HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932c w 11 6h. B U D G E T TO11N OF BOWTIANVILLE BY -LAIN NO..�.R ..: BEING A BY -LA4 TO GOVERN AND REGULATE THE FINANCES OF THE TOI.JN OF BOti� MANVILLE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEABER 31st, 1965. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO,!N OF B0VTiIANVILLE E14ACTS AS FOLLOWS: PART ONE 1. That the assessment made and concluded in the last preceding year, to wit, 8,692,285 (residential: 5,882, 7$O, ind.* 2,*$09,'505is hereby adopted by the Council of the Town of Bowmanville for ," J 1965 as the assess- ment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1965 shall be levied. 2. That the tax of the Town of Bowmanville for the year 1965 for the pur- poses mentioned in Part 2 of this By -Law, but not including local improve- ment rates or other special rates collected as taxes shall be: For Public School Supporters: Residential 89 Com'1 and Industrial 97 For Separate School Supporters: Residential 98 Com'1 and Industrial 108 and shall be levied, raised and collected from all assessed and Personal Property, taxable and liable to pay the same, value of Real 3. That an addition of 20 of 1% penalty shall be made on any installment on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues until the end of the year, in which taxes are levied, when an additional four per cent will be added and such additional amount shall be levied and collected in the same manner as if it had been originally imposed with the formed part of such installment. 4. That the several sums or rates so to be levied and collected shall be payable by the persons liable therefore, at the Tax Collector's Office in the Town Hall of the Town of Bowmanville in four equal installments, which shall be paid on or before the following dates: 1st. Installment -- -April 23th, 1965 2nd. Installment -- -July 9th, 1965 3rd. Installment -- -Sept. 9th, 1965 4th. Installment---Nov. 12th, 1965. 5. That any ratepayer may pay all of these installments on or before this date- April 23rd 1965, and the following discounts will be allowed: 2nd. Installment- 1% 3rd. Installment- 2% 4th. Installment -3% 6. That it shall be lawful for the Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to pay, and he is hereby authorized to pay out of the monies of the Corporation in his hands from time to time available for such purposes and several grants, rates and payments specified in the schedules of the Estimated Expenditures of the Corporation for the year 1965 as shown in Part 2 and being "ESTI14ATES , TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, 1965.'? 7. That the Estimated Revenues as shown on Schedule "A'l attached hereto and forming part of this By -law be and are hereby approved, confirmed and used for the purpose of determining the tax rate for the Town of Bowmanv- ille, for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1965, in conjunction with several appropriations set out in Part 2 of this By -law. Read a first and second time this 18th day of March, 1965. Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of March, 1965. Clerk. Mayor. e Uq Page 1 SCHEDULE n A rr That the-following Estimated Revenues be and are hereby approved, confirmed and used for the purpose of determining the TAX RATES of the Town of Bowmanville for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1965 in conjunction with the several appropriations as set out in Part II of this Bp -Law. ESTIMATED Revs -hues by Taxation Public Residential Public Com'1 & Ind11 Separate Residential Separate Com'1 & Ind11 SupplAmentary Sec 53 1965 5,699.340 @ 89= $507,241.26 2,750,600 @ 97= 2661808.20 1833440 @ 98= 17,977.12 58,905 @108= 6,361.74 Recreation 16,000.00 