HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-106REPORT NO.106 REPORT ON OUTSTANDING REFERRALS BY COUNCIL: The following is a list of correspondence referred to the Plan- ning Advisory Committee by Council over the past several months. These items are listed by Council Resolution Number and by letter where a Council Resolution referred more than one item of correspondence. C-74-1028 Letter re Stephenson's Salvage Yard C-74-1031 Letter re Rehabilitation of Housing C-74-1032 Objection re Rezoning of Graham Creek Area C-74-1105 (a)Objection to Proposed Trailer Camp (b)Letter re Bowmanville West Community (c)Letter re Pit and Quarry Site Plan, J.Coombes (d)Letter re Proposed Estate Subdivision-Kleinfeldt (e)Letter re Building Lots - Lot 30, Conc.5, Clarke C-74-1144 (a)Letter re Gravel Pit Application (b)Letter.re Proposed Subdivision, Haydon C-74-1147 Letter re Bowmanville West Community C-74-1148 Letter re Milani Subdivision- Newcastle Village C-74-1186 (a)Letter re Regional Development Charges (Metter re Aide to Improve Neighbourhoods C-74-1231 Letter re Milani Subdivision C-74-1239 Letter re Bowbrook Investments Proposed Shop- ping Centre C-74-1287 (a)Letter re Milani Subdivision - Newcastle Village (Metter re Development in Hamlets (c)Letter re Simpson Avenue Shopping Centre (d)Letter re Housing Policy C-74-1353 (a)Letter re Agricultural Code of Practice (Metter re Milani and Milani Subdivisions (c)Letter re Rye Investments OP Amendment C-75-12 Letter re Bowmanville West Community Copies of this correspondence are attached to this report. I have reviewed all of this correspondence and I find that most of it deals with matters already resolved or applications presently still under consideration. I am recommending that items C-74-1105 (c), C-74-1105 (e), C-74-1144 (a), and C-74-1287 (d), be the subject of staff reports and that all other items of correspondence listed be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, George F. Howden, Planning Director. Page 2„ C-74-1028 MINISTRY Or THE ENVIRONMENT - Dated August 28th➢ 1974 "Dear Mr. McIlroyc We have been approached by Mr. Robert G. Stephenson who presently operates a Derelict Motor Vehicle Site and Salvage Yard in the North part of Lot 23, Cone. 1 (previous Township of Clarke), concerning the relocation of his operation to the South part of the same lot. Earlier this year, Mr. Stephenson made application for a Provisional Certificate of Approval for the existing Derelict Motor Vehicle Site. A Provisional Certificate was issued to him on June 20th, 1974. Since the existing site land had been sold, the Ministry did not impose con- ditions on Mr. Stephenson regarding the upgrading of his present operation. We understand that, from the standpoint of zoning, Mr. Stephenson's present land use is "legal non -forming." We have examined Mr. Stephenson's proposal to establish a new Derelict Motor Vehicle Site in the South part of Lot 239 Conc.l and are recomm- ending that a Provisional Certificate be issued to him. The Ministry's approval is based on the Environmental considerations that are outlined. in Ontario Regulation 824 (now under The Environmental Protection Act, 1971). You will appreciate that this legislation does not control the land use aspect of a proposal, such as Mr. Stephenson's. Signed - P. Isles, P. Eng. Senior Environmental Officer Page 3- C-74-1031 MINISTRY OF HOUSING - Dated August 28th, 1974 "On December 10, 1973, a Master Agreement was signed by the Province and the Federal Government providing for Federal and Provincial aid to municipalities to improve neighbourhoods. Eligible costs are shared 50% by the Federal Government, 25% by the Province, and 25% by the local municipality or Region. Neighbourhoods must be predominantly residential, with a substantial portion of the housing in them in need of rehabilitation. Seventeen million dollars were allocated to Ontario in 1973-74 be the Federal Government for this program. This amount, together with the Province's share, has now been allocated to 35 municipalities. Thirteen million dollars will be allocated to the Province for the calendar year January 1 - December 31, 1975. 1975 allocations must be made by December 1, 1974. I am pleased to enclose the criteria by which municipalities will be selected for 1975 in the hope that your municipality may wish to parti- cipate. Should you desire further clarification, Mr. J.F. Brown, Director, Community Renewal Branch, Ministry of Housing, 801 Bay Street, Toronto, will be pleased to assist you in every way possible. The telephone number is (416) 965-2826." Signed - Donald R. Irvine, Acting Minister of Housing Enclosed Criteria Submission of the Provincial -Municipal Selection Criteria Committee Neighbourhood imprQvXngnt Drggxamma MupipipaEligibility criteria_ The Provincial -Municipal Liaison Committee has approved the following selection criteria: I. Selection Criteria 1. That the selected municipalities contain neighbourhood(s) in accord with the basic neighbourhood criteria contained in the annual Federal - Provincial Enabling Agreement. Page 4, I Selection Criteria (continued)...... 