HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916i i - 2 H l v)F ur bur, , iN'J1LL :. BY -LAI' NO. 1216, it ily -law to amend Zoning by -law 1587. i';H::.A :A3 the Corporation of the Town of Aowmanville passed a Zoning By -law Number 1587 on the 2nd day of August, 1955, which was duly approved. by Order of the Ontario 1unicipal Board, AND iii -11 :.tj By -law 1587 has been amended by By -laws Numbered 1612, 1700 and 1835, passed on the 3rd day of July, 195u and on the 10th Jay of September, 1959, and on the 38th day of January 1962, respectively, which amending by -laws were duly approved by the Ontario Municipal Hoard, AND ,i H..its...:i it is desirable to further amend the said coning By -law 1587. the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville pursuant to The Chapter 296 Section 30, and amendee. THAT by-law, No. 1587 as amended be 1. By deleting section 7 paragraph 2. By deleting; Section 9 paragraph stitutad therefore: Planning Act 4.3.0. 19609 nts thereto, Hl>LtEBY 1NAC::3 further amended as follows: (e). (d) and the following sub- "No Residential building or buildings including accessory building, shall occupy more than 349 of the area of the building; lot on which it or t ?ey are situated provided further that such accessory building *, or buildings shall not occupy more than 8� of the total Area of the lot on which it or they are situated." 3. by adding to Section 9, Residential Lone, Sub- section (j) "(j) Minimum yards for multiple family dwellings anI apart- ment houses (1) Front, side and rear yards ..............each 20 ft. J 1 M ?tJ IM 59 f. a M - 2 - 4. By deleting; from the second line of paragraph (c) of section 9 the figure 11750" and substituting therefore the figure "950" so that the said paragraph shall read as follows. "For a single family dwelling, a one storey building shall have a ground floor area of not less than 950 square feet and for a 1i and 2 storey building a ground floor area of not less than 600 square feet, a dwelling unit in a semi- detached or duplex of not less than 600 square feet and a dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling of not less than 500 square feet." 5. By adding to Section 9 subsection (a), Residential Zone, Paragraph (15): 11(15) Fraternity Lodge Halls on Town lots which front on the southern limit of Wellington Street between Silver Street and Scugog Street." 6. By deleting the first paragraph of subsection (a) of Section 10, Commercial Zone, and substituting the following therefore: "All uses permitted in Zone 1 except sirg le and two family dwellings and semi- detached and duplex dwellings, provided they conform to all requirements herein set out for Zone 1 and the following." 7. There shall be added to section 13, Parking and Loading Facilities, under the existing headings of Column 1 and Column 2, the following: "Two family and duplex dwellings and semi - detached dwellings 3 parking spaces for each Multiple- family dwellinFs and apartment buildings containing three or more dwelling units 2 parking spaces for each dwelling unit plus 1 parking space for each 3 units or part thereof. 8. By deleting the first paragraph in the "Schedule of Zones Section" under the heading. IN Lar 9 In Concession 1 and substituting therefore the following: "From the southern limit of said lot and extending northerly to the southern limit of the Conservation Zone of the creek in ........................... ...........................ZONL 111 - 3 - 9. In the "Schedule of Zones" under the heading IN T Uki lg.JlilP ALVI 10 I1V CuNCES,'1uN 1 The first exception clause to deleted and the following substituted therefore: "&�LCZPT. That portion of land bounded on the we3t by the east limit of St. George Street, On the east by the east limit of the Township lot, or the West limit of Simpson Avenue. On the South by the extension easterly of the South limit of Queen Street to the easterly limit of Frank Street, thence northerly along; the east limit of Frank Street a distance of 83t - 0" more or less, thence easterly in a straight line, parallel with the southern limit of Kind; Street, and distant southerly therefrom 300 feet to the west limit of Simpson Avenue in ............ZON,," 11. 10. In the "Schedule of Zones" under the heading IN TO'V ;NStiIP LOT 11 IN CVPNC:- S I N 1 The whole of the second exception clause be struck out and the following substituted therefore: "EXCEPT: Lots 6,7,$ and the southern seven feet of Lot 9 in Block 32 at North westerly corner of Base Line and Liberty Street, and Lot 15 in Block 11 on Ontario Street in ...ZONE 11. READ a first and second time this 6th day of July A.D. 1964. 1EAD a third time and finally passed this 6th day of July A.D. 1964. TELEPHONE 365 -1912 Mr. Jack L. Reid, Clerk- Treasurer Town of Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Sir: June 14, 1965 PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. N. 7853 -64 Re: Town of Bo�wrmanville - Restricted Area By -law 1916 as amended We are enclosing herewith copy of the Board's Order made on the 11th day of June, 1965 in connection with the above - mentioned application. Encl. :vk Yours very truly, B. Vickers,' Secretary. a N. 718153­J Zliti°' F� ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN Tom; 1UTT4R OF Section 30 of The, klanning Aa l960_j *. 29 - and - IN TNT NATTER OF an applica- tion by The Corporation of the Town of bowmanville for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1916 passed the 6th day of Jul , 194 as amended by by -law 19�wassod the 3rd day of i�ay, 1. b 1, F 0 R K z } Vice- Chairman, Friday, the 11th day of } - and - } June, 1963. Member. } THIS APPLICATION having come on for public hearing at the Town of B*wrmanville, on the lot day of June, 1963, in the presence of counsel for the applicant corporation, counsel for a number of interested parties, and of a nuaber of interested parties appearing in person; and upon hearing; those appearing in support of the by -laws and these appearing in apposition thereto; and it appearing that notice of the said blearing had been duly given in accordance with the directions of the Board; upon reading the said by -laws and bearing what was alleged, the Board having reserved its decision until this day in order to give the council of the applicant corporation are opportunity to consider certain amendments to by -law 1916, and the said council having on the 7th day of Juan, 1965 passed 2 its by -law 1937 amending By -law 1916 in ae cordane e, with the reeammex4ations of the Board and having caused a certified copy thereof to be filed and the Board having dispensed with notice and hearing of By -law 1937; TIC BOARD t}RURS, under and in pursuanes of the legislation hereinbefors referred to, and of any and all other powers crested in the Board, that gar -lair 1916 ,,. passed the 6th day of July, 19649 as amended by By -law 1934 and Bylaw 1937, and By -law 1934 passed the 3rd day of )4ay, 1965, and By-law 1937 passed the 7th day of June, 1965, be and the sane are hereby approved, 11B. Vickers" SBCRETART