HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-018-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 22, 2021 Report Number: PDS-018-21 Submitted By: Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services Andrew Reviewed By: C. Allison, CAO Resolution#: PD-062-21, C-081-21 File Number: PLN 17.25.9 By-law Number: Report Subject: Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-018-21 be received; 2. That Council endorse the Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan (Attachment 1); 3. That Council direct staff to prepare an action -specific implementation guide, to guide the implementation of the actions outlined in the Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan; 4. That staff report back to Council with information upon completion of the action -specific implementation guide; 5. That Council authorize staff to apply for funding opportunities to support the implementation of actions contained in the Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan (CCCAP), where identified; and 6. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-018-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Report Overview Page 2 The purpose of this report is to seek Council support for the Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan (CCCAP), to provide staff with direction to take actions to prepare the Municipality for climate change and to establish targets to reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions. The overall purpose of the CCCAP is to identify actions that enable the Municipality to avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Over 70 staff from all departments worked to identify the risks that climate change presents to the Municipality and compile a list of achievable actions that the Municipality can take to respond to climate change. In total, staff identified 199 climate risks to the Municipality. 116 actions to respond to climate risks are included in the CCCAP. All actions contained within the CCCAP work to achieve seven goals. 1) Reduce Corporate GHG Emissions Contributing to Climate Change 2) Maintain Public and Workplace Health and Safety 3) Minimize Risks to Buildings and Properties 4) Strengthen the Resilience of Municipal Infrastructure 5) Protect Ecosystems and Biodiversity 6) Minimize Disruption to Corporate Operations and Services 7) Build Community Resilience The CCCAP sets a target to reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions to 35% below 2018 baseline levels by 2030 and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The CCCAP is a living document that will be reviewed annually and updated every 5 years to incorporate the best available science and best practices to ensure the Municipality is as effective as possible in its efforts to respond to climate change. 1. Introduction 1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek endorsement for the draft Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan (CCCAP) and to request direction from Council to proceed with implementation planning. The draft CCCAP is attached (Attachment 1). 1.2 By endorsing the CCCAP, the Municipality will take its most significant step to date to prepare the Municipality for climate change and reduce GHG emissions that are causing climate change. Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PDS-018-21 1.3 The actions contained in the CCCAP are intended to have co -benefits to the Municipality including increased energy security, increased community and staff wellbeing, reduced operational expenses and decreased service disruptions. Actions contained in the CCCAP are intended to align with the priorities and other initiatives being undertaken by the Municipality. 2. Background 2.1 In the last five years the Municipality has increasingly shown leadership to prepare the Municipality for climate change. A list of the Municipality's key climate initiatives to date are listed on pages 11-12 of the CCCAP (Attachment 1). 2.2 More specifically, in July 2018, Council approved Resolution #GG-366-18 respecting the establishment of the Inter -Departmental Climate Change Working Group (ICCWG) and directing staff to prepare an application for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' (FCM) Municipal Climate Innovation Program (MCIP) — Climate Change Staff Grants Initiative. 2.3 In September 2018, a Terms of Reference for the ICCWG was approved by Department Heads. In accordance with the established mandate, the ICCWG brings together representatives from across the Corporation to work collaboratively on a climate change vision for the Municipality and to identify, prioritize and implement climate change actions that are within Municipal control. 2.4 In December 2018, staff received notice from FCM that the Municipality's MCIP application was successful. The FCM MCIP Staff Grants Initiative provided funds to pay up to 80 per cent of the salary (to a maximum of $125,000 over a 24-month period) to hire a staff person to work on initiatives to advance adaptation to local climate change impacts and to reduce GHG emissions. 2.5 In May 2019, a Climate Change Response Coordinator was hired on a 24-month contract. Working in collaboration with the ICCWG, a multi -phase process was initiated to assess the Municipality's baseline GHG emissions, identify the risks that climate change presents to the Municipality, develop the CCCAP and coordinate the implementation of corporate actions to respond to climate change. 3. The Role of Municipalities in Responding to Climate Change 3.1 The Municipality provides services that are essential to the functioning of our community. Municipal services function to keep residents healthy and safe, create cultural and social opportunities, enable the economy to function and keep our environment clean. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Page 4 3.2 Based on the most up-to-date climate projections from the Ontario Climate Consortium, the services the Municipality provides will likely be impacted by the extreme weather that will result from climate change. As the Municipality is responsible for the health and wellbeing of residents, it will be called upon during weather -related emergencies including floods, extreme precipitation, ice storms and fires related to drought. 3.3 By taking actions to prepare the Municipality for the known risks associated with climate change and by doing its part to reduce GHG emissions that are causing climate change, the Municipality will be in the best possible position reduce the likelihood of disruptions to essential services, protect community health and wellbeing, and avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. 3.4 The CCCAP identifies specific actions the Municipality will take to prepare for climate change, avoid service disruptions and protect residents and staff health and wellbeing. 4. Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan 4.1 The CCCAP is the culmination of a collaborative effort by over 70 staff members to identify and provide practical solutions to the risks and challenges that climate change poses to the Municipality. The CCCAP contains 116 creative and practical actions to lessen the impacts of climate change on municipal operations and services and reduce GHGs emitted by the Municipality. 4.2 The overall purpose of the CCCAP is to identify actions to enable the Municipality to avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable impacts of climate change. 4.3 The vision of the CCCAP is to ensure Clarington is a safe, stable and prosperous community. 4.4 The mission of the CCCAP is to provide leadership and tangible solutions to combat climate change and environmental damage while providing efficient and high -quality services to the community. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Page 5 4.5 All actions contained in the CCCAP aim to achieve the purpose, vision and mission of the plan. The actions are organised into seven goal categories. The goals reflect the Municipality's response to the most likely impacts of climate change on the Corporation. Goals include: • Reduce Corporate GHG Emissions • Maintain Public and Workplace Health and Safety • Minimize Risks to Buildings and Properties • Strengthen the Resilience of Municipal Infrastructure • Protect Ecosystems and Biodiversity • Minimize Disruptions to Corporate Operations and Service Delivery • Build Community Resilience 4.6 The CCCAP takes a dual approach in responding to the causes and impacts of climate change by addressing both climate adaptation and climate mitigation. Climate Adaptation 4.7 Adaptation components of the plan focus on preparing the Municipality for the impacts of climate change. By preparing for future climate conditions, the Municipality will lessen the negative impacts that climate change will have on municipal operations, the provision of services, residents and the local economy. 4.8 The adaptation elements of the CCCAP were guided by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI Canada), Building Adaptive & Resilient Communities (BARC) five -milestone framework. ICLEI Canada's Five Milestones for Climate Adaptation methodology is a structured approach to help the Municipality prepare for the impacts of climate change through a series of progressive steps. Milestones include: 1) initiate; 2) research; 3) plan; 4) implement, and; 5) monitor and review (Figure 1). Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Page 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE f�YIEMr REYIEW FCti ACTI0N3 f 1m1 TIAT€ tkkwkfy Ekehalders MILESTONE 2: RESEARCH MILESTONE a: PLAN • Initiate m�eearoh an • EIablish a lapWtion ■BAd climate rhange Climatic rhangm vision and ob�etibes adaptation team ■ Refine imps= ■ Set gals ■Identify an and comider service ■ Identify optio-ns adapr� c:hampian areas far earn artid anions ■Take a first look En ■Vulnerability -Identify passible dimate cqiangg assessment {mod` driers and cor=eints impacts and existing of sensitivity and adaptivecapa�crty) ■Evaluateaudons. adaptatianaations against d rivers a nd ■Rasa awncil ■ Risk a=-=esament carrsriaints msolut.k n aid (acrreaquence and likelihood of in pa.) ■DeWrrrrine appropriate cGmrrKr4charter and prioritization baeeline and indicator data -Examine finandng and budget •Edtablish inplerrrenrta- tion ededule •Cmete action plan -Launch plan 7 -- ....._ .. MILESTONE 5: IMPLEMENT MONIT01 REVIEW •Eiegin imoarnentstion •Assm new infarrnetian ,s • • Support and m-Aaw drimrs from C uFmA and *Track implementation canrnunity prggram Use appropriate *Eualuat,e eifectiuersess i mplemerir bm tools of actions using ,FiW1y,t&rms of baseline data and action plan indicators ■FkV]ftoneucces5es -Communicate neguiadyto maintain accomplis­cents manverrtum •lnaestigate future adaptation options and actions •Rseais+e adapitatian plan •Launrh nuKt rain; of adaptation pla- Figure 1 - ICLEI Canada BARC five -milestone framework Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Glossary of Terms Climate Mitigation 4.9 Mitigation components of the CCCAP focus on decreasing the severity of future climate change impacts by reducing GHG emissions that are causing the climate to change. By doing its part to reduce GHG emissions, the Municipality can help to slow climate change and limit its negative impacts. 4.10 The mitigation elements of the CCCAP have been guided by the FCM PCP program. The PCP program consists of a five -milestone framework to guide the Municipality to act on climate change by reducing GHG emissions. Milestones include: 1) creating a baseline emissions inventory and forecast to assess the amount of GHGs the municipality is emitting and track progress on reducing GHG emissions; 2) set GHG emissions reduction targets to encourage the municipality to reduce GHG emissions; 3) develop a local action to guide staff to take actions to reduce GHG emissions; 4) implement the local action plan to achieve GHG emissions reduction targets, and; 5) monitor progress and report results (Figure 2). �1 Establish a baseline GHG inventory 1 and forecast Set GHG reduction targets 3 Develop a local action plan 4 Implement the plan Monitor progress and report results Figure 2 - FCM PCP Program 5-milestone framework Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Climate Risks to the Municipality Page 8 4.11 Staff worked with the Ontario Climate Consortium to bring together representatives from all departments to complete a climate change risk and vulnerability assessment. Using the most up-to-date climate projections, staff participated in a workshop to identify potential climate change risks to the Municipality. A total of 199 risks were identified. 4.12 The top climate conditions placing the Municipality at risk include: • more rainfall; • more heatwaves; • more ice storms; • more freeze -thaw cycles; and • more extreme weather events. GHG Emissions and Energy Consumption Inventory 4.13 Using the International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol, staff completed a GHG inventory to establish a baseline for GHGs emitted by the Municipality. The GHG emissions inventory was calculated using information from four areas of municipal operations including: buildings, vehicles, streetlights and solid waste. 4.14 Data collected for the corporate energy consumption and GHG emissions baseline inventory revealed that the Municipality consumed 110,077 Gigajoules (GJ) of energy in the 2018 baseline year. Municipal buildings are responsible for most of the energy consumed, followed by streetlights and fleet vehicles (Figure 3). 4.15 Data collected for the corporate energy consumption and GHG emissions baseline inventory also revealed that the Municipality produced 4,039.4 tons of GHG emissions (CO2e) in the 2018 baseline year. Of the GHG emissions released by the Municipality, the majority originated from municipal buildings, followed by fleet vehicles, waste and streetlights (Figure 4). Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Natural Gas 49 % Fuel Oil 0.3% Propane 1% Fuel Oil Gasoline Propane Electricity Diesel 2.2% iasoline 5.1% Electricity 42.4% Diesel Natural Gas Figure 3 — Gigajoules of Energy Consumed by Source (2018) Streetlights Waste 1% 12% Buildings 73% Vehicles 14% Streetlights Waste Vehicles Buildings Figure 4 - tCO2e GHG emissions by source (2018) Page 9 Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 GHG Emissions Reduction Targets Page 10 4.16 According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) human activities are estimated to have already caused approximately 1.0°C of global warming above pre -industrial levels. Global warming is estimated to be increasing at 0.2°C per decade due to ongoing emissions. If current trends continue, global warming will likely reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052. 4.17 The IPCC has advised that to avoid climate change at a scale that has catastrophic impacts, GHG emissions must be reduced by 45 per cent by 2030, compared with 2010 levels, and that net emissions be reduced to zero by 2050. 4.18 Staff identified GHG emissions reduction targets using three criteria: 1) targets must be achievable by the Municipality; 2) targets must be significant in helping to limit climate change and; 3) targets must demonstrate the Municipality's commitment to avoiding the negative impacts of climate change. 4.19 Emissions reduction targets align with best practices established by the FCM, IPCC, and the Region of Durham and several other Ontario municipalities. 4.20 The CCCAP sets a target to reduce corporate GHG emissions 35 per cent from 2018 baseline emissions by 2030 and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Figure 5 below demonstrates three corporate GHG emissions scenarios: 1) Municipal corporate baselines GHG emissions; 2) forecasted GHG emissions based on business as usual; and 3) 35% emissions reductions by 2030. 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Corporate GHG Emissions Scenarios 2018-2030 Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Baseline Business as Usual 35% Reduction Figure 5 - Corporate GHG Emission Scenarios 2018-2030 Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Action Identification and Prioritization Page 11 4.21 Using the list of climate impacts compiled from the risk and vulnerability assessment, staff from all departments participated in workshops to identify a list of potential actions to help the Municipality adapt to each climate impact. 4.22 Two approaches were taken to develop a list of adaptation actions: 1) list each impact, then identify options and relevant service areas, and 2) review actions taken by other similar municipalities and select actions that relate to the Municipality. 4.23 Staff evaluated each action based on a set of qualitative criteria, including sustainability, effectiveness, risk and uncertainty, opportunities, and ease of implementation. This resulted in an action evaluation score for each action. Refer to Appendix H of the CCCAP for more detail about the adaptation action evaluation criteria. 4.24 Next, a risk score was calculated for each proposed adaptation action based on the climate impact consequence and likelihood data generated from the risk and vulnerability assessment outlined above. Climate impact consequences and likelihoods were multiplied together to generate a risk score. Actions were then ranked from low to high risk, depending on their risk score. 4.25 To prioritize identified adaptation actions each action's combined score created a Adaptation Action Prioritization Matrix. Actions with high risk and action evaluation scores were categorized as `Must Do.' Actions with moderate combined risk and action evaluation scores were categorized as `Monitor'. The lowest scores were categorized as `Investigate Further'. 4.26 Staff from all departments also participated in workshops to identify and prioritize a list of actions to reduce corporate GHG emissions. All proposed actions had to be within municipal control, attainable, and contribute significantly to GHG emissions reductions. 4.27 All identified mitigation actions were evaluated using criteria adapted from the Canadian Communities' Guidebook for Adaptation to Climate Change to assess the presence of factors essential to the successful implementation of actions to reduce corporate GHG emissions (2008). 4.28 Each action was evaluated using a set of qualitative criteria, including sustainability, effectiveness, opportunities, and ease of implementation. Once complete, the criteria resulted in a corresponding action evaluation score. Refer to Appendix H of the CCCAP for detail about the mitigation evaluation criteria. 4.29 Mitigation actions were rated based on their potential to reduce corporate GHG emissions relative to current corporate practices. Actions were placed into five categories: Low, Medium - Low, Medium, Medium - High and High. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Page 12 4.30 To prioritize mitigation actions, each action's evaluation score and GHG emissions rating was combined into a Mitigation Action Prioritization Matrix. Actions with high emissions reduction potential and high action evaluation scores were categorized as `Must Do.' Actions with moderate scores were categorized as `Monitor.' Actions with the lowest scores were categorized as `Investigate Further.' 4.31 `Must Do' actions were included in the CCCAP for short-term development and implementation. `Monitor' actions are intended to be acted upon should opportunities present themselves in the mid-term. Actions categorized as `Investigate Further' will be revisited in future. Refer to Appendix D of the CCCAP to review the list of actions for future consideration. Implementation 4.32 The Implementation section of the CCCAP establishes principles to guide the successful implementation of the climate actions and achieve the overall vision of the plan. Principles include: • Collaborative - Implementation of this plan will be a collaborative effort by all departments and will seek out partnerships with all levels of government, utility companies, conservation authorities, academic institutions, non -governmental organizations and community groups, where possible. • Impactful - Actions that prepare the Municipality for the widest range of climate risks will be prioritized for implementation. • Integrated - Where possible, the implementation of actions will contribute to other municipal priorities and initiatives. • Iterative - The implementation of climate actions will be adjusted and enhanced as new information and funding opportunities become available. • Sustainable - Where possible, the implementation of climate actions will advance the sustainability efforts of the Municipality generally. 4.33 The climate action implementation schedule for the plan was developed to guide the overall process of implementing the actions contained in this plan. The implementation schedule lists the climate actions and outlines the lead and supporting department for each action; relevant municipal plans, policies and strategies; potential implementation partners; expected financial needs; level of effort and duration of time it is anticipated to take to implement each action; whether one-time or ongoing. See Appendix C of the CCCAP (Attachment 1) to view the climate action implementation schedule in greater detail. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Page 13 4.34 Flexibility while implementing this plan will allow the Municipality to integrate new policies, financial resources and partnership opportunities into the implementation process as they become available. 4.35 A comprehensive climate action implementation plan, with action -specific project plans, will need to be developed as a companion the CCCAP. Action -specific plans will highlight key responsibilities, supporting tasks, co -benefits, timelines, financial projections, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each action. 4.36 The implementation of the CCCAP is a long-term undertaking that will require engagement across all departments to become a new standard of operation. Ongoing support from Council and Senior Management will be essential to ensure that implementation of this plan maintains momentum. 4.37 Some actions contained in the CCCAP will require operational funding and capital investment to be successful. Staff will request funds for specific climate actions as part of the annual municipal budget cycle and will work to capitalize on funding opportunities as they become available from outside sources. Monitoring and Evaluation 4.38 Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of climate actions on an ongoing basis will enable staff to adjust and optimize climate action implementation and ensure the highest level of success. 4.39 Progress on the implementation of actions will be monitored using KPIs that are tailored to each climate action. 4.40 Tools to track identified KPIs for each action will be essential to successfully monitor and evaluate the successful implementation of climate action. Among the most essential KPIs to monitor will include utility consumption, cost savings and GHG emissions. 4.41 Staff will provide an annual climate action report to Council. The annual report will summarize KPIs and GHG emissions, highlight successes and lessons learned and provide an overview of the work to be undertaken in the following year. 4.42 The CCCAP is a living document that will be adapted throughout the implementation process. The plan is to be updated every five years. Updates to the plan will incorporate lessons learned and be updated with the current context, Council priorities and new opportunities. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 5. Next Steps Page 14 5.1 Upon direction from Council, staff will create an action -specific implementation guide that will guide the implementation of climate actions over a 5-year term. The implementation plan will be divided in to 1-year terms, aligning with the Municipality's annual budget cycle. 