covered in mature forest vegetation. The Golder report notes the slope extends 21m to 28m above the creek elevation, and has steep slopes ranging from 1:1 to 3:1 (horizontal distance: vertical distance). Farewell Creek lies immediately at the toe of the slope. Residential dwellings along Pinedale Crescent are located directly behind the top of slope, and are within the erosion hazard of the Farewell Creek stream and valley. The Golder study notes: "...localised areas of soft soils associated with sloughed soils and flowing groundwater at surface were observed along the face of the slope and located at elevations from about mid -slope to the toe of slope. Signs of erosion and instability, including surface creep, were also observed along the slope face indicated by exposed tree roots and characteristic tree bending." The slope is located in the Iroquois Beach physiographic feature and contains both sandy and till soils. The Golder visual assessment of the slope found "signs of localised and surficial instabilities on the valley slope surface" which includes the following: • Exposed tree roots; • Tree bending (curved trunks) and tilting due to surface creep; • Presence of localised areas of sloughed soils and soft, wet spots; • Toe erosion at the bank of the creek; and • Seeping groundwater at surface." 100 WHITING AVENUE OSHAWA ON L1 H 3T3 I P.9055790411 I F.9055790994 I CLOCA.COM Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. These findings are further substantiated with observed evidence of: several localized areas of soft soil that probably accumulated due to active erosion of the wet surficial soils. Golder's slope stability analysis concluded the existing slope is stable with respect to deep seated failure mechanisms, but sections of the slope do not meet stable slope criteria with respect to surficial slope failure. CLOCA staff have noted the forest vegetation to be of significant age and structure. These slopes are very sensitive to disturbance. Any activity that removes mature vegetation, alters the health of existing vegetation, changes the hydrology, drainage patterns or groundwater/ seepage conditions, or disturbs surficial soils, is likely to create further instability throughout the slope. With respect to proposed trail construction on the slope, Golder notes the use of gabion, armour stone, or concrete retaining walls would result in a reduction of the safety factor and are not recommended. Golder suggests soils anchor/soil nail construction for the proposed mid slope trail as a concept, but notes: "The proposed regrading of the slopes and construction of retaining walls is anticipated to be difficult due to the existing terrain and heavy vegetation (including mature trees). In addition, site access is expected to be challenging and problematic due to varying slope gradients as well as presence of soft and wet areas. Regrading of the existing slopes will require removal of vegetation (including mature trees) and use of benching and engineered fill to construct the minimum slope stable gradient of 2H:1V under the short-term condition for site access. The reconstruction of the slope will likely require cuts (initially from the upper portion of the slope) in order to maintain the slopes short term stability and then reconstruction of the slope to the desired geometry from the bottom up using benched engineered fill." It is clear that the proposed trail construction would result in severe and extensive disturbance to the valley slope. Details of the full extent of the disturbance would become more evident through the detailed design process, and construction, but is likely to include massive removal of mature trees and regrading of significant portions of the existing slope. Golder further notes "It should be noted that the proposed construction activities noted above will likely result in significant site disturbance and vegetation/tree removal. It is strongly recommended that further discussions between the contractor, Municipality, Golder and CLOCA be held to address issues related to tree removal and slope regrading." Even with this complete reconstruction of major portions of the slope, the remaining undisturbed slope portions are likely to be impacted through: • Changes in hydrology o Less tree canopy leads to reduced rain interception and evapotranspiration and more soil moisture and runoff. 0 3m paved (impervious) trail will create more stormwater runoff and may concentrate runoff to locations on the slope. • Changes in vegetation health o Opening of tree canopy leads to impacted health of remaining trees and reduced surficial soil stability due to decline in root health. Page12 Healthy watersheds for today and tomorrow. These changes create a significant risk of further failure of the remaining valley slope and poses a risk to the existing Pinedale Crescent homes that, in my opinion, are unacceptable. In conclusion, the existing Farewell Creek valley slope is a tall and steep slope with varying sandy and till soils and groundwater seepage, and the Farewell Creek directly at the toe of slope. The existing slope shows signs of surficial creep and minor sloughing, but has been historically stable due to the presence of very mature forest vegetation. Existing homes are perched on the top of slope and are within the erosion hazard. A mid slope trail proposal has been proposed, and Golder Associates has provided a concept for this proposal. They note, however, very difficult conditions for construction, and it can be concluded that a significant portion of the existing slope would be disturbed to complete the work, and the remaining portions of the slope would also be negatively impacted. This would lead to greater concern for slope stability and future slope failures that could impact existing homes and property. While the trail and disturbed portion of the slope could be engineered (requiring perpetual monitoring and maintenance), the removal of mature vegetation and placement of a trail mid slope may have unforeseen consequences on the remaining valley slope. This trail alternative does not meet CLOCA policy for approval, and in my opinion poses an unacceptable risk for future slope failure and impacts to existing property. Alternative trail configurations that avoid this portion of the valley slope should be pursued. Page 13 CIM/IV+ Revised February 2611, 2021 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. Stephen Brake, Director of Public Works RE: Tree Inventory and Impact Assessment, Updated Cost Estimates and Comparison to Support Farewell Creek Phase 2B Geotechnical Recommendations Dear Mr. Brake: As per the outline provided in our proposal dated February 41h , 2021, CIMA Canada Inc. (CIMA+) has completed the necessary topographic survey update to capture the impacted trees within the Council recommended trail alignment as well as the tree inventory and assessment for both the Council preferred alignment and the original trial alignment. A summary of the updated base plan information from the survey and the tree inventory is provided in Attachment 1. We have also revised the preliminary design to incorporate the recommendations of the Golder Associates' (Golder) Slope Stability Assessment dated September 171h, 2020 for construction of the trail to ensure the long-term stability of the valley wall during and after construction of the trail. Cost estimates for the revised preliminary design were updated and also compared with cost estimates for the original alignment along with updating the cost estimates for the balance of the trail connecting to the closest sidewalks at Cherrydown Drive and to the southwest limit of the Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2A. The following sections will outline in more detail the work that was completed. BACKGROUND As part of the design of the Council preferred alignment for the Farewell Creek Trail, CIMA+ and Clarington staff walked the trail alignment and identified concerns with slope steepness and stability as well as water seepage. In order to address these concerns Council approved the commissioning of a geotechnical investigation and slope stability analysis for the area of concern bound by Townline Road to the west and the existing stormwater management pond to the east (STA 4+440 to 4+630 as identified on the attached trail alignment drawings). Golder undertook the geotechnical work in the summer of 2020 and provided their final report in September of 2020. Golder's report identified two areas where long term slope stability was a concern if a trail was constructed on the Council preferred alignment. The report recommended that remedial measures would be required from roughly STA 4+460 to 4+510 and from STA 4+550 to 4+600 to ensure the long-term stability of the slope. Due to the existing slope composition a traditional armor stone or C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 213 Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx MNCENTRIC) 415 Baseline Road West, 2d Floor Bowmanville, ON L1 C 5M2 CANADA T 905 697-4464 F 905-697-0443 Best Employer- - - CANAOA 2019 February 11, 2021 Page 2 of 11 M precast concrete gravity retaining wall were determined to not be viable options to improve stability and would be detrimental to the slope stability if used. In this regard, requirements for an alternative wall design were identified. KWGSWOW DR J -fARETrfI,L �E1c ` PHASE 26 COUNOL PREFERM TRAIL AUONMENT se6TbInNRR WAN AGDO T 1 moo► Y 1 I � I PfEDALE CAES ALIGLENJ OPTIONS k MATCHR4G POINT 1 SOUTH LIMIT OF - - - �PHA,sE 26 - - r PHASE 2A TRAIL I uk TNS I rIOM pj- I.114GWAY OR �00 i T :.I PHASE 2e ORIpNAL TRAIL ALIGNMENT 5 ' GLENA88EY DR T Y--- T- `YTT -F--\ i—T—T—F-0 Figure 1: Key Plan of Trail Alignment Options C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate RevO5.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 3 of 11 2 UPDATED PROPOSED DESIGN Based on the recommendations from Golder the design of Council preferred alignment has been modified to include a Retained/Reinforced Soil Wall (RSW) or Retained Soil System (RSS) wall to address the areas of stability concern. Additionally, in the interest of minimizing the number of trees impacted by extensive down slope grading, the design has also been modified to include the RSW/RSS treatment within the full length of the treed area of the slope running continuously from roughly 4+450 to 6+630. The complete Golder technical memorandum is provided in Appendix B for reference. An RSW/RSS typically includes a reinforced face that consist of either stone within a steel mesh or concrete panels, the face is then `tied -back' into the soil behind the wall. The `tie -backs' typically consists of geogrid material that also serves to reinforce the soil (backfill) that is placed behind the wall. Figure 1 illustrates a typical cross-section of an RSS wall in a roadway application. =advis units Figure 2: Cross Section of Typical RSS Wall The Municipality of Clarington has used this type of system in the past on their Bond Head active transportation improvement project on Mill Street where it was placed between Graham Creek and Mill Street to provide a stable platform for the pedestrian trail and viewing platform. The photos provided in the below figures show the wall and its components at various stages of construction. C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 4 of 11 M Figure 3: Wall Staging with Geogrid Tie Backs Wire Grid Wall r 3 •3� � �` � ,Jrirr � - y t $ Figure 4: RSS Wall - Subdrain, Geogrid, Backfill and Typical Equipment for Construction C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 5 of 11 M e it Figure 5: Stone Outside Face of RSS Wall with Geogrid Tie Backs Figure 6: Granular Backfill Placement C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 6 of 11 M Figure 7: Treatment at Pipe Outfall Figure 8: Special Preparation for Railing Footings C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 7 of 11 M Figure 9: Finished Wall Face with Storm Outlet Figure 10: Wall Face with Minimal Disturbance Beyond Wall Base C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 8 of 11 M Figure 11: Installed Railing System (guard) With the use of the reinforced soil retention walls at locations that were confirmed to have slope stability concerns, Golder's the long-term (drained) analysis determined that the factor of safety would be 1.5 or greater which is considered acceptable for slope design. The RSS Wall is also proposed for the trail within the existing established wooded area east of the storm pond slope. Across the face of the constructed pond slope grading at 2.5:1 would be used to establish the trail platform with the intent of reducing trail costs. As part of the RSS Wall design a railing meeting the requirements of a `guard' will be required due to the 1.0 m to 3.5 m+ wall heights. The railing will be of sufficient height (1.4 m) to account for use of the trail by cyclists similar to the one shown in Figure 11. In order to address water runoff from the backslope above the trail and to take the runoff from the trail surface in a manner that will not compromise the RSS Wall base a concrete gutter will be constructed on the upslope side of the trail cross-section. Ditch inlets and pipe outlets (through the wall system) at sufficient frequency will also be used to effectively manage the water runoff. The plan and profile drawing for the Council recommended alignment is provided in Appendix C along with the typical RSS Wall details from the Bond Head Active Transportation Improvement project on Mill Street. Note that the plan and profile drawing was used as part of the geotechnical C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 9 of 11 lie report and the notes related to armor stone retaining walls are no longer applicable as they are proposed to be replaced with the RSS Wall as recommended by Golder. 3 TREE INVENTORY, ASSESSMENT AND VALUATION In addition to the geotechnical investigation and analysis that was undertaken to support the design and construction of the trail along the Council recommended alignment, Clarington staff requested that a tree inventory, analysis, and valuation be undertaken. Considering the concern raised by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) staff regarding the impact the trail would have on the mature forest on the slope that this trail alignment traverses, Clarington staff wanted to have a full accounting of the area to better inform their design and discussions with CLOCA staff moving forward. The full details of the inventory including a drawing showing the area of influence and impact of both the Council recommended alignment and the original design alignment are provided in Appendix A. Also included in the drawing set is a summary table of all trees impacted including the tree species, size, condition, structural defects, and estimated impact of trail construction on the trees. Based on the inventory and assessment CIMA+ completed a valuation of the trees based on the Trunk Formula Method provided by the Council of Tree & Landscape Appraisers Guide for Plant Appraisal (10th Edition, Second Printing) to quantify, with a dollar value, the loss of trees based on their importance to the local mature forest and to the residential properties that currently benefit from the presence of the trees. The valuation also considers such things as the tree size, health, species importance, defects, and location. 3.1 COUNCIL PREFERRED ALIGNMENT A total of 217 trees are expected to require removal due to conflict with construction zones for Council recommended trail alignment, as per the summary chart below. These trees consist predominantly of Elm, Hemlock, Beech, Birch, Cedar and Poplar that are part of well established and mature forest. The presence of very large Hemlock and Yellow Birch are significant contributors to the overall health and character of the forest and stabilize the valley slopes with their extensive root systems. Table 1 below provides a summary of the number of trees that would be removed and the range in the size of trees removed. C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 10 of 11 Table 1: Tree Removals Along Council Preferred Alignment A� DBH of Trees to Be Removed (Diameter at Breast Height) 0-5cm 10-20cm 20-30cm 30-40cm 40cm + Total Individual - - 10 20 13 43 Trees in _ 113 55 6 - 174 Groups 113 65 26 13 217 Total 217 trees to be removed Appraised $393,020 for 217 trees to be removed Value 3.2 ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT A total of 123 trees are expected to require removal due to conflict with construction zones for the trail along the original alignment. The trees that would be removed to construct the trail along the original alignment are predominantly Spruce, Cedar, Maple, Manitoba Maple, and Ash, and 2 very large Yellow Birch trees that are reaching the end of their lifespan. Table 2 below provides a summary of the number of trees that would be removed and the range in the size of trees removed: Table 2: Tree Removals Along Original Alignment DBH of Trees to Be Removed (Diameter at Breast Height) 0-5cm 10-20cm 20-30cm 30-40cm 40cm + Total Individual 2 19 2 7 3 33 Trees in _ 50 40 - - 90 Groups 2 69 42 7 3 123 Total 123 trees to be removed Appraised $208,580 for 123 trees to be removed Value Typically, based on experience, CLOCA may request that all trees removed must be replaced with the same or a greater number of "new" trees as compensation while other jurisdictions require replacement or compensation based on the value of the trees removed. 