HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-123REPORT NO. 121 REPORT ON REQUEST BY COUNCIL TO REVISE THE PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW TO PERMIT OUTDOOR CONCERTS AT MOSPORT PARK _ This matter has already been dealt with in the proposed Interim Plan. Section 4(16)(a) of the Proposed District Plan of the Town of Newcastle District Planning Area states that while "the predominant land use in the area designated Mosport shall be a racetrack for motor vehicles",,...., "Other uses of an entertainment nature which do not interfere with the enjoy- ment of adjacent properties and create no pollution problems may also be permitted subject to restriction contained in the implementing zoning by-laws and/or municipal regulations". Accordingly, enabling legislation will be included in the Pro- posed Zoning By-law, currently under consideration by the Zoning Sub -committee. Because this matter is currently under.consideration7 I feel that no further action is required. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director. 6 REG�N NICIgr�1I2Y OF DURHAM - DLYALI T OF PT,ANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Deted August 21, 1974. �Cten t lereo" Bay Reliionayl_0tftcial Plan pndJYndustrial Development x The 'purpose of this letter is to request an apportudity for the writer to make a brief �:sppedrance betnre Council to comment upon too important activities of this Department, p�"ll, tile Regional Official Plan now in preparation, and the activitles of -3ur 1ltroelopment Division. ;•L,Wuld pope to bring along with.me Dr. K. MiMsel, gy Director of nning and Mr. k. J. Ndttel, my Director of Development, aalb?LC taDt►ld pe my to qur brief prosent.ntion, far us to answer any quest -tae that members of Council IdOt hen. trust that Council will give favourable Consideration to this request and i look furyard to hearing from the Clerk in order tbst a mutually convenient time earn be at+anged for`gtr meeting and similar meetit idle are acbedvlir+g with the ether suet: area municipalities in the Region. Swe. F. H. McAdams, M.T.P.I.C. L0.' 1�CORPORATION OF THE CITT OF ,CAMElt1I10E - DAeef August 26, 1974. "bear Sir" 'The raking Committee of the Onterio Traffic Conference Will conduct a Parking workshop, hgeted,by the City of Cambridge. You are cordially invited to attend this workshop. gogis[bation will take place at the Holidlly Inn, Sunday, Sapt;e,ber 29rh, frog: 3:00 p -r: *til 5:00 p.m. and Monday, September 30th. from 8:00 a'.r. until 8:45 :+ m. The' 90a •ions will commence at 9:00-a.m., Monday, September 3:jth, cor ludic., Tuv'=r' r, October liar at 11-00 a.m. WHERE - The Parking Workshop will be held at the Holiday inn, Cau+bridR,c' It is "I ted at the juncrion of Highways #401 and 024. ' COST - REgistratfon fee is $25.00 per person. This in, lul, e PURPOSE -1'o conduct discussions on parking operations experion,.d by Municipalities. THEME - Modern efficient dad economical parking. d-( To clear up parking ;`-rotlems and secure new i,' - To ,' To have all present who are involved an parkirn .1l its ,iv't d and ,lp officials. It would assist us greatly if we knew you were coming s arrangements. If you pinn to attend, will you please return en L+sc! ,:ard t,, rc s apd..mail the room reservation card to the Holiday inn is 31.uu as po4:;i1it. I mihht 'udd,.6e Holiday Inn is giving delegates a special rate on the rooms for this Workshop. ,(taking forward to seeing you. M+na cr - Paekin . $� If you Irish to add any to Signed E. H. IJ.+ethey, g K Agenda, please let me know as Enforcement. e a �A.bl. 0 MARKS AND MCNEELY SARRMTERS. SOLICITORS. IIUTAmi CnNl.a MANK'v'. O.C. EDWARD G. NIC NEI i.Y. Q.C. TELEPHONE 790.0151 AREA CODE 410 17 KING ST. EAST. P.O. B X 33 OSHAWA. ONTARIO LIH IAS September 13, 1974 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BOYVAWILLS, Ontario UC 3A6 Attention: J.M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Dear .