5.2 Each department will be responsible for leading and committing staff to the implementation of climate actions that pertain most directly to their department and integrating pertinent climate actions into their departmental work plans and budgets. 6. Concurrence 6.1 This report and the draft CCCAP have been reviewed by the Directors of all departments, who concur with the recommendations contained herein. 7. Conclusion 7.1 Climate change is one of the greatest challenges that the world is facing. Climate change is already contributing in increased flooding, forest fires, extreme weather, heatwaves and drought. In Clarington, climate change is expected to have significant impacts on the wellbeing of residents, municipal operations and the local economy. 7.2 The CCCAP was created as a collaborative effort involving over 70 staff to understand the likely impacts of climate change on the Municipality and identify actions that the Municipality should take to adapt and reduce GHG emissions. 7.3 The CCCAP contains 116 specific actions identified for the Municipality to take to reduce corporate GHG emissions and adapt corporate assets, operations, and services, to limit the negative impacts of climate change. All actions contained in this plan are achievable and within the control of the Municipality 7.4 Council has already taken significant steps to act on climate change by establishing the ICCWG, supporting the hiring of a dedicated resource to lead the development of the CCCAP, joining the FCM PCP program and declaring a climate emergency. 7.5 By endorsing the CCCAP and directing staff to take actions to respond to climate change the Municipality is fulfilling its responsibility to work in the best interests of staff and the community. By implementing this plan, the Municipality will take climate change into consideration as part of ongoing municipal operations and work to ensure Clarington remains a safe, healthy and economically prosperous place to live. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Page 15 7.6 By taking actions to prepare the Municipality for the known risks associated with climate change, the Municipality will be in the best possible position to avoid disruptions to essential services, protect community health and wellbeing, and avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. 7.7 It is respectfully recommended that Council endorse the CCCAP to respond to climate change as an essential feature of Municipal operations. Staff Contact: Doran Hoge, Climate Change Response Coordinator, 905-623-3379 ext. 2429 or dhoge(Dclarington.net. Attachments: Glossary of Terms Attachment 1 — Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan Interested Parties: Association of Municipalities of Ontario Durham area municipalities Federation of Canadian Municipalities Region of Durham Adeline Cohen — Community Member Alyssa Scanga — Community Member David Crome — Community Member James Carr — Community Member Libby Racansky — Community Member Peggy Clark — Community Member Suzanne Elston — Community Member Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-018-21 Glossary of Terms BARC - Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities CCCAP - Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan ECDM - Energy Conservation and Demand Management FCM - Federation of Canadian Municipalities GHG - Greenhouse Gases ICCWG - Interdepartmental Climate Change Working Group ICLEI - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change KPI - Key Performance Indicators MCIP - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Municipal Climate Innovation Program OCC — Ontario Climate Consortium PCP - Partners for Climate Protection TCO2E — Tonnes of GHGs Equalized to Carbon Dioxide Municipality of Clarington 2021 0116161110 ...iimate k rti, nin 1 i is ■ TIP— _.. OR,7777 x_a ... •. . 19M trn ..- _, { "ram _ ��=. �'F. ;'.•.'V..:. �•.rg� ][,., ,�sppy� �$ � ,.:,. ffI ... - ` v •" •Jj,SY-�:.'� r�i:: e�3 :y f [y C�,t�r s4 .sS��t • �,5' „yrY _ s_ ? < ��.... yl rr Clar-Mgton Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary........................................................................................................ 5 Message from the Mayor................................................................................................. 8 Messagefrom the CAO................................................................................................... 9 Indigenous Land Acknowledgement............................................................................. 10 Acknowledgements....................................................................................................... 10 Introduction................................................................................................................... 11 Clarington's Commitment to Climate Change............................................................ 11 ClimateAdaptation.................................................................................................... 12 ClimateMitigation...................................................................................................... 13 The Role of Local Government in Responding to Climate Change ............................ 13 Land Use and Development Planning.................................................................... 14 Licensing and Regulation....................................................................................... 14 Leadership and Awareness.................................................................................... 14 ServiceDelivery..................................................................................................... 14 Operations and Workforce..................................................................................... 14 The Science of Climate Change.................................................................................... 15 Whatis Climate Change?.......................................................................................... 15 Climate Projections for Canada................................................................................. 16 Climate Change Projections for Clarington................................................................ 16 Increasing Average Annual Temperatures............................................................. 17 Increasing Average Annual Maximum Temperatures ............................................ 17 Fewer Extreme Cold Days..................................................................................... 18 Increased Precipitation........................................................................................... 18 Fewer Predictable Freeze and Thaw cycles.......................................................... 18 Longer Growing Season........................................................................................ 18 Local Climate Change Impacts.................................................................................. 19 PhysicalImpacts.................................................................................................... 19 EcologicalImpacts................................................................................................. 19 SocialImpacts........................................................................................................ 20 EconomicImpacts.................................................................................................. 20 2 OurApproach................................................................................................................ 21 ICLEI— BARC............................................................................................................ 22 FCM— PCP Program................................................................................................. 23 StaffEngagement......................................................................................................24 Objective, Vision and Mission.................................................................................... 24 GoalIdentification...................................................................................................... 24 Risk and Vulnerability Assessment............................................................................ 25 Department -Specific Risks and Possible Impacts - Workshop 1............................ 25 Ranking the Severity and Likelihoods - Workshop 2.............................................. 27 Summary of Climate Risks for the Municipality of Clarington................................. 27 Clarington's Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions Inventory ............................ 29 Municipal Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions ............................................ 30 GHG Emission Reductions Targets........................................................................... 33 Action Identification and Prioritization........................................................................ 34 MitigationActions................................................................................................... 34 AdaptationActions................................................................................................. 35 Objective, Vision, Mission, Goals and Actions.............................................................. 38 Objective.................................................................................................................... 38 Vision......................................................................................................................... 38 Mission...................................................................................................................... 38 Goalsand Actions...................................................................................................... 38 1) Reduce Corporate GHG Emissions.............................................................. 38 2) Maintain Public and Workplace Health and Safety ....................................... 41 3) Minimize Risks to Buildings and Properties .................................................. 42 4) Strengthen the Resilience of Municipal Infrastructure...................................43 5) Protect Ecosystems and Biodiversity............................................................44 6) Minimize Disruptions to Corporate Operations and Services ........................ 45 7) Build Community Resilience......................................................................... 46 Implementation.............................................................................................................. 47 GuidingPrinciples......................................................................................................48 Climate Action Implementation Schedule.................................................................. 48 3 ImplementationTools................................................................................................48 Monitoring and Evaluation......................................................................................... 49 NextSteps................................................................................................................. 50 Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 50 Appendices................................................................................................................... 51 Appendix A - CCCAP Participants............................................................................. 51 Appendix B - Glossary and Acronyms....................................................................... 55 Appendix C - Climate Action Implementation Schedule ............................................. 59 Appendix D - Actions for Future Consideration........................................................ 108 Appendix E - Climate Change Projections............................................................... 116 Appendix F - Risks and Vulnerability Assessment Outcomes ................................. 120 Appendix G - Climate Modeling Criteria................................................................... 122 Appendix H - Adaptation and Mitigation Evaluation Criteria .................................... 123 Appendix I - GHG Emissions Calculations............................................................... 128 WorksCited................................................................................................................. 132 12 Executive Summary The climate is changing. According to Canada's Changing Climate Report (2019), Canada is warming at almost double the global average rate. In Clarington, climate changes will include weather that is warmer and wetter, with larger and more frequent storms. Climate change will increasingly impact Clarington residents, infrastructure, municipal operations and the economy. The scale to which Clarington is impacted will depend on the actions that the Municipality takes now. Strengthening local action on climate change is an important step by the Municipality of Clarington to enhance the Municipality's longstanding commitment to sustainable development. The Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan takes a dual approach in responding to the causes and impacts of climate change: 1) Adaptation components of this plan focus on preparing the Municipality for the impacts of climate change. By preparing for future climate conditions, the Municipality will lessen the negative impacts that climate change will have on municipal operations, the provision of services, residents and the local economy. 2) Mitigation components of this plan focus on decreasing the severity of future climate change impacts by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are contributing to climate change. By doing its part to reduce GHG emissions, the Municipality can help to slow climate change and limit its negative impacts. This plan contains 116 specific actions that the Municipality will take to reduce GHG emissions, and adapt corporate assets, operations, and services, to limit the negative impacts of climate change. All actions contained in this plan are achievable and within the control of the Municipality. The adaptation elements of this plan have been guided by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI Canada) Building Adaptive & Resilient Communities (BARC) five -milestone framework. BARC milestones include: 1) Initiating; 2) research; 3) planning; 4) implementation and 5) monitoring and review. The mitigation elements of this plan were guided by the ICLEI Canada Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program. The PCP program consists of a five -milestone framework to guide the Municipality to reduce GHG emissions. Milestones include: 1) Creating a baseline emissions inventory and forecast; 2) setting emissions reduction targets; 3) developing and action plan; 4) implementing the action plan and 5) monitoring progress and reporting on the results of action implementation. Over 70 staff from all Municipal departments contributed to the development of this plan. An Interdepartmental Climate Change Working Group (ICCWG) met monthly to guide the development of the plan. Staff from all departments participated in workshops to assess climate change risks to the Municipality, identify and prioritize actions to reduce climate risks and corporate GHG emissions, and prioritize and finalize all 5 elements of this plan. Senior management reviewed and provided input to ensure climate actions align with corporate strategies and resources. Using the most up-to-date climate projections, staff participated in a workshop to identify potential climate change risks to the Municipality. A total of 199 risks were identified. From the identified risks, staff participated in a second workshop to rank climate risks based on the likelihood and severity of consequences to the Municipality. Using prioritized risks, staff from all departments participated in a series of workshops to identify and prioritize actions that the Municipality will take to limit climate risks. Included in this plan are 80 climate adaptation actions. Staff from all departments also participated in workshops to identify and prioritize a list of actions to reduce corporate GHG emissions. All proposed actions had to be within municipal control, attainable, and contribute significantly to GHG emissions reductions. 36 mitigation actions are included in this plan. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has determined that global GHG emissions must be reduced significantly to avoid catastrophic climate change (2018). By establishing corporate GHG reduction targets and adopting practices that reduce GHG emissions, the Municipality is doing its part to slow climate change while saving operating and energy costs. To achieve Milestone 2 of the PCP program, this plan sets a target to reduce corporate GHG emissions by 35 per cent by 2030 from 2018 levels, and to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050. These targets align with targets established by the IPCC, The Federal Government of Canada, the Provincial Government of Ontario and the Region of Durham. Emissions reduction targets will be achieved through the implementation of the actions outlined in this plan and in the 2019 Clarington Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan. In total, this plan includes 116 actions that the Municipality will take to respond to climate change. All actions are categorized into goals that have been prioritized through the climate action planning process. Goals include: 1) Reduce Corporate GHG Emissions 2) Maintain Public and Workplace Health and Safety 3) Minimize Risks to Buildings and Properties 4) Strengthen the Resilience of Municipal Infrastructure 5) Protect Ecosystems and Biodiversity 6) Minimize disruption to corporate operations and services 7) Build Community Resilience An implementation schedule was developed for this plan to inform the overall implementation of the climate actions in this plan (Appendix C). The schedule broadly outlines lead and supporting departments, associated municipal policies and plans, 0 duration of each action, level of effort, and estimated resources needed for implementation. A comprehensive climate action implementation guide, with action - specific project plans, will be developed as a companion to this plan. Action -specific plans will highlight key responsibilities, supporting tasks, co -benefits, timelines, financial projections, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each action. The CCCAP is a long-term initiative that will require engagement across all departments over several years to succeed. Ongoing support from Council will be essential to ensure that implementation of this plan maintains momentum. Some actions contained in this plan will also require capital investments to be successful. Funding requirements for specific climate actions will be integrated into the annual municipal budget cycle. Staff will work to capitalize on funding opportunities as they become available from sources outside of the Municipality. By implementing this corporate climate action plan, the Municipality of Clarington is fulfilling its responsibility to work in the community's best interests. The knowledge contained in this plan will enable the Municipality to make informed decisions to prioritize actions to limit GHG emissions that are contributing to climate change and minimize the impacts that climate change will have on the Municipality. By implementing this plan, the Municipality will take climate change into consideration as part of ongoing municipal operations and work to ensure Clarington remains a safe, healthy and economically prosperous place to live. 7 Message from the Mayor The Municipality of Clarington has created this corporate climate action plan to guide our efforts to limit the negative impacts of climate change, protect the wellbeing of staff, residents and businesses, and continue to provide high quality services to the community. We know that the best defense against climate change is a good offence, which is why we are acting now. The vision, goals, and actions contained in this plan will guide the Municipality's efforts to respond to climate change. By implementing the actions contained in this plan, Clarington will reduce corporate GHG emissions contributing to climate change, reduce energy consumption and expenses, and ensure the Municipality is ready for future climate conditions. As our community continues to grow, the Municipality remains dedicated to protecting the health and wellbeing of residents. By acting on climate change, we will continue to ensure Clarington is a safe, healthy and economically prosperous place to call home. Adrian Foster Mayor of the Municipality of Clarington Message from the CAO Our municipality provides services that ensure our community is safe, healthy, clean and prosperous. When extreme weather happens, the Municipality is called upon to protect the wellbeing of residents, while ensuring the safety of staff. Evidence shows that climate change in Clarington will result in more extreme weather, which has the potential to disrupt Municipal operations and services and place residents, staff and property at risk. Our municipality must adapt to the changing climate to ensure we are serving the community in the best way possible. This climate action plan is a corporate -wide initiative that will guide our municipality to reduce GHG emissions causing climate change and become resilient to extreme weather. As all departments implement the proactive actions contained in this plan, we will do our part to continue to serve the community and ensure Clarington remains safe, healthy, clean and prosperous. Andrew Allison Chief Administrative Officer of the Municipality of Clarington 9 Indigenous Land Acknowledgement The Municipality of Clarington is situated within the traditional and treaty territory of the Mississaugas and Chippewas of the Anishinabeg, known today as the Williams Treaties First Nations. Our work on these lands acknowledges their resilience and their longstanding contributions to the area now known as the Municipality of Clarington. Acknowledgements Thank you to everyone who participated in the development of this Corporate climate action plan. Strong leadership from Municipal Council and staff is advancing the Municipality's response to climate change. The valuable knowledge and experience of the Ontario Climate Consortium (OCC) and municipal staff was essential to creating this plan. This work was made possible by a grant from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) as part of the Municipal Climate Innovation Program (MCIP). The Interdepartmental Climate Change Working Group (ICCWG), consisting of 18 representatives from all departments, provided expert guidance on all aspects of the development of this plan. Over 70 staff members from all departments participated in multiple workshops to identify and prioritize actions for addressing and responding to climate change. Input from workshop participants ensured that all actions contained in this plan are practical, implementable and specific to Clarington. Please see Appendix A for a list of staff participants. 