4 UPDATED COST ESTIMATES Along with the updated design for the trail based on the recommendations of Golder's geotechnical assessment CIMA+ has updated the cost estimate for construction to include the use of RSS walls C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.c� February 11, 2021 Page 11 of 11 lie where necessary to address slope stability and reduction in impact to the mature tree canopy. The estimate updates also reflect costs changes consistent with similar trail construction over the last couple of years. The following is a summary of the trail construction costs to complete the trail from Cherrydown Drive to the limit of Phase 2A. 4+290 to 4+430 and 4+720 to 5+000(Common Alignment) $479,000 4+430 to 4+720 (Council Recommended Alignment) $1,249,000 Other Costs (design/tendering, Admin., Contingencies, Permits) $423,000 TOTAL $2,151,000 4+290 to 4+430 and 4+720 to 5+000(Common Alignment) $479,000 4+430 to 4+720 (Original Alignment) $585,000 Other Costs (design/tendering, Admin., Contingencies, Permits) $260,000 TOTAL $1,324,000 The biggest factor contributing to the price difference between the two options above is the retained soil system wall and railing which accounts for approximately $665,000 of difference between the two options. A detailed breakdown of the cost estimates is provided in Appendix D. The tree valuation costs are not included in the above cost estimates for the trail. A photo log of the two alternative trail routes between STA 4+430 and 4+720 are provided in Appendix E. We would like to thank the Municipality of Clarington for providing CIMA+ the opportunity to work on this unique trail design. Should you have any questions regarding this technical memorandum or any of the supporting material, we would be glad to assist you. Best regards, CIMA Canada Inc. Ron Albright, P.Eng. Project Director Ron.Albright@cima.ca 070114 \\ Dan Campbell Senior Project Manager / Associate Partner Dan. Campbell@cima.ca C14-0287-Farewell Creek Trail -Phase 2B Tree Impact and Cost Estimate Rev05.docx cima.ca Appendix A: Tree Inventory CIANV,k+ CIM/X+ February 11, 2021 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON U C 3A6 Attention: Mr. Stephen Brake Director of Public Works RE: Tree Inventory and Impact Assessment, Appraisal Value Comparison between Trail Alignments 1 (Original) and 2 (Council recommended) Dear Mr. Brake: A tree inventory and assessment were completed to review the trees potentially affected by both trail alignments. An ISA Certified Arborist from CIMA+ conducted site visits on February 5t" and 8t" 2021. Trees were numbered, identified, measured, and assessed for condition. The tree inventory tables containing this information are included on Tree Inventory Plans 1 through 4 (attached). Alignment 1: A total of 62 individual trees and 3 tree groupings were identified within the area impacted by Alignment 1 (magenta hatch) and includes all trees numbered 1 through 62, as well as tree groups A through C (90 trees within groups). A total of 123 trees are expected to require removal due to conflict with the construction zone for trail Alignment 1, as per the summary chart below. Tree Removal Summary - Alignment 1 (magenta) DBH Diameter at Breast Height) 0-5cm 10-20cm 20-30cm 30-40cm 40cm + 2 19 2 7 3 50 40 Total: 33 + 50 + 40 = 123 trees to be removed (Individual Trees) (Tree within Groupings) The trees that would be removed to construct Alignment 1 are predominantly Spruce, Cedar, Maple, Manitoba Maple, and Ash, and 2 very large Yellow Birch trees that are reaching the end of their lifespan. C14-0287-Farewell Creek Tree Summary_R5.docx 415 Baseline Road West, 2nd Floor Bowmanville, ON L1 C 5M2 CANADA T 905 697-4464 F 905-697-0443 KINCENTRI0 Best Employer CANADA2019 February 11, 2021 Page 2 of 4 A+k Photo Examale of Trail Alianment 1: Alignment 2: A total of 46 individual trees and 12 tree groupings were identified within Alignment 2 (yellow hatch) and includes all trees numbered 63 through 108, as well as tree groups D through O (174 trees within groups). A total of 217 trees are expected to require removal due to conflict with construction zones for trail Alignment 2, as per the summary chart below. Tree Removal Summary - Alignment 2 DBH Diameter at Breast Height 0-5cm 10-20cm 20-30cm 30-40cm 40cm + 10 20 13 113 55 6 Total: 43 + 113 + 55 + 6 = 217 trees to be removed (Individual Trees) (Tree within Groupings) The trees that would be removed to construct Alignment 2 are predominantly Elm, Hemlock, Beech, Birch, Cedar and Poplar that are part of well established and mature forest. Very large Hemlock and Yellow Birch are significant contributors to the overall health of the forest and stabilize the valley with their extensive root system. These species are not predominant in the area, especially at their larger size, and preference should be given to protect these trees. Alignment 2 would require the removal of more large trees (39 trees >30cm) than Alignment 1 (10 trees > 30cm). This is significant because larger trees provide more ecological benefits and take much longer to replace. C14-0287-Farewell Creek Tree Summary_R5.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 3 of 4 A+k Photo Examale of Trail Alianment 2: - y \ 4 ` - .01 ' Removal of these mature trees along the slope face would result in significant impacts and with the slow growth rate of these trees, reestablishment of the existing forest through the area would be unlikely to replicate the existing healthy ecosystem. Forests of this mature nature and advanced age are limited within the Municipality of Clarington. There is also potential for additional tree loss due to slope failure and injury from trail construction and associated grading. Additional maintenance for Alignment 2 should be expected to keep the trail area clear of potentially hazardous branches and trees as nearby trees decline due to root damage. The potential for maintenance issues associated with erosion must also be recognized given the significant slope that would be disturbed to construct the trail. Appraisal Value Comparison: As requested by Clarington, CIMA+ has used the Trunk Formula Technique (Reproduction Method) of the Council of Tree & Landscape Appraisers Guide for Plant Appraisal (loth Edition, Second Printing) to apply a value to the existing trees. This value is based on the cost of planting nursery trees, proportionally increased to represent the size of the tree being removed. The goal of this approach is to provide a comparison of the total tree value that would be impacted by moving forward with Alignment 1 or Alignment 2. This does not take into account the additional impacts of Alignment 2 on the forest ecosystem. While Alignment 1 would impact primarily trees along the edge of the forest, Alignment 2 would disrupt the core of the forest on all sides of the trail, affecting more trees beyond the edges of disturbance, in a sensitive area that would not be able to recover to its current state. The following total appraised values were calculated for the trees that must be removed for each alignment: Alignment 1: $208,580 (original) Alignment 2: $393,020 (Council recommended) C14-0287-Farewell Creek Tree Summary_R5.docx cima.ca February 11, 2021 Page 4 of 4 #*�f CIMA+ Arborist staff have also read the feedback provided by CLOCA staff related to the loss of trees, and concur with their comments as they relate to the uniqueness and importance of the mature forest that exists along the proposed trail alignment. Best regards, CIMA Canada Inc. Sean Nailer, ISA Certified Arborist Senior Technician Sean.Nailer@cima.ca C14-0287-Farewell Creek Tree Summary_R5.docx Lisa Cullen, GALA, ISA Certified Arborist Senior Project Manager / Associate Partner Lisa. Cullen @cima.ca cima.ca This tlrawing M1es been preparetl for me use of --them entl may nol W used. reprotlecetl or reWd upon by MiN pbdi.b. —pt es agreatl by CIMA entl it. client, es re —d by I—, for use by gpvemm-al wing agencies CIMA eroepls no responsibility, entl tlenies any Ilabiliry wM1elsoever, tp any pefiy IM1et motlifies thlstlrewing wilnaN CIMA's express written consem. tis ne resppnsiblliry ofne contredor �o Inman themselves of the axedocation oentles—ell Iiabilily f I A CLIENT: DRAWN BY: L. MAY CHECKED BY: S. NAILER TITLE: FAREWELL CREEK TRAIL n PHASE LB DESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: r em ell ntl obelow gretle before rommencing for tlemegNililies services esWdures wemer above groutsl h EXISTING TREES WITH C 1A tM1e wp*. 6ppM1 information ie net nepessarily aM1mvn pn,he tlrawing. entl ,M1e where eM1awn.pannpti"gMn b. gaarameetl. %I\ TREE INVENTORY NUMBER `� ` ar CI - R. ALBRIGHT TREE INVENTORY S Wits the sole exceplipn M me benchmarks) spec?celly tlescnbetl mrn,ls project, no elevetlan intlicetetl or ssumetl M1ereonm I. be... d ase raferenre elevation for any ppmoP.T.-2ntl al tlimensians entl informe�ion Snell be checketl aria vengetl on the lob entl enytllscrepencies must be reppnetl to ne—idpaliry before rommencing thewoM. At be bbminetl hom—d ! tlimensipns, tlrawings are not to be scaled. Fl--415 Baseline Roatl West, Bow —All., ON L1C 5M Phone: 90G6974464 www.clma.ca SCALE: 1:250 DATE:2 FEBRUARY 2021 PROJECT NUMBER: C14-0287 DRAWING NUMBER: 1 CON TRACT NUMBER: _ 01 2021/02/10 RA ISSUED FOR TREE INVENTORY MOMORANDUM No. DATE BY ISSUES/REVISIONS 11 AREA OF MPACT IT 1 6 i 9Ali, ■ i This tlrawing has been.b.g for the use of CIMA's Gienl entl may y I bB usetl, by gb- or relletl upon by MiN parries. exreptas agreatlby ClMAantl ilsclient, es re9uiretl by law or for use by. CLIENT: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: TITLE: b.y .en�el ' wing agencies CIMA eroapls no responsibility, entl tlenies any Ilabiliry wM1elspever, I. any perry Ihet L. MAY S. NAILER FAREWELL CREEK TRAIL matlifies thlstlmwing wilnaN CIMA's express written consem. d Itls ne resppnsiblliry pfna contrenor �o lnmrm themselves of the exectloc—p[antlasepmaallliabilily A + PHASE LB DESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: helaw gretle befarerommencing for tlamage taall Nil-ti servicesa.Hlyres whether eb.ing, EXISTING TREES WITHC JAW hd the wa*. 6pah information ie net neaessanly ahawn an,M1e tlrawing, entl where aM1own.,M1e aacuraay aannat TREE INVENTORY NUMBER ` IV C - R. ALBRGHT TREE INVENTORY b. gaarameetl. %I\ R S WiM the sole excepli-M Me benchmarks) spec—lly tlescnbetl far this project, no elevatlan intlicatetl SCALE: DATE: ssumetl M1ereon is Io to usetl asa raferenre elevation 11 any pumose. Nltlimensibdbhyd—pandas mastbe 01 2021/02/10 RA ISSUED FOR TREE INVENTORY MOMORANDUM 2ntl Floor-415 Baseline Roatl West, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 5M2 Phone: 90G6974464 www.clma.ca PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING NUMBER: CON TRACT NUMBER: reppnetl to ne--paliry before rommencing th.—Al maesu—Ib mast be bbtainatl from atetatl 1:250 FEBRUARV 2021 C14-0287 2 _ ! dimensions, tlrewings are not to W scalatl. No. DATE BY ISSUES/REVISIONS TREE INVENTORY TABLE: ALIGNMENT 1 Tree No. Common name Scientific name DBH Wro epp— Overall Condition (D), (P/, (F), (G), a (E) Structural Defects Tree Impacts (gnjure/ (R)emove Comments GR COD NA INCL CRB MB DPR SMD ADV LN 1 Spruce Piceasp. 20-30 G dead lower branches 2 Spruce Picea sp. 20-30 G dead lower branches 3 Spruce Piceasp. 20-30 G I dead lower branches 4 Spruce Piceasp. 10-20 G R 2stem 5 Ash Fraxinus sp. 10-1 D I I I I R tree is dead, signs of EAB 6 Cedar Thu-aoccidentalis 20-30 G 1 7 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-20 F X X X R 8 Cedar Thu-aoccidentalis 30-40 G 1 9 Maple Acers . 10-20 F/G X R 10 Maple Acersp. 30-40 G X R 11 Maple Acers . 30-40 G R 12 Maple Acers . 30-40 G R 13 Maple Acersp. 30-40 G R 14 Cedar Thu -a occidentalis 0-5 G R 15 Cedar Thu -a occidentalis 0-5 F R 16 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 30-40 F/P X X X X X R leaning overtrail, potential hazard 17 Cedar Thu -a occidentalis 10-20 F X R 18 Cedar Thu-aoccidentalis 30-40 G 1 19 ICedar Thu-aoccidentalis 30-40 F 20 Cedar Thu-aoccidentalis 10-20 F 21 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-20 F/P X X X X X R exposed roots, cavity at base 22 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 20-30 P X X X X R severe lean overtrail, potential hazard 23 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-20 F R 24 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-15 F R 25 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-15 F R 26 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-15 F R 27 Elm Ulmussp. 10-15 F 1 28 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-15 F X X R 29 ISpruce Piceasp. 10-20 F R suppressed tree, one side lack of needles 30 1 Manitoba Maple Acerne undo 30-40 F leaning towards trail over neighbouring tree 31 Maple Acers . 10-20 F XT—R deadwood in canopy Tree No. Common name Scientific name DBH a(CM) Coverall (D),(P),(F7, (G), a (E) Structural Defects Imp cts (gnjure/ (R)enove Comments GR COD NA INC CRB MBR DPR SMD ADV LN 32 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 10-20 F 1 33 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 10-20 F 1 34 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-20 F X X R 35 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 10-15 G R 36 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 20-30 G I I I I I 1 1 37 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 10-15 G I 38 Black Walnut Juglansnigra 35 F/G X X X I leaning overtrail, on slope 39 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-15 F X X R 40 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 10-20 F 1 41 lCedar Thujaoaidentalis 10'20 F R 42 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 10-20 F 1 43 Maple Acers . 20-30 G X X I 44 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 30-40 F X R leaning ov ertrail, potential hazard 45 Crabapple Malus sp. 10-20 F/P R 46 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 20-30 F R 47 Cedar Thujaoaidentalis 20-30 P R 48 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 10-15 F R 49 Yellow Birch Betulaalle haniensis 30-40 F X X significant deadwood, broken limbs 50 Dead Deciduous Dead Deciduous 10-15 D R 51 1 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 30-40 G X 1 52 Manitoba Maple Acernegundo 30-40 G X R 53 Yellow Birch Betulaalle haniensis 90 F X X X X R significant deadwood 54 Yellow Birch Betulaalle haniensis 90 F I X X X X R significant deadwood 55 Dead Deciduous Dead Deciduous 36 D tree is dead 56 ICedar Thujaoaidentalis 20-30 G clump 57 Yellow Birch Betulaalleghaniensis 45 F X X I deadwood in canopy 58 Ash Fraxinus sp. 43 D I I I I I tree is dead, signs of EAB 59 Ash Fraxinus sp. 44 D itree is dead, signs of EAB 60 Ash Fraxinus sp. 49 D tree is dead, signs of EAB 61 ICedar Thu -a oaidentalis 68 F/P X X X R Loosed roots, cavities at base, significant deadwood TREE GROUPING TABLE: ALIGNMENT 1 Group Common name Scientific (within group) DBH ([IameteratBreast Height) Overall Condition (� (E) (� a (E)(R)ertrove Tree Impacts (gnjure/ Comments 10-20cm 20-30cm 30-40cm A Cedar Thuja sp. 100 20stems 20stems Good R B Cedar Thuja sp. 100 10stems 10stems Good R C Cedar Thuja sp. 100 1 20stems 10stems Good R This drawing M1es been prepared for reuseofClMA's Giant entl may not bB usetl. repmducetl prrelled upon by rite pbdi.b. —pt ee agreed by CIMA and it-wrt, es re —d by law or for use by gpvemmentel wing agencies CIMA a is no responsibility. entl tlenies any (lability whatsoever, I. any pahy net ' matlifies thlstlmwing wilhaut ClMA's express wdMn consem. It Is ne responsibility ofne contreMorI Inman themselves ofne exert loc—of. entl assume ell liability for damage to ell Nilities services entl sWctures whener above grouts or below gretle before rommencing ne-6uchthmrmefianisnotneceseadlyah--netlrawing,entlwhereshown.nea ra annpt be gueremeetl. I Wits the sole exceptionMne benchmarks)spec?catty tlescdbetlfar this pr.j... no.mustier intlicated or ssumetl M1ereon N I. usetl ass referen�elevetian for any pumose. All dimensions entl information Snell be checked era vengetl on the lob entl enytllscrepencies must be reported tone munidpelitybefere commencing the want. At meesu—Ib must be obbb-d hom et d ! dimensions, drawings are not to be s—d. C JIW ! 2rid Fl-- 415 Baseline Road West, Bow hAlle, ON L1C 5M2 Phone: 905-6974464 www.clma.ca CLIENT: • C1-IILJI�� DRAWN BY: L. MAY CHECKED BY: S. NAILER TITLE: FAREWELL CREEK TRAIL n PHASE LB TREE INVENTORY DESIGNED BY: - APPROVED BY: R. ALBRIGHT SCALE: 1:250 DATE: FEBRUARY 2021 PROJECT NUMBER: C14-0287 DRAWING NUMBER: 3 CON TRACT NUMBER: _ 01 2021/02/10 RA ISSUED FOR TREE INVENTORY MOMORANDUM No. DATE BY ISSUES/REVISIONS TREE INVENTORY TABLE: ALIGNMENT 2 Tree No. Common name Scientific name UB,H •approx. Overall Condition (D), (P), (F), (G), or (E) Structural Defects Tree Impacts (gnjure/ (R)emove Comments GR COD NA INCL CRB MBR DPR SMD ADV LN 63 Elm Ulmussp. 20 G R 64 Elm Ulmuss . 20 G R 65 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 30,20 G X R 66 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 50 G R 67 Elm Ulmussp. 20-30 G R 68 Elm Ulmussp. 30-40 G R 69 Elm Ulmussp. 20-30 G R 70 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 30-40 G R dead tree leaning on branches 71 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 30-40 F/G R 2 stem, one main leader broken 72 American Beech Fagus americana 30-40 G X X R tree cavity 73 American Beech Fagus americana 30-40 G X X R 74 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 35,35 G X X R exposed roots 75 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 40-50 G R 76 Maple Acers 30-40 F/G X X R decay at base 77 1 Easte rn He ml ock Tsuga canadensis 30-40 G R 78 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 30-40 G 1 79 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 20-30 G R 80 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 30-40 F/G R suppressed tree 81 White Birch Betula papyrifera 30,30 F X X X X R exposed roots, cavities at base, significant deadwood 82 White Birch Betula papyrifera 40-50 F X X R significant deadwood 83 Cedar Thujaoccidentalis 20-30 F X X 1 84 Eastern Hemlock Tsu acanadensis 40-50 F/P R large tree cavity up trunk 85 American Beech Fa us americana 51 F I X X R significant deadwood Tree No. Common name Scientific name UBH • aP ro Overall Condition (Q)• (F), (F), (G), or (E) Structural Defects Tree Impacts (gnjure/ (R)e—e Comments GR COD NA �INCL� CRB NI DPR SMD ADV LN 86 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 50-60 F/G X X X X X R exposed surface roots 87 Cedar Thujaoccidentalis 30-40 F/P X X X R suppressedtree 88 White Birch Betula papyrifera 20-30 F/G X R 89 White Birch Betula papyrifera 20-30 F/G X R 90 White Birch Betula a rifera 40-50 F/G X R 91 Cedar Thu-aoccidentalis 40-50 F/P X X X R significant deadwood, exosed roots 92 American Beech Fagus americana 20-30 F/G X X R exposed roots 93 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 40-50 G X X R 94 White Birch Betula a rifera 30-40 F X R 95 White Birch Betula papyrifera 30-40 F X R 96 American Beech Fagus americana 30-40 G R 97 American Beech Fagus americana 40-50 F X X X R signs of decay, tree showing signs of stress 98 Poplar Po uluss . 40-50 G X X X R dead tree leaning over branches 99 Poplar Po uluss . 30-40 G R 100 Poplar Po uluss . 30-40 G R 101 American Beech Fagus americana 20-30 G X R 102 Poplar Populus sp. 30-40 G R 103 Cedar Thu-aoccidentalis 30-40 G R 104 Manitoba Maple Acerne undo 30.40 F/G X X R vine growing throughout 105 Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensis 30-40 F X X 1 106 American Beech Fagus americana 20.30 G R 107 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 20.30 F R suppressecitree 108 Cedar Thu -a oaidentalis 40.50 F R marked with bullse a in red spraypaint TREE GROUPING TABLE: ALIGNMENT 2 Group Common name Scientific name (within group) DBH (DameteratBreasBreast Height) Overall Condition (D), (P), (F), (6), or (E) Tree Impacts (gnjure/ (R)emove Comments 10-20cm 20.30cm 30-40cm D Cedar Thuja sp. 100 4stems 10stems 3stems Good R E Cedar Thuja sp. 30 2stems 2stems lstem Good R Elm Ulmussp. 30 5stems Good R Hemlock Tsuga sp. 35 6stems Good R Maple Acersp. 5 1stem Good R F Cedar Thuja sp. 75 1stem 5stems Good R Elm Ulmussp. 25 1stem 1stem Good R G Maple Acersp. 50 4stems 2stems Good R Cedar Thujasp. 50 2stems 3stems Fair R H Cedar Thuja sp. 65 7stems 3stems Good R Hemlock Tsuga sp. 15 1stem 1stem Good R Birch Betula sp. 5 lstem Good R Maple Acersp. 15 2stems Good R I Cedar Thuja sp. 85 13stems I 2stems I Good I R Hemlock Tsuga sp. 15 2stems Good R Group Common name Scientific name (within group) DBH (D%i at Breast Height) Overall Condition (�' (H' (H' (�' or (q Tree Impacts (9npre / (rgemwe Comments 10.20cm 2D30cm 30.40cm J Cedar Thu -asp. 65 5stems 1stem Good R Hemlock Tsuga sp. 35 3stems Good R K Beech Fagus sp. 55 7stems Good R Cedar Thu -as . 30 4stems Good R Birch Betula sp. 15 2stems Good R L Cedar Thuja sp. 60 10stems 5stems Good R Maple Acersp. 20 5stems Good R Beech Fagus sp. 20 4stems Good R M Poplar Populussp. 100 5stems 4stems Good R N Cedar Thuja sp. 75 3stems 5stems lstem Good R Beech Fagus s. 25 2stems 1stem Good R 0 Cedar Thuja sp. 85 12stems 6stems 1stem Good R Beech Fagus sp. 10 2stems Good R Hemlock Tsuga sp. 5 1stem Good R V This cawing M1es been preparetl turn. use of C1— diem entl may not ba usetl. repmtlucea or mWd upon Y by nirtlpatlies.—ptas agreatlbyC entl it. ifity. rdasre9uiretl by law or for use by. b.yp.enlel ' wing agencies CIMA eaepls no responsibility, entl tlenies any Ilabiliry wM1elsoever, I. any peM1y Ihet matlifies thlstlmwing wnnaul ClMA's express written consem. It is b—g`bt` for tlto ell Nililies services end sWctures whener above grouts or below gretle before rommencngC1-I�L��6pah nfarmalian ie not ne e a ly ahawn an IM1e tlmwng, entl where ahawn.lhe a ra y annat bB gueremeetl. Wits the sole exception a ne benchmark(s) spec?catty tlescnbetl farthls projeM, no elevetlan intlicetetl or ssumetl M1ereonN to be usetl ase-ren�elevetian for any pumose. I a al tlimensians entl information Snell bech-1d entl vengetl on the lob entl any mscrepancies must be repptdtonemunidpalirybefarecommencinglhawant.almeasureme ib—beobteinadtromstatetl dimensions,@swings are not to be scaletl. Cor.g. ` J�W 2nd Fl-- 415 Baseline Roatl West, Bow hAlle, ON L1C 5M2 Phone: 90G6974464 www.cima.ca CLIENT: I• DRAWN BY: L. MAY CHECKED BY: S. NAILER TITLE: FAREWELL CREEK TRAIL PHASELB TREE INVENTORY DESIGNED BV: - APPROVED BV: R. ALBRIGHT SCALE: 1:250 DATE: FEBRUARY2021 PROJECT NUMBER: C14-0287 DRAWING NUMBER: 4 CON TRACT NUMBER: - 01 2021/02/10 RA ISSUED FOR TREE INVENTORY MOMORANDUM No. DATE BY ISSUES/REVISIONS Appendix B: Geotechnical Report ' GOLDER DATE September 17, 2020 TO Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington FROM Timi Olumuyiwa Andrew Hagner TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Project No. 19132686 (1000) EMAIL tolumuyiwa@golder.com ahagner@golder.com GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT AND PROPOSED RECREATIONAL TRAIL DESIGN FAREWELL CREEK VALLEY, COURTICE, ONTARIO Dear Mr. Brezina, Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) has been retained by The Municipality of Clarington (The Municipality) to provide slope stability assessment and geotechnical recommendations for the proposed recreational multi -use trail design along the south slope of the Farewell Creek Valley in Courtice, Ontario (the Site). As part of the overall trail development, this report provides geotechnical recommendations for the trail between Station 4+400 and 4+700 based on the site plan provided by CIMA, entitled "Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2, Borehole Locations and Alternative Alignment 4", dated June 2020. It is understood that the 3.0 m wide multi -use asphalt surfaced trail is to be located along a long-term stable slope. Based on this, two alternatives have been suggested by the Municipality to support the proposed trail alignment which are as follows: ■ Regrading of a portion of the existing slope to form final slopes having a maximum 2H:1 V gradient; or ■ Not regrading the slope but construction of retaining walls located along the north limit (downslope) of the proposed trail alignment. This technical memorandum presents the results of the slope stability analyses carried out for the existing slopes and proposed regraded slopes along the above defined survey station limits. It also provides recommendations for retaining walls and pavement design for the recreational trail. The geotechnical analyses and comments provided in this technical memorandum are based on the existing and proposed cross sectional profiles provided by CIMA and the subsurface site information collected as part of our investigation, as presented in this technical memorandum. This technical memorandum should be read in conjunction with the `Important Information and Limitations of This Report" provided following the text of this technical memorandum, which form an integral part of this document. 1.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site is generally consisting of a steep densely vegetated natural valley slope that dips towards the Farewell Creek. A stormwater management pond (SWMP) is located south of the proposed trail route, and an unpaved pedestrian pathway runs at the slope crest. The dense vegetation consists mostly of trees, but sparse vegetative Golder Associates Ltd. 100, Scotia Court Whitby, Ontario, L1 N 8Y6 Canada T: +1 905 723 2727 +1 905 723 2182 Golder and the G logo are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation golder.com Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 cover mostly exists along the face of the slope. Localized areas of soft soils associated with sloughed soils and flowing groundwater at surface were observed along the face of the slope and located at elevations from about mid -slope to the toe of existing slope. Signs of erosion and instability, including surface creep, were also observed along the slope face indicated by exposed tree roots and characteristic tree bending. The height of the natural slope ranges from about 21 m to 28 m within the section of the trail alignment being assessed with varying slope gradients ranging between 1 H:1 V and 3H:1 V. 2.0 INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES The geotechnical field investigation for this assignment was carried out between May 12 and 23, 2020, during which time six boreholes which consisted of two deeper boreholes (Boreholes 20-1 and 20-2) and four shallow boreholes (Boreholes 20-3 to 20-6), which were advanced to depths ranging from approximately 1.1 m to 1.6 m (boreholes drilled at the toe of the slope) and from 23.6 m to 26.0 m (at the crest of the slope) below ground surface (mbgs). The boreholes were terminated due to practical refusal to further advancement except for Borehole 20-1 which reached its target depth. The deep boreholes were advanced using track mount drill rigs (CME 55 and CME 75) supplied and operated by Pontil Drilling Services Inc. of Mount Albert, Ontario. Standard penetration testing (SPT) and sampling in the overburden soils were carried out at regular intervals of depth using conventional 50 mm external diameter split spoon sampling equipment driven by an automatic hammer in accordance with ASTM D1586. The shallow boreholes were advanced manually by driving the standard 50 mm external diameter split spoon using a half weight (32 kg) hammer dropped from a 760 mm height. The split -spoon samplers used in the investigation limit the maximum particle size that can be sampled and tested to about 35 mm. Therefore, particles or objects that may exist within the soils that are larger than this dimension would not be sampled or represented in the grain size distributions. The results of the in situ field tests (i.e. SPT `N'-values) as presented on the Record of Borehole Sheets (i.e. borehole records) and in Section 3 of this report are uncorrected. The shallow groundwater conditions were noted in the open boreholes during drilling and after installation of monitoring wells. A total of five monitoring wells were installed within the boreholes advanced as a part of this investigation to allow for subsequent monitoring of the groundwater levels at the site. Three shallow monitoring wells were installed along the mid -slope and downslope. The two deep monitoring wells were installed at the slope crest and were equipped with aboveground steel casing. Borehole 20-6 was backfilled according to regulatory standards upon completion of drilling. The field work was observed by a member of our technical staff, who located the boreholes in the field, arranged for the clearance of underground utility services, observed the drilling, sampling and in situ testing operations, logged the boreholes, examined the recovered soil samples and took custody of the samples. The samples were identified in the field, placed in appropriate containers, labelled, and transported to our Whitby geotechnical laboratory for further examination and selected laboratory testing. Index and classification tests, consisting of water content determinations as well as selective gradation and Atterberg limit testing were carried out on the recovered soil samples. Five boreholes (Boreholes 20-1 to 20-5) were staked prior to the field investigation and the locations of the boreholes along with the corresponding geodetic ground surface elevations were surveyed by CIMA and provided GOLDER Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 to Golder. Borehole 20-6 was added during the field investigation by Golder. The location of Borehole 20-6 should be considered as approximate and the ground surface elevation was extrapolated from the topographic survey drawing provided by CIMA on June 11, 2020. 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY 3.1 Regional Geology This portion of the Municipality of Clarington lies within the physiographic regions of Southern Ontario known as the Iroquois Plain (Chapman and Putnam, 1984). The Iroquois Plain region covers the border of the lake shore extending from the City of Trenton in the east to the city of St. Catharines in the southwest. The Iroquois Plain refers to an area of lowland that borders the present-day Lake Ontario which was formed within the basin of Glacial Lake Iroquois which was a larger and higher version of Lake Ontario. Lake Iroquois sediments consist both of granular soils (silt and sand) and finer -grained silt and clay soils. Apart from the naturally deposited soils within the study area, fills such as engineered fills and landscape fills are to be expected within the study area. The overburden within the Iroquois Plain in the vicinity of the study area is underlain by shale bedrock of the Georgian Bay Formation which contains limestone interlayers. Surface and groundwater flow is predominantly to the south toward Lake Ontario. 3.2 Subsurface Conditions In summary, the subsurface conditions at the borehole locations consist of topsoil and disturbed native soils generally underlain by a sequence of silty sand till, silty sand, silt as well as gravel. Typically, the gravel deposit is underlain by a major deposit of silty sand and glacial till. Groundwater measured on June 2, 2020 in the monitoring wells installed at the boreholes drilled at the top of the slope ranged from 12.7 m and 24.8 m below grade. Groundwater measured on June 2, 2020 in the monitoring wells installed at the boreholes drilled at the bottom of the slope were generally near surface ranging from ground surface to 1.5 m below the grade. SILTY SAND A silty sand deposit, being gravelly to containing trace gravel was encountered in Boreholes 20-1 to 20-4 and 20-6. The silty sand was interlayered within the till in Boreholes 20-1 and 20-2. In Boreholes 20-3, 20-4 and 20-6, the silty sand deposit underlying the topsoil is disturbed, containing rootlets and organic inclusions. The presence of cobbles and/or boulders in the silty sand deposit is inferred from auger grinding during drilling in Borehole 20-1. The SPT `N'-values measured within the silty sand deposit ranged from 65 blows per 0.3 m of penetration to 50 blows per 0.03 m of penetration, indicating a very dense state of compactness. For the disturbed near surface silty sand, the measured SPT `N'-values ranged from 3 to 7 blows per 0.3 m of penetration, indicating a very loose to loose state of compactness. The natural water contents measured on samples of the silty sand deposit ranged from about 7 percent to 22 percent. Grain size distribution curves for four samples of the silty sand deposit is shown on Figure B1 in Appendix B. SILT A silt deposit, being sandy to containing trace sand was encountered in Boreholes 20-1 and 20-2 underlying the silty sand and silty sand till deposits. The presence of cobbles and/or boulders in the silt deposit can be inferred GOLDER Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 from the multiple instances of auger grinding during drilling as well as the split -spoon sampler not advancing the full sample depth. The measured SPT "N"-values in the silt deposit ranged from 50 blows per 0.08 m of penetration to 50 blows per 0.1 m of penetration, indicating a very dense state of compactness. The natural water contents measured on four samples of the silt deposit ranged from about 14 percent to 18 percent. GRAVEL A gravel deposit, sandy to trace sand, and containing trace to some fines was encountered in Boreholes 20-1, 20-2, 20-3, 20-5 and 20-6 underlying fill or silt deposits. The measured SPT "N"-values in the gravel deposit ranged from 46 blows per 0.2 m of penetration to 50 blows per 0.1 m of penetration, suggesting a very dense state of compactness. The natural water contents measured on samples of the gravel deposit ranged from about 4 percent to 8 percent. SILTY SAND TILL A silty sand till deposit, gravelly to trace gravel, containing oxidation staining was encountered in all boreholes. Wet sand pockets and silt seams were observed within the silty sand till in Boreholes 20-1 and 20-2. The presence of cobbles and/or boulders were inferred from the multiple instances of auger grinding during drilling as well as the split -spoon sampler not advancing the full sample depth. The measured SPT "N"-values in the silty sand till ranged from 33 blows per 0.3 m of penetration to 50 blows per 0.1 m of penetration, indicating a dense to very dense state of compactness. The natural water contents measured on samples of the silty sand till deposit ranged from about 5 percent to 11 percent. The result of a grain size distribution test carried out on the sample of the silty sand till is shown on Figure B2 in Appendix B. Atterberg limit testing was performed on a single sample of the silty sand till deposit and indicate the material is non -plastic. SANDY SILT, SILT AND SAND TILL Non -cohesive till deposits consisting of sandy silt, to silt and sand, containing trace gravel was encountered in Borehole 20-2. Oxidation staining was observed within the upper non -cohesive till deposit. The presence of cobbles and/or boulders in the till were inferred from the multiple instances of auger grinding during drilling as well as the split -spoon sampler not advancing the full sample depth. The measured SPT "N"-values in the sandy silt, to silt and sand till deposits generally ranged from 25 blows per 0.3 m of penetration to 50 blows per 0.01 m of penetration, suggesting a compact to very dense state of compactness. The natural water contents measured on samples of the sandy silt, to silt and sand till deposits ranged from 3 percent to 8 percent. The results of grain size distribution tests carried out on two samples of the sandy silt, to silt and sand till deposits are shown on Figure B3 in Appendix B. GOLDER Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. Project No. 19132686 (1000) The Municipality of Clarington September 17, 2020 Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was observed during and after completion of drilling. The shallow groundwater conditions and monitoring well installation details are presented on the Record of Borehole sheet in Appendix A. The groundwater level subsequently measured in the monitoring wells in Boreholes 20-1 to 20-5 are provided in the table below: Table 1: Groundwater Level in Monitoring Well Borehole No. 20-1 Groundwater level Depth .. 14.8 in Monitoring Well 109.6 LA June 2, 2020 20-2 12.7 111.7 June 2, 2020 20-3 1.1 98.6 May 22 and June 2, 2020 20-4 0.1 104.2 May 22, 2020 0.0 104.3 June 2, 2020 20-5 0.6 100.3 May 22, 2020 1.5 99.4 June 2, 2020 It should be noted that the groundwater levels at the site are anticipated to fluctuate with seasonal variations. 4.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This section provides comments on the geotechnical design aspects of the slope regrading, based on our interpretation of the borehole data and on our understanding of the project requirements. The information in this section of the technical memorandum is provided for the guidance of the design engineers and professionals. Where comments are made on construction, they are provided only to highlight aspects of construction which could affect the design of the project. Contractors bidding on or undertaking any work at the site should examine the factual results of the investigations carried out on the site and satisfy themselves as to the adequacy of the information for construction and make their own interpretation of the factual data as it affects their proposed construction techniques, schedule, equipment capabilities, costs, sequencing and the like. It should be noted that construction of the proposed retaining wall and slope regrading is anticipated to be challenging due to the difficult access and site conditions. It is therefore recommended that a contractor specializing in slope reconstruction / stabilization be engaged to carry out this work. Discussions on the anticipated site challenges and geotechnical recommendations are detailed below. 4.1 General Comments It is understood that the site is being proposed to be utilized for a 3.0 m wide multi -use asphalt trail located mid - slope along an existing natural slope. Furthermore, the proposed trail has been suggested to be supported either on a 2H:1V regraded slope or armour stone walls. These options have been provided to facilitate the design process and as such, it is understood that suitable options may be provided based on the site conditions. GOLDER Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. Project No. 19132686 (1000) The Municipality of Clarington September 17, 2020 However, based on the existing ground conditions, signs of surface erosion such as exposed tree roots, tree bending and surface creep, presence of sloughed soils and soft, wet spots along the surface of the slope (mid - slope and downslope), groundwater seepage and freeze and thaw conditions etc., the use of armour stone walls or any other form of gravity retaining wall structure is not recommended on this site due to its self -weight imposing additional load on the existing slopes which can further compromise the stability of the slopes. Regrading of the existing slopes within the proposed 2H:1V limits as shown on the provided drawing has been considered as an alternative option. However, this will require tree removals, sub -excavation of soft soils, benching of newly placed engineered fill and properly keyed into competent and undisturbed native soils, installation of subdrains, construction of temporary pits for groundwater control and ensuring a dry subgrade during backfilling etc. Alternatively, earth stabilizing techniques such as the use of helical piers, soil anchors, and reinforced earth walls are considered viable options to improve the long-term stability of the slopes and support the proposed trail. Particularly, use of reinforced earth walls supporting the trail would be a practical solution which would minimize the extent of tree disturbance. The details and geotechnical recommendations on these options have been further discussed in this report. Due to anticipated challenges in construction, it is recommended that full-time monitoring of the multi -use trail construction and slope regrading (if required) be carried out by a qualified Geotechnical Engineer. 