HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-29 SpecialClar*wn Special General Government Committee Post -Meeting Agenda Date: January 29, 2021 Time: 9:30 AM Location: Council Members (in Chambers or MS Teams) I Members of the Public (MS Teams) Inquiries & Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Samantha Gray, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at sgray@clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. AudioNideo Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio and/or video record of General Government Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a General Government Committee meeting, the Municipality will be recording you and will make the recording public by on the Municipality's website, www.clarington.net/calendar Noon Recess: Please be advised that, as per the Municipality of Clarington's Procedural By-law, this meeting will recess at 12:00 noon, for a one hour lunch break, unless otherwise determined by the Committee. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net/archive *Late Item added after the Agenda was published. Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement 3. Declaration of Interest 4. Presentations 4.1. Trevor Pinn, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, Regarding 2021 3 Operating and Capital Budget *5. Delegations Delegations will begin at 1:00 p.m. 5.1. Linda Kent, CEO, Clarington Library, Museums & Archives and Steven 78 Cooke, Chair, Public Library Board, Regarding the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget 5.2. Angie Darlison, Executive Director and David Penney, 90 President/Treasurer, Bowmanville Older Adult Association, Regarding the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget *5.3. Dionne Powlenzuk, Executive Director, Visual Arts Centre of Clarington, 111 Regarding the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget (Updated Budget Documents Attached) 5.4. Veronica Breen, Coordinator for the Clarington Youth Centres and Patti 140 Harrington, Manager of Finance and Program Administration, John Howard Society of Durham, Regarding the 2021 Operating and Capital Budget 6. 2021 Budget - External Agency Submissions (Previously Distributed to Members of Council) Link to 2021 Budget Requests - External Agencies 7. Adjournment Page 2 . W-TI, WY 16 21321 ue apt Ovarvipw It. Z•k Education Session 4.1 A\ Janu 12021 Presented by Trevor Pinn, CPA,..CA — Dir Services . . . . . . . . . . ctor of Financial Agenda • External Factors • Historical Trends • BMA Comparative Review • Citizen Engagement • Asset Management • Reserves and Reserve Funds • Long-term Debt Management • 2021 Department Budgets • External Agencies and Related Organizations • Next steps Page 4 External Factors Page 5 r Economic Factors • COVID-19 Economic Recovery (source TD Economics) • Expected decrease in unemployment rate to 7.5% • Expected 5.6% increase in Real GDP • "K" recovery • Assessment impacts • Continued housing demand as "remote working" continues • Impact on commercial / industrial unclear • Freeze on assessment for 2021 Page 6 ,�1111:' fill Funding Opportunities • The Municipality relies on two sources of capital funding from the Federal Government and Provincial Government • Federal Gas Tax - $ 2.9m • Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund - $1.88m • Will no longer be eligible likely in 2023 • Two "lightly restricted" grants • 2020 Safe Restart Program (used to offset 2020 COVID operating implications) • 2021 Safe Restart Program • $903,000 used to offset revenue losses and operating expense pressures • Must be COVID related • No general unrestricted operating grants Page 7 411:' fill r Historical Trends -..-: ., mol, 2021 Growth and Tax Levy • 1 % = $6277474 • Taxable growth in 2020 = $ • Provides new revenue of approximately $1,346,000 • 2020 Municipal Levy = $62,747,374 • 2021 Levy target before growth = $637374, 847 • 2021 Levy target with growth = $647720,847 Allocation of Property Taxes ■ Region of Durham ■ Education ■ Municipality of Clarington • Page 9( h-ff so ISLqM Historical Assessment 18,000,000,000 16,000,000,000 14,000,000,000 12,000,000,000 10,000,000,000 8,000,000,000 6,000,000,000 4,000,000,000 2,000,000,000 ■ Non -Residential ■ Residential 2017 1,649,639,677 10,889,413,519 2018 1,746,521,210 11,942,271,342 Historical Assessment 2011 to 2021 2019 1,847,371,641 13,038,463,002 2020 1,961,725,210 14,133,238,471 2021 2,038,270,275 14,397,144,433 • Page 10( h-ff so ISLqM 2021 Assessment Mix 2021 Assessment By Type $16,000,000,000 $14,000,000,000 $12,000,000,000 $10,000,000,000 $8,000,000,000 $6,000,000,000 $4,000,000,000 $2,000,000,000 Residential Farmland Multi -Res Commercial Industrial Large Industrial Pipeline Managed Forest Exempt 2021 $13,694,192,503 557,955,730 144,996,200 1,046,595,622 128,059,700 181,828,412 55,689,000 39,223,600 586,873,941 • Page 11( h-ff so ISLqM How Is the Money Spent - 2020 $20.43 A Operations $18.80 $13.81 $12.03 NQ $• Fire Services Corporate Capital Support Financing $1.29 Enforcement $1.26 COn` MUrlicalions $0.69 Animal Services $0.64 Debt Servicing $0.64 Crossing Guards $0.53 Economic Development $0.52 ToUrism $0.14 Community Grants $0.1 1 Building Inspections S 11.20 $6.21 $4.31 $3.81 $3.20 $1.38 Immomm X011, � h 4 Recreation Library Winter Community Engineering Culture Maintenance Planning Page 12 r Municipal Budget Increases 5.00% 4.50% 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% Local Budget Increase as a 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 • Page 13 Municipal Capital Support $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 13 Tax Support for Capital Budget 2011 to 2021 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 • Page 14( h-ff so Istqm Municipal Capital Costs $ 35,000,000 $ 30,000,000 $ 25,000,000 $ 20,000,000 $ 15,000,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 5,000,000 Municipal Capital Costs 2017 to 2021 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 � Total Capital Costs Levy Support BMA Comparative Review Province Wide Municipal Study —BMA Consulting • Clarington participates in the annual study by BMA Management Consulting Inc. • Final study has been provided to Council • Provides a valuable tool for comparing Clarington with other municipalities independently • Page 17( h-ff so ffstqm Socio-Economic Factors Overview Socio-Economic Factors. 2020 Population Density per sq. km. .. 168 Average 549 . 1,182 2011-2016 Population Increase % 8.8% 4.8% 6.0% 2019 Building Construction Value per Capita $17266 $3,415 $3,021 2020 Estimated Average Household Income $122,735 $107,715 $133,534 2020 Weighted Median Value of Dwelling $395,328 $371,559 $642,935 2020 Unweighted Assessment per Capita $153,303 $1747539 $237,776 2020 Weighted Assessment per Capita $157,440 $175,380 $251,329 Page 18 Financial Indicators - Sustainability The ability to provide and maintain service and infrastructure levels without resorting to unplanned increases in rates or cuts to services. • Sustainability Indicators.. Average Financial Position per Capita $788 $687 Tax Asset Consumption Ratio 40.9% 44.2% Net Financial Liabilities Ratio (0.9) (0.5) Page 19 T. 0 V/ r Financial Indicators - Vulnerability Addresses a municipality's vulnerability to external sources of funding that it cannot control and its exposure to risks. 