HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-14ricultural Advisory Committee of Clarinaton Meetin Members Present: Regrets Staff: Guests Observers Thursday, January 14, 2021 Eric Bowman Tom Barrie Richard Rekker Ryan Cullen None John Cartwright Henry Zekveld Ben Eastman Jordan McKay Don Rickard Brenda Metcalf Jennifer Knox Councillor Zwart Amy Burke, Faye Langmaid, Annette VanDyk — Planning and Development Services Ron Trewin and Andrew Jones, Region of Durham — Works Department; Martha Vandepol Mayor Foster; Councillor Neal; Ted Watson; Jim Hamilton; Jim Abernethy; Carl Van Belle; Cindy Bel Abrahams Due to COVID 19 restrictions and to ensure social distancing, participation in the meeting was electronic (using Microsoft Teams) and by conference call. Prior to the meeting commencing, it was noted that more than three members of Council were in attendance. Councillor Hooper and Councillor Anderson left the meeting. Councillor Zwart, Council representative for the Committee, Mayor Foster and Councillor Neal remained in the meeting. Eric welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. Declarations of interest None. Clarification was requested with respect to whether members of the Committee must recuse themselves during any future discussion of Special Study Area 2 if they own property within that area. Staff will see clarification from Municipal Legislative Services and report back to the Committee. Adoption of Agenda 021-01 Moved by Richard Rekker, seconded by Brenda Metcalf That the Agenda for January 14, 2021 be adopted. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 14, 2021 Approval of Minutes 021-02 Moved by John Cartwright, seconded by Ryan Cullen That the minutes of the December 10, 2020 meeting be approved. Carried Presentation Ron Trewin and Andrew Janes, Transportation Design, Region of Durham — Regional Roads Capital Program: Ron and Andrew presented an overview of rural projects proposed over the next few years in Clarington. Nine key road projects to occur along or near Taunton Road between Townline Road and Liberty Street over the next three to four years were reviewed. These included sections of road reconstruction (2), road intersection improvements (3), and the construction of roundabouts (4). Some of these projects will require construction road closures. Regional Staff indicated that the timing and sequencing of projects along Taunton Road will be carefully considered in order to minimize traffic impacts. The design elements of roundabouts to accommodate farm vehicles was reviewed, including lessons learned and adaptations implemented as a result of the initial rural area roundabouts constructed in the Region. The roundabout planned for the intersection of Regional Roads 3 and 57 will be the first rural area roundabout constructed in Clarington. Design is near completion and construction is anticipated to begin Fall 2021. Ron also noted that the Region continues to update Regional Road Standards, taking into account new approaches to road safety and concerns received from rural residents. This includes looking back to projects recently completed to partially pave the shoulders to a 1.5 m width. As part of action being taken to plan for the impacts of climate change, the Region is reviewing culvert sizes when replacements are being planned for larger rainfall and spring runoff events. The Committee commented on the importance of ensuring that farm vehicles can easily move between their farming locations. In some cases, detour options for farm vehicles are not available if a full roadway closure occurs. Committee members also requested notification of pending road projects as far in advance as possible, reminding Reginal staff that the landowner may not necessarily be the one farming a property. Later in the meeting it was asked whether a quarterly update notice could be issued by the Region to local agricultural networks. Staff will follow up with the Region with this request as well as a request for the Region to confirm whether they are looking future construction works on Taunton Road at the Orono Works Yard. Delegations Martha Vandepol regarding Special Study Area 2 — Greenbelt Expansion: Ms. Vandepol expressed concerns regarding the area designated as Special Study Area 2 in the Clarington Official Plan, its associated policies, and recent discussions taking place in the community and by Council regarding its potential consideration for inclusion in the Provincial Greenbelt. Ms. Vandepol is a business owner within the area and Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 14, 2021 indicated she was speaking on behalf of family and many other concerned property owners within Special Study Area 2. Key concerns raised included: • A potential misinterpretation of a resolution passed by the AACC in August 2011, which informed the development of policies for Special Study Area 2; • The absence of a map in the Clarington Official Plan to show and delineate the boundaries of Special Study Area 2; • The extent of consultation that occurred involving landowners within the established Special Study Area 2 during the Official Plan Review process; • That due process for requesting an expansion to the Greenbelt Area has not, in her opinion been followed, including statutory public consultation requirements; • The potential procedural implications for Council of the use of the term "reconsider" in the following paragraph of Resolution #C-512-20 approved by Council on December 14, 2020: That Staff initiate all public consultation such that Section 17.3 of the Official Plan Special Study Area 2-Greenbelt Expansion be reconsidered. • A lack of information on the need for additional designated Greenbelt Area within the Municipality and the contribution of Special Study Area 2 lands to the agricultural system. The Delegate requested that the Committee pass a motion to support the deletion of Special Study Area 2 from the Clarington Official Plan. Business Arising from Minutes Ward Boundary Review — Final Report: Staff provided the Committee with a brief status update. The final report was presented at General Government Committee on January 4. Committee received the report and moved that the existing ward boundary system remain in place. A final decision will be made by Council on January 18. Zone Clarington — Rural Areas Phase: Staff provided the Committee with a brief status update. At the December 14, 2020, Council meeting, Municipal staff were directed