4.2 Visual Assessment of Existing Slope Surfaces During the field investigation, visual assessment of the existing slope surface condition was carried out to identify any signs of previous instability such as tension cracks, creep, surface erosion, tree bending and tilting, scarps, and gullies etc. In general, the natural valley slope appeared to be in a stable overall condition. However, there were signs of localized and surficial instabilities on the valley slope surface which includes the following: ■ Exposed tree roots; ■ Tree bending and tilting due to surface creep; ■ Presence of localized areas of sloughed soils and soft, wet spots; ■ Toe erosion at the bank of the creek; and ■ Seeping groundwater at surface. It should be noted that these observations occurred predominantly from about mid -slope to downslope. Although, signs of dumped materials were encountered in few areas at the slope crest, signs of instability or tension cracks were not observed within the upper portion of the valley slopes. Several localized areas of soft soils that appeared wet and spongy were also observed from about Elevation 108 m and downslope. The soft soils appeared to be made up of sloughed soils probably accumulated due to active erosion of the wet surficial soils. The thicknesses of these soft soils were probed using a 13 mm steel rod (pogo stick) under hand force. The 13 mm Steel Rod (pogo stick) penetrations ranging between 0.3 m and 1.2 m were measured and observed to be increasing in depth from west to east. It should be noted that full penetration depths could not be measured east of Borehole 20-5 due to the limited length of the pogo stick. As such, it is recommended that several small test pits be completed within selected areas to confirm the thicknesses GOLDER Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 and extent of these soft areas during construction and to determine appropriate stabilizing measures (as appropriate). 4.3 Slope Stability Assessment The geotechnical stability of the existing and proposed slopes is governed by the existing surface and subsurface conditions, groundwater levels, and long-term loading conditions. Limit equilibrium slope stability analyses were undertaken to analyse the global factor of safety of the proposed slopes using the commercially available program SLIDE (Version 7.0), produced by Rocscience Inc., employing the Morgenstern -Price method of analysis. The slope stability factor of safety is defined as the ratio of the forces tending to resist failure relative to the driving forces tending to cause failure. A factor of safety near unity suggests instability is imminent, whereas a factor of safety equal to 1.3 or greater is generally considered acceptable for short-term global stability of conventional slopes. Based on Table 4.3 of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Technical Guide, River and Stream Systems: Erosion Hazard Limit, a factor of safety between 1.4 and 1.5 is generally considered acceptable for long-term global stability of conventional slopes. Slope stability analyses were carried out along selected existing and proposed cross sectional profiles using the following drawings as provided by CIMA and the Municipality: ■ Drawing No. 1 entitled "Farewell Creek Trail Phase 2, Borehole Locations and Alternative Alignment 4" dated June 2020, prepared by CIMA. ■ Drawing No. C17 entitled "Storm Sewer Outfall and Detention Pond" from Project No. 76114 dated July 1984, prepared by D.G Biddle and Associates Ltd. The slope cross-section locations along the valley slopes as well as relevant boreholes used in the slope stability analyses are provided in Table 2. Table 2: Cross -sectional Profile and Relevant Boreholes Boreholes Slopen1F Section A 26 m 4+480 Boreholes 20-1, 20-3 and 20-4 Section B 28 m 4+525 Boreholes 20-1 and 20-4 Section C 26 m 4+575 Boreholes 20-2, 20-5 and 20-6 Section D 21 m 4+610 Boreholes 20-2 and 20-5 The soil parameters for the different strata were selected based on the results of the geotechnical investigation and are summarized in Table 3. 4 GOLDER Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Table 3: Soil Parameters for Stability Analysis Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 Engineered Fill Unit WeIgMh 20 kN/m3 Effective Friction Angle 300 Existing SWMP Berm 20 kN/m3 300 Granular Fill (Granular B Type II) 20 kN/m3 320 Silty Sand 19-20 kN/m3 32-35 ° Silt 19 kN/m3 320 Gravel 20 kN/m3 340 Glacial Till 20 kN/m3 350 Existing Slope Stability Assessment A long-term slope stability assessment was carried out on the existing valley slopes along three critical cross - sectional profiles (Sections A, B and C) to determine the factor of safety against deep-seated failure. A cross sectional profile along the existing storm water management pond (Section D) was also analysed to determine the long-term stability. Based on the topographic survey drawing provided by CIMA, it is understood that the valley slopes within the limits of the proposed trail alignment have heights varying between 21 m and 28 m. In addition, the slope surfaces have changing slope gradients ranging between about 1 H:1V to 3H:1V in the direction of the creek. Slope stability analysis of the current natural slopes result for cross section A to D are shown in Figures 4 to 7. In general, the analyses against deep-seated failure indicate Factor of Safety (FOS) values to be 1.4 or greater for the unaltered slopes for the long term (drained) analysis, which is generally considered acceptable for slope long term slope stability. Surficial and local slope failures within the soft and / or wet soils are expected to occur if the existing slope conditions are left in place. These localized instabilities have not been shown in the slope stability analyses. The stability of the existing slope surfaces may be increased with adequate erosion protection, soft soil replacement and provision of an effective drainage system. Proposed Regraded Slope Stability Assessment It is understood that the regrading of a portion of the existing valley slope will mostly require fill placement with vertical heights ranging between about 2 m and 4 m. The width of the fill to be placed on the surface of the slope also varied between 15 m and 30 m, increasing from east to west and parallel to the trail alignment. Short-term and long-term slope stability analyses were carried out on critical cross -sectional profile which are described as cross sections A to D and the results are shown in Figure 8 to 12. In general, the analyses indicate Factor of Safety (FOS) values for cross sections B and D to be 1.5 or greater for the proposed slopes for the short-term and long-term (drained) analysis, which is generally considered acceptable for slope design. 4GOLDER Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. Project No. 19132686 (1000) The Municipality of Clarington September 17, 2020 For cross section A, the analyses indicated a FOS of 1.2 which does not meet the acceptable safety factor of 1.3 and 1.5 for the short-term and long-term analysis. Based on this, further analyses were carried out to determine a safe and stable slope for cross section A. The analyses show a 2.5H:1 V slope is required to satisfy the safety factor of 1.3 for short-term conditions, and more gentle slopes exceeding 3H:1 V to meet the long-term condition. For cross section C, the analyses indicated a FOS of 1.3 which meets the acceptable safety factor of 1.3 for the short-term analysis. However, in order to achieve a long-term stable slope, a 2.5H:1V slope is required to satisfy the safety factor of 1.5 for long-term condition. Considering the need to regrade a significant portion of the existing valley slope to meet these stable slope gradients for cross sections A and C, it is recommended that retaining/reinforced soil walls be utilized in place of fill placement between Stations 4+460 to 4+510 and Stations 4+550 to 4+600. Details on the recommendations for reinforced soil walls are described in Section 4.4. Sub -excavation of at least 0.6 m must be carried out below the existing ground surface into competent native soil. Further excavation may be required within localized areas where soft soils are encountered, and it is recommended that several test pits be completed to ascertain the extent of these soft, organic soils within the proposed fill limits. Surficial soft, loosened material is to be removed and replaced with suitable fill material and compacted into the existing slope as detailed in Section 4.6. During construction, where flowing groundwater and seepage are encountered within the proposed fill limits, temporary pits should be provided for groundwater control while maintaining a dry subgrade prior to fill placement. In addition, sufficient permanent subdrains should be provided at the top of the approved subgrade prior to fill placement to safely convey the seepage down and away from the slope. The actual locations and spacing of the subdrains should be determined by the geotechnical engineer during construction. Full time monitoring by Golder should be provided during fill placement. A summary of the results of the slope stability analyses carried out on cross sections A to D are shown in Table 4 below: Table 4: Factor of Safety for Existing and Regraded Slopes GOLDER Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. Project No. 19132686 (1000) The Municipality of Clarington September 17, 2020 Note: 1. FOS are based on long-term slope stability analyses against deep-seated failure 2. Short term stability analysis 4.4 Retaining/Reinforced Soil Walls Retaining walls (armour stone walls) have been suggested as an alternative option to support the proposed multi -use asphalt trail. Based on the provided drawings, the armour stone wall is to be located downslope of the proposed trail alignment and having a vertical height of about 3.0 m. In general, we do not recommend gravity type retaining walls such as stacked gabions, armour stone retaining walls or concrete walls due to the additional surcharge/loads imposed on the surface of the slopes, and would be expected to result in a reduction of the safety factor. In addition, multiple rows of retaining wall located upslope and downslope may be required to support the multi -use trail and provide adequate resistance against anticipated lateral earth pressures. Based on the existing slope gradient, this will present difficulty in construction and significant disruption of the existing terrain. As such, the use of reinforced soil walls or walls with soil anchors/soil nails is recommended to support the proposed trail in the long-term condition. The reinforced soil walls are anticipated to be constructed where a safety factor of less than 1.5 was obtained based on a 2HA V slope, between Stations 4+460 to 4+510 and Stations 4+550 to 4+600. Slope stability analyses was further carried out on cross sections A and C assuming a reinforced soil wall. The analyses indicate Factor of Safety (FOS) values for cross sections A and C to be 1.5 or greater for the long-term (drained) analysis, which is generally considered acceptable for slope design. It should be noted that the wall supplier is typically responsible for the detailed design. Golder should be requested to monitor the fill placement within the reinforced zone and the external backfill. The levelling pads for the retaining wall should be founded on properly prepared subgrade. The subgrade should be inspected by Golder prior to wall installation to confirm that the exposed soils are undisturbed and competent, and have been adequately cleaned of loosened, softened, organic and/or other deleterious materials. Where localized soft soils are encountered within the footprint of the proposed retaining wall, remedial action (sub -excavation and replacement, installation of subdrains, etc.) will be required and these soils must be sub - excavated and replaced with approved fill as directed by geotechnical personnel from Golder. If the walls are founded above the frost depth, movement due to seasonal freeze and thaw cycles in addition to the movements associated with fill placement and wall loads should be anticipated. The frost depth at this site is anticipated to be 1.2 m below ground surface as per OPSD 3090.101 (Frost Penetration Depths for Southern Ontario), as measured vertically from the final ground surface. GOLDER 10 Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 For preliminary design purposes, the appropriate values of parameters for use in preliminary design of the retaining walls/reinforced soil walls are provided in Table 5 below: Table 5: Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure Soil Type otal Unit Weight, X MM3) Effective Angle of1 Internal Friction, Coefficient of Lateral Earth PressuKa t Rest, Coefficient of Active ressure, Ka Coefficient of Passive Pressure, Kp Engineered Fill 4)° (degrees) Existing SWIVIP Berm Granular Fill (Granular B Type pper ULower Silty Sand 4.5 Ground Anchors Grouted anchors consist of a stressing tendon (i.e., thread bar, rod or cable) connecting a fixed anchorage point (i.e., the bond zone in the soil or rock mass) to the top surface or head of the anchor. In soils, the bond zone is typically formed by placing cementitious grout by tremie methods with or without pressure grouting techniques. The capacity and performance of the anchor depends on the diameter of the bond zone, the grout injection pressure, the centre -to -centre spacing of the anchors and the methodology/techniques used during construction. For preliminary planning purposes, anchors grouted and bonded within the silty sand and glacial till deposit can be designed using an ultimate load transfer of 40 kN/m. In accordance with CFEM (2006), the anchors should be designed based on: ■ A bond zone length (Lb) less than 8 m; ■ A nominal bond zone diameter of 200 mm; ■ A minimum centre -to -centre spacing between the anchor bond zones that is greater than 4 times the diameter or 20 percent of the bond zone length (whichever is greater). GOLDER 11 Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. Project No. 19132686 (1000) The Municipality of Clarington September 17, 2020 A geotechnical resistance factor of 0.3 should be applied to estimate the factored ultimate geotechnical resistance in tension. A higher geotechnical resistance factor could be utilized if load tests are carried out. In addition to the calculated minimum bond length (Lb) required to provide the required design tension load in the anchor, a minimum 3.0 m long unbonded or `free stressing' length is recommended to be included in the design above the bond length per PTI (1996, 2004, 2014) and FHWA (1999). The minimum unbonded length is recommended in order to avoid unacceptable load reduction resulting from seating losses during load transfer and prestress losses due to creep in the prestressing steel or in the soil (FHWA, 1999). Because the anchor capacity (in particular the ground -to -anchor bond for grouted soil anchors) is highly dependent upon the installation technique, the complete temporary anchor design should be the responsibility of the Contractor, who should be held to an anchor performance specification, enforced by proof tests on all anchors. Requirements for temporary anchor design and performance include the following: ■ The sustained working load is not to be greater than 60 percent of the guaranteed ultimate tensile strength of the anchor tendon or bar. ■ Ten percent of all anchors are to be subjected to a performance test in which they are stressed to a sustained load equal to 1.33 times the design (working stress) load. ■ All anchors are to be proof -loaded to 1.33 times the design load and locked off at 1.1 times the design (working stress) load. 4.6 Comments on Retaining Wall Construction The proposed regrading of the slopes and construction of retaining walls is anticipated to be difficult due to the existing terrain and heavy vegetation (including mature trees). In addition, site access is expected to be challenging and problematic due to the varying slope gradients as well as presence of soft and wet areas. Regrading of the existing slopes will require removal of surface vegetation (including mature trees) and use of benching and engineered fill to construct the minimum stable slope gradient of 2H:1 V under the short term condition for site access. The reconstruction of the slope will likely require cuts (initially from the upper portion of the slope) in order to maintain the slopes short term stability and then reconstruction of the slope to the desired geometry from the bottom up using benched engineered fill. The use of heavy construction equipment will initially need to be restricted to the base of the existing slope. Further, the stability of the existing area at the toe of the slope may be problematic as well due to ground water seepage and soft/wet soil conditions, the contractor should inspect the base of the slope and determine whether or not the construction equipment will be stable, otherwise some form of stabilization may need to be prepared at the base. The sequencing of the reconstructive effort and construction of the retaining walls will need to be discussed and agreed upon prior to construction. All construction should be carried out under full-time supervision by a geotechnical engineer. Due to the observed groundwater seepage within the slope surfaces, soft and wet soil conditions, and potential for localized slope failures, soil excavation is not recommended during the spring season. Soil excavation and replacement with engineered fill may be carried out during the dryer summer period to reduce the impact of groundwater and to reduce the need for active dewatering during construction. Once the ground improvements for the new slope geometry is sufficiently advanced, construction of the retaining walls may be carried out in phases as directed by Golder. Any persistent wet conditions encountered during construction will require 4GOLDER 12 Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 construction of subdrains or reinforced surface channels designed to carry the seeping water safely down the slope. It should be noted that the proposed construction activities noted above will likely result in significant site disturbance and vegetation / tree removal. It is strongly recommended that further discussions between the contractor, Municipality, Golder and CLOCA be held to address issues related to tree removal and slope regrading. Furthermore, it is recommended that the proposed construction be carried out by an experienced contractor specializing in slope reconstruction and stabilization. The newly regraded slopes will need to be appropriately revegetated for surficial stability and resistance to erosion. 