HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-02-01-02 Special MeetingClarbgton If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Special General Government Committee Minutes Date/Time: February 1, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. and continuing on February 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Location: Council Members (in Chambers or MS Teams) I Members of the Public (MS Teams) Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Present by Electronic Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor Means: J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor M. Zwa rt Staff Present: J. Gallagher (February 1, 2021), J. Newman (February 2, 2021), M. Chambers Present by Electronic A. Allison, G. Acorn, F. Langmaid, R. Maciver, S. Brake, T. Pinn, Means: G. Weir, B. Radomski, J. Gallagher (February 2, 2021) 1. Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Jones led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. Declaration of Interest Councillor Hooper declared a direct interest in recommendations 3 and 4 of Report FSD-005-21 - 2021 Operating and Capital Budget. 4. Delegations None 5. Presentations None Clarington 6. Communications - Receive for Information February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting 6.1 Minutes of the Special Budget Meeting of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area Board of Management dated January 22, 2021 Resolution # GG -084-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Communication Item 6.1 be received for information. Carried 7. Staff Reports 7.1 FSD-006-21 - South Bowmanville Recreation Centre Partnership Opportunity Resolution # GG -085-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report FSD-006-21 be received; and That Staff be directed to undertake a "market sounding" exercise for private -public partnerships and report back to Council. Motion referred, later in the meeting, see following motions Resolution # GG -086-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the foregoing Resolution #GG -085-21 be amended by: 1) Deleting the words "market sounding exercise" and replacing with the words "request for information from qualified parties" 2) Inserting the word "a)" in front of "private -public partnerships" 3) Inserting the words "b) design build options " prior to "and report back to Council" Motion referred, later in the meeting, see following motions Resolution # GG -087-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Resolution #GG -086-21 be referred back to staff to consider potential alternative locations and to propose possible components. Carried Later in the Meeting, see following motion Clarington Resolution # GG -088-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -087-21 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -087-21 was then put to a vote and carried. Resolution # GG -089-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the foregoing Resolution #GG -085-21 be referred back to Staff. Carried, later in the meeting, see following motions Resolution # GG -090-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -089-21 for a second time. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -089-21 was then put to a vote and carried. Recess Resolution # GG -091-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 10:43 a.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 7.2 FSD-005-21 - 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets Resolution # GG -092-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report FSD-005-21 be received; That Council approve the 2021 Operating and Capital budgets, including "external agencies" as outlined in the 2021 Draft Budget Book, at an estimated tax levy impact of 2.50 per cent, exclusive of tax policy impacts, as directed in FSD-005-21; 3 Clarington February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That the 2021 Draft Budget Book be amended to increase the Committee of Adjustment salaries and benefits by $3,153.96 to reflect four persons on the Committee rather than one; That the 2021 Draft Budget Book be amended to add a grant in the amount of $115,000 to Clarington Hospice, to be funded from the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund, to offset the local portion of development charges; That the 2021 Draft Budget Book be amended to remove $40,000 from the Municipal Election budget as per Staff's recommendation in Report LGS-006-21 ($31,000 from postage, $5,000 from advertising expenses and $4,000 from printing); That reserve and reserve fund contributions and new reserve/reserve funds be approved as shown in the 2021 Draft Budget Book; That the financing of capital projects, as outlined in the 2021 Draft Budget Book, be approved; That any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Fund, to be repaid with interest, as cash flow permits; That Report FSD-005-21 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; That the appropriate by-laws to levy the 2021 tax requirement for Municipal, Regional, and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available; and That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-005-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (1): Councillor Neal Carried as amended, on a recorded vote, later in the meeting (6 to 1) 12 Clarington February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting Councillor Hooper declared a direct interest in recommendation 3 and 4 of Report FSD-005-21 - 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets as he owns a business in the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area. Councillor Hooper muted his video and audio and refrained from discussion on this matter. Resolution # GG -093-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Council approves the 2021 budgets for the Bowmanville BIA (Attachment #1), Newcastle BIA (Attachment #2), and Orono District BIA (Attachment #3); and That the 2021 Draft Budget