2. That the municipal planning programme includes an approved official plan and a Neighbourhood Improvement policy statement satisfactory to the Provincial Minister containing information on: (1) Low income residential neighbourhoods which contains significant amount of substandard housing; (2) An examination of public services and facilities in those neighbour- hoods indicating deficiencies and deterioration known at that time; (3) An estimate of the number of housing units requiring rehabilitation in those areas,, (4) Analysis of programs of legislation which might be used in improving the housing and services; (5) An assesment of the desires of the residents of those neighbourhoods to participate in the program; (6) The proposed programme of implementation outlining administration, staging and financing. 3. That the municipality has or agrees to develop a property maintenance and occupancy by-law and commits itself to effectively administer it in the future. 4. That the selection of municipalities shall have regard to financial assistance available from other Federal -Provincial programmes having an impact on neighbourhood revitalization including housing. 5. That the municipality is administratively and financially capable of undertaking a Neighbourhood Improvement Programme. II Procedures 1. Any municipality wishing to be considered for allocation of Federal funds in 1975 must make its interest known to the Ministry of Housing by 1 December 1974. The selection shall be completed by the Ministry of Housing in consultation with the Municipal Liaison Committee by 1 February 1975. The selected municipalities will be notified by the Ministry of Housing by 7 February 1975. A similar timetable will prevail in subsequent years. 2. Form and content of Municipal Submission The Municipality shall indicate its interest in the programme to the Ministry of Housing by submitting the following supporting data: (1) A statement that the municipality has an approved official plan and a Neighbourhood Improvement policy statement. Page 5.:. j II Procedures (continued)........ (2) A statement of the municipality's ability to finance its share of the contemplated programme and the administrative organization available to implement the programme. (3) A statement that the municipality either has in force a by-law prescribing the standards of maintenance and occupancy of property or agrees to develop such a by-law and to effectively administor it in the future. (4) A brief description of the prevalent conditions in the neighbour- hoods) which is intended to be improved under the programme. (5) An appropriate estimate of cost to carry out the programme in each of the neighbourhoods contemplated as a possible Neighbourhood Improve- ment Programme Area. (6) A resolution of the Municipal Council authorizing the submission. C-74-1032 MAURICE & JUDITH LANDRY, �Ol DWIGHT AVENUE, OSHAWA, ONTARIO - Dated September 109, 1974 "Dear Mr. McIlroy: Reference:_ Re=zoning application byMnd_Mrs.�1�__ Newtonv_ille9_Ontario. This letter is in response to the re -zoning application made to the Town of Newcastle. This application was brought to the attention of my wife and I on September 79 1974. The property to be re -zoned is that which is situated on the South-West corner of Lot 69 Concession 3. The purpose of the re -zoning from the information which we have so far been able to obtain is that of the "re -zoning of hazardous (agricultural)" land to "open space" The reason for the re -zoning which we have to date ascertained is to allow for the development of a private enterprise. (A camping ground with approxi- mately 40 serviced campsites.) If the information above is correct then we strongly object to the allowance of a mixture of a commercial (business) enterprise with the present tranquil nature and residential (agricultural) setting. Though all legal and conservation aspects of such an application may be in complete order the very reason of its existence is alien to the present zoning and can do nothing more than hasten the complete ruination Page 6,,. (continued)......... of the present water fowl nesting area and any future town planning by introducing a precedent. I believe this precedent could in the future be drawn on many times by any person along Conc. 3 who desire a re -zoning of his property. I further believe that our objection to the above re -zoning application is in complete order when put in the light of Ontario Hydro's Environ- . mental Study for the location of their high voltage transmission towers. To quote directly from the summation report prepared for Ontario Hydro by Commonwealth Associates Inc. "Because bogs, marshes and wetlands would likely be adversely affected by selective cutting and construction activities they are largely avoided by the preferred route." This report prepared by an independent body for Ontario Hydro seems to put in writing the exact feeling of my wife and I with regards to the adverse affect that will result by any development in the Graham's Creek area, I trust that our letter will be circulated among the Town councillors and discussed at the next meeting of the Town Council." Signed - Maurice B. Landry - Judith A. Landry C-74-1105 (a) MR. & MRS, B. DERRICK, R. R. #l, NEWTONVILLE - Dated September 10, 1974 "Dear Sir: We have recently heard about a proposed Trailer Camp at the south end of our road. 