Total Taxes Receivable 1965 Debentures Recoverable 11964 Public Utilities $452000.00 Ratepayers Share of Local 15,083.00 Reserve _ 2,700-00 $62,7$3.00 Provincial Grants Direct Relief $40,159.93 Police & Fire 400.00 Department of Highways 37,500.00 Recreation 61200..00 Unconditional Grant 25,732.00 Children's Protection -31500-:00 Other Revenue See Page - - Z $113,491.93 $814,388.32 814,388.32 $45,154.53 15,100.00 3.700.00 $63,954.00 40,000.00 400.00 37,500.00 6,200.00 25,732.00 $63,954.00 109,832.00 $109,832.00 85,100.00 $1; 073-.274-32 Page 2 n OTHER REVENUES L9&I 1965 Fire Protection 31000.00 3,500.00 Ambulance 3,000.00 3,000.00 Licenses 600.00 1,000.00 Building & Pl. Permits 21500.00 1,000.00 Fines & Fees 3,000.00 21000.00 Rents & Fees 3,000.00 1,000.00 Dog Tax 1,000.00 1,800.00 Poll Tax $00.00 800.00 Miscellaneous 6,500.00 71000.00 Traffic Violations 13000.00 1,000.00 Meters 91000.00 5,000.00 Fed. Gov't in lieu of Taxes $,000.00 $2000.00 County Rc -d Rebate 162500.00 17,000.00 Penalties on Tax Arrears 8,000.00 10,000.00 Transferring Prisoners 13000.00 13000.00 Depreciation $2000.00 $,000.00 Special Account 10,000.00 8,000.00 $84,900.00 $853100.00 $85,100.00 n L LJ M Page 3 SCHEDULE. IIBrr That the following sums of money be and are hereby appropriated for the corporated purposes hereinafter specified for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1965. EXPENDITURES 1964 Budget 1965 1965 Budget A. General Gov't 74,597.70 76,014.66 B. PrntA (-tion 999665.00 104,600.00 C. Public Works 106,500.00 l06j5O0*OO D. Unemploy. Relief 49,231.12 49,231'.12 E. Education, less Deb) Public School 150,000,00 125,000.00 Seoarate Schools 7;418-.39 7., 505 `.97 High Schools 140:660.00 •147', 402; 45 279, 90$:42 F. Recreation and Comm Services 20,91$ 00 21.291`.00 G. Debt Charges 242,523.2$ 245,419:56 H. Reserves, Supp. Pmts 2$099.09 65,059.56 I. Capital Expenditure 129000.00 12)0006.00 J. County Levy 94,170.2:' 95,000:00 K. Other Misc. Exp. 13,450.00 13,250:00 L. Cemetery Deficit-( - 5;000.00 $1,,039,532.86 $1,0730274:32 IM In In BREAKDOWN ANALYSIS A. General Government Executive & Legislative Car Allowance Administrative Salaries Conv. & Delegations Public Buildings Office Expense Legal Pension Town Planning Public Receptions Public Library Insurance Ontario Hospital Group Insurance Unemployment Insurance Retirement Allowance Farm Rebates C. L. 0. C. A. Election Audit Deficit 196 A 1965 Budget Budget 5; 000.00 3,220.00 27,570.00 500.00 12,315.00 4, $50.00 11500-00 1,000.00 1,900.00 200.00 2,500.00 325.00 100.00 120.00 3,600.00 500.00 897.70 1,500.00 7,000.00 Page 4 5,000.00 3,220.00 Page- 6 28,970.00 Page- 6 500.00 12,315.00 Page- 6 &7 5,000,00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,900.00 200.00 2,500.00 325.00 100.00 120.00 3,600.00 500.00 834.66 2,000.00 1,500.00 42500-00 $74,597.70 $76.014.66 D. UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF Welfare 492231.12 49,231.12 Page 9 $49,231.12 499231.12 E. RECRRATION & C01141UNITY SER ICE Library 6,318.00 6,691.20 r Recreation 14,600.00 14,600.00 Page 9 ' -- $2,;', 9113.00 21, 291.20 . DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES Municipal Debentures 187,930.05 191,510.94 Page-12 County Debentures 49,593.23 4$2918.62 Bank Interest 5,000.00 5,000.00 $242,523.28 245,429.56 Ii. RESERVES, SUPP. PPfir� S. ETC. Uncollectable Tax Supp. Pmt. & Res. 28,399.09 79,297.5$ $28,399.09 79,297.58 Page 5 1964 1965 B. PROTECTION Budget Budget Fire Department 110000.00 11,500.00 Page 7 Hydrant Rental 9,540.00 91600.00 Police Department 56,000.00 57,400.00 Page 7 Building Inspection 41025.00 4,200.00 Page 8 Ambulance 62000.00 62000.00 Street Lights 112000.00 123000.00 Dog Control 21000.00 21000.00 Page 8 Traffic 