HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-015-21Clarington Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 22, 2021 Report Number: PDS-015-21 Submitted By: Ryan Windle, Director of Planning and Development Services File Number: ZBA2020-0021 Resolution#: PD-056-21 Report Subject: Public Meeting — Rezoning to permit triplex units within the existing detached dwellinas at 55A and 55B Townline Road South in Courtice. Purpose of Report: The purpose of this report is to provide information to the public and Council. It does not constitute, imply, or request any form or degree of approval. Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-015-21 be received for information only; 2. That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to ZBA 2020-0021; and 3. That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-015-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-015-21 Report Overview Page 2 The Municipality is seeking public input on an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit triplex units within the existing detached dwellings at 55A and 55B Townline Road South in Courtice. Each property will require a reduction in the minimum drive aisle width, a reduction in the required number of parking spaces including the width of one parking space and a reduction in the required landscaped open space. The site plan details will be addressed through a future Site Plan application. The rezoning application has been deemed complete. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner/Applicant: 1.2 Agent: 1.3 Proposal: 1.4 Area: 1.5 Location: 1.6 Roll Number: Lucrative Investments Inc. and 2708059 Ontario Inc. Nicolaas Mensink Zoning By-law 84-63 Amendment To rezone the property from "Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone" to an appropriate zone to permit triplex units within the existing detached dwellings at 55A and 55B Townline Road South in Courtice. Both 55A and 55B Townline Road will require a reduction in the minimum drive aisle width from 6 metres to 3.5 metres, a reduction in the required number of parking spaces from 6 spaces to 4 spaces with a reduction in the width of one parking space from the required 2.75 metres to 2.5 metres and a reduction in the required landscaped open space. 518 square metres (55A Townline Road) 518 square metres (55B Townline Road) 55A and 55B Townline Road South Part Lot 35, Concession 2 181701007017802;181701007017800 1.7 Within Built Boundary: Yes Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-015-21 2. Background Page 3 2.1 On November 4, 2020 Lucrative Investments Inc. and 2708059 Ontario Inc. submitted an application to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 to permit triplex units within the existing detached dwellings at 55A and 55B Townline Road South in Courtice. The property is currently zoned "Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone" which does not permit triplex units. Both 55A and 55B Townline Road will require a reduction in the minimum drive aisle width, a reduction in the required number of parking spaces with a reduction in the width of one parking space and a reduction in the required landscaped open space. Figure 1: Proposed Site Plan Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-015-21 2.2 On December 22, 2020 the application was deemed complete and circulated to departments and agencies for comments 2.3 Reports and Studies submitted in support of the application include: • Rezoning Application Summary Letter • Site Plan/Grading Plan • Site Screening Questionnaire • Stormwater Management Brief • Noise Impact Study � a r -95 V- . _ 2 EMPIRE CR 3� 48 } 4 , ��.. .4.= BARRON.CT 51 ! _ 43 4 .r # 47 A 4 ► 7 =/IUG 51 SV��I,j� rLU IQ J 57so `• O' 0 - 84 5 5 . ��. 5 !r chiOn - a Uj 7 5 63 'g " EUINBOROUGH LN . '< � b5 0 5 ..:.. _, r: 3 a i7 s x r 7 4 69B 9 -1 �.. 7 2 1 _39 2d `zBA 2020-0021 -35 Figure 2: Site Context Map Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-015-21 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 Each property has a lot area of 518 square metres. The properties are located on the east side of Townline Road, south of Regional Highway 2 in the Courtice Urban Area. Located on each property is a single -detached dwelling with an apartment -in-house on the second floor of each dwelling. See Figure 3. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North Single detached dwelling with three units. South Single detached dwellings East Single detached dwellings West Single -detached dwellings in the City of Oshawa Figure 3: 55A and 55B Townline Road South Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-015-21 4. Provincial Policy Provincial Policy Statement Page 6 4.1 The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) encourages settlement areas to be the focus of growth and development, and states that land use patterns within these areas are to be based on densities and a mix of land uses which: efficiently use land and resources; are appropriate for, and efficiently use existing infrastructure and are transit supportive. 4.2 The subject lands are located within the settlement area of Courtice, which is to be a focus of growth and development. The subject lands are adjacent to an arterial road and are municipally serviced. 