HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-009-21Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 1, 2021 Report Number: PDS-009-21 Submitted By: Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning and Development Services Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO File Number: PLN 2.12 Resolution#: PD-038-21, C-055-21, C-056-21 By-law Number: Report Subject: Envision Durham - Employment Lands Conversion Requests for lands in Clarington (Overview of nine Requests in Courtice along with Staff Recommendations) Recommendations: 1.That Report PDS-009-21 be received; 2.That Council support the Employment Lands Conversion Requests as outlined in Report PDS-009-21; 3.That Council reaffirm the request for the Urban Boundary Expansion in Courtice (eastward to Hwy 418); 4.That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department be forwarded a copy of Report PDS-009-21 and Council’s decision; and 5.That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-009-21 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report PDS-009-21 1. Purpose of the Report 1.1 The purpose of this staff report is to make recommendations to Council regarding the nine requests for Employment Land Conversions Durham Region received for lands in Clarington. The recommendations are a result of a Regional request for Clarington’s position on the requests, through Envision Durham, the Region’s Municipal Comprehensive Review of the Durham Regional Official Plan. 2. Background Metrolinx Extension to Bowmanville 2.1 On Thursday, February 20, 2020, the Metrolinx Board of Directors endorsed the updated business case for the GO Train extension, choosing Option 2, the route north of Highway 401. Clarington will see two-way, all-day train service with two new stations in Courtice and Bowmanville. The proposal adheres to Council’s resolutions supporting the option with the preferred route north of Highway 401 using the Canadian Pacific (CP) railway line. The selected option supports the previous Transportation Hub work that was completed in July 2017 by Clarington Planning Staff as well as the ongoing Secondary Plan projects in Courtice and Bowmanville. The Secondary Plan for the employment lands in Courtice see the GO train Station Areas (MTSA) as the catalyst for transit-oriented development. 2.2 The Municipality of Clarington has long advocated for the GO Train extension. Clarington Council has taken some key steps to make a sound economic case for this crucial infrastructure investment. An independent economic impact study was released in April 2016. It showed the potential for $1.1 billion in investment that would be generated by the GO Lakeshore East extension. The Courtice area has shown to be one of the greatest potentials to realize this opportunity. Report Overview Through the Municipal Comprehensive Official Plan Review, Durham Region provided the opportunity for the public to make requests to convert existing employment lands to different types of land uses including mixed-use. The employment land conversion requests submitted to the Region by the Municipality and private landowners complements the plans for GO Train Station Area and Courtice and further supports Council’s position to request additional employment lands in Courtice. The Region has requested Clarington’s position on the requests for Employment Area conversions within the Municipality. This report will provide an overview of the Clarington based submissions and provide Staff’s recommendations for each request to Council. Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PDS-009-21 A Place to Grow: Major Transit Station Areas – Transit Oriented Development (TOD) 2.3 The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe was released on May 2, 2019 and took effect on May 16, 2019. This update included new polices that support Transit Oriented Development. The policies now allow upper and single -tier municipalities to delineate the boundaries of Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA) and identify minimum density targets for them ahead of a Municipal Comprehensive Review. 2.4 Within all MTSAs, development will:  plan for a diverse mix of uses,  foster collaboration between public and private sectors,  provide alternative development standards, such as reduced parking standards, and  prohibit land uses and built form that would adversely affect the achievement of transit-supportive densities. Courtice Employment Lands and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan 2.5 The ongoing Courtice Employment Lands and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan will guide growth around the station area as it transforms into a major employment, mixed-use, and transportation hub for Courtice. One of the main drivers of this change will be the future GO train station and related transit-oriented development (TOD). Overview of the Envision Durham, Employment Land Conversion Requests 2.6 In 2019, the Region launched Envision Durham – the Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) of the Regional Official Plan. 2.7 As part of the Region’s MCR, a Growth Management Study is being completed. The Growth Management Study includes an Employment Analysis to understand employment trends and opportunities in the Region, The study will develop an Employment Area density target, and assess the ability of the Region, especially within its Employment Areas, to accommodate the employment forecast allocated to 2051. 