HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940i L.F. U Rev. Aug. 19U ONT. Munkc�pa! Ry -Law for Tarn,^orar dvarims (le- Local lm,,rovement Act. . u ,t (j m Canada BY -LAW No....... ...... A BYA.AW authorizing the obtaining of temporary advances to meet the cost of certain wc;rkt, undertaken as a local improvement pending the completion thereof. WHEREAS, .vitn the approval in writing of the Ontario Municipal Board, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the = "A of f� 7: /�y�'. % �° has passe,? Cunstrucion By -law Number ; %,r? -7 authorizing the construction of the work, d;+sc! ibed in it as a local improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act, the estimated cost of which works Is $ 144' O° , copies of which by -law and ap- p; oval are annexed hereto. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to agree with a bank for temporary advances to meet the r;ost ui thr; said works pending 'he completion thereof. BE IT THEREFORE ENA iy the said Goa lcil as follows: 1. The Head and Treasurer ut the Corporation are hereby authorized to obtain from the Bank of Montreal temporary adti dneus at a rate or rates not exceuding per cent per ar„ilim z�presenti by a promissory note or promissory notes or otherwise not exceeding dollars to meet the cost of the said works pending tha completion thereof. 2. A promissory note or notes or outer vouchers, sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed on beh.: U of th:. Corporation by the 1-icad and Treasurer tt.-3reof, for the advances from time to time obtained under the authority hereof and intermot thereon, inay be given to the said Bank pray Airi3 for the repayment of or representing the said advances with interest theruun as afore- , 3. ~ he Treasurer of the Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to apply first in payment of such advances with inters, <t thereon as aforosaid all moneys borrowed on the credit of the Corporation to repay such advances and to defray the cost of the said works and all moneys from other sources properly applicable to the cost of the said works. Passed by th +3 said Counoil this /' day of 19 GSA (Mayor or Reeve as the case -- -_ ,. ...... .... .........,,.�- ................ may be.) % � %1 .... Clerk..... I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a By -law passed by the Council of the Municipal ('.r. rporation of the f r'u u of /` �' A0.+'V /f ` on the • ��"• ! day of.� /<,y« I < i9 t ` and that the paper - writing hereto annexed is a true copy of Construction 8� -law Number / V :2 7 gassed by the said Council ;,P' . •� day of = i't 194 r. Clerk..... P.T.O.