2019 Vulnerability. . Average Reserves Tax Reserves (less WWW) as % of Taxation 108.1 % 79.7% Tax Reserves as % of Own Source Revenues 80.4% 59.5% Tax Reserves / Capita $697 $831 Debt Tax Debt Charges as % of Own Source Revenues 0.5% 4.3% Total Debt Outstanding / Capita $116 $732 Tax Debt Outstanding / Capita $116 $514 Debt Outstanding per Own Source Revenue 13.4% 38.5% Debt to Reserve Ratio 0.2 0.8 Financial Indicators - Flexibility The ability to issue debt responsibly without impacting the credit rating. Also, the ability to generate required revenues. Page 21 Comparing Levy and UserFees While levy per weighted CVA is higher than the GTA, this can be accounted for by the very high commercial assessment and industrial assessment (which pays a higher ratio) in the central GTA and Western GTA. MEClarington Survey 2020 Net Levy per Capita $1,525 $1,661 $1,599 Net Municipal Levy per $100,000 $995 $1,082 $713 Unweighted CVA Net Municipal Levy per $100,000 $969 $1,039 $679 Bighted CVA Development Charges — Single $20,559 Detached $18,148 (Single and Lower Tiers) max $76,830 Residential Building Permit Fee (167 m2 property $270,000 $2,275 $2,348 assessed value) Page 22 T. �/ ■ 0 V/ r Property Taxes (2020 Comparatives) 20 Property Taxes Detached Bungalow Clarlington $ 3,674 Average .8 $ 3,549 $ 4,478 2 Storey Home 4,732 45714 5,239 Senior Executive Home 5,683 6,560 7,232 Walk Up Apartment (per Unit) 25214 1,430 1,412 Mid/High Rise (per Unit) 27378 1,802 1,583 Neigh. Shopping (per sq. ft.) 5.00 3.88 4.33 Office Building (per sq. ft.) 3.55 3.20 3.50 Hotels (per Suite) 1,102 1,644 1,434 Motels (per Suite) 15124 17273 1,297 Industrial Standard (per sq. ft.) 1.87 1.72 2.19 Industrial Large (per sq. ft) 0.57 1.19 1.59 Industrial Vacant Land (per Acre) 4,766 4,681 10,986 Detached Bungalow — 2015 to 2020 $5,000 $4, 000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Detached Bungalow - Tax Levy 2015 to 2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Ajax Brock • • Clarington Oshawa Pickering Scugog Uxbridge Whitby • Page 24( h-S so ISLqm Two -storey home — 2015 to 2020 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 Change in Tax Levy - 2 Storey (2015 to 2020) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Ajax Brock — •Clarington Oshawa Pickering Scugog Uxbridge Whitby • Page 25( h-ff so IstqM A Tale of Two Houses — Two Storey Clarington i■ ME m ii ii 0 ME ME m ii'''. Page 26 Affordability of Taxes Property Taxes as a % of 3.6% 3.8% 3.9% Household Income Water/Sewer +Taxes as a % of Household Income 4.4 4.8% 4.6% Page 27 Citizen Engagement YouTube Videos • The videos are posted to our YbuTube channel. v�3 IM W W'dJ Asset Management Regulatory Requirements July 1, 2019— Strategic Asset Management Policy -Outline commitments to best practices and continuous improvement July 1, 2021 — Phase 1 -Core assets -Current level of service measured by standard metrics -Costs to maintain levels of service July 1, 2023 — Phase 2 -Phase 1 extended to all assets July 1, 2024 — Phase 3 -Add proposed levels of service •Lifecycle management and financial strategy Update Phase 3 every 5 years Asset Management in Clarington • Asset Management Plan received in fall 2017 • Meet requirements of funding agreements • Strategic Asset Management Policy approved in spring 2019 • New requirements for Council • Must approve asset management plans (which will include financing strategy eventually) • Increased public awareness (requirement for AMP to be on the website) • Working on aligning AMP, DC Study and Long-term financial planning • Page 32( h-ff so ffstqm Capital Budget — Summary By Financing $ 12,000,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 8,000,000 $ 6,000,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 2,000,000 2021 Capital Budget Tax Levy $ 8,289,461 Sources of Funding - 2021 Capital Budget External Financing $ 697,000 Reserves $ 446,858 Reserve Funds $ 9,867,801 Development Charges $ 4,586,228 • Page 33( h-ff so IstqM Capital Budget — Summary by Department Department Legislative Services Total. $55,000 Financial Services 7967780 Emergency and Fire Services 1,0757500 Public Works 18,5917900 Community Services 1,944,360 Planning and Development Services 1,100,733 Library 323,075 Total $23,8879348 Reserves and Reserve Funds Reserve and Reserve Funds • Critical component of long-term financing plan. • Provides stability to tax rates in the face of variable economic factors. • Provides financing for one-time requirements without impacting tax rates. • Makes provision for asset replacement of infrastructure currently depreciating. • Avoid spikes in capital budget requirements and reduce reliance on long-term debt. • Source of internal financing. • Provide flexibility to manage debt levels and protect the municipality's financial position. • Provide for liabilities incurred in current year but paid for in the future. • Page 36( h-ff so IstqM Reserves and Reserve Funds • Obligatory Reserve Funds • Shown as deferred revenue on balance sheet • Legislative or contractual obligation (i.e. Development charges, gas tax, etc.) • Reserves • Not separately held fund (it's a parking lot) • Does not earn interest • Reserve Fund • Separately reported fund with income and expenses • Earns interest $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 s- Year End Balances Reserves and Reserve Funds 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ■ Obligatory Reserve Funds ■ Reserves ■ Reserve Funds • Page 37( h—ff so IstqM Obligatory Reserve Funds Development charges Provincial infrastructure r Building code act Federal gas tax Parkland cash -in -lieu Obligatory Reserve Funds $ $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 02019 02018 02017 02016 02015 Page 38 $30,000,000 $35,000,000 $40,000,000 $45,000,000 Reserves - Balances $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 1 1 Tax write-off Acquisition of capital assets Reserves Legal / consulting Election expenses Fire prevention Waterfront trail issues 02015 02016 02017 02018 02019 Burketon park Samuel Wilmot nature Clarington Heritage improvements area Committee Board Page 39 T. V/ 4W Reserve Fund - Balances Reserve Funds Community Emergency Management Hampton Union Cemertery ' Business Improvement Areas Community Improvement Plan L Port Granby LLRW C Westside Bridge / Bowmanville Marsh Road contributions Other capital - unspecified Municipal capital works Newcastle Waterfront study r Acquisition of capital assets Other cultural Industrial development Debenture repayment r Recreation programs and facilities Strategic capital Rate stabilization General municipal purposes $(2,000,000) $- $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 ■ 2019 ■ 2018 - 2017 ■ 2016 ■ 2015 • Page 40( h-ff so ffstqm 2021 Reserve Fund - Contributions Computer Equipment $100,000 Building Division 2271950 Clerk's Fleet 10,000 Cemeteries Capital 51000 Animal Services Capital 10,000 Facilities/Parks Maintenance 255,000 Parking Lot 3301000 Operations Equipment 1/085/000 Future Staffing 50,000 Community Services — Capital 425,000 Municipal Capital Works 300,000 Community Services — Building 257,500 Economic Development 501000 General Municipal Purposes 491200 Municipal Government Enterprise 301000 Community Improvement 121500 Municipal Capital Works 250,000 Library Capital 30,000 Fire Equipment 5001000 Bowmanville Museum 31000 Continuous Improvement 50,000 Clarke Museum 3,000 Engineering Fleet 51000 Roads Capital 200,000 Parking Rehabilitation 310,00P age 41(hffffNffSLqM 2021 Reserve Fund - Withdrawals Reserve Fund Purpose Amount DC — Roads and Related Green Rd debenture funding $546,623 Diane Hamre Recreation Centre DC — Indoor Recreation debenture funding 1,443,920 Bowmanville Indoor Soccer debenture DC — Indoor Recreation funding 148,279 Plans and studies (including official DC — General Government plan) 900,000 DC — Library Courtice Library debenture funding 70,619 Engineering Review Engineering division expenses 40,000 Engineering division expenses and Engineering and Inspection salary for capital work coordinator 455,000 Bowmanville indoor soccer debenture Debt Retirement funding that is not DC -eligible 16,476 Parking Lot Parking enforcement expenses 461,803 Total Draws $4,082,720 Qyc-; YZ- r 2021 Reserves - Contributions Pits and Quarries Municipal Acquisition of Property General Capital Records Maintenance Election Expenses $570,000 40,000 2,500 101000 125,000 • Page 43( h-ff so ISLqm 2021 Reserves - Withdrawals Long-term Debt Management r Debt Regulations 0 The Municipality has several restrictions for issuing debt: Capital only Maximum debt servicing costs of 25% of own source revenues Can only issue debts through the Region of Durham Timing of issuance and cost of debt is not within our control Funding of debt servicing costs can be Development Charge related Page 46 T. 0 V/ r Debt Servicing Costs vs Annual Repayment Limit $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 , 2021 Debt Servicing Costs vs Annual Repayment Limit (2021 to 2033) 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 � Total Annual Repayment Limit (2020) 2031 2032 2033 • Page 47( h-ff so IstqM Total Ending Balance for Existing Long - Term Debt $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 Total Ending Balance for Long Term Debt 2020 to 2033 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 ■ Total • Page 48( h-ff so ISLqM 2021 Budget Submission r Overview — The Levy • Council adopted a policy in 2019 that sets out a target range for the annual increase in the tax levy. • The range is based on CPI plus asset management requirements • Based on economists' expectations for 2021 a CPI substitute was proposed at 1.8 per cent. • The proposed range was 2.85 per cent to 4.25 per cent with a mid -point of 3.55 per cent. • September 2020, Council directed a target tax levy increase of 3.55 per cent. • The proposed 2021 budget comes in below the stated target at 2.50 per cent, which equates to approximately $38 for the average residential taxpayer. • Page 50( h-ff so IstqM DVP.YVIP. 0 Environmental Sustainability Legacy Projects Engaged Communities 2019 to 2022 Strategic Priorities Ah Sustainable Infrastructure Growth Strong Economy 40 Strategic Plan — Engaged Communities Strategic Plan — Strong Economy Expanding Servicing Strong Economy I. M 401M 1WAlIrI zasilre Repurposing debt servicing costs to capital investment Sustainable Infrastructure Growth Affordable Housing Policy to be included in 2020 Development Charges ':1 0l [w Increased contributions to reserve funds atea-le Plan — Leaacv Pro -le Waterfront Development Legacy Projects South Bowmanville Recreation Centre Design Utilizing reserve funds for establishing Port Granby Nature Reserve ateg-Ic Pie ;!Ita i na In i I it, Digitizing building department records Environmental Sustainability Electric vehicle and infrastructure investment 40 Continued investment in software to reduce paper processes Capital projects to improve energy efficiency 2021 Corporate Wide Comments • 2020 included the implementation of the Corporate Reorganization approved on March 6, 2020 • Phase II was implemented in fall 2020 rather than 2021/2022 • 2021 is a year of unknowns. Best estimates have been used to budget for the impacts of COVID-19; however, it continues to be a fluid situation. • The Province of Ontario has provided $903,000 in funding which mitigates the impact of lost revenue in community services and provides assistance in mitigating the added costs of providing services in a low - enrollment situation. • The draft budget attempts to maintain established levels of service, while allocating some additional funds to maintaining our aging infrastructure and supporting the Municipality's strategic priorities. Changes in services are a result of anticipated decrease in demand or restrictions in place as a result of COVID-19 and not a result of a conscious decision to roll back municipal services. • Page 57( h-ff so ISLqM 2021 Staffing Requests Planning and Development Services • Principal Planner in the Development Review Branch • Contract Project Manager in Community Planning Branch • Energy and Climate Change Response Coordinator (move contract to full-time) Financial Services • Network Security Analyst Public Works Page 58 • Development Review Technician in Infrastructure Division • Operations Equipment Trainer in Operations Division 11:' fill r Office of the CAO — 2021 Budget Highlights • Staffing Requests • Convert contract Corporate Policy Analyst to full-time in the Office of the CAO; • Operating Expenses • Increase in CBOT contract for economic development services • Decrease in materials and supplies based on expected reduction in out-of-town meetings, conferences and continued working from home • Nominal changes operating expenses to reflect needs going forward • Capital Expenses • No capital requests • Page 59( h-E so 1SLqM Legislative Services — 2021 Budget Highlights Operating Budget Highlights • Increased user fee revenue to reflect changes in licences (ride - sharing, marriage licences) • Decreased revenue for cemeteries due to availability • Contracted services include mandated audio testing, inflationary increases, commissions (offset) • Municipal election increases can be removed based on January 25, 2021 GGC Capital Budget Highlights • MLE vehicle replacement is for the full- size pick-up truck (2009 Dodge) which requires replacement • The heat/seal binding printshop/mail room i s Page 60 r Financial Services — 2021 Budget Highlights Operating Budget Highlights • New position for IT security • Increased revenue for expected late penalties and interest income • Contracted services have increased to reflect legal costs to fight commercial appeals • Increase in transfers for Non-TCA capital reflects the increase in hardware and software contracts as we move to more online services requiring annual costs such as Office 365 Capital Budget Highlights • Computer hardware requirements to ensure IT infrastructure remains secure and reliable as more reliance is put on technological solutions. • Software requirements, primarily the previously approved MBS software implementation. $119,200 relates to other day-to-day software requirements. Page 61 r Emergency and Fire Services — 2021 Budget Highlights Operating Budget Highlights • Increased revenues for miscellaneous recoveries • Contracted services relating to potential expenditures for mass emergency communications infrastructure funded by the associated reserve fund • Moving to electrical vehicles will result in anticipated lower gas and oil costs. • Increased communications contract for dispatch agreement with City of Oshawa • Reduced contracted services to reflect 2020 onetime expense for fire masterplan and other consulting work. Page 62 11 r Emergency and Fire Services — 2021 Budget Highlights Operating Budget Highlights Fire Suppression • SCBA replacement of old units on P1-44 (five packs). • Replacement of 15 sets of work bunker gear ($2,000 each) and supply 23 new recruits with full