2.8 On June 24, 2020, Regional Council endorsed a process to evaluate requests for Employment Area conversion. The process also provided that new and/or amended requests to be submitted to the Region for consideration, prior to September 23, 2020. 2.9 The Region received a total of 42 conversion requests. Nine of these submissions were for Clarington, specifically within Courtice. An additional request was made by the landowner of Dom’s Auto Parts, west of Trulls Road, to encompass the e ntirety of the lands known as 1604 Baseline Road West in Courtice (See Attachment 4). Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-009-21 3. Summary of Employment Land Conversion Requests Table 1 – List of Employment Lands Conversion Requests (See Figure 1) Employment Land Conversion Request Number Request Made By Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan Supported by PSD-022-20 and Resolution #PD-095- 20 CNR-27 Private Landowner CNR-40 Municipality Major Transit Station Area Supported by PSD-015-19 and Resolution #C-061-19 Supported by PSD-027-19 and Resolution #PD-091- 19 CNR-11 Private Landowner CNR-26 Private Landowner CNR-37 Private Landowner CNR-41 Municipality West of Trulls Road CNR-30 Private Landowner CNR-38 Private Landowner CNR-42 Private Landowner Dom’s Auto Parts – Subsequent submission and Letter of Support N/A Private Landowner Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-009-21 Figure 1: Map of all Clarington Employment Conversion Requests (with Labels) Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report PDS-009-21 Previously Endorsed Municipal Requests Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan 3.1 The ongoing Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan propose d the conversion of a portion of the lands designated for employment uses west of Robinson Creek to permit residential uses. Staff report PSD-022-20 outlined the need for the conversion. This report and its contents were endorsed by the Planning and Develo pment committee by way of resolution #PD-095-20. The conversion of these lands was formally presented as a part of the Statutory Public Meeting held on June 23, 2020. Since the release of the documentation in support of the June 23, 2020 public meeting, th ere have been no adverse comments received regarding the proposed conversion of these lands from Employment to Residential. 3.2 Staff recommend Council reiterate support for the conversion of the lands identified by CNR-27 and CNR-40. Courtice Major Transit Station Area (“MTSA”) 3.3 The delineation of the Courtice MTSA and the required employment conversion of these lands was formally presented to Council on February 25, 2019 as a part of Staff Report PSD-015-19. The Municipality of Clarington Council passed Resolution #C-061-19 which delineated the Courtice MTSA boundary, including the lands outside the Courtice Urban Boundary. 3.4 On June 3, 2019, Staff Report PSD-027-19 was presented to Council. The report recommended that Council reaffirm Resolution #C-061-19 passed on February 25, 2019, in respect to Provincially Significant Employment Zones and the Major Transit Station Areas. Resolution PD-091-19 was passed and in doing so resolution #C-061-19 was reaffirmed. 3.5 In addition to the various times the lands have been subject to Staff Reports, the subject lands are at the centre of the ongoing Courtice Employment Lands and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan. Through these processes the MTSA boundary has been presented to the public, Council and the projects steering committee. 3.6 Furthermore, the Region’s recently released Proposed Policy Directions for the Major Transit Station Areas reflect the boundaries of the MTSA for both Courtice and Bowmanville as requested by Clarington Council. 3.7 Supported by previous Council decisions, the Municipality submitted an Employment Land Conversion Request for lands within the Council delineated Courtice Major Transit Station Area in Courtice (CNR-41). Three private landowners also requested Employment Land Conversion within the MTSA (CNR-11, CNR-26, and CNR-37). Municipality of Clarington Page 7 Report PDS-009-21 3.8 Staff recommend Council reiterate the support for the conversion of the lands identified by CNR-26, CNR-37, CNR-41, and CNR-11. Private Landowner Requests – West of Trulls Road, Courtice 3.9 Of the nine submissions received within the Courtice Urban Area, only three had not previously been presented and/or supported by Council. All three are for lands west of Trulls Road, north of Baseline Road and South of Bloor Street, in Courtice. The application numbers are as follows: CNR-30, CNR-38 and CNR-42 (See Figure 2). 3.10 Currently the lands are primarily vacant properties used for agricultural purposes except for the southwest quadrant of CNR-30, which includes the northern half of an existing Automotive Wrecking Yard. Regional and Municipal Staff are in receipt of a subsequent letter from the owner of these lands supporting the proposed Employment Land Conversions and requesting the entirety of the property to be converted for employment. 3.11 The four requests represent approximately 120 hectares of land proposed to be redesignated from employment to permit residential and mixed-use developments directly adjacent to the Courtice MTSA. Staff took this into consideration when creating the vision for the future of South Courtice, see Section 5 of this report. Staff Analysis of Conversion Requests CNR-30, CNR-38 and CNR-42 3.12 The lands are located in South Courtice, bounded by the Southeast Courtice S econdary Plan to the north, the MTSA to the east, Robinson Creek to the west and existing industrial uses and vacant lands south to Highway 401. 3.13 The influx of population and non-employment uses into the MTSA will impact the developability of the adjacent employment lands. The remaining employment lands will be surrounded by mixed-use development and therefore will now offer only limited opportunities to accommodate typical employment land opportunities, like manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods and service industries. The smaller, fragmented area will be surrounded by non-employment land uses which potentially will create land use conflicts and limit employment interest in the site. 3.14 It is Staff’s opinion that the lands west of Trulls Road will no longer meet the criteria for employment lands. The locational attributes of the lands will make it challenging to attract employment land uses. The lands currently have limited road access, are more than 1 kilometre from the Highway 401 interchange at Cou rtice Road, lack visibility from the highway and are adjacent to a level rail crossing. Further, given proximity to the future Courtice GO Station, traffic accessing the site from Highway 401 may not be compatible with the intended mixed-use character of the MTSA. Municipality of Clarington Page 8 Report PDS-009-21 3.15 Staff are recommending that Council support the conversion of the lands identified by CNR-30, CNR-38 and CNR-42. Figure 2: Map of Employment Conversion Requests west of Trulls Road 3.16 See Figure 1 for a comprehensive map outlining each conversion request. 4. Public Participation Courtice Employment Lands (CEL) and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan (MTSA) 4.1 The majority of the conversion requests in Clarington are for lands within the ongoing CEL and MTSA Secondary Plan. The ongoing work of the Secondary Plan has included numerous opportunities to engage with the public. To date, staff have hel d two Public Municipality of Clarington Page 9 Report PDS-009-21 Information Centres (PICs), One on June 18, 2019 and another on September 29, 2020. For more information on “What we Heard” at the September 29, 2020 PIC for the CEL and MTSA Secondary Plan, please see PDS-008-21, “The Courtice and Bowmanville Major Transit Station Areas – Summary of Public Feedback” report. Further, on May 13, 2020, staff hosted a landowner meeting for all landowners within the Major Transit Station Area, north of the CP Rail line. Landowner Meeting 4.2 Although Envision Durham is a Region of Durham process, Clarington Planning Staff felt it necessary to hold a Landowner meeting for all of those landowners affected by the proposed Employment Land Conversion Requests. On January 14, 2021 staff held a virtual meeting to inform the affected landowners of the requests the Region had received. There was a total of 40 participants. 4.3 Notice of this meeting was sent twice by mail, December 16, 2020 and January 4, 2021 to the 85 landowners directly affected or adjacent to lands affected by the Employment Land Conversion requests. See Attachment 1 for a copy of the Notice sent for the January 14, 2021 Landowner Meeting. 4.4 While no attendee offered any objections to the conversions several business owners tied their support for the conversions to the protection of their zoning rights in the existing industrial areas south of the rail line. Staff also heard from a landowner that had not yet made a submission to Region requesting a conversion but has since submitted a letter in support of the existing proposals and the entire conversion of his lands. 4.5 See Attachment 3 for a Summary of What we Heard in the Landowner Meeting held on January 14, 2021. 5. The Opportunities for Clarington 5.1 Evaluating the conversion of employment lands is a key component within the larger context of determining where and how much employment lands may be re-designated to permit non-employment uses. In reviewing and providing recommendation on the proposed Employment Land Conversions, staff considered the following: 1. Are the current Employment Lands in the correct locations? 2. Are there additional considerations that need to be acknowledged? 3. Could the conversions occur and ultimately not impact the Municipalities ability to meet targets? 4. Would an Urban Boundary Expansion to reallocate Employment Areas to more suitable locations be a reasonable solution? Municipality of Clarington Page 10 Report PDS-009-21 5.2 As staff reviewed the Employment Land Conversion requests, it was apparent that the lands in south Courtice needed to be looked at holistically. Throughout Envision Durham, the Region has published a number of papers to be reviewed and commented on. The most recent being the Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA) Proposed Policy Directions. The MTSA Proposed Policy Directions provide an overview of the proposed MTSAs, summarizes best practices, trends and guidelines, revisits and refines certain delineations and presents a set of draft policies. 5.3 The Proposed Policy Directions refer to the MTSAs as “unparalleled opportunities to create Transit Oriented Communities”. MTSAs should be developed with a range of housing opportunities, a mix of uses, a wide range of recreational uses and public amenities and to support and foster innovation and entrepreneurship. The Proposed Policy Directions reflect the vision the Municipality is actively working towards through our MTSA planning to date. Staff will make a subsequent submission of comments to the Region to support this vision, as these Proposed Policy Directions will assist in guiding MTSA development in both Courtice and Bowmanville for years to come. 5.4 In support of the Region and Clarington’s vision for the MTSAs, on December 9, 2019, Regional Staff presented the draft findings of the the Land Value Capture analysis prepared by NBLC for the Region of Durham to Clarington Council. According to the finding of this report, “The Courtice MTSA provides the most significant transit-oriented development opportunity amongst the proposed stations”. The link to the Council Meeting Agenda can be found here. 5.5 As a result of the evolving policy framework surrounding the Courtice GO Train Major Station Area, it has become apparent that the currently designated employment lands west of the Station Area between Trulls Road and Robinson Creek are no longer an appropriate as employment lands. 5.6 The conversion requests on lands west of the Courtice MTSA should be planned to complement the Provincial, Regional, and Municipal efforts to support to GO Train expansion and to create a new Transit-Oriented Community. Municipality of Clarington Page 11 Report PDS-009-21 Importance of Employment Lands in Clarington 5.7 Staff acknowledge that the conversion requests would remove a significant portion of the existing employment land inventory from Clarington. It is crucial that in making recommendations, staff consider how we can encourage Clarington to continue to grow into a major employment and innovation centre within the Region. 5.8 Therefore, in addition to the request for Employment Conversion, Clarington Staff took this opportunity to make a submission to request the expansion of the Courtice Urban Area Boundary eastward on lands bounded by Courtice Road , Highway 2 and Highway 418 and re-designating it for employment uses (See Figure 3). The Urban Boundary Expansion is required because the proposed MTSA boundary includes lands currently outside of the Courtice Urban Boundary and as a means to balance for the approximately 350 hectares of lands within and adjacent to the MTSA that are proposed to be converted. 5.9 The proposed expansion reiterates Clarington Council's resolution (#GPA-235-09) to achieve a target of 1 job for 3 residents. The expansion would serve to ensure the long- term economic viability of Clarington and will also provide strategically located employment lands with adjacent access to the 401 and 418 highways. 5.10 The expansion was approved by Regional Council on June 3, 2009, when the Region Adopted Official Plan No. 128 (ROPA128). ROPA 128 proposed to re-designate the lands to "Employment Area'. On March 10, 2010, the MMAH issued a draft decision which deleted the Courtice Urban Boundary Expansion for additional Employment land from the Durham Council approved ROPA 128 as at that time, Clarington had an excess of employment lands. Previous Council and Regional Support for the proposed Urban Boundary Expansion 5.11 On five separate occasions, dating back to 2008, Clarington Council has endorsed and/or adopted resolutions in respect to the expansion to the Courtice Urban Boundary for additional employment lands. See Attachment 3 for a detailed summary: - November 10, 2008, Planning Staff Report PSD-115-08, endorsed by Council - March 30, 2009, Planning Staff Report PSD-031-09, endorsed by Council - June 3, 2009, the Region Adopted Official Plan No. 128 (ROPA128) - February 25, 2019, Planning Staff Report PSD-015-19, endorsed by Council - June 3, 2019, Planning Staff Report PSD-027-19, endorsed by Council 5.12 As described above, previous planning work (ROPA 128) had considered a 2056 planning horizon and envisioned the expansion of the urban boundary further east, connecting the settlement boundary area to the new Highway 418. These lands, which Municipality of Clarington Page 12 Report PDS-009-21 abut the highway are not significantly incumbered by Natural Heritage features, offer parcels with highway frontage, visibility and access. 5.13 The proposed expansion has been both known and su pported by Municipal and Regional Councils since 2008. Staff are recommending that Clarington Council continue to support the urban boundary expansion. 5.14 While the Region intends to determine the appropriate locations for Urban Boundary Expansions as the second phase of the Growth Management Study, Clarington staff are of the opinion that the requests for Employment Land Conversion and future Urban Boundary expansions are and should be looked at together. As alluded to throughout this report, to effectively evaluate and ensure Clarington’s growth management with relation to employment, an Urban Boundary Expansion is appropriate to reallocate the employment lands being converted. 5.15 Staff recommends Council reiterate support for the urban boundary expansion to add employment lands in Courtice. Approach to Existing Businesses 5.16 As described in Section 4 of this report, staff understand the concerns raised by the existing landowners and we continue to analyze the impact on these properties as we proceed ahead with the Courtice Employment Lands and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan. In doing so, staff will provide policies for inclusion in the Secondary Plan that will protect their existing rights of existing businesses, including the permissions to expand on their current uses in the future (See Figure 3). 5.17 This approach will be submitted to the Region of Durham as a part of the Municipalit y’s review of the Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions Review. 5.18 Staff recommends that a regional policy be designed to allow existing businesses in the recommended conversion areas to continue to operate and undertake expansion for the viability of the existing business. Municipality of Clarington Page 13 Report PDS-009-21 Figure 3: Opportunities for Clarington Municipality of Clarington Page 14 Report PDS-009-21 6. Next Steps 6.1 Council’s decision will be forwarded to the Region of Durham, to inform the Growth Management Study being conducted for Envision Durham, the Municipal Comprehensive Review and will be implanted through our work on the Courtice Employment Lands and Major Transit Station Area. 7. Concurrence Not Applicable. 8. Conclusion 8.1 The Region received nine Employment Land Conversion requests for lands within Courtice. As detailed throughout this report, the lands within the Courtice MTSA and the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan have been previously endorsed by Council for non- employment uses. Following the Landowner Meeting held on January 14, 2021 and extensive internal review, Staff are supportive of CNR-30, CNR-38 and CNR-42 for the lands west of Trulls Road, as well. 8.2 It is respectfully recommended that:  That Council support the Employment Lands Conversion Requests as outlined in this report (See Table 2); and  That Council reaffirm the request for the Urban Boundary Expansion. Table 2 – Employment Land conversions that are supported by Staff Employment Land Conversion Request Number Request Made By Staff Recommendation Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan CNR-27 Private Landowner Reiterate Support CNR-40 Municipality Reiterate Support Major Transit Station Area CNR-11 Private Landowner Reiterate Support CNR-26 Private Landowner Reiterate Support Municipality of Clarington Page 15 Report PDS-009-21 Employment Land Conversion Request Number Request Made By Staff Recommendation CNR-37 Private Landowner Reiterate Support CNR-41 Municipality Reiterate Support West of Trulls Road CNR-30 Private Landowner Support CNR-38 Private Landowner Support CNR-42 Private Landowner Support Dom’s Auto Parts – Subsequent submission and Letter of Support N/A Private Landowner Support Staff Contacts: Carlos Salazar, Manager, Community Planning, 905-623-3379 ext. 2409 or csalazar@clarington.net Lisa Backus, Principal Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2413 or lbackus@clarington.net Amanda Tapp, Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2427 or atapp@clarington.net . Attachments: Attachment 1 – January 14, 2021 – Landowner Meeting, Notice Attachment 2 – January 14, 2021 - Landowner Meeting, What We Heard Attachment 3 – Chronology of Council Support of Employment Land Conversion Requests Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 1-800-563-1195 | Local: 905-623-3379 | info@clarington.net | www.clarington.net December 14, 2020 Employment Land Conversion Landowners Re: Notice of Upcoming Landowner Meeting File Numbers: PLN 2.12 Regional Municipal Comprehensive Review Courtice Employment Land Conversion Requests You are receiving this letter because you are a landowner of, or adjacent to, lands for which a submission was made to the Region of Durham for an Employment Land Conversion. Employment Lands designations are a part of the Regional and Clarington Official Plans. The predominant use of land in Employment Areas are industrial and prestige employment. Through the Municipal Comprehensive Review, the Region provided the opportunity to make requests to convert existing Employment Lands to different types of uses including Mixed-use. The Region has requested Clarington’s position on the requests for Employment Area conversion. We are preparing a report for Clarington Council’s consideration at the Planning and Development Committee meeting on Monday, February 1, 2021. To engage with the affected landowners, we have scheduled a Landowner Meeting with Staff on Thursday, January 14, 2021. Staff will provide a brief presentation followed by an open discussion. Landowner Meeting - Courtice Employment Land Conversion - Envision Durham - Date: Thursday, January 14, 2021 Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Place: Virtual Teams meeting Register in Advance for this Meeting Please pre-register for this event on or before Wednesday January 13, 2021 by e-mailing atapp@clarington.net. A meeting link with instructions will be sent to your e-mail. For more information, please contact Amanda Tapp at 905-623-3379 ext. 2427 or atapp@clarington.net or Carlos Salazar at 905-623-3379 ext. 2409 or csalazar@clarington.net For more information on the Region’s Envision Durham, please visit the following website: www.durham.ca/en/doing-business/envision-durham or e-mail EnvisionDurham@durham.ca Thank you, Carlos Salazar, MCIP, RPP Manager Community Planning and Design Planning and Development Services Attachment 1 to Report PDS-009-21 Attachment 2 to Report PDS-009-21 What We Heard Landowner Meeting – Courtice Employment Land Conversion Request (January 14, 2020 from 1-2:30pm) On January 14, 2021, Planning and Development Services Staff held a Landowner Meeting, for all of those landowners directed affected or adjacent to lands directly affected by the 9 Employment Land Conversion Requests received withing Courtice. A total of 85 Landowners were mailed notice, and 40 registered to attend. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the landowners of the Employment Conversion Requests, the Envision Durham process as a whole and to provide an opportunity to share opinions, support or objection to any/all of the requests. The following is a summary of the key themes we heard from the meeting: Theme 1: Protection of Existing Employment Uses South of the Rail line A major theme of comments that stemmed from the meeting was the importance of providing protection of the existing employment uses south of the Rail line. Currently the lands are located within the Council delineated boundary for the Courtice Major Transit Station Area (MTSA). The landowners were extremely concerned with how these conversions would affect their abilities to continue and expand their businesses in the years to come. The concerns can be summarized below: - What protection for current business owners will exist? - Where will people work? - Can existing heavy and light industrial businesses still expand? - Can the lands south of the track be left out of the conversion requests? Staff Response: Staff clarified that the intent of the requests is not to take away landowners right for their business, but to add another layer of uses for potential growth. Through the ongoing Courtice Employment Lands and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan, staff will be looking into the implementation of a Special Policy Area to provide specific protections for the existing business south of the tracks, while also allowing an underlying MTSA related uses to exist if an owner wishes to proceed that way in the future, as the lands develop in the immediate vicinity. Theme 2: Where did the Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) Boundary Come from? Why doesn’t it stop at the tracks? A secondary theme that stemmed from the discussion at the Landowner Meeting was understanding how the Major Transit Station Areas Boundary came from. A landowner requested if this could be altered at this point, to remove the lands south of the rail line. Staff Response: The MTSA boundary stems from the requirements of the Provincial Growth Plan. Provincial, Regional and Municipal policy define the MTSA Boundary as any land within 500 to 800 metres, or a 10-minute walk of a future or existing transit station. Further, the Region is currently undertaking its MTSA Policy Review for Attachment 2 to Report PDS-009-21 Envision Durham where they have delineated the Courtice MTSA Boundary, and Clarington Council has also passed resolutions in support of the existing delineation. We suggest not altering the boundary of the MTSA, instead providing protection for those existing industrial uses to remain in operation without interruption of confliction with the uses in the surrounding area, as they proceed with development. Theme 3: Lands West of Trulls Road (Including Doms Auto Parts) A third theme we heard throughout the meeting was a discussion on the three requests received on the lands West of Trulls Road. A lengthy discussion occurred related why each applicant felt the lands were appropriate lands for conversion. Further, it was clarified that a private landowner made a request for a portion of the lands that currently operate as Dom’s Auto Parts. The owner of this property in dicated he would like his entire property converted and note solely the northern half. He submitted subsequent letter to the Region informing them of this request as well. There were no concerns from any members of the public related to the conversion of t hese lands. Staff Response: Staff intend to review this area more holistically instead of site specific. The recommendation brought to council will encompass the whole area and not leave pockets of properties out, left with an employment designation that is not compatible with the neighbouring uses. Staff understand that with the opportunity the Region is providing to request the Employment Conversions as well as the ongoing Secondary Plans in the immediate vicinity, it is crucial that we make recommendation that support a “Vision for South Courtice” as a whole and not fragmented sections. Theme 4: Any update on CEL Secondary Plan + GO arrival to Courtice A final theme that was brought up throughout the meeting was the current status of the Courtice Employment Lands and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan and if there is any update from Metrolinx on timing of the GO Train to Clarington. Staff Response: Staff reiterated to meeting participants that the GO Train coming to Clarington is an initiative supported by Council and Staff. To ensure Metrolinx pursues its plan to bring service to Clarington, the plans need to accurately show that we have the densities to support the train. This is what we are attempting to do with these conversion requests as well as the ongoing Courtice Employment Lands and MTSA Secondary Plan. Further, the ongoing Secondary Plan is in the first phases of the project. Currently, staff and the hired consultants are doing the technical and background work, and reviewing employment uses. Supplementary to the work we are doing at the municipal level, the Region has released a paper on MTSA’s seeking input until March 1, 2021. This input will define the Regions Amendment to their Official Plan and ultimately the Municipality will input those policies into Clarington’s plans. Finally, related to the timeline for GO arriving in Courtice, Clarington Staff are currently in two working groups with Metrolinx. A significant amount of background work is being undertaken, however there has been no update provided to the timeline for service to be running to Clarington at this time. Attachment 2 to Report PDS-009-21 Conclusion: Ultimately, Staff took this opportunity to inform the public of the planning processes currently underway that would directly of indirectly affect their lands. Staff have committed to speak to each landowner directly if they want to and they have been advised to stay involved with the ongoing Secondary Plans. Staff informed registrants that we are preparing a Recommendation Report to Council related to these 9 requests and that report will summarize the key topics discussed at the meeting.Staff will ensure circulation of the link to the report when it is made available on Council’s Agenda prior to the February 1, 2021 meeting of the Planning and Development Committee. Attachment 3 to Report PDS-009-21 Chronology of Council’s Previous Endorsements Courtice Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) Supported by previous Council positions, the Municipality submitted an Employment Land Conversion Request for lands within th e Council delineated Courtice Major Transit Station Area in Courtice (CNR-41). Date Report # (If Applicable) Council Resolution (If appliable) Description February 25, 2019 PSD-015-19 #C-061-19 Delineated the Courtice MTSA boundary, including the lands outside the Courtice Urban Boundary. June 3, 2019 PSD-027-19 #PD-091-19 The report recommended that Council reaffirm Resolution #C- 061-19 passed on February 25, 2019, in respect to Provincially Significant Employment Zones and the Major Transit Station Areas. Resolution PD-091-19 was passed and in doing so resolution #C-061-19 was reaffirmed. June 18, 2019 PIC #1 Project “Kick Off” Meeting to inform public of the initiation of the Secondary Plan. May 13, 2020 MTSA Landowner Meeting Meeting held to update the Landowner in the MTSA of the ongoing work underway for the Courtice Employment Lands and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan. September 29, 2020 PIC #2 To re-engage with the community and provide an update on Courtice Employment Lands (CEL) and Courtice GO Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) Secondary Plan January 14, 2021 ELC Landowner Meeting A Landowner meeting to provide an update on Courtice Employment Lands (CEL) and Courtice GO Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) Secondary Plan and to provide an overview of the Employment Land Conversion Requests received for Clarington lands. Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan Supported by previous Council positions, the Municipality made a second request for Employment Land Conversion for lands on t he southern edge of the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan (CNR-40). Attachment 3 to Report PDS-009-21 Date Report # Council Resolution (If appliable) Description June 23, 2020 PSD-022-20 #PD-095-20 The conversion of these lands was formally presented as a part of the Statutory Public Meeting held on June 23, 2020. With the release of the Background and Supporting documents to the public, the conversion request was presented to the Public, Mayor and Members of Council and to the projects Steering Committee. Since the release of the documentation in support of the June 23, 2020 public meeting, there have been no adverse comments received regarding the proposed conversion of these lands from Employment to Residential. Urban Boundary Expansion Request (To 418) Supported by previous Council positions, Clarington Staff took this opportunity to make a submission to request the expansion of the Courtice Urban Area Boundary eastward on lands bounded by Courtice Road, Highway 2 and Highway 418 and re -designating it from Prime Agricultural to Employment Uses. Date Report # or File # Council Resolution (If appliable) Description November 10, 2008 PSD-115-08 #GPA606-08 and #GPA-607-08 Council Endorsed the report which stated: “The proposed 407/401 interchange will take approximately 50 hectares of prime employment lands out of the equation. However, as employment lands are key to the future economic growth of the Regional and the Municipality it is necessary to compensate for this loss. It is also essential to capitalize on the northern expansion of the new sewer trunk, to strengthen the potential of the OPG/Energy Park, and the 407/401 link as a strategic employment area for the Region and the Province. This would advance both Region and Clarington Councils’ position to develop an energy cluster…Due to the reduction in employment lands in Clarington … additional Employment Lands should be designated in Courtice, west of the Durham East Link.” Attachment 3 to Report PDS-009-21 Date Report # or File # Council Resolution (If appliable) Description March 30, 2009 PSD-031-09 #GPA 235-09 This Report Reviewed the Growth Plan Implementation and provided recommendations to the ROPA 128, the Regional Official Plan Review that was ongoing at the time. The recommendations of the Report were endorsed by Council by passing Resolution #GPA 235-09 which stated to, “Provide for additional employment lands near the Durham East Link.” June 3, 2009 ROPA 128 The Region Adopted Official Plan No. 128 (ROPA128). As requested by the Municipality, ROPA 128 included the eastward expansion of the Courtice urban settlement boundary on lands situated south of Highway 2 between Courtice Road and Highway 418. ROPA 128 proposed to re-designate the lands to "Employment Area'. On March 10, 2010, the MMAH issued a draft decision which deleted the Courtice Urban Boundary Expansion for additional Employment land from the Council approved ROPA 128. February 25, 2019 PSD-015-19 #C-061-19 The Municipality of Clarington Council delineated the Courtice MTSA boundary, including the lands outside the Courtice Urban Boundary. Two resolutions within this report were: The lands between Durham Highway 2 and Bloor Street, east of Courtice Road to the future Highway 418 be added as employment area to the Courtice urban area; and The proposed Provincially Significant Employment Zones be removed from the area identified as the Courtice Major Transit Station Area. Attachment 3 to Report PDS-009-21 Date Report # or File # Council Resolution (If appliable) Description June 3, 2019 PSD-027-19 #PD-091-19 The report recommended that Council reaffirms Resolution C- 061-19 passed on February 25, 2019, in respect to Provincially Significant Employment Zones and the Major Transit Station Areas. Resolution PD-091-19 was passed and in doing so resolution C-061-19 was reaffirmed.