HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering Memo 38-76iii 0 ti ," N D. U 1,I-•d?n, j' "0: Bruce Tink, Chairman of Public Works Committee F OM: John Ferguson, C.F.T., Engineering Department D_`.TE : May 32 1976 SUBJECT: Proposed Parking Meters for the Villages of Newcastle and Orono At the Public Works Committee meeting on April 81 1976, resolution ;M-95-76 was passed asking for a study to be made in the feasibility of meters along the main streets of the above mentioned villages. Since that meeting, I have been speaking with the Region in rogards to the placing of meters alon some of the Regional Roads. The locations which have been approved by the Region are as follows: VILLAGE OF L41gCASTLE Mill Street - King Street to 200 feet northerly (Regional Road#17) - both sides VILLAGE OF ORONO Main Street - Centre Street to 100 feet of (Regional Road #17) - Park Street - both sides The other location of meters would be on King Street in the Village of Newcastle which is Pres- ently under the jurisdiction of the Town of New- castle. Kinn, Street - baldl;,in Street to Beaver Street - both siAr.s The Region of Durham have agreed to all these locations on the conditions that the Town of New- castle would be required to supply and install the meters, plus maintenance of meters, plus the en forcement. All regulations as set out in the pro- . 2 posed by-law would also have to be complied with at all times whether on Regional Roads or roads under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle. The Region feels that meters are not required in these villages at this time as the majority of the parking is occupied around the weekends and there seems to be a continued flow of traffic in the villages. On King Street in the Village of Newcastle we feel that the angle parking as proposed in the new by-law could be subject to change at any time either the Town of Newcastle or if and when it becomes a Regional Road by the Region. Since there are no meters in these villages at the present time, the operation of installing new meters in the Villages will be very costly. The costs are as follows: Single Head - $138.80 80 each Double Head - $262.05 each Post and Installation- $35.00 each The following are required: Villaze of OroH - Singlegle Head $832.80 15 Double Heads - $3930.75 21 Posts - 4735.00 Village of Newcastle Mill Street - 2 Single Heads - $277.60 6 Double Heads $ 1 572.30 8 Posts - 4280.00 King Street - 3 Single Heads $1+16.40 58 Double Heads - $15,198.90 61 Posts - $ 21135.00 Total Costs .... $25,378.75 Therefore, the Legion has approved the location of the proposed meters and the total cost of in- stallation should be $25,378.75• These costs do not include maintenance or enforcement. y v