'tie are located on Concession 3, Lot 7, Parcel N and are assessed for agricultural land. This Trailer Camp would, if constructed, bring along with it, many problems such as, more traffic and a numerous amount of people who would not have respect for properties along this peaceful and beautiful road. Therefore, we would like to oppose this proposed Trailer Camp and keep this road and area a clean and desireable place to live." Signed - Mr. & Mrs. B. Derrick Page 7.. C-74-1105 (b) ST. MARYS CEMENT LIMITED - Dated September 169 1974 "Dear Mfr. McIlroys I note with interest an article appearing in the September llth issue of The Canadian Statesman regarding a developers' proposal which would double the size of the town. We note specifically that representatives of Milani and Milani Holdings have indicated that a new pollution control centre would be built on St. Marys Cement land on the southerly extension of Martin Road. Please be advised that no such agreement exists and that the Company has no official communication with the developer." Signed - R. H. Keeler President C-74-1105 (c) MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF MINES - Dated September 179 1974 "Gentlemen: Rev Site Plan—Application J, Coombes,_Lot_6� Concgssion 4,,,,Town—ship—of- La ownship_oi Darlington With reference to the above -noted applicant, would you please submit the enclosed site plan to your next council meeting regarding the zoning, and advise whether or not council approves the site. We would appreciate a reply by October 309 1974. If not received, we will presume you have no comments." Signed - C. R. Gray District Manager C-74-1105 (d) THE KLEINFELDT GROUP LIiITED - Dated September 309 1974 "Dear Sir: Re: _Proposed Plan_of Sutdivision Lots_8, 9 and 10,9, Concession_3„ Town of Newcastle Region of Durham Please find enclosed a copy of a letter as forwarded to the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs and also (12) twelve copies of the above -noted plan for your attention. Please contact this office if additional information is required." C-74-1105 (e) Signed - W. D. Stoddart Senior Planner NEERS - Dated October 3, 1974 Re_ Building_Lots,_Lot_309_C2ncession _�9_Township of_Clarke Please find enclosed four copies of a plan showing proposed grading on the above building lots. These lots are owned by my client Mr. B. Jordan of Blackstock, Ontario. The Durham Region Health Unit has approved in principle the above plan and they will issue the necessary permits for construction of three septic tanks and tile fields when the the beds have been filled and the ditch at the rear of the lots diverted away from the proposed hoses. I also propose to regrade the lots in order to facilitate good runoff away from the houses. I understand we require permission from the Town Council and from the Ganaraska Conservation Authority in order to change the location of this ditch. As the Conservation Authority processes applications through the Council, could you please take the necessary steps to forward our request to them. Please contact eithar myself or Mr. Jordan if you have any questions regarding the above proposal and request." Signed - D. G. Biddle, P. Eng. Page 9. C-74-1144 (a) MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES_ — DIVISION OF MINES - Dated October 7th, 1974 "Dear Sir: Rea _Grav_e1 Pit Application Would you please submit the following site plan to your next Council meeting regarding the zoning of the land and advise whether or not Council approves the site. 1. James A. Sutherland, R.R. #1, Orono, Ontario Pt. Lot 27 & 28, Conc. 7, Clarke Township. If we do not receive the required information by December 2nd, 1974, we will assume you have no objections to this pit. Signed - C. R. Gray, District Manager. C-74-1144 (b) W.G. DALLAS REAL ESTATE LIhITED - Dated October 9th, 1974 Re: Proposed Plan_of Subdivision for the Village of_Charlesv_ille, SHaydon)_in the former_Townshiip of _Darlington Please find enclosed one copy of a proposed plan of subdivision, which we submit for your approval. I will be pleased to meet with the Town or any of its agencies to discuss the plan at your convenience." Signed - W.G. Dallas, Broker. r_. C-74-1147 MILANI & MILANI HOLDINGS LIMITED "Dear Sirs - Page 10. Dated October 159 1974 As you know, the Bowmanville '+est Community Project was presented to the Council of the Town of Newcastle on September 3rd, 1974. At this meeting our project was referred, by Council, to the Planning Advisory Committee. Immediately following our presentation, 16 copies of the reports and supporting documentation was delivered to you for distribu- tion to this Committee and therefore we feel that this Committee should be well aware of our project. We wish to advise you that we intend to file for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments relevant to the initial 200 acres of Bowmanville West Community and we also wish to formally place on record the follow- ing supporting information: 1) We are prepared to provide immediately the site for the Pollution Control Plant on lands owned by our Company, which will not interfere in any way with the operations of the St. Mary's Cement Company. This land is located on Part Lot 15, Conc. B.F., south of the 401. 