personal protective equipment ($2,500 each). • Upgrade to leather boots, lasting approximately five years ($500/pair). • Porta count machine is required for fit testing of SCBA masks and N-95 masks. • Replacement of three older HAZMAT suits. • Two thermal imaging cameras and various monitors to detect carbon monoxide and explosive atmospheres. Capital Budget Highlights Fire Fleet • Replace 2012 Chev Impala with a hybrid unit. This provides more flexibility for EMS staff to be able to go further and drive at quicker speeds when necessary to respond to calls. • Replace 2007 Pierce (Pumper 11) and required equipment on the vehicle. This unit is the main back- up pumper which sees significant movement and use throughout the Municipality. Public Works — 2021 Operating Highlights • New staffing • Development Review Technician • Operations Equipment Trainer • Revenue • Engineering fees • Recovery revenue decrease (407) • Contracted Services • Stormwater pond upgrade study • Winter snow removal in parks (trails) • Tree removal and grass cutting • Materials and Supplies • Increased for sidewalk maintenance, building maintenance and patrol radios • Road patching, road markings • Winter control supplies (salt) • Safety devices (guide rails) • Fleet allocation =411k Page 64 • Reduced energy costs and moved to repay internal loan 411:' fill r Public Works — 2021 Capital Highlights • General Parks • Parking lot resurfacing (Bowmanville • Penfound and Westside Park Boat Launch) (playgrounds, and upgrades) • Various street lights • Newtonville Estates Parkette • Cemetery Northglen East Neighbourhood • Columbarium for Bowmanville Northglen Phase 9 Parkette Cemetery Bowmanville Boat Launch • Bridges Soper Creek Ball Diamond • Various structural work Baxter Park • Wilmot Creek Conservation Area • Roads and Structures viewing deck • Pavement rehab • North Bowmanville Dog Park • Completion of reconstruction projects • Court Upgrades (Stuart Park, • Urbanization/upgrades of older roads Guildwood) • Rail crossing at Cobbledick and Bennett • Page 65( h-ff so IstqM Public Works — 2021 Capital Highlights Continued • Sidewalk replacement • Rural road maintenance (various) • Stormwater management • Traffic signals •Westlake Pond • Accessible signal upgrades •Orono Creek blockage (Orono (Mall entrance and Simpson Mill Pond) Ave) •Fleet • Pedestrian crossovers (3) •Three replacement tandem • Radar message boards (8) axles • Streetscape (Hwy 2 in •New Bobcat and attachments Courtice) Two pick-up replacements • Erosion protection (various) •Mower replacement • Tractor/loader replacement Page 66 h-E�7n�(m .ueewia. Community Services — 2021 Operating Highlights • COVID-19 impacts • Decreased revenues throughout the department to reflect anticipated change in demand and capacity • Correspondingly decreased programming costs (materials, staff, rents) for reduction of programming (fitness, aquatics, recreation) • Reduced revenue for special events (Gala and Hall of Fame) as • Decrease bank service charges • Decrease debt charges for Diane Hamre (DHRC) • Increase repairs and maintenance for buildings including Shaw House • Community Grant Program Page 67 • Hall Boards $3,000 each • Horticultural Society $500 each • $37,500 for grant program Community Services — 2021 Capital Highlights Recreation Facilities Buildings and Property • Facility Administration Building Improvements • Building audits Orono library accessibility • Waste diversion plans Arena chillers • Interior Improvements Hampton HVAC • ASC squash court and pool Fire Stations #1 and #4 • DHRC pool equipment and chemical controller Generator upgrades • RRC compressors, boiler, Pad A rubber flooring Interior Improvements • CCC pool controllers and vacuum • Shaw house interior improvements • DSC gasket plate frame per TSSA • Newcastle library entrance • SCA ice resurfacer • Council chamber tables • Building Improvements • Orono operations yard • DHRC dehumidification unit and oil management • CCC rooftop units • Page 68( h-ff so IstqM Planning and Development Services 2021 Operating Highlights • New Staffing • Convert contract Climate Change Response Cooridinator to full-time Energy and Change Response Coordinator • Add Principal Planner in Development Review Branch • Create contract Project Manager in Community Planning (Community Planning Branch) • Increased revenues to reflect anticipated development from Secondary Plans • Increase contracted services for Official Plan (funded by DCs) • Increase revenues (and offsetting transfer) for anticipated building permit revenues 0 Page 69( h-E so 1SLqM Planning and Development Services 2021 Capital Highlights • Annual contribution to land acquisition strategy • Create a fleet of electric vehicles and charging stations for building inspectors 0 Page 70( h-ff so IstqM External Agencies and Related Organizations Levies, BlAs • Levies relate to the Region of Durham and the educational portion for the Province of Ontario • These are outside of our control and are simply a flow through as we are the collecting agent • BIAs are established in Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville • The BIA sets their budget and requests that the Municipality collect based on assessment within their boundaries • Page 72( h-ff so ISLqM Historical External Agency Support External Agency Grant Awards for 2017-2020 and 2021 Grant Request $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 N' $250,000 ' $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 NONE Community Care Durham Bowmanville Older Adult John Howard Society Newcastle Community Hall Orono Cemetery Board Visual Arts Centre ■■■ Grandview Childrens Centre ■ 2017 award ■ 2018 award ■ 2019 award ■ 2020 award ■ 2021 request Page 73 I I I I fill r Next Steps Page 74 r Upcoming Meeting Dates • January 29, 2021 • Special General Government Committee Meeting (External Agencies) • February 1, 2021 • Special General Government Committee Meeting (Budget) • February 8, 2021 • Council Meeting with budget ratification Page 75( h-ff so IstqM Unbudgeted Needs (B list) • Funding is not limited to the tax levy • "one-time" or non -recurring items are appropriate reserves/reserve funds unless Council wishes to funding room to be funded from provide for future • Items are not in the budget unless a motion is made • $35,000 for Extractor/Dryer for EFS should be included on the list • External agency requests >1.8% are on the list • Recommendation would be to fund from reserve fund as COVID-19 related, if desired Page 76 Thank you Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 905-623-3379 Toll Free: 1-800-563-1195 TTY: 1-844-790-1599 info@clarington.net www.clarington.net A . •:� '� .:'; _ _`:� ^^fir„'.... E. •• 4,T. C7 2021 Budget Presentation Steven Cooke, Board Chair Clarington Public Library, Clarington Museums & Archives Page 78 Clarington Museums • • Joint Budget: Library & Museum Library Museum Joint 2021 Percent 2021 Percent 2021 Percent Change Change 11 Change Personnel Expenses $ 2,559,588 0.00% $ 260,128-17.97% $ 2,819,716 -1.98% Other Expenses $ 820,838 -4.79% $ 89,431 -4.33% $ 910,269 -4.74% Total Expenses $ 3,380,426 -1.21 % $ 349,559-14.87% $ 3,729,985 -2.67% Non -Municipal o 0 0 Revenue $ 121,445 -44.88 /o $ 29,661 -69.22 /o $ 151,106 -52.28/o Municipal Request $ 3,258,981 1.80% $ 319,898 1.80% $ 3,578,879 1.80% Page 79 C7 Capital Request Collection Materials Technology Municipal Capital Request $ 243,075 $ 80,000 $ 323,075 Library & Museum Merger WMIR fit 1111111111111111111111t 111111III 111t111111111111111111111111111111' f NJ�.