HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering Memo 28-76a M E M O h A N D U M --- No. 28 TO: Bruce Tink7 Chairman of Public Works Committee FROM: John Ferguson? C.E.T.t Engineering Department DATE: January 19, 1976 SUBJECT:- Watercourse Lot on Third Street in Bowmanville Further to the Public Works Committee of Jan- uary 19, 1976. The following events have evolved since the subject lot was applied for through the Committee of Adjustment for sever- ance. In April 1973, an application was made to the Committee of Adjustment to create the lot in question. On May 237 19731 the Committee's decision was that a lot be created by taking 37.50 feet from each of the applicants land to create the lot. On August 31 1973, a letter was sent to Mr. Gleiberman of Sandler, Gordon and Gleiberman from H. Wight stating that a building permit was available on payment of 4250.00 severance fee plus the usual Building Permit fees. In February of 1974, a building permit was applied for. The Building Department at that time asked for a soils report on the subject land which was received. The Building permit was never issued or picked up. In November of 1975, Mr. Y. Potter came to myself with his proposed plan for drainage of his lot. On December 18, 1975, I brought my revisions to his plan and a report to the Works Committee for their comments. A t that meeting a motion was passed stating that no further action be taken at this time. (continued). . . . . 2 On January 6, 19769 I met with Mr. Don Pearson of C.L.O.C.A. to discuss, the matter and receive his feelings on the situation at an on site meeting. OnJanuary12,, 1976p I received the following letter from Mr. Bryan Howard of C.L.O.C.A. statin gg their views on the matter (see attached letter).... Therefore, this brings the Committee to where the situation is at the present time. Therefore if I am correct in reading Mr. Howard's letter of January 12, 1976, it is the Conservation Authority which governs in these watercourses and not the Municipalities. Also, Mr. Potter and myself individually have spoken with the property owner on the west side of the subject property. The owner is willing to add approximately 2 feet to the elevation of his rear yard. I do believe that he will also require a permit to fill his yard. Mr. Potter and Mr. Butler have agreed that measures could be taken to form drainage swales abutting the two properties. Hoping that this resolves any matters which have arisen over this situation. `� � ..�✓� � � _-rte'/...a...; -.'.'.� C / ' John Ferguson. 1 CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY AREA CODE 416 *579.0411 1660 DUNDAS. STREET EAST HITBY, ONTARIO L1 2K6. RECEIVED JAN 14 1976 January 12, 1976. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Engineering Department, Hampton, Ontario, LOB 1J0 Attention: Mr. John Ferguson,"C.E.T., Engineering Department Dear Sir: RE: Waterhouse lot on Third Street in Bowmanville With respect to the above mentioned property, the proposal has been inspected in the field and reviewed in this office. Since much of the area previously drained by the watercourse now drains through a different system, it appears that the majority of the water affecting the subject lot is runoff from a small subdivision which passes to the lot via an 18"diameter steel culvert which terminates just north-west of the subject lot. Additional surface water from about six lots also reaches the subject property, and this total amount of water could probably be accommodated by the proposed 21" diameter culvert as indicated in your plan. The affect of filling in the subject lot to the grades specified to accommodate construction of the proposed dwelling would be to divert surface runoff towards the western boundary of the property. The lot immediately west of and adjacent to the subject property may require some filling at the north-east corner so that excess water does not accumulate in that area, however, this would have to be agreeable to the owner of said adjacent lot. Note that this Authority's Fill, Construction, and Alteration to Waterways Regu- lation applies to all watercourses within the area under its jurisdiction, and .•continued CENTRA. .AKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Corporation of the Town of Newcastle - 2 - January 12, 1976 - Att: Mr. John Ferguson, C.E.T., Engineering Department accordingly, a permit must be obtained prior to any undertaking on the property which may affect the existing watercourse. Yours very truly, Bryan J. Howard, General Manager��''''ll R. W. Messervey7D6/klm ft