2) Our Company is prepared to finance the construction of the Disposal Plant and Trunk sewers for the total project. It is understood that the said expenditures will be deducted from the levies due to the Town of Newcastle or that we will be re-imbursed from any governmental grants given to the Town for servicing or by any developers utilizing these services. 3) We will assist you by providing research and planning details to maximize the potential of the parklands. We will augment the Community development by contributing our fair share to the construction of a community centre which would provide facilities for year round sports activities. 4) Our Company is prepared to discuss the provision of serviced indus- trial land with the intention of maintaining controlled prices for the purpose of encouraging industries to locate within the Bowmanville area. 5) We are prepared to co-operate with the Town in the provision of further engineering or planning studies as deemed necessary. In conclusion, we would like to point out that approval of the overall Bowmanville West Community Project in principle and your total committ- ment to the initial two hundred acres would be beneficial to Bowmanville and the Region of Durham as it would provide for the expansion of an existing vibrant community having, ample open space, a variety of moderately priced housing types and much needed serviced industrial land. Page 11. MILANI AND MILANI HOLDINGSLII�ITED*. (continued)...... As the time alloted for our presentation this evening is limited, we would be pleased to meet with you, at your convenience, to discuss this proposal in more detail." Signed - I. A. Milani C-74-1148 MILANI L MILANI HOLDINGS LIMITED - Dated October 17th, 1974 "Dear Sirs; Re: _Draft_Pian of_Sub®division Part of Lots 29_and_30,_Conc,l,_T2wn of_Newcastle,L,$1ZT19220 On January 2, 1974 we forwarded to you, for approval of signature, the sub -division agreement with respect to the above plan (copy of letter enclosed), On October 2, 1974 we wrote to Mr. R. Richardson, Commissioner of Works Region of Durham (copy of letter enclosed). To date we have not received a reply to either of these letters. Would you please advise as to the date that we may anticipate appearing before Council to finalize this matter." Signed - I. A. Milani C-74-1186 (a) THE REGIONAL 1UNICIPALITY OF DUFdiAM - WORKS DEPARTMENT - Dated October 21, 1974 "Dear Sir; Rea _Report on_Development_Charges Attached is a copy of the Report on Development Charges. This report provided the basis for the Region's charges with respect to new (continued)........ development." Page 12. Signed - t`. Darcy McKeough Minister of Energy C-74-1231 FROM MILANI AND MILANI HOLDINGSLINiITED- Dated November 119 1974 (letter) TO: Mr. R. F. Richardson Commissioner of Works. Dear Mr. Richardson. On February 289 19749 a letter addressed to you, was sent by our Engi- neering Consultants9 Underwood9 McLelland andAssociates9 stating their opinion as to the capacity of the second well to service the above mentioned draft plan of subdivisions (copy attached). As yet, no reply has been received by our Consultants. On March 49 1974, Mrs. Jean Stocco wrote to you again9 stating all the relevant information and enclosing copies of letters previously sent. On July 159 1974, Mrs. Dianne Marcus again sent you a coy of the report from Underwood McLelland and Associates dated February 29, 1974, which your office had requested by telephone. In her covering letter of July 159 1974, Mrs. Marcus advised you that the Ministry of the Environ- ment had requested a deed for the lot on which the pumping station is located. A deed can not be given until the plan is registered. Mr. W. Evans has been contacted on numerous occasions9 both by telephone and by appointment in his office since July, 1974. On November 49 1974, at 9000 A.M. Mr. Evans met with myself, G.T. Black of Underwood McLelland and Associates, and our Planner, D. Marcus, in his offices. During this meeting it was decided by Mr. Evans that there was, in fact, capacity from the second well to adequately service all of our draft plan of subdivisions. Nir. Evans stated that he would immediately advise Mx. G. Howden, Planning Director, Town of Newcastle and the Ministry of the Environment of his findings. At 4:00 P.M. of the same day