( -' _ - 111111111111 t 111 11 1111 .r • • A&i r IMF- -.ddommep- Ceeping People Connected ter "T�rr • • • Co'#onnected to: ervices • Library Take - Out (curbside) • Borrow by Mail • Mobile Hotspots 9 Memory Survey • • • Sank pi Montreat, Post Office. Royal v a� a� :. onnected to: entage • Virtual Spirit Walks • Remembrance Day • Clarington Christmas Countdown onnected to esources • Virtual Uses • PressReader • eCollection: eReading • eResources: research databases onnected to ducation • ePrograms • STEAM • Virtual Storytimes • Tools for School 4DLakeridg e Health OntarioTec -INIVERSITY LITERACY NETWORK OF DURHAM REGION Coco Community Development Council Durham 9ro A g*i*l e c. YOUT11 , Pride3lik ` DURHAM Theciedee ,ArSs[aAni—,Nile, E2 MOVE LEARN PLOY communi�y serwces uepanmem Earl PrN ily Centre BETTER OUTCOMES. TOGETHER. KI RK CHILDREN AND ONTARIO GENERATION DURHAM COLLEGE SUCCESS MATTERS 3� MARKHAM 7ESTOUFFVILLE HOSPITAL Connected to: Community Page 87 To empower and enrich the lives of all Clarington residents by connecting them to responsive, accessible, and high quality services and resources that support an informed citizenry, lifelong _ learning, and love of reading. �' C7 • • ��� '.�- ;• LA Municipality of Clarington Budget Presentation Angie Darlison Executive Director %'.7 David Penney President/Treasurer Bowmanville Older AdultIF Association STRATEGIC P R IORITI ES When successful, the BOAR will achieve significant outcomes in key oreos- () "A purposeful focus on our members, volunteers & staff'? 49 OUR ACTIVITIES "Deliver exceptional programs & services" 0 OUR COMMUNITY Strengthen community based partnerships' QOUR ORGANIZATION "Monoge growth and development" 0 OUR IMAGE AGE "Reflect & promote our vision, mission & values?' BowmanvllIe elder Adult Page 91 Association :AA O OUR PEOPLE OUR ACTIVITIES OUR COMMUNITY � OUR ORGANIZATION FOCUS purposely on our members, volunteers and staff • Inclusiveness and Welcoming • Supportive Environment DELIVER exceptional programs and services Promoting health, wellness and learning opportunities • Personal Interactions Facility Utilization STRENGTHEN community based partnerships • Promote Collaborative Relationships Financial Contributors Build Relationships Through Networking MANAGE growth and development Strong Governance Structure * Financial Sustainability + Enhancements to Administrative Processes Personnel Management OUR PROMOTE and reflect our vision, mission and values IMAGE Develop Comprehensive Annual Marketing & Advertising Plan • Increase Social Media Engagement Page 92 BowmanvllIe Older Adult Association Iti IyjI Marketing and Social Media u MUM ,110 -- . _ -.- - - -- - - - - Mae Adel Your top videos in this period Your Channel No Dashboard _- - _ -afecy Measures ,n Place fcr Septemzer _C2C 3rac-al R 96 0 Content Playlists fE 2020.3o days ......e.�. T HIGHLIGHTS NOV2020SUTANLl9v TWeet earned 72 Impressions Top mention earned 3 engagements T. 6!, Comments 16 AA's Online VIRTUAL Remembrance Region of Durham ® subtitles y Service with Branch 1786 - Ilchi.mpl80a71 d73a0a 1 /b .. @BowmanvilleOA is currently open with _ 5, " '' twitteccom/KXIii2�`00�"! limited access for members and guests. Copyright They also offer virtual programs, fun Facebook games and more through #BOAA $ Monetization Without Walls. $JR durham.ca/SeniorSupports ;p, customization w' B Audio library view an Tweet act" Top media Tweet eamed691mpressans ANOVEMBERAL BOAA Programming - Week 9! - mailchi.mp/781244lee6d8/n pic.twitter.com/CiuHEByDXN A n Yeetn Aw v tee. View Tweet activrty Vww 0 Tv.mt arhv?v 1,333 2 Page 94 wmanville Older ult Association li Lilted - \ fod—n - *Share 0I0S Cw5 Create Uwe Event Oner w .. ros sls Indrdl5er5 coups :.mmundv JIM Pholo Video Q Get Messages 6; reeling ACOv.. al Reach „mbm of Wotan vno sav, arty erase hrn you Pays or about your Pap Ttes oefoc a eshosMed orgellk N Prd The success of different post types based on average reach and engagement hew All Posts - Reach N Post Ca S N ReeatbM CommerM1s d Shres I Ile Average Ream Awrepe EnyepUlleM a] WMIn a]9 23 — ink 1° 9 � P' VUDM ,. 55 Marketing and Social Media Facebook: Average of daily post views: 1185 users • New Page Likes: 235 • Post Reach (number of users who saw ANY BOAA posts): 282,772 • Total Reach (number of users who saw ANY content on BOAA page): 565,514 • Image (attached) March 20t" 2020 to December 31St 2020 Post Success: • 65% increase from 2019 for VIDEOS • 47% increase from 2019 for LINKS o Average engagement of clicks: 55 o Average engagement of clicks: 14 o Average engagement of likes, comments & o Average engagement of likes, comments & shares: 8 shares: 9 o Reaching an average of 195 users per video o Reaching an average of 225 users per photo • 68% increase from 2019 for PHOTOS o Average engagement of clicks: 47 o Average engagement of likes, comments & shares: 23 BowmanvilIe o Reaching an average of 479 users per photo Page 95 Alder Adult Association I Virtual Programs `• Phone Programs Videos AvalbbI. on • BOAA'. Youtube Channel `.• Delivery Service Marketing and Social Media Continued ... Instagram • Average interactions (profile visits and website clicks): per day • Average reach (views on profile or posts): 1421 per day • New Followers: 214 • Average engagement of posts & stories views of stories & likes or comments of post): 2617 per post & story combined Twitter: New Followers: 14 Tweet Impressions (total Tweet views): 18,126 Image (attached) Youtube: New Subscribers: 113 Total Video Views in 2020: 1113379 Total watch time on BOAA videos in 2020: 734 hours Top videos (attached) Bowmanville Page 96 Older Adult Association Marketing and Social Media Continued ._ Website• Mailchimp Email Campaigns- • Total Users: 10,063 Email Campaigns Sent: 95 to 2167 subscribers • 15% Returning Users • Including: Program Info, Event, Drive-Thru Meals • 85% New Visitors Info, Other Board Updates, etc. • Total NEW Users: 9864 Number of times 95 emails were OPENED: 67,738 • Total Page Views: 28,791 • Average: 681 opens per email • Average Session Duration: 1:37 minutes • Number of times 95 emails were ENGAGED (i.e. • Average Users PER DAY: 16 website, social media or link clicks): 6267 • Average Users PER WEEK: 173 Average: 66 clicks per email • Average Users PER 14 DAYS: 556 • Average Users PER MONTH: 1177 • How do we AQUIRE USERS? • Search: 37% • Link Use: 9% • Social Media: 48% • Other:6% mailchimp ® ,t Older iationAduh ®80AA MEivityPage about Haan Proga"es MembetshiP ParfnetsluPs Fluu3eaisinff Co"tact Us q Assoc Engagement La Email marketing engagement Your subscribare, broken tlown by how often they open and click yc�. emails. Often 69% Vour percentage of subscribers who are highly engaged and often open end click your emails. sametimee 2 n 0/ our percentage of subscribers who are m Y O �otlerately engaged and and click your emails. Rarely //yy 6% Vour percentage of subscr�l9�t974 engaged and rarely open and click W , e— 1, Bowmanville e S Older AdultRt� AA Association 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Membership Statistics Members in Good Standing New Members Registered Members Who Have Participated 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 YTD 2021 Bowmanvllle OIder Adult Page 98 AssociationI -P BO J Average Membership By Age Range Ages Over 85 Ages 80-84 Ages 75-79 Ages70-74 Ages65-69 1 i Ages60-64 Ages 55-59 Ages Below 55 ■ 0 50 100 200 in Bowmanville Older Adult Association M Page 99 Membership Breakdown By Location Bowmanville Older Adultri!:,e A, Association Bowmanville ■ Enniskillen ■ Kendal Leskard ■ Orono ■ Newtonville ■ Hampton ■ Newcastle ■ Courtice ■ Tyrone ■ Areas outside Durham ■ Areas within Durham Page100 2019 vs 2020 Bowmanville -A Total MonthlyParticipation Comparison Older Adult Association GIs] 1000 E:19111 130007 91I 200 FA v January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 Sign Ins —2019 Sign Ins Page 101 Bowmanville t, Older Adult Association CO. HOW DO I PARTICIPATE ON ZOOM? Visit our website for login details & use these steps to get conneotod with ZOOM; LET'S GET tz CONNECTED 1. Download ZOOM on your divia• t 2_ Visit our website to view the calendar: I www.bowmanvillealderadults.corn ever I� 'S. At the beginning of the class time, click the I link (or join with the Meeting Ill N Password) v' on our website to enter .