100.00 100.00 $99,665.00 $102,400.00 C. PUBLIC WORKS Roads & Streets 91,500.00 91,500„00 Pages 1&0 Benefits 2,500.00 29500,00 11 Office 100000.00 10,000,00 Garage 2,500,00 2,500.00 $106,500.00 1069500.00 D. UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF Welfare 492231.12 49,231.12 Page 9 $49,231.12 499231.12 E. RECRRATION & C01141UNITY SER ICE Library 6,318.00 6,691.20 r Recreation 14,600.00 14,600.00 Page 9 ' -- $2,;', 9113.00 21, 291.20 . DEBENTURE DEBT CHARGES Municipal Debentures 187,930.05 191,510.94 Page-12 County Debentures 49,593.23 4$2918.62 Bank Interest 5,000.00 5,000.00 $242,523.28 245,429.56 Ii. RESERVES, SUPP. PPfir� S. ETC. Uncollectable Tax Supp. Pmt. & Res. 28,399.09 79,297.5$ $28,399.09 79,297.58 In K. OTHER: Slindry Grants Discount on Taxes Industrial Committee Lion's Centre E. ill. 0. Area Planning Board Miscellaneous CAR AT.T, T. R. R4 B. C. O'',�iANCE K. Stewart Hetherington J. Welsh Kitney S,, Oke ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES T. K. Stewart R. Hetherington J. Henderson (H. Bickle) R. J. Welsh S. Green P. Porter H. Depew B. Kitney C. S. Oke D. Adams L. Piper J. L. Reid PUBLIC PROPERTY Salaries Insurance Hydro -T. Hall Library Heat- T. Hall Library Supplies 1964 Budget 100.00 5,000.00 5,200,00 2,200,00 250.00 100.00 600.00 $13,450.00 5 00.00 780.00 600900 840.00 500.00 $3,220.00 1263 6,037950 3t538,50 2)803.50 4,515.00 23283.25 1,575.00 5,742.50 5,670.00 2,1$4.00 4,000.00 7,875.00 *27,227.00 1 4,000.00 425.00 470.00 270.00 800.00 1,000.00 700.00 1965 Budget 100,00 5,000.00 51000-00 29200.00 250.00 100.00 600.00 13,250.00 500*00 480* 00 6 00, 00 &'40.00 500.00 3, 220.00 1964 6,150000 4, 000,j 00 2,900600 4,65".00* 2,283,25 7,575.00 21720.00*-- 5,900,00 5,850.00* 2,250.00,. 4,100.00' 82000.00" 27,570.00 1965 4,000.00 425.00 470.00 270.00 800.00 1;000.00 700.00 Page 6 1965 6,450.00 40200900 2,520.00 4,850.00 2,333.25 1,825.00 2,900,00 6,200.00 6,150.00 21370.00 4,300.00 81400-00 28,970.00 In EM 9M UBLIC PROPERTY CONT'D Miscellaneous Repairs Painting Dog Pound Repairs Storm Windows Misc. Equipment FIRE DEPARTP.IENT Salaries Caretaker Fire Alarm Calls Servicing Trucks Alarm System Telephone Lights & Power New Hose & Equipment Gas and Oil Insurance Heat Fire Inspections Contingencies POLICE DEPARTMENT Salaries & Benefits Clothing Equipment Transportation Office Signs Crossing Guards White Lines Associations Advertising Miscellaneous 1,64 700.00 2,000.00 350.00 600,00 1,000.00 $ "2,315.00 6,990,00 120.00 -600.00 600.00 300.00 240.00 125.00 500.00 2 00.00 850.00 325.00 100.00 50.00 $11,000.00 479000-00 1,790.00 600.00 3,600.00 1,000.00 1,$00.00 100.00 50.00 60.00 $56,000.00 1965 700.00 2,000:00 350.00 600.00 1,000.00, 12,315.00 7,400.00 120.00 600.00 600.00 3 00.00 240.00 125.00 500,00 200.00 850.00 325.00 100.00 1. 0.00 11,500..00 4$,000.00 1,790.00 1,000.00 3,600.00 1,000.00 1,$00.00 100.00 50.00 60.00 57,400.00 Page 7 Km Km In DOG CONTROL Insurance Salary & Benefits P. U. C. Heat Telephone Miscellaneous Food Car Stationery Express Disinfectant INDUSTRIAL CW- 11ITTEE Agents Commission Publications Telephone Supplies Advertising Aerial, Photos Etc. Travel, Conf. Etc. BUILDING INSPECTION Salary Miscellaneous 19L4 126.00 3,600.00 60.