4.3 The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. Provincial Growth Plan 4.4 The Growth Plan is a long-term planning framework that manages growth, mainly within the urban areas of the Greater Golden Horseshoe. It provides policies that encourage a diverse mix of land uses to create complete communities. 4.5 The subject lands are within the defined Built Boundary and within the Urban Boundary of Courtice. Growth is to be accommodated by directing development to the existing built up areas of Courtice through intensification. A minimum of 40 percent of all residential development occurring annually within each upper tier municipality will be within built-up areas. After the Durham Region Official Plan comprehensive review is completed, the minimum target will increase to 50 percent. 4.6 The proposal is consistent with the Growth Plan. 5. Official Plans Durham Regional Official Plan 5.1 The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject property as "Living Areas." Living Areas are to be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads. Urban areas across the Region shall be planned to accommodate a minimum of 40 percent of all residential development occurring annually through intensification within built-up areas. Townline Road South is designated as a Type `B' arterial road in the Regional Official Plan. 5.2 The proposal is consistent with the Durham Regional Official Plan. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-015-21 Clarington Official Plan Page 7 5.3 The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject site as "Urban Residential" and is located within the built-up area of Courtice. Intensification within urban areas is encouraged and the policies of this plan generally promote infill development and intensification. 5.4 Table 4-3 of the Official Plan provides a summary of Urban Structure Typologies for specific areas of the Municipality. The site is located at the edge of a neighbourhood and adjacent to an arterial road. Townline Road is designated a Type B arterial road. The policies of the Official Plan identify that the edge of neighbourhoods and being adjacent to an arterial road as a location where growth and intensification can occur. Development is intended to be ground related at 1-3 storeys in height. 5.5 The proposal is consistent with the Clarington Official Plan. 6. Zoning By-law 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands "Urban Residential Type One (R1)," which recognizes each detached dwelling. An apartment -in-house is also permitted. However, the R1 Zone does not permit a triplex. The rezoning application proposes to rezone the properties to an appropriate zone to permit each dwelling with three units. It will also require exceptions to the General Zone provisions. Both 55A and 55B Townline Road South will require a reduction in the minimum drive aisle width from 6 metres to 3.5 metres, a reduction in the required number of parking spaces from 6 spaces to 4 spaces with a reduction in the width of one parking space from the required 2.75 metres to 2.5 metres and a reduction in the required landscaped open space. 7. Summary of Background Studies Site Screening Questionnaire 7.1 A completed Site Screening Questionnaire was submitted with the application. The questionnaire found no potential site contaminating activity. Zoning By-law Amendment Summary Letter 7.2 The applicant provided a letter that summarizes the proposed development. The letter addresses provincial and local policy. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-015-21 Noise Impact Study Page 8 7.3 A Noise Impact Study was completed in 2014 to support the original severance. The study recommended the necessary noise attenuation measures and warning clauses. Stormwater Management Brief 7.4 A Stormwater Management Brief was completed in support of the application. The Brief summarizes rainwater flow mitigation measures. 8. Public Notice and Submissions 8.1 On January 27, 2021 public notice was sent by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject lands. This included property owners to the west within the City of Oshawa. On January 30, 2021 a Public Notice sign was installed on each property. 8.2 At the time of writing this report, Staff received four enquiries with respect to the application. Comments included general enquiries about the proposal and concerns about the proposed reduced parking and drive aisle width and stormwater management. 8.3 There is concern that the third unit currently exists in each dwelling. Comments received indicated that there is not enough on -site parking for three units in each dwelling and that vehicles currently park in the driveway apron. There is also concern that the drive aisle width is too narrow to accommodate vehicles entering and exiting the site. 8.4 Two of the enquiries were related to stormwater management. The comments indicated that most of the rear yard is used for parking and that this has caused stormwater management issues that has resulted in flooding for the properties directly behind the subject site. 8.5 Comments received from the public at the Public Meeting, and during the review of the applications, will be considered and included in a future recommendation report. 