D. Marcus received a telephone call from Mr. Evans, who advised her, that there was in fact no capacity available9 and that the matter would be passed to "higher authorities". Page 13. (continued).......... I would now request that you meet with my Engineer, Mr. G. T. Black, my Planner, D. Marcus and myself at the earliest possible time to resolve this long standing problem. Yours very truly, MILANI & MILANI HOLDINGS LTD. I. A. Milani encl. C.C. - G. Howden, Planning Director - Council and Planning Advisory Committee, Town of Newcastle - Ministry of the Environment - Chairman and Members of the Regional Council of Durham - Underwood McLelland and Associates Attention: Mr. G. T. Black C-74-1239 MINISTRY OF ROUSING: Dated October 285 1974 (letter) T0: Mr. Dennis H. ?`ood, McCarthy & McCarthy, Barristers & Solicitors, Dear Sir; The Honourable Donald Irvine has asked that I reply to your letter requesting an amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Bowmanville. Under the provisions of Section 17(3) of The Planning Act, the Minister is empowered to refer an application to the Ontario Municipal Board, or at his discretion refute the request. Since the decision Page 14. (continued)......... must be founded on the planning merits of the proposal, adequate infor- mation must be made available. It is essential in making recommendations to the Minister and in expediting consideration of the application, that you provide the following information at your earliest convenience. (1) At least twenty copies of a map showing the location of the land proposed for re -designation, the existing land use in the near vicinity and some indication of the site location in relation to the rest of the municipality; (2) a market analysis study regarding the economical feas- ibility of the development of a shopping centre; (3) a transportation study regarding the impacts of a shopping centre development on traffic movements, etc. (4) a written presentation of any other information in support of the application, that the requested change in land use is desirable and beneficial to the Comm- unity at large, with particular reference to the reasons of refusal by the Municipality to the proposing of the amendment. Upon receipt of the requested information, it is the policy of this Ministry to obtain the views of the interested government agencies and local authorities. In this instance we will also consult the Town of Newcastle and the Regional Council of Durham. Yours very truly, Peter K. Boles Senior Planner Official Plans Branch Plans Administration Division. c.c. tog Town of Newcastle, Council Town of Newcastle, Planning Director. C-74-1287 (a) MILANI & MILANI HOLDINGS LIMITED - "Dear Pair. McIlroy: Page 15. Date November 15th, 1974 Res Town of Newcastle Lots_2g L 3,0� Concg I Ministzy_of Hu osing File_1TT_1�720 Following our letter of November 119 1974, please find enclosed a copy of an inter -office memo concerning our meeting with Mr. Evans November 4th, 1974. Signed - Mrs. Dianne Marcus Planning Director ENCLOSED INTER -OFFICE MEMO TO: File 1578-03 FROM: G.T. Black RE: Newcastle: Meeting with Mr. Walter Evans, Regional Municipality of Durham Monday, November 4th, 1974 DATE- November 11, 1974 The meeting was held in Mr. Evans' office at 9:00 A.M. to discuss the Durham Estates, Newcastle project and specifically the question of water supply. Mr. Evans had reports from the Ministry of Environment, Totten Sims & Hubicki and Mr. George Howden, Planner - Town of Newcastle. After reviewing the existing water consumption, which has been stated to be about 35 gallons per capita per day, Mr. Evans calculated the total water production from the 2 existing wells. Using a consumption figure of 80 g.p.c.d., a population in the order of 2750 could be served from the 2 existing wells. This would allow all of the existing town to connect to the water system plus approximately 80 existing vacant lots plus all areas presently with draft plan approval (which included the subject subdivision). Mr. Evans indicated that he would contact Mr. Howden to confirm some of the figures used and would contact Mr. Milani to confirm the available water for development." Signed - G.T. Black, P. Eng. Chief Municipal Engineer Planning Advisory Committee Page 16, C-74-1287 (b) THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM - CLERK'S DEPARTMENT - Dated Novem- ber 19th, 1974 "Be:_ Development in®Hamlets Mr. Howden, your letter of October 15th, 1974 was considered by the Public 4orks Committee of Regional Council and a meeting held on Novem- ber 13th, 1974, Council passed a resolution adopting the following recommendation of the Committee: "That the Town of Newcastle be advised that a Committee to develop a policy for servicing Hamlets has been established, composed of represen- tatives from: The Region of Durham Works Department, The Region of Durham Planning and Development Department, The Durham Regional Health Unit, The Ministry of the Environment, The'Ministry of Housing and The Ministry