Book be amended to reflect the required tax levy request from the three business improvement areas, and that the three budgets, be approved. Carried Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting. Resolution # GG -094-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Museum/Library funding increase ask of 1.8% be reduced to zero; and transfer the increased ask amount to the general reserve fund for future staffing needs. Motion Withdrawn Resolution # GG -095-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Museum/Library funding "increase ask of 1.8%" be reduced to zero. Carried Resolution # GG -096-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That $300,000 annualized, and net of the savings from contract positions, be approved to replace the new staff positions, to be determined by the CAO. Yes (2): Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote (2 to 5) 5 Clarington Resolution # GG -097-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Jones February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That the $3,949 increase for the Visual Arts Centre (VAC), be deleted from the 2021 Budget. Carried Resolution # GG -098-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the request from Newcastle Community Hall Board for 2021 funding to offset COVID-19 impacts in the amount of $51,340, be included in the 2021 Budget and be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Carried Resolution # GG -099-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That any conference and travel expenses for Mayor and Council, as well as Staff, which are not online/virtual conferences, be removed from the 2021 Budget. Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote, later in the meeting (3 to 4) Resolution # GG -100-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the foregoing Resolution #GG -099-21 be amended by adding the following after the words "virtual conferences": "with the exception of in-person conferences that are made available for Staff". Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote (3 to 4) The foregoing Resolution #GG -099-21 was then put to a vote and lost on a recorded vote. The Committee recessed for their one hour scheduled break as per the Procedural By- law. A Clarington February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting The meeting reconvened at 1:00 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Resolution # GG -101-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That the Region of Durham be asked to pay 50% of the $20,000 for the "extension of air quality advisor services for additional environmental projects including the DYEC expansion".; and That $10,000 in revenue be added to the 2021 Budget at the discretion of the Director of Financial Services. Carried Resolution # GG -102-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Newtonville Community Hall Additional Funding, in the amount of $2,000; be approved, and That the Hampton Community Association Additional Funding, in the amount of $2,000, be approved. Carried Resolution # GG -103-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Jones That the increased contribution to playground equipment reserve fund for additional annual parks in the amount of $300,000 be included in the 2021 Budget. Motion Withdrawn Resolution # GG -104-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the increase contribution to playground equipment reserve fund for additional annual parks in the amount of $130,000, be included in the 2021 Budget. Carried Resolution # GG -105-21 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Neal That $100,000 for upgrades to Glenabbey Parkette, be included in the 2021 Budget to be funded through the tax levy. 7 Clarington February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting Yes (4): Councillor Anderson, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (3): Mayor Foster, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart Carried on a recorded vote (4 to 3) Resolution # GG -106-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That all new staffing items be moved to the "Schedule B List" for consideration. Motion Lost Resolution # GG -107-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That the proposed full-time position of Corporate Policy Analyst, be deleted. Motion Withdrawn Resolution # GG -108-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the increase of $4,200 for Communications - Materials and Supplies for the Office of the CAO, be deleted. Carried Resolution # GG -109-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Extractor and Dryer for Station 3 for the Emergency Services Department, in the amount of $35,000, be added to the 2021 Budget, to be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Carried Resolution # GG -110-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the communication revenue be reduced from $45,000 to $15,000 and the communications expense be reduced by $60,0000 with a net savings of $30,000. Carried Clarington Resolution # GG -111-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That Legislative Services - Admin - Contracted Services, be reduced by $10,000 to a total of $10,800. Carried Resolution # GG -112-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the additional summer student for the Energy and Climate Change Team in the amount of $11,100, be included in the 2021 Budget. Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, and Councillor Zwart No (2): Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 2) Resolution # GG -113-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That rural road resurfacing (additional funding for surface treatment of rural roads) in the amount of $350,000, be added to the 2021 Budget to be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Yes (7): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart Carried (7 to 0) Recess Resolution # GG -114-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 3:15 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 9 Clarington Resolution # GG -115-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Zwart February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That 0.5% of the tax levy ($315,000 for the 2021 Budget) be allocated, annually, to an "arena reserve fund". Yes (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart No (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill Carried Later in the Meeting, see following motion (4 to 3) Resolution # GG -116-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Traill That the question now be put. Carried The foregoing Resolution #GG -115-21 was put to a vote and carried. Resolution # GG -117-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Municipal Law Enforcement Budget be reduced by $160,000 to a total of $800,000. Motion Withdrawn, later in the meeting, see following motions Resolution # GG -118-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -117-21 for a second time. Carried Resolution # GG -119-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the meeting recess until February 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Carried Later in the Meeting, see following motions 10 Clarington Recess Resolution # GG -120-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting The meeting reconvened at 4:16 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. The foregoing Resolution #GG -119-21 was put to a vote and carried. The Committee rose at 4:20 p.m. and recessed until February 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The Committee reconvened on February 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Councillor Neal withdrew Resolution #GG -117-21. Resolution # GG -121-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That Public Works - Cross/Guard Wages be reduced by $32,000 to a total of $368,987. Carried Resolution # GG -122-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson That an accessible on -street parking spot in downtown Newcastle in the amount of $10,000 be included in the 2021 Budget to be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund; and That temporary portable speed cushions (2) for speed reduction in the amount of $13,000 be included in the 2021 Budget to be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Carried Resolution # GG -123-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That St. Lighting-Urban/Rural, be reduced by $150,000 as agreed between the Director of Public Works and Director of Financial Services. Carried 11 Clarington Resolution # GG -124-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That the $140,000 allocated for the sidewalk portion of road rehabilitation of Parkway Crescent, be deleted. Carried Resolution # GG -125-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Patterson Road retaining wall, additional funds required in the amount of $210,000 be included in the 2021 Budget and be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Carried Resolution # GG -126-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the expansion of the Stuart Park tennis courts for pickleball courts be included in DC charges as directed by the Director of Financial Services; That the provision of lights for pickleball, tennis and basketball courts be funded from the provision in the budget; and That Courtice Secondary School courts be included at the discretion of the Director of Public Works of up to $50,000 to be financed by the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote (3 to 4) Resolution # GG -127-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the expansion of the Stuart Park tennis courts for pickleball courts be included in DC charges as directed by the Director of Financial Services; and That Courtice Secondary School courts be included at the discretion of the Director of Public Works of up to $50,000 to be financed by the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Carried 12 Clarington Resolution # GG -128-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Jones February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That the position of the Development Review Technician in the Infrastructure Division, be approved contingent on the implementation of a public GANTT Chart. Motion Withdrawn, later in the meeting, see following motions Resolution # GG -129-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Committee to speak to the foregoing Resolution #GG -128-21 for a second time. Carried Resolution # GG -130-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #GG -128-21 be amended by adding the following at the end: "or other publicly available measurement tool." Motion Withdrawn Councillor Traill withdrew Resolution #GG -128-21. Resolution # GG -131-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Mill St Orono repairs at 55 Mill St (ditching and road repairs) in the amount of $14,000, be included in the 2021 Budget, to be funding through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Carried Resolution # GG -132-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Park Forestry - Contract be reduced by $235,000 to a total of $465,000. Motion Withdrawn 13 Clarington Resolution # GG -133-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting Whereas on March 16, 2020 the Province recommended the closure of all recreation programs, libraries, private schools, daycares and a state of emergency was declared on March 17, 2020 which was extended every month until July, 2020; Whereas in late March 2020 and into April 2020 at the beginning of the first shutdown, some Clarington staff who could work from home started to do and by the end of August, 2020, 60% to 70% percent of the Municipal Administrative Centre staff were working from home; Whereas when the second lockdown was announced and the Provincial direction was for employees to work from home where possible, the number of staff working from home increased