10 Introduction The Municipality of Clarington, like other municipalities in Ontario, will be impacted by climate change. This Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan is the product of a collaborative effort to identify and provide practical solutions to the risks and challenges that climate change poses to the Municipality of Clarington. Contained in this plan are 116 specific actions for the Municipality to take to reduce GHG emissions, and adapt corporate assets, operations and services to limit the negative impact of climate change. By implementing the actions contained in this plan, the Municipality is taking a proactive approach to combat climate change and minimize its impacts on our municipality. By acting on climate change, the Municipality is working to ensure that Clarington is a safe, harmonious and prosperous place to live for the foreseeable future. Clarington's Commitment to Climate Change The World Health Organization has described climate change as the greatest challenge of the 21 st century (2015). Climate change has the potential to negatively impact global and local economies, expose people to new health and security threats, and alter the natural systems that we depend on for food and clean air and water (IPCC, 2018). Municipal governments, given their role in planning and organizing communities, are in a uniquely positioned to act on climate change. By endorsing and implementing this plan, the Municipality of Clarington is demonstrating its commitment to minimize the negative impacts of climate change. In addition to the development of this plan the Municipality has taken steps to respond to climate change: Since 2012, the Municipality has distributed over 7,000 saplings to rural residents through the Trees for Rural Roads Program, restoring Clarington's tree canopy cover and wildlife habitat, recreating the historical landscape of tree -lined roadways and offsetting carbon emissions. Since 2016 Clarington has partnered with the Region of Durham, Durham area municipalities and other stakeholders to develop the Durham Community Climate Adaptation Plan (DCCAP) and the Durham Community Energy Plan (DCEP). The DCCAP and DCEP contain actions to help the community prepare for climate change, reduce community GHG emissions and increase energy independence while promoting local economic development. Implementation of these plans is being led by the Region of Durham with support provided by the area municipalities, utilities, conservation authorities, and other community partners. In early 2018 the Municipality established the Priority Green Clarington initiative, which included a framework for sustainable residential developments and a household water and energy efficient demonstration project. 11 In late 2019, the Municipality released the Clarington Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2019-2024 (ECDM plan). The ECDM plan identifies actions that the Municipality will take to conserve energy, reduce GHG emissions and save money in Municipal buildings. Also, the Municipality tracks energy consumption and costs on an ongoing basis to identify ways to save. In February 2020, Council passed a motion to prioritize the use of low emissions vehicles in the municipal fleet, reducing corporate GHG emissions that contribute to climate change. In February 2020, the Municipality joined the ICLEI Canada PCP program. By participating in the PCP program, Clarington is part of a network of over 350 municipal governments committed to reducing GHG emissions that are fueling climate change. In March 2020, the Municipality joined over 400 Canadian municipalities and 1,300 local governments by declaring a climate emergency. By declaring a climate emergency, the Municipality acknowledges its leadership role in responding to climate change by reducing GHG emissions. Since 2012, the Municipality The Municipality has distributed over7,000 established the Priority Council passed a motion to prioritize using low emissions vehicles, joined the Partners for Climate Protection program and partnered with stakeholders to the Clarington Energy develop the Durham Community Conservation and Climate Adaptation Plan and the Demand Management Durham Community Energy Plan. Plan 2019-2024. Figure 1 - Timeline of significant climate action actions in Clarington Climate Adaptation Climate adaptation involves adjusting our behaviours to reduce the risks posed by climate change while taking advantage of any opportunities. According to the IPCC, based on the amount of GHGs that have already been released into the atmosphere by humans, some degree of climate change is expected to occur regardless of our future actions (2018). Based on climate projections from the Ontario Climate Consortium 12 (OCC), Clarington will experience weather that is significantly hotter and wetter, with storms that are more frequent and extreme (2020). These changes will impact our infrastructure, economy and the natural environment, placing our wellbeing at greater risk; therefore, adapting to climate change will become increasingly important. Climate Mitigation Climate mitigation involves taking actions to limit the quantity of GHG emissions that are being released into the atmosphere and capturing and storing GHGs that have already been released into the atmosphere. The overall goal of climate mitigation is to stabilize the level of GHGs in the atmosphere soon enough to limit the negative impacts of climate change on people and natural ecosystems. If mitigation actions are effective, the climate will change at a rate slow enough for ecosystems and societies to adapt, minimizing impacts on the economy and the wellbeing of people. According to the IPCC, in order to prevent catastrophic climate change, governments must take drastic action to reduce GHG emissions to keep global warming below 1.5 °C (2018). Although climate mitigation and adaptation are both necessary, the more we choose to mitigate climate change now, the less we will need to adapt later. Figure 2 - Definition of climate adaptation and mitigation The Role of Local Government in Responding to Climate Change Municipalities are in an ideal position to respond to climate change. According to the FCM, municipalities have control of over 44 per cent of Canada's GHG emissions (2020). Municipalities are also responsible for providing affordable and reliable services to residents, which will be impacted by climate change. Below are several areas where municipalities like Clarington take actions to respond to climate change. 13 Land Use and Development Planning Municipalities play a key role in maintaining local infrastructure and planning for future development. Clarington is responsible for creating and enforcing long-term land -use and infrastructure plans, which guide the management of resources, land development and growth, and for maintaining existing infrastructure. Land use and development planning can incorporate measures to help the Municipality adapt to climate change and reduce GHG emissions. Licensing and Regulation Local governments create policies, set regulatory frameworks and enforce by-laws that could be used to implement and enforce climate change adaptation and mitigation regulations. Policy measures to reduce GHGs in our municipal services and facilities can be used to mitigate climate change. An example of this is Clarington's excessive idling bylaw, which places a limit on the amount of time a person can allow their car to idle, cutting down on air pollution and GHG emissions. Leadership and Awareness Local governments play an important role in engaging businesses, residents and other stakeholders to act on climate change. Clarington can educate and empower staff and residents to take actions that reduce GHG emissions and make our community more resilient to climate change. By creating this plan, our municipality is already taking a leadership role by identifying measures to adapt to and mitigate climate change in municipal operations and facilities. Service Delivery Municipalities work to protect the wellbeing of residents. This is done by providing a variety of community services, including libraries, road maintenance, emergency services, urban forest management. As the climate continues to change, our Municipality will need to adapt, to continue to provide services that promote community wellbeing, and reduce GHG emissions contributing to climate change. Operations and Workforce Local governments are responsible for the continued functioning of the Municipality, including maintaining municipal roads, bridges, sidewalks, parks, facilities and snow removal. Incorporating climate change considerations into municipal operations and decision -making and training staff to take climate change into consideration, are valuable ways for our Municipality to reduce GHG emissions while continuing to provide high -quality services in the face of certain climate change. 14 The Science of Climate Change What is Climate Change? Climate change refers to a statistically significant variation in the normal state of the climate for an extended period of time. GHGs, including carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons, trap heat energy from the sun in Earth's atmosphere, warming the planet and fueling changes to global weather patterns. Although the Earth's climate has naturally fluctuated for millions of years, population growth and modern human activities such as industrial agriculture, industrialization and deforestation have altered the composition of the atmosphere with GHGs, accelerating climate change (Climate Atlas, 2019). By disrupting the atmospheric balance that keeps the climate stable, we are now seeing a rise in the planet's average surface temperature, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets and glaciers, decreased snow cover, rising sea level, ocean acidification and extreme weather events (Government of Canada, 2019). 42D 3B0 LZ 0 E 300 260 220 c) 180 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Thousands of years before today {0 = 1$501 Figure 3 - Global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations (CO2) in parts per million (ppm) for the past 800, 000 years. Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2020. Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (Lindsey, 2020). According to the IPCC, human activities are estimated to have already caused approximately 1.0°C of global warming above pre -industrial levels. Global warming is estimated to be increasing at 0.2°C per decade due to ongoing emissions. If current trends continue, global warming will likely reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052 (2018). 15 The IPCC has advised that to avoid climate change at a scale that has catastrophic impacts on people and the natural environment, GHG emissions must be reduced by 45 per cent by 2030, compared with 2010 levels, and that net emissions be reduced to zero by 2050 (2018). Climate Projections for Canada Since 1948, Canada's mean annual temperature has increased by 1.7°C overall and by 2.3°C in northern regions. This rate is almost double the global average. Under a medium emissions scenario, Canada is expected to warm 2°C by 2050 and 4°C by 2080. Seasonally, Canada is expected to experience summertime warming of at least 2.5°C by 2050. If current trends continue, Canadians can expect to experience more frequent and intense heat in the summer and milder winters. This change will increase the severity of heatwaves and contribute to an increased risk of drought and wildfires in the summer (Government of Canada, 2019). Along with an increase in average temperatures, Canada will continue to experience increased overall precipitation. Since 1950, annual precipitation has increased by 12 per cent, with significant increases in extreme precipitation events. When averaged annually, the largest percentage increase in precipitation has occurred in the high Arctic (25 to 45 per cent), while parts of Southern Canada have seen little change (Government of Canada, 2019). In the winter, most of Southern Ontario will see a significant decline in annual precipitation. By contrast, Southern British Columbia and Southeastern Canada will likely experience more precipitation in the spring and fall. Overall, less predictable and more extreme fluctuations in precipitation and temperature will contribute to more frequent and severe floods and droughts, which will negatively impact infrastructure, water availability, ecosystems and agriculture (Government of Canada, 2019). In northern regions, shorter, milder winters are already resulting in less annual snow and ice cover. Since 1981 the number of days per year with snow cover has decreased by 10 per cent per decade due to later seasonal snowfalls, and earlier spring melts as a result of warming. Since 1968, annual sea ice in the Canadian Arctic has decreased by 8 per cent per decade. It is expected that most of the Canadian Arctic marine regions will be completely ice -free in the summers by the 2050s. Reduced snow cover reduces the reflectivity of the Earth's surface, allowing more energy to be absorbed by the land, compounding global warming and climate change (Government of Canada, 2019). Climate Change Projections for Clarington The Municipality of Clarington is already experiencing the impacts of climate change and extreme weather, resulting in damage to infrastructure and placing health and safety at risk. In 2013, the Municipality experienced an ice storm that damaged trees and caused power outages; in 2016, the Municipality experienced a significant 16 heatwave and drought that strained natural ecosystems; in 2017 and 2019 the Municipality experienced lakeshore and overland flooding. According to climate projections from the OCC, Clarington will continue to experience weather that is warmer and wetter, with larger and more frequent storms. If left unaddressed, climate change will increase the financial and operational challenges faced by the Municipality and place residents and the local economy at risk (2020). The climate projection data used in this plan originated from the OCC's Guide to Conducting a Climate Change Analysis at the Local Scale: Lessons Learned from Durham Region (2020). On behalf of the Region of Durham and Durham area municipalities, the OCC completed climate modelling of Durham Region using the North American Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (NA-CORDEX) ensemble model. In line with their approach, climate projections for this work were broken down into short-term (2011 to 2040), medium -term (2041to 2070) and long-term (2071 to 2100). Projections made in this plan illustrate the most likely climate projections based on current trends. Increasing Average Annual Temperatures In the short-term, the average annual temperature in Clarington is expected to increase by 1.6°C to 13.1 °C. Similar trends are expected in the medium and long-term. In the medium -term, the average annual temperature is expected to increase by 2.9°C to 14.5°C and 4.8°C to 16.4°C in the long-term. Minimum average annual temperatures are also expected to rise. The short-term average annual minimum is expected to increase by 1.7°C to 4.1 °C. The medium -term average annual minimum is expected to increase by 3.8°C to 5.8°C, while the long-term average annual minimum is expected to increase by 5.7°C to 8.1 °C. The minimum winter temperature in Clarington is expected to decrease by 0.3°C from - 8.3°C in the short-term. In the medium -term, the minimum winter temperature is expected to increase by 2.7°C to -6.3°C and increase 5.6°C to -3.4°C in the long-term. The shoulder seasons will experience the most notable temperature changes. In the short-term, the minimum spring temperature will likely increase by 30C from -1 °C to 2°C. In the medium -term, the minimum spring temperature is projected to increase by 4.6°C to 3.6°C, and 6.6°C to 5.6°C in the long-term. The minimum fall temperature is expected to increase 0.9°C from 5.7°C to 6.6°C in the short-term, increasing by 2.5°C in the medium term to 8.2°C and 4.7°C in the long-term to 10.4°C. Increasing Average Annual Maximum Temperatures. Average annual maximum temperatures are also expected to increase in the Municipality. Most notably, summer maximum temperatures are projected to increase 17 by 4.9°C from 21.4°C to 26.3°C in the short-term, and to 27.9°C and 29.9°C in the medium and long-term respectively. Extreme heat (over 30°C) will become even more significant as climate change takes greater effect. In the short-term, the number of extreme heat days will increase from 7.2 days per year to 10.9 days per year. In the medium and long-term, extreme heat days will increase to 20.8 and 40.3 days per year, respectively. Fewer Extreme Cold Days Extreme cold days are expected to decline significantly in Clarington. In the short-term, the number of days below -200C are expected to decline from 8.6 days to 6.6 days. In the medium -term, the number of extreme cold days will decline to 3.3 days and only 1.1 days in the long-term. In addition, there is expected to be 19.1 fewer days below freezing in the short-term, 37.5 and 59.2 fewer days below freezing in the medium and long-term. In the short-term, the Municipality will experience nearly one -month fewer days where the temperature will be below freezing (0°C). In the medium -term, this will be reduced to just over three -and -a -half months, while in the long-term, days below freezing will be reduced to less than three months. Increased Precipitation Precipitation in the Municipality is expected to parallel the increase to the annual temperatures. In the short-term, the annual average precipitation is expected to increase by 10.3 per cent from 949.7mm per year to 1059.2 mm per year. In the medium -term precipitation is expected to increase 16 per cent to 1132.3 mm per year, and in the long-term precipitation is expected to increase 23.5 per cent to 1241.9 mm per year. Extreme precipitation (Maximum precipitation in 3 days) will increase notably from 54.9mm to 73.1 mm in the short-term, 78.4mm in the medium -term, and 86mm in the long-term. Fewer Predictable Freeze and Thaw cycles Freeze -thaw cycles in the Municipality, which take a significant toll on the Municipality's infrastructure and operations, are only expected to decrease slightly with climate change. Currently, the Municipality experiences 79.6 freeze -thaw cycles annually. Freeze -thaw cycles are expected to only decrease to 78.6 cycles annually in the short- term and to 70.1 and 59.6 cycles in the medium and long-term. Longer Growing Season Finally, the growing season in Clarington is expected to be extended, notably from 163 days per year to 178 days per year in the short-term. The growing season is expected to extend further in the medium -term to 194 days per year and 215 days per year in the long-term. Currently, the growing season starts on approximately May 15, which in the in short term is expected to begin on May 8, May 1 in the medium -term, and April 18 in the long-term. Currently, the growing season ends around October 24. It is expected to end on October 31 in the short-term, November 9 in the medium -term and November 18 in the long-term. Local Climate Change Impacts Physical Impacts The impacts of climate change will continue to cause significant damage to the built environment, including stormwater infrastructure, buildings, parks, transportation infrastructure and energy systems. Most municipal roads and other built structures were not designed to withstand projected future climate conditions, which will result in increased maintenance requirements and replacement costs. The variation in temperature between the winter and shoulder seasons indicate a shortened winter season and increased weather variability in the shoulder seasons. With a shortened winter and milder spring and fall, the amount of precipitation in the Municipality is likely to shift from snowfall to rain, placing greater demand on the Municipality's stormwater management systems. Much of the Municipality's stormwater infrastructure was not designed for projected increases in precipitation related to climate change, increasing the potential for overland flooding. Also, irregular freeze and thaw cycles, coupled with increased precipitation, will increase the risk to municipal infrastructure and the public. When thaws occur in conjunction with extreme rain, the likelihood of flooding will increase significantly. Similarly, a freeze after an extreme rain event can cause damage to infrastructure and roads, poses a risk to public safety and increases the need for road salt, which damages natural ecosystems. Ecological Impacts Climate change is disrupting ecosystems, which places people at risk. Natural ecosystems provide a wide range of goods and services to people, including drinkable water, pollution control, flood regulation, clean air and food. A warming climate can disrupt the ability of ecosystems to provide services that are valuable to the wellbeing of people. Similarly, climate change can overwhelm an ecosystem's ability to serve as a natural buffer from extreme weather, increasing the vulnerability of people (Government of Canada, 2019). For example, increased annual and extreme precipitation in Clarington will likely result in increased riverine and overland flooding, causing additional erosion, and disrupting natural riverine ecosystems. In addition, a warming climate is allowing for invasive species populations to grow, displacing natural species and creating challenges for local agriculture. 19 Social Impacts Climate change will have direct and indirect impacts on social systems that make up our community. Unpredictable weather events, extreme heat, and extreme precipitation have been shown to affect people disproportionately (US Global Research Program, 2014). Prolonged extreme heat has a greater negative impact on people with preexisting health conditions, the elderly, and the very young. People living in poorer neighbourhoods with fewer trees are also more vulnerable to extreme heat. People living in neighbourhoods near creeks, rivers and shorelines are more vulnerable to flooding caused by increased precipitation. In addition, reduced cold days will impact winter recreational activities in the Municipality, as the amount of prolonged snow and ice will be limited by increased freeze and thaw cycles. Similarly, professions that rely on stable, predictable weather conditions will be negatively impacted. The Municipality will need to adapt its community programming, operations and staff policies to take more extreme heat and precipitation into consideration. Actions should also be taken to avoid disruptions to the electrical grid due to extreme weather. Economic Impacts Climate change will impact local and global economies and increase expenses for residents and the Municipality. During extreme heat, more power is used to keep buildings cool. According to the Bank of Canada, 20 to 25 per cent more power is needed to cool buildings on a 320C day than on a 260C day. Increased demand for electricity increases its cost (2019). While the agricultural sector will likely benefit from an extended growing season, an extended growing season and warmer winters will increase the risk of pests that will cause damage to food crops. Farmers will also need to cool vulnerable livestock or irrigate more crops during extreme heat, increasing expenses. Spring and fall freeze and thaw cycles are likely to become less predictable, increasing the possibility of unexpected crop damage due to frost. Increased agricultural vulnerability and costs for farmers will increase the cost of food for residents (Government of Canada, 2019). According to the Intact Centre for Climate Change, increased storms and flooding will increase property damage. As a result, insurance premiums will continue to increase due to the added risks to property damage associated with climate change (Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, 2019), 20 Our Approach The creation of this plan was guided by the ICLEI Canada, Building Adaptive & Resilient Communities (BARC) five -milestone framework and by the FCM PCP program five - milestone framework. Our approach is based on the following key principles: Collaboration - From the outset, this plan was intended to be a collaborative effort. Over 70 municipal staff members participated in the creation of this plan to identify how the Municipality will be impacted by projected climate change, propose actions that the Municipality can take to adapt to climate change and reduce GHG emissions and prioritize actions to be implemented. Comprehensive — This plan contains a range of actions to respond to climate change, which will allow staff from across the corporation to leverage opportunities to create partnerships and access funding that will be essential for successful action implementation. Achievable — All the actions contained in this plan are within the control of the Municipality and identified by staff as achievable. Most actions contained in this plan are recommendations for ways to provide high -quality municipal services while reducing GHG emissions and making the Municipality more resilient to climate change. Balanced — The impacts of climate change in the future will depend on the actions that we take in the present. This plan seeks to balance the immediate and long-term needs of the Municipality while attempting to limit climate change by reducing GHG emissions. Adaptable — This plan is intended to be adapted and updated. It is expected that staff will be creative in identifying opportunities to successfully implement the actions contained in this plan. Appendix D contains actions that were proposed by staff but were not intended for immediate implementation. These actions will be reviewed to assess their appropriateness for inclusion in future updates to this plan. It is recommended that this plan will be updated every five years. 