HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934In TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE BYE -LAW NO. 93 To authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain Deed between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and Mr. P. M. Franklin do Kra N. T. Franklin THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain Deed dated the 28th day of October A.D., 1964 between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and Pierre Moorehead Franklin and Nora Thorpe Franklin Read a First and Second time this 5th day of April A.D.1965. Read a Third time and Finally passed this 5th day of April, A.D. 1965. Say �"Z Cl IF 2dth sixty -four October F Jn z "yy� jjLT ! T �t N IO of the City of Toronto, in theY�l aunty o or and FORFE. FRANKLI , of the same place, his w ife ,...- I��Mr ill�llllr•IIIIMMI�.1 .,11,. hereinafter called the "GRANTORS" OF THM FIR3T PART; and T a Oh ►T ON 2E THI TOR OF B.G.M.ANVILL hereinafter called the "GRANT:33" i 3.' OF T HI S sCOND PART: s WH!?AS the Grant** requires the hereinafter described lands for the purpose of widening Prospect Street. AND WHMSAS the Grantors have agreed to convey the said lands to the Grants* for these purposes for the consideration hereinafter set out. HOW TH 4HIFOR S the sun of ON3 - - - - - - - s thew they s at in the Town of Bowmanville, in the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, in the province of Ontario and being more particularly described in schedule "A" attached. hereto. 4 'a SCH MULS "A" ALL AND SI "GqM that certain parcel or tract of land and promises situate, lying and being in the Town of Plowmanvillet in the Township of Darlington, in the bounty of Durham, in the Province of Onteriet and being composed of part of Lot 7, clock 7 on the Nest side, of Prospect Street according to a plan of the said Town of Rowmanvillo madat by C. G. Nanningt P. L. 8.9 dated June 30, 1869 and on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham being part of Lot 12 in the Seesnd Concession in the said Township of Darlington, described as fellowst OOwMM MG at an iron bar markin4 the South - Easterly angle of Registered Plan 657 for the Tam of AoMOnvillof rAS CE South 71 degrees 09 minutes West along the Southerly limit of Registered Plan 657 a disnantAe,es�Bast�irlY angle,�ef loft 6.�R�iste� Plan 6571 to an Iron bar marking THENCE South 16 degrees 09 minutes East parallel to and pMsponaicularly distant thifty -throe foot (33•) measured Westerly from the Easterly limit of said Lot 79 Rlock 7, a distance of u two hwmirad 1 indtho SwtMrlyelimitie�f said Lot one-hundredths foot (273.141) to an P TN EMCE North 72 dogroes 26 minutes East along the Southerly limit of said Lot 7 a distance of thirty -three and ono ono - hundredth feet (33'019 to the South - Easterly angle of said Lot 70 Mlock 7o. TN 9+CE North 16 degrees 09 m nutos West along the Easterly limit of said Lot 7 a distance, of two hundred and s~tw -three and OigbtY -eight ono - hundredths feet (273.880) more or loss to the POINT OF • The hereinabove described lands are shown In heavy villne, on at plan made by M. D. %a m, Ontario Lad Spa I`P d aeb r and annexed hereto. October 289 1964. 'Ontatle Land Surveyor. M its s 8 successors its / xxx t y ve s t y s t ve s their xsxsxsxsxs xsxsxsxsxsxsxs xsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxsx w w w .w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w r w w w w w w w w w w w w W . PLAN .} SNOWING BART` OF LOT �►LOC 7 C. G. NAN N I NG PLAN TOWN OF BOWM04NVILLFM SCALE t i rr. see 40 Pt. FO t� F!tT1 -t 7.3c 03• E t . + I +b 06 7P 'ARK - R — r � IA LOIT F"RANKL /N a 'ARK - 26,73 • Q, t7 m � I 1 i� 4 (0 N t ELT AL R — r � IA 26,73 • Q, t7 m � I 1 i� 4 (0 N t ELT AL LOIT rAAi I A►MC� 'S Li' il%lr i i 0 t �. f KM M Pierre Moorehead Franklin County Durham City Toronto County York Nore Thorps Franklin was xsxssxxsxsxsxsxsxsxs . .. .. .. r .. w w w r .. � ,Arthur Alan Harvey Strike 'own Bowmanville Wounty Durham County Durham the solicitor for the Grants* 1.OA nil nil nil nil nil 16 ©d no deed for the purpose of Widening Prospect Street Town Bowmanvills County Durham .. M .. .. .m .. .. .. .... � .. W