HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-114REPORT N0, 114 REPORT 0:3 NEWTONVILLE STUDY On January 13, 19759 the Planning Advisory Committee approved Staff Report No. 97 which contained the following recommendations. (a) that all subdivisions in Newtonville be consid- ered premature until a comprehensive secondary plan for the hamlet has been prepared and the Ministry of Housing be so advised. (b) that money be set aside for preparation of such a plan in the Planning Department budget for 1975. (c) that the Region be asked to participate in a joint water, sewerage, and storm drainage study of Newtonville to parallel the above planning study. (d) that a joint steering committee to include local residents be set up to supervise the plan- ning study. Report No. 97 was subsequently approved by Council. Following upon this we requested proposals from three consultant firms willing to undertake. The three firms were Greer Galloway and Associates Limited (Peterborough), Municipal Planning Consultants Company Limited, and Murray V. Jones and Associates Limited. I have reviewed the three proposals and have concluded that the submission by Murray V. Jones is the most satisfactory for our needs, at the present time. The M. V. Jones proposal has the advantage that it does not assume from the outset that large scale development is either feasible or desirable. It envisages rather a very modest exp- enditure to determine what the constraints might be. This includes a preliminary public input from the residents of the area. If the res- ults of the initial work show that significant development is feasible Page #2......... and desirable, then stage II of the proposal could be authorized. I also note that Murray V. Jones undertake to complete the pro- ject in the shortest period of time. While the Murray V. Jones sub- mission envisages the highest total cost, it includes an allowance for engineering work which the other consultants have assumed would be done by someone else. In my opinion engineering aspects of any sec- ondary plan should be dealt with as part of the overall planning study. This would not preclude us from asking the Region to pay for those aspects of the study which related to services under Regional juris- diction. In conclusion, I would recommend that........... (a) Murray V. Jones and Associates be authorized to proceed with Stage I of their proposal. (b) the proposed Terms of Reference for Stage II be reviewed when the Stage I report is completed. (c) recommendations (c) and (d) of Staff Report No. 97 be implemented if and when Stage II is given authorization. Respectfully submitted, 9Geor Howden, Planning Director, Town of Newcastle.