`71 r: REC FEWED SF? IG 19i4 IOYPI OF i:':'JVC`15ILE Re: Morsyd Investments Limited and G. R. W. Construction Limited I am writing to you to further clarify my letter of August 23rd. In that letter, I stated that the proposed agreements should be satisfactory for the purpose of the municipality until such time as the municipality has enacted a By-law under Section 35 (a) and ir therefore in a position to enter into agreements under that section which will then enjoy a more favourable status as far as enforcement is concerned than is now possible. Section 35 (a) is a comparatively new section of the Planning Act which permits the control of development and redevelopment in municipalities having an official plan provided a general Ay -law is passed and approved by the Municipal Board. Once this course oi' action is Collowed, the provisions of Section 35 (a) come into hlay,and these provisions provide express statutory authority for enforcing the agreement. Sub -section 4 (a) for example provides that if' the owner does not provide facilities in matters required by the By-law then the municipality in default may provide them and recover the cost in the same manner as municipal taxes. Sub -section 5 of Section 35 (a) expressly provides that when an agreement under Section 35 (a) is registered against the title to land it may then be enforced against the subsequent owners of the land. It is by reason of the above provisions that it is Celt that in time it would be wise for the municipality to consider passage of` a By-law of the type contemplated by Section 35 (a) of the ...................2 - 2 - N anninj� Act since in the absence of such a Ay -law, the same result must be attempted to be achieved by an agreement and registration on title &rid the state of the law as to the type of covenants that can be made to run wLth land so as to be binding on subsequent owners not a party to the original agreement is such that there remains an area of doubt as to the en;"oirihility of certain tyres of affirmative covenants in particular evt,n 'ter .registration. I trust that the above claril'ication is of some .ISsictance. It is my view as set out in my previous letter of August 3rd that the a-reements submitted with the amendments suggested should Lie adequate to carry out the intentions of the Town with respect to the developments under consideration, and our reference to Section 35 (a) of 4lie Plannlnr� Act was to bring to the attention of the Town the desirability oi' panoiwi a By-law under that section at some future date. The form and content❑ of such a by-law however are something that should receive a good dc:.l of consideration by your planning staff before any actual by-law is nar sed. Yours truly, MARKS AND McNEELY D2:cN:sc 77 per:e- Tn 9 1t M roflw� ilr erib w " 9' r x - 9 - ,ND CGWIUNICATIOPIS (Continued) �s :.I.c Tc s •c ;l�i,c:�stle, in tt,c Regional Municipality of Durham, �c'Ilcdule and illuctrnted :,r; Ministry of Plan i'-5035-3, be d.aignnted as connecting the "inp,� ^ ]IighE ay, Grid r,•:'i I 0C-)51/69, dated April 1, 1.99, and OC -3711/61, certain r,iut(s in tha. town of a lnaal 'luaicipality of hurh.rn, :.r, connecting links P.ine:Ili;hway, be revoked, n•_ r.r cti-n i_i )f The public Transportation an(1 highway Improvement Act, LUi uncndmonts thereto." ;lDi '.F. yin the Toim..oc Newcastle (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville) I in the 1 Municipality of Durham, being all of King Street as illustrated th( attacied Idinistry of Transportation & Communications plan P-5035-3. 1.90 miles, more or less. 2, in the wnof Newcastle, (formerly in the Village of Newcastle), in the ':ictCin,•. 