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 100.00 440.00 10,00 4.00 10,00 $4,U600,00 1,000,00 75.00 100,00 50.00 3,000.00 200.00 775.00 $5,200.00 4,000.00 25-.00 $4,025.00 Page 8 6" 126.00 3,600.00 60.00 150.00 150,00 150,00 100.00 440,00 10.00 4.00 10.00 4,800.00 1,000.00 75.00 100.00 50.00 2,$00.00 200.00 775.00 5,000.00 41200-.00 4,200.00 WELFARE 1964 1965 Direct Welfare 31, 279.87 31, 279.87 Nursing Homes 14t203*90 14,203,90 Supplementary Aid 11620.00 1,620.00 Indigent Burials 214,00 214.00 Excess Hospital & Drugs 11913,35 1,913.35 $49,231.12 492231.12 BU`:Tiil�yi LLL �:dItENT Oif DEPT, RECEIPTS_ 1964 1964 1965 Budr,et Actual Budget Town of Bowmanville 9r9O6,00 9,906.00 9,906.00 Province of Ontario 41700,00 4,700,00 4,700.00 Adult Activities 12,9,,O 00 2,065.36 Childrens' Activities 7,100.26 6,320.64 6,328.64 Donations 1,340,00 - - - - -- Miscellaneous 103.00 - - - -- - - - - - -- ;23,229026 22,914.64 23,000.00 DISBUR01�1111EiJTS Adult Activi.ties 2,300.00 21395.24 2,300.00 Childrens' Activities 11,579.26 11,419.09 11,350.00 Directors Salary 5,000.00 4,132.76 5,000.00 Secretarial Services 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Departmental 1,500.00 1,500.00 Administration 1,350.00 3,995.89 11350.00 $23,229.26 23,442.90 23,000.00 Page 9 RO,,DS & STREETS DEP,,.RTMENT 1965 BUDGET SUBSIDIZED 1iCCOUNTS Maintenance Brush & Weeds Catchbasins Grading Dust Control Hard Top Patch Gravel Patch Spring Clean -up Culvert Maint Bridge Maint. Connecting Link C.P.R. Crossing Crosswalks Winter Control Bridges Engineering Construction Hunt St.- Baseline- ,�lbert Simpson- Baseline -Jane St. Concession St. -East Jane St.- Simpson - Liberty Durham St.- Duke - Goodyear High St4 -Forth end 500' Fourth St.- High -Elgin Mearns Ave. -South of Con. 600' Southway Dr.- Simpson- Liberty Slurry Seal- various locations Engineering 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 3 00. o0 5,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 800.00 1,000.00 400.00 300.00 13,750.00 1,500.00 2,450.00 35,000.00 Mulch 2,270.00 4,000.00 3,250.00 1,500.00 675.00 630.00 500.00 675.00 1,600.00 3,500.00 1,400.00 20,000.00 Page 10 35,000.00 20,000.00 55,000.00 ORDINARY iULJNTENANCE Sanding Sidewalks 500.00 Sidewalk Repairs 5,000.00 Sewer Cleaning 1,000.00 Street Cleaning 4,000.00 Vacation Pay 2,500.00 Tools 100.00 Tree Trimming 3,00.0.00 Tree Planting 500.00 Parks, etc. 500.00 Storm Sewer Liberty St. 3, 700.00 20,$00.00 OFFICE T. K. Stewart 61150.00 J. Henderson 21080.00 Benefits 500.00 Phone 500.00 Supplies 150.00 Transportation 100,00 9,480.00 GARAGE Stock 1,020.00 Benefits 2,000.00 3,020.00 i` BUDGET Maintenance 35,000-00 Construction 202000.00 Ordinary maintenance 20,$00.00 Overhead 9,4$0.00 Garage 3,020.00 $$,300.00 Supplimentary 1$,200.00 106,500.00 Page 11 20,$00.00 9,480.00 3,020.00 332300.00 106,500.00 - $$,300.00 1$,200.00 J . Page 12 m TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE 12.65 DEBENTURE PAYMENTS BY -LAW PRINCIPAL INTERES_T XTAL DATED GENERAL 1495 51700.00 1002.00 7,002.00 Oct. l 1729 2,000.00 2,562.50 4,562.50 May 15 1763 1,300.00 550.00 1,850.00 May 15 1778 6, 000.00 $, , 635.00 14, 635.00 Nov. 1 TOTAL , 15,000.00 13,049.50 28,049.50 LOCAL IMP. 1463 5,000.00 700.00 5-,700.00 Oct. 1 1500 2,900.00 689.50 3,589.50 Apr. 15 1536 1,350.00 567.00 11917.00 June 2 1556 1,600.00 802.75 2,402.75 May 15 1709 21000.00 2,300.00 4000.00 July 30 1764 2,000.00 21295.00' 4,295.00 May 15 1821 2,000.00 3,162.50 5,162.50 Dec. 1 1843 11000.00 2,242.50 2 2. 0 Jan. 1 ry` TOTAL 17,850.00 12,759.25 30,609.25 SCHOOLS 1464 $,500.00 1,946.00 10,446.00 Apr-. 15 711c) 1512 3000.00 11024.00 4024.00 June 1 1567 7,500.00 3,596.00 119096.00 June 1 1627 4,900.00 3,695.50 8,595.50 Mar:. 1 1737 7,000.00 10,920.00 17,920.00 Oct. 15 1803 4,000.00 5,807.50 9,807.50 Dec. 1 TOTAL 35,200.00 26,989.00 62,189..00 UTILITIES 1433 11,500.00 1,050400 12,550.00 Feb. 1 1463 - 14$$ 4,300.00 980.00 51280.00 Apr. 15 1500 1536 1556 1588 15,900,00 7,080.00 22,980.00 June 30 1882 4,000.00 7,877.50 11,8777.50 TOTAL 35000.00 16,987.50 52,687.50 C.M.H.C. St P 6,382.60 112102.41 17,485.01 Mar. 1 Liberty 200.00 296.68 490.68 Jan. 1 TOTAL 6,582.60 11,393.09 17,975.69 GRAND TOTAL 110,332.60 81,178.34 191,510.94 m