21 ICLEI - BARC The adaptation elements of this plan have been guided by ICLEI Canada's BARC five - milestone framework. ICLEI Canada's BARC five -milestone framework is a structured approach to help municipalities prepare for the impacts of climate change through a series of progressive steps. Milestones include: 1) initiate; 2) research; 3) plan; 4) implement and; 5) monitor and review. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE AoAnhnoN 16YIEi4 HEYESY p Ek'I E'h' AC17UNS MILESTONE 1: MILESTONE 2: MILESTONE 3: MILESTONE 4: MILESTONE 5: IMITUM RESEARCH PLAN IMPLEMENT MONITORMEVIEW •ilentifyEVkehelders •Irvtietsmaeamhcn •Eiftablishadaptal n •B*rlimplamenmtion •Assesnew infa -o-jan -Build climate change climatic chartgm wkion and objectives -Solidify support and wAaw drhws adaptation team •RLafne impact +Set gals from Council and -Track implementation -Idle" an and consider sar*a -Identify aprbDrrs xnmmunity prggraes adaptatim champion aE For each and adiorm -Use appropnats •Evaluate eifectnenass •Vulnerabil ty implementation mcla of actiorrs using Tab a first look at •Identify possible dimats change aKassment iaudy dMrs and corFstraints •RAPYterms of beaeline data and impacts and eoosting of sansUvty and action plan indicators • Evaluate actions adao-atio•aciens ada�rnecapaertyl against dMrs and •Repartansuacessas -Communicate . Pass council •IRisk assec-smeat constraints regj►adyto maintain aommplishmants readuti_-a-d ioonsequerreand mcrnertum •Invbstgateiutum likalftcd cif inl -Determine apprropriate corrm..nitrcharter baseline and adaptation DjAons and priorimaticn irid raGor data and acuot,? • Examine finanang • Poet'nse adaptation and budget dan • E Etablish implamenta- • Launch nExt round tion sd edule of adaptAion plan •Creete action plan • Launch plan Figure 4 - ICLEI Canada's BARC five -milestone framework 22 FCM — PCP Program The mitigation elements of this plan have been guided by FCM's PCP program. The PCP program consists of a five -milestone framework to guide the Municipality to act on climate change by reducing GHG emissions. Milestones include: 1) create a baseline emissions inventory and forecast; 2) set GHG emissions reduction targets; 3) develop a local action plan; 4) implement the local action plan and; 5) monitor progress and report results. Establish a baseline GHG inventory and forecast Set GHG reduction targets 3 Develop a local action plan 4 Implement the plan 5 Monitor progress and report results Figure 5 - PCP Five Milestone Framework 23 Staff Engagement The creation of this plan has been a collaborative process. All aspects of this plan were directed by the ICCWG, which is made up of representatives from all departments in the Municipality. Throughout the development of this plan, the ICCWG met monthly to provide feedback and participate in workshops to gather information to be included in this plan. ICCWG members consulted with staff from all departments to receive input on key features of the plan and helped coordinate workshops to assess the risk of climate change to the Municipality, identify actions to respond to climate risks, identify actions to reduce corporate GHG emissions, and prioritize and finalize climate actions for inclusion in this plan. Objective, Vision and Mission Early in the climate action planning process, members of the ICCWG participated in workshops to establish the objective, vision and mission statements to clearly articulate the purpose and intended outcomes of this climate action plan. First, staff were provided with a summary of how climate change is expected to impact the Municipality. With climate impacts in mind, staff were then asked to brainstorm the best -case outcomes that could result from this plan. Based on best -case scenarios, staff composed the vision statement for this plan. After agreeing upon objective and vision statements, staff were then asked to brainstorm how this plan could contribute to achieving the objective and vision statements, given the changes in climate that are expected. Responses were distilled into the mission statement contained in this plan. Goal Identification Following the creation of a vision statement and mission statement, staff participated in an exercise that identified the main goals of this plan. All goals are intended to contribute to achieving the project's vision and mission. Goals were revised throughout the climate action planning process as staff gained greater knowledge about climate risks, and responses were identified. All climate actions within this plan are categorized based on seven goals. The goals of the plan include: 1) Reduce Corporate GHG Emissions 2) Maintain Public and Workplace Health and Safety 3) Minimize Risks to Buildings and Properties 4) Strengthen the Resilience of Municipal Infrastructure 5) Protect Ecosystems and Biodiversity 6) Minimize disruption to corporate operations and services 7) Build Community Resilience 24 Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Staff worked with the Ontario Climate Consortium (OCC) to bring together representatives from all departments to complete a climate change risk and vulnerability assessment. The risk and vulnerability assessment identifies the likelihood and consequences of impacts that climate change will have on municipal operations and service delivery. The risk and vulnerability assessment was undertaken in four stages: 1) analyzing the most up-to-date climate projections to identify the climate conditions that can be expected by the Municipality; 2) working with staff from all departments to identify the risks and most likely impacts that climate change will have municipal operations and services; 3) working with staff to assess the likelihood and consequences of climate impacts on municipal operations and service delivery and; 4) producing risk statements that reflect the impact that climate change will have on municipal operations and services. Figure 6 below illustrates the overall risk assessment process. Figure 6 - Risk Assessment Planning Process Department -Specific Risks and Possible Impacts - Workshop 1 In September 2019, representatives from all departments participated in a workshop to review climate projections and identify local climate risks and their most likely impacts on the Municipality. Staff were provided with a list of 9 climate conditions that are expected to impact the Municipality based on the most up-to-date climate projections from the Ontario Climate Consortium. Climate conditions include: • More heat waves, • Higher average temperatures, • Extended spring and fall seasons, • More dry spells 25 • More freeze -thaw cycles • More ice storm, • More rain and snow in the winter • Wetter spring and fall • Higher wind speeds Using the climate conditions listed above, participants were guided through two workshop activities. In the first activity, participants generated climate change risk statements based on likely impacts to municipal operations the service provision. Next, participants identified the departments that would be most impacted by climate change and how they would be impacted. Participants were asked to brainstorm and document the risks that climate change presents to the Municipality using the "If -Then -So" methodology. The "If -Then -So" methodology is consistent with traditional risk -based approaches, where "if" is associated with a particular event (in this case, a climate condition or extreme event occurring); "then" is associated with a particular service or function, and "so" is the final result or consequence of the climate change impact. For example, if more extreme rain events occur, then this may lead to more frequent drainage issues, so this may require increased maintenance of stormwater management infrastructure and increase costs to the Municipality. All of the information gathered from staff was analyzed using an integrated risk management approach, 26 summarized, and used to frame the proceeding conversations in workshop two (Ontario Climate Consortium, 2020). Ranking the Severity and Likelihoods - Workshop 2 In October 2019, representatives from each department reconvened to participate in a second workshop to rank the risks that climate change presents to the Municipality. The risks of climate change to the Municipality were assessed for the present time period, projected to mid-century (2050s). All risks were identified assuming a "business as usual" approach to reducing GHG emissions, which is based on current GHG emissions trends (this climate change scenario is referred to as the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 climate scenario). Based on climate projections for the Municipality, the ranking of each climate risk was determined by relating the severity of consequences of a climate risk to the likelihood of the risk occurring. The below equations were used to rank the identified climate change risks to the Municipality following Workshop 2: Current Climate Risk = Current Likelihood x X Consequences (across all categories) Future Climate Risk=Future Likelihood x I Consequences (across all categories) Summary of Climate Risks for the Municipality of Clarington Through the climate risk scan process, a total of 199 unique risks were identified. Each risk statement included a climate condition, an associated risk, and consequences associated with municipal services and operations. All risk statements were grouped by department, based on the likelihood a department's operations and services would be impacted. The Public Works department had the greatest number of identified risks, with a total of 75. All other departments each had less than 30 identified risks. Workshop participants identified extreme heat and intense rainfall as the climate conditions currently the greatest risk to the Municipality. When considering future climate trends projected to mid-century (2050s), extreme heat, intense rainfall and extended spring and fall seasons were identified to be the climate conditions that pose the greatest risks to the Municipality. Ice storms, more intense rainfall and extreme heat were among the top climate conditions identified to have the most significant consequences to the Municipality. Table 1 below highlights the top five climate conditions that will have the greatest likely consequences for the Municipality. 27 If Then So (examples) Flagged Future More Clarington resources More staffing, more Emergency High Risk Ice many be too limited planning for these and Fire Storms to respond to events, more resources Services extreme weather events. More Development limits Floodplain and hazard Planning and High Risk Intense outdated mapping may not be as Development Rainfall accurate Services More Potential for Trails and other Planning and High Risk Intense expanded flood infrastructure will need Development Rainfall zones to be re-routed Services More Increased salt usage Increased costs, Public Works Moderate Ice and more salt being groundwater impacts Risk Storms washed away with and more contracting stormwater through and significant impacts runoff to water quality in local water bodies and to habitats in these water bodies More More invasive Increased costs for Public Works Moderate Heat species reducing the number of Risk Waves invasive species, staff time and pesticides Table 1 - Top 5 risks identified as having the highest consequence to the Municipality of Clarington Notably, many departments share the same climate risks to their services and operations. For example, more heatwaves were identified as a concern for the Emergency and Fire Services and Public Works departments, as prolonged extreme heat would have negative impacts on staff health. Similar risks between departments provides opportunities for collaboration and resource sharing when taking actions to respond to the risk. Number of Risks Identified Across the Municipality of Clarington's Departments 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 io i 0 `ee5 �epoa� APO a�ee �eot �tatJ het Q�at` t`��0 e e O�eta G�a�a e �Jhet, e�5 L4 ■ Self -Identified Risks ■ Risks Identified by Other Departments Clarington's Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions Inventory Using the International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol (IEAP), staff completed a GHG inventory to establish a baseline for GHGs emitted by the Municipality. The GHG emissions inventory was calculated using information from four areas of municipal operations, including buildings, vehicles, streetlights and solid waste. Please view Appendix I for an outline of the methods used to calculate baseline municipal GHG emissions. Buildings Data for building consumption was assessed using monthly fuel and electricity invoices for each building. GHG emissions were calculated based on the fuel mix consumed by each building and the average CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions that are released per kWh of electricity consumed in Ontario. The building inventory includes 27 of the 42 buildings owned by the Municipality, as these are the buildings that are operated and maintained by the Municipality. The other 15 buildings are operated and maintained by independent boards. Fleet When collecting data, fleet was separated into three areas: 1) Corporate fleet vehicles, 2) Emergency and Fire Services vehicles and 3) staff vehicles used for municipal 29 purposes. Fuel consumption data for corporate fleet vehicles came from fuel purchase invoices for bulk fuel purchased for corporate vehicles. Fuel consumption data for Fire and Emergency Services vehicles came from fuel purchase invoices for individual fire vehicles. Staff vehicle consumption data was calculated based on staff mileage claims for corporate use. Fuel consumption was based on an average per kilometre fuel consumption of 9.48 litres/100km (average mileage for a light -duty vehicle). Streetlights Streetlight consumption data came from monthly invoices. Signal light data is not included in this data, as they are a Region of Durham responsibility. GHG emissions were calculated based on the average CO2e emissions that are released per kWh of electricity consumed in Ontario. Solid waste Data for corporate solid waste production came from invoices from contacted waste services for each facility. Clarington's waste is incinerated at the Durham -York Energy Centre, energy from waste facility. The weight of the waste was calculated at an average of 250lbs per yard. Calculations were based on an average composition of municipal solid waste as presented by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006). Municipal Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions Data collected for the municipal energy consumption and GHG emissions baseline inventory revealed that the Municipality consumed 110,077 GJ of energy in the 2018 baseline year. Municipal buildings are responsible for most of the energy consumed, followed by streetlights and fleet vehicles. 30 Figure 8 - Energy (GJ) Consumption by Source 31 Data collected for the municipal energy consumption and GHG emissions baseline inventory revealed that the Municipality produced 4,039.4 tons of CO2e emissions in the baseline year. Of the CO2e emissions released by the Municipality, the majority originated from municipal buildings, followed by fleet vehicles, waste and streetlights. V1biste 12_5% Streertiights 1A % �khide 1.3-7 +ro Figure 9 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions (tCO2e) by Source 32 GHG Emission Reductions Targets The IPCC has concluded that global GHG emissions must be reduced significantly to limit global warming to below 1.5°C to avoid catastrophic impacts of climate change (2018). By establishing GHG reduction targets and adopting practices that reduce GHG emissions, the Municipality is doing its part to limit climate change that will negatively impact staff and residents while saving money in operating and energy costs. After completing the Corporate Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions Inventory, ICCWG staff participated in two workshops to discuss Municipal sources of GHG emissions and identify recommended Municipal GHG emissions reduction targets. GHG emissions reduction targets were informed by best practices established by the FCM, IPCC, and several municipalities in Ontario. Staff identified emissions reduction targets using three criteria: 1) targets must be achievable by the Municipality; 2) targets must be significant in helping to limit climate change and; 3) targets must demonstrate the Municipality's commitment to avoiding the negative impacts of climate change. This plan sets a target to reduce corporate GHG emissions by 35 per cent from 2018 baseline emissions by 2030 and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. These targets align with targets established by the IPCC, and by the Durham Community Climate Adaptation Plan and the Durham Community Energy Plan, which were both approved in principle by the Clarington Council. These targets will be achieved through the implementation of the actions outlined in this Plan and in the 2019 Clarinaton Enerav Conservation and Demand Manaaement Plan. 33 Action Identification and Prioritization Mitigation Actions Action identification Staff from all departments participated in workshops to identify a long list of actions to reduce corporate GHG emissions. Conversations to identify actions to reduce emissions were framed by three questions: 1) How can the Municipality reduce GHG emissions in its current operations while continuing to provide high -quality services? 2) What new services can the Municipality provide to reduce GHG emissions? and; 3) What can each department do to reduce GHG emissions as part of their ongoing operations? In addition, all mitigation actions were based on three criteria. All actions must: 1) be within municipal control; 2) be attainable, and 3) contribute to achieving corporate GHG emissions reduction targets. Other actions to reduce corporate GHG emissions were identified by reviewing best practices being implemented by other municipalities. Action Evaluation and Prioritization Staff participated in two workshops to evaluate actions to reduce corporate GHG emissions. All identified mitigation actions were evaluated using criteria adapted from the Canadian Communities' Guidebook for Adaptation to Climate Change to assess the presence of factors essential to the successful implementation of actions to reduce corporate GHG emissions (2008). Participants were asked to evaluate each action based on a set of qualitative criteria, including sustainability, effectiveness, opportunities, and ease of implementation. Once complete, the criteria of each action were added, resulting in a corresponding action evaluation score. Please see Appendix H for details about the mitigation evaluation criteria. Next, all mitigation actions were rated based on their potential to reduce corporate GHG emissions relative to current corporate practices. Actions were placed into five categories: Low, Medium - Low, Medium, Medium - High and High. To prioritize mitigation actions, each action's evaluation score and GHG emissions rating was combined into a Mitigation Action Prioritization Matrix. Actions with high emissions reduction potential and high action evaluation scores were categorized as `Must Do.' Actions with moderate emissions reduction potential and action evaluation scores were categorized as `Monitor.' Actions with the lowest emissions reduction potential and action evaluation scores were categorized as `Investigate Further.' `Must Do' actions were included in this plan for short-term development and implementation. `Monitor' actions are intended to be monitored for development implementation should opportunities present themselves in the mid-term. Actions categorized as `Investigate Further' are intended to be revisited later for consideration in future climate action plans. Please see Appendix D to review the list of actions for future consideration. 34 Low Medium- Medium Medium- High Low High Low Investigate Investigate Investigate Monitor Monitor Further Further Further Medium Investigate Monitor Monitor Monitor Must Do Further High I Monitor Monitor Must Do Must Do Must Do Table 2 - Mitigation Action Prioritization Matrix Adaptation Actions Action Identification Using the list of climate impacts compiled from the risk and vulnerability assessment, staff from all departments participated in workshops to identify a list of potential actions to help the Municipality adapt to each climate impact. Two approaches were taken to develop a list of adaptation actions: 1) List each impact, then identify options and relevant service areas and 2) Review actions taken by other similar municipalities and select actions that relate to the Municipality. All potential actions were identified by staff using three criteria. Adaptation actions must: 1) be within municipal control; 2) focus on corporate operations, infrastructure and/or services, and 3) be achievable by the Municipality. Action Evaluation and Prioritization The list of potential adaptation actions was evaluated using criteria adapted from the Canadian Communities' Guidebook for Adaptation to Climate Change to assess the presence of factors essential to their successful implementation within a municipal context (2008). Participants were asked to evaluate each action based on a set of qualitative criteria, including sustainability, effectiveness, risk and uncertainty, opportunities, and ease of implementation. Once complete, the criteria of each action were added, resulting in a corresponding action evaluation score. Please see Appendix H for detail about the adaptation action evaluation criteria. 35 Next, a risk score was calculated for each proposed adaptation action based on the climate impact consequence and likelihood data generated from the risk and vulnerability assessment. Climate impact consequences and likelihoods were multiplied together to generate a risk score. Actions were then ranked from low to high risk, depending on their risk score. Risk Score Matrix Consequences Table 3 - Adaptation Action Risk Score Matrix Risk Score Rankings Low 1-5 Medium low 6 - 10 Medium 11 - 15 Medium High 16 - 20 High 21 - 25 Table 4 - Adaptation Action Risk Score Rankings To prioritize identified adaptation actions, each action's evaluation score and risk score were combined into an adaptation action prioritization matrix. Actions with high risk and high action evaluation scores were categorized as `Must Do.' Actions with moderate combined risk and action evaluation scores were categorized as `Monitor'. The lowest scores were categorized as `Investigate Further'. `Must Do' actions were included in this plan for short-term development and implementation. `Monitor' actions are intended to be monitored for implementation should opportunities present themselves in the mid- term. Actions categorized as `Investigate Further' are intended to be revisited for 36 consideration in future updates to Clarington's climate action plans. Please see Appendix D to review the list of actions for future consideration. Low Risk Medium Low Medium Low Investigate Investigate Investigate Further Further Further Medium Investigate Monitor Further High Monitor Monitor Table 5 - Adaptation Action Prioritization Matrix 37 Monitor Medium - High Hiah Monitor Monitor Monitor Must Do Must Do Must Do Must Do Objective, Vision, Mission, Goals and Actions Objective Identify actions that enable the Municipality to avoid the unmanageable and manage the unavoidable impacts of climate change Vision To ensure Clarington is a safe, stable and prosperous community. Mission To provide leadership and tangible solutions to combat climate change and environmental damage while providing efficient and high -quality services to the community. Goals and Actions This plan includes 116 actions that the Municipality will take to respond to climate change. Seven goals were developed to organize and guide the development of actions the Municipality can take to respond to climate change. The goals reflect the Municipality's response to the most likely impacts of climate change on the Municipality. 