4.7 Additional Considerations Prior to placement of any engineered fill for regrading of the slopes (if required), the surficial vegetation, topsoil, organics and deleterious materials should be completely stripped from the proposed regrading areas. Any soft, wet soils as well as any stockpiled soils must be removed, and the exposed surface should be inspected by Golder, to confirm that the exposed soils are undisturbed/sufficiently compacted, competent, and have been adequately cleaned of loosened, softened, organic and/or other deleterious materials. Engineered fill should be benched into the existing soils, as per Ontario Provincial Standard Drawing (OPSD) 208.010. Approved granular fill materials consisting of OPSS.PROV 1010 (Aggregates) Granular B Type II (or other approved high friction granular materials) must be placed in loose lifts no greater in thickness than 300 mm and uniformly compacted to at least 100 percent of the SPMDD. In general, the granular fill will be placed on the benched slope with total fill vertical heights ranging from about 3 m to 5 m assuming a 1 m subexcavation is required and each bench does not exceed height of approximately 1 m. The placed engineered fill must be overbuilt to allow for sufficient compaction of the whole soil mass. Once compacted, tested, and approved by Golder, the slope should be cut to the proposed design geometry prior to placement of topsoil and planting of the vegetation. The surface of the slope should be completed with bio-engineered slope protection layer consisting of erosion protection blanket and 300 mm of topsoil. Temporary excavation slopes should be carried out in accordance with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations (OHSA). To avoid surficial instability of the slopes during and following construction, the slope surfaces must be protected from disturbance and erosion. A 3H:1 V ditch should be constructed behind the proposed asphalt trail, as per OPSD 3121.150 in order to redirect surface runoff away from the newly constructed slope and/or reinforced soil walls. Newly installed subdrains within the regraded slopes are expected to be utilized to control erosion, improve drainage, and direct groundwater seepage into the existing creek. 4.8 Asphalt Trail Construction Based on the subsoil conditions encountered at the site, the following pavement designs are recommended for the proposed 3.0 m wide multi -use asphalt trail. GOLDER 13 Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. Project No. 19132686 (1000) The Municipality of Clarington September 17, 2020 Table 6: Pavement Design for Pedestrian Trail HL 3 (Surface)' 50 Granular A Base2 250 Subgrade (Granular B Type II) Prepared and Approved Subgrade3 Notes: Asphaltic Material shall be in accordance with OPSS 310, 1150 (November 2010), and 1003 (November 2017) 2 Granular Materials shall be in accordance with OPSS.MUNI 1010 (November 2013) s The subgrade is expected to consist of engineered fill composed of OPSS.MUNI 1010 Granular B The granular base materials should be uniformly compacted to at least 100 percent of their standard Proctor maximum dry densities. The asphalt materials should be compacted to 92 to 96.5 percent of their Marshall Maximum Relative Density according to OPSS 310, as measured in the field using a nuclear density gauge. Where new pavement abuts existing pavement, proper longitudinal lap joints should be constructed to key the new asphalt into the existing surface. The existing asphalt edges should be provided with a proper saw cut edge prior to keying in the new asphalt. Any undermining or broken edges resulting from the construction activities are removed by the saw cut. To help reduce the damage to the pavement due to frost, longitudinal subdrains should be provided along the subgrade and drained to frost free outlets. 5.0 CLOSURE We trust that this memorandum meets your immediate requirements. If the proposed realignment plan of the proposed trail is modified, or if conditions that differ from those assumed in this memorandum are encountered during construction, Golder should be given the opportunity to review the analyses presented herein. If you have any questions regarding the content of this technical memorandum, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Yours truly, Golder Associates Ltd. 4OQ�OFESSIONq`\ F J T. A. OLUMUMA n 100523453 September 17, 2020 O ,po�11NCE O F 0N,V� Timi Olumuyiwa, M.Sc., P.Eng., PMP Geotechnical Engineer TO/AJH/DBE/to/mlk Andrew J. Hagner, P.Eng. Associate, Senior Geotechnical Engineer GOLDER 14 Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Attachments: Important Information and Limitations of This Report Figure 1 — Key Plan Figure 2 — Borehole Location Plan Figure 3 — Cross sectional Profile Figure 4 to 14 — Slope Stability Analysis Results Appendix A: Methods of Soil Classification Abbreviations and Terms Used on Record of Boreholes List of Symbols Record of Boreholes (BH2O-1 to BH2O-6) Appendix B: Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Results (Figures B1 to 136) Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 https://golderassociates.sharepoint.com/sites/117405/project files/6 deliverables/reports/19132686 (1000) mem 2020'09'17 slope stability assessment -farewell creek (rev0).docx GOLDER 15 ' C O L D E R IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND ?^ LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT Standard of Care: Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) has prepared this report in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the engineering and science professions currently practising under similar conditions in the jurisdiction in which the services are provided, subject to the time limits and physical constraints applicable to this report. No other warranty, expressed or implied is made. Basis and Use of the Report: This report has been prepared for the specific site, design objective, development and purpose described to Golder by the Client. The factual data, interpretations and recommendations pertain to a specific project as described in this report and are not applicable to any other project or site location. Any change of site conditions, purpose, development plans or if the project is not initiated within eighteen months of the date of the report may alter the validity of the report. Golder cannot be responsible for use of this report, or portions thereof, unless Golder is requested to review and, if necessary, revise the report. The information, recommendations and opinions expressed in this report are for the sole benefit of the Client. No other party may use or rely on this report or any portion thereof without Golder's express written consent. If the report was prepared to be included for a specific permit application process, then upon the reasonable request of the client, Golder may authorize in writing the use of this report by the regulatory agency as an Approved User for the specific and identified purpose of the applicable permit review process. Any other use of this report by others is prohibited and is without responsibility to Golder. The report, all plans, data, drawings and other documents as well as all electronic media prepared by Golder are considered its professional work product and shall remain the copyright property of Golder, who authorizes only the Client and Approved Users to make copies of the report, but only in such quantities as are reasonably necessary for the use of the report by those parties. The Client and Approved Users may not give, lend, sell, or otherwise make available the report or any portion thereof to any other party without the express written permission of Golder. The Client acknowledges that electronic media is susceptible to unauthorized modification, deterioration and incompatibility and therefore the Client can not rely upon the electronic media versions of Golder's report or other work products. The report is of a summary nature and is not intended to stand alone without reference to the instructions given to Golder by the Client, communications between Golder and the Client, and to any other reports prepared by Golder for the Client relative to the specific site described in the report. In order to properly understand the suggestions, recommendations and opinions expressed in this report, reference must be made to the whole of the report. Golder can not be responsible for use of portions of the report without reference to the entire report. Unless otherwise stated, the suggestions, recommendations and opinions given in this report are intended only for the guidance of the Client in the design of the specific project. The extent and detail of investigations, including the number of test holes, necessary to determine all of the relevant conditions which may affect construction costs would normally be greater than has been carried out for design purposes. Contractors bidding on, or undertaking the work, should rely on their own investigations, as well as their own interpretations of the factual data presented in the report, as to how subsurface conditions may affect their work, including but not limited to proposed construction techniques, schedule, safety and equipment capabilities. Soil, Rock and Ground Water Conditions: Classification and identification of soils, rocks, and geologic units have been based on commonly accepted methods employed in the practice of geotechnical engineering and related disciplines. Classification and identification of the type and condition of these materials or units involves judgment, and boundaries between different soil, rock or geologic types or units may be transitional rather than abrupt. Accordingly, Golder does not warrant or guarantee the exactness of the descriptions. Golder Associates Ltd. 6925 Century Avenue, Suite #100 Mississauga, Ontario, 1-5N 71<2 Canada T: +1 905 567 4444 1 F: +1 905 567 6561 Golder and the G logo are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation golder.com 2018 Special risks occur whenever engineering or related disciplines are applied to identify subsurface conditions and even a comprehensive investigation, sampling and testing program may fail to detect all or certain subsurface conditions. The environmental, geologic, geotechnical, geochemical and hydrogeologic conditions that Golder interprets to exist between and beyond sampling points may differ from those that actually exist. In addition to soil variability, fill of variable physical and chemical composition can be present over portions of the site or on adjacent properties. The professional services retained for this project include only the geotechnical aspects of the subsurface conditions at the site, unless otherwise specifically stated and identified in the report. The presence or implication(s) of possible surface and/or subsurface contamination resulting from previous activities or uses of the site and/or resulting from the introduction onto the site of materials from off -site sources are outside the terms of reference for this project and have not been investigated or addressed. Soil and groundwater conditions shown in the factual data and described in the report are the observed conditions at the time of their determination or measurement. Unless otherwise noted, those conditions form the basis of the recommendations in the report. Groundwater conditions may vary between and beyond reported locations and can be affected by annual, seasonal and meteorological conditions. The condition of the soil, rock and groundwater may be significantly altered by construction activities (traffic, excavation, groundwater level lowering, pile driving, blasting, etc.) on the site or on adjacent sites. Excavation may expose the soils to changes due to wetting, drying or frost. Unless otherwise indicated the soil must be protected from these changes during construction. Sample Disposal: Golder will dispose of all uncontaminated soil and/or rock samples 90 days following issue of this report or, upon written request of the Client, will store uncontaminated samples and materials at the Client's expense. In the event that actual contaminated soils, fills or groundwater are encountered or are inferred to be present, all contaminated samples shall remain the property and responsibility of the Client for proper disposal. Follow -Up and Construction Services: All details of the design were not known at the time of submission of Golder's report. Golder should be retained to review the final design, project plans and documents prior to construction, to confirm that they are consistent with the intent of Golder's report. During construction, Golder should be retained to perform sufficient and timely observations of encountered conditions to confirm and document that the subsurface conditions do not materially differ from those interpreted conditions considered in the preparation of Golder's report and to confirm and document that construction activities do not adversely affect the suggestions, recommendations and opinions contained in Golder's report. Adequate field review, observation and testing during construction are necessary for Golder to be able to provide letters of assurance, in accordance with the requirements of many regulatory authorities. In cases where this recommendation is not followed, Golder's responsibility is limited to interpreting accurately the information encountered at the borehole locations, at the time of their initial determination or measurement during the preparation of the Report. 4 GOLDER 2018 Changed Conditions and Drainage: Where conditions encountered at the site differ significantly from those anticipated in this report, either due to natural variability of subsurface conditions or construction activities, it is a condition of this report that Golder be notified of any changes and be provided with an opportunity to review or revise the recommendations within this report. Recognition of changed soil and rock conditions requires experience and it is recommended that Golder be employed to visit the site with sufficient frequency to detect if conditions have changed significantly. Drainage of subsurface water is commonly required either for temporary or permanent installations for the project. Improper design or construction of drainage or dewatering can have serious consequences. Golder takes no responsibility for the effects of drainage unless specifically involved in the detailed design and construction monitoring of the system. 4 GOLDER 675000 676000 677000 [A � -= nee co C' Courtice —NAI g, a G { `6C'i C, d 170 T k ZE',Y.lilC, Toe Ld u• 5L p 1L,,, C O Fg e{t3F � re f (p Park N N 96 N J - 33 K,7 1 adcr I)INC ; rVYkrdye `} r. � � `•�:7c:y.; �.dp., dry P,vk � �rl; �,.,:a r` r, vrr D ;1 }3 Q y N� , c �•l ,rk S• 'P 7 G r _ ° tlzc:,., - GIB@�• F1weJl a'�'Dri•re �y� 9 ar,v Grandnew- e 4�"'r - _ _ -~ Pa Ik iHcrthl F ° jaTy. [f r C,C� v F'.][k - Fox c C�'tro [1L\levan P.lrk l .. $t r.Nw _ � aye D""` •- 0 R }vJ J o><Cemefery !i vmsO"P Hmmorpf Creek Gd LCertSle 01vp5'gts°�k.Eas .V Il spa P Yk Cr[P q o HJe^ue w Ad.A e'6'00 G� 401 Cw17r"V t \ yr ` ll:�"'% yC[lr ele�yd y . r � o OLoy,r:L �' CLIENT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONSULTANT YYYY-MM-DD DESIGNED G^ L D E R PREPARED �J REVIEWED APPROVED 2020-06-17 JT JT TO AJH 0 500 1,000 1:20,000 METRES f REFERENCE(S) Iz BASE MAP SOURCES: ESRI, HERE, GARMIN, INTERMAP, INCREMENT P CORP., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, c NPS, NRCAN, GEOBASE, IGN, KADASTER NL, ORDNANCE SURVEY, ESRI JAPAN, METI, ESRI CHINA (HONG KONG), (C) OPENSTREETMAP CONTRIBUTORS, AND THE GIS USER COMMUNITY PROJECTION: TRANSVERSE MERCATOR DATUM: NAD 83 COORDINATE SYSTEM: UTM ZONE 17N PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FAREWELL CREEK VALLEY, COURTICE, ONTARIO TITLE KEY PLAN PROJECT NO. CONTROL 19132686 0002 FIGURE A 1 LIMIT OF TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY O i low z / O / / V APPROXIMATE —0-8142O-3 CREEK LOCATION ' EL. = 99.73 /' \ / 91420- 4 i EL. = 104.27 # 49 i 1`���� p��/i ,2f�'3� # 47 ° .O /�FOq # 45 �F Fs LEGEND BOREHOLE LOCATION WITH MONITORING WELL BOREHOLE LOCATION NOTE(S) 1. LOCATION AND ELEVATION FOR BH2O-6 ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS FOR BH2O-1 TO BH2O-5 WERE SURVEYED BY CIMA / BH?0-5 I O EL. = 100.21 ,FL� = 100.88 ,� I 0 LIMIT OF GRADING8` / (WITHOUT RETAINING WALL) ARMOUR STONE RETAINING WALL 1/ 1 6 S 1 (OPTIONAL) ; 1 / 109 _ pp �� I O I a p N Iw O = — I d t115 116 / p(:�117 co 116 = ` 115 # 39 - # 43 # 41 STORMWATER - MANAGEMENT POND REFERENCE(S) BASE MAP TAKEN FROM CLARINGTON, ENTITLED BOREHOLE LOCATIONS AND ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENT 4, DATED JUNE 2020, DELIVERED IN FORMAT DWG. 0 25 50 1:1,500 METRES CLIENT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CONSULTANT YYYY-MM-DD DESIGNED GO L D E R PREPARED REVIEWED APPROVED 2020-06-16 JL TO AJH PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FAREWELL CREEK VALLEY, COURTICE, ONTARIO TITLE BOREHOLE LOCATION PLAN PROJECT NO. CONTROL 19132686 REV. FIGURE 2 1t )UI\ VL I t 0 la> 1 = ' i 24.42 00 / .CFA*M- # 49 # 4 / F� 9�F LEGEND BOREHOLE LOCATION WITH MONITORING WELL BOREHOLE LOCATION ® RECOMMENDED RETAINED ZONE NOTE(S) 1. LOCATION AND ELEVATION FOR BH2O-6 ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS FOR BH2O-1 TO BH2O-5 WERE SURVEYED BY CIMA. # 45 # 43 1L A 1 ff izi REFERENCE(S) BASE MAP TAKEN FROM CLARINGTON, ENTITLED BOREHOLE LOCATIONS AND ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENT 4, DATED JUNE 2020, DELIVERED IN FORMAT DWG. 0 25 50 1:1,500 METRES STORMWATER CLIENT THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FAREWELL CREEK VALLEY, COURTICE, ONTARIO E CONSULTANT YYW-MM-DD 2020-07-07 TITLE CROSS SECTIONAL PROFILE DESIGNED GO L D E R PREPARED JL REVIEWED TO PROJECT NO. CONTROL APPROVED AJH 19132686 REV. FIGURE r ---- 3 FF Safety Factor 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.8 6.0+ Material Name Color Topsoil Upper Silty Sand ■ Glacial Till ■ Sat Gravel ■ Lower Silty Sand ■ r. -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 19132686 (1000) SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G 0 L D E R Analysis Description Figure 4: Existing Slope —Long term —Section A Drawn By Scale 1:578 Company 8.014 Date Me Name Section A_Existing grade_longterm.slmd Safety Factor 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8 6.0+ -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 19132686 (1000) SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G0 L D E RAnalyslsDescrlption Figure 5: Existing Slope Long term —Section B Drawn By Scale 1:516 Company Date File Name s.oia Section B_Existing grade_longterm.slmd o Safety Factor Lr- 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 Material Name Color Unit Weight (kN/m3) Strength Type phi (deg) Topsoil IEE 16 Mohr -Coulomb 26 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 19132686 1000 SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G 0 L D E R Analysis Description Figure 6: Existing Slope —Long term —Section C Drawn By Scale 1:445 Company Date File Name s.oia Section C_Existing grade_longterm.slmd Safety Factor LA Phi (deg) 26 30 32 32 35 34 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 19132686 1000 SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G 0 L D E R Analysis Description Figure 7: Existing Slope Long term —Section D Drawn By Scale 1:515 Company 8.014 Date File Name Section D_Existing grade_longterm.slmd Safety Factor 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2 ..8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8 6.0+ Material Name Color Unit (kr Topsoil Upper Silty Sand ■ Glaciall Till ■ Silt Gravel ■ Lower Silty Sand ■ Engineered Fill ■ -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 19132686 1000 SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G0 L D E RAnalysis Descriptlon Figure 8: 2.5H_1H Regraded Slope —Short term —Section A Drawn By Scale 1:559 Company 8.014 Date Me Name Section A_2.5H_1V regraded_shortterm.slmd Safety Factor 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8 6.0+ . Material Name Color (kN/m3) Unit Weight Strength Type Phi (deg) -90 -80 -70 60 -50 -40 30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 19132686 1000 SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G0 L a E RAnalysis Descriptlon Figure 9: 2H:1V Regraded Slope —Long term —Section B Drawn By Scale 1:487 Company 8.014 Date Me Name Section B_2H_1V regrade_longterm.slmd Safety Factor 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.8. 