9. Agency Comments Regional Municipality of Durham 9.1 The Region of Durham Works Department has no objection to this proposal. A severance application for this property (LD021/2013) was submitted in 2013 and subsequently approved. 55A and 55B Townline Road both have regional services. They currently have 19mm water services and 100mm sanitary service connections stubbed at the property line. Municipality of Clarington Page 9 Report PDS-015-21 9.2 The applicant is required to demonstrate that the current services will provide adequate flow to the proposed units. 10. Departmental Comments Clarington Public Works — Infrastructure Division 10.1 The Clarington Public Works Department — Infrastructure Division has concerns with the proposed application. The submitted drawings do not match what is currently existing on site, specifically with respect to the asphalt area. The applicant is required to provide updated drawings that reflect the current conditions and the proposed revisions. 10.2 On site stormwater post -development peak flows must be controlled to pre -development flows. 10.3 The proposed parking does not provide adequate site circulation. Two parking spaces are located within the drive aisle. The Public Works Department will not accept these two parking spaces as proposed. Planning and Development Services - Building Division 10.1 Building Division issued building permits for single family homes and an apartment in house for each unit. The drawings submitted for building permits did not include a third unit. An additional building permit application will be required should the zoning be approved. Emergency and Fire Services 10.2 Emergency and Fire Services have reviewed the submitted drawings and have no fire safety concerns. 11. Discussion 11.1 A land division application to sever the property was submitted in 2013 (LD021/2013) and was subsequently approved. 11.2 The applicant applied for building permits for the existing dwellings at 55A and 55B Townline Road South in January of 2019. Occupancy was granted for 55A Townline Road in February of 2020 and occupancy was granted for 55B Townline Road in January of 2020. 11.3 The applicant applied for an apartment -in-house at 55A and 55B Townline Road in February of 2020. An apartment -in-house was registered in March of 2020 for 55A Townline Road and in February of 2020 for 55B Townline Road. Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-015-21 Page 10 11.4 In July of 2020, the owner and the applicant attended a pre -consultation meeting with municipal and regional staff regarding the proposed rezoning to allow for a third unit in each detached dwelling and were provided with the requirements for a complete application. Comments were provided to the applicant regarding grading and drainage and parking and circulation. 11.5 On November 4, 2020, the applicant submitted a rezoning application to permit triplex units within the existing detached dwellings. The subject site is currently zoned "Urban Residential Type One (R1)" which does not permit triplex units. The properties are required to be rezoned to allow for an additional unit in each dwelling. Each property will require a reduction in the minimum drive aisle width from 6 metres to 3.5 metres, a reduction in the required number of parking spaces from 6 spaces to 4 spaces with a reduction in the width of one parking space from the required 2.75 metres to 2.5 metres and a reduction in the required landscaped open space. The application was deemed complete on December 22, 2020 and circulated to departments and agencies for comments. 11.6 The proposal for an additional unit in each dwelling is generally consistent with provincial and local land use policies. The additional units will be serviced by existing municipal services. 11.6 Comments received from the public include concerns regarding stormwater and drainage as well as parking and drive aisle width. Area residents have advised Staff that the third unit in each dwelling currently existing. 11.7 Comments received from the Public Works Department - Infrastructure Division indicate that there are concerns with stormwater management, parking and circulation and that the submitted drawings do not reflect existing conditions that must be addressed. 11.8 Staff will continue to review the application. Departmental comments along with concerns from the public will be addressed in a subsequent recommendation report. Detailed site design refinement will occur through the site plan approval process. 12. Concurrence Not Applicable 13. Conclusion 13.1 The purpose of this report is to provide background information on the proposal to permit triplex units submitted by Lucrative Investments Inc. and 2708059 Ontario Inc. for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act. It is recommended that staff continue to review and process the application including the preparation of a subsequent report for Council's Municipality of Clarington Report PDS-015-21 Page 11 consideration upon resolution of the identified issues. Comments received at this public meeting will be considered and included in the recommendation report. Staff Contact: Toni Rubino, Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2431 or trubino clarington.net Attachments: Not Applicable Interested Parties: A list of interested parties is available from the Planning and Development Services Department.