HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-09SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 2021 7:00 P.M. via Microsoft Teams PRESENT: Brian Reid ( Chair), Ken Mercer (Staff ), Kate Potter ( Vice - Chair), Leo Blindenbach, Meaghan Vandenbrink, Carrie -Anne Atkins, Rod McArthur, Patrick Bothwell, Tom Hossie, Corinna Traill, Kim Maxwell (guest) REGRETS: Maggie Luczak, Jocelyn Whalen WELCOME: Brian welcomed everyone, noting that this was our first meeting of the new year. He welcomed and introduced Kim Maxwell to the meeting representing Bowmanville Valleys with whom our committee has been communicating recently about a proposed interpretative signage project. Acceptance of Agenda: Moved by Kate Potter, seconded by Patrick Bothwell that the agenda for this evening's meeting be accepted. CARRIED MINUTES OF MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 2020: No errors or omissions were noted. Moved by Leo Blindenbach, seconded by Patrick Bothwell that the minutes of the meeting of November 10, 2020 be approved. CARRIED. UPDATES: Interpretative signage project: SWNA Committee member Jocelyn Whalen had attended a recent meeting of Bowmanville Valleys and established a liaison with that organization who had initiated an interpretative signage project over a year ago. Kim Maxwell, representing that group, described some of the features of its project and fielded questions from the SWNA members. There are 13 " stations" or " discs " positioned throughout the Bowmanville Valleys project zone. Kim noted that usage ( ie "taps" on the signage) has been considerable. She also noted that some vandalism had been experienced and suggested that any project should include some budget for repairs. Tom Hossie suggested using a " QR code" approach vs the chip approach used by BV. It was agreed that this would be more cost effective, faster to implement and would allow us an opportunity to monitor its usage to determine if we wished to continue or expand the initiative. It was also noted that we could probably use the existing interpretative signs that we already have in place throughout the Nature Area as bases for the QR stickers.. After some discussion, it was agreed that the subcommittee exploring this project would focus on that approach. Councillor Traill was asked to connect the committee with the appropriate municipal staff person or department who could assist us with technical issues, permissions etc. WINTER TRAIL MAINTENANCE: Councillor Traill reported that Council had approved a motion she had presented on our behalf to maintain the flat portions of the trails within the Nature Area during the winter months. The usage of the trails has increased significantly since the Covid pandemic began as a means of obtaining safe outdoor exercise etc. The council motion expressly indicated that salt was NOT to be used on the trails because of the environmental implications. Some discussion took place as to whether it was possible to maintain the trails properly with SOME salt being used. Councillor Traill agreed to approach other parties, such as CLOCA, to determine how they were addressing this issue. The Committee thanked Councillor Traill for bringing forward this motion on our behalf. PRESENTATION TO KIRK KEMP: The SWNA Committee had asked the municipal Council to formally recognize Mr. Kemp for his efforts in supporting our pollinator garden project. A presentation was scheduled to be done at the Council meeting of February 8t". However, due to technical difficulties, the actual presentation was not broadcast. Council agreed to make the presentation at some point in the future when the public will be able to see it. Brian noted that our committee has sent a letter of appreciation to Mr. Kemp in December and posted an article thanking him on our blog. SPRING PLANTING PROJECT: The committee set aside Saturday May 29t", 2021 as the tentative date for this year's project. Obviously, this will be Covid dependant and may have to be done in a somewhat different and creative way. PLANNING FOR 2021: This portion of the meeting was set aside to discuss possible events, projects and priories for the coming year. Those items referred to above will be part of the year's plans. In addition, we look forward to seeing the first results of our wildflower planting project this spring/summer. It was generally felt that we should continue our focus on promoting pollinator habitat improvement, monarch tagging etc. Tom Hossie suggested a Moth night ( or nights ) that could be held during National Moth Week in July. He has taken part in this in the past on his own on the SWNA grounds with considerable success. There is potential for this to be a public event, if somewhat limited in numbers. There was considerable enthusiasm for this idea and it was agreed that we would plan accordingly. The idea of holding a digital scavenger hunt, perhaps connected to Naturalist, was discussed. It was agreed that this could be relatively easy to mount and has a learning/educational component to it that has a lot of appeal . OTHER BUSINESS: Councilor Traill asked about our social media presence and suggested we might wish to consider " rationalizing " it to get the maximum benefit and exposure for the Nature Area and its activities. At present, the facebook page maintained by Leo has done a tremendous job of providing information, and has a large following, although it is not devoted exclusively to the SWNA. Our own facebook page is not consistently maintained. The blog is also used as a medium for articles and information to be disseminated. The committee agreed to look at this overall issue more closely in the months ahead. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday March 9 at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: moved by Rod McArthur, seconded by Tom Hossie that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED