HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-07-05 Addendum REPORT 112 CLcgJygron REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Report #: Addendum to Report CLD-07-05 File#: c- NLf-O~ {<es4; &-:G 0 I v~ By-law #: Date: March 21,2005 Subject: USE OF MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT the Addendum to Report CLD-07-05 be received; 2. THAT Report CLD-07-05 be received; 3. THAT the policy addressing Political Activity attached hereto as Attachment No, 1 be adopted by Council; and 4, THAT all Boards operating municipal facilities be advised of the policy and forwarded a copy of the Addendum to Report CLD-07-05, Submitted by: O~-~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB* CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 REPIliIRT NO.: Addendum to Report CLD-07.05 PAGE 2 of2 BACKGROUND Following consideration of Report CLD-07-05 by the General Purpose and Administration Committee on March 7, 2005, questions and concerns have been raised by various hall boards regarding their ability to rent their halls for various political activities, ie, all-candidates' meetings and nominating meetings, It has been determined that when the policy was drafted by the Chief Administrative Officer in November 2000, it was not intended to affect those halls that are muniCipally owned but operated by a board that is not appointed by Council. In order to clarify this matter within the policy, it is recommended that the policy attached hereto as Attachment NO.1 be adopted by Council and be forwarded to all Boards operating municipal facilities, Attachment 1 Recommended Policy Municipality of Clariugtou Attachment No. 1 to Addendum to Report CLD-07-05 Administrative aud Corporate Policies SUBJECT: POLITICAL ACTIVITIES APPROVED By:D Council [g] CAO, SECTION: H SUBSECTION: H13 DATE APPROVEDfUPDA TED: November 1,2000 APPLICATION: C7I All Emnlovees 1. PURPOSE To protect the integrity of the public service while allowing employees to exercise their democratic rights if they so choose, 2, POLICIES 2.1 Political Activities are generally defiued as: . Making phoue calls or stuffing envelopes for a particular candidate; . Soliciting campaigu coutributions from subordinates, colleagues or persons/organizations having dealings with the local government; . Wearing campaign buttons or displaying other visible advertisements for one or more candidate; and . Making public endorsements of one or more candidates, 2,2 Where a Municipal employee seeks an elected office, he/she shall be governed by the Municipal Elections Act 1996, 2,3 Employees are prohibited from conducting any political activity in the workplace. 2.4 Employees who choose to conduct political activities outside the workplace are discouraged from doing so, I 2,5 Where an employee chooses to engage in political activity outside the workplace, he/she shall: a) not coerce, solicit or influence other employees; b) not represent the municipality; aud c) not prejudice or impair relationship between Council and the Administration. 3. MUNICIPAL BmLDING All buildings, facilities and properties under the ownership and operation of the Municipality shall not be used by any person, employee or otherwise for the display or distribution of political campaign materials, signage, etc, This policy does not apply to sitting Members of Parliament, either Provincial or Federal, or to those municipal buildings and facilities operated by a Board that is not appointed by CounciL Celebrations following an election are not considered to be political activities for the purpose of this policy,