HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW Memo 11-76 Feb 3OV) MEMORANDUM _- No. 11 TO: Chairman and Members of the Public Works Committee FROM: Secretary , H. R. Best, SUBJECT: Bersei sale to Gattellaro DATE: February 3, 1976. At the regular meeting on January 23, 1976, this matter was referred to the Director and Secretary for further action. Pursuant to same, we are attaching hereto the draft of a By-law reciting the error and making clear the land that was intended to be exchanged (i.e. those l ands as described in Schedule A to By-la:a No. 2084, passed by the Township of Darlington on the 16th day of December, 1957). At this time, we note that By-law No. 20+4 authorized an exchange of lands, owned by the Township of Darlington and described in Schedule A, for the lands owned by Hillcrest Heights Estates Ltd. and described in Schedule B, more particularly as Bloc: B according to registered Plan No. 648. At the time we undertook the title search of the lands described in Schedule A, we also searched the title to the lands described in Schedule B (i.e. Block B of Plan No. 648) This search indicates as follows. 1) Instrument No. 5254, conveyed Block IB' of plan No.648 to the Township of Darlington from Hillcrest Heights Estates Limited. 2) At this time we note that lot 23 of Plan No. 648 abuts to the immediate west of Bloc7. B. 3) Instrument No. 6242, dated March 20, 1958, conveyed said lot 23 to The Director, The Veterans Land Act, from Hillcrest Heights Estates Limited. The legal description of the lands conveyed included 100 feet of the westerly portion of Block B. Y - 2 It would appear that an error e2ists in the 6th and 7th line of page two in the aforenoted legal description. In our opinion the description should read 115 feet easterly instead of 215 feet. SUMMOY While this discrepancy may not affect ownership�of Block B it nevertheless constitutes a cloud on title to same. We request direction from the Committee regarding any further action in this matter. We recommend that the By-law to correct the omission in the description of the lands described in Schedule A of By-law No. 2081, be approved by this Committee and recommended to Council for adoption. Respectfully submitted, .P.9. I Mr -law No. 76- A By -lav to correct the desoription of certain lands as described in Schedule A to ley -law 2084 of the former Township of Darlington. Whereas By-law No. 20649 pied by the Council of the foisaer Township of Darlington on the 16th day of December, 19$7# conveyed laude, situate in the south part of lot 30, Concession 5 of the said Municipality, to Hillorest Height Satates and Whereas Schedule A, attached to by -low No. 2084 described the lands so conveyed and Whereas the description of the lends referred to in Schedule "A" is not complete and Whereas the ovners of Us lands so conveyed. here Petitioned the Council of The Tova of Hnv"tle to pass a by-law mo correct the description of the said lands Now T6srefore the Council of the Corporation of !Che Toon of Newcastle Enacts as follows - 1) That schedule A of ar-lar No. 2034 br amended by adding after the 10th line thereof the following "Thane vesterly and parallel with the mouth limit of the said lot a distance of 576 feet 6 inches". Read a first and second time this .......day of.........•• Clerk Riad a third time and passed this... -.day of ............. Clerk