�.�� q 4 =r ii� iG HOW DO I PARTICIPATE IN THE CALLS? On the day and time of a chosen program, use these steps to cennoot and call yourself into the program: 0 Seniors Centres Without Walls Drive Thru & Delivery Activities r: A PPP' • ►� .pm s• 77 E/ . _ ASK SA►i .•i am EUTA .a A\ w•J Bowmanville , Older Adult Association On Site Small Group Activities Bowmanville Older Adult Association Page104 Testimonials sure am missing everyone at BOAA too and not sure how I would have gotten through the last 10 months without your ongoing contact. I am so grateful for all the new programs I have been able to try this year ...I would do them all if I could! I am hoping it won't be too long until we are all together again at the centre. Happy New Year, Catharine BowmanvilIe Older Adult r Associations Just wanted to thank everyone for a very special Christmas concert. I appreciate the hard work you continue to do to help keep us active in these odd times. You and your staff come up with such creative ideas! Happy New Year to all! Linda abo just wanted you to know that I thought the virtual � Remembrance Day service you, and others, put together was excellent - full of meaningful content. I enjoyed it more than any service I have attended in the past. know it must have taken a lot of hours and the talent of many to make this special and we should be so grateful to those military members who have gone before us and who are serving today. We are very BLESSED at BOAR. Hope you and the rest of your staff and volunteers can hang in there. I have full hope that by next summer we may have been able to be vaccinated and back to "normal", as "normal" as we seniors can be. a c 05 2021 Revenue Budget Grants- Provincial Grants - Federal & Other Municipal Grant Memberships Registrations Fundraising Hospitaltity Coordination Donations Wheels Transportation Facility & Partnership Rentals Bank Interest Bowmanville Older Adult-: A�l Association Total Revenues 42, 700.00 50,000.00 318,569.00 40, 000.00 120,000.00 200,000.00 80, 000.00 40, 000.00 6,000.00 20,000.00 1,500.00 918,769.00 Page106 2021 Expense Budget Salaries &Benefits Registered &Drop In Program Wheels in Action Advertising Maintenance /Facilities Utilities Admin/General Insurance Grants Fundraising Hospitality Amortization of Assests Bowmanville r Older Adult r Association Total Expenses Surplus 605,000.00 30,000.00 12,000.00 30,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 43, 000.00 10,000.00 50,000.00 80, 000.00 35,000.00 23,080.00 1,028,080.00 (109,311.00) Page107 MISSION Promoting the health and happiness of older adults by enhancing their quality of life in a welcoming and indu i e environment VISION Inspire our members to be independent, active, healthy, empowered and socially connected Bowmanville s Older Adult Association Page108 VALUES Accessible - to create an organization that is inclusive and affordable; we will identify and address potential barriers, and create opportunities for members, potential members, and guests. Caring - to be Known as a friendly and welcoming organization where members, guests and visitors can feel safe, respected and welcome. Community Focused - to be part of and contribute to the broader community; we aspire to be a cooperative, collaborative are,-' respectful partner. Fiscally Responsible - to efficiently operate and achieve our goals in a manner that i both financially prudent and accountable to our members and partners. Member Focused - to ensure that the needs of our members are reflected in what we do today and in our future priorities. Quality Programs - to be morn for excellent programs that meet the diverse needs of our members; our programs wil promote social, educational and physical well-being. BowmanvilIe�. Older Adult Page 109 AssociatIon , Don Johnson-- b. � Lynn LOl The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington BUDGET VS. ACTUALS: APPROVED 2020 BUDGET - FY20 P&L January - December 2020 TOTAL ACTUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET % OF BUDGET Income 4000 General Donations 4001 General & Service Club Donation 6,556.44 5,000.00 1,556.44 131.13 % 4002 Corporate Sponsorship 2,250.66 25,000.00 -22,749.34 9.00 % 4003 Receipted Donations 523.32 3,000.00 -2,476.68 17.44 % Total 4000 General Donations 9,330.42 33,000.00 -23,669.58 28.27 % 4009 Art Material Income 3,055.01 6,220.00 -3,164.99 49.12 % 4015 Catalogue Sale 70.00 70.00 4030 Juried Art Show Fee 685.00 900.00 -215.00 76.11 % 4050 Special Events 15,000.00 -15,000.00 4090 Membership Dues 831.00 5,500.00 -4,669.00 15.11 % 4091 Adult Programs 11,319.23 65,000.00 -53,680.77 17.41 % 4092 Children's Programs 7,497.08 78,000.00 -70,502.92 9.61 % 4100 Mayor's Gala Proceeds 24,100.88 25,000.00 -899.12 96.40 % 4110 Total Grants 4012 Art Endowment Fund 4,538.00 3,000.00 1,538.00 151.27 % 4111 Clarington Operation 219,366.00 219,366.00 0.00 100.00 % 4113 Ontario Arts Council operating grant 15,359.04 15,359.00 0.04 100.00 % 4114 Govt of Cda - Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) 21,677.00 15,187.00 6,490.00 142.73 % 4116 Cdn Museums Assoc Young Cda Works (YCW) 46,283.19 25,942.50 20,340.69 178.41 % 4119 Grants Ontario 3,658.00 3,658.00 0.00 100.00 % 4122 Canada Council For the Arts 28,800.00 28,800.00 Total 4110 Total Grants 339,681.23 282,512.50 57,168.73 120.24 % 4115 Bank Interest 174.57 100.00 74.57 174.57 % 4120 Other Income 0.00 0.00 Wages Subsidy - 75% 72,169.74 72,169.74 Total Income $468,914.16 $511,232.50 $-42,318.34 91.72 % GROSS PROFIT $468,914.16 $511,232.50 $-42,318.34 91.72 % Expenses 5000 Refund 1,500.00 1,500.00 5001 Education Programming 5021 Art Instructor Expense 11,448.01 46,000.00 -34,551.99 24.89 % 5025 Art Supply Expense 3,593.27 10,636.00 -7,042.73 33.78 % Total 5001 Education Programming 15,041.28 56,636.00 -41,594.72 26.56 % 5040 Art Work Sold 512.50 512.50 6010 Exhibition Programming 5043 Opening Reception Costs 1,014.22 1,500.00 -485.78 67.61 % 6000 Exhibition Artist Fees 9,051.47 19,000.00 -9,948.53 47.64 % 6005 Curatorial 4,240.00 4,240.00 6011 Catalogue Expense 11,403.52 3,800.00 7,603.52 300.09 % 6014 Documentation 1,247.28 2,500.00 -1,252.72 49.89 % 6015 Shipping 300.00 6,000.00 -5,700.00 5.00 % 6017 Artist Talk 6,242.99 1,264.80 4,978.19 493.60 % 6018 Installation 14,680.14 7,500.00 7,180.14 195.74 % 6019 Juror's Fees 316.20 -316.20 Accrual Basis Friday, Jan R99 2 11111:44 AM GMT-05:00 1/3 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington BUDGET VS. ACTUALS: APPROVED 2020 BUDGET - FY20 