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8 6.0+ Material Name Color Unit Weight (kN/m3) Strength Type phi (deg) Topsoil . ®. 16 Mohr -Coulomb 26 Engineered Fill ■ 20 Mohr -Coulomb 30 Glacial Till ■ 20 Mohr -Coulomb 35 Silt ■ 19 Mohr -Coulomb 32 Gravel ■ 20 Mohr -Coulomb 34 Silty Sand 20 Mohr -Coulomb 35 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 19132686 1000 SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G0 L D E R Analysis Descaptlon Figure 10: 2H_1V Regraded Slope —Short term —Section C Drawn By Scale 1:558 Company 8.014 Date File Name Section C_2H_1V regrade_longterm.slmd Safety Factor 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8 6.0+ Material Name Color Unit (kr Topsoil e Engineered Fill ■ Glacial Till ■ Silt ■ Gravel ■ Silty Sand -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 19132686 1000 SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G0 L D E RAnalysis Descgvtlon Figure 11: 2.5H_1V Regraded Slope_Long term —Section C Drawn 6y scale 1:556 company 8.014 Date Me Name Section C_2.5H_1V regrade_longterm.slmd Safety Factor 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.8 6.0d Material Name Color Unit Weight (kN/m3) Strength Type Phi (deg) Topsoil ® 16 Mohr -Coulomb 26 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 19132686 1000 SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G0 L D E RAnalysis Descrptlon Figure 12: 2H_1V Regraded Slope —Long term —Section D Drawn By Scale 1: 588 Company 8.014 Date File Name Section D_21-1_1V regrade_longterm.slmd Safety Factor 0.0 0.1 0.3 0..4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0+ Unit Weight phi Material Name Color (kN/m3) Strength Type (deg) Topsoil 16 Mohr -Coulomb 26 "Upper Silty Sand 19 Mohr -Coulomb 32 Glacial Till 20 Mohr -Coulomb 35 Silt 19 Mohr -Coulomb 32 Gravel " 20 Mohr -Coulomb 32 Lower Silty Sand 20 Mohr -Coulomb 35 "Granular Backfill ■ ' 20 Mohr-Cdulomb ' 32 Reinforced Soil ■ 20 Mohr -Coulomb 1 35 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 19132686 1000 SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE G0 L D E RAnalysis Description Figure 13: Reinforced Soil wall —Long term_Section A Drawn By Scale 1:579 Company 8.014 Date Me Name Section A_Reinforced Soil_longterm.slmd Safety Factor 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.5 1.7 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.0 12.00 kN/m2 � 4 . 3 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.3 W 5.5 5.8 6.0+ g W o Support Name Color Type Force Application Material Friction Tensile Strength o Dependent Angle (deg) (kN/m) Geogrid ■ GeoTextile Passive (Method B) No 35 25 80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Project SLOPE STABILITY ASSESSMENT - FAREWELL CREEK, COURTICE 19132686 1000 G0 L D E R Analysis Descgvt/on Figure 14: Reinforced Soil wall —Long term —Section C Drawn By Scale 1:457 Company Dare Me Name Section C Reinforced Soil Ion term.slmd g SMEINTERPRET 8.014 Unit Weight Phi Material Name Color Strength Type (kN/m3) (deg) Topsoil e 16 Mohr -Coulomb 26 Granular Backfill ■ 20 Mohr -Coulomb 32 Glacial Till � 20 .Mohr -Coulomb 35 Silt � 19 Mohr -Coulomb 32 Gravel � 20 Mohr -Coulomb 34 Silty Sand � 20 Mohr -Coulomb 35 Reinforced Soil ■ 20 Mohr -Coulomb 35 Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. Project No. 19132686 (1000) The Municipality of Clarington September 17, 2020 APPENDIX A Methods of Soil Classification Abbreviations and Terms Used List of Symbols Record of Boreholes (131-12O-1 to BH2O-6) GOLDER METHOD OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION The Golder Associates Ltd. Soil Classification System is based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Organic Soil Gradation D60 (Da.)' Organic USCS Group or Group Type of Soil or Plasticity _ Cu Ll � Cc - DroxDbo Content Symbol Group Name Inorganic o m E Gravels with Poorly Graded <4 51 or>_3 GP GRAVEL y c E 512% Well Graded >A 1 to 3 GW GRAVEL E uj o fines m£ (by mass) Gravels Below SILTY E �_ o t o ° with Line n/a GM GRAVEL z'co) Lu `m >12% fines Above A CLAYEY V Z rn (by mass) Line n/a GC GRAVEL <_30 % E Sands with Poorly <6 51 or z3 SP SAND z_ o U w y u) NcE 512% Graded Well Graded z6 1 to 3 SW SAND O o E o, U a m Z (by mass) Sands Below n/a SM SILTY SAND e o u) o N v o m with Line ON $ m >12% Above A n/a SC CLAYEY E fines (by mass) Line SAND Organic Field Indicators Tou hness g or Soil Type of Soil Laboratory Organic USCS Group Primary Inorganic Group p Tests Dilatancy Dry Shine Thread (of 3 mm Content Symbol y Name Strength Test Diamete thread N/A (can't _o Rapid None None >6 mm roll 3 mm <5% ML SILT £ ° Liquid Limit thread Slow None to Low Dull 3mm to 6 mm None to low <5% ML CLAYEY SILT E ° d m o w n J Z <50 Slow to Low to Dull to 3mm to Low 5 % to OL ORGANIC E u) o a ¢ m a a U O m N " rn u o a N a ° U very slow medium slight 6 mm 30 % SILT Slow to Low to 3mm to Low to z M 0 O a z a Liquid Limit very slow medium Slight 6 mm medium <5% MH CLAYEY SILT c £ o z 250 Medium Dull to 1mmto Medium to 5%to ORGANIC z U y None to high slight 3 mm high 30 % OH SILT 'c z LL E c Liquid Limit None Low to Slight - 3mm Low to 0% CL SILTY CLAY >, o o m <30 medium to shiny medium O c U .-. to o } o 2^ Liquid Limit None Medium Slight 1 mm to Medium 30 % Cl SILTY CLAY 30 to 50 to high to shiny 3 mm nl U m .N a (see a a° m Liquid Limit None High Shiny <1 mm High Note 2) CH CLAY 250 o Peat and mineral soil 30 % SILTY PEAT, } U M y mixtures tO SANDY PEAT JZ� c n N J N 75% 2 Q 1 O 21 E Predominantly PT C� 0 peat, 7t / x O o may contain some PEAT c> mineral soil, fibrous or 100% amorphous peat "° P,„ a ­ty� Hih G Dual Symbol —A dual symbol is two symbols separated by a hyphen, for example, GP -GM, SW -SC and CL-ML. For non -cohesive soils, the dual symbols must be used when the soil has between 5% and 12% fines (i.e. to identify m /ORGA transitional material between "clean" and "dirty" sand or gravel. - sltrY Gar CLAY For cohesive soils, the dual s mbol must be used when the Y liquid limit and plasticity index values plot in the CL-ML area " 4 of the plasticity chart (see Plasticity Chart at left). SILTY ELM a Borderline Symbol — A borderline symbol is two symbols CLAYEY SILT ML separated by a slash, for example, CUCI, GM/SM, CL/ML. ORGANIC 51LT OL A borderline symbol should be used to indicate that the soil 5ILry vv Y- AvE v T, ci_ I has been identified as having properties that are on the AT ML{Sea Nala x} transition between similar materials. In addition, a borderline ID ao w .o - symbol may be used to indicate a range of similar soil types uquld uarlr ILLl within a stratum. Note 1 - Fine grained materials with PI and LL that plot in this area are named (ML) SILT with slight plasticity. Fine-grained materials which are non -plastic (i.e. a PL cannot be measured) are named SILT. Note 2 - For soils with <5% organic content, include the descriptor "trace organics" for soils with between 5 % and 30% organic content include the prefix "organic" before the Primary name. GOLDER June2018 1/3 Revision 5 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS USED ON RECORDS OF BOREHOLES AND TEST PITS PARTICLE SIZES OF CONSTITUENTS Soil Particle Inches Constituent Size Millimetres (US Std. Sieve Size) Description BOULDERS Not >300 >12 qpp licaCOBBLES gppNot licaGRAVEL 75 to 300 3 to 12 Coarse 19 to 75 0.75 to 3 Fine 4.75 to 19 (4) to 0.75 Coarse 2.00 to 4.75 (10) to (4) SAND Medium 0.425 to 2.00 (40) to (10) Fine 0.075 to (200) to (40) 0.425 SILT/CLAY Classified by <0.075 < (200) plasticity MODIFIERS FOR SECONDARY AND MINOR CONSTITUENTS Percentage Modifier by Mass >35 Use'and'to combine major constituents i.e., SAND and GRAVEL > 12 to 35 Primary soil name prefixed with "gravelly, sandy, SILTY, CLAYEY" as applicable > 5 to 12 some s 5 trace PENETRATION RESISTANCE aienudtu reneuauun fcebisiance (SPT), N: The number of blows by a 63.5 kg (140 lb) hammer dropped 760 mm (30 in.) required to drive a 50 mm (2 in.) split -spoon sampler for a distance of 300 mm (12 in.). Values reported are as recorded in the field and are uncorrected. Cone Penetration Test (CPT) An electronic cone penetrometer with a 60° conical tip and a project end area of 10 cm2 pushed through ground at a penetration rate of 2 cm/s. Measurements of tip resistance (qt), porewater pressure (u) and sleeve frictions are recorded electronically at 25 mm penetration intervals. Dynamic Cone Penetration Resistance (DCPT); Nd: The number of blows by a 63.5 kg (140 lb) hammer dropped 760 mm (30 in.) to drive uncased a 50 mm (2 in.) diameter, 60° cone attached to "A" size drill rods for a distance of 300 mm (12 in.). PH: Sampler advanced by hydraulic pressure PM: Sampler advanced by manual pressure WH: Sampler advanced by static weight of hammer WR: Sampler advanced by weight of sampler and rod NON -COHESIVE (COHESIONLESS) SOILS Compactness' Term SPT'N' blows/0.3m' Very Loose 0 to 4 Loose 4 to 10 Compact 10 to 30 Dense 30 to 50 Very Dense >50 1. SPT 'N' in accordance with ASTM D1586, uncorrected for the effects of overburden pressure. 2. Definifion of compactness terms are based on SPT 'N' ranges as provided in Terzaghi, Peck and Mesd (1996). Many factors affect the recorded SPT 'N' value, including hammer efficiency (which may be greaterthan 60 % in automatic trip hammers), overburden pressure, groundwater conditions, and grainsize. As such, the recorded SPT 'N' value(s) should be considered only an approximate guide to the soil compactness. These factors need to be considered when evaluating the results, and the stated compactness terms should not be relied upon for design or construction. Field Moisture Condition Term Description Dry Soil flows freely through fingers. Moist Soils are darker than in the dry condition and may feel cool. Wet As moist, but with free water forming on hands when handled. SAMPLES AS Auger sample Block sample BS CS Chunk sample DID Diamond Drilling DO or DP Seamless open ended, driven or pushed tube sampler — note size IDS Denison type sample GS Grab Sample MC Modified California Samples MS Modified Shelby (for frozen soil) RC Rock core Sc Soil core SS Split spoon sampler— note size ST Slotted tube TO Thin -walled, open — note size (Shelby tube) TP Thin -walled, piston — note size (Shelby tube) WS Wash sample SOIL TESTS w water content PL, wp plastic limit LL , wL liquid limit C consolidation (oedometer) test CHEM chemical analysis (refer to text) CID consolidated isotropically drained triaxial test' CIU consolidated isotropically undrained triaxial test with porewater pressure measurement' DR relative density (specific gravity, Gs) DS direct shear test GS specific gravity M sieve analysis for particle size MH combined sieve and hydrometer (H) analysis MPC Modified Proctor compaction test SPC Standard Proctor compaction test OC organic content test SO4 concentration of water-soluble sulphates UC unconfined compression test UU unconsolidated undrained triaxial test V (FV) field vane (LV-laboratory vane test) y unit weight 1. Tests anisotropically consolidated prior to shear are shown as CAD, CAU. COHESIVE SOILS Consistency Term Undrained Shear Strength kPa SPT'N11•2 blows/0.3m Very Soft <12 0 to 2 Soft 12 to 25 2 to 4 Firm 25 to 50 4 to 8 Stiff 50 to 100 8 to 15 Very Stiff 100 to 200 15 to 30 Hard >200 >30 1. SPT'N' in accordance with ASTM D1586, uncorrected for overburden pressure effects; approximate only. 2. SPT 'N' values should be considered ONLY an approximate guide to consistency; for sensifive clays (e.g., Champlain Sea clays), the N-value approximation for consistency terms does NOT apply. Rely on direct measurement of undrained shear strength or other manual observations. Water Content Term Description w < PL Material is estimated to be drier than the Plastic Limit. w — PL Material is estimated to be close to the Plastic Limit. w > PL Material is estimated to be wetter than the Plastic Limit. G O L D E R ,tune 2018 2/3 Revision 5 LIST OF SYMBOLS Unless otherwise stated, the symbols employed in the report are as follows I. GENERAL (a) Index Properties (continued) w water content 7u 3.1416 wi or LL liquid limit In x natural logarithm of x wp or PL plastic limit Iog10 x or log x, logarithm of x to base 10 Ip or PI plasticity index = (wi — wp) g acceleration due to gravity NP non -plastic t time Ws shrinkage limit IL liquidity index = (w — wp) / Ip IC consistency index = (wi — w) / Ip emax void ratio in loosest state emin void ratio in densest state ID density index = (emax — e) / (emax - emin) II. STRESS AND STRAIN (formerly relative density) y shear strain (b) Hydraulic Properties 4 change in, e.g. in stress: 4 6 h hydraulic head or potential s linear strain q rate of flow Ev volumetric strain v velocity of flow t1 coefficient of viscosity i hydraulic gradient u Poisson's ratio k hydraulic conductivity 6 total stress (coefficient of permeability) 6' effective stress (6' = 6 - u) j seepage force per unit volume 6'vo initial effective overburden stress 61, 62, 63 principal stress (major, intermediate, minor) (c) Consolidation (one-dimensional) Cc compression index 6oct mean stress or octahedral stress (normally consolidated range) = (61 + 62 + 63)/3 Cr recompression index T shear stress (over -consolidated range) u porewater pressure Cs swelling index E modulus of deformation Ca secondary compression index G shear modulus of deformation my coefficient of volume change K bulk modulus of compressibility cv coefficient of consolidation (vertical direction) ch coefficient of consolidation (horizontal direction) Tv time factor (vertical direction) III. SOIL PROPERTIES U degree of consolidation 6'p pre -consolidation stress (a) Index Properties OCR over -consolidation ratio = 6'p / 6'vo P(Y) bulk density (bulk unit weight)* pd(yd) dry density (dry unit weight) (d) Shear Strength p,,(y,,) density (unit weight) of water Tp, Tr peak and residual shear strength ps(ys) density (unit weight) of solid particles t effective angle of internal friction y unit weight of submerged soil angle of interface friction (y' = y - Y.) µ coefficient of friction = tan S DR relative density (specific gravity) of solid c' effective cohesion particles (DR = ps / pW) (formerly Gs) a, so undrained shear strength 0 analysis) e void ratio p mean total stress (61 + 63)/2 n porosity p' mean effective stress ((Y'1 + 6'3)/2 S degree of saturation q (61 - (53)/2 or (6'1 - (5'3)/2 qu compressive strength (61 - (53) St sensitivity Density symbol is p. Unit weight symbol is y Notes: 1 T = c' + 6' tan where y = pg (i.e. mass density multiplied by 2 shear strength = (compressive strength)/2 acceleration due to gravity) GOLDER June2018 3/3 Revision 5 rn PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-1 SHEET 1 OF 3 LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATUM: Geodetic BORING DATE: May 13 and 14, 2020 SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 63kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: AUTOMATIC SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M N rU F W 20 40 60 BO 106 105 10' 10' ZO y OR � W � z DESCRIPTION a ¢ ~ ELEV. w ap j W o. o N F W o m STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT w z DEPTH Q rem - WP I 6W I WI a ca gym) z m rn 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 GROUND SURFACE 124.42 TOPSOIL ~~ 0.00 1A O 50 mm Diameter (SM) SILTY SAND, trace gravel at 0.15 0.8 m; brown, organic inclusion, trace ' 1B SS 3 O PVC Monitoring rootlets; disturbed; non -cohesive, moist, 123.94 Well y , 0.48 1c very loose O (SM) SILTY SAND, trace gravel, light brown; organic inclusions, trace rootlets; non -cohesive, moist, very dense 2 SS 65 Auger grinding at a depth of 0.9 m 4. 123.05 (SM) gravelly SILTY SAND, trace gravel; 1.37 slightly plastic; brown, oxidation staining, sand pocket (TILL); non -cohesive, moist, a dense to very dense 3 ss 36 O 2 a - Auger grinding between depths of a ° a ss az MH 1.8mand 2.6m a 3 Q 4, 5 SS 43 O - Auger grinding between depths of a 3.4mand 4.Om a 4 a.. .