1 'Municipality of Durham, being part of King Street asliillluustrat 3... ,.r 'dt' ;attached I•linistry of Trmvportation & Communications p 0.30 mile, more or less." 14, MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES - DIVISION OF MIA -S - DATED SEPTMBER 17, 1974 ''G�ntla,nen: ' Site Pl.an-;�glication-J_-Coomb�s?_i�t_6L- caoulConcession-41 d you pleaseTownship of j-lnr lingtOn �_ With reference to the above-notod applicant, andbadvise ed whether cite n an to your next council meeting regarding the zoning, } or not council approves the site. We would appreciate a reply by October 30, 1974. if not received, we will Presume :you Nave no comnentg." y Signed - C.R. Gray District Manager 15, MINISTRY OF HOUSING - DATED SEPTEMBER 17, 1974 "Dear Sir: Gatehouse Holdings Ltd. . Part Lot 35_ Concea_sUft iI Ru: Town of Newcastle ------------------------------ has - ------ -- '- The attached plan, as described above has been submitted to this Ministry for consideration. Ctmtinued..... 2 - MRS, R. JOHNSON (Continued) For the protection of the public„ of the person, of property'and the better living of Powmanville, could the local Council in their many good endeavours, not look into an improved lighting system on the roads surrounding R. R. 40, Bowi::rztviile? Signet: - Mrs. R. .Tohnson 3. MINISTRY OF NATu:;AL RESOURCES - DIVISION OF MINES - DATED OCTOBER TrM, 1974 "Dear Sir: _Reo--_Gr_ave1 Pit -Application Would you please submit the following site plan to your next Council meetia, regarding the zoning of the land and advise whether or not Council approvc's the. Bite. 1. James A. Sutherland, R. R. 'bt, Orono, Ontario Pt. 1.ot 27 & 28, Conc. 7, Clarke Township. If we do not receive the required information by December 2nd, 1974, ee %,,,11 a.ssusc you have no objections to this pit, Signed - C. R. Cray, District Mana;Ter. 4. W.C. DALLASRL1L ZSTATFLUIITED - DATED OCTGBER 9TY, 1974 "Dear Sir: Re: proposed Plan of Subdivi3i.on for the Village of Charlx svili,. 'HnVd'*'_ r, the --__-_ - `------------- - - ------oi_1�_iil ngton. Pleacc find enclosod one copy of a proposed plan of sut;di t ,i^n, war. •_r, c . >.r`,rni". for your npprovsl. I will he alt.;:.^d to meet c;ith the Tom or nny o. at your convt.i, i •,::cc; by ' S Mac:ai4NUN PAPRISTEkS 411i "Dear Sir: Re: Trilliuri :;u';mic, ii.l Piano. acturin„-7nc Further to .,ur tgi.tpl,on..: c t a'sation •i 'c ,�,: _ he Council of Ltic Town of Ncyr aa''r vhetitor Ty the option ,,ranted to :,y �i i ::ntc has t.ct L rtit i; t of November, 1473, a copy of t;rich is enc o c” c r t'. ,i -. '.T period. If this is r:eceptablo to the Council, 1 wo.iiu c.ppreciate herein}• tion, you r o the price to be paid for the option at your earliest conVelli^ncc�" Signed - L. Kozak - 3 - DES'AbliIENT OF PLANNING G DEVELOPMENT (Continued) lupm�nt. Oifi—ors (:(-TI rCtLID10ii �o serve the 1:f f Q': L !V(- 1e,- , L6, P-, 7� E, f'tive !,Inunry 6, 11) , : it ;I. , has bccn ,.Ii Iun;,,,paliLies of Pickering i jr,:.icting you shortly to arrango the n(-cossa,, y meetings to -es for us. ;!,J 1�rocirdux the year ahead of ,,h I ik for. yoilr recent reply to our earlier iettar where in you advise contract areas" for our Development Officer." Signed - Mr. r. H. McAdams, M.C.I.P." Commissioner of Planning NINISI'HY OF NATUTUd, RESOURCES DIVISION OF ZJIMS, DATED JANUARY 21-t 1975 kk,: (,ravel Pit -.EEjication d you please submit the following site plan to nc 1 emoting ',rq&,r. your next Council the zoning of the land and advise whether or not council approves the site., Leliand Pa ynet E 1/2 Lot 154 concession 2, Township.of Clarke. 1"0 A s. If I�ic do not receive the required Wi6rmatiovr by March 7* 19751 06 vi"�, "'Atmi have no objections to a licence being icsued;" Signed C.R. Gray, PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 4 District klanagArj, J 7. NEWCASTLE RECRtkTION C" TTEE DATID AM* 21, 1,975 "Dear Sir, "I" This is to advise you that *a. fte4-FAW*s has the position Of ti4stutAw, Village of Newcastle Recroji$On totrAttee. 