P&L January - December 2020 TOTAL ACTUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET % OF BUDGET 6020 Exhibition Vinyl 2,923.37 3,900.00 -976.63 74.96 % Total 6010 Exhibition Programming 51,102.99 45,781.00 5,321.99 111.62 % 6035 Special Event Expenses 63.14 10,000.00 -9,936.86 0.63 % 6040 Awards/ Bursaries 400.00 2,000.00 -1,600.00 20.00 % 6042 Condolence 100.00 -100.00 Total 6040 Awards/ Bursaries 400.00 2,100.00 -1,700.00 19.05 % 6045 Advertising & Promotion 2,542.63 4,000.00 -1,457.37 63.57 % 6051 Travel Expenses 1,298.31 1,000.00 298.31 129.83 % 6199 Building 6200 Maintenance & Repairs 11,334.03 10,500.00 834.03 107.94 % 6201 Janitorial 4,428.11 10,000.00 -5,571.89 44.28 % 6204 Enbridge 3,373.03 3,700.00 -326.97 91.16 % 6205 Municipal Utilities - Hydro 4,590.22 4,590.22 6206 Security System 904.28 1,500.00 -595.72 60.29 % Total 6199 Building 24,629.67 25,700.00 -1,070.33 95.84 % 6410 Insurance 6413 Municipal Liability Insurance 6,000.00 6,000.00 6426 Fine Art Policy 1,775.91 1,177.00 598.91 150.88 % 6427 Directors Insurance 1,021.62 1,056.15 -34.53 96.73 % 6428 Office Contents, Equipment 1,970.94 802.50 1,168.44 245.60 % Total 6410 Insurance 10,768.47 3,035.65 7,732.82 354.73 % 6500 Wages & Salary 6501 Salary 257,400.69 196,748.00 60,652.69 130.83 % 6503 Vacation Pay 5,341.21 5,341.21 6505 Taxes 17,516.46 17,516.46 6506 CPP Expense 19,727.21 -19,727.21 6509 WSIB 1,284.72 966.76 317.96 132.89 % 6510 Payroll-Vac.Pay Exp. 3,742.10 -3,742.10 6511 Employee's Benefits 7,446.18 6,800.00 646.18 109.50 % 6513 Summer Student Wages 57,972.50 -57,972.50 6521 Stat. Holiday Pay 2,924.31 3,000.00 -75.69 97.48 % Total 6500 Wages & Salary 291,913.57 288,956.57 2,957.00 101.02 % 6550 Office Supplies 6551 Postage 362.92 500.00 -137.08 72.58 % 6554 Bank Service Charges 126.75 500.00 -373.25 25.35 % 6555 Equipment lease 7,402.20 5,100.00 2,302.20 145.14 % 6556 Office Sundry's 3,416.16 4,000.00 -583.84 85.40 % 6557 Credit Card Charges 3,845.91 5,500.00 -1,654.09 69.93 % 6558 Mail Box Rental 179.82 185.00 -5.18 97.20 % 6655 Membership Fees 893.06 700.00 193.06 127.58 % Total 6550 Office Supplies 16,226.82 16,485.00 -258.18 98.43 % 6645 Professional Fees 6060 Professional Development 611.84 2,500.00 -1,888.16 24.47 % 6650 Accounting 11,081.74 15,000.00 -3,918.26 73.88 % 6652 Legal 9,943.18 2,000.00 7,943.18 497.16 % Accrual Basis Friday, Jan R99 201?11:44 AM GMT-05:00 2/3 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington BUDGET VS. ACTUALS: APPROVED 2020 BUDGET - FY20 P&L January - December 2020 6653 Board Expenses Total 6645 Professional Fees 6800 Utilities 6801 Reserve Fund Payroll Expenses Wages Earnings Other Earnings Total Wages Total Payroll Expenses Total Expenses NET OPERATING INCOME Other Income Wage Subsidy - 10% Total Other Income NET OTHER INCOME NET INCOME TOTAL ACTUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET % OF BUDGET 1,000.00 -1,000.00 21,636.76 20,500.00 1,136.76 105.55 % 12,000.00 -12,000.00 25,000.00 -25,000.00 560.00 560.00 259.00 259.00 819.00 819.00 819.00 819.00 $438,455.14 $511,194.22 $-72,739.08 85.77 % $30,459.02 $38.28 $30,420.74 79,569.02 % 5,268.56 5,268.56 $5,268.56 $0.00 $5,268.56 0.00% $5,268.56 $0.00 $5,268.56 0.00% $35,727.58 $38.28 $35,689.30 93,332.24 % Accrual Basis Friday, Jan R99 2 P11:44 AM GMT-05:00 3/3 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington BALANCE SHEET As of December 31, 2020 TOTAL Assets Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalent 1000 Scotia Bank chqing 6319 118,079.86 1005 Scotia Bank savings 9916 0.00 1008 Scotia Bank lottery 7912 141.46 1009 Savings 28,144.87 1010 Petty Cash 200.00 1085 GIC Endowment 0.00 1499 Undeposited Funds 120.00 Total Cash and Cash Equivalent $146,686.19 Accounts Receivable (A/R) 1200 Accounts Receivable 94.20 Total Accounts Receivable (A/R) $94.20 1205 Other receivables 0.00 1300 Due from MOC 0.00 1400 Prepaid Exp. 222.40 Total Current Assets $147,002.79 Non -current Assets Property, plant and equipment 1510 Furniture & Fixtures 0.00 1520 Accum Dep. Furniture & Fixtures 0.00 1540 Computer 0.00 1541 Accum Dep Computer 0.00 1570 Sign 0.00 1580 Photo Equipment 0.00 Total Property, plant and equipment $0.00 1575 Studio Equipment 0.00 Total Non Current Assets $0.00 Total Assets $147,002.79 Accrual Basis Friday, JanFaRW 2111411:39 AM GMT-05:00 1/3 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington BALANCE SHEET As of December 31, 2020 TOTAL Liabilities and Equity Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable (A/P) 2000 Accounts Payable 0.00 2001 A/P adjustments -206.31 Total Accounts Payable (A/P) $-206.31 Credit Card 2201 Scotia Classic Visa -120.32 2202 Staples Busin. Depot 65.12 2203 Canadian Tire 0.00 Total Credit Card $ -55.20 2100 Payroll Liabilities 0.00 2310 C.P.P. Deductions 0.00 2315 E.I. Deductions 0.00 2320 Income tax deductions 6,842.46 2325 WSIB Payable 831.88 Chambers of Commerce 1,931.28 Vacation Pay 1,665.66 Total 2100 Payroll Liabilities 11,271.28 2200 HST Rebate -3,548.67 2205 Accruals 0.00 2230 Been There Project 0.00 2240 PST Payable 0.00 2260 Other Misc. Current Liabilities 2261 Art Work Sold Payable 1,175.00 2262 Mayor Gala Tickets Payable 0.00 2263 Gift Certificates - Payable 250.00 Total 2260 Other Misc. Current Liabilities 1,425.00 2326 Chambers of Commerse 0.00 2330 Payroll deductions payable audi 0.00 2400 Deferred Revenue - OAC 15,359.00 2401 Deferred Revenue - Adult Programs 9,372.50 2402 Deferred Revenue - Childrens Prgms 2,466.50 2403 Deferred Revenue - OAC AIF 0.00 2405 Deferred Revenue - Trillium 0.00 2406 Deferred Revenue - Other 1,500.00 2407 Deferred Revenue - Municipality 0.00 Ministry of Finance Suspense 0.00 Total Current Liabilities $37,584.10 Total Liabilities $37,584.10 Accrual Basis Friday, JanFaRW 211PI 1:39 AM GMT-05:00 2/3 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington Equity 3560 Opening Bal Equity Retained Earnings Profit for the year Total Equity Total Liabilities and Equity BALANCE SHEET As of December 31, 2020 TOTAL 0.00 73,691.11 35,727.58 $109,418.69 $147,002.79 Accrual Basis Friday, JanFaRW 211PI 1:39 AM GMT-05:00 3/3 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington PROFIT AND LOSS January - December 2020 TOTAL INCOME 4000 General Donations 4001 General & Service Club Donation 6,556.44 4002 Corporate Sponsorship 2,250.66 4003 Receipted Donations 523.32 Total 4000 General Donations 9,330.42 4009 Art Material Income 3,055.01 4015 Catalogue Sale 70.00 4030 Juried Art Show Fee 685.00 4090 Membership Dues 831.00 4091 Adult Programs 11,319.23 4092 Children's Programs 7,497.08 4100 Mayor's Gala Proceeds 24,100.88 4110 Total Grants 4012 Art Endowment Fund 4,538.00 4111 Clarington Operation 219,366.00 4113 Ontario Arts Council operating grant 15,359.04 4114 Govt of Cda - Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) 21,677.00 4116 Cdn Museums Assoc Young Cda Works (YCW) 46,283.19 4119 Grants Ontario 3,658.00 4122 Canada Council For the Arts 28,800.00 Total 4110 Total Grants 339,681.23 4115 Bank Interest 174.57 4120 Other Income 0.00 Wages Subsidy - 75% 72,169.74 Total Income $468,914.16 GROSS PROFIT $468,914.16 EXPENSES 5000 Refund 1,500.00 5001 Education Programming 5021 Art Instructor Expense 11,448.01 5025 Art Supply Expense 3,593.27 Total 5001 Education Programming 15,041.28 5040 Art Work Sold 512.50 6010 Exhibition Programming 5043 Opening Reception Costs 1,014.22 6000 Exhibition Artist Fees 9,051.47 6005 Curatorial 4,240.00 6011 Catalogue Expense 