HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW Report September 6 1977REPORT September 6, 1977. To: Mayor Rickard & Members of Council. From: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. Subject: Resolution # C-77-1258. One -day Horse Trial. The proposed road closing on September 24, 1977, from 9:00 a.m, to 4:00 p.m. affects a Regional Road, there- fore Regional approval will have to be requested and obtained. The detour as proposed is on roads under the jurisdict- ion of the Town of Newcastle and, upon the applicant receiving Regional approval to close the road, I then would recommend concurrence with the request. l r TO: Chairman and Members of Legislation and By-laws Committee FROM: H. R. Best, By-law Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Resolution #C-77-1258 (Horse Trials, September 249 1977) DATE: September 9, 1977. We note that the correspondence from Dr. Rowsell requests that Concession 8 be closed from Solina Road to Enniskillen on Saturday, September 24th, from 9:00 a.m. to ,4:00 p.m. An the subject road is under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham (Region Road # 3) the decision to close any portion of the subject road would rest with the Region. Mr. Harvey Hudes, General Massager of Mosport ParJ>, has confirmed that only a minor event is scheduled at Mosport Park for the week -end of September 24, 1977. We therefore assume there would be no increase in the normal traffic flow due to tho Mosport events. As the proposed detour route is over roads under the jurisdiction of the Town, Mr. Durham's comments would apply. If the Region decide to close the road as requested by Dr. Rowsell and Mr. Dunham is of the opinion that the detour route is capable of accommo- dating the diverted traffio, the writer can forsee no reason to refuse the request. Respectfully submitted, S+ 1111013 MM11 TO: Chairman and kIembers of Legislation and By-laws Committee MUN': H. R. Best, By-law Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Resolution tC-77-1253 (Horse Trials, September 24, 1977) DATE; September 9, 1977. We note that the correspondence from Dr. Rowsell requests that Concession 8 be closed from Solina Road to Enniskillen on Saturday, September 24th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. As the subject road is under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham (Region Road ;= 3) the decision to close any portion of the subject road would rest with the Region. 1�1r. Harvey Hudes, General Manager of Hosport Parlc, has confirmect that only a minor event is scheduled at Moaport Park for the week -end of September 24, 1977. We therefore assume there would be no increase in the normal traffic flow due to the Mosport events. As the proposed detour route is over roads under the jurisdiction of the Town, Mr. Dunham's comments would apply. If the Region decide to close the road as requested by Dr. Rowsell and it. Dunham is of the opinion that the detour route is capable of accommo- dating the diverted traffic, the writer can £orsee no reaaon to refuse the request. Respectfully submitted, 0 0 ° D'MORAIR)TH TO: Chairman and Members of Legislation and Dy -laws Committee FRUM: U. R. Best, By-law Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Resolution j'C-77-1258 (Horse Trials, September 24, 1977) DATE: September 99 1977. We note that the correspondence from Dr. Rowsell requests that Concession 3 be closed from Solina Road to Enniskillen on Saturday, September 24tho ftom 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. As the subject road is under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham (Region Road -# 3) the decision to close any portion of the subject road would rest with the Region. Mr.. Harvey Budes, General 11anager of Mosport Park, has confirmed` that only a minor event is scheduled at Mosport Pari: for the week -end of September 24, 1977. We therefore assume there would be no increase in the normal traffic flow due to the Mosport events. As the proposed detour route is over roads under the jurisdiction of the Town, Mr. Dunham's comments would apply. If the Region decide to close the road as requested by Dr. Rowsell and Mr. Dunham is of the opinion that the detour route is capable of aocommo- dating the diverted traffic, the writer can foreee no reason to refuse the request. Respectfully submitted, M -0-1 REMUM TO: Cha r=i and Members of Legislation and Di -laws COmmi.ttee II CH: H. R. Best, By-law Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Resolution #C-77-1258 (Iloxre Trials, September 24, 1977) DAT;: September 9, 1977- I 977. We note that the correspondence from Dr. Rowsell requests that Concession 3 be closed from Solina Road to Enniskillen on Saturday, September 24th, from 9:00 a.m. to h:00 p.m. As the subject road is under the jurisdiction of the region of Durham (Region Road # 3) the decision to close any portion of the subject road would rest with the Region. Mr. Harvey Hudes, General Manager of Mosport Park, has confirmed that only a minor event is scheduled at Moeport Park for the week -end of September 249 1977. We therefore assume there would be no increase in the normal traffic flow due to the Mosport events. As the proposed detour route is over roads under the jurisdiction of the Town, k1r. Dunham's comments would apply. If the Region decide to close the road as requested by Dr. Rowsell and Thr. Dunham is of the opinion that the detour route is capable of acoommo- dating the diverted traffic, the writer can forsee no reason to refuse the request. Respectfully submitted,