4,Sig1Md boreen JOhft*;QA Secretary COMMUNITY SERVICES C"ITTJM " A e 11 " 44 ovla THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION (Continued) ntfic{;ls of thv Hiaistry of Education have assured this office that costs relating„ rho ,lection ci' school trustees in the Torn of NewcasLle in 1974, when there is ^ n-� nlunrcil.,at cl c.t.on, o:re Lo be paid by the Municipality." Signed - M.A. MacLcou COMMITTEE :+ tlE 1Fi:ILi; Business Amiuistrator and Treasurer 11INT"T"Y OF NATUR',L RESOURCLS DIVISION OF MINES - D..1 -ED rEBRUARY 3, 1975' +'i1/n2 Sir: I Gravel Pi_ppApplication Mould you plus" submit the following site plan to your next council meeting regarding tm- Zoning; of the landandadvise whether or not council approves the site. 1, LoatLy Haulage Parc, Lot 27 & 28, Cone. 10 Township of Clarke I' 7ve do not receive the required inforsation b* March 20, 1975 we will assume you I� hive no objections to a licence being411*sued.11 M "!ligned - C.R. Gray, District Manager; - Lindsay District ' PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 14. KELLY,JERMYN. Z11LY 6sH W.$D FESRUARY'LY, 1975 "Dear Sir. . ri°,, _ ... A' ti Re: Donald Ransberr d,AE licatiort_ for. itilding Permit Part of lot 24 Cop„ a �ormcr�y tic fiowns�iip o� Z�at�to_ __�•- '-_ .,...L�___ _�__*�___-d..� r.d . We are attempting to assist Mr. 1an06" in respect to difficulties �whisrh encountering as a result of cgpnnancing construction of a single family,.resideace tki the above -noted propelty without fit'dlNStYtaining a building permit. Mr.-Ranaberry applied for. a Wil'd"S pq tit in late 1973 or early 1974.and. Sort ,, various reasons was refused.. p I would very much appreciate the opporiunity to attend along with Mr; hnaDerry `t before Council at Councilte convenience$, to discuss°.with them the present iituatiop.;,,:K and the possible uulu> io6t ,to Mr. lla(111berryrs Hiffitililties.. M I would appreciate your having this matter put on the agenda and I look torwettk.to hearing from you in this regard.'' Fy t4iWed - George L. Smith �,- COMMITTBE,OF THE WHOLE WITS MR. RANSBERRY IN ATTENDA11ft. A 1, ... -4- 5.' MINISTRY_OF HOUSING - DATED February 19, 1975. TO: Municipal Planning Boards, Clerks and Planning Consultants Re: Guidelines for Development Control (Site Plan Control) The Planning Act: Section 35 (a) I am pleased to enclose a copy of "Guidelines for Development Control (Site Plan Control) The Planning Act: Section 35 (a) ". These guidelines are intended to assist municipalities in preparing by-laws invoking the powers provided under Section 35 (a). Municipalities which have an official plan in effect may now obtain, through the passing of a by-law under Section 33 of The Planning Act and its subsequent approval by the Ontario Municipal Board, certain additional controls over development proposals as stipulated by Section 35 (a). If questions about Eieae guidelines arise, contact my staff in Toronto at (416) 965-2215, in London at (519) 673-1611, in Sudbury (705) 560.0120 and in Thunder Bay at (807) 623-5221. Signed - G. M. Farrow, pi.C.l.P. Executive Director Plans Administration Division PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 6. BO;~M ILLS LIONS CLUB - DATED February 26, 1975 "Dear Mr. Mcllroy" The Bowmanville Lions Club would much appreciate it, if you would bring; bafory Council, a request. as in the past, for a payment in lien nf rent for the facilities at the Lions Community Centre, equal to the amount (f annual taxes on the Lions property. Signed - ?ucn+;, fti•_kr,rJ .. ; rr•t='r9 FINANCE CO�a•IiTTEE .. AR' �• x6ii�+1 `"�I 4` d"'�.1k�aM k.r..:.. �/4 .':