11,403.52 6014 Documentation 1,247.28 6015 Shipping 300.00 6017 Artist Talk 6,242.99 Accrual Basis Friday, JanFaRW 211 11:36 AM GMT-05:00 1/3 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington PROFIT AND LOSS January - December 2020 TOTAL 6018 Installation 14, 680.14 6020 Exhibition Vinyl 2,923.37 Total 6010 Exhibition Programming 51,102.99 6035 Special Event Expenses 63.14 6040 Awards/ Bursaries 400.00 6045 Advertising & Promotion 2,542.63 6051 Travel Expenses 1,298.31 6199 Building 6200 Maintenance & Repairs 11,334.03 6201 Janitorial 4,428.11 6204 Enbridge 3,373.03 6205 Municipal Utilities - Hydro 4,590.22 6206 Security System 904.28 Total 6199 Building 24,629.67 6410 Insurance 6413 Municipal Liability Insurance 6,000.00 6426 Fine Art Policy 1,775.91 6427 Directors Insurance 1,021.62 6428 Office Contents, Equipment 1,970.94 Total 6410 Insurance 10,768.47 6500 Wages & Salary 6501 Salary 257,400.69 6503 Vacation Pay 5,341.21 6505 Taxes 17,516.46 6509 WSIB 1,284.72 6511 Employee's Benefits 7,446.18 6521 Stat. Holiday Pay 2,924.31 Total 6500 Wages & Salary 291,913.57 6550 Office Supplies 6551 Postage 362.92 6554 Bank Service Charges 126.75 6555 Equipment lease 7,402.20 6556 Office Sundry's 3,416.16 6557 Credit Card Charges 3,845.91 6558 Mail Box Rental 179.82 6655 Membership Fees 893.06 Total 6550 Office Supplies 16,226.82 6645 Professional Fees 6060 Professional Development 611.84 6650 Accounting 11,081.74 6652 Legal 9,943.18 Total 6645 Professional Fees 21,636.76 Accrual Basis Friday, JanFaRW 211PI 1:36 AM GMT-05:00 2/3 The Visual Arts Centre of Clarington PROFIT AND LOSS January - December 2020 TOTAL Payroll Expenses Wages Earnings 560.00 Other Earnings 259.00 Total Wages 819.00 Total Payroll Expenses 819.00 Total Expenses $438,455.14 OTHER INCOME Wage Subsidy - 10% 5,268.56 Total Other Income $5,268.56 PROFIT $35,727.58 Accrual Basis Friday, JanFaRW 211PI 1:36 AM GMT-05:00 3/3 VISUAL ARTS 1111 CENTRE I I I f 1 1 OF CLARINCTON r_ , 00- FmL VIRTUAL oil FUCAMP @RT 2020 Education I Creations from the Couch -"MSummer Camps N flF t -f* HOW LONG DOES AN EARTHQUAKE LAST? r! Juried Art Exhibition Fundraiser s� ne r.�kv,�ae s„cv line s,a•mv sea mx:toaed,netaae rv:gym rm�a�a. eovo reo.mpm�a�o�]o,o .a�,aww�a,a,m,a ��9���n w�•as wfed�m G4�ru cortrb��,�le ueErv�n 4Tikm Wwnia p��ms'�a+s 135r305���nss pimenimsl}x Id •mez pinensims: ,5x151zM1n Wi,e EIiS Ripe. b,iE Rke. EI]5 SOLD SOLD 2020 Exhibitions I Juried Art Exhibition Fundr�iIW26 2021 Exhibitions Loft Gallery Commission: Nicholas Fleming March 15 - December 15 Including 4 site -specific installations Site -specific installations by: Joshua Vettivelu, Rudy Shepherd, Sahar Te, Petrina Ng r. . }, z: ti. IS • .��,�, �' _ - •.ter}li: �_ _ � .� .h 5 F . � err � . • � � „"+� � { � - �`�' - . - / V � Fr;L7r 4 .ice_ i_ �`t +• ' N Sahar Te, KHAAREJNO.2,2017, performancei-at lilingwor-th Kerr Gallery, ACAD. Petrina Ng, Workshop 1: FlowerArranging with Inspiration from Chinese Brush Paintings, 2019, at Posy Gang floral design studio, Whitby, Ontario. r 'Am r' ■�� r ��:"' :'� _ - � � r •rim ... . Larissa Sansou nd'jSoren Lind, /n the Future T7-161;v 4te from the Finest Porcelain, 2016, video. Artists: Larissa Sansour, Timothy Yannick Hunter, Wally Dion, Shaheer Zazai, Lisa Jackson, Camille Turner (Left) Lisa Jackson, Biidaaban.- First Light VR, 2018, immersive virtual reality film, (right) Timothy Yannick Hunter, Basic Instructions Pqe & video, acrylic sheet, 5:15 min. r� a JVL. " CAw. ! -'. • r 7a�r x' Y .Y! " "^ � ''•: `: -'--.+sue _ - Emii Alrai, The High am, 2019, exhibited at The T�:Tpy, Huns let Road, Leeds. Artists: Eve Tagny and Emii Alrai Page 136 Kiyan Williams, Dirt Eater, 2019, installation .culptureCenter, New York. Artists: Kiyan Williams, Julia Rose Sutherland, Patrick Staff (Left) Julia Rose Sutherland, Npuinu (en pu•i•nu)- "f 4pse$ 2019, (right) Patrick Staff, Weed Kiiiei, 2017. Online engagement March Break Art Kits Virtual film screenings Cooking at Home with an Artist Zq 2021 BUDGET PRESENTATION TO MUNICIPALITY OF I!m FridajyJ Page 141 Zq 2020 in Review The =- F1rehouse -= = Youth Centre 'd1w�9UMM&e& WHEELS lirtrvt We are accepting the following donations: • Lightly used bicycles, skateboards and scooters • Brand new helmets • Cash donations Items will be relocated to youth in need of transportation or recreational activitv. Contactless Drop Off:132 Church Stre Bowmanville Firehouse Youth Centre ZIR ,W . passion... ana ai from your room!" ll.ics On C S Mi�17 Cc � � Al Majv,� "Amazing and Powerful" HAS I DARK OBINS� ONFRE, II M Sat rpm •r 0h _1V / I "Thanks Veronica! I'm looking forward to it! Thanks for taking the time to organize this. It's very nice of you guys and very appreciated." -E.G. d �!V per MEN Lily f' }A f Robyn Ethan JM� .._lMaeryn JVAIE g}7u 1 TW.T6 5ATUtDAY I ZPM "Excited to see her in the paper today representing Mic's on Fire"' Nicole ZIR Her graduation photos were cancelled, this photo shoot will be a happy memory of this time! Thank you! -yR.A.'s mom "Thanks so much Veronica. This is so awesome. Zoe is very excited for the photo shoot. This was such an amazing surprise. What a great opportunity it was for all these artists to participate in mics on fire this year. Even though it wasn't the same you guys all put this together and did an incredible job. It was such an amazing experience for Zoe and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I will never forget that day." "It was no nice being able to send the FBLive link to family and friends so even if we can't visit, they could still see me sing." -L.J. � DID YOU HERR Z61-3807 161.3814 i 261.3817 439.8482 CYC is moving to small group hang-outs and we have new ways to stay connected! AW fnfv2 Register today by PAI f KIT5 ARE visiting READY TC) (-)I thefirehouse.ca or by emailing firehouse@lhsd.ca l 1 DIVFpAtU�H �e� r INTRODUCING YOUR ARTIST Meet Bronwyn! 4 PF=�. ■ T �4 Zq Jan. -Mar. 13th 2020 OUTREACH 350 300 250 200 150 ■ Contacts ❑ Meet -Ups 100 ❑Social Media 50 x Oct. 6th-Dec. 23rd 2020 Loft ■ Firehouse NYC Loft Firehouse NYC 2021 Budget Request $ 330, 288.00 Zq REVENUE I 2020 2021 Municipal Grant 331226 336288 Fundraising/Donations 25000 25000 United Wav 10000 10000 TOTAL I 366226 3712881 EXPENSES � Salaries 302173 30935i � Operational Costs 64053 61931 TOTAL 366226 37128E ZR Essential Services Virtual Peer Tutoring Outreach DIY Fridays #ReaCH 6pm Zoom Chats Tues.-Fri. Unclear Messages Transportation Lack of Supports Increased Mental Health Access Anger to PPE Food Stability Harm Reduction Education M.N. Internet Safety Housing Stability Increased Parent - Teen Conflict Abuse/Addiction Employment Fear Increased Isolation Financial Stress Access to Services Feeling Stuck "(Maier, 1979)... showed how relationships play a significant role in determining whether a young person achieves developmental outcomes that matter to that young person, to their family members and community. Social capabilities and competencies build upon personal attachments. Nuturing self -management and enriching a young persons behavioural repertoires are closely linked to quality relationships with Carers." Fulcher, L 2013 (p.22) Relational child and Youth Care PracticeV.26 N.2 Team Work Skill Building Connection Communication Distraction Conflict -Resolution Support Empowerment Safe Space Emotion Regulation Validation Resources Sense of Purpose Connected Self -Care Acceptance Inspired Zq 2021 BUDGET PRESENTATION TO MUNICIPALITY OF I!m FridajyJ