• rn 4 z - 4 U — 11 6 SS 51 O 5 .d. 0 4 Bentonite = o E H E a E E Auger grinding at a depth of 5.6 m c 6 c a. 7 SS 71 O - Auger grinding between depths of 6.4mand 7.3m q•' d.. 7 d.. q.. 8A SS 59 6 11644 O (ML) SILT, trace sand to sandy; brown; 7.98 non -cohesive, wet to moist, very dense - Auger grinding between depths of 8.2mand 8.5m 9 - Auger grinding at a depth of 10.1 m 9 SS 5 0/ 0.08 10 — — — — — — — — — — — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — E CONTINUED NEXT PAGE s` DEPTH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 1:50 CHECKED: AJH rn PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-1 SHEET 2 OF 3 LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATUM: Geodetic BORING DATE: May 13 and 14, 2020 SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 63kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: AUTOMATIC SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M N rU F W 20 40 60 80 106 105 10' to ZO y OR W � z DESCRIPTION a ¢ ~ ELEV. w 00 j W a o N F W o m STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT w z DEPTH Q rem - WP I 6W I WI a ca gym) z m 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 -- CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE--- 10 (GP) GRAVEL, some sand, trace fines; grey; non -cohesive, moist, very dense 0 SS Q 0/ O 11 112.93 (SM) SILTY SAND, some fines; trace 11.49 gravel to 13.8 m, brown; non -cohesive, moist to wet, very dense 12 SS 50/ 0.08 Bentonile 13 12 SS 500/ O y' 14 a o rn ..y U Sand June 2/20 15 O E 13 SS 50/ O MH E E 0.08 16 14 SS 5 01 O Screen and Sand 17 0.08 18 IV IV 15 SS 5 0.13 O 19 •y Bentonite a' 16 SS 0 O 20 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0.13 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CONTINUED NEXT PAGE DEPTH SCALE 1 G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 0CHECKED: AJH w U H 0 O U z O z z a J U U PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-1 SHEET 3 OF 3 LOCATION: See Figure 2 BORING DATE: May 13 and 14, 2020 DATUM: Geodetic SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 63kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: AUTOMATIC SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M a m rU F W 20 40 60 BO 106 105 10' 10' ZO y OR W z DESCRIPTION a a ELEV. w 00 w a o m F W o mg STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT oo DEPTH z rem - WP I 6W I WI a m N �n1� m 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 -- CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE -- 20 (SM) SILTY SAND, some fines; trace gravel to 13.8 m, brown; non -cohesive, " moist to wet, very dense •a� 21 •.y' 17 SS 500/ O 22 o rn U A• •y • 18 $$ 50/ O 23 0 0.1 Bentonite O E y' F E E F y E 24 Wet at a depth of 24.4 m $$ o oa O 25 •'y , 96.44 50/ z6 END OF BOREHOLE 25.98 NOTES: 1. Borehole was advanced with 200 mm O.D. hollow stem augers and abandoned at 8.5 mbgs due to auger refusal. 27 2. Relocated borehole was drilled about 1 m southeast of staked borehole using mud rotary technique. 3. Water encountered at a depth of 7.6 m during drilling. 4. Groundwater level was measured in 28 monitoring well at 14.8 mbgs (El.109.6m) on June 2, 2020. 29 30 s` DEPTH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 1:50 ,� CHECKED: AJH U PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-2 SHEET 1 OF 3 LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATUM: Geodetic BORING DATE: May 22 and 23, 2020 SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 63kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: AUTOMATIC SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M N rU F W 20 40 60 80 106 105 10' 10' ZO y OR � W � z DESCRIPTION a ¢ ~ ELEV. w 00 j w a o N F W o m STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT w z DEPTH Q rem - WP I 6W I WI a ca gym) z m N 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 GROUND SURFACE 124.36 ° TOPSOIL - (SM) SILTY SAND, dark 0.00 brown; trace rootlet, trace organic; 50 mm Diameter non -cohesive, moist, loose 1 SS 7 O PVC Monitoring Well 123.67 (ML) SILT and SAND, trace gravel, 0.69 slightly plastic, brown; oxidation staining; 1 containing rock fragments; wet silt seam z ss zs O a (TILL); non -cohesive, moist, compact to E 3 very dense Q — 0 = 6 4 3 SS 33 O E 2 4 4. 4 4 SS 66 O 3 Q Q 5 SS 62 O MH a 4 NP 4 s 120.32 (SM) SILTY SAND, brown; 4.04 non -cohesive, wet, very dense ' rn 119.69 6A SS 50/ 0 (ML) SILT, some sand, brown, oxidation 4.67 6B 0.1 O — staining; sand pockets; non -cohesive, 5 N wet, very dense Bentonite E 118.87 (GP) GRAVEL, sandy to trace sand, 5.49 trace to some fines; grey and brown; non -cohesive, moist to wet, very dense 6 2i 7 SS 51 O 7 E Wet at a depth of 7.6 m 8 SS o O 8 116.03 (SM) SILTY SAND, trace gravel to 8.33 gravelly, brown; non -cohesive, wet, very dense 9 - Gravelly between depths of 9.1 m and ; ,: 9 SS 50/ O MH 9.2 m 0.03 10 — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CONTINUED NEXT PAGE T s` DEPTH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 1:50 CHECKED: AJH U PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-2 SHEET 2 OF 3 LOCATION: See Figure 2 BORING DATE: May 22 and 23, 2020 DATUM: Geodetic SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 63kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: AUTOMATIC SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M m rU F W 20 40 60 80 106 105 10' 10' ZO y OR W z DESCRIPTION a ¢ ELEV. w 00 w a o m F W o mg STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT oo DEPTH z rem - Wp I 6W I WI a m N (m) m 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 -- CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE -- 0 (SM) SILTY SAND, trace gravel to gravelly, brown; non -cohesive, wet, very ' dense 10 ss 0/ a O 11 12 11 ss 5 0/ O y' June 2/20 13 2 SS 50/ 0.13 14 0 z 15 a U y Bentonite E FE 13SS 50/ o 0.13 E E 16 108.31 (ML) SILT, trace sand; grey; 16.05 non -cohesive, wet, very dense ss 50/ O 17 0.13 106.68 (ML) sandy SILT, trace gravel; grey 17.56 (TILL); non -cohesive, moist, very dense .'4 18 4 SS 50/ O 4 0.08 19 4 4 - Auger grinding between depths of 19.2mand 19.4m a 4 4 Ss 505 O MH Sand 20 — — — — — — — — — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — . CONTINUED NEXT PAGE s` DEPTH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 1:50 CHECKED: AJH W U H 0 O U Z O z z J U U PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-2 SHEET 3 OF 3 LOCATION: See Figure 2 BORING DATE: May 22 and 23, 2020 DATUM: Geodetic SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 63kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: AUTOMATIC SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M ¢ m rU F W 20 40 60 80 106 105 10' 10' ZO y OR W z DESCRIPTION a ¢ ELEV. w 00 w a o m F W o mg STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT oo DEPTH z rem - WP l 6W I WI a m N �n1) m 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 -- CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE -- 20 (ML) sandy SILT, trace gravel; grey Sand (TILL); non -cohesive, moist, very dense a 4 21 m _ Auger grinding at a depth of 22.9 m Q 4 = 0 4 17 SS 50/ O 0.13 U V Screen and Sand ' N a zz $ o - Auger grinding between depths of s 23.2 m and 23.6 m E 4 4 0 ss 0.1 O 23 Inferred boulders at a depth of 23.5 m 4 r Slough 100.81 50/ END OF BOREHOLE (REFUSAL) 23.55 0.01 NOTES: 24 1. Water encountered at a depth of 4.6 m during drilling. 2. Borehole caved to a depth of 23.2 m upon completion of drilling. 3. Groundwater level was measured in monitoring well at 12.7 mbgs (El.111.7m) 25 on June 2, 2020. 4. NP = Non -plastic 26 27 26 29 30 s` LH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO CHECKED: AJH rn PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-3 SHEET 1 OF 1 LOCATION: See Figure 2 BORING DATE: May 12,2020 DATUM: Geodetic SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 32kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: MANUAL SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M a m rU F W 20 40 60 BO 106 105 10' to ZO y OR � W z DESCRIPTION a a ELEV. w 00 w a o m F W o mg STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT oo DEPTH z rem - WP I 6W I WI a m N (m) m 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 GROUND SURFACE 99.73 ° TOPSOIL - (SM) organic SILTY SAND, 0.00 Zb mm lame er dark brown; rootlets; non -cohesive, PVC Monitoring Well moist, loose ss 3 s4. Bentonile p 98.82 2A SS 5 0 Sand 1 = (SM) SILTY SAND, trace gravel; light 0.91 98.59 2B O brown, contains rootlets; organic 1.14 nclusions, disturbed; non -cohesive, .rune 2/2a m0lst, compact 3 SS 46/ O Screen and Sand (GP) sandy GRAVEL, some fines; light 9815 0.2 brown; non -cohesive, wet, dense Sa SILTY SAND, trace gravel, grey 1.63 TM) ILL); non -cohesive, moist, very dense END OF BOREHOLE (REFUSAL) 2 NOTES: 1. Water encountered at a depth of 1.2 m during drilling. 2. Borehole advanced with split spoon 3 and hammer blows to refusal. 3. Borehole depths between samples advanced using split spoon and hammer blows. 4. SPT blowcounts recorded were halved ( Field SPT blows/2) to account for standard hammer weight of 63 Kg. 4 5. Groundwater level was measured in monitoring well at 1.1 mbgs (El.98.63m) on May 22 and June 2, 2020. 5 6 7 8 9 10 s` DEPTH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 1:50 CHECKED: AJH U PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-4 SHEET 1 OF 1 LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATUM: Geodetic BORING DATE: May 12,2020 SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 32kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: MANUAL SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M a m rU F W 20 40 60 80 106 105 10' lo' ZO y OR � W z DESCRIPTION a a ELEV. w 00 w a o m F W o mg STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT oo DEPTH z rem - WP l 6W I WI a m (m� m 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 GROUND SURFACE 10427 PVC Monitoring ° TOPSOIL - (SM) organic SILTY SAND, 0.00 Well June 2/2o brown; contains wood fragments and rootlets; non -cohesive, wet, compact 1 ss 7 ~~ 103.74 Bentonite (SM) SILTY SAND, some sand, trace 0.53 ogravel, brown; contains rootlets, T, y� O disturbed; oxidation staining; 103.36 Ss 6 Sand 1 = non -cohesive, moist, loose O 0.91 28 (SM) gravelly SILTY SAND, grey, trace rootlet to 1.1 m (TILL); non -cohesive, moist, very dense 3 SS 0 26 O Screen and Sand 02.75 O N P END OF BOREHOLE (REFUSAL) 1.52 0.2 MH NOTES: 2 1. Water encountered at ground surface during drilling. 2. Borehole advanced with split spoon and hammer blows to refusal. 3. Borehole depths between samples advanced using split spoon and hammer 3 blows. 4. SPT blowcounts recorded were halved ( Field SPT blows/2) to account for standard hammer weight of 63 Kg. 5. Groundwater level was measured in monitoring well at 0.1 m (El.104.2 m) on 4 May 22, 2020. 6. Groundwater level was measured in monitoring well at ground surface (El.104.3 m) on June 2, 2020. 7. NP=Non-plastic 5 6 7 6 9 10 s` DEPTH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 1:50 CHECKED: AJH U PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-5 SHEET 1 OF 1 LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATUM: Geodetic BORING DATE: May 12,2020 SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 32kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: MANUAL SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M m rU F W 20 40 60 80 106 105 10' 10' ZO y OR � W z DESCRIPTION a ¢ ELEV. w 00 w a o m F W o mg STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT oo DEPTH z rem - WP I 6W I WI a m N (m) m 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 GROUND SURFACE 100.88 o TOPSOIL- (SM) organic SILTY SAND, 0.o0 Zb mm lame er dark brown; contains rootlets; ss 4 PVC Monitoring Well non -cohesive, moist, loose 111. Bentonite Sand 2A SS 8 99 ss 66. (GP) GRAVEL, some sand, trace fines; 1.02 2B O Screen and Sand brown; non -cohesive, moist to wet, compact to very dense yy.� 3A SS 50/ O 0.2 50/ O (SM) SILTY SAND, trace gravel; grey 1.42 (TILL); non -cohesive, moist, very dense 1.55 0.15 June 2/20 END OF BOREHOLE (REFUSAL) 2 NOTES: 1. Water encountered at a depth of 1.0 m during drilling. 2. Borehole advanced with split spoon and hammer blows to refusal. 3 3. Borehole depths between samples advanced using split spoon and hammer blows. 4. SPT blowcounts recorded were halved ( Field SPT blows/2) to account for standard hammer weight of 63 Kg. 5. Groundwater level was measured in 4 monitoring well at 0.6 mbgs (El.100.3 m) on May 22, 2020. 6. Groundwater level was measured in monitoring well at 1.5 mbgs (EI.99.4 m) on June 2, 2020. 5 6 7 8 9 10 s` DEPTH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 1:50 CHECKED: AJH U PROJECT: 19132686 RECORD OF BOREHOLE: BH2O-6 SHEET 1 OF 1 LOCATION: See Figure 2 DATUM: Geodetic BORING DATE: May 12,2020 SPT/DCPT HAMMER: MASS, 32kg; DROP, 760mm HAMMER TYPE: MANUAL SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES DYNAMIC PENETRATION HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY, W O RESISTANCE, BLOWS/0.3m ` k, cm/s a z PIEZOMETER F O M a N rU F W 20 40 60 80 106 105 10' 10' ZO y OR W z DESCRIPTION a a ~ ELEV. w 00 j W a o N F W o m STANDPIPE INSTALLATION SHEAR STRENGTH nat V. + Q - • Cu, kPa V. ® U O WATER CONTENT PERCENT w z DEPTH Q rem - WP l 6W I WI a ca (m) z m N 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 GROUND SURFACE 100.21 0 TOPSOIL , ' 0.08 1B Ss 7 O (SM) SILTY SAND, trace gravel; grey; contains rootlets and organic inclusions, disturbed; non -cohesive, wet 99.66 (GP) GRAVEL, trace sand, trace fines; 0.53 brown; non -cohesive, wet, very dense 99.35 2n 47/ O ss 0.25 (SM) SILTY SAND, some gravel; grey 0.88 2B O (TILL); non -cohesive, moist, very dense 99.14 50/ O END OF BOREHOLE (REFUSAL) 1.07 NOTES: 1. Water encountered at a depth of 0.1 m during drilling. 2 2. Borehole advanced with split spoon and hammer blows to refusal. 3. Borehole depths between samples advanced using split spoon and hammer blows. 4. SPT blowcounts recorded were 3 halved ( Field SPT blows/2) to account for standard hammer weight of 63 Kg. 5. Borehole caved to a depth of 0.9 mbgs upon completion of drilling. 6. Groundwater level was measured in open borehole at 0.5 m (El.99.7 m) upon 4 completion of drilling. s 6 7 8 9 10 s` DEPTH SCALE G O L D E R LOGGED: TO 1:50 CHECKED: AJH Mr. Robert Brezina, P.Eng. The Municipality of Clarington Project No. 19132686 (1000) September 17, 2020 APPENDIX B Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Results (Figures 131 to B6) GOLDER GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION MTO LS-702 FIGURE 131 (SM) SILTY SAND Size of openings, inches U.S.S Sieve size, meshes/inch 6" 41/." 3" 1 %" 1" %" %" 3/8" 3 4 8 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 200 100 90 80 70 z 60 w w z LL 50 H z LU 40 w a 30 20 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 GRAIN SIZE, mm COBBLE COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND CLAY SIZES GRAVEL SIZE SIZE SAND SIZE FINE GRAINED LEGEND SYMBOL BOREHOLE SAMPLE DEPTH(m) • 20-1 13 15.0 - 15.2 ■ 20-2 9 9.0 - 9.2 Project Number: 19132686 Checked By: TO Golder Associates Date: 06-Jul-20 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION MTO LS-702 FIGURE B2 (SM) SILTY SAND (TILL) Size of openings, inches U.S.S Sieve size, meshes/inch 6" 41/." 3" 1 %" 1" %" %" 3/8" 3 4 8 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 200 100 90 80 70 z 1-- 60 LU z LL 50 H z LU X 40ill LU a 30 20 10 0—] 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 GRAIN SIZE, mm COBBLE COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND CLAY SIZES GRAVEL SIZE SIZE SAND SIZE FINE GRAINED LEGEND SYMBOL BOREHOLE SAMPLE DEPTH(m) • 20-4 3 1.2 - 1. 4 ■ 20-1 4 2.3 - 2.7 Project Number: 19132686 Checked By: TO Golder Associates Date: 06-Jul-20 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION MTO LS-702 FIGURE B3 (ML) SILT and SAND (TILL) Size of openings, inches U.S.S Sieve size, meshes/inch 6" 41/." 3" 1 %" 1" %" %" 3/8" 3 4 8 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 200 100 90 80 70 z 60 LU z LL 50 H z LU 0 40 LU a 30 20 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 GRAIN SIZE, mm COBBLE COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND CLAY SIZES GRAVEL SIZE SIZE SAND SIZE FINE GRAINED LEGEND SYMBOL BOREHOLE SAMPLE DEPTH(m) • 20-2 5 3.1 - 3.5 Project Number: 19132686 Checked By: TO Golder Associates Date: 06-Jul-20 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION MTO LS-702 FIGURE B4 (ML) Sandy SILT (TILL) Size of openings, inches U.S.S Sieve size, meshes/inch 6" 41/." 3" 1 %" 1" %" %" 3/8" 3 4 8 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 200 100 90 80 70 z 60 IY LU z L 50 H z LU X 40 LU a 30 20 0- 0-]0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 GRAIN SIZE, mm COBBLE COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND CLAY SIZES GRAVEL SIZE SIZE SAND SIZE FINE GRAINED LEGEND SYMBOL BOREHOLE SAMPLE DEPTH(m) • 20-2 16 19.5 - 19.6 Project Number: 19132686 Checked By: TO Golder Associates Date: 06-Jul-20 Appendix C: Trail Alignment and Profile APPROXIMATE A CREEK LOCATION LIMIT OF EL20 99,73 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BH20-4 __ — -- -- - O EL. = 104.271 ,- BH2O-5 EL. = 100.88 I LIMIT OF GRADING / SH2O-1 (WITHOUT RETAINING 8< � O EL. = 124.42 WALL I ARMOUR STONE RETAINING WALL ; I PROPOSED (OPTIONAL) ; O TRAIL 09Ltb -_ O O O / # 51 # 49 # 53 --- B EIH2O-2 — 36 o EL. 124.`� '.•. O #47i _ I # 45 39 # 43 STORMWATER — r� IFS # 41 MANAGEMENT POND a 125 125 24 124 123 123 122 122 121 - 121 DATE BY ISSUES REVISIONS � 119 120 19 9 _uwff 118 118 117 117 PROJECT: 116 116 115 115 FAREWELL CREEK TRAIL 114 - -- - _ _ _-- - 114 2020 WORKS 112 112 DRAWING: 11 111 BOREHOLE LOCATION PLAN 110 110 109 _ 109 DRAWN BV: CHECKED BV: PROJECT G. MASK D. CAMPBELL C14-0287 108 108 DESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY DRAWING No. � D. CAMPBELL D. CAMPBELL - N It CO 00 O N It c0 OD O N (0 00 O N CHAINAGE + + + + + +) + + +� co w � co � + + CHAINAGE H: 1:500 SCALE: DATE: V: 1:100 JUNE 2020 126 PROPOSED TRAIL 12 zs E.L. = 119.47 z6 124 ARMO R STONE RETAINING 124 120 WALL (0 TIONA) 120 118 PR POSE 2:1 LOPE 118 Q 116 (W THOU RETA NING ALL) 114 z na 11a O F nz ORIGINAL G OUND - z U 110 110 Lu (p 108 _ _ - 108 106 APPROXIMA E 106 104 104 102 -' 102 100 --- // 100 98 - -_-- 998 9675 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 306 128 128 PRCPOSED TRAIL 126 `rE.L. = 116.2--- ___ 126 124 ARMCUR STONE R TAINI G 124 122 WALL (OPTIONAL) 122 zo zo PROPOSED :1 SLOPE 118 (WITHOUT FETAINING WALL) 118 m 116 116 z 114 ORIGINA L GRO JND 114 0112 _ _ '' 112 (-) 110 - - - 110 m 10s APPROXIMATE: oa EDGE F CREEK — — os 108 104 _--�_--- 104 102 -' 102 100 - 100 98 998 9675 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 306 128 128 126 PRO OSED RAIL 126 24 � E. = 115.34 24 122 ARMOUR TONE RETAI ING 122 s 20 ALL OPTIO AL 20 116 PROPOSED 2:1 SLOPE 116 U ( ITHO T RET INING WALL) z O 114 114 0 IGINA GROU D --' 110 U o _ — --- W108--A -- ---- 108 PROXI ATE os E GE 0 CREE os 104 104 DATE BY ISSUES REVISIONS £ 102 102 100 -- --- ---- —/ 100 98 98 9675 —70 —65 —60 —55 —50 —45 —40 —35 —30 —25 —20 —15 —10 —5 0 5 10 15 20 25 3�6 122 122 PROJECT: 120 PROPOSED TRAIL_ 120 E. = 115.25 '— SWM POND 11e . 118 FAREWELL CREEK TRAIL 114 ARMOUR STONERETAINING WALL (OPTIONAL) — 114 2020 WORKS z 11z PROPOSED 2:1 LOPE ( ITHOU RETAINING ALL) —'' 112 i O 110 0 IGINA GROUND ___— -- 110 DRAWING: U 108 — —_ 108 Lu U) 106 106 CROSS SECTIONS 04 --' 04 102 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: PROJECT 100 1°° 98 gg G. MASK D. CAMPBELL C14-0287 % DESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: DRAWING No. H 96g 75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 396 D. CAMPBELL D. CAMPBELL - SCALE: H: AS NOTED DATE: 2V: AS NOTED JUNE 2020 lira ma s 9A w upm 6PECInC PROPER a of Tpr(a PR0Dms (GE mps, mwE 1 cowpo 1168 mD ono umN} wNICN 0 Pb'OP VAW To TmVfx 0E0SwMEIM wO. 4M HORNER zwr, ]AROMO, �ERARp, NO 4WD. W 9.leSDWfM OF THE SPECIFIED PRODUCES WILL 1W & MTE THIS D15". M W WW IS BANG FWN9iED FAR W ON 1146 SPECIRC MWECF WILY. ANY PAW ACCEPIINQ IM D0Ci10,1ERT DOES SO N MNFW CE HIV AWIM THAT fT MUU NOT BE fAIAf.ICATFD NRIOI.E OR IN PATR, NOR n6CE05fD TO 07NFA5, YTnIDOT THE L04i5EHT Oi TERPAFIX CEDCiYN11iE71PS WC, MlYRIM 2000, IERRII (GE05511ThUM X PROPOSED .HANDRAIL (BY OTHERS) SEE FADINGf in. t3.5rrr DETAIL "A'!