1) Reduce Corporate GHG Emissions Climate change will continue to present significant challenges to the Municipality, its residents, operations and services. By taking actions to reduce GHG emissions, Clarington is doing its part to slow climate change and reduce its impacts. This plan sets a target to reduce corporate GHG emissions 35 per cent by 2030 from 2018 levels, and to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050. 1.1 Encourage waste and recycling service providers document GHG emissions on invoices submitted to the Municipality to help the Municipality track it's GHG emissions more easily. 1.2 Consider building envelope upgrades, building automation and lighting upgrades as part of all building renewal projects. 1.3 Install/upgrade Building Automation Systems (BAS) and Smart Thermostats in municipal buildings. 1.4 Continue to convert all lighting in municipal buildings to energy efficient LEDs. 1.5 Expedite actions outlined in the 2019 Clarington Energy Conservation Demand Management Plan. 1.6 Offset the use of petroleum -based natural gas with renewable natural gas in buildings through renewable natural gas purchasing agreements. 1.7 Establish a policy to replace all appliances with Energy STAR rated appliances. 1.8 Install Smart Water Metering to major equipment at facilities and parks (i.e. ice rinks, pools and splash pads) to better understand water consumption trends and ensure that equipment is operating at optimal efficiency. 1.9 Conduct utility consumption audits in municipal facilities, beginning with building with the highest potential for savings. 1.10 Conduct building re -commissioning to optimize building operations where applicable. 1.11 Replace mechanical equipment (boilers, chillers, air conditioning units) in remaining facilities with high efficiency according to building assessments. 1.12 Implement and energy management system (EMS) to track utility bills to monitor energy consumption and GHG emissions, and inform building maintenance and recommissioning 1.13 Assess and retrofit buildings with insulation where possible to reduced energy consumption. 1.14 Incentivize municipal staff to choose low carbon transportation options including: carpooling, cycling and adopting EVs. 1.15 Expand corporate waste reduction and diversion initiatives to further reduce waste and promote recycling and composting. 1.16 Develop a Green Procurement Policy that aligns procurement and vendor selection with the climate resilience and mitigation goals outlined in the CCAP. 1.17 Include a line item in the annual budget to provide funding for studies and/or components of capital projects that support the implementation of the CCAP. 1.18 Establish a Green Revolving Fund (GRF) that is dedicated to funding energy efficiency, renewable energy, and/or sustainability projects that generate cost savings. 1.19 Review and update municipal anti -idling by-law and consider expanding idle - free zones. 1.20 Create a Corporate Energy Commodity Policy that prioritizes energy savings, locally produced energy and low carbon energy options. 1.21 Create corporate protocols to incorporate climate change considerations into Council reports. 39 1.22 Undertake a feasibility study to identify opportunities for the Municipality of to generate and sell renewable energy. 1.23 Develop a communications plan to share corporate progress on climate action with staff and the public on an ongoing basis. 1.24 Investigate the feasibility for District Energy Systems in new and existing secondary plan areas. 1.25 Update the Municipal Green Fleet Strategy. 1.26 Update the Priority Green Clarington Green Development Framework criteria checklists to include considerations for climate change mitigation and adaptation. 1.27 Update Clarington's Planning and Development Design Standards and Guidelines to align with the Clarington Priority Green Development Framework to support moving toward net zero communities. 1.28 Complete the implementation of Clarington's Green Development Standards, including the development of a program guidebook, application instructions, and terms of reference for sustainability reporting. 1.29 Establish beyond -code energy efficiency design standards for new municipal buildings 1.30 Conduct a review of existing Community Improvement Plans to evaluate the potential for program expansions to support corporate energy efficient retrofits. 1.31 Update the Municipal Green Fleet Strategy and establish a five-year plan to electrify municipal fleet vehicles where practicable. 1.32 Complete the conversation of outdoor lighting in parks and streetlights to energy efficient LEDs 1.33 Implement a Municipal Automatic Vehicle Location Monitoring System (AVL) in fleet vehicles to track fuel consumption, evaluate idling and optimize routes for regular travel 1.34 Purchase electric tools and equipment where possible. 1.35 Right -size fleet vehicles based on their use to reduce fuel consumption. 1.36 Integrate green infrastructure and Climate Change into Clarington's Asset Management Plan. 2) Maintain Public and Workplace Health and Safety Extreme weather caused by climate change will place the health and safety of residents and staff at greater risk. The Municipality will take actions to protect residents and staff from extreme weather caused by climate change. 2.1 Extend pool hours during extreme heat, taking into consideration staffing, infrastructure and maintenance needs 2.2 Ensure water and sunscreen are available to staff during all municipal summer outdoor events. 2.3 Allow outdoor activities to be held at indoor recreation facilities during extreme heat events where possible. 2.4 Design summer outdoor community programming to take into consideration extreme heat to ensure staff adequately prepared. 2.5 Ensure staff have access to air-conditioned rest areas for relief during extreme heat. 2.6 Update safety training for staff to incorporate extreme weather risks associated with climate change including extreme heat. 2.7 Establish protocols for staff during extreme wind events. Identify "Shelter in Place" safe zones for staff. 2.8 Create/update workplace policies to mandate weather -appropriate clothing to protect staff against extreme weather conditions including heat, cold, windy and wet conditions. 2.9 Update municipal emergency contact lists annually. 2.10 Incorporate weather monitoring into staff management processes to forecast staff needs and ensure there are enough staff available to respond to extreme weather such as snowstorms and ice storms. 2.11 Expand online safety training program to ensure safety training accessible to staff in the field. 2.12 Expand mutual aid agreements with other municipalities to avoid labour and equipment shortfalls during weather -related emergences. 2.13 Ensure adequate resources are in place to ensure adequate response to the increased frequency of climate -related emergencies. 2.14 Update the Clarington Emergency Plan to incorporate a strategy for extreme weather based on climate projections. 2.15 Work with stakeholders to identify and promote the location of evacuation centres to the public. 41 2.16 Develop an extreme heat policy that establishes maximum outdoor working temperatures for staff and enables staff to complete outdoor work during the cooler times of the day. 2.17 Extend library hours to keep libraries open to the public during extreme heat and cold weather. 2.18 Create a communications strategy that clearly categorises levels of weather - related risk and communicates actions that should be taken to by the public and stay safe. 2.19 Incorporate shade structures and trees in the designs of outdoor recreation areas for relief from extreme heat. 2.20 Increase signage near municipally owned and maintained bodies of water including beaches and stormwater management ponds, warning about the dangers of thin ice. 2.21 Identify roadways that are the least likely to be impacted by flooding and incorporate them into community emergency evacuation plans. 2.22 Incorporate textured, slip proof floor surfaces into the design of public spaces. 3) Minimize Risks to Buildings and Properties Extreme weather caused by climate change will increase the risk of damage to buildings and properties, resulting in increased maintenance, repair and insurance needs. The Municipality will take actions to prevent damage to new and existing buildings and properties caused by extreme weather and climate change. 3.1 Utilize climate projections to assess which municipal buildings are at risk due to extreme weather. Prioritize building upgrades based on identified risk. 3.2 Update design standards for municipal buildings using climate projections to ensure municipal buildings are resilient to extreme weather. 3.3 Work with the Conservation Authorities to update flood mapping based on the most up-to-date climate projections. 3.4 Update zoning bylaws to prohibit development in flood hazard areas. 3.5 Include natural hazards and climate projections as criteria in Clarington's Land Acquisition Strategy. 3.6 Assess the municipal trail system to determine areas that are most vulnerable to flooding based on climate projections. 3.7 Update trail design standards to take into account accurate climate projections. 42 3.8 Utilize climate projections to identify areas of roads that are vulnerable to flooding. Create a plan to upgrade road areas that are at high risk. 4) Strengthen the Resilience of Municipal Infrastructure Existing municipal infrastructure was not designed for the extreme weather conditions that will result from climate change. Infrastructure damage and failure will cost the Municipality money and place the safety of staff and residents at risk. The Municipality will take actions to improve existing and future infrastructure to limit the negative impacts of climate change. 4.1 Utilize water catchment for irrigation in park designs where possible. Work with the Provincial Government and other stakeholders to control invasive 4.2 plant species that have negative impacts on stormwater management ponds, sightlines, drainage ditches and water quality. 4.3 Expand the municipal road maintenance plan by increasing the road maintenance cycle to accommodate less predictable freeze/thaw cycles. 4.4 Assess and upgrade stormwater infrastructure using accurate climate projections. 4.5 Assess the depth of wells that service corporate buildings to ensure water will be available during a drought. 4.6 Design new splash pads to clean and recirculate water to consume less water. In new building designs and building retrofits, locate cooling condensers on the 4.7 shady side of the building. Ensure proper ventilation and maintenance for efficient operation. 4.8 Incorporate lighting into new field designs so they can be used in the evening when outdoor temperatures are cooler. 4.9 Increase backup power supply, including generators and solar battery storage options at maintenance facilities. 4.10 Ensure all evacuation centres are equipped with an emergency backup power supply. 4.11 Review zoning regulations to promote groundwater permeability. 4.12 Update building design standards to incorporate green and reflective roofs into municipal building designs. 4.13 Expand the rural ditching maintenance program to reduce flooding and avoid infrastructure and property damage. 43 4.14 Assess bridges and embankments to determine areas that are most vulnerable to flooding based on climate projections. 4.15 Upgrade stormwater management infrastructure with on -site ponds, cisterns and landscaping decisions to minimize stormwater run-off. Revise asset management policy and equipment repair and replacement 4.16 schedules to reflect increased wear from increased use due to extreme weather. 4.17 Add surge protectors to all electronic equipment and backup batteries to all computers. 4.18 Store electronic equipment in a location that is secure and not vulnerable to flooding or fire. 4.19 Expand preventative maintenance and repair program for roads, sidewalks and bridges to mitigate damage due to increased freeze and thaw cycles. 4.20 Increase construction standards for higher -order roads that are used for hauling to mitigate damage due to increased freeze and thaw cycles. 4.21 Review road weight restrictions to prohibit hauling on local roads. Prioritize hauling on higher -order regional roads. 4.22 Design new parks and sports fields to accommodate flooding and function as stormwater management areas where reasonable to do so. 4.23 Upgrade existing parks and sports fields with permeable asphalt and other permeable materials to reduce overland flooding. 5) Protect Ecosystems and Biodiversity Climate change threatens to disrupt natural ecosystems and the services they provide, including animal habitat, air and water filtration, crop pollination, erosion protection, groundwater recharge, and human health benefits. The Municipality will take actions to protect ecosystem biodiversity and ecosystem services. 5.1 Review the implementation of an urban tree preservation bylaw to prevent urban trees from being cut down without a permit. Integrate urban heat island projections into the Clarington Urban Forest 5.2 Strategy. Plant more trees in areas with the greatest potential for becoming urban heat islands. Require winter maintenance staff become Smart About Salt certified. This 5.3 program will provide training on the application of road salt to improve winter salting practices and decrease salt -related damage to ecosystems and infrastructure. 5.4 Consider alternatives to conventional road salt (NaCI) to reduce the negative impacts on the environment. 5.5 Expand municipal tree planting programs and partnerships to include urban and rural tree planting on public and private properties. 5.6 Integrate the Clarington Urban Forestry Strategy and Clarington's development guidelines. 5.7 Establish municipal tree canopy, biodiversity and green space targets for urban areas. 5.8 Update parks maintenance programs to include vegetation and tree species that are resilient to extreme heat, extreme weather, and invasive species. 5.9 Investigate environmentally friendly road surface treatments to control dust. 6) Minimize Disruptions to Corporate Operations and Services Increased frequency of extreme weather will increase the risk of disruptions to municipal operations and services. The Municipality will take actions to prepare for extreme weather to avoid disruptions to municipal services and ensure the needs of the community continue to be met. 6.1 Plan municipal events and programs with backup dates in the event of cancellations due to extreme weather. Revise refund policy for municipal recreation programs to exclude refunds for 6.2 cancellations due to extreme weather. Instead, provide credits on customer accounts for weather -related cancelations. 6.3 Back up corporate data and store a location that is not vulnerable to flooding or fire. Develop a work -from -home policy that utilizes telecommuting technologies and 6.4 provides staff with the tools to work from home to avoid weather -related service disruptions and reduce fuel consumption. 6.5 During elections, promote advanced voting, allow a longer time frame for voting during extreme weather and promote online voting options. 6.6 Update the Council Procedural Bylaw to allow Council meetings to be conducted remotely during extreme weather. 6.7 Create an extreme weather policy that identifies the weather condition that will close municipal facilities 45 7) Build Community Resilience Climate change will continue to place residents and their property at greater risk due to more extreme and less predictable weather. The Municipality will take actions within its ongoing operations to build community resilience to climate change. 7.1 Establish partnerships with organizations with facilities that could be used as cooling centres during summer heatwaves. 7.2 Create guidelines for non -essential use of water during heatwaves to conserve water. 7.3 Stockpile sandbags and sand to prepare for emergency flooding and store in a location that is protected from UV light. 7.4 Create a dedicated reserve fund for climate -related emergencies and adaptation and mitigation efforts. Evaluate the implementation of a stormwater fee (and credit) program to 7.5 encourage residents and businesses to maintain permeable surfaces on their property and generate funds to upgrade and maintain stormwater management infrastructure. 7.6 Consider the inclusion of incentives for sustainable development in the DC review, ensuring alignment with the Green Development Framework. 7.7 Review the Municipal Insurance Program to ensure adequate coverage for staff and the public during extreme weather events. Create a strategy to communicate the risks associated with climate change. 7.8 Educate the public about the actions that they can take to prepare for extreme weather events. 7.9 Educate elected officials on how the municipality will be impacted by climate change by creating climate risks briefing packages. 7.10 Encourage the federal and provincial governments to dedicate funding to help municipalities adapt to and mitigate climate change. 7.11 Undertake regular departmental risk audits that include climate -related risks to the Municipality. Implementation This plan identifies the main risks that climate change presents to the Municipality and actions that can be taken to limit identified climate risks. The amount that the Municipality is impacted by climate change will depend on how successfully this plan is implemented. Successful implementation of this plan will depend largely on four factors: Council Support — By dedicating resources and commissioning the development of this Climate Action Plan, Council has taken the first steps to prepare the Municipality for climate change. Ongoing support from Council will be essential for the successful implementation of this plan. Staff will continue to align the design and implementation of climate actions with direction from Council. Funding — Actions contained in this plan will require financial investment to be successful. Staff will work to develop a business case for each action requiring funding and will to capitalize on funding opportunities as they become available from the Federal and Provincial Governments. Staff will also seek cost -sharing partnerships where possible. Funds for specific climate actions will be requested as part of the annual municipal budget cycle, taking care to achieve the maximum possible benefits from any funds invested. Partnerships — Where possible, the Municipality will work to establish partnerships with businesses, community organizations and government agencies in its efforts to successfully implement this plan. Partnerships will be established for mutual benefit to share knowledge and resources for the purpose of solving the problems presented by climate change. Partners may include utility companies, conservation authorities, academic institutions, non -governmental organizations and community groups. Internally, interdepartmental cooperation will be essential to the success of this plan. Climate change will impact the operation and services provided by all departments. By coordinating efforts across the corporation, the Municipality will be in the best position to succeed in its efforts to respond to climate change. Staff Capacity — Staff who are responsible for coordinating the implementation of climate adaption and mitigation actions will continue to be essential for the Municipality to achieve its climate change and environmental sustainability goals. Dedicated climate change and sustainability staff have greater capacity to engage with community partners, identify funding opportunities and raise awareness about the projected impacts of climate change. Dedicated staff are essential to coordinate climate action efforts across municipal departments and integrate climate change considerations into municipal policies, plans, programs and decision making. Staff are also needed to monitor and report on the 47 Municipality's progress in responding to climate change. The ICCWG will continue to be invaluable in this role. Guiding Principles Several principles were identified to guide the successful implementation of climate actions and achieve the vision contained in this plan: Collaborative — Implementation of this plan will be a collaborative effort by all departments and will seek out partnerships with all levels of government utility companies, conservation authorities, academic institutions, non -governmental organizations and community groups where possible. Impactful - Actions that prepare the Municipality for the widest range of climate risks will be prioritized for implementation. Integrated — Where possible, the implementation of actions will contribute to other municipal priorities and initiatives. Iterative — The implementation of climate actions will be adjusted and enhanced as new information and funding opportunities become available. Sustainable — Where possible, the implementation of climate actions will advance the sustainability efforts of the Municipality generally. Climate Action Implementation Schedule The climate action implementation schedule for this plan was developed to guide the overall process of implementing the actions contained in this plan. The implementation schedule outlines climate actions; the lead department for each action; supporting departments; relevant municipal plans, policies and strategies; potential implementation partners; costs; level of effort and duration of time it will take to implement each action; and whether each action will be one-time or ongoing. See Appendix C to view the climate action implementation schedule in greater detail. Flexibility while implementing this plan will allow the Municipality to integrate new policies, financial resources and partnership opportunities into the implementation process as they become available. Implementation Tools A variety of tools are available to enable the Municipality to implement the actions contained in this plan. As part of milestone 4 of the ICLEI BARC tool and the PCP Five Milestone Framework, the Municipality will explore the tools most appropriate to the implementation of each climate action. Implementation tools include: Communications — Staff will regularly update Council on the risks of climate change to the Municipality, progress on implementing climate actions, pathways for action implementation, and the co -benefits of implemented climate actions. Education and Training — Staff will work to educate staff and Council about the overall impacts of climate change and ways to incorporate climate change considerations into municipal decision -making. Increased knowledge about the impacts of climate change will allow the Municipality to effectively implement climate actions. Pilots — Where possible, the Municipality will fully integrate climate actions into Municipal operations and decision -making. In situations where the outcomes of climate actions are less predictable, the Municipality can initially assess climate actions through pilot initiatives. Policy — Corporate policies inform the way the Municipality operates. Where appropriate, the Municipality will integrate climate considerations into corporate policies to ensure long-term integration of climate actions into the municipal, corporate structure. Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of climate actions on an ongoing basis will enable staff to adjust and optimize climate action implementation and ensure the highest level of success. Progress on the implementation of climate adaptation actions will be monitored using key performance indicators (KPIs) that are tailored to each climate action. Mitigation actions will be monitored by tracking customized KPIs and corporate GHG emissions. Specific KPIs for each climate action are included in the Climate Action Implementation Schedule (Appendix C) and will be refined during the development of the Climate Action Implementation Plan. Municipal staff will complete an annual climate action report that will be submitted to Council and posted on the Municipal website. The annual report will summarize KPIs and GHG emissions, highlight successes and lessons learned throughout the action implementation process, and provide an overview of the work that will be undertaken in the following year. This corporate climate action plan is a living document that will be adapted throughout the implementation process. The plan will be updated every five years. Updates to the Plan will incorporate lessons learned from implementing the Plan and will be updated based on the current context, Council priorities and new opportunities. Next Steps The first step in implementing this plan will be to identify climate actions that can be implemented immediately without the need for significant planning or financial inputs. The ICCWG will also create an implementation plan that will guide the implementation of climate actions outlined in this plan over a 5-year term. The implementation plan will be divided in to 1-year terms, aligning with the Municipality's annual budget cycle. The implementation plan will identify the year within which each action will be undertaken and highlight key responsibilities, supporting tasks, implementation co -benefits, timelines, financial projections, and KPIs for each action. Once the implementation plan is complete, ad -hoc action -specific working groups will be formed to implement each action based on the timeline outlined in the implementation plan. Where needed, action -specific working groups will create work plans that detail specific budget needs, timelines, key responsibilities, implementation activities and KPIs to measure completion. Conclusion By implementing this corporate climate action plan, the Municipality of Clarington is fulfilling its responsibility to work in the best interests of the community. The knowledge contained in this plan will enable the Municipality to make informed decisions to limit GHG emissions that are contributing to climate change and minimize the impacts that climate change will have on the Municipality. By implementing this plan, the Municipality will take climate change into consideration as part of ongoing municipal operations and work to ensure Clarington remains a safe, healthy and economically prosperous place to live. 50 Appendices Appendix A - CCCAP Participants Interdepartmental Climate Change Working Group (ICCW) Al Meraw, Lead Hand, Facilities, Community Services Alexandra Baker, Financial Analyst, Financial Services Amy Burke, Senior Planner, Planning and Development Services Andrew Allison, Chief Administrative Officer, Office of the CAO Ben Pegles, Capital Works Coordinator, Public Works Brent Rice, Chief Building Official, Planning and Development Services Catherine Carr, Internal Audit Manager, Financial Services Doran Hoge, Climate Change Response Coordinator, Planning and Development Erica Mittag, Community Development Coordinator, Community Services Erika Watson, Asset Management and Development Financing Manager, Financial Services 51 Clarftwn Jenna Salvatore, Environmental Summer Student, Planning and Development Services Karen Richardson, Manager, Development Engineering, Public Works Leanne Walker, Communication / Social Media Specialist, Office of the CAO Lockie Longhurst, Fleet Supervisor, Public Works Michael Ste. Croix, Accountant, Financial Services Randy Cowan, Deputy Chief, Emergency and Fire Services Sandra McKee, Assistant Purchasing Manager, Financial Services Tim Calhoun, Deputy Chief, Emergency and Fire Services Workshop Participants Adam Dunn, Senior Plans Examiner, Planning and Development Services Adrienne Nazarko, Employee Relations Representative, Corporate Services Al Meraw, Lead Hand, Community services Alexandra Baker, Financial Analyst, Financial Services Amy Burke, Senior Planner, Planning and Development Services Andrew Payne, Planner I, Planning and Development Services Anne Taylor Scott, Senior Planner, Planning and Development Services Ashley Moss, Older Adult Programmer, Community Services Basia Radomski, Corporate Communications Officer, Office of the CAO Becky Rogers, Senior Buyer, Corporate Services Brent Rice, Chief Building Official, Planning and Development Services Brett Novak, Roads Supervisor, Public Works 52 Clarftwn Brianna Bate, Acting Recreation Programmer, Community Services Catherine Carr, Internal Audit Manager, Financial Services Clint Peters, Supervisor, Public Works Cody Brown, GIS Technician, Planning and Development Services Dan Welsh, Facilities Supervisor, Community Services David Ferguson, Purchasing Manager, Financial Services Doran Hoge, Climate Change Response Coordinator, Planning and Development Erica Mittag, Community Development Coordinator, Community Services Erika Watson, Asset Management and Development Financing Manager, Financial Services Frances Delany, Project Coordinator, Ontario Climate Consortium George Acorn, Director, Community Services Glen Milner, Senior Project Manager, Ontario Climate Consortium Gord Weir, Fire Chief/Clarington Emergency Management Coordinator, Emergency and Fire Services Greg Bunker, Planner II, Planning and Development Services Heather Lynch, Administrative Assistant, Financial Services Jason Muir, Lead Hand, Community Services Jenna Salvatore, Environmental Summer Student, Planning and Development Services Jenna Stevenson, Temporary Fitness Programmer, Community Services Jennifer Stycuk, Community Development Coordinator, Community Services Jessica Ward, Communications Coordinator, CAO Jim Campbell, Facility Lead Hand, Community Services Joanne Barchard, Law Clerk, Legislative Services Kara Ross, Aquatic Programmer, Community Services Karen Richardson, Manager, Development Engineering, Public Works 53 Clarftwn Katelyn Brown, Customer Services Coordinator, Community Services Ken Ferguson, Facilities Supervisor, Community Services Ken Mercer, Operations Supervisor, Public Works Kersti Pascoe, Older Adult Coordinator, Community Services Khaoula Bengezi, Researcher, York University Kristina Dokoska, Project Coordinator, Ontario Climate Consortium Larry Postill, Operations Supervisor, Roads, Public Works Lauren Alexander, Acting Recreation & Fitness Coordinator, Community Services Leanne Walker, Communications / Social Media Specialist, Office of the CAO Lee -Ann Reck, Client Services Manager, Community Services Lindsey Patenaude, Licensing Clerk, Legislative Services Lockie Longhurst, Fleet Supervisor, Public Works Mark Jull, Planner I, Planning and Development Services Mark Sutherland, Facilities Supervisor, Community Services Megan Elliot, Business Manager, Clarington Public Library Michael Ste. Croix, Accountant, Financial Services Natalie King, Clerk II, Legislative Services Paul Creamer, Deputy Treasurer, Financial Services Peter Windolf, Manager of Park Development, Public Works Randy Cowan, Deputy Chief, Emergency and Fire Services Rob Groen, Supervisor of Buildings and Property, Community Services Ruth Porras, Senior Planner, Planning and Development Services Sandra McKee, Assistant Purchasing Manager, Financial Services Sarah Vaisler, Deputy Director, Clarington Public Library 54 Clarftwn Sean Bagshaw, Capital Works Engineer, Public Works Shahzad Mir, Planner, Community Planning and Design, Planning and Development Services Stephen Brake, Manager of Operations, Public Works Stephen Myers, Recreation Services Manager, Community Services Steve Burns, Facility Lead Hand, Community Services Theresa Gamble, Administrative Assistant, Planning and Development Services Tim Calhoun, Deputy Chief, Emergency and Fire Services Tracey Leonard, Aquatic Coordinator, Community Services Wendy Gorniak, Administrative Assistant, Community Services Clarftwn Appendix B - Glossary and Acronyms Glossary The definitions below are adapted from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). FCM is made up of a collective of over 2,000 Canadian municipalities working to solve key issues that impact municipalities, including climate change. The IPCC is an intergovernmental organization of the United Nations that is dedicated to providing objective, scientific information about the risks related to climate change. Adaptive Capacity - The ability of social, natural, economic, political, and institutional systems to adjust to change, moderate potential damage, take advantage of opportunities, and cope with the consequences. Baseline - The state against which change is measured. A baseline can be a reference point or period for projected climate changes that is used to compare climate fluctuations between one period and another. Carbon Footprint - The total amount of carbon generated by an individual, event, organization, service or product over a period of time. Carbon Neutral - Achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions by balancing carbon dioxide emissions with removal (often through carbon offsetting) or by eliminating carbon dioxide emissions altogether. Carbon Sequestration - The process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide naturally through trees and plants or through the capture and storage of CO2 produced by industry. Climate - The overall weather conditions of a place over an extended period of time. Unlike short-term weather events, climate is relatively stable and predictable over time. Climate Adaptation - An action or initiative taken to help adjust to actual or expected climate impacts, which reduce the effects of climate change on people, society, infrastructure, and/or the environment. Climate Change - Climate change refers to changes in global or regional climate patterns caused by natural phenomena and human activity that alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the build-up of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun in the Earth's atmosphere and reflect it back to the Earth's surface. 61V Clarftwn Climate Change Scenario - A simplified representation of the future climate based on a set of climatological relationships that have been constructed using evidence -based modelling to investigate the potential consequences of climate change. Climate Impact - The effects of extreme weather and climate change on natural and human systems. Impacts generally refer to effects on health, ecosystems, economies, societies, cultures, services, and infrastructure. Extreme Weather Events - Rare meteorological events that occur at a place and time of year beyond the normal range of activity. Extreme weather events include droughts, extreme heat, extreme precipitation, hurricanes, tornados and wildfires. Fossil Fuels — Fuels containing carbon that were formed as a result of geologic processes acting on the remains of organic matter produced by photosynthesis. Fossil fuel sources include coal, oil and natural gas. Global Climate Models (GCMs) - Global climate models are based on well -documented physical processes and use mathematical equations to characterize how energy and matter interact in different parts of the ocean, atmosphere and on land. These models are used to estimate changes in climate due to increased GHGs. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions - Natural and industrial gases that stop heat energy from escaping the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in global warming. Water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and ozone (03) are the primary GHGs in the Earth's atmosphere. Heatwave - A prolonged period of extremely high temperatures for a region. A heatwave can be the result of climate change and can affect agriculture, human health and ecosystems. Environment Canada issues heatwave warnings for central and southern Ontario when two consecutive days of daytime maximum temperatures are expected to reach 310C or when two consecutive days of humidex values reach 40°C or more. Maladaptation - The failure to adjust adequately or appropriately to an environment or situation. Maladaptation can result in increased vulnerability to climate change. One example of maladaptation is any adaptation action that increases greenhouse gas emissions, as it will increase the likelihood of climate change, which will require the need for further adaptation. 56 Clarftwn Mitigation - Actions that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, including policy, regulatory and project -based measures. Examples of mitigation actions include renewable energy and energy efficiency programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable Energy - Any form of energy from solar, geophysical or biological sources that is replenished by natural processes at a rate that equals or exceeds its rate of use. The five renewable sources that are used most often are wind, solar, biomass, hydropower and geothermal. Resilience - The ability to anticipate, prepare for and respond to hazardous events, trends, or disturbances related to climate change. Improving climate resilience involves assessing how climate change will create new or alter current climate -related risks and taking preemptive steps to minimize these risks. Risk - Risk can be considered as the combination of an event, its likelihood and its consequences — risk equals the probability of climate hazard multiplied by the consequence of that event. Sensitivity - The degree to which a given system is directly or indirectly affected (either adversely or beneficially) by climatic conditions (i.e. temperature increases) or a specific climate change impact (i.e. increased flooding). Vulnerability - The degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a function of both the sensitivity and the adaptive capacity of a given sector. Weather - The short-term atmospheric conditions of a specific location, including temperature, cloudiness, rainfall, wind and other meteorological conditions. 57 Clarftwn Acronyms BARC - Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities CCCAP - Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan ECDM - Energy Conservation and Demand Management FCM - Federation of Canadian Municipalities GHG - Greenhouse Gases ICCWG - Interdepartmental Climate Change Working Group ICLEI - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change KPI - Key Performance Indicators MCIP - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Municipal Climate Innovation Program OCC — Ontario Climate Consortium PCP - Partners for Climate Protection Clarbgton Appendix C - Climate Action Implementation Schedule jKey& _Av!�ription A - A I Action The action that will be developed and implemented by the Municipality Lead Department The department(s) that will take the lead developing and implementing the climate action Supporting Departments Departments that will support the lead department in implementing the climate action Indicators Proposed measurements to evaluate the success of implementing climate actions. All mitigation actions Associated Municipal Plan/ Policy/ Strategy Plans, policies and strategies that will inform the development and implementation of the climate action. Potential Partners Potential partners and stakeholders who could support the design and implementation of climate actions. $ = Low Cost $0-$100,000 Cost $$= Medium Cost $100,000-$500,000 $$$= High Cost $500,000+ Low - Action requires a low level of effort to implement Level of Effort Medium - Action requires a moderate level of effort to implement High - Action requires a high level of effort to implement Short-term - Action will be undertaken over a 1-2 year period Duration Medium -term - Actions will be undertaken over a 3-5 year period Long-term - Action will be undertaken over 5 or more years One time - Single action will be taken Frequency Recurrent - Several actions will be taken Ongoing - Action implemented as an organizational process or integrated into policy W Clarington Reduce Corporate GHG Emissions Action Action Leaci supporting E�E ASSociatecl inunicipal ?otential Estimatecl of Duration Frequency Number Department(s) Departments Plan/ Policy/ Strategy Partners Cost Effort Encourage waste and recycling service providers document GHG emissions on Municipality of Clarington 1.1 invoices Community Finance Official Plan: Chapter 5.5 Region of $ LOW Short- Ongoing submitted to the Services Sustainable Design and Durham term Municipality to Climate Change help the Municipality track it's GHG emissions more easily. Consider building envelope upgrades, Clarington Energy 1.2 building automation and Community Conservation and Clean Air $$ High Long- Ongoing lighting Services Demand Management Partnership term upgrades as part Plan of all building renewal projects. WE Clarftwn Action.. Supporting Associated .. .. .. Level Number.... .... .. .. . Effort Install/upgrade Building Automation Clarington Energy 1.3 Systems (BAS) Community Conservation and $$$ High Medium- One time and Smart Services Demand Management term Thermostats in Plan municipal buildings. Continue to convert all Clarington Energy 1.4 lighting in municipal Community Conservation and $$ Medium Long- Ongoing buildings to Services Demand Management term energy efficient Plan LEDs. Expedite actions outlined in the 2019 Clarington Clarington Energy 1.5 Energy Community Finance Conservation and Energy $_$$$ High Long- Ongoing Conservation Services Demand Management Utilities term Demand Plan Management Plan. 61 Clarington PAGLEM Of Duration Frequency .. .... ....01A .. .. . rt Offset the use of petroleum -based natural gas with renewable Clarington Energy 1.6 natural gas in buildings Community Conservation and $$ High Medium- Ongoing through Services Demand Management term renewable Plan natural gas purchasing agreements. Establish a policy to replace Clarington Energy 1'� all appliances Community Conservation and $ Medium Medium- One time with Energy Services Demand Management term STAR rated Plan appliances. 62 Clarington of Duration Frequency NumberPAGLEM11dt*.L .... ....01A .. .. . ir Install Smart Water Metering to major equipment at facilities and parks (i.e. ice rinks, pools and splash pads) to Clarington Energy 1.8 better Community Conservation and Energy $$$ High Medium- One time understand Services Demand Management Utilities term water Plan consumption trends and ensure that equipment is operating at optimal efficiency. Conduct utility consumption audits in Clarington Energy 1.9 municipal facilities, Community Conservation and Energy $ how short- Recurrent beginning with Services Demand Management Utilities term building with the Plan highest potential for savings. 63 Clarftwn SupportingAction.. .. Number.... ...... .. . Effort Conduct building re- commissioning Clarington Energy 1.10 to optimize Community Conservation and $$ High Medium- Recurrent building Services Demand Management term operations Plan where applicable. Replace mechanical equipment (boilers, chillers, air conditioning Clarington Energy 1.11 units) in Community Conservation and $$$ High Medium- One time remaining Services Demand Management term facilities with Plan high efficiency according to building assessments. M, Clarbgton PAGLEM Action.. .Frequency .... .... Poliy cy/ Partners Effo Implement and energy management system (EMS) to track utility bills to monitor Clarington Energy 1.12 energy Community Conservation and Energy $ Low Short- One time consumption Services Demand Management Utilities term and GHG Plan emissions, and inform building maintenance and recommissioning Assess and retrofit buildings with insulation Community - Increased infrastructure Medium- 1.13 where possible Services resiliency to climate $$ High term One time to reduced change energy consumption. Incentivize municipal staff to choose low carbon 1.14 transportation Corporate Clean Air $ Medium Medium - Ongoing options Services Partnership term including: carpooling, cycling and adopting EVs. MW Clarftwn Action.. Action Supporting Associated Municipal Potential Estimated Level of Duration Frequency Number Department(s) Departments Plan/ Policy/ Strategy Partners Cost Effort Expand corporate waste reduction and diversion Municipality of Clarington 1.15 initiatives to Facilities Official Plan: Chapter 5.5 Region of $ LOW Long- Ongoing further reduce Sustainable Design and Durham term waste and Climate Change promote recycling and composting. Develop a Green Procurement Policy that aligns procurement 1.16 and vendor Finance $ Low Medium- One time selection with term the climate resilience and mitigation goals outlined in the CCAP. Include a line item in the annual budget to provide funding for studies Office of the Short- 1.17 and/or Finance CAO $$ Medium term Recurrent components of capital projects that support the implementation of the CCAP. Clarington Action ..of t, iated Municipal Potential Estimated Level I Duration Frequency Number ... DepartmentsSupPolicy/ Establish a Green Revolving Fund (GRF) that is dedicated to Clean Air funding energy Clarington Energy Partnership 1.18 efficiency, Finance Conservation and The Green $ Low Short- Ongoing renewable Demand Management Infrastructure term energy, and/or Plan Ontario sustainability Coalition projects that generate cost savings. Region of Review and Durham, update Durham Area municipal anti- Legislative Clarington Anti -idling Municipalities, Medium- 1.19 idling by-law and Services bylaw Clean Air $ Medium term One time consider Partnership, expanding idle- Natural free zones. Resources Canada Create a Corporate Energy Commodity Planning & Clarington Energy 1.20 Policy that prioritizes Office of the Development Conservation and Energy $ Low Short- One time CAO Services, Public Demand Management Utilities term energy savings, Works Plan locally produced energy and low carbon energy options. 