and the transition to appointments -only was made to reduce the number of staff coming into the MAC; Whereas pursuant to the second provincial emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA) effective January 14, 2021, a stay-at-home order was issued which remains in effect as of this Motion, February 2, 2021; and Whereas notwithstanding the foregoing, Clarington's travel budget in 2020 increased by $17,895.00; from $256,792.00 in 2019 to $274,687.00 in 2020 and is projected to be $246,222 in 2021, representing only a 10% reduction from 2020; Now Therefore be it Resolved that: x Staff be directed to produce the General Ledgers by department to members of Council for all non -discretionary travel expenses recorded in 2020 on or before the February 8, 2021 Council meeting; and x The travel budget for all departments be reduced by a target of 75%, inclusive of any reductions already made. Motion Divided, see following motions. Resolution # GG -134-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That recommendations 1 and 2 of the foregoing Resolution #GG -133-21, be divided. Carried 14 Clarington Resolution # GG -135-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That Staff be directed to produce the General Ledgers by department to Members of Council for all non -discretionary travel expenses recorded in 2020 on or before the February 8, 2021 Council meeting. Motion Lost Resolution # GG -136-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That the discretionary travel budget for all departments be reduced by a target of 75%, inclusive of any reductions already made. Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote (3 to 4) Recess Resolution # GG -137-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 9:14 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Resolution # GG -138-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Traill That Council approve the transfer from the RSRF of $100,000 to reflect the impact of COVID-19 in 2021 and reduce the overall impact to the taxpayer. Motion Withdrawn, later in the meeting, see following motions Recess Resolution # GG -139-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried 15 Clarington February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting The meeting reconvened at 9:40 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. Councillor Hooper withdrew Resolution #GG -138-21 Resolution # GG -140-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Traill Whereas given the fact that many Clarington staff have been working from home since March, 2020; Whereas most conferences are only being held virtually, not requiring expenses for food, travel, or lodging; and the manner of instruction of almost all in person staff development classes has been changed; Whereas pursuant to the second provincial emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA) effective January 14, 2021, a stay-at-home order was issued with the aim of limiting people's mobility and reducing the number of daily contacts with those outside an immediate household; and Whereas the second provincial emergency order remains in effect as of this Motion, February 2, 2021. Now Therefore be it Resolved That: Staff be directed to offset discretionary department expenses including, but not limited to: conferences, travel, office supplies, and furniture, with up to $150,000 from the rate stabilization reserve fund. Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (1): Councillor Neal Carried on a recorded vote, later in the meeting (6 to 1) Resolution # GG -141-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the foregoing Resolution #GG -140-21 be amended by adding the following: "That the travel expenses for Regional Councillor Ward 1 and 2 be reduced to $3000; and That the travel expenses for Local Councillor Ward 3 be reduced to $3000." Yes (2): Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, and Councillor Zwart 16 ClaringtonFebruary 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting Motion Lost on a recorded vote, later in the meeting (2 to 5) Recess Resolution # GG -142-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 10:00 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. The foregoing Resolution #GG -141-21 was then put to a vote and lost on a recorded vote. The foregoing Resolution #GG -140-21 was then put to a vote and carried. Resolution # GG -143-21 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Orono Gazebo (replace cedar shake roof) in the amount of $23,000 be added to the 2021 budget and be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Carried Resolution # GG -144-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the flat mileage allowances for Mayor and council be eliminated, and that it be replaced with a mileage based system at the standard rate for the municipality, and with all claims to be submitted to the Director of Financial Services monthly. Yes (2): Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost (2 to 5) Resolution # GG -145-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal Whereas Clarington Council realizes that due to COVID-19, there are rough days ahead for Clarington taxpayers and that Council needs to establish savings that are reasonable and do not compromise services levels; 17 Clarington February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting Whereas the last two winters had less snowfall, sleet and ice events than usual, resulting in less salt, sand and brine being deployed and a smaller budget being required; Whereas the Public Works — Winter Control budget still calls for an increase of $125,000 in funding over last year's budget of $2,010,000 for sand/salt and brine; Whereas the Director of Public Works maintains discretion to deploy salt, sand and brine as required, even if this means exceeding the budgeted amount since Winter Control is a required service, resulting in no risk to taxpayers' safety as a result of a reduction