HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW Memo 39-76MEMORANDUM - '. 39 TO: PT_r. Bruce Ti.nl:, Chairman of the Public Works Co=ittee. FROM: J. ihznham, Director of Public Works. SUBJECT: School Bus Loading Zone., DATE: I.IARCE 5, 1976. Upon a request from St. Joseph School and/or the Board of Education for the desiGnation of a school bus loading --one on Parinaay Cresent I have conducted an on site inspection. The date of inspection was Thursday March 4, 1976. On the above date in the A.M. commencing.- at 0:50 A.M. the first two buses arrived, stoned in front of the school. on Par' -ray Cresent to discharge children, time of stop 3 minutes,. At 8:51' A.M. the third bus arrived stoped at the same location, time of sto-p 1' minutes. 8:59 A.M. the fodtth bus a=ived stoped at the same location, time of stop 2 minutes. 9:00 A.M. the fifth bus, time of stop 2 minutes. 9:05 A.M. the sixth bus, time of sto?? 1'; minutes. 9:10 A.M. the seventh bus time of stop 1'•. minutes. During this entire time other veiliele traffic in either direction was nil. In the afternoon commencing at 3:03 P.M. the first bus arrived to aic4 up children. Second bus arrived at 3:06 P.M. Third bus arrived at 3:07 P.M. Fourth bus arrived at 3:07 P.M. Fifth bus arrived at 3:0712.M. Sixth bus arrived at 3:06 P.M. Seventh bus arrived at 3:16 P.M. Buses al.l left between 3:2.0 s'.M, and 3:21 P.M. Actual loading time apDroximately 5 to 6 minutes. During this period of time buses azked on the curve do interfere frith other vehicle traffic. Other vehicle traffic durinr this tine was 3. The requested School Bus Loading Zone will not i.m"rove the >robl.em Of buses stoped on the curve during the P.M. Tie'.-ur, To designate a Loa.din„ Zone distance su£fie`_ent f,r seven buses would extend a con- si.derublc di.stenc P T3ast of t_e sehrl l an i. cn ' d. create a roblem of children w-il in,- t obta.i.n access t � corta.:i.n b,.iso:s I worJ.d therefore recorroend tl^_afi us a,dd.I.V_onc). d:.i.vevray be conn,: sid.ered into the church nex?inC, lot, then buses could enter the aax:;irs lot b; otslr of one entrance and exit out the other. This would be most efficient 7na. quite safe for the children, also would be of no inter- ference t> other vehicle traffic,