� F1HiSHED GRADE /,_(0Y OTHERS) WWF CUT OPENING ZllGEOGRID FOR '_S0N0 TUBE (BYNCTTHERS) r—, UNITFILL REINFORCED BATYPE II) FINISHED GRADE (BY OTHERS) DESIGN' HEIGHT VARIES Max. IZ.Bm LIMIT OF SET BACK f 26mm REFER TO ELEVATION VIEW FOR GEOGRID REINF0RCED AT EA[ H 120 ' f3FTAILS (LENGTH, -TYPE AND ELEVATION) SOIL I/ l terrafix geasynthe#ics inc. 455 Horner Avenue Toronto, Ontario M8W 4W9 Tel:(416) 674-0363 � �S 5C PERFORATEDDRAIN PIPE WITH FINISHED GRADE SOCK DRAIN TO POSITIVE 0UT1..ET(S) T.0 r. RLTAINED } SOIL —LAMir, 4.4m 360R GE0TEXTILE .ram--F0UNDATI0N 5a2k�_z LEVELING PAD TERRASTEEP 900 TYP. CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE lWAl REVISIONS \ ISSU O 07 12 1 S ISSOED FOR REVIEW T� 8 0 ° MILL STREET PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY 07/12/118 TERRA5TEEP-90 RSS WAIF ",a,* CLARINGT0N ONTARI❑ As Shawn w"y" 4 pb1 Sheet dumber T.A. TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 4 OF C A THIN LAYER OF LEVELING COURSE *100mm TO 150mm (19-mm CRUSHED CLEAR STONE OR SIMILAR) GABION STONE AP FOLD BACfmS VjLlDR.TM SET BACK 20mm REINfRCEd SOIL AT EACH LIFT 1 GRANULAR R'TYPE II) WWF FACING 360R UNIT (BASKET) GEOTE?STILE SG GEOGRI,13 REINFORCEMENT' TERRASTEEP 900 FACING DETAIL "A" NOT TO SCALE Tip MIGN IS BIND UPON SPECIFIC PROPEFRIES OF iFRR M PRflCI= [OEti>G M, DEWNAX COkPO M AND EROSION EIEDW, WHO ARE PROPRIETARY lO M. 4&S PORER AYME. TOR M, ONTARIO, FFN 09. ANY SU9SEnUI%N of THE SAECIn— PRODlM WILE DHAMW THS DESIGN. THIS MWNO Is BONO FURNISHED FOR USE ON THIS SPECIFIC PRCUECF ONLY. ANY RM ALCUMNIG THIS 00rlJWNT DDES SO IN CONFIDENCE AND AGREES lHAT IF SNAL NO] DE DUPLICATED 1MOLE OR IN PART, MDR DACUM TO OT}FRS. ATDIm FRE ODdRw OF mgmix fFRLYUE im IW, COF' Wff 2009, TERWIX CEWMi= ING. rterrafix geosynthetics Inc. 455 Horner Avenue Toronto, Ontario M8W 4W9 Tel:(416) 674-0363 wl���vll 2" (50mm) (ONE END ONLY) AI (SEE SECTION) �I I� 4" (T 00mm) 9'—B" (2948mm) A EFFECTIVE LENGTH CENTER TO CENTEY OF OUTSIDE WIRES 10' (3048mm) LEVATION VIEW 04 GALVANIZED STEEL WELDED WIRE MESH IW1.l 640mm +/— 6,35mm �— (MEASURED INSIDE HOOK — INSIDE HOOK) STEEL WIRE ni innnnr nrni it SUPPORT STRUT DETAIL SUPPORT STRUT (SEE DETAIL) BUTT VERTICAL WIRE (OVERLAP HORIZONTAL WIRE 2" (50mm) VERTICAL WIRES OF ADJACENT FDRMS SHALL BE TIED TOGETHER AT BUTT LOCATION. PROVIDE SUPPORT STRUT AT ALL BUTT LOCATIONS). SUPPORT STRUT (SEE DETAIL) PLACED ALONG LENGTH OF WIRE FORM AT MAX. 0,5m SPACING. FIELD ADJUST AS REQUIRED. 18" (457mm) �1 gr (NOM,) f 4" [luummy 191, (457mm) 1 SECTION A —A WIRE FORM FACING UNIT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE REVISIONS \ ISSUE 0 07 t2 t8 ISSUED FOR REVIEV a MILL STREET PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY t. 47//I�g TERRASTEEP-90 RSS WALL 1�* CLARINGTON ONTARIO As Shown N UH Sheet Pfumt,ar DETAILS 5 OF 6 ITATYPICAL Appendix D: Works Cost Estimate Municipality of Clarington Farewell Creek Trail - Phase 2B COUNCIL RECOMMENDED ALIGNMENT Cost Apportionment Based on Engineer's Estimate Revised [02-26-2021] CIMA Protect No. C14-0287 Description Estimate _T Comments Construction Costs (Estimated) Part'A' Tree Removal 4+290 to 4+430 and 4+720 to 5+000 $ 10,600.00 CIMA Estimate Part'B' Trail Construction 4+290 to 4+430 $ 59,430.00 CIMA Estimate Part'A1' Tree Removal 4+430 to 4+720 - COUNCIL ALIGNMENT (Tendere $ 41,868.28 CIMA Estimate Part'C1' Trail Construction 4+430 to 4+720 - COUNCIL ALIGNMENT $ 481,670.00 CIMA Estimate Part'D 'Trail Construction 4+720 to 5+000 $ 385,228.00 CIMA Estimate Part'E1': Retained Soil System Wall - COUNCIL ALIGNMENT $ 664,393.00 CIMA Estimate Part'F' General Items $ 55,000.00 CIMA Estimate Sub -Total Construction $ 1,698,189.28 1.76% Net HST $ 29,888.13 $ 1,728,077.41 Total Construction Costs Other Project Costs 4.0% Design and Tendering $ 84,000.00 CIMA Estimate 7.0% Contract Administration and Inspection $ 120,965.42 CIMA Estimate 2.0% Material Testing $ 34,561.55 CIMA Estimate 10% Contingencies $ 172,807.74 Permits and Fees $ 3,500.00 CLOCA Sub -Total Other Costs $ 415,834.71 1.76% Net HST $ 7,318.69 $ 423,153.40 Total Other Costs Total Protect Cost Incl. Net HST $ 2,151,230.81 Available Funding Add Account Details $ - Other Sources $ - Total Funding $ - Funds Remaining / Over -run -$ 2,151,230.81 Tree Compensation $ 394,000.00 Municipality of Clarington Farewell Creek Trail - Phase 2B ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT Cost Apportionment Based on Engineer's Estimate Revised [02-26-2021] CIMA Project No. C14-0287 Description Estimate Comments Construction Costs (Estimated) Part'A' Tree Removal 4+290 to 4+430 and 4+720 to 5+000 $ 10,600.00 CIMA Estimate Part'B' Trail Construction 4+290 to 4+430 $ 59,430.00 CIMA Estimate Part'A2' Tree Removal 4+430 to 4+720 - ORIGNIAL ALIGNMENT (Tender $ 24,393.10 CIMA Estimate Part'C2' Trail Construction 4+430 to 4+720 - ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT $ 433,900.00 CIMA Estimate Part'D 'Trail Construction 4+720 to 5+000 $ 385,228.00 CIMA Estimate Part'E2': Retained Soil System Wall- ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT $ 77,175.00 CIMA Estimate Part'F' General Items $ 55,000.00 CIMA Estimate Sub -Total Construction $ 1,045,726.10 1.76% Net HST $ 18,404.78 $ 1,064,130.88 Total Construction Costs Other Project Costs 4.0% Design and Tendering $ 50,000.00 CIMA Estimate 7.0% Contract Administration and Inspection $ 74,489.16 CIMA Estimate 2.0% Material Testing $ 21,282.62 CIMA Estimate 10% Contingencies $ 106,413.09 Permits and Fees $ 3,500.00 CLOCA Sub -Total Other Costs $ 255,684.87 1.76% Net HST $ 4,500.05 $ 260,184.92 Total Other Costs Total Project Cost Incl. Net HST $ 1,324,315.80 Available Funding Add Account Details $ - Other Sources $ - Total Fundin $ - Funds Remaining / Over -run -$ 1,324,315.80 Tree Compensation $ 212,000.00 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 2B In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL20XX-XX for the following unit prices. Spec. - The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of OPS Specs SP - Refers to Special Provisions (P) - Plan Quantity Payment Item MOC - Municipality of Clarington Design Guidelines and Standard Drawings Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total Part 'A ' Tree Removal 4+290 to 4+430 and 4+720 to 5+000 (Tendered separately prior to Trail Tender) SP PART B: 4+107.48 to 4+430 LS 100% - - SP PART D: 4+720 to 5+000 LS 100% 10,600.00 10,600.00 Total Part 'A' Carried to Summary 10,600.00 Part 'B' Trail Construction 4+290 to 4+430 MUNI 182, Site Preparation, Misc. Removals, Access and LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 MUNI201, Staging MUNI 510, SP MUNI 201 i) Tree Clearing and Grubbing LS 100% - SP ii) Clear and Grub Stumps, Brush Removal, LS 100% 1,000.00 1,000.00 Relocate/Stockpile and Remove Felled Trees MUNI 805 Light Duty Silt Fence m 150.0 12.00 1,800.00 SP Catch basin Silt Trap ea 150.00 - MUNI 801 Tree Protection Fencing m 75.0 15.00 1,125.00 SP MUNI 805 Straw Bale Flow Check Dams ea 1.0 270.00 270.00 SP SP Layout by Contractor LS 100% 2,000.00 2,000.00 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 2B Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total MUNI 206 Earth Excavation (incl. Topsoil Stripping) and SP Grading i) Trail Alignment m3 220.0 30.00 6,600.00 (P) MUNI 1860 Woven Geotextile at Subgrade (Terratrack m2 530.0 3.00 1,590.00 SP 200W) MUNI 314 Granular'A' in Trail Compacted to 95% t 400.0 35.00 14,000.00 SP, MOC SPMDD (300mm depth) MUNI501 Provisional Item m3 51.0 30.00 1,530.00 Water For Compaction MUNI 310, Hot Mix HL-3F Asphalt (65mm Depth) t 77.0 150.00 11,550.00 SP, MOC MUNI310, Provisional Item LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 SP, Asphalt Cement Price Adjustment Allowance MOC DET-1 3300mm x 1200mm Concrete Pad c/w ea 2.0 2,500.00 5,000.00 Prefabricated Bench and Pressure Treated Pine Wheelchair Barrier MUNI802, Topsoil m2 185.0 8.00 1,480.00 SP MUNI804, Seed m2 185.0 5.00 925.00 SP, MOC 710 Pavement Markings SP i) 10cm width Yellow Traffic Paint m 140.0 4.00 560.00 Total Part 'B' Carried to Summary 59,430.00 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 213 Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total Part 'D 'Trail Construction 4+720 to 5+000 MUNI 182, Site Preparation, Misc. Removals, Access and LS 100% 15,000.00 15,000.00 MUNI201, Staging MUNI 510, SP MUNI 201 i) Tree Clearing and Grubbing LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 SP ii) Clear and Grub Stumps, Brush Removal, LS 100% 10,000.00 10,000.00 Relocate/Stockpile and Remove Felled Trees MUNI 805 Light Duty Silt Fence m 560.0 12.00 6,720.00 SP MUNI 801 Tree Protection Fencing m 100.0 15.00 1,500.00 SP MUNI 805 Straw Bale Flow Check Dams ea 5.0 270.00 1,350.00 SP SP Layout by Contractor LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 MUNI 206 Earth Excavation (incl. Topsoil Stripping) and SP Grading i) Trail Alignment m3 790.0 50.00 39,500.00 (P) MUNI206 Provisional Item m3 90.0 70.00 6,300.00 SP, MOC Additional Depth Excavation for Trail Construction in Wet Condition MUNI 1860 Woven Geotextile at Subgrade (Terratrack m2 1,180.0 3.00 3,540.00 SP 200W) MUNI 1860 Provisional Item m2 350.0 4.00 1,400.00 SP Non -Woven Geotextile (Terrafix 420R) SP Provisional Item t 220.0 60.00 13,200.00 53mm Minus Clear Stone (300mm Depth) MUNI 314 Import Granular B Fill t 2,024.0 40.00 80,960.00 SP, MOC The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 2B Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total MUNI 314 Granular'A' in Trail Compacted to 95% t 890.0 45.00 40,050.00 SP, MOC SPMDD (300mm depth) MUNI501 Provisional Item m3 116.0 30.00 3,480.00 Water For Compaction MUNI 421 1030x740mm dia. CSPA Culvert (Incl. SP Excavation, Frost Taper, Bedding and Backfill) i) 1030x740mm dia. CSPA Culvert m 30.0 700.00 21,000.00 MUNI 511 Rip -Rap Rock Protection 150-300mm of t 40.0 85.00 3,400.00 SP 450mm depth at Culvert Inlet/Outlets MUNI 310, Hot Mix HL-3F Asphalt (65mm Depth) t 154.0 175.00 26,950.00 SP, MOC MUNI310, Provisional Item LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 SP, Asphalt Cement Price Adjustment Allowance MOC Steel Safety Railing (not a guard) a) Galvanized Steel Safety Railing as per m 280.0 250.00 70,000.00 OPSD 980.101 MOD., incl. Mounting on Base Plates DET-1 3300mm x 1200mm Concrete Pad c/w ea 2.0 2,500.00 5,000.00 Prefabricated Bench and Pressure Treated Pine Wheelchair Barrier SP Plant Material LS 100% 7,500.00 7,500.00 MUNI 802, Topsoil m2 566.0 8.00 4,528.00 SP MUNI804, Seed m2 566.0 5.00 2,830.00 SP, MOC 710 Pavement Markings SP i) 10cm width Yellow Traffic Paint m 280.0 4.00 1,120.00 SP Supply and Install Erosion Control Blanket m2 125.0 20.00 2,500.00 Total Part'D' Carried to Summary 382,828.00 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 213 Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total Part 'F ' General Items SP Bonds, Insurance and Maintenance Security LS 100% 15,000.00 15,000.00 SP Mobilization and Demobilization, incl. Traffic Staging LS 100% 40,000.00 40,000.00 Total Part 'F' Carried to Summary 55,000.00 SUMMARY Part'A' Tree Removal 4+290 to 4+430 and 4+720 to 5+000 (Tendered separately prior to Trail Tender) $ 10,600.00 Part'B' Trail Construction 4+290 to 4+430 $ 109,213.08 Part 'D ' Trail Construction 4+720 to 5+000 $ 382,828.00 Part'FGeneral Items $ 55,000.00 Total (excluding HST) $ 557,641.08 HST (13% of Total) $ 72,493.34 Total Estimate Amount $ 630,134.42 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 2B In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL20XX-XX for the following unit prices. Spec. - The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of OPS Specs SP - Refers to Special Provisions (P) - Plan Quantity Payment Item MOC - Municipality of Clarington Design Guidelines and Standard Drawings Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total Part 'A1' Tree Removal 4+430 to 4+720 - COUNCIL ALIGNMENT (Tendered separately prior to Trail Tender) SP PART Cl: 4+430 to 4+720 LS 100% 41,868.28 41,868.28 Total Part'A' Carried to Summary 41,868.28 Part'C1' Trail Construction 4+430 to 4+720 - COUNCIL ALIGNMENT MUNI 182, Site Preparation, Misc. Removals, Access and LS 100% 25,000.00 25,000.00 MUNI201, Staging MUNI 510, SP MUNI 201 i) Tree Clearing and Grubbing LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 SP ii) Clear and Grub Stumps, Brush Removal, LS 100% 20,000.00 20,000.00 Relocate/Stockpile and Remove Felled Trees MUNI 805 Light Duty Silt Fence m 290.0 12.00 3,480.00 SP MUNI 801 Tree Protection Fencing m 100.0 15.00 1,500.00 SP MUNI 805 Straw Bale Flow Check Dams ea 5.0 270.00 1,350.00 SP SP Layout by Contractor LS 100% 7,500.00 7,500.00 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 2B Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total MUNI 206 Earth Excavation (incl. Topsoil Stripping) and SP Grading i) Trail Alignment m3 2,530.0 55.00 139,150.00 (P) MUNI 1860 Woven Geotextile at Subgrade (Terratrack m2 1,220.0 3.00 3,660.00 SP 200W) MUNI 314 Import Granular'B' Fill t 20.0 45.00 900.00 SP, MOC MUNI 314 Granular'A' in Trail Compacted to 95% t 920.0 45.00 41,400.00 SP, MOC SPMDD (300mm depth) MUNI501 Provisional Item m3 116.0 30.00 3,480.00 Water For Compaction MUNI 407, Precast Catch Basin (C-104 & C-105 c/w ea 4.0 3,500.00 14,000.00 SP, MOC OPSD 400.010) MUNI 421 300mm dia. CSP Culvert m 24.0 500.00 12,000.00 SP MUNI 511 Rip -Rap Rock Protection 150-300mm of t 120.0 85.00 10,200.00 SP 450mm depth at Culvert Inlet/Outlets Rip -Rap Rock Protection 100-200mm of m2 180.0 30.00 5,400.00 300mm depth in Ditch incl. Woven Geotextile base (Terratrack 200W ) MUNI 310, Hot Mix HL-3F Asphalt (65mm Depth) t 160.0 200.00 32,000.00 SP, MOC Concrete Curb and Gutter m 260.0 150.00 39,000.00 MUNI310, Provisional Item LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 SP, Asphalt Cement Price Adjustment Allowance MOC SP Plant Material LS 100% 7,500.00 7,500.00 MUNI802, Topsoil m2 2,180.0 8.00 17,440.00 SP MUNI804, Seed m2 2,180.0 5.00 10,900.00 SP, MOC The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 213 Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total 710 Pavement Markings SP i) 10cm width Yellow Traffic Paint m 290.0 4.00 1,160.00 SP Supply and Install Erosion Control Blanket m2 2,180.0 20.00 43,600.00 SP Pond Spillway Erosion Protection Extension m2 270.0 115.00 31,050.00 Total Part'C1' Carried to Summary 481,670.00 Part'E1': Retained Soil System Wall - COUNCIL ALIGNMENT SP Retaining wall system 1860 511 a) TensarTech Retaining Wall System m2 680 750.00 510,000.00 MUNI 1004 Provisional Item: m2 350 7.50 2,625.00 b) Tensar Triax TX160-375 Geo Grid Provisional Item: m2 350 3.48 1,218.00 c) Terrafix 360R Geotextile Provisional Item: t 450 59.00 26,550.00 d) Shotrock Provisional Item: t 200 50.00 10,000.00 e) 25mm to 37mm Clearstone SP Prefabricated Handrail m 240 475.00 114,000.00 MUNI 908 Total Part 'E1' (Carried to Summary) $ 664,393.00 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 213 In accordance with the first paragraph of this Tender, the Contractor hereby offers to complete the work specified for Contract No. CL20XX-XX for the following unit prices. Spec. - The numbers in this column refer to the applicable issue of OPS Specs SP - Refers to Special Provisions (P) - Plan Quantity Payment Item MOC - Municipality of Clarington Design Guidelines and Standard Drawings Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total Part 'A2' Tree Removal 4+430 to 4+720 - ORIGNIAL ALIGNMENT (Tendered separately prior to Trail Tender) SP PART C2: 4+430 to 4+720 LS 100% 24,393.10 24,393.10 Total Part 'A' Carried to Summary 24,393.10 Part'C2' Trail Construction 4+430 to 4+720 - ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT MUNI 182, Site Preparation, Misc. Removals, Access and LS 100% 15,000.00 15,000.00 MUNI201, Staging MUNI 510, SP MUNI 201 i) Tree Clearing and Grubbing LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 SP ii) Clear and Grub Stumps, Brush Removal, LS 100% 10,000.00 10,000.00 Relocate/Stockpile and Remove Felled Trees MUNI 805 Light Duty Silt Fence m 290.0 12.00 3,480.00 SP MUNI 801 Tree Protection Fencing m 200.0 15.00 3,000.00 SP MUNI 805 Straw Bale Flow Check Dams ea 2.0 270.00 540.00 SP SP Layout by Contractor LS 100% 7,500.00 7,500.00 MUNI 206 Earth Excavation (incl. Topsoil Stripping) and SP Grading i) Trail Alignment m3 1,480.0 45.00 66,600.00 (P) MUNI 1860 Woven Geotextile at Subgrade (Terratrack m2 1,220.0 3.00 3,660.00 SP 200W) The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 2B Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total MUNI 314 Granular'A' in Trail Compacted to 95% t 920.0 40.00 36,800.00 SP, MOC SPMDD (300mm depth) MUNI501 Provisional Item m3 116.0 30.00 3,480.00 Water For Compaction Rip -Rap Rock Protection 100-200mm of m2 80.0 30.00 2,400.00 300mm depth in Ditch incl. Woven Geotextile base (Terratrack 200W ) MUNI 310, Hot Mix HL-3F Asphalt (65mm Depth) t 160.0 160.00 25,600.00 SP, MOC MUNI310, Provisional Item LS 100% 5,000.00 5,000.00 SP, Asphalt Cement Price Adjustment Allowance MOC MUNI 511, Armour Stone Retaining Walls (3.5t min.) t 480.0 275.00 132,000.00 SP MUNI 511, G-10 Gabion Stone Filter Stone at Retaining t 190.0 170.00 32,300.00 MUNI 1860 Walls, Incl. Non -woven GeoTextile SP Steel Safety Railing a) Galvanized Steel Safety Railing as per m 90.0 250.00 22,500.00 OPSD 980.101 MOD., incl. Mounting on Base Plates DET-1 3300mm x 1200mm Concrete Pad c/w ea 1.0 2,500.00 2,500.00 Prefabricated Bench and Pressure Treated Pine Wheelchair Barrier SP Plant Material LS 100% 7,500.00 7,500.00 MUNI 802, Topsoil m2 960.0 8.00 7,680.00 SP MUNI804, Seed m2 960.0 5.00 4,800.00 SP, MOC 710 Pavement Markings SP i) 10cm width Yellow Traffic Paint m 290.0 4.00 1,160.00 SP Supply and Install Erosion Control Blanket m2 620.0 20.00 12,400.00 SP Pond Spillway Erosion Protection Extension m2 200.0 115.00 23,000.00 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 2B Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total Total Part 'C2' Carried to Summary 433,900.00 Part'E2': Retained Soil System Wall- ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT SP Retaining wall system 1860 511 a) TensarTech Retaining Wall System m2 65 750.00 48,750.00 MUNI 1004 Provisional Item: m2 50 15.00 750.00 b) Tensar Triax TV 60-375 Geo Grid Provisional Item: m2 50 6.00 300.00 c) Terrafix 360R Geotextile Provisional Item: t 75 90.00 6,750.00 d) Shotrock Provisional Item: t 75 75.00 5,625.00 e) 25mm to 37mm Clearstone SP Prefabricated Handrail m 30 500.00 15,000.00 MUNI 908 Total Part'E2' (Carried to Summary) $ 77,175.00 The Municipality of Clarington - Purchasing Office CL20XX-XX - Farewell Creek Phase 2B Item No. Spec No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Total SUMMARY Part'A2' Tree Removal 4+430 to 4+720 - ORIGNIAL ALIGNMENT (Tendered separately prior to Trail Tender) $ 24,393.10 Part'C2' Trail Construction 4+430 to 4+720 - ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT $ 433,900.00 Part'E2': Retained Soil System Wall- ORIGINAL ALIGNMENT $ 77,175.00 Total (excluding HST) $ 535,468.10 HST (13% of Total) $ 69,610.85 Total Estimate Amount $ 605,078.95 Appendix A: Photo Logs 0� . . . . . . . . . . . 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