in the proposed increase; and. Whereas when the economy has returned to normal after the pandemic, salt, sand and brine funding can be restored to 100% of pre-COVID-19 levels; Now Therefore be is Resolved That: The proposed increase of $125,000 to the Winter Control — Materials and Supplies budget line item be reduced to $62,500.00. Carried Resolution # GG -146-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Fleet OVHD-Trsf to RF be reduced by $500,000 to a total of $585,000. Yes (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote (3 to 4) Resolution # GG -147-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal Whereas Clarington Council realizes that due to COVID-19, there are rough days ahead for Clarington taxpayers and that Council needs to establish savings that are reasonable and do not compromise services levels; Whereas there are some items in the 2021 budget that are discretionary expenses; Whereas every dollar that taxpayers can keep in their pockets should stay in their pockets; Whereas some Clarington residents have lost their jobs who are relying on CERB to survive, are struggling to put food on the table and may even be at risk of losing their homes or apartments; and Whereas when the economy has returned to normal after the pandemic, discretionary account funding can be restored to 100% of pre-COVID-19 levels; in Clarington Now Therefore be it Resolved That: February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting x Staff be directed to produce a spreadsheet detailing all discretionary accounts (i.e. vehicle replacement) on or before the February 8, 2021 Council meeting; and x Staff make recommendations to reduce discretionary expenses by 75% Yes (2): Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill No (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost on a recorded vote (2 to 5) Resolution # GG -148-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Community Services expenses be reduced by $700,000 to offset drop in revenue from the budgeted revenue. Yes (1): Councillor Neal No (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart Motion Lost, later in the meeting, see following motions (1 to 6) Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG -149-21 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 11:30 p.m. The foregoing Resolution #GG -148-21 was then put to a vote and lost on a recorded vote. Carried Resolution # GG -150-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Jones That the $300,000 allocated to restoration at the Shaw House, be funded through the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund. Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (1): Councillor Neal 19 Clarington Carried on a recorded vote (6 to 1) Resolution # GG -151-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the Tourism Budget be reduced by $50,000. Carried Resolution # GG -152-21 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting Whereas at the regular General Government Committee Meetings on November 23, 2020, and January 4, 2021, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington approved Resolutions #GG -391-20 and #GG -032-21, that directed the Public Works Department to provide winter maintenance on various trails to encourage outdoor exercise in an effort to improve the physical, mental health and general overall well-being of individuals due to COVID-19; Whereas a popular section of the Waterfront Trail through the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area between Cobbledick Road and Toronto Street in Newcastle could not be included with this program due to the steep grades on the trail system that may potentially create an unsafe maintenance situation; and Whereas the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Advisory Committee has requested that, due to a major increase in trail usage during the winter as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, that the flat portions of the Waterfront Trail be cleared that go through the SWNA; Now Therefore be it Resolved That: Public Works Department be directed to provide snow removal on the flat sections of the Waterfront Trail through the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area from Cobbledick Road to approximately 350m east and also from Toronto Street to 650m west; and 2. That approval be given to complete this additional work for the 2020-2021 Winter Season in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00; and 3. That all interested parties be notified of Council's decision including the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Committee. Carried 20 Clarington Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG -153-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Traill February 1 to 2, 2021 Special General Government Committee Meeting That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting until 12:00 a.m. Carried Resolution # GG -154-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the electric cars be run on a common fleet base. Motion Withdrawn Resolution # GG -155-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Bowmanville Boat Launch restoration in the amount of $200,000 be placed into a reserve fund and the issue be further investigated before any work is done. Carried Later in the Meeting, see following motion Resolution # GG -156-21 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the foregoing Resolution #GG -155-21 be amended by adding the following: "That the Darlington Boulevard Project in the amount of $288,512 be placed into a reserve fund and the issue be further investigated before any work is done." Motion Withdrawn The foregoing Resolution #GG -155-21 was then put to a vote and carried. The foregoing Resolution #GG -092-21 was then put to a vote and carried as amended on a recorded vote. 8. Adjournment Resolution # GG -157-21 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Traill That the meeting adjourn at 11:59 p.m. Carried 21