of Natural Resources." C-74-1287 (c) BOWNIANVILLE CHAMBER OF' COMMERCE Your Worship and Council Members: Signed - C.W. Lundy, A,M.C,T. Regional Clerk - Date November 25th, 1974 The Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce wishes to place on record its apprec- iation of the arrangements made by Council. for the public dialogue cover- ing the proposed commercial development of the site on the corner of No. 2 Highway and Simpson Avenue. The Chamber also wishes to go on record as welcoming sound proposals for extending the existing retail store facilities for the Town which can do no other than improve service facilities to the whole Municipality and bring more shopping dollars into Bowmanville. However, the Chamber is concerned that the Highway No, 2/Simpson Avenue proposal is inadequate for the facilities untimately necessary to serve our ever growing population. We would respectfully draw Council's attention to the following documents relative to the original proposal submitted to the previous Municipality of the Town of Bowmanville:- (a) Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Brief to Planning Board of September 18, 1973. Page 1%. (continued).......... (b) Report prepared for Planning Board in August 1973 by the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board and particularly its evaluation of the applicant's impact study. (c) The Official Plan of the Town of Bowmanville - particularly Page 12 and Policy Section E. In the foregoing circumstances, our Chamber has resolved as follows: (i) The construction of 69,000 sq.ft. of retail selling space on the present commercially zoned site of 4.3 acres at No.2 Highway/Simpson Avenue would be excessive to the site in question and the existing shopping facilities in the immedi- ate area. (ii) The Chamber does not favour the rezoning from High Density Residential to Commercial use of the adjacent acres to the east of the site. (iii) The Chamber considers that the Municipal Council should instruct Legal Counsel to advise of its right to protect our citizens from a premature commercial development which may be out of context with overall area planning." C-74-1287 (d) THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM T0: Mr. J.M. Mcllroy, Clerk, Municipal Offices, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Dear Sire Signed - John Pogue, President. - Dated November 27th, 1974 We are investigating a housing policy for the Durham Planning Area as directed by our Planning and Development Committee. In this connection we would like to work in conjunction with your area municipality in pre- paring such a statement. Page 18. (continued)........... The Privincial Government has recommended that a housing policy state- ment should be prepared in two phases: Phase I: a general overview of the importance of housing, with a general indication of housing needs in the Municipality. Phase 2: a more detailed analysis of housing as formulated within the context of housing, policy contained in an Official Plan, however containing specific annual housing targets. We are currently involved in the preparation of Phase I of a Housing Policy Statement. Accordingly, we axe investigating: 1: the general role that a Municipality sees itself playing in the next few years in the housing field; 2: the local capacity to utilize a broad range of Provincial and Federal housing and land assembly programs' 3: the total estimated requirements for new requirements for new rental and ownership housing as they relate to moderate and low income families, senior citizens and other individuals; 4: the municipal desire and capability to undertake non-profit and co-op housing and the ;nanagement of the current and future Ontario Housing Corporation rental limits in the Municipality; and, 5: for the natural housing market with which the Municipality is associated, housing targets could be specified for low and mod- erate income families and individuals with an indication of the specific housing programs to be utilized. We would appreciate any comments or existing policy statements from your Municipality if such information is available. If deemed necess- ary, we would be glad to meet with you regarding the above. Yours very truly, Dr. M. Michael, M.T.P.I.C. Director of Planning. Page 19. C-74-1353 (a) MINISTRY OF HOUSING - Dated November 229 1974 —"R—e;— Agricultilral_Code of—Practice for Ontario The Agricultural Code of Practice has been developed by the i'.Tinistry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the form of guidelines which, when followed, should provide a reasonable, fair and satisfactory way of dealing with pollution problems associated with the operation of livestock and poultry enterprises. The Agricultural Code of Practice (Page 6) suggests that when considering applications for building permits, land severences, rezoning or any non- compatible use (for example private dwellings, recreational, commercial etc.) in an agricultural area, Councils should ensure that the permitted uses will not restrict the operations of established livestock or poul- try facilities holding a Certificate of Compliance. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture have recently expressed a strong desire to have local planning agencies, Committees of Adjustment, Land Division Committees and Government agen- cies and Ministries also ensure that no severance or building permit is granted or a public facility located in close proximity to livestock and poultry operations. I am in complete agreement with the concerns of the Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food and the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and I want to strongly encourage councils, local planning agencies, Committees of Adjustment, Land Division Committees and Government agencies and Minis- tries to take this matter into consideration before approving severances or locating a public facility." Signed - Donald R. Irvine, Ministry of Housing. C-74-1353 (b) THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM - CLERK'S DEPAiTMENT Dated December 6, 1974 !'Milani and Milani Holdings Limited in the_Villapc_of Newcastle - Mr. McIlroy, reply to your letter of October 10th, 19749 concerning the above and advise that at a meeting held on Wednesday, November 27th, 19749 Regional Council passed a resolution adopting the following recommendation of the Public Works Committees "That the development of the draft plans of subdivision T-19720, Milani and Milani and T-14755, Part II be Page 20. (continued).......... considered premature until such time as a Lake Ontario oriented water supply is available for the Village of Newcastle and that the Department of Planning and Dev- elopent be req:aested to provide data on the proposed population and location of development for the Village of Newcastle, so that a decision on the water supply can be reached." Mr. M.F.H. McAdams, Co--missioner of Planning & Development has been advised of the decision of Regional Council and will provide the nece- ssary data as soon as possible in order that a final decision can be reached by Regional Council." Signed - C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk. C-74-1353 (c) THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM - CLERIZ'S DEPARTMENT : Dated —® (LETTER ADDRESSED TO DURHAM ESTATES & RYE INVESTMENTS) december 9,197+ "A,gplication for an Amendment to -the -Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle m Our�File_OPA_#32_ Gentlemen, your application dated October 21st, 1974 for an amendment to the Official Plan of the Town of Newcastle to permit a residential dev- elopment was referred by Regional Council to the Planning & Development Committee. The Committee has considered your application and at a meeting held on Wednesday, November 27th, 1974, Regional Council passed a resolution adopting the following recommendation of the Committee: "That the Official Plan Amendment Application #32 - Bowmanville West Community (Durham Estates & Rye Investment Ltd.) be tabled and further that the Application be appraised during the course of preparation of the Official Plan of the Region of Durham." The staff of the Planning & Development Department have commended pre- paration of our Official Plan and will consider your application in due course." Signed - C.". Lundy, A.M.C.T., Regional Clerk. Page 21. 0-75-12 CONROY DOWSON PLANNING CONSULTANTS - Dated December 189 1974 "Dear Mr. McIlroya Re— Bowmanville-West-Cm Milani &_Milani Holdings Application_ for Official_Plan & Zoning_By-law Amendments_ On behalf of our client above -noted we wish to propose modifications of the amendment applications as filed. The modifications arise pursuant to the clients' aspiration to provide a balanced growth program of res- idential and industrial development. The initial phasing of the project is based on approximately 200 acres of residential development. The modifications requested proposed the designation of 86.63 acres for industrial purposes. Provision is made for a 70% - 30% allocation of residential - industrial development. The holdings of the client additional tions are outlined as parcels 19 2 and and the requested modifications to the follows° Parcel 1. Part Lot 179 B.F.C. Town of Newcastle 21.89 acres 2. Part Lot 169 B.F.C. Town of Newcastle 59.64 acres 3. Part Lot 159 B.F.C. Town of Newcastle 26.99 acres to the original amendment applica- 3 on the atLached composite survey amendment applications are as Requested Official Plan Desienation No change (reserved for future development) Industrial Industrial That is, of an area 108.52 acres additional to the initial application we propose that 86.63 acres be added to the application for designation as industrial. Further, we are enclosing our design for the proposed industrial devel- opment of parcel 2 above, the industrial area and adjacent and north of highway 401. We will be pleased to amplify this request and/or provide further copies or supporting information required. Signed - Conroy Dowson, M.T.P.I.C.