67 ClciCftO11 Action.. Supporting Associated .. .. .. Level Number.... .... .. .. . Effort Create corporate protocols to Municipality of Clarington 1.21 incorporate climate change Office of the Finance Official Plan: Chapter 5.5 $ Low Short- One time considerations CAO Sustainable Design and term into Council Climate Change reports. Undertake a feasibility study Clarington Energy to identify Conservation and 1.22 opportunities for the Municipality Office of the Demand Management Energy $$ Medium Medium- One time of to generate CAO Plan, The Atmospheric Utilities term and sell Fund, The Ontario renewable Energy Board Act energy. Develop a communications plan to share 1.23 corporate progress on Office of the Corporate $ Medium Long- Recurrent climate action CAO Services term with staff and the public on an ongoing basis. Investigate the Energy feasibility for Municipality of Clarington Utilities, District Energy Planning & Official Plan: Chapter 5.5 Natural Medium- 1.24 Systems in new Development Sustainable Design and Resources $$ Medium term Ongoing and existing Services Climate Change Canada, The secondary plan Atmospheric areas. Fund .: Clarington Action Action iated Municipal Potential Estimated Lev;;I Number ... DepartmentsSupPolicy/ Effort Energy Conservation and Region of Demand Management Durham, Update the Planning & Plan Durham Area Short- 1.25 Municipal Green Development Public Works Durham Community Municipalities, $ Low term One time Fleet Strategy. Services Energy Plan Clean Air Durham Community Partnership Climate Adaptation Plan Update the Priority Green Clarington Green Development Federation of Framework Planning & Priority Green Clarington: Canadian 1.26 criteria Development Public Works Green Development Municipalities, $ Medium Short- One time checklists to Services Framework and Clean Air term include Implementation Plan Partnership considerations for climate change mitigation and adaptation. WE Clarington Action Action Number ... Departments5upPolicy/ Effort Update Clarington's Planning and Development Design Standards and Planning & Priority Green Clarington: Federation of 1.27 Guidelines to the Development Green Development Canadian Municipalities, $ Medium Short- One time align with Services Framework and term Clarington Public Works Implementation Plan Clean Air Priority Green Partnership Development Framework to support moving toward net zero communities. Complete the implementation of Clarington's Green Development Standards, including the Planning & Priority Green Clarington: 1.28 development of Development Public Works Green Development $$ High Long- Ongoing a program Services Framework and term guidebook, Implementation Plan application instructions, and terms of reference for sustainability reporting. WE Clarftwn Action.. Number.... 1.29 Establish beyond -code energy efficiency design standards for new municipal buildings Planning & Development Services Supporting .... Community Services Associated .. .. .. Municipality of Clarington Official Plan: Chapter 5.5 Sustainable Design and Climate ChangePriority Green, Green Development Framework and Implementation Plan .. Natural Resources Canada .. . $$ Level Effort Medium Long- term Ongoing Conduct a review of existing Community Improvement Plans to Planning & Bowmanville, Newcastle 1.30 evaluate the Development Community and Orono Community Region of $ Medium Medium - One time potential for Services Services Improvement Plans Durham term program (CIPs) expansions to support corporate energy efficient retrofits. Update the Municipal Green Energy Conservation and Region of Fleet Strategy Demand Management Durham, and establish a Finance, Plan Durham Area Short- 1.31 five-year plan to Pubic Work Community Durham Community Municipalities, $ Low term One time electrify Services Energy Plan Clean Air municipal fleet Durham Community Partnership vehicles where Climate Adaptation Plan practicable. 71 Clarftwn SupportingAction.. .. .Frequency .. .... ...... .. . Effort Complete the conversation of Clarington Energy outdoor lighting Public Works Conservation and Long- 1.32 in parks and Community Demand Management $$ Medium term Recurrent streetlights to Services Plan energy efficient LEDs Implement a Municipal Automatic Vehicle Location Monitoring System (AVL) in Clean Air Short- 1.33 fleet vehicles to Public Works Partnership $$ Medium term One time track fuel consumption, evaluate idling and optimize routes for regular travel Purchase Clarington Energy 1.34 electric tools and Public Works All Departments Conservation and Clean Air $$ Medium Short- One time equipment Demand Management Partnership term where possible. Plan Right -size fleet vehicles based Clean Air Medium- 1.35 on their use to Public Works All Departments Partnership $$$ Medium term One time reduce fuel consumption. 72 Clarbgton Maintain Public and Workplace Health and Safety I Lead SupportingAction Potential Action Department(s) Departments MunicipalNumber Policy/ Extend pool hours during extreme heat, taking into # of cases of illness 2'� consideration Community related to extreme $$ High Short- Recurrent staffing, Services term infrastructure heat and maintenance needs Ensure water and sunscreen are available to Community # of cases of illness Short- 2.2 staff during all related to extreme $ Medium Ongoing municipal Services heat term summer outdoor events. 73 Clarftwn Supporting .. .. Level Action.. Number.... .... .. Policy/ . Allow outdoor activities to be held at indoor # of cases of illness 2.3 recreation Community related to extreme $$ Medium Short- Ongoing facilities during Services heat term extreme heat events where possible. Design summer outdoor community programming to # of cases of illness 2.4 take into Community related to extreme $$ Medium Medium- Ongoing consideration Services heat term extreme heat to ensure staff adequately prepared. Ensure staff have access to Decreased # of casesHealth Workplace 2.5 air-conditioned Community of illness related to and $ Low Long Ongoing rest areas for Services extreme heat Safety term relief during Policies extreme heat. 74 Clarbgton AssociatedLevel .. .. Action.. Num.. .. .... Supporting .... Policy/I . of rE Duration Frequency Update safety Municipality training for staff of to incorporate - # of cases of Clarington extreme Corporate injury/accidents Emergency Short- 2.6 weather risks Services All Departments related to heat Plan, $ Low term Ongoing associated with extreme weather Workplace climate change events Health and including Safety extreme heat. Policies Establish protocols for staff during # of cases of Workplace 2 7 extreme wind Corporate injury/accidents Health and $ LOW Short- One time events. Identify Services related to extreme Safety term "Shelter in weather events Policies Place" safe zones for staff. Create/update workplace policies to mandate weather - appropriate # of cases of illness Workplace 2.8 clothing to Corporate related to extreme Health and $ LOW Short- One time protect staff Services weather Safety term against extreme Policies weather conditions including heat, cold, windy and wet conditions. 75 Clarftwn Action.. Number 2.9 Action Update municipal emergency contact lists annually. Department(s) Corporate Services Supporting Departments Associated Municipal . . # of cases of injury/accidents related to extreme weather events, Emergency contact list is up -to date (yes/no) Potential Municipality of Clarington Emergency Plan Estimated $ Level Low Short- term Recurrent Incorporate weather monitoring into staff management processes to # of cases of forecast staff injury/accidents 2.10 needs and Corporate Public Works related to extreme $$ Medium Long- Ongoing ensure there Services weather events, term are enough staff # of service available to disruptions respond to extreme weather such as snowstorms and ice storms. Expand online safety training # of cases of Workplace 2.11 program to ensure safety Corporate injury/illness related Health and $$ Medium Short- Ongoing training Services to extreme weather Safety term accessible to events Policies staff in the field. 76 ClciCftO11 Action.. Supporting .. .. Level Number.... .... .. Policy/ . Expand mutual aid agreements with other - # of cases of Municipality 2.12 municipalities to labour Emergency and injury/accidents of Clarington $ Low Medium- One-time avoid Fire related to extreme term and equipment weather events Emergency shortfalls during Plan weather -related emergences. Ensure adequate resources are in Municipality place to ensure -response time to of 2.13 adequate Emergency and extreme weather- Clarington $$$ High Long- Ongoing response to the Fire related emergencies Emergency term increased Plan frequency of climate -related emergencies. Update the Clarington # of cases of Emergency injury/accidents Municipality Plan to related to extreme of 2.14 incorporate a Emergency and weather events, Clarington $ Medium Medium One time strategy for Fire Emergency Response Emergency term extreme Strategy developed Plan weather based (yes/no) on climate projections. 77 Clarftwn Supporting .. .. Level Action.. Number.... .... .. Policy/ . Work with Evacuation centres stakeholders to identified in the Municipality identify and Emergency and municipality (yes/no) of 2.15 promote the Fire, # of cases of Clarington $ Medium Medium- Ongoing location of Office of the injury/accidents Emergency term evacuation CAO related to extreme Plan centres the weather events public. Develop an extreme heat policy that establishes maximum outdoor working Emergency and # of cases of illness Workplace Ontario 2.16 temperatures Fire, Corporate Community related to extreme Health and Ministry of $ Low Short-term for staff and Services Services heat Safety Labour enables staff to Policies complete outdoor work during the cooler times of the day. Extend library hours to keep Clarington libraries open to Office of the Legislative # of cases of illness Public 2.17 the public CAO Services, Library related to extreme Library $$ Medium Short-term during extreme heat and cold events Strategic heat and cold Plan weather. Clarbgton Action.. Number.... Supporting .... ss .evel Policy/ .. .. . L of Duration Frequency Create a communications Region of strategy that Durham clearly Emergency categorises Municipality Management levels of Office the # of injuries/accidents of Office and Medium - 2.18 weather -related CAO Communications related to hazardous Clarington Social $ Medium term risk and weather conditions Emergency Services communicates Plan Department, actions that Emergency should be taken Management to by the public Ontario and stay safe. Incorporate shade structures and trees in the Community # of cases of illness 2.19 designs of Public Works Services related to extreme $$ Medium Long-term outdoor heat recreation areas for relief from extreme heat. W Clarbgton Action.. Number.... Supporting .... ss .evel Policy/ .. .. . L of Duration Frequency Region of Durham Increase Emergency Management signage near Office and municipally Social owned and Services maintained bodies of water # of injuries/accidents Municipality Department, including related to at of Emergency Medium- 2.20 beaches and Public Works municipally owned Clarington Management $ Medium term stormwater and maintained Emergency Ontario, management bodies of water. Plan Central Lake ponds, warning Ontario about the Conservation dangers of thin Authority, Ganaraska ice. Region Conservation Authority W Clarbgton Action.. ActionNumber Supporting Municipal .. .. Level Departments Policy/Department(s) Region of Durham Emergency Identify Management roadways that Office and are the least Social likely to be Services impacted by Municipality Department, flooding and Fire and Emergency Response of Emergency 2.21 incorporate Public Works Emergency Routes identified? Clarington Management $$ Medium Short-term them into Services (yes/no) Emergency Ontario, community Plan Central Lake Ontario emergency Conservation evacuation Authority, plans. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Incorporate Community textured, slip Public Works Services, # of cases of 2.22 proof floor Planning and injury/accidents $$ Medium Medium - surfaces into Development related to extreme term the design of Services weather events public spaces. Clarbgton Minimize Risks to Buildings and Property MP T7'PV' T Associated Action Action .. ... Indicator(s) .. Plan/ Potential Duration Frequency Department(s) Departments Policy/Number Partners Cost Effort WJW.AOL Strategy Utilize climate projections to assess which # of municipal reported buildings are damage to at risk due to Community buildings 3.1 extreme Services from $ Medium Long-term Recurrent weather. Prioritize extreme building weather upgrades events based on identified risk. Update design standards for municipal # of buildings reported using climate damage to 3.2 projections to Community buildings $$-$$$ Medium Short- recurrent ensure Services from term municipal extreme buildings are weather resilient to events extreme weather. Clarftwn .. Action.. Number.... Supporting .... Policy/ .. .. .Effort . Work with the Strategy Central Lake Conservation Ontario Authorities to # of Clarington Conservation update flood Planning & reported Flood Authority, Medium- 3.3 mapping Development properties Response Ganaraska $$ High term One time based on the Services experiencin Plan Region most up -to- g flooding Conservation date climate Authority projections. Central Lake Update zoning # of Ontario bylaws to Planning & reported Conservation 3.4 prohibit Development properties Zone Authority, � LOW Short- One time development Services experiencin Clarington Ganaraska term in flood hazard g flooding Region areas. Conservation Authority Include natural Extreme hazards and weather - climate related projections as Planning & property Clarington's 3.5 criteria in Development damage, Land Environment $ Medium Medium- Ongoing Clarington's Services Updated Acquisition Canada term Land Land Strategy Acquisition Acquisition Strategy. Strategy (yes/no) :, Clarbgton ss . Action.. ActionNumber Supporting Potential Estimated Level . Policy/ Strategy Assess the Central Lake municipal trail Ontario system to Conservation determine reported Authority, 3.6 areas that are Public Works properties Ganaraska $ Medium Short- One time most Region term vulnerable to experiencin Conservation flooding based g flooding Authority, on climate Environment projections. Canada Central Lake Update trail Ontario design # of Conservation standards to reported Authority, 3.7 take into Public Works properties Ganaraska $ Medium Short- One time account Region term accurate experiencin Conservation climate g flooding Authority, projections. Environment Canada Utilize climate projections to identify areas Decreased of roads that # of are vulnerable reported Medium- 3.8 to flooding. Public Works $$ High One time Create a plan properties term to upgrade experiencin road areas g flooding that are at high risk. :I Strengthen the Resilience of Municipal Infrastructure FIR Clarbgton Clarbgton Action... Actiojnj Indicator(s) .. Plan/ Potential of Duration Frequency Number Department(s) Departments Policy/ Partners Cost In new Strategy building designs and building retrofits, locate cooling condensers energy on the shady consumption, 4.2 side of the Community utility $$ Medium Medium -term Recurrent building. Services expenditures, Ensure equipment service life proper ventilation and maintenance for efficient operation. Increase backup power supply # service including disruptions, generators Community Backup 4.3 and solar Services power $$$ Medium Short-term One time battery installed storage (yes/no) options at maintenance facilities. Clarftwn Action.. .. .... Supporting .... .Frequency .. Policy/ .. .. . Update Utility Strategy building consumption, design Updated standards to design 4.4 incorporate green and Community standards $$$ High Medium -term One time reflective Services (yes/no), roofs into Green and municipal reflective building roofs designs. installed Revise asset management Updated policy and Asset equipment Management repair and Corporate replacement Policy 4.5 schedules to Corporate (yes/no), $ Low Medium -term Recurrent reflect Services Service increased disruptions wear from due to increased use equipment due to failure extreme weather. Clarbgton Associated ActionAction Lead Supporting Municipal Potential Estimated Level Number Policy/MI Strategy Add surge Service protectors to disruptions all electronic due to 4.6 equipment Corporate Services equipment failure, $$ Medium Short-term One time and backup Equipment batteries to all replacement computers. costs Store Service electronic disruptions equipment in due to 4.7 a location that Corporate equipment $ Low Long-term Ongoing is secure and Services failure, not vulnerable Equipment to flooding or replacement fire. costs Ensure all evacuation # service centres are disruptions, 4.8 equipped with Emergency backup $ Medium Short-term Recurrent and and Fire power emergency installed backup power (yes/no) supply. Review zoning Planning & # of reported 4.9 regulations to Development properties $ Medium Short-term One time promote Services experiencing ground water flooding permeability. Clarbgton .. Action... Acti]onj Indicator(s) Plan/ Potential of Duration Frequency Number Department(s) Departments Policy/ Partners Cost Utilize water water Strategy catchment for consumption 4.10 irrigation in Public Works for irrigating $$ Medium Long-term Ongoing park designs municipal where properties possible. Establish a Central Lake strategy to Ontario control Conservation invasive plant Authority, species that Damage to Ganaraska have negative infrastructure Region 4.11 impacts on Public Works from invasive Conservation $$ High Long-term Ongoing stormwater species, Authority, management Water quality Ontario ponds, Invasive Plant sightlines, Council drainage Provincial ditches and Government water quality. Clarbgton Action Action Supporting Associated Municipal Potential Estimated Level Number .... Departments Policy/ Strategy Update the municipal road maintenance plan by # of reported Ministry of increasing the damage to Transportation 4.12 road Public Works infrastructure Ontario, $ Medium Medium -term One time maintenance from freeze Ontario Good cycle to and thaw Roads accommodate cycles Association less predictable freeze/thaw cycles. Assess and upgrade stormwater # of reported 4.13 infrastructure Public Works properties $$$ Medium Medium -term Ongoing using experiencing accurate flooding climate projections. Design new splash pads municipal to clean and water 4.14 recirculate Public Works consumption, $$ Medium Medium -term One time water to utility consume less expenditures water. E Clarbgton .. Action... Actiojnj Indicator(s) Plan/ Potential of Duration Frequency Number Department(s) Departments Policy/ Partners Cost Incorporate Strategy lighting into new field accessibility designs so to outdoor 4.15 they can be Public Works Community areas $$ Medium Short-term Ongoing used in the Services #service evening when disruptions outdoor temperatures are cooler. Expand the rural ditching # of reported maintenance properties program to reduce experiencing 4.16 flooding and Public Works flooding, # $$ Medium Medium -term One time avoid reported infrastructure damage to and property properties damage. Assess bridges and Vulnerable embankments bridges and to determine embankment areas that are identified 4.17 most Public Works (yes/no), $ Medium Short-term One time vulnerable to # of reported flooding properties based on experiencing climate flooding projections. 91 Clarbgton Action... Ajction I Indicator(s) .. Plan/ Potential of Duration Frequency Number Department(s) Departments Policy/ Partners Cost Upgrade Strategy storm water Stormwater management management infrastructure infrastructure with on -site upgraded 4.18 ponds, cisterns and Public Works (yes/no), $$-$$$ High Medium -term Ongoing landscaping # of reported decisions to properties minimize experiencing flooding storm water run-off. Expand preventative maintenance and repair program for # of reported roads, damage to 4.19 sidewalks and Public Works infrastructure $$ Medium Medium -term Ongoing bridges to from weather mitigate conditions damage due to increased freeze and thaw cycles. 'A Clarbgton Action... ActionNumber I .. Potential Policy/ Effort Increase Strategy construction standards for higher order # of reported roads that are damage to 4.20 r used for Public Works infrastructure $$ Medium Short-term One time hauling from weather mitigate conditions damage due to increased freeze and thaw cycles. Review road weight restrictions to prohibit # of reported hauling on damage to Ontario Good 4.21 local roads. Public Works infrastructure Roads $ Medium Medium -term Ongoing Prioritize from weather Association hauling on conditions higher order Regional roads. 93 Clarington Action... Actiojnj Indicator(s) .. Plan/ Potential of Duration Frequency Number Department(s) Departments Policy/ Partners Cost Design new Strategy parks and sports fields to accommodate # of reported 4.22 flooding and Public Works properties Clarington �� High Medium -term Recurrent function as experiencing Official Plan stormwater flooding management areas where reasonable to do so. Upgrade existing parks and sports fields with permeable # of reported 4.23 asphalt and Public Works properties Clarington High Medium -term One time other experiencing Official Plan permeable flooding materials to reduce overland flooding. Clarbgton Protect Ecosystems and Biodiversity Associated Action Action .. Supporting Indicator(s) Municipal Plan/ Potential Duration FrequencyNumber Department(s) Departments Policy/ Partners d Cost Effort Strategy Review the implementati on of an Central Lake urban tree Ontario preservation Planning & % of tree Conservation 5.1 bylaw to prevent Development canopy Authority, Ganaraska $ Low Short-term One time urban trees Services cover Region from being Conservation cut down Authority without a permit. Integrate urban heat island projections into the Central Lake Clarington Ontario Urban Forest Planning & % of tree Conservation 5.2 Strategy. Development canopy Authority, $ Medium Medium- Ongoing Plant more Services cover Ganaraska term trees in Region areas with Conservation the greatest Authority potential for becoming urban heat islands. 95 Clarftwn Action Lead Supporting . Number Action Department(s) Departments Indicator(s) Plan/ Partners d Cost Effort Duration Frequency Strategy Require winter maintenance staff become Smart About Salt certified. This program will provide Salt damage training on to the infrastructure application of or natural Smart About 5.3 road salt to Public Works areas, Salt Council improve Low Short-term Recurrent Quantity of winter salting salt used, Cost of salt practices and decrease used salt -related damage to ecosystems and infrastructure W Clarftwn Action.. Number.... Supporting .... .. Policy/ Strategy .. ..Effort . Consider alternatives Salt damage to to conventional infrastructure road salt or natural Smart About Medium- 5.4 (NaCl) to Public Works areas, Salt Council $ Low term One time reduce the Quantity of negative salt used, impacts on Cost of salt the used environment. Expand Central Lake municipal Ontario tree planting Conservation programs Authority, and Ganaraska partnerships % of tree Region 5.5 to include Public Works canopy Conservation $ Low short-term Ongoing urban and cover Authority, rural tree Maple planting on Leaves public and Forever private The Region properties. of Durham 97 Clarington ss . Action.. ActionNumber Supporting Potential Estimate Level . Policy/ Strategy Integrate the Central Lake Clarington Ontario Urban % of tree Conservation 5.6 Forestry Strategy and Public Works canopy Authority, Ganaraska $ Medium short-term Ongoing Clarington's cover Region development Conservation guidelines. Authority Establish established - Central municipal tree canopy, Lake Ontario tree canopy, biodiversity Clarington Conservation 5.7 biodiversity Public Works and green Urban Authority $ Low Short term Recurrent and green Forest -Ganaraska space space targets Strategy Region targets for (yes/no) Conservation urban areas. Authority Update parks maintenance programs to include Central Lake vegetation loss of Ontario and tree vegetation/tr Conservation 5.8 species that Public Works Emergency & ees due to Authority, $ Low Short-term One time are resilient Fire drought and Ganaraska to extreme temperature Region heat, changes Conservation extreme Authority weather, and invasive species. .-P Clarbgton Minimize Disruptions to Corporate Operations and Service Delivery Clarbgton .. Action.. ActionNumber Supporting Potential Estimated Level Policy/ Strati • Revise refund policy for municipal recreation programs to exclude refunds for Refund cancellations policy for 6.2 due to Community Service Finance extreme Medium Short-term One time extreme weather weather. exists Instead, (yes/no) provide credits on customer accounts for weather - related cancelations. # of Back up weather - corporate data related and store a 6.3 location that is Corporate Services service $ Low Short-term Ongoing disruptions, not vulnerable equipment to flooding or fire. replacement costs 100 Clarbgton .. Action.. ActionNumber Supporting Potential Estimated Level Policy/ Strati • Develop a work -from - home policy that utilizes telecommuting technologies and provides - work from staff with the home policy Clean Air 6.4 tools to work Corporate Services exists Partnership Medium Long-term Ongoing from home to (yes/no) avoid weather - related service disruptions and reduce fuel consumption. During elections, promote advanced voting, allow a # of longer time weather- Elections 6.5 frame for Legislative Service related Ontario $ Low Short-term One time voting during service extreme disruptions weather and promote online voting options. 