HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW Memo 69-76r MEMORANDUMb9 TO: MR. B. TINK, CHAIRMAN OF THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ^ FROM: J. DUNHAM, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: EQUIPMENT HOUSING •,_ DATE: SEPTEMBER 27 1976 At the September 9, 1976, Works Committee Meeting, the mention subject in conjunction with memorandum 66, a r} copy of which is attached, was discussed and referred to myself for a further report at the next Works Committee meeting. During the discussions, three questions appeared; to beofsome concern. Where to add, when and at what cost? ' In considering the geographic location of,the existing buildings, and assuming the future growth lareas, I would recommend that in the first stage, four additional` bays of the now needed eight bays be in addition to existing,3 at the Hampton yard. The existing building is a four bay, 44 feet wide and 88 feet," 10inches long, 4 bays = 3,520 sq.ft. at $28.00 per sq.ft. = $98,560.00 Therefore, including engineering total estimated cost for a 4 bag addition would be $105,000,00 at :today's cost. Further' to this, I would recommend that a bulk storage building be, 1,41 provided in the Bowmanville Works yard for salt and sand. Estimated cost of a 100 foot diameter building with a capacity of 4500 tons is $40,000.00. If this type of storage was made available, we would gain one additional bay which is now being used for salt storage. With this and other minor alterations it is quite possible that the housing space in this building would be adequate for some time— In Orono, the existing building is a 5 bay, at thb present time it is serving the needs with no surplus space to spare. This should be adquate until such time that Ward 3 has additional development, - then an expansion of this building would be required. " -r In conclusion, I would suggest that recommendations in this report be given top priority and possibly be initiated in 1977. Tort al estimated costs for both proposals is $145,000.00. w MEMORANDUM #66 ss; TO: Mr. B. Tink, Chairman of the Public Works Committee ti FROM: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Equipment Housing =^ DATE: August 31, 1976 ,r At a Public Works Committee meeting on January' 9th,` 1976, Resolution #W-14-76 was passed, Copies-of which are attached, and was adopted by Gounc3li In view of the decision made to retain the three ' existing Works depots, I relate 'to the needs studyiYc , whereby our needs now are eightadditiop�I"'b��S Prior Co the mentioned decision the needs stud made reference to $90,000.00 included in the capital forecast for the purchase of land to centralise a new Works depot and further, for,stpdy purposes amount of $500,000.00 be included'im the 7978_�19fi fixed costs for the provision of.a AOW bag g ,teq on a central site, which would meet the. tegt,kirept`` for additional housing during the 1976 19$;44tud�;"� period and would allow for future, expansion facility to replace all existing-housing bn'otii Of. } In view of the fact we are now to retain al hIlet^, ' 1.1`4 locations, many factors are to be considereeli+'! geographic location of existing,'priority.needs'fox expansion to existing such as number of bays, and. the`, timing of. To conclude, I would recommend that the Works'CQminitte,;' have a special meeting to consider this matter +yq �k �f� i � r. �� x r t /r � 1 1 i yy\'�J9 >•+;tY £�"'�` e {r ' S� kk �'e F" a; a 1tblie Works Committeeti, January 9,' of Public 1976, cUiltlnuOCl« }iz•ES' ,' rl .i s .t, it s. Ikri�il�� J�a� r i"¢�•. Centralizaon Works. Reference: resolution No. v lyol T Director's memorandum No. 35 was reviewed �`mt+ ��R� , v� �M'S1" j x4i Resolution 1Vo t�•-1 �6 yr t y a . y for Hubbo, seconded by Mayor�,nOcavl� `,• •, "'..• ��r��''+' Moved b Councillor , ' That the three existing Public. orka Det�ots is the A. P Newcastle, be retained. t-•E�1 ' x��;�i91r'Rdayitu��y . -Y. (6 , OTWR BUSINESS Contract removal of snow in Newcastle and Orono. DLs- �i (ii) asual labour for snow removal on s�idewal' over n tons';�� F. at street intersections. Discussion &s�$` John to and Tm rovements do Tolle ,Stxeei � .11 don v n 5 g Resolution Moved Mayor Rickard, seconded by unciXlr �S s+,f g#w�x�: That Mr. Lit be advised of Council poliry e in resolution. NO W-185-.75 and :10.•%,k�>•-I�e � ��i 1 J (iv) Next MeetingN1]'+� The next meeting of the mr ttee to be had' Fi a> zc} 5ftk n� 23' 1976, at 9:00 a. m. the _ Ston Phtn1'C g r,. (7) ADJOURNMENT eaolution Vo V 15 • t- +. m' f Moved by councillor Hobbs, coeonded b, %yor Rickard., That th' meeting do now ad ;oiLmi. , Mee ng adjourned accordingly at 12125 p.m. `• Secretary ` CluiLr. asi k'` rIi