HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-121REPORT NO. 121 LETTER RE HANCOCK ROAD AND BYYLAWI3 2111 The attached letter was received ty Council from Wm. and Emily Iiawzenuk and referred to the Works Committee. The Director of Public Works reported to the Works Committee on this subject in the attached letter. The Works Committee thereupon passed the following resolution; Resolution No, 5-75 "That this Committee recommend to Council that By-law x#2111, Schedule "A" Iiey Map 179 be amended to reclassify the subject road as an improved road9 being generally described as that part of the road allowance between lots 26 and 279 Concession 4, extending sone 1950 feet, south of Region Road #4." I would recommend that an amendment to by-law 2111 be passed as suggested in the above resolution9 although if hoped for progress is made in the new zoning by-law, it could be passed before the said amendment receives O.M.B. approval. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director. "0. I Members of tho WAIR HOPRO COWWO FhOM: K Dunhamg SUBJECT: Hanecak Boad ?Dc ollaqwoul Ry Amp DATEs Warch 20, 197�5 A latter daveA KqVuh AV W, A975, Q the Hayoy W WWWoRa, �2gn W, and Wro. Kmwzan& Wan.oz No& IIS, 1975, Wormed to QVIT I a -van -oil-" fak A r*PDr% vith the expoption of thQ xontaaoo Whoreby Mr� WaWSOW SOL= that W entire road surfaee was Qprovod by gradingp etc. during 197,50 UK lottev is corveet'', This road, in fact, has always been maintained although By, lam 2111 WOVE differently. In 1975 some grading etc. was carried out as nnrmal main- tenance. I would recommend that Qonsideration be given toamendin the BY-1WW as requested in Mr. an Mrs. Kawzeauk's letter® 373 Phillip Murray Ave-., Oshawa, Ontario. L1J 1H1 11th March 1975. His Worship Mayor Garnet Rickard and Councillors, The Council of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanviile, Ontario. Pour Wert�1Iip :ui,l i:"n11(`uu^i: Re: Hancock Road -Township of Darlinytou, Key. Map_ 17,. Schedule "A", Bit 2111. The appellants are owners of property composed of 1.4 acres, more or less, described as part of the north half of lot .. , concession 4, on the east side of Hancock Road. Prupartie: on Ndh sidna s.d 'iavont to the parcel in question have residences thereon which are occupied. As the elate of purchase, it was the intention of the owners to construct a single family residence upon the parcel which has a frontage of 330 feet more or less on Hancock Road. Upmi enquiry with rospuct to local requirements, we have been given to understand that the necossary building permit cannot be issued due to the fact that Hancock Road has been indicated on the subject- key map 17, schedul- "A" of B/L 211.1 as an "uuimt,roved road". Messrs. H. Best and J. Dunham, w.it.h.whom we discuespd i:he ma nor, were mosthelpful and we deeply appreciated the information they were able to supply. It is our understanding that: Hancock Road was previously indicated as an "improved" road and that its use as a "through road" was not inhibited until 1954 when "Hurricane Hazel" demolished a bridge over the creek valley some distance south of our property. The bridge was never rebuilt. and A appears �"at the northern section of the road was then indicatla as .unimproved" by reason of a transcription error or oversight.. We are advised that year round maintenance is provided on this section in question and we know, from personal experience, that the .entire road surface was improved by grading, etc. during 1975. 1 Continued 2 -- Bearing these facts ._n Mutt. togcr her with the essentiality that the necessary ,i,.V y : c fc'o, road alKwanco has been complied with and that our pro_pert , the subject ,,;c e 1, _s located between two existing permanent residences, we ,Quc ' hat e o > c ral noxi and apprcwal of the Council of our noir submMad appeal MY PO„a<< Of we following motion please: "That Schedule M ci. Wlora V! I L of the Pc,= of Nnwca5tte be amended to i e.,cl N.rp ',til, sect_ ^, l icM F Hnnuv r v Heed in the Township of Da.i'i ^gtoi: On an ' P ,.e:;, road'''' yola a 1_ 1 ^crtful. Ly, ,.:A FJm� il.� !:awze?uulc �. KnwzcDKi'-