101 Clarbgton .. Action.. ActionNumber Supporting Potential Estimated Level Policy/ Strati. Update the Council Procedural Bylaw to allow # of Council weather- 6.6 meetings to Legislative Services related $ Low Short-term One time be conducted service remotely disruptions during extreme weather. Create an extreme weather policy Extreme that identifies weather Environment 6.7 the weather Office of the CAO policy $ Medium Short-term Recurrent condition that created Canada will close (yes/no) municipal facilities 102 Clarbgton Build Community Resilience Associated ALD(epartment(s) Lead SupportingAction Department .. d Level .Frequency Number S Policy/ . Strategy Establish partnerships with organizations Identified 7.1 with facilities Community Emergency cooling $$ Medium Short- Ongoing that could be Services & Fire centres term used as (yes/no) cooling centres during summer heatwaves. Create guidelines guidelines for exist - non -essential (yes/no), Conservati 7.2 use of water Community Corporate Municipal on Ontario $ SOW Short- One time during Services Services water - Source term heatwaves to consumption, Protection conserve Expenditure Regions water. on water Stockpile sandbags and sandto Sandbags prepare for Emergency stockpiled 7.3 emergency and Fire Public Works (yes/no), $ LOW Short- One time flooding and Services Property term store in a damage due location that is to flooding protected from UV light. 103 Clarbgton ss . ActionNumber SupportingActionMunicipal Department Policy/ Strategy Create a Annual dedicated municipal reserve fund expenditures for climate- directly Short- 7.4 related Finance related to $$ Medium term One time emergencies climate and adaptation change and mitigation adaptation efforts. Evaluate the implementation of a stormwater fee (and credit) program to % of encourage permeable residents and surfaces/total businesses to ground 7.5 maintain Finance Public Works coverage, Clarington $ Medium Medium - One time permeable property Official Plan term surfaces on damage their property caused by and generate overland funds to flooding upgrade and maintain stormwater management infrastructure. 104 Clarbgton ActionNumber SupportingAction Department Municipal Policy/ Strategy Consider the inclusion of Development incentives for charge sustainable incentives development in Planning and (yes/no), Medium- 7.6 the DC review, Finance Development # of $$ Medium Recurrent ensuring Services sustainably term alignment with development the Green s in the Development Municipality Framework. Review the Municipal Insurance Adequate Program to ensure insurance 7.7 adequate Finance coverage considering $$ Medium Medium- Recurrent coverage for climate term staff and the impacts public during (yes/no). extreme weather events. 105 Clarbgton .. ActionNumber SupportingActionMunicipal Department Policy/ Strategy Create a strategy to communicate the risks associated # of climate with climate change - change. Office of the related Local Short- 7.8 Educate the CAO public/corpor media $ Low term One time public about ate events the actions that and available they can take information to prepare for extreme weather events. Educate Climate elected change officials on briefing how the packages municipality exist 7.9 will be Office of the (yes/no), # $ Low Medium- Recurrent impacted by CAO climate term climate change change by creating related climate risks conversation briefing s and packages. decisions by Council 106 Clarbgton ., Action..... SupportingAction.. . . Duration .. Policy/Number Strategy Partners Cost Encourage the # of plans, federal and policies, and provincial programs governments that include to dedicate Office of the climate Short- 7.10 funding to help adaptation $ Low One time municipalities CAO consideration term adapt to and s, mitigate available climate funding change. sources Undertake # of climate regular related risk departmental audits Recurrent 7.11 risk audits that Office of the conducted $ High Medium- (every two include CAO Risks term years) climate -related identified risks to the (yes/no) Municipality. 107 Clarbgton Appendix D - Actions for Future Consideration Action The action that will be developed and implemented by the Municipality Lead Department The department(s) that will take the lead developing and implementing the climate action All actions in the long list have been categorized as monitor or investigate further. 'Monitor' actions Implementation will be monitored regularly. 'Investigate further' actions require further research to assess their achievability. Actions will be considered in future updated to the CCCAP Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Action Lead Department - Install geothermal heating and cooling systems for new buildings and during major renovations of Community Services Monitor older buildings where practical. Address "phantom load" management in all facilities by the use of power bars or unplugging Community Services Monitor equipment when not in use where practical. Upgrade fans and blowing equipment in remaining facilities according to building assessments. Community Services Monitor Expand battery collection initiatives zones across municipal facilities. Community Services Monitor Incorporate solar hot water heating into new and existing buildings. Community Services Investigate Further 1: Clarftwn Action Lead... Perform External Benchmarking against facilities in other municipalities to identify conservation Community Services Investigate Further opportunities. Install hand dryers and remove paper towel dispensers in bathrooms OR add organic bins in Community Services Investigate Further municipal washrooms to encourage compost disposal of paper towels. Implement an employee training program on energy efficiency and sustainability. Corporate Services Monitor Require all municipal drivers/operators to complete a training program on energy efficient driving. Corporate Services Monitor Explore funding/grant opportunities for innovative pilot projects and opportunities to enhance resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., heat pump Finance Monitor retrofits). Establish a program that would re -invest funds saved from energy efficiency into other climate Finance Investigate Further change initiatives. Expand the municipality's ban of single -use plastics in municipal facilities to include local Legislative Services Monitor businesses and service providers. Expand library lending to include tools and other household items that could be used by residents and staff to cut down on unnecessary consumption of household goods that are infrequently Library Investigate Further used. Work with the Region of Durham to increase awareness about blue bins and waste programs in Office of the CAO Investigate Further Clarington. 109 Clarftwn Action Lead... Consider partnering with the Green Burial Society of Canada to adopt an environmentally Office of the CAO Investigate Further sustainable alternative to contemporary burial practices. Designate areas of the municipality for mixed use, locating commercial, residential, institutional Planning and Development Monitor and office uses in close proximity to encourage other methods of transportation than vehicles. Services Designate land for public green space that can be used to grow community gardens with Planning and composting facilities to accommodate residential organic waste and minimize waste send to Development Services Monitor landfill. Develop and implement methodology to quantify the value of natural systems in Clarington (i.e., Planning and parks, riparian areas, natural areas, urban forest, etc.) as a greenhouse gas sink, and incorporate Development Services Monitor into GHG inventory reporting. Implement sustainable construction practices for municipal buildings to reduce waste through reusing/recycling existing materials, maximizing efficient use of aggregates, using materials that Public Works Monitor sequester carbon (wood over concrete). Reduce corporate water consumption through computer -automated irrigation systems and water- Public Works Monitor efficient landscaping. Extend areas of natural grassland, wood edges and increase area of existing woodlands. Public Works Monitor 110 Clarftwn Maintain Public Health and Safety Action Extend spring and fall pool opening as needed. ..Department Community Services Monitor Ensure all fleet vehicles are equipped with air conditioning where practical. Corporate Services Monitor Train staff on how to drive in a variety of weather conditions. Corporate Services Monitor Train staff on how to prevent vector borne illness. Corporate Services Monitor Provide staff uniforms that reduce vulnerability to ticks and mosquitos. Corporate Services Monitor Designate space for domestic animals at emergency evacuation centres. Office of the CAO Monitor Change minimum care requirements for animals to include extreme heat and other weather - related events and provide generators to animal shelters to maintain heat during winter power outages. Office of the CAO Monitor Provide snowplough drivers with the ability to report unsafe driving during snow and ice conditions (similar to school bus drivers). Public Works Monitor Research alternate misting and low water consumption alternatives for public cooling. Public Works Monitor 111 Clarftwn Minimize Risks to Buildings and Property Action ,.-•, • Create a building maintenance and replacement reserve fund to prepare and repair buildings Finance Monitor vulnerable to extreme weather. Identify areas at risk for erosion, establish priority areas and take appropriate stabilization Public Works Monitor actions. Conduct a climate vulnerability audit of all buildings. Public Works Monitor Strengthen Infrastructure Resilience Review operating parameters of rink refrigeration systems and adjust as needed. 112 Community Services I Investigate Further Clarftwn Upgrade to weather appropriate resilient materials when renewing fields. Public Works Monitor Protect Biodiversity and Ecology Action ..Department Work with the Conservation Authorities to identify, protect and rehabilitate riparian areas that Planning Services Monitor need rehabilitation. Research and implement natural alternatives to reduce mosquito populations. Public Works Monitor Create a program to manage invasive species on rural roadways and roadside ditches that Public Works Monitor included strategies of managing dog strangling vines, phragmites, ticks and giant hogweed. Collaborate with the conservation authorities to expand in-house knowledge of invasive species Public Works Monitor management. Plant trees away from the edge of roads on municipal properties to protect them from road salt. Public Works Monitor Update municipal invasive species management practices to take climate change into Public Works Monitor consideration. Increase roadside grass cutting to reduce the likelihood of roadside fires. Public Works Monitor Create a greenspace/open space management plan to reduce fires, which includes cutting tall Public Works Monitor dry grasses and eliminating standing deadwood. 113 Clarftwn Create standing water bylaws to reduce the amount of standing water on private properties in Public Works Monitor urban areas. Minimize Disruption to Corporation Action Lead Department Take advantage of variable weather throughout the year by transitioning Operations tasks from Public Works Monitor seasonal to year-round where possible. Train staff to undertake a greater variety of seasonal tasks to respond to greater seasonal Public Works Monitor variation. create a contractor services registry that includes prequalified contractors that can be called upon Public Works Monitor for services on short notice. Build Community Resilience 114 Clarbgton 115 Clarftwn Appendix E - Climate Change Projections Climate Change Trends in the Municipality of Clarington under the RCP 8.5 scenario Annual 7.0 8.6 10.1 12.2 T Winter -3. --4.0 -2.5 -0.1 , • - Spring 3.6 6.8 8.3 10.1 T Summer 17.1 21.0 22.7 24.7 T Fall 10.1 10.4 11.9 14.0 T Max Annual Temperature 11.6 13.1 14.5 16.4 T Max Winter Temperature 2.1 -0.1 1.2 3.2 T Max Spring Temperature 8.3 11.6 12.9 14.6 T Max Summer Temperature 21.4 26.3 27.9 29.9 T Max Fall Temperature 14.5 14.4 15.9 18.0 T Min Annual Temperature 2.4 4.1 5.8 8.1 T • - Min Winter Temperature -8.0 -8.3 -6.3 -3.4 1 Min Spring Temperature -1.0 2.0 3.6 5.6 T 116 Clarftwn Min Summer Temperature 12.7 15.9 17.5 19.6 T Min Fall Temperature 5.7 6.6 8.2 10.4 T Days Above 35°C 0.2 0.6 2.1 7.2 T Days Above 30°C 7.6 10.9 20.8 40.3 T ' • Days Above 25°C 42.1 51.1 70.5 93.4 T Days Above 20°C (Tropical Nights) 100.6 111.3 127.9 145.4 T Days Below -20°C 8.6 6.6 3.3 1.0 1 Days Below -10°C 49.0 33.8 22.9 12.2 Days Below 0°C (freezing days) 146.8 127.7 110.3 87.6 Annual (mm/year) 949.7 1059.2 1132.3 1241.9 T Winter (mm/season) 228.3 228.3 255.7 283.1 T • • Spring (mm/season) 219.2 273.9 292.2 328.7 T Summer (mm/season) 228.3 292.2 301.3 319.6 T Fall (mm/season) 273.9 273.9 283.1 301.3 T Max Precipitation in 1 day (mm) 33.8 51.7 56.1 61.3 T Max Precipitation in 3 days (mm) 54.9 73.1 78.4 86.0 T 117 Clarbgton Simple Daily Intensity Index (SDII) (mm/day) 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.4 T 95th Percentile Precipitation (mm) 36.1 45.4 45.9 61.3 T 99th Percentile Precipitation (mm) 11.2 15.0 15.2 86.0 T Total Annual 145.3 199.4 199.6 195.7 Total Annual Consecutive Dry Days 18.2 22.3 22.3 22.3 - Growing Season Start Date (day of year) 44330.0 44324.0 44317.0 44304.0 T Growing Season End Date (day of year) 44493.0 44500.0 44509.0 44518.0 T Growing Season Length (days/year) 163.0 178.0 194.0 215.0 T Corn Heat Units 3193.9 3610.2 4147.6 4779.9 T Growing Degree Days (Base 0°C) 3197.9 3563.7 4000.4 4552.4 T Canola Growing Degree Days (Base 4°C) Forage Crops Growing Degree Days (Base 5°C) 2236.3 2515.4 2892.9 3372.9 T 2024.5 2285.2 2647.7 3109.0 T Corn and Bean Growing Degree Days (Base 10°C) 1119.2 1304.2 1595.9 1969.0 T 118 Clarbgton Growing Degree Days - Risk of Presence of 7462.5 587.6 803.0 1090.EPests (Base 15°C)T Freeze -Thaw Cycles (cycles per year) 79.6 78.6 70.1 59.6 , Ice Potential (days per year) 28.8 15.0 12.0 8.0 119 Clarftwn Appendix F - Risks and Vulnerability Assessment Outcomes Number of Risks Identified Across the Municipality of Clarington's Departments 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ■ Operations Planning Emergency Engineering Corporate Community Legal CAO Finance Clerk's Library and Fire and Building Services Services Department Services Services ■ Self -Identified Risks Risks Identified by Other Departments Number of unique climate risks identified across the Municipality of Clarington's Departments. Blue represents self -identified risks, and yellow represents the risks identified by other departments. 120 More Heat Waves More Intense Rainfall Extended Spring and Fall More Ice Storms More Drought Higher Wind Speeds More Rain/Snow in Winter More Freeze -Thaw Cycles Extreme Weather Clarftwn Total Number of Identified Risks 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Number of Risks Total number of identified risks within the Municipality of Clarington for each climate parameter examined in this study 121 Appendix G - Climate Modeling Criteria Clarbgton Factors 2020 Durham Climate Modeling Climate Models 8 different GCMs 5 different RCMs Emissions Scenarios RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5 (latest) Time Period 2020s, 2050s and 2080s Baseline 1971 - 2000 Regional Averages Uses all climate stations in Durham Region to develop averages Climate Parameters Mean temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, extreme heat, extreme cold, total precipitation, extreme precipitation, dry days., growing season, agriculture variables, freeze -thaw cycle and ice potential 122 Clarington Appendix H - Adaptation and Mitigation Evaluation Criteria Adaptation Action Evaluation Criteria Rating Evaluation Criteria Mitigation Co- Could result in increased GHG Not likely to affect GHG Could reduce GHG emissions benefits emissions emissions Sustainability Equity Benefits only some people Benefits many people Significant benefits to many people Implementation Cost is high relative to the Cost is moderate relative to Cost is low relative to the cost costs cost of inaction the cost of inaction of inaction Effectiveness Robustness Effective for a narrow range Effective across many Effective across a wide range of plausible future scenarios plausible future scenarios of plausible future scenarios Risk and Urgency Impacts are likely to occur Impacts are likely to appear Impacts are already occurring Uncertainty in the longer term in the near term 123 Clarbgton Rating Evaluation Criteria Will contribute little to other Will contribute somewhat to Will contribute significantly to Ancillary Benefits goals and programs in the other goals and programs in other goals and programs in organization the organization the organization Opportunity Will have little or no benefit Will have some benefit Will result in significant No Regret if climate change impacts regardless of actual climate benefits regardless of actual do not occur change impacts climate change impacts Window of There is no window of A window of opportunity A window of opportunity exists Opportunity opportunity could be created to implement Political (or public) Could face some public or Not likely to receive much Likely receive public / political Acceptability political opposition public or political attention support Funding Sources Additional funding sources are required but have not Additional funding sources Funding is available or not Implementation been identified may be required required Capacity (information, Current Capacity is Gap exit in one or more Current capacity is sufficient technical, staff, insufficient, and gaps areas but can likely be to implement the action cannot be easily addressed addressed resources 124 Mitigation Action Evaluation Criteria 125 Cladwgma Clarbgton Evaluation Criteria Rating Opportunity Ancillary Benefits Will contribute little to other Will contribute somewhat Will contribute significantly goals and programs in the to other goals and to other goals and programs organization programs in the in the organization organization No Regret Will have little or no benefit Will have some benefit Will result in significant if climate change impacts regardless of actual benefits regardless of actual do not occur climate change impacts climate change impacts Window of There is no window of A window of opportunity A window of opportunity Opportunity opportunity could be created exists to implement Implementation Political (or public) Could face some public or Not likely to receive much Likely receive public / Acceptability political opposition public or political attention political support Funding Sources Additional funding sources Additional funding sources Funding is available or not are required but have not may be required required been identified 126 C]aFbOO,U 127 Clarington Appendix I - GHG Emissions Calculations Municipal Solid Waste Composition Data by Per Cent Description 44 CO2 Emmissions = Total CO2 emissions from incinerated solid waste in tonnes m = Mass of waste incinerated WF1 = Fraction of waste consisting of type i matter dm1 = Dry matter content in the type i matter 128 Clarbgton CFL ,. = Fraction of carbon in the dry matter of type i matter FCFL = Fraction of fossil carbon in the total carbon component of type i matter OFj = Oxidization fraction or factor i = Matter type of the solid waste incinerated such as paper/cardboard, textile, food waste, etc. Note: XjFWj = 1 Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories CO2 emissions from waste were calculated based on non-biogenic CO2 emissions from the incineration of waste as presented by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2006) 129 Clarbgton Description CH4 Emmissions = CH4 emissions in the inventory year, tonnes IWl = Amount of solid waste of type i incinerated, tonnes EFj = Aggregate CH4 emission factor, g CH4 / tonne of waste type i 10-6 = Converting factor from g CH4 to t CH4 i = Category or type of waste incinerated/open-burned, specified as follows: MSW municipal solid waste, ISW industrial solid waste, HW: hazardous waste, CW clinical waste, SS sewage sludge, others. Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories CH4 emissions from waste were calculated based on emissions from the incineration of waste using continuous stoker incineration with an incineration factor of 0.02 (IPCC 2006). 130 Clarbgton ,6 Description N20 Emmissions = N20 Emissions in inventory year, in tonnes IWl = Amount of solid waste of type i incinerated or open burned, in tonnes EFj = Aggregate N20 emission factor g CH4 / ton of waste type i i = Category or type of waste incinerated/open burned specified as follows: MSW: municipal solid waste, ISW: industrial solid waste, HW: hazardous waste, CW: clinical waste, SS: sewage sludge, others (that must be specified) Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories NO2 emissions from waste were calculated based on emissions from the incineration of waste using continuous incineration and a rate of 50g of NO2/t of waste (IPCC 2006). 131 Clarbgton Works Cited Bank of Canada. (2019). Researching the Economic Impacts of Climate Change. Retrieved 2019, from https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2019/11 /researching-economic-impacts-climate-change/#I ntroduction Climate Atlas. (2019). Climate Change: The Basics. Retrieved 2020, from https://climateatlas.ca/climate-change-basics Environment Canada. (2008). Canadian communities' guidebook for adaptation to climate change. Vancouver: Environment Canada and University of British Columbia. Federation Of Canadian Municipalities. (2020). Partners for Climate Protection 2019-2020 Annual Report. Federation Of Canadian Municipalities. Government of Canada. (2019). Canada's Changing Climate Report. Ottawa: Government of Canada. Government of Canada. (2019). Climate change impacts on forests. Retrieved 2019, from https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/climate-change/impacts-adaptations/climate-change-impacts-forests/impacts/13095 Government of Canada. (2019). Climate Scenarios for Agriculture. Retrieved 2019, from https://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/agriculture-and-the-environment/agricultural-practices/climate-change-and- agriculture/climate-scenarios-for-agriculture/?id=1329321981630 ICLEI. (2009). International Local Government GHG Emmissions Analysis Protocol. Toronto: ICLEI. Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation. (2019). Water on the Rise: Protecting Canadian Homes from the Growing Threat of Flooding. Waterloo: Univerity of Waterloo. IPCC. (2006). 20061PCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Hayama, Japan: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. IPCC. (2018). Global Warming of 1.5°C. In Press. 132 Clarbgton Lindsey, R. (2020, August 14). Climate.gov. Retrieved September 23, 2020, from https://www.climate.gov/news- features/understanding-climate/climate-change-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide Ontario Climate Consortium. (2020). Corporate Climate Change Risks in the Municipality of Clarington. Toronto: OCC. Ontario Climate Consortium. (2020). Guide to Conducting a Climate Change Analysis at the Local Scale: Lessons Learned from Durham Region. Toronto: Ontario Climate Consortium. US Global Research Program. (2014). Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. WHO. (2015). Operational framework for building climate resilient health systems. Geneva: WHO Press. 133