to resume work on the Rural Areas Phase of Zone Clarington after the project was previously tabled by the Planning and Development Committee. The tabling motion passed in October 2019, effectively put an indefinite hold on all work on the rural area portion of Zone Clarington. Staff will now continue working on the Rural Area Phase of the project with specific direction from Council that includes: • Preparing a report for Council approval with a draft Zoning By-law; • Keeping the Environmental Protection (EP) zoning that is currently in place in Clarington's existing Zoning By-law(s); • Adding maps to the draft Zoning By-law from other agencies that will provide information on corresponding land use regulations, which may apply if a new development of a property is being proposed; • Adding advisories into the zoning by-law(s) to make it clear that a property owner also has obligations to comply with external agency rules relating to land use; and • Stopping work on the Site -Specific EP Zoning Review Process, including site - specific visits. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 14, 2021 Staff anticipate reporting back to Council on progress with the draft zoning by-law late in 2021. Before Council can approve a Zoning By-law amendment, public consultation is required to incorporate public feedback on the proposal. In the same resolution, Council directed staff to amend the Environmental Protection Area land use designation in the Clarington Official Plan. Staff will complete a review of the policies in the Official Plan based on Provincial legislation and the Region of Durham Municipal Comprehensive Review process currently underway. This project is subject to Council approval of the 2021 Budget. Special Study Area 2 — Greenbelt Expansion: Staff provided the Committee with a brief status update. At the December 14, 2020 Council meeting, the same resolution discussed above regarding Zone Clarington also included direction that Staff initiate public consultation for reconsideration of Section 17.3 of the Official Plan, Special Study Area 2 — Greenbelt Expansion. Staff informed the Committee that a budget, work plan and timeline will be developed for the process. The Committee will be asked at a future date to discuss and provide input on the matter, but the timeline for doing so is not yet known. Background information relating to the existing policies was previously circulated to the Committee. For the benefit of the new Committee members, this information will be recirculated and any questions on the background discussed at the February meeting. Farm 911 — The Emily Project: The Committee was reminded of this new Region - wide initiative. Program details are available on the Municipal website here - https://www.clarington.net/en/live-here/farm-911-the-emily-project.asp. To request a municipal address for a second access onto your rural property, email contact the Planning and Development Services Department at 905-623-3379 Ext. 2405 or Plan ningGIS(o)_clarington.net.. COVID-19 Community Improvement Grants: The Committee was encouraged to review the information, eligibility criteria and funding streams for this program. Farm businesses that were forced to close as a result of Provincial Emergency Declaration Orders may be eligible to receive grant funding support to help offset the cost of physical improvements that they had to make prior to re -opening. A webinar to review the program is being hosted by CBOT on January 20, 8:00 — 9:00 am. Program information is available on the COVID-19 Financial Support - Clarington webpage. Correspondence. Council Items and Referrals Drainage Act Regulatory Proposal: Correspondence from Minister Ernie Hardeman, OMAFRA, dated December 16, 2020 regarding the Drainage Act Regulatory Proposal was circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting. A discussion paper about the proposed regulatory changes is available on the Environmental Registry at www.ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-2814. The 60-day comment period will close on February 7, 2021. Ontario Wildlife Compensation Program: Correspondence from Minister Ernie Hardeman, OMAFRA, dated December 21, 2020 regarding updates to the Ontario Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 14, 2021 Wildlife Damage Compensation Program was circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting. Program updates took effect January 1, 2021. Liaison Reports Durham Agriculture Advisory Committee: Tom Barrie provided an update from the January 12 DAAC meeting in his email to all prior to the meeting. No further discussion by the Committee. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture: No updates. Durham Farm Connections: Brenda Metcalf informed the Committee that a new virtual format is being considered for the Grade 3 Program this year. An online auction fundraiser is also being considered. Clarington Board of Trade: Jennifer Knox relayed that CBOT continues to offer virtual programming and to assist local businesses to connect with COVID-19 related resources and support. Upcoming virtual events include the COVID-19 Community Improvement Grant Program information session (January 20, 8:00 am) and virtual breakfast with Hon. Erin O'Toole, MP Durham, Leader of the Official Opposition (February 10, 8:30am). New Business AACC 2020 Annual Report: The 2020 AACC Accomplishments summary report was circulated to the Committee members prior to the meeting. No comments, questions or concerns about the summary were raised. Eric Bowman will present on the Committee accomplishments at Planning and Development Committee on February 1, 2021 and the summary report will be included on the meeting agenda for Council's information. 2021 Topics of Interest: Committee members were asked to consider emerging agricultural matters and other topics of interest that they were interested to explore and learn more about during 2021. Ideas should be passed along to Amy Burke. New Director of Planning & Development Services: On February 8, Ryan Windle will be joining the Municipality as the new Director of Planning and Development Services. Ryan currently holds the position of Chief Planner with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury. The Committee will have an opportunity to meet Ryan in the coming months. Next Meeting Thursday, February